How to choose a good vacuum cleaner for your home and apartment: types of equipment + tips for buyers

Buying household appliances for cleaning is not an easy task and requires your special attention and time.Agree, it is extremely unwise to purchase the first vacuum cleaner that comes into your sight - the device must meet expectations, be convenient and functional.

Are you completely confused by the rich assortment offered by various manufacturers, and don’t know how to choose a vacuum cleaner that will become a reliable and worthy helper in household chores?

We will help you figure it out - the article discusses the types of vacuum cleaners, their features and important criteria that are important to the buyer. Recommendations are provided to help you choose the best option for your home and apartment. The article is supplied with visual photographs and video tips on choosing household vacuum cleaners for the home.

Types of household vacuum cleaners

Depending on the type of work performed, vacuum cleaners are available for dry and wet cleaning, for polishing floors, washing windows and other surfaces. Some models perform strictly one type of cleaning, while others are universal and can combine several options.

Also, all commercially available vacuum cleaners differ in appearance, technical characteristics, dimensions, weight, type of dust collector and filtration system.

Differences between devices in appearance

Household appliances purchased for home use should have a number of useful functions. In addition, it simply must be easy to use, and its price tag must meet the owner’s expectations.

In appearance, the devices can be as follows:

  • ordinary – classical execution;
  • vertical or 2-in-1 — manual + vertical version;
  • automatic – robotic devices;
  • built-in – central dust removal systems.

If the first three options are quite popular among users, then the built-in technology, or it is correct to call it a system, is only gaining momentum. It is more often used in the industrial sphere than in the household. Although owners of suburban housing already understand the advantages of built-in dust removal systems.

This option will be the optimal solution for a 2-3 storey cottage with a total area of ​​200-250 m2. Moreover, the built-in system must first be installed, placing air ducts throughout the house. And it is more convenient to do this at the stage of construction and finishing of the house.

In addition, in addition to the standard type of cleaning within the house, the owner can count on the automation of narrow cleaning activities. All this is possible thanks to the availability of specialized household appliances on the market.

Depending on the equipment and their purpose, assistant vacuum cleaners look different and can perform the following functions:

  • automated floor polishers - rub parquet or laminate using a damp or dry cloth;
  • window cleaners - can be robotic or manual, but both are excellent at cleaning windows and other vertical surfaces, for example, tiles in the bathroom;
  • submariners - help in cleaning the home pond (swimming pool) from dirt and debris;
  • compact hand-held instruments — vacuum car interiors, keyboards and other delicate surfaces.

Sizes, weight and appearance may vary significantly. Therefore, it is important to choose the option that best suits your needs.

Differences in the type of cleaning performed

Let’s take a closer look at the capabilities of household appliances. Initially, three main types of devices can be distinguished, capable of performing dry, wet or combined cleaning of surfaces.

Dry surface cleaning method

Everything is simple here - if we are talking about a classic model from the budget price range, then most often its functions are limited to dry cleaning of the floor.

But if you have a power regulator, you can clean various types of surfaces from dust - sofas, pillows, curtains, carpet, linoleum, etc.

Dry vacuuming
Vacuum cleaners that perform only dry cleaning are the most common. Moreover, this is the most popular equipment option among buyers. This device is convenient to use, easy to care for, and there is plenty to choose from - the range is wide and includes offers in different price ranges

Equipment with wet cleaning capabilities

Washing models are a separate technique. Often, such vacuum cleaners only perform floor cleaning and require significant preparation for this process.

You will need to remove dust, debris and scattered things in the rooms, properly assemble the device itself, installing all the filters and filling the necessary containers with water and cleaning solution.

After completing the washing activities, you need to wash all containers, filters and other parts, dry them in disassembled form, and only then can you assemble everything or send it for storage. Read more about the rules for operating vacuum cleaners in this article.

Carrying out wet carpet cleaning
A vacuum cleaner-washer will help you cope with wet cleaning of your home several times faster. You don’t have to constantly bend down to wash a rag or wring it out to remove residual liquid - just adjust the water supply by pressing the lever on the handle

Moreover, the market offers units capable of operating in automatic mode - washing robots. Some manufacturers even offer to control their operation remotely, using your smartphone/iPhone for these purposes.

To do this, you need to install the application, after which you can not only start/stop the robotic cleaner, but also monitor the order in which tasks are performed and plan the hours for cleaning procedures.

