How to determine the size of a bathroom sink and not make a mistake when renovating

In order not to encounter an annoying situation when time and money are spent on buying plumbing fixtures, but they just don’t fit in the intended location, you have to determine the size of the bathroom sink before going to the store - this technique will save money and nerves. Do you agree?

Let's figure out how to properly cope with this task by studying the issue in more detail. In the article, we outlined the parameters that you should focus on and provided tips on choosing the optimal sizes of plumbing fixtures and placing the sink in the bathroom.

Significant measurements of a plumbing fixture

Beautiful shapes, original ideas in the catalogs of famous manufacturers - all this plunges you into shock when you have to choose a washbasin. Often you want to comply with the latest trends in design, surprise your friends and get maximum comfort during use.

There are only four main criteria to follow when measuring a sink. They play an important role in choosing a product - if you overlook it, then later the product will clearly disappoint.

Shell measurements
An example of taking measurements from a standard sink. Explanations for the diagram: L - length of the sink, B - width of the product, H - depth

Among the important parameters are the following:

  • product depth;
  • distance to drain;
  • width;
  • length.

Depth. This is the measurement from the top of the structure to the inside of the bowl. It is he who indicates the comfort of further use - you should not take less than 15 cm.Regardless of how attractive the designer’s idea may be.

Distance to drain. The parameter affects whether the product fits well in the space allocated to it, taking into account the location of the communication outlets. It is measured from the top cut of the bowl to the lowest protruding point in the bottom. The measurement is taken on the outside.

Width – this is the number of centimeters from the outside of the device to the innermost side, which will be in contact with the wall of the room. Here you should focus specifically on measurements taken on top of the product, including the sides.

Shell length
If you take the width and length indicators along the inner walls of the bowl without taking into account the width of the side, there is a high probability that the chosen option simply will not fit into the niche allocated to it in the bathroom

Length. The measurement should be taken from right to left - from the right wall to the left, including the sides. Otherwise, the sink will protrude far beyond its allocated space.

These are all standard values ​​that the manufacturer indicates in the passport for their product. If you do not want to ask the consultant for an accompanying document, all measurements can be taken using a tape measure. They have to be compared with the parameters characteristic of your bathroom.

How to determine the correct size?

The measurements of a product that is ideal for a particular bathroom depend on the availability of free space - the more space there is, the easier it is to choose the right thing.

Regardless of the size of the room, you should carefully approach the depth of the bowl, because too shallow will be extremely inconvenient.

Distance to drain
The distance to the drain hole from the top edge of the washbasin must be at least 15 cm. Otherwise, water splashing when washing hands is guaranteed

The market offers products with lengths from 40 to 70 cm or more. The width of sinks is from 30 to 60 cm or more. Regarding these parameters, for comfortable use you should choose a device that is at least 25 cm in length and width.

Here we are talking about the size of the bowl - it should not be confused with the overall dimensions of the product, which help determine whether it will fit into the designated opening.

More suitable for a compact bath small sink – it is convenient to use and does not take up much space. If you choose a large one, which is installed on a hanging tabletop, then besides this design, anything else is unlikely to fit.

Moreover, large-sized wall-mounted solutions require free space - the more space there is, the more elegant the product looks.

If the space is placed closely, the expected effect will not work - there will be a feeling as if the bathroom is cluttered and a lot of unnecessary plumbing has been installed in it.

In a spacious bathroom, it is advisable to install a massive or original sink. It can become the highlight of the interior, which will catch the admiring glances of guests and friends who come to visit.

Unusual shells on a pedestal
Unusual sinks on a pedestal can become the central point of the bathroom - attention, admiration and respect are guaranteed to the owner of such a miracle. No one will even think about whether this model is convenient to use

Separately, mention should be made of such a parameter as height - we are talking about the distance from the floor to the top side of the device. This characteristic is important if you buy model with cabinet, on legs or a pedestal. After all, you can’t just shorten all this - you can damage the product due to inexperience.

Therefore, you should be aware that the optimal figure is from 80 to 96 cm.After all, you have to wash your hands, wash your face and carry out other hygiene procedures at the sink. This means that a user with his height should be comfortable placing his bent arms under a stream of warm water.

It turns out that the height depends entirely on the height of the family members who are going to buy a new sink for arranging a washbasin.

For mounted models, this option is not relevant when selecting. Here the question of height can arise only when performing installation work.

For mounted models, installation height is important
When installing wall-mounted models, you should always focus on the height of potential users - people with a height of 155-167 cm will find it extremely inconvenient to use an elegant sink suspended 95 cm from the floor

Therefore, it is important to place marks at the required height even at the stage of wall cladding, so that no decorative tile elements with voluminous or protruding patterns will interfere with installing the washbasin close to the wall.

What else influences the choice of product

In addition to size, the buyer’s choice is influenced by a lot of other factors. Among them are functionality, completeness, color, material, shape of the product. Some consumers want a device from a well-known company, while others value original design. They are not interested in convenience, the main thing is that the sink amazes with its originality.

Availability of functional holes

For the average buyer, the functionality of the washbasin is an important criterion. The holes provided during manufacture are responsible for this.

These include:

  • drain;
  • overflow;
  • hole for mixer;
  • slots for fastenings.

