Why doesn't the refrigerator work, but the freezer works? Troubleshooting and Troubleshooting

Are you going out to eat and find that the inside of the refrigerator compartment is abnormally warm and the freezer compartment is excessively cold? Or is the compressor constantly running, although just yesterday it periodically fell silent? Finding out about the breakdown of such an expensive device is not at all pleasant, is it?

But perhaps the problem will not be as global as it seemed at first glance, and everything will be fixed with your own hands. We will help you figure out why the refrigerator does not work, but the freezer does, and we will tell you how to fix the detected problem.

The article contains the most common causes of this type of breakdown and discusses ways to correct them. We have selected visual photographic materials and video recommendations from experts that will help you find faults in various models of refrigerators.

The structure of a typical refrigerator

The compressor uses its pressure to pump freon (coolant) into the condenser unit. There, the gaseous refrigerant condenses into a liquid fraction. This process is accompanied by the release of heat, which is removed through the rear panel of the refrigerator.

Liquefied freon is fed into a system of thin tubes, after which it again takes on a gaseous state, and once in the evaporation unit, it boils. The evaporator generates cold.Freon completes its circuit, returning to the compressor.

The resulting cold first of all goes to the freezer, and from there it is already supplied to the refrigeration room - forcibly or naturally. This gives the freezer the opportunity to maintain a cold temperature even if some elements of the unit break down.

Diagram of a two-compressor refrigerator
In two-compressor refrigerators, one compressor serves the freezer compartment, and the second serves the refrigerator compartment. This is convenient because if you wish, you can turn off any of the cameras and use only one

As soon as you notice a lack of cold in the cooling compartment while the freezer is working properly, you need to try to analyze the situation yourself.

The user's actions if a unit malfunction is suspected should be as follows:

  • establish by observation which particular chamber the cold does not enter;
  • check whether there are any heat sources near the refrigerator, for example, radiators, heaters, stoves, etc.;
  • determine whether the rubber door seal is intact and whether there are any objects (pieces of food, crumbs, etc.) that prevent the door from closing tightly.

It would also be a good idea to inspect the back surface of the refrigerator for mechanical damage, and all components and systems for the presence of rye and oxide.

Causes of lack of cold, their elimination

If the freezer compartment is working properly, the reasons for the breakdown of the refrigerator compartment can be very different. Both an ordinary temporary lack of electricity in the network and a serious breakdown of the compressor, which almost always leads to a rather expensive replacement.

No. 1 - simple unit problems

Before starting to analyze the problem, you should make sure that the unit is correctly connected to the electrical network, that the wires, extension cords, sockets are in good condition, and that there is a proper supply of electricity to the room.

One of the culprits is the camera door not closing tightly due to user oversight. There is a constant flow of warm air from the room into it.

There may be no cold due to the long period of operation of the refrigerator without scheduled defrosting. It is worth turning off the unit, defrosting it thoroughly and turning it on again after a day.

You need to defrost your refrigerator correctly
To properly defrost the refrigerator, you need to unplug it, open it wide, remove all the contents and wait until it is completely defrosted. It is prohibited to speed up this process by any means. Melt water is collected in containers and disposed of

There are situations when the freezer compartment is filled with food too tightly, so that there is practically no free space. According to the operating rules, this is undesirable, since there must still be space for air circulation.

When the products to be frozen lie close to each other and are tightly compacted, all the power of the compressor is spent on freezing its huge volume, and there is not enough cold for the remaining compartments.

Freezing a large batch of food at once
It is better to freeze food in small portions. When freezing, it is not recommended to fill the freezer to capacity - this can lead to compressor failure.

The refrigerator itself may be installed incorrectly - close to the wall, when the heat cannot be fully removed, or close to heating devices - the temperature detectors are confused.They send signals to the compressor to increase its power, but cooling in the refrigerator compartment never occurs, because it turns into heat along the way.

This failure mainly occurs when the freezer box is installed inside the refrigerator box. This problem is eliminated by complete long-term defrosting of the entire unit, installing it away from heating sources, and turning it on in standard rather than enhanced mode.

Incorrect location of the refrigerator
It is prohibited to place the refrigerator near heat sources. This not only disables it, but also significantly increases the cost of electricity.

No. 2 - breakdowns in conductive systems

In order to understand the causes of more complex breakdowns, you need to know how the structure and how does a refrigerator work. Only then will the origin of the problems become clear. As a result, the right ways to solve the problem can be found.

Capillary system. The culprit of the breakdown may be a blockage in the capillary system due to the entry of foreign substances into the pipeline - moisture, oils, debris from a deteriorated filter, etc.

Due to the blockage, the cooler does not reach the end - everything is fine with freezing, ice even forms there. And the products in the second chamber are not cooled - this compartment is warm.

Signs of clogged capillaries can be confused with a breakdown of a different nature - a malfunction of the evaporator. To accurately determine the cause of the problem, analyze the temperature of the discharge system in the “condenser-compressor” section. If the heating there is insignificant or partial, and the cooling is rapid, then the reason is clogged capillaries.

However, there is an opportunity to correct the situation on your own: if the blockage is simple, then a light tap on the pipeline will move the plug and clear the way for freon.