Combined version of harvesting equipment

The third option is combined, when the vacuum cleaner is capable of combining wet and dry types of cleaning. This is convenient, because you don’t need to pre-treat the rooms before washing.

Vertical model for wet cleaning
You can most often hear user complaints about universal models. Especially when it comes to vertical devices or robots - the owners claim that after treating the surface with such a vacuum cleaner, stains remain on it, or it simply stretches dust that was previously moistened with water

We should also talk about highly specialized equipment that is designed to clean certain types of surfaces. This is usually also a dry or wet option.

You shouldn’t expect anything beyond the capabilities of such vacuum cleaners, and you should understand that the same window cleaner will do a great job of cleaning a window, but it’s unlikely that he’ll be able to clean a carpet or vacuum a sofa.

Differences in the purpose of cleaning equipment

An important criterion is the purpose of the cleaning equipment. It is important to understand that large manufacturers focus on a wide range of consumers when producing vacuum cleaners. And the tasks that the buyer sets for a particular model are important when developing and constructing new models.

Therefore, on the cleaning equipment market you can find models not only for domestic purposes, but also for household needs for industry. In demand construction vacuum cleaners.

It is important to use the purchased product for its intended purpose, then you can guarantee that it will serve the stated period, moreover, it can exceed it 2-3 times.

If you break this rule, the likelihood of a breakdown increases. And in such cases, the manufacturer will refuse warranty service - if the vacuum cleaner is used in improper conditions, all warranty obligations will be canceled.

Therefore, if, for example, you plan to use the device on your property or in the garage, then it is better to immediately take a closer look at the economic models. Moreover, from many manufacturers you can find good offers at a very affordable price.

What to look for when choosing?

Getting acquainted with the variety of household appliances and understanding how to choose a good and reliable vacuum cleaner for your home and subsequently not regret the purchase, study the main criteria that influence making the right decision.

Below we provide a number of useful tips on choosing equipment, taking into account its technical characteristics and design features.

Criterion #1 - type of vacuum cleaner and its application

The type of vacuum cleaner, its purpose and capabilities are extremely important criteria. For example, not all models are capable of helping in removing fallen leaves from apple, maple, and birch trees, while commercial ones will be able to do this task. These are available in the range of the German brand Karcher.

Economic version of a vacuum cleaner
Thanks to the stainless steel tank, they can be used to clean the area from leaves, small pebbles and other impurities. And the blowing option will help you get debris out of the most difficult crevices. The vacuum cleaner is extremely good in all respects, and the price of a number of models is affordable for most potential buyers

But such an assistant will be extremely inconvenient when you need to quickly clean small areas - to clean the car interior after a family trip with 1-3 year old children. Or quickly collect shortbread crumbs from the table and floor.

For these situations, a compact device will be simply irreplaceable - hand vacuum cleaner. It is free of bulky tubes, hoses and long cords. Which makes its use incredibly convenient and simple.

But keeping the house clean is a prerogative robotic assistants. Many models are able to work according to a schedule drawn up for them a week in advance.

Robotic house cleaner
The owner does not need to be visible during cleaning - the device will go from room to room to clean and will return to the base when the battery charge is low. And the owner of this automatic miracle vacuum cleaner will receive a report on his smartphone about the work done

But the cost of such advanced technology is not at all small. But you shouldn’t save money on this issue by buying a cheap Chinese robot. The characteristics and capabilities of cheap models are quite mediocre - so you will not be able to get the expected result.

Vertical option Suitable for owners of small apartments or houses - they are most often rechargeable, and one charge is enough for 20-60 minutes of cleaning in the best case. Which is clearly not enough to clean a two-story cottage with an area of ​​300 m2 and more.

For large houses upright vacuum cleaner Suitable as an aid in the fight against debris and dust. When you need to collect the hair of a shedding pet from pillows or freshen up a room that was cleaned yesterday.

Option 2 in 1 or vertical + portable/manual - this is a more expensive pleasure. But you should buy it consciously - after all, the capacity of a plastic container is usually 0.2-0.6 liters. And you can’t fill it to capacity - you need to empty it when ½ or 2/3 of the garbage has collected there.

Vertical type of harvesting equipment
With a vertical assistant, you should not dream of a full-fledged general cleaning of a two-room apartment once a week or two - such equipment will not cope with this task. Will it be a wired model with the largest possible dust collector? And then the container will most likely have to be emptied a couple of times

Best suited for general cleaning classic vacuum cleaners with any type of dust collector.

