Heating scheme from a gas boiler in a two-story house: review and comparison of the best heating schemes

Are you building a new house or renovating an old one, and it comes to the heating system? Don't know what type of wiring is best to choose? A correctly designed heating scheme from a gas boiler in a two-story house is the key not only to warmth and comfort in the winter, but also to the uninterrupted operation of the equipment.

A competent heating project takes into account many factors - from climate and financial capabilities, to the need for spot adjustments and aesthetic issues. In this article we will analyze in detail all possible types of heating systems, present and compare ready-made schemes with the most successful set of parameters for different cases, and also indicate the possibilities of their modification.

Types of private gas heating systems

There are many parameters that determine the type of heating system, choosing a gas boiler as the main heat generator is only the first step. You can set up a heating circuit by connecting all the devices with one pipe, or by installing separate supply and return lines.

Also, the structure of the system depends on the heating devices used, the type of expansion tank, the layout and area of ​​the house.In addition, you can divide the system into several separate circuits and provide for the possibility of natural circulation in case of a power outage, and much more.

Collector heating system
A properly designed and installed boiler room is the key to a comfortable temperature in the house during the heating season and uninterrupted operation of the equipment.

We will consider all the possibilities, advantages and disadvantages of each type of system in more detail below.

One- and two-pipe connection diagrams

Within these two types, 5 basic connection diagrams can be distinguished.

Let's consider them in order of increasing design complexity and cost:

  1. Simple one-pipe.
  2. Single-pipe "Leningradka".
  3. Double-pipe dead-end.
  4. "Tichelman Loop".
  5. Collector or beam circuit.

The simplest single-pipe scheme connecting radiators implies that the coolant enters the second radiator only after the first one has passed through, and so on. A warm floor can also be included in such a system - it is connected last, from the return line of the farthest battery.

Simple one-pipe system
This option allows you to save as much as possible on pipes, fittings and shut-off valves, and also guarantees coolant flow through all radiators

A simple one-pipe circuit can not only be drawn up and calculated, but also installed independently. In addition, it is easy to equip it with the possibility of natural circulation.

However, such a system has a serious drawback: the temperature with each battery decreases noticeably, and it is impossible to regulate this in any way. If you limit the supply temperature to the first radiator using a thermostat valve, the temperature in all of them will decrease proportionally - only increasing the number of sections of the last radiators partially helps.

But in two-story houses, as a rule, the area is significant and the systems are too long for such a scheme to work productively. Due to the impossibility of customization, a simple one-pipe system is practically not used.

The improved single-pipe scheme, the so-called “Leningradka”, provides bypass on each radiator. Thus, part of the coolant passes by the radiator, and a hotter mixture enters the next one.

Heating system Leningradka
By installing control and shut-off valves on the supply, return and bypass of each battery, you can regulate the temperature in individual rooms

If you add taps and thermostats to the circuit, you get a system that is average in both price and functionality between a simple one-pipe and a two-pipe - a fairly popular solution.

A two-pipe system involves dividing the supply and return into two separate pipes connected to each radiator. Much more materials will be required, but the hot coolant will not mix with the return flow, and therefore will effectively warm up a much larger number of batteries.

It is convenient to lay dead-end branches where it is not possible to loop pipes around the room, for example, because of a balcony door. The direction of flow in the supply and return turns out to be opposite, and therefore there is a possibility that the water will follow the path of least resistance and close the circulation circle through the first radiator, and will not get into the others at all.

The problem is solved by using balancing valves, as well as pipes of a smaller cross-section for connecting to the radiator than for mains.

Varieties of two-pipe schemes
You can combine different circuits: here in the basement there are dead-end branches, on the first floor there is a Tichelman loop, and on the second there is a collector connection

The Tichelman loop is the most successful and popular solution in terms of cost and efficiency. Its difference is that the direction of flow in the supply and return is parallel, therefore, no matter which battery the coolant flows through, the length of the circulation circle will be the same, there is no path of least resistance. As a result, all batteries heat evenly, but each of them can be adjusted separately or completely turned off without affecting the operation of the system.

The collector circuit implies the presence of two collectors, for supply and return, from which pairs of pipes are separated by rays to each heating device. For best performance collector positioned so that the distance from it to each heating device is approximately the same. Typically, a separate collector is installed on each floor.