If tapping does not help, you need to contact a technician who will professionally clean the tubes, install a new clean filter, replace the freon, and remove unnecessary air from the evaporator.

Clogged capillary system
First, the temperature between the compressor and the condenser is measured, and then a decision is made to replace the capillary tube or whether it can be repaired

Drainage system. The drainage system in refrigerators with weeping walls can also become clogged. If it is not cleaned for a long time, congestion may appear in it, which does not completely allow melt water to pass through; it accumulates at the bottom of the chamber and flows out.

Over time, the plastic cracks, and water flows into the gaps and oxidizes the metal parts of the device, corrosion eats them away, and the refrigerant begins to leak out. Clean the drainage system using a regular pharmacy rubber bulb. It is filled with hot water and poured into the channel with a sharp movement under maximum pressure.

If necessary, repeat this several times until the system is completely cleaned. Dirty drained water from a special tray should be removed after the procedure.

Drain hole with brush
Refrigerators are produced with a small brush in the drain hole. It is designed for regular cleaning of the entrance to the drainage system. The cleaner it is, the less chance there is of a major system blockage.

Another device for cleaning the drainage system can be a bicycle/car hand pump. If these devices are not available, or the clog is very stubborn, a long wire/wire will help.

The tip of the wire is bent into a loop and inserted into the drain hole with twisting movements, while feeding it back and forth. The duration of the procedure is about three minutes. You can combine two methods - cleaning with wire and pouring water.

You can check the result of your efforts by testing the system. Pour some water into the drainage tube and notice the rate of drainage in a natural way. If it does not go away, repeat the cleaning procedure.

No. 3 - problems with automation, electronics

A temperature detector is installed in the refrigerator compartment. It may be damaged by substances and liquids from food, or have a manufacturing defect.

If the sensor shows incorrect information, refrigerator compressor operates at high power and quickly breaks down during such operation. The solution is to replace the detector with a new, working module, which can only be done by a specialist.

Other built-in sensors and electronic control systems can also malfunction, and mechanical buttons break and become clogged. Such problems will be indicated by unnaturally long breaks in the operation of the compressor, when the electronics incorrectly display the air temperature in the refrigeration compartment and set the incorrect operating mode.

It is recommended to inspect all electronic and automatic elements for serviceability, and if they break down, replace the unusable parts. It is better to contact a qualified technician for this, unless the user himself has the necessary knowledge and skills in this area.

Checking the sensors
Each sensor has its own contact on the connector. Their performance is checked by measuring resistance. Another sensor - room temperature - is located on the main electronic board

If the refrigeration unit is equipped with one compressor and the NoFrost system, then the problem may be caused by a stuck chamber cooling regulator.If this occurs at maximum cold level, the compressor cannot cope with the high load. The solution is to replace the valve.

No. 4 - refrigerant leak from the system

Freon can enter the room air through microholes in the pipe system. These holes occur due to improper use.

For example, in a situation where the refrigerator has not been defrosted for too long and a thick layer of ice has grown on the tubes, and there is not enough time to defrost.

Ice in the refrigerator
Often, the user, trying to speed up the defrosting process of the unit, knocks off the ice with hard objects. The result is mini-damage

The less freon remains in the refrigeration unit, the less cold will be generated, and the compressor will receive an additional greater load and wear out faster. In this case, it is recommended to immediately seal the system and charge with refrigerant. This requires special equipment and knowledge.

No. 5 - malfunction of one of the compressors

In refrigeration devices equipped with two compressors, only one of them breaks down. Then the freezer compartment works properly, but the refrigerator compartment does not receive its portion of cold. A sign of this is the start of the compressor and an immediate stop or its complete inoperability.

Refrigerator with two compressors
A compressor can also stop working due to long or improper use, wear, due to manufacturing defects, due to its low quality and low price.

In almost all cases, this problem is solved by replacing the faulty module.

No. 6 - problems with the rubber seal

The rubber seal on the door of the refrigerator compartment may be damaged, peeled off, or dried out.The drying out of the rubber element occurs mainly due to the long period of the unit being idle.

Due to a faulty seal, warm air from the room is able to enter the chamber and increase its internal temperature. The compressor increases its power, pumping in more and more cold, but this does not save the situation, but only wears it out greatly.

Replacing the rubber seal
If the rubber is damaged, the best solution is to replace the seal with a working new one. To do this, remove the door from its hinges, clean its outline of the unusable gasket, and install a new one.

For a dried rubber gasket, it is possible to try to restore lost elasticity by treating with boiling water:

  • it is removed;
  • soaked in boiling water;
  • then installed in place.

If the gap is formed in a single copy and is small, you can simply glue the seal in this place with silicone or instant glue. As a temporary option before purchasing and installing a new rubber band You can fill the resulting gaps with cardboard inserts.

Sometimes the situation is corrected by hanging the door in the opposite direction, but here you need to take into account the location of the refrigerator in the room, because there must be free space to open the door.

The door seal has failed
Debris accumulates in the folds of the rubber seal and mold grows. Over time, the rubber in this place becomes thinner, and cracks appear, through which unwanted warm air passes. It is recommended to prevent this by regular, gentle cleaning.