It will be cleanest after cleaning model with water filter – after such cleaning, even the air in the room will become fresher. But a significant disadvantage of such equipment is difficulty in maintenance.

The aquafilter must be washed and dried after cleaning. And many manufacturers sin with a huge number of parts of the aquafilter, which can be assembled after drying if you are armed with additional instructions.

This is especially true if the functionality of the vacuum cleaner is expanded to the ability to wash floors/wet clean carpets/curtains and other things. This is where it’s very difficult to figure it out without instructions.

But after weekly training there will be no more problems with assembly/disassembly. But you will be extremely satisfied with the quality of cleaning.

Criterion #2 - dust collector and filter system

The type and volume of the dust collector is also an important criterion when choosing home cleaning equipment.

Nowadays the most common options on sale are:

  • bag – disposable or reusable, which collects maximum dust, trapping up to 99% inside, and some manufacturers offer bags made of HEPA materials;
  • plastic container without cyclone – an extremely rare phenomenon, typical for extremely inexpensive models, with a rather weak filtration system;
  • cyclone tank – a popular dust collector option due to its special design cyclone filter a negligible amount of dust penetrates outside the container;
  • container with water – an aquafilter that provides the cleanest air possible at the outlet, because its special design wets the smallest dust masses with water, trapping them inside;
  • combined option – bag/cyclone, aquafilter/bag, these options are also extremely rare.

Therefore, in order to decide which vacuum cleaner option to choose, taking into account the features of their dust collectors, it is extremely important to first highlight the main tasks for which the device is needed.

Vacuum cleaner Zanussi ZAN1214
Another type of dust collector is a plastic container without a cyclone. It preceded the development of cyclone filters. Such vacuum cleaners are extremely inexpensive, but due to the nature of the garbage collector, they throw back a lot of dust. Therefore, the air in the room cannot be called clean after cleaning with such a device.

If you have to do frequent cleaning, and the rooms have mostly smooth floors, then a cyclonic cleaner will be optimal.

If many rooms have carpets, and there is a cat in the house, then a technique with a bag will do. Such models stand out due to their increased power level.

And although it falls somewhat with filling, it is not significant, which does not interfere with collecting hair and wool from carpets. True, it is still not recommended to fill the bag to capacity.

If someone in the family is allergic to dust, or even has small children and allergy sufferers, you definitely need to take an aquafilter.

A vacuum cleaner with a similar type of dust collector produces clean air at the outlet, leaving inside the box with water not only dust particles, but also tiny inclusions like pollen from flowering plants.

The amount intended for purchase also plays an important role. If the budget is quite limited and there are no special requirements, then the best option would be a classic vacuum cleaner with a bag or a cyclone filter.

The first option will be cheaper, but do not forget that you will regularly have to spend money on consumables - buy disposable or reusable bags.

The cyclone initially has a slightly higher price tag, but the dust collector is made of durable plastic that will last as long as the vacuum cleaner itself.

As for additional filters, most models are equipped with a pre-motor filter and an outlet filter located at the air outlet.

Better when included HEPA filter 13 and higher. Such a filter element not only provides the highest degree of purification of air masses, but is quite easy to maintain. To do this, it is enough to rinse it under running water when it becomes dirty.

Criterion #3 - power consumption and suction

Another significant characteristic is power. This parameter can often be seen not only on the box with the device, but also on the body of the vacuum cleaner itself.But here the manufacturer is a little cunning, indicating the power consumption. But the suction power on the body is extremely rare to see.

Moreover, it is the suction power, which is also called suction power or traction, that is important.

Carpet pile cleaning
Fig. 9. For a smooth floor surface, a suction power of 250-300 W is sufficient. If this characteristic is higher, then the device can cope with cleaning carpets and sofas.

Classic models have the highest suction power, vertical devices are in second place, and robotic cleaning equipment is in third place.

But not only this indicator affects the quality of cleaning, so robots with a thrust of 25-40 W show excellent results, scooping up debris with elongated side brushes and pulling it directly into the garbage bin.

Criterion #4 - vacuum cleaner power type

Depending on the type of power supply, devices can be autonomous or network dependent. Which one is better to choose depends on your goals.

If you don’t know how to choose the right vacuum cleaner for your apartment, taking into account the way the device is powered, then focus on your needs, personal preferences, the presence of children and animals, and the frequency of cleaning.