Only in such a system will each battery be supplied with a coolant of the same temperature, and it is the system that is easiest to control and change the heating power of individual points.

The main disadvantage of the radial connection scheme is the need for a large number of pipes, which not only increases the cost, but also complicates installation. On the other hand, the eyeliner of such systems is completely hidden, and this looks aesthetically pleasing.

Another important point is that the collector system, unlike all the previous ones, cannot be gravitational. This means that even with a non-volatile boiler, the heating will turn off as soon as the lights are turned off and the pump stops.

Manifold heating cabinet
To set up the beam system, you do not need to go to each device: all taps are assembled in a manifold cabinet; you just need to accurately mark them when connecting

Often in two-story houses, different heating layouts are used for different rooms, depending on their layout, area and heating devices used.

In a two-story house, single-pipe designs with a single supply pipe are practically not used, because the last radiators in the circuit work extremely inefficiently. Depending on the area of ​​the house, separate contours correspond to each floor, several or even each room.

It is also customary to separate the radiator circuit from the heated floor, due to the need for different operating pressures and temperatures.

The division of the supply from the boiler into different circuits can be done through a hydraulic arrow, a manifold, or a combination of both. The first provides flows of different pressures and temperatures for different systems, while the second is effective for circuits with the same type of devices, for example, radial connection of radiators.

Open and closed systems

This parameter indicates whether there is contact of the coolant with air, and is determined by the type expansion tank.

The expansion tank compensates for the increase in liquid volume when heated, preventing an increase in pressure in the system. The open type tank has a hole at the top and works simply due to the volume reserve, filling to different levels. To prevent water from overflowing from it according to the principle of communicating vessels, such a tank must be installed at the highest point of the system. In a two-story house, this is usually the top of the supply riser.

There are many disadvantages to such a system.The coolant comes into contact with open air, which means it evaporates and is enriched with oxygen. As a result, it is forbidden to fill such a system with antifreeze; water will need to be added regularly, and excess air constantly provokes corrosion and air locks. In addition, when removed to the attic, the tank requires careful insulation, and in a room on the 2nd floor it is problematic to disguise it.

Diaphragm expansion tank
In modern gas boilers, a closed expansion tank can already be built in - this saves space and facilitates connection

The closed expansion tank is sealed and consists of two chambers separated by a membrane. It works due to the ability of air to compress: when the system is heated, water occupies most of the tank, the pressure in the air chamber increases. When cooling, it is this pressure that pushes water back into the system.

Such an expansion tank can be installed at any point in the system, most often on the return line, in front of the pump. The system with a closed tank is absolutely sealed; it can even be filled with a toxic solution of ethylene glycol. Even ordinary water under such conditions is gradually cleared of impurities and dissolved gases, turning into an almost ideal coolant.

By type of heating devices

Different devices can be included in one heating system: radiators, heated floors, convectors and others. They can be combined even within the simplest single-pipe circuit, but with the gravitational type of circulation it is better to use conventional batteries.

Underfloor heating convector
All heating devices built into the floor are usually called convectors. In them, heat transfer occurs due to air circulation in the cavities of the device

Warm floors are not only pleasant and convenient, but also economical, since warm air fills the lower, living part of the room, and cools under the ceiling. This solution is especially indispensable if there is a child in the house. They are also often installed in the bathroom and kitchen.

Systems consisting only of warm floors, can be equipped only in well-insulated buildings and in a temperate climate, otherwise in frost it will either be cool in the house or it will be impossible to walk on a hot floor. As a rule, heated floors are combined in one scheme with a small number of radiators - this is beautiful, economical, and convenient.

Radiators are the most popular for good reason: they work both by radiating heat from the outer plane, warming up the air and objects in front of them, and by the convection principle, passing air flows through the ribs.

The efficiency of the radiator depends on the connection
The efficiency of the radiator depends on the connection of the supply and return pipes, and therefore the distribution of coolant flows in the sections

The main disadvantage of traditional batteries is the difficulty of placing them without disturbing the interior design, because any camouflage screens reduce efficiency.

By type of coolant circulation

Water or antifreeze most often moves through the system from the circulation pump: it creates the necessary pressure, ensuring fast, efficient and uniform heating. However, the presence of a pump makes any system energy-dependent - that is, in the event of a power outage, the heating will also turn off.

