Why the refrigerator does not turn off: a review of frequent breakdowns and how to fix them

A refrigerator is a familiar piece of equipment, but quite complex and not insured against breakdowns.Some faults are not immediately noticeable. For example, there are times when the refrigerator does not turn off. The device produces the required amount of cold, the food does not spoil, but the engine runs continuously.

This situation cannot be left unattended; it can get worse very quickly. We will tell you how to independently cope with a dangerous malfunction in the operation of refrigeration equipment. We'll show you how to fix the problem and prevent it from happening in the future.

Reasons for continuous operation of the refrigerator

Poor operating conditions or incorrect settings often cause the engine to run continuously.

Here are some common mistakes:

  • the device is installed in such a way that its rear grille touches the wall or is located almost close to it;
  • the refrigerator is too close to a hot radiator or other heating device;
  • the room where the device is located is too hot, the operating conditions are not met;
  • the built-in super-freezing function is enabled, which must be turned off manually or for some reason does not turn off automatically;
  • The thermostat is set to the minimum position, and the surrounding air is too warm.

All these situations are associated with a violation of the heat exchange regime.

Rules for placing refrigeration equipment
There must be a ventilation gap between the walls and the body of the refrigerator.Refrigeration equipment must not be installed near units that generate heat; the distance to the radiator must be at least half a meter

The device located next to the battery does not produce cold. The principle of its operation is based on constantly removing thermal energy from inside the refrigerator and transferring it to the surrounding air.

If the air is too hot, the heat will not be absorbed. Refrigerator compressor will continue to operate, unsuccessfully trying to reach the temperature set on the thermostat. As a result, the main working part of the equipment will quickly exhaust its working resource and become unusable.

Moreover, the greater the difference between the temperature inside the refrigerator and outside, the more thermal energy needs to be moved, and the more difficult it is for the equipment to achieve the required performance. For example, in super-freeze mode, heat exchange must be very intensive.

If the heat does not have time to leave the refrigerator, the temperature sensors will not record the level of cold set by the program, the command to turn off the compressor will not be received, and the equipment will continue to operate.

Compressor motor runs continuously
If the compressor motor runs continuously, you need to look for the reasons for the disruption of heat exchange between the refrigerator chamber and the surrounding space

There are other possible causes of this type of breakdown, related to wear of individual parts of the device. For example, if the integrity of the rubber gasket on the refrigerator door is damaged, this will lead to a violation of the tightness of the internal space.

It turns out that the refrigeration equipment takes thermal energy from the chamber, but the heat seeps inside through inconspicuous cracks.

Refrigerator repair
To correctly perform some repair operations, such as refrigerant charging, you need to use diagnostic tools and professional equipment

And although the air inside feels cold, information is received from the sensors that the temperature is not low enough. The compressor continues to run without stopping.

The next reason why a refrigerator can function this way is a breakdown refrigerator thermostat, which transmits incorrect information to the control center. Finally, the compressor itself may wear out and work with insufficient power, not providing sufficient temperature reduction.

Another reason why the refrigerator does not turn off is a freon leak. The refrigerant acts as a “carrier” of thermal energy in the system.

It absorbs scattered heat particles inside the refrigerator compartment, then moves it outside. If the amount of freon in the system is insufficient, the cooling rate will slow down, resulting in the refrigerator working constantly.

Refrigerator compressor
The compressor is the main element necessary for the normal operation of the refrigerator. If there is severe wear, it does not work intensively enough, the device needs to be replaced

Don't wait until the sound of the engine running becomes constant. If the intervals between turning off and turning on the compressor have noticeably decreased, and the periods of operation have increased, most likely it’s time to think about refilling equipment with freon.

It is somewhat easier for owners of modern refrigerators to identify the problem if the unit has a built-in self-diagnosis function. Failures can be reported by marked codes that are displayed on the control panel.

Diagnosis of refrigerator failure
For a detailed diagnosis of a refrigerator breakdown, you will have to contact an experienced technician who has the equipment necessary to conduct such an examination.

To decrypt the message, you need to use the operating instructions, which contain detailed information. However, you should not blindly trust this information; sometimes, in order to accurately identify not only the problem, but also its cause, you need to conduct a detailed diagnosis of the device’s condition.

Refrigerator control panel
The control panel of some modern refrigerators displays not only current information about its condition, but also codes for possible breakdowns

Typically, the compressor operating cycle lasts 10-30 minutes, after which the device turns off for approximately the same period. If the temperature in the room where the refrigerator is located noticeably increases for some time, the operating cycle may be slightly longer.