It happens that the door does not close tightly, not because of problems with the seal, but because of the instability of its fastening when the fasteners become loose. Then you need to tighten the hinges and screws more tightly, and the problem will be eliminated.

No. 7 - mechanical and chemical damage

Mechanical damage may appear on the body of the refrigerator - cracks, holes in the back wall. They usually form after improper transportation or operation.

This risks the penetration of warm air from the room into the refrigerator compartment. The temperature inside cannot reach the desired level, the compressor runs non-stop, but this does not fix the problem.

If the hole is small, you can try to fix it yourself. To do this, the refrigerator is turned off, completely defrosted and dried, the damaged area is carefully cut off, filled with new insulation or foam and then covered with foil.

Cracks inside the refrigerator compartment
The walls of the housing can also crack from the inside of the unit. Almost always the culprit for this is the user himself - when defrosting or densely packing food, the walls can be pierced by hard, sharp objects

The area with the risk of cracks is located near all fastening elements - too much tension on the nuts can subsequently lead to breaks in these places. The gaps are repaired in the same way - by sealing them with sealant.

No. 8 - oxidation and rust on pipes

Before diagnosing oxidation of the metal tubes of the refrigerator, you should know that green deposits have nothing to do with corrosion. This is a consequence of the interaction of soldering flux with oxygen in the room. It is prohibited to clean off such deposits.

Rust stains on tubes
If you see rust stains on the pipes, you can try to very carefully clean them and paint them with paint - regular or automotive paint in cans

The danger of corrosion of tubes is that over time it completely corrodes their walls, through the formed holes the refrigerant begins to leak into the air, the compressor operates at maximum power.

Contrary to this, the cold does not enter the refrigerator compartment, because it is only enough to service the freezer. If measures are not taken in time and traces of corrosion are not removed, the compressor will fail, and then repairing the unit will be expensive.

Treatment with a rust converter, which can be found in specialty stores, or with regular household vinegar (9%) is effective against rust stains. Before processing, it is recommended to test them in small quantities on one small area.

If no surprises arise, apply the product to all rusted areas, leave for some time to allow the surface to oxidize with air, and polish with a soft cloth.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

A selection of stories on identifying various problems with refrigerators of different brands and the process of troubleshooting problems that arise.

Video tips on how to properly troubleshoot: before disassembling the components, the unit must be completely defrosted without the use of force. The video demonstrates what a properly functioning evaporator of the know frost system should look like:

Searching for the reason for the lack of cold in the refrigeration compartment of an Atlant unit when the freezer is running. An example of diagnosing a short circuit in a compressor.

Video instruction on replacing the compressor with a working one using special tools:

Indesit refrigerator: finding and eliminating leaks in the heating circuit in the video:

It must be remembered that proper operation and timely high-quality maintenance of the refrigeration unit will maintain its performance for many years.

If the cold still stops flowing into one of the refrigerator compartments, then it is necessary to find out the background of the problem that led to this breakdown.Knowing it, you can try to fix everything yourself.

Would you like to tell us how you restored the functionality of the refrigerator with your own hands? Do you have useful information on the topic of the article that is worth sharing with site visitors? Please write comments in the block form below, ask questions and post photos on the topic of the article.

Visitor comments
  1. Natalia

    I have a slightly different problem. The temperature in the freezer is not as low as it was at the beginning of operation. In the main compartment of the refrigerator, as far as I can tell, the temperature is kept within the limits stated in the passport, but in the freezer it is 7-8 degrees higher than it was. What should you check first? Refrigerator - Atlant, model XM 4208.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      This refrigerator model has one compressor; if the refrigerator compartment is working, it means it is working. The very first thing to check is whether the freezer closes tightly; perhaps something is in the way. Well, you’re unlikely to be able to diagnose the rest yourself; call a specialist.

  2. Natalia

    I had a similar problem in my refrigerator. But he began to work even louder. It began to buzz and make a sound as if water was filling the toilet. But I tried not to pay attention to it until the refrigerator completely failed - its compressor broke down. The technician later told me that the increase in temperature in the freezer and loud noises were already signs of partial failure of the compressor.

  3. Vladimir

    Most often this is a simple blockage in the capillary or drainage systems. Solves with a little cleaning or tapping.You still won’t be able to fix everything else yourself.

    I advise you to clean the drainage system at least once every 3 months to avoid all problems.

  4. Marina

    The refrigerator compartment does not work, but the freezer works. Single-compressor refrigerator Indesit SB16740. What could be the cause of the malfunction?

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello, Marina. This article describes in great detail the possible causes of such a breakdown. Let's start the diagnosis by checking the rubber seals on the door of your refrigerator. It is necessary to inspect them for wear and lack of quality fit.

      Then you will remove all the food from the refrigerator, set it level and begin defrosting. If I'm not mistaken, in this model of refrigerator, the thawed moisture in the freezer compartment must be removed manually, and the refrigerator is defrosted by drops. Pour some warm liquid into the drain hole and see if there are any problems with its flow through the outlet. Clean the drain carefully, especially if there are blockages.