The most powerful are wired models. They are ideal for cleaning a small apartment - the length of the wire is 6-8 meters, allowing you to clean the entire room from one outlet, and vacuum the kitchen for company from the outlet in the hallway.

Criterion #5 - Features and Accessories

As for functionality, when choosing, you should decide what type of cleaning is needed - only dry cleaning or washing the floors too. Based on your needs, you need to select a model.

In order for cleaning equipment to successfully perform its preset functions, the manufacturer equips it with a set of accessories. Among which are necessarily one or more brush attachments, a pipe and hose for a conventional vacuum cleaner, a battery and a charger for autonomous models.

Sometimes you have to buy more batteries and brushes. Also, the owner will have to purchase the necessary brushes if they are not included in the basic package.

Most often, users additionally purchase a turbo brush, a soft-bristle brush for parquet, an additional battery and garbage bags.

Equipment Thomas Multiclean X10 Parquet
When choosing a home assistant, be sure to evaluate the need for all the attachments and other accessories included in the kit. It happens that the set of components is very rich and most of them are not useful. And such a number of accessories significantly affects the price

As for the pipe, it is better to choose a telescope pipe made of metal rather than plastic. The composite one is not so convenient; many owners note difficulties when joining its two parts.

The hose must be solid and moderately flexible. And at the ends they contain movable pipes, which, ideally, provide 360 ​​degree rotation.

Criterion #6 - reputation of the equipment manufacturer

To figure out how to choose the right vacuum cleaner, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer’s reputation and reviews of the product you like, left by owners on specialized online sites.

Instructions and warranty included
When choosing equipment, you need to check the accompanying documents, the presence of a warranty card and the service life specified by the manufacturer. A high-quality vacuum cleaner has a warranty period of 3 years on average. The minimum time is 1 year, but this is mainly the life of the battery or individual accessories

Among popular brands Samsung, Philips, Dyson, Thomas, Bosch, Xiaomi, KARCHER, LG, Bort, Polaris And Kitfort.

It is important, when choosing equipment from a specific manufacturer, to take into account the existence of service centers in your region and the availability of components in stores, so that in case of repair you do not have to wait for spare parts to be delivered directly from China.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Subtleties of choosing the optimal option for cleaning equipment:

Video about the characteristics that matter when choosing a household vacuum cleaner:

Once you familiarize yourself with the main types of cleaning equipment, you can choose the best option for yourself. The main thing is to correctly determine your requirements and compare them with the available budget.

In general terms, for cleaning rooms with carpets and animals in a private home, classic models with a bag are most suitable; for quickly cleaning individual areas of the room from crumbs and other contaminants, a manual or vertical device is suitable.

For general cleaning of the apartment, a vacuum cleaner with an aqua filter or a cyclonic cleaner is suitable. The first is preferable when there are increased requirements for the purity of the exhaust air.

If you want to maintain order in your apartment, but don’t have enough time for this, the ideal solution would be to buy a robot controlled from a smartphone.

Which vacuum cleaner did you choose for your home or apartment? Please tell us why you chose a particular model, and whether you are satisfied with the performance of the purchased equipment. Add reviews, comments and ask questions - the contact form is below.

Visitor comments
  1. Anna

    For my two-room apartment, a regular corded vacuum cleaner is quite enough. The only thing is that it must be powerful in order to remove dust from carpet and furniture well. It is also important to me that it is easy to clean and lightweight. For myself, I chose an inexpensive and powerful Rowenta vacuum cleaner. I am quite satisfied with its characteristics and parameters. And for a large private house you need a powerful vertical vacuum cleaner.

  2. Maria

    It seems to me that vacuum cleaners with garbage bags are still the most convenient. Naturally, in order to save money, it is worth using reusable bag options. Constantly buying disposable ones turns out to be quite expensive. The suction power should be looked at not on the box, where manufacturers write a larger number - power consumption, but in the passport of the vacuum cleaner. Well, you definitely need to make sure that the kit includes at least a minimum set of necessary attachments. There is now a huge selection of vacuum cleaners on the market; everyone can choose the best one for themselves.

  3. Elena

    I chose the battery-powered Bosch Atthlet for my home, but I still trust German manufacturers more. It is quite compact and not very loud. It is declared as a vacuum cleaner with a power of 2400 watts, so it takes about 5 hours to charge. It consumes very little electricity. Even smaller than a regular table lamp.I got it in glossy black and it looks very nice.

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