An alternative option is gravity systems. They are designed in such a way that the coolant circulates due to an increase in density during cooling, as well as under the force of gravity - due to the slope of all pipes of the circuit.

Gravity two-pipe heating circuit
The heating risers (4) and return lines (5) must be smaller in diameter than the lines (3 and 6), and the expansion tank (7) is installed either at the beginning of the supply (2) or in front of the boiler (1)

Such a heating scheme for a private two-story house with a non-volatile gas boiler will work even if electricity is not connected at all, but the circulation speed, and therefore the efficiency, will be significantly lower. In addition, slow flow leaves much more sediment on the walls of the system.

The ability of systems with natural circulation to self-adjust is interesting: the colder it is in the house, the faster the coolant in the radiators cools, the difference in supply and return temperatures increases, and hence the flow rate and heating efficiency.

If regular power outages are a harsh reality and the house is small, the best solution is a mixed circulation system. Its plan should be calculated as for a gravity system - with pipe slopes, a boiler at the lowest point, etc.

Bypass with circulation pump
To install the circulation pump, a special “pocket” is provided - a bypass in front of the boiler; the type of circulation is switched using taps

It is possible to install heated floors in such a system, but they will only work when the pump is turned on.

Horizontal and vertical wiring

In a two-story house, it will not be possible to get by with only horizontal pipelines - at least one riser must supply coolant to the second floor. But this does not change the type of wiring as a whole.

Horizontal wiring can be done within each floor. With it, pipes connect all radiators of the same level into a single circuit. It is the most versatile and popular, and can be implemented in any layout.

Upper and lower heating distribution
There are also upper and lower wiring, which touches the vertical part of the pipeline. For systems with gravity circulation, only the upper one is suitable.

It is easy to imagine a single-pipe vertical distribution using the example of the heating system of apartment buildings. The layout of each floor, including the location of radiators, matches perfectly. Each battery is connected by a riser to the same one in the neighbors below and above, and there are no horizontal heating pipes in the apartment.

If the layout of your house allows you to place all the radiators exactly on top of each other, the vertical layout will work more efficiently, especially with the gravitational type of circulation. In addition, risers are easier to disguise than horizontal pipelines.

However, when installing the system, you will need to cross the floors many times, and this is more difficult than running a pipe through a wall.

Additional equipment - advantages and disadvantages

Any heating circuit can be improved by adding thermostats to adjust the operation of each battery, thermostats, a hydraulic needle, a circulation pump for each circuit, and other additional devices.

Mayevsky cranes and air vents at the top of each riser are required in systems with a closed expansion tank. Each additional device makes the system more efficient, more economical, and allows for more precise and convenient settings.

Heating system from a double-circuit boiler
It is worth remembering that excessive complexity of the system not only increases its cost, but also significantly increases the risk of breakdown

Use only the necessary components, because the fewer units, the lower the likelihood of one of them failing and stopping the system.

The best schemes for a two-story house

In each specific case, it is necessary to develop an individual heating project that will ensure efficient and economical operation.

To make the right choice, you should consider the following factors:

  • climate and quality of building insulation;
  • number and purpose of premises. Is constant and uniform heating required everywhere?
  • the stability of the electricity supply and the presence of a generator largely determine the type of circulation;
  • individual wishes of the residents - warm floors or walls in individual rooms or throughout the house, etc.;
  • layout of the premises - is perimeter wiring feasible;
  • design requirements and renovation stage. In many cases, all pipes, and sometimes even heating devices, can be hidden in the floor and walls;
  • budget - the estimate for installing heating in one building can differ several times or tens of times.

By answering all these questions and knowing the features of different schemes, you will get an idea of ​​the required option.

Open heating system of a two-story house
Do not chase overly complex schemes: sometimes primitive ones are more reliable and no less effective, and there is no need for fine tuning

Next, we suggest choosing one of the proven effective schemes for connecting heating devices to the boiler and adjusting it in accordance with your layout.

Single-pipe Leningradka - reliable and cheap

This one-pipe scheme is one of the cheapest, simplest and oldest, but relevant and popular to this day. Using only radiators allows for a mixed type of circulation in case of a power outage. To do this, the gas boiler must be non-volatile, all pipes must have a slope of 5 - 10 mm per 1 linear meter.