      Remember that you should never force the freezer to defrost. Do not scrape ice or use a hair dryer or other heat emitters. Let the refrigerator sit for a day, wipe it dry, and then turn it completely empty to the maximum low temperature setting and check how things are going in the refrigerator compartment, as well as how freezing the freezer is.

      Report your test results here. Also, if possible, please add information about what symptoms, in addition to the elevated temperature environment, are observed in your refrigerator. Maybe it turns on more often, “cries”, the compressor somehow hums incorrectly or something else.How often do you open the refrigerator, where is it installed, are there heating units located too close around it, is it closely packed with food.

      We will be waiting for your response.

    • Sergey

      One of the possible and quite common problems is the fan in the freezer breaking down or freezing. It is very easy to determine the breakdown. When the compressor is running, open the freezer and put your hand to the back wall, cold air should blow out of it. If there is no air movement, then that is where the problem lies.

      There is also another possible problem with the capillary tube; over time, it rots inside the refrigerator body. Repaired in two ways.

      1. Some craftsmen suggest opening the insulation and re-soldering - this is an expensive method and in the future will most likely greatly increase energy consumption. The reason is that the factory thermal insulation of the refrigerator is broken and, accordingly, the refrigeration and freezer compartments heat up faster. The compressor starts to turn on/off more often, which significantly reduces its service life.

      2. You can solder it to a small circle. To carry out a repair of this type, it is not necessary to open the casing. Make sure to replace the dryer filter. Each time freon is pumped in, it is recommended to replace it. This method is more economical in terms of money and will not reduce the service life of the compressor planned by the manufacturer.

      All other reasons are present in the article.

    • Valery

      For some reason, my freezer and refrigerator work one at a time. But when you turn it on together, after a while it starts to restart constantly.

      • Administration

        Good afternoon.If you need a technical inspection by a technician, please contact the appropriate company that provides repair work on equipment.

  5. Marina

    The refrigerator compartment at the top of the Indesit refrigerator is not cooling - what could it be?

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Did you read the article carefully? It lists the main reasons that lead to the refrigerator not working; most of these points apply to the case of the freezer. In fact, this is a fairly common problem when one of the chambers of a two-compartment refrigerator stops working.

      From what you can check for yourself, I can highlight the following points:

      — reliability and wear of the seal;
      — network voltage (banal, but true) sometimes one of the cameras does not turn on due to low voltage;
      — defrost the refrigerator and turn off the power for 24-48 hours;
      - if the freezer is packed to capacity, it interferes with air circulation.

      These are the main points, if this is not the case, then call a specialist.

  6. Alexander

    Hello, I have a Samsung No Frost and the defrost heating element does not turn on. The heating element is working. I checked what could be happening - the refrigerator compartment does not get cold after defrosting. It works for 5 days on the display showing a temperature of 4 degrees, but in reality it is warmer there. You unplug and turn on the temperature - it shows room temperature, after defrosting everything shows normal, and after 5 days everything is new.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. Try ringing TAB and check the fuse. Let us know the results.

      • Eugene

        Hello! Refrigerator Daewoo model-291 nofrost, the refrigerator compartment has stopped working, but the freezer compartment is working properly and the compressor has stopped making noise. Please tell me what is the problem?

    • Tatiana

      Hello Alexander, please tell me, have you solved the problem with the refrigerator? The Samsung No Frost refrigerator is approximately the same and has the same problem and the technician said that the reason is in the fan, the fan needs to be replaced. Is it really? We are perplexed, if the fan works and is not broken, then how can there be a problem with it?

  7. Andrey

    Good day. Beco refrigerator. Two-chamber. Height 145-160 I think.

    The crying wall freezes, and the food does not cool. Once we missed the scheduled defrosting. In short, they froze.

    There were problems, mostly with drainage. But I checked and even poured some water. I don’t understand... We’re removing the coat of ice for the second time! But if there is ice in the chamber, then why isn’t everything else cooled? The freezer is heavily loaded, but this was not a problem before. The interchamber wall is hot on the side - it apparently works all the time.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Good day, Andrey. From what you said, it looks like the fan in the freezer is frozen. This happens precisely because of the one-time dense loading of the freezer compartment.

      Look, the freezer is almost empty and you immediately fill it to the maximum. The process can be called “micro defrosting”. Moisture condenses on the fan axis; as the temperature rises, naturally the water turns into ice and stops its operation. The refrigerator is not new, this can happen.

      The wall is hot due to the fact that the set temperature is not generated and the temperature sensor does not work.You urgently need to solve the problem, otherwise you risk “killing” the compressor. In this case, the cost of repairs will increase significantly.

      • Galina Anatolyevna

        Good afternoon! Please tell me, we have a Simens refrigerator, my son left the refrigerator compartment open for a long time, it doesn’t freeze, but the freezer works. We called the repairman, he said to throw it away. It’s a shame, what should I do? Thank you.

        • Igor

          Hello, please tell me. The refrigerator has two sections, one motor, the freezer works properly, the refrigerator compartment does not freeze. What could it be?