If all sinks have a outlet for used water, then not every plumbing manufacturer has provided protection against flooding for the lower neighbors.

Sink with overflow
It is advisable to choose a model with an overflow - this hole is located on one of the side walls. If the bowl overflows, excess waste liquid will leave it, ending up in the drain rather than on the floor.

Concerning mixer selection, then you should decide on the model in advance in order to have an idea of ​​the required number of slots.

For wall-mounted models, during production, 2 holes are made on the back wall to make it convenient to secure the product. The same rule is followed for washbasin sinks that are to be placed on a cabinet - they are still pre-fixed on the wall.

When you purchased a sink with insufficient number of holes, you can drill the necessary ones.This will require skill - one awkward movement will ruin everything. Despite the fact that the structure can easily withstand weights of up to 100 kg, the glaze is easily scratched.

Additional components for the device

A caring manufacturer of plumbing fixtures tries to satisfy the needs of customers as much as possible.

Therefore, together with the washbasin collection tank, it can supply a protective mesh to the drain hole, bottom valve, an overflow plug, if the model requires its presence, a siphon, dowels, bolts, nuts, plastic or rubber gaskets.

All these devices are designed to simplify the process as much as possible - you don’t have to go around and select the necessary components for installation separately.

When overhead models for countertops, all parts are also supplied, as well as with a cabinet-mounted structure.

One minus is that all this significantly affects the final cost of the sink. You should be prepared for such a turn, because buying cheaper fasteners can result in the fall of the washbasin with further unpleasant consequences.

Shape and material of the product

As for the form, there is a wide choice here. In addition to rectangular, round, oval and trapezoidal, you can find asymmetrical and corner models.

The decision to purchase a particular device depends entirely on the preferences and dimensions of the bathroom - the larger the latter, the more diverse the range of suitable models.

The material is also important - manufacturers offer both natural and polymer options. Moreover, plastic structures are not much inferior in beauty and functionality stone products or glass models.

When considering your options, keep in mind that a $500-$2,500 sink is just as easy to crack as a $50 sink.

How not to mess up during repairs?

So that after installing the necessary plumbing fixtures you do not have to regret and trip over the corners of the furniture in the bathroom, it is better to take into account in advance a number of mistakes made by others.

The most annoying problem will be the size of the sink chosen for the bathroom. She can not only spoil the mood with her appearance, which stands out from the overall harmonious picture, but also bring a number of troubles.

Possible problems:

  1. The product is too small and inconvenient to use. Especially when there are quite large men in the family.
  2. A large washbasin bowl can clutter a room if its area is up to 8 m22.
  3. A large hanging product must be mounted on the wall, ready for the upcoming load - this is at least 150 kg on the front edge of the sink.
  4. The height simply must be optimal for all family members to ensure comfort during use.

It is important to immediately stop the flight of your imagination if the apartment has a combined bathroom of 4-6 m2, no matter how much you want to purchase a unique designer device. In such a situation, it is advisable to focus on small shells.

For greater convenience, various techniques and innovative solutions are used to make the room as functional as possible.

The option of using a sink combined with a cistern has one significant disadvantage - if the family consists of short people and the drainage tank is high, then using this benefit of civilization will be extremely inconvenient.

When consumers are over 160 cm tall, such a washbasin will come in handy. Especially if the bathroom does not differ in size.

Separately, it is worth considering the problem that concerns installation of suspended models. Here it is extremely important to carry out all work after additional strengthening of the wall.

This is especially true for bathrooms, the walls of which are covered with plasterboard sheets. In order for such a coating to cope with the load when using a washbasin, it needs to be strengthened by installing several more metal profiles.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Review of beautiful, functional and original sinks for a large room:

Options for organizing a washing area in rooms of modest size:

Tips for choosing the best sink based on personal preference:

Criteria for selecting the ideal and highest quality device:

Having studied the basic criteria for sizes, you can choose a sink that can satisfy the needs of all family members. It is important to remember that you must immediately purchase fastenings, a mixer and fittings for connecting the product to communication systems - water and sewerage.

Looking for the perfect sink for your bathroom? Or maybe you have an unsuccessful purchase experience? Share your story with readers. Please leave comments on the article, ask questions and participate in discussions. The contact form is located below.

Visitor comments
  1. Alexander

    When I was doing the renovation, I didn’t even think about the fact that the sink might not fit, but that’s exactly what happened. I had to go change it. The seller asked what the reason for the replacement was, and when he found out, he offered a sink with an “add-on” over the washing machine. This turned out to be really convenient - there is now much more free space in the bathroom. In the morning, there is a place where you can conveniently lay out shaving accessories, toothpastes, etc., without trying to fit everything on the space.

    • Tatiana

      Alexander, it’s funny to buy a sink and not think about whether it will fit or not. How did you even change it?! It's entirely your fault!
      We had another problem: the sink was installed about 7 years ago, everything was fine, everything was fine, but then we wanted to make it built into the “cabinet”, and this is already stealing space. And in general it was expensive, so we decided, like you, to install a new sink above the washing machine. It seems that the bathroom has become more spacious, and there is a “new surface” for use, but for those whose washing machine opens upward, this option is categorically contraindicated (or they will have to change the washing machine).

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