To make settings easier, you can install thermostats on the supply of each battery and control valves on the battery bypasses. An additional valve on the riser will make it possible to turn off the heating circuit of a separate floor.

Warm floors can be included in the system as a separate, third circuit, or replace radiators on one floor. However, in this case, the division of flows must pass through a thermal mixer or hydraulic arrowso that the floor does not heat up to 70 - 80 ° C in cold weather, like radiators.

Also keep in mind that during a power outage, only the batteries will work, and in a strictly horizontal floor heating circuit the coolant will be idle.

Single-pipe system in a two-story house
For the effective operation of the Leningradka system, it is necessary to use pipes of different diameters: the supply from the boiler to the division into separate floor contours is the thickest, the floor mains are medium, and the radiator connections are of the smallest diameter

The main limitation when arranging such a system concerns the heated area: a house more than 100 m2 does not warm up with natural coolant circulation. Such a system will only save you from defrosting pipes and rupture of the boiler heat exchanger during a long shutdown, but not from the cold.

In addition, even with forced circulation, such a heating circuit is almost impossible to set up if it includes more than 5 - 7 batteries. That is, for ease of use in a large house, it is necessary to divide the circuit into a larger number of circuits.

You can read more about the arrangement of a single-pipe heating system in Leningradka in this material.

Tichelman loop with forced circulation

As we have already mentioned, this connection scheme ensures the most efficient operation and convenient adjustment of each radiator at a relatively low cost of materials.

The system can cover the entire house with one loop, be divided into 2 circuits by floor, as in the diagram, or be used only for one floor or part of it.

Heating scheme from a gas boiler in a two-story house: review and comparison of the best heating schemes
The system is easy to set up and maintain; if necessary, some of the batteries can be disconnected or even removed without stopping the boiler

Modern radiator heating systems are often equipped according to this plan, if it is possible to disguise the pipeline. In addition, devices of different types can be included in one circuit: radiators, convectors, heat curtains.

Manifold connection and mixed systems

Using a collector to separate not only heating circuits, but also to individually connect each device is the most modern and easy-to-use solution.

It has a number of advantages:

  • beautiful - all pipes are hidden in the floor and walls;
  • convenient - adjustment of any device in the manifold cabinet;
  • efficient - all devices are supplied with the same hot coolant, but each of them heats exactly as much as you need;
  • universal - different types of devices can be connected to one collector, regardless of the layout.

The main disadvantage of this solution is the high cost of both materials and installation. You will need much more pipes than for any other connection scheme, and laying communications in the floor, especially if the concrete screed has already been poured, will cost a lot.

It is also worth considering that such a connection completely eliminates the possibility of natural circulation.

Combined heating system manifold
For ease of connection and maintenance, pipes of different colors are sometimes used, red and blue for supply and return

In two-story houses, as a rule, one collector is installed in the center of each floor, but with a large number of heating devices and collectors there may be more.For underfloor heating systems, separate collectors are used, with a lower coolant temperature.

Vertical gravity scheme

In addition to the standard options described, there are also more exotic ones, such as a vertical two-pipe with natural circulation. Perhaps this is the best solution for a two-story house in which the lights are often turned off.

Due to the fact that water circulates more easily in a vertical system than in a horizontal one, and the large expansion tank under the roof acts as a collector, the most efficient and uniform heating is ensured, even without the use of a pump.

Vertical gravity system
When arranging such a system, it is very important to use pipes of different diameters, depending on how many radiators they serve.

The hot water supply pipe to the expansion tank and the return line should be the thickest; The supply risers supplying the 2nd floor are slightly thinner, their lower part on the 1st floor is of even smaller diameter, and the radiator connection pipes have the smallest cross-section.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

You can see how a two-pipe scheme is implemented in practice in a 2-story building in this video:

You can find out about the arrangement of a combined system with radiators and heated floors here:

And this video will be useful for those who are planning to install heating with gravity or mixed circulation:

To summarize, we can say that there is no ideal and universal heating scheme: in each specific case, many factors must be taken into account and priorities must be set. We tried to describe to you all the available options to make the choice easier and more correct.

What is the heating scheme in your house? How satisfied are you with it and what would you like to change? Join the discussion below.

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