      • Maksim

        Please tell me that maybe the freezer is freezing but the refrigerator is not indesit

      • Irina

        Hello! The Snaige single-compressor refrigerator is already quite old, 17 years old, and at first the fur coat in the refrigerator compartment began to worry. The compressor did not turn off. I defrosted it and turned it on, and now the temperature in the refrigerator compartment is 20 degrees, but the freezer is still working. What could it be and does it make sense to repair it or is it better to replace it, given that it is far from new?

  8. Artem

    Good afternoon. Thank you for the article. I have a question, I have a two-chamber Indesit refrigerator. The bottom of the freezer is working fine, but the top is starting to act up. Recently it stopped working, I turned it off and decided to call a repairman.

    Two days passed, I just decided to turn it on, and, lo and behold, the refrigerator started working! But the joy lasted a week and the picture repeated itself again. Doesn't work, a day after disconnecting it works again. What could be the reason? Thank you.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. I suspect that your capillary tube is frozen, perhaps even something with the filter drier.Because you turned off the refrigerator, that is, it was completely defrosted and there was an ice jam, too, then you turned it on - it worked fine, and then the ice jam formed again and, accordingly, the refrigerator stopped working again.

      However, it is not necessarily an ice plug; it may just be a blockage that is pushed through when the pressure changes. In general, check the capillary tube first.

  9. Valentina

    Good afternoon, please tell me: refrigerator Candy CCPS 6180WRU, the refrigerator compartment has stopped cooling and the light is not on, but the freezer is working normally! Unfrozen - the situation has not changed. What could it be!? Thank you!

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. Unfortunately, we can only assume the cause of the breakdown, since a complete test of the system is necessary. But if the light does not light, although this is not just a coincidence, and at the same time as the main breakdown there are problems with the power supply to the lighting or a burnt-out (incorrectly selected light bulb), we can first of all assume a faulty electrical wiring.

      There is also a completely banal possible reason - something with the fit of the door. Then the light bulb was simply not connected and burned out, and heat entered the refrigerator compartment from the outside.

  10. Gennady

    Good afternoon. Refrigerator Orsk 257-01. The freezer is working and the refrigerator compartment is warm. The compressor runs without stopping. I defrosted it completely - the result remained unchanged. Also, the green indicator on the refrigerator does not light up, but when checking with a tester, there is voltage, apparently the LED has burned out. The door fits tightly.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. It sounds like you have a problem with refrigerant circulation.The capillary tube needs to be cleaned. But a 100% diagnosis can only be made by diagnosing the system.

      • Andrey

        The first video is exactly my case, and the refrigerator is the same, I’ll try it.

  11. Catherine

    Good afternoon. The freezer was not closed tightly, and during the day it froze.

    We carried out defrosting, after which only the freezer compartment began to work, the upper compartment does not work at all. This is all accompanied by the sounds of water like in a toilet. We moved the refrigerator, it was humid underneath. What is this and how to fix it? Thank you.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. Most likely there is a blockage or ice blockage. Defrost again and try to clean (defrost for at least 12 hours with the refrigerator doors open).

  12. Dmitriy

    Good afternoon. Refrigerator Stinol 107 ER. It sat in the garage for a long time. When turned on, it was recorded that the temperature in the freezer was -9 degrees, and the refrigerator did not work. A technician was called to fill the freon.

    The repairman considered that the leak occurred due to “high pressure” and the cost of repairs increased. After the repair was completed, the refrigerator compartment started working, but the freezer stopped working. The repairman claims that the problem is in the impeller. Should we believe these assumptions or should we contact another service company?

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      There are two options: either the master is not competent, or he just wants to get money from you, forgive me for being blunt. The issue here is not a freon leak, the gas could not have caused the freezer not to work, and then everything changed exactly the opposite. Therefore, feel free to contact another company or another specialist who will eliminate the cause.By the way, the problem here is with the electrician or the controller, but not with a freon leak.

  13. Nika

    Atlant refrigerator with freezer below. The refrigerator did not work for a year, before that it was completely working and was stored in a warm room. Turned it on - the freezer is working, but the refrigerator is warm and does not turn off. The rubber bands are all good, it's practically new. What could be the problem?

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. I'm guessing there is a problem with the thermostat sensor or a software control failure. Please specify the model of the refrigerator.

      It is also important to understand what conditions the refrigerator was in all this time: was there high humidity in the room, for example? This could lead to problems with the wiring, and rodents, in particular mice, could gnaw something somewhere (there were such cases in my memory).

      It is also possible that you have a leak in the heating circuit. In a similar case on an Indesit refrigerator, the circuit needed to be replaced in two places. But here you need to call a specialist with tools, plus you will need to refill with gas. By the way, it may also be that the temperature sensor is acting up - check it first.

      Attached photos:
  14. Olga

    Good afternoon. Refrigerator Atlant 1700. We bought it back in 2003. The freezer is downstairs. No rust, no cracks, rubber is fine. Several years ago, after defrosting, the cold chamber stopped working. After reading about the simplest repair options, we tapped it and it worked. For a long time everything was fine. A month ago I had to fill the freezer to capacity, and the refrigerator compartment immediately closed. The temperature inside was +25. Two days later I returned to normal +10.But ice began to grow in the upper part, in a huge lump, then ice appeared in the area of ​​the boxes. Defrosted. Again the freezer works, but the main chamber does not. A day passed, the temperature was +25.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. You made several mistakes in operating your refrigerator:

      1. What and why did you tap there?

      2. Exceeded the freezing capacity by loading a large number of products at once. For your model - no more than 6 kg per day in small portions. Overload threatens compressor failure, overheating the cooling circuit and the system as a whole.

      3. Allowed the refrigerator to build up lumps of ice (am I understanding correctly, this model has a freezer at the bottom?)

      What can you do:

      Remove everything from the refrigerator and freezer. Open the doors and wait at least a day. Wipe down the refrigerator, clean the drainage. Then turn it on and check if it works. If it doesn’t work out, it means you’ve screwed up the refrigerator until it’s dead. Call a professional and don’t torture the device.

  15. Petrovich

    Good afternoon. We have a Stinol-104 unit. In the freezer -31, in the refrigerator +20. There is no ice, moisture, or signs of leakage anywhere.

    Defrosted, washed, dried for 2 days. Turned it on to 1 - after 3 hours the situation is the same. In this case, the compressor operates quietly as usual, but does not interrupt at all. Those. does not turn off. What could it be?

    On our collective farm it was tense with the craftsmen. Is it worth repairing? Thank you.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. An interesting three-chamber model with a dual-evaporation system, which gives me the right to think that your “refrigeration problem” looks like a leak. It could also be a partial capillary blockage or a compressor defect.

      It’s difficult to diagnose without seeing the device, but the biggest suspicion of a leak is calling a technician. You can diagnose the capillary yourself. Whether it’s worth it or not depends on the condition of the refrigerator and the local price list.

  16. Leonid

    Good afternoon. Two-chamber refrigerator Atlant MKhM-1716-00 KShD-310/80 (1 compressor). After the next defrosting and thawing, the refrigerator compartment does not work at all, but the freezer does work. The copper tube from the compressor to the freezer is hot, the tube to the refrigerator is lukewarm. The refrigerator has not been turned over, the seals are intact, etc. What could be the reason?

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. Based on your description, I can assume that the capillary tube is clogged. Also check for freon leaks. But first of all, clean the capillary.

    • nadomu.kiev.ua

      Contact a workshop that employs certified refrigeration specialists, we support the opinion that the problem is a freon leak.

  17. Lyudmila

    How to clean a capillary tube?

  18. Novel

    There is a blockage in the filter drier or capillary system. In addition to freon, oil also circulates in the refrigerator, which is necessary to lubricate the motor. Over time, heating and cooling cause the oil to “burn” and “blood clots” may form in the filter drier or in the capillary system of the refrigerator. Diagnostics using vacuum equipment is needed.

    If the fears are confirmed, the technician will remove the “blood clot” and change the oil and freon. Motor decompression. The operating pressure in the engine is from 4 to 10 atmospheres. During decompression, the pressure is lower than necessary, so there is only enough pressure for the freezer. Most often this occurs due to normal wear and tear.

    There is a problem with the defrost valve (for electronically controlled refrigerators) - it is “stuck” in the “freezer” mode and does not switch to the refrigerator compartment. The failed unit needs to be replaced.

  19. Alexei

    good night. refrigerator ardo aus 2412 va e. the problem is like everyone else, the freezer is freezing, food began to disappear in the upper chamber, today they defrosted it, turned it on, the temperature in the freezer dropped, in the upper one only the upper third is barely cold. First they ran a cable through the drainage, then they spilled water, there was no garbage .. a strange sound appeared - clicking louder than usual, as far as I understood, when starting the compressor. As far as I understood, there was only one compressor. Tell me what to do

  20. Alexander

    Good afternoon Please help me with advice. I've been struggling with the refrigerator for 2 weeks now. Model Bosh KGN 39VI11R. It has no-frost, 1 compressor, 2 chambers. The refrigerator sometimes gets cold, sometimes it doesn't.
    Initially they advised to carry out a complete defrosting within 24 hours - after that it worked for half a day and the error returned.
    After calling the wizard:
    1 time - The technician noted that the fan does not start when the compressor is running. After restarting the refrigerator, the fan began to turn on. The repairman suggested that most likely the problem was in the control unit - he changed it.
    After this, the refrigerator managed to work for about a day, then the problem returned.
    2 times - The master returned the old control unit back. I assumed that the problem could be either with the fan or with the door closing sensors (buttons), although no problems were observed when they rang. Changed the fan.
    The problem hasn't gone away.
    3 times - The technician changed the door closing sensors. The old fan did not return.
    The problem hasn't gone away.
    After this, I noticed that the compressor was working, but the fan did not start. I checked it 2 times, by pressing the door closing sensors for 30 seconds. After that, after a maximum of 20 seconds, I checked it again, and the fan had already started.

    What could be the reason? Is it worth continuing to work with this master? Although he seems to have no more ideas.

  21. FedorElems

    Because of this, the seal of the freezer is broken. Warm air enters the freezer and you can see the ice located closer to the door. There could also be an imbalance in the freezer door mounting system. The freezer door is hinged. If the door fasteners become loose and sag, the tightness of the door is broken and warm air enters the chamber. In this case, you will see more ice near the refrigerator door. It is necessary to balance the fasteners or replace them. Heavy, uneven frost is visible in the area of ​​the freezer evaporator. The refrigerator motor does not turn off. The freezer temperature is higher than the set value. The alarm indicator on the refrigerator control panel may light up or flash. Electronic models may beep. Got it from here https://holodilnik1.ru/morozilnye-kamery/za-skolko-vremeni-voda-prevratitsja-v-led-v-morozilke/, I know the authors personally

  22. Sergey

    Good afternoon). Refrigerator STINOL RF 305. Only the freezer compartment works, the top one does not freeze. I decided to fix the problem by cleaning the drainage system using a regular pharmacy rubber bulb, as described above... it did not help. Please tell me other ways to solve this problem. refrigerator single compressor. Thank you)

  23. Andrey

    I have a SHARP SJ-P69M-GL refrigerator that is about 10 years old.It doesn’t turn off - it works constantly, while the freezer works as it should, and the temperature in the large chamber is 15 degrees - the food spoils. If you turn off the power supply for a day, it starts up and freezes as it should for about 2 weeks with on-off cycles. Then it stops turning off again and the temperature rises. The temperature regulator is in the middle position and does not respond to more or less. Please advise what could be the reason.

  24. Alexander

    Refrigerator Nord, 2007. First, ice appeared on the back wall in the area of ​​the refrigerator compartment near the radiator, but the freezer was working normally. Freezer below. single-compressor device. After some time, the ice on top disappeared and the camera stopped working (cooling) altogether. The freezer works, but at the top, on the jumper between the freezer and refrigerator compartments, strong heating is felt. Heavy ice has formed at the top of the freezer compartment. I repeat, the freezer is below. Is this the end of the device, or is it repairable?

  25. Rome

    Hello, I have an LG refrigerator model GR-M782HLHM. The freezer compartment works, but the refrigerator compartment does not work. What could be the reason.

    • Administration

      Hello. There can be many reasons: problems with the fan, compressor, or drainage system. Can you hear the refrigerator working?

  26. Galina

    We had not used the Indesit refrigerator for a year; before that, it was in operation for only 3 weeks, after which it was turned off for a whole year, since we did not live in the apartment. The refrigerator is new. We arrived, turned it on, the freezer seemed to be working, it was cold there, but it was warm inside the refrigerator. What to do? Model Indesit ITF020 s

    • Administration

      Hello. There may be a breakdown in the compressor.But a common problem for Indesites is freon metering.

  27. Irina

    Electrolux refrigerator ENB 3660 S, the refrigerator compartment has stopped working, a sound signal sounds every 6-10 hours, after reconnection it works again, but does not cool. The freezer is working. Does anyone know what maybe defrosting did not help.

    • Administration

      Hello. Most likely the refrigerator is warning about a faulty condition. The fan, temperature sensor, motor malfunction, freon leak, or clogged capillary tube may be faulty.

    • Administration

      Hello. Most likely the refrigerator is warning about a faulty condition. The fan, temperature sensor, motor malfunction, freon leak, or clogged capillary tube may be faulty.

  28. Venus

    Hello, I have a Veko refrigerator. The refrigerator does not work, but the freezer does. Not long ago they filled in freon and it worked for a week. and now it’s not cold again

  29. Katerina

    Please help, I’m completely tormented, Fagor No Frost refrigerator. The freezer works, but the refrigerator does not. Once fully defrosted, everything is fine again. Half a year has passed and the same thing has happened for the last 3 months. you have to defrost it once a month, i.e. much more often. The refrigerator and freezer are not overloaded. What could be the reason? I take it there's a traffic jam?

    • Novel

      Good afternoon. Samsung NoFrost refrigerator. Recently the refrigerator stopped working. After 12 hours of defrosting, everything returns to normal operation, but after a week an extraneous clicking sound appears and during the day the temperature rises to room temperature. Please tell me possible reasons. Thanks in advance.

  30. a lion

    Hello . The Liebherr CPes 40030 refrigerator started beeping about once every 8 hours after pressing the alarm button, the beeping stopped, but did not reach the desired temperature, I called the technicians and made different diagnoses. This confused me and I decided to fill it with freon (the walls are not swollen) the refrigerator is 14 years old, they filled everything according to the instructions, after refueling it did not work for a long time, it beeped, I pressed the button, the beeping stopped, but the indicator did not go out, the required temperature does not reach the compressor, it works constantly, if you switch only to the freezer, it quickly reaches -5, I turn on the salon, the temperature drops to 0+1, then the beep sounds again I press the alarm signal, the squeak disappears, the indicator is on, when you turn it on, you can hear the circulation of freon, the wall of the radiator grille heats up. What could it be?

  31. Shamil

    Very useful article. Thank you. The refrigerator is 4 and a half years old. Hisense KGNF324++EL. Almost immediately it began to make loud noises and crackling sounds. After a year and a half, cold. The camera failed. I removed the food and defrosted it quickly using electric power. fan for a short time with moderate heat (it was summer), turned it on - it works! A year later, cold again. The camera fails. I repeated the procedure. There is little benefit. It's only a little cold. And even then, perhaps the cold is coming from the freezer. Oddities with the internal lighting - it turns on for 2-3 minutes only if you pull out the plug and reinsert it into the socket. Everything else is fine. HOW TO LIVE WITH THIS, huh???

    • Novel

      The ancient frosts don't die! Quality? Simplicity of design?

  32. Alexander

    Hello! I have a problem with the POZIS NOFrost refrigerator. The freezer works, but the upper chamber freezes, but for some reason only halfway. There is cold in the lower part of the chamber, but not in the upper part.Tell me why this could be?

    • Peter

      check the air flow damper from the freezer

  33. Alexei

    Hello! The freezer works, the refrigerator does not. The light in the refrigerator constantly turns off and only turns on when you turn off the electricity. Leran refrigerator.

  34. Timur

    Hello! The freezer does not work (the refrigerator does work). And the sound of clicking appeared during operation. What could it be? Refrigerator LG gr-349sqf.

  35. Dmitriy

    In the freezer - 24 in the refrigerator + 15, the compressor does not turn off and even in the refrigerator compartment on the back wall ice forms in just one place and not along the entire wall. Refrigerator VESTEL

  36. Alexander

    Hello! Refrigerator Samsung RL34EC.(No Frost). One compressor. Service life 10 years. The refrigerator compartment does not work periodically, but the freezer compartment works normally. It stays turned off for a day, and then it starts to get cold. No ice, not overloaded. The drain was checked. Is it the electronic unit or something else? Please tell me. Thank you in advance.

  37. Novel

    My refrigerator is not cooling, but my freezer seems to be working. The condenser, suspiciously, is not particularly warm, 5 degrees warmer than other objects in the room. Some time ago the back wall of the refrigerator compartment froze. Single-compressor Indesit refrigerator.

  38. Novel

    The ancient frosts don't die! Quality? Simplicity of design?

  39. Tatiana

    We have a Samsung refrigerator. The top camera does not work. The freezer is working.

  40. Peter

    Samsung refrigerator, it’s hot now, the refrigerator compartment gradually began to cool slightly, the freezer is working. I thought it was because of the heat.There is a temperature control panel on the door and everything works. After looking at all the tips, I decided to check the sensor first. I disassembled the panel in the refrigerator compartment, found a sensor and below there is a damper that opens or closes with the help of a motor depending on the temperature conditions. So I noticed that the plastic fastening to the motor lever had broken on the damper, I fixed it and everything worked, lucky)))

    • Eugene

      I had the same problem! Apparently this is one of the weak points - plastic becomes brittle over time and at some point breaks..
      and one more thing: I noticed that this motor closes the valve every time (!!!) the door is opened! I wish this part wouldn’t break under such a load!

  41. Maksim

    Hello, please tell me why it is +11 in the refrigerator compartment, and -21 in the freezer, it works at maximum power... Atlant XM 4709-100
    It is written on the Internet that the temperature in the refrigerator should not exceed +6

  42. Bekzat

    Hello! Samsung cool n cool refrigerator, the refrigerator works, but the freezer does not, when I turn on the super button it works, but all the food in the refrigerator freezes. Another additional question, please tell me, before the freezer broke down, they called a repairman, due to the fact that the walls inside the refrigerator are wet at times, and then there is drizzling and a strong noise like crying, the repairman said that this is the norm for this model, is this true?

    Attached photos:
  43. Bekzat

    Hello! Samsung cool n cool refrigerator, the refrigerator works, but the freezer does not, when I turn on the super button it works, but all the food in the refrigerator freezes and the freezers are not filled with food.Another additional question, please tell me, before the freezer broke down, they called a repairman, due to the fact that the walls inside the refrigerator are wet at times, and then there is drizzling and a strong noise like crying, the repairman said that this is the norm for this model, is this true?

    Attached photos:
  44. Tatiana

    Our XM-6024 refrigerator is almost 15 years old; only the seal on the freezer compartment was replaced. I defrost the freezer 2 times a year. And once again (this was 2 months ago) I noticed that not all the cooler tubes had a snow coat formed. A freezer without automatic defrosting means something is broken. I'm sending a photo. Please help, our service center for Atlanteans did not answer me. Thank you in advance.

    Attached photos:
  45. Tamara


  46. Sergey

    I myself have been suffering for almost a year, the camera is not cooling, but the freezer is freezing. You have to disassemble everything and thaw it with a hair dryer, and then whatever happens, it can work for half a year without problems, or maybe in 3 days. The first days it cools down to 1 degree, and then it gradually rises, and at a wonderful moment the temperature no longer drops and take everything apart and thaw again. The sensors are the fan, the sensors are ringing, the heaters too - there is resistance. Unfortunately, I didn’t find any timer, just electronics. Cold hisense

  47. Eugene

    The indesit refrigerator (old version) began to freeze very strongly, I turn the regulator until it clicks (to the left) and it turns off, until it clicks to the right it turns on and starts to freeze (milk, potatoes, etc. freeze) what could be the reason?

  48. Svetlana

    indesit, the freezer is working but the refrigerator is not working, and there is a constant sound of “the babbling of a brook.” Give advice

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