But if the compressor continues to operate in abnormal mode even after the outside temperature has dropped, it’s time to start diagnosing the condition of the device.

Ways to correct the situation yourself

To begin with, you should once again familiarize yourself with the recommendations for operating the refrigerator and check whether the real situation corresponds to what is written in the instructions.

Solving a problem by rearranging

If there is no gap between the refrigerator grille located at the back and the wall, or it is too small, simply move the unit.

Thermostat settings
If the refrigerator does not turn off, you need to check the thermostat settings. Too low a temperature in hot weather outside can cause excessive load on the compressor

The same should be done if the refrigerator is too close to the heat source.Most likely you will have to make a small rearrangement to place the device in a more suitable place. Then you need to check the temperature settings, measure the overall air temperature in the room, and correct the situation.

If after these simple manipulations the refrigerator begins to turn off regularly, you need to observe its operation. The compressor operating periods should not be too long.

Finding a violation in isolation

If the operating conditions are fine, or if the situation is corrected and the engine continues to run without stopping, it's time to look for other options.

Wear of the sealing gasket
Wear of the sealing gasket on the refrigerator door or its deformation can lead to depressurization and disruption of heat transfer inside the device

First you need to inspect the rubber seal around the perimeter of the refrigerator doors. Over time, the material could become deformed and begin to let air through. If the seal looks new and flexible enough, you can look for damage. A small hole causes many problems.

Conduct replacing the seal not difficult. To do this, you need to purchase a new element, remove the old rubber, clean the base and glue the intact gasket using special glue or epoxy resin. Of course, during work the refrigerator must be disconnected from the power supply.

One of the reasons for depressurization of the refrigerator chamber is improper installation of the refrigerator doors. This happens due to the inept actions of the master. This still happens, but happens less often, as a result of using defective elements.

If the seal is in order, you need to inspect the doors and their attachment points. A technician will help you identify and eliminate deficiencies.

Compressor start relay
The compressor can work without stopping due to the fact that the contacts of the start relay seem to stick at the connection point, breaking the circuit becomes impossible

Identifying technical faults

Problems often arise due to compressor start relay. This element turns the engine on and off to start the process of circulating coolant and cooling the air. Over time, the moving contacts of the device become welded, “stick” and stop opening.

As a result, the compressor remains energized and continues to operate continuously, regardless of the temperature sensor readings. To detect the presence of such a breakdown, you need to use an ohmmeter.

Installing a new relay is a complex operation; for beginners, it is better to delegate such repairs to a specialist so as not to completely damage the compressor. Freon leaks are not easy to diagnose at home. The refrigerant has no odor or color; it simply evaporates into the environment without causing harm.

Freon leak
Using a soap solution allows you to accurately identify areas of damage to the refrigeration circuit. To do this, pressurized air must be pumped into the system.

This video shows checking for freon leaks and diagnosing the condition of the capillary tube using the example of a BOSCH refrigerator:

It is also better to entrust refilling with freon to a specialist who has equipment suitable for this type of work. The location of the leak is determined by visual inspection of the circuit.

But the damage can be so invisible that to identify it you will have to open the refrigeration circuit and drain the remaining freon from it. Air is then pumped into the tubes under pressure.

It should be small so as not to aggravate existing damage, but at the same time sufficient for successful diagnosis. A soap solution is applied to the surface of the tubes, which will bubble in places where the seal is broken.

The air is bled off, the cracks are sealed, and then the refrigerant is poured into the system. In some difficult cases, when it is not possible to restore the tightness of the circuit on site, the refrigerator is taken to a service center for repairs.

Recharging with refrigerant
If the refrigerator operates without interruption due to a freon leak, you will have to unsolder a special tube to refill the system with a new portion of refrigerant

Refrigerator thermostats can have very different designs depending on the model of the refrigerator. If a rod in a device has come out, it is enough to simply adjust its position so that the unit starts working normally.

But it also happens that during defrosting, water gets inside the regulator. This leads to a short circuit in the electrical system; the thermostat will have to be completely replaced. To perform such work, it is better to invite a specialist who can correctly select the element to replace.

Replacing the thermostat
If the thermostat in the refrigerator breaks down and cannot be repaired, you will have to install a new element. The easiest way is to put the fallen rod back in place.

A control module malfunction can also only be diagnosed by a technician using testing equipment. An experienced refrigeration technician can fix minor problems right away.

But if the breakdown is complex, its elimination may require work not at home, but in a service center. For example, to flash the firmware, the electronic control board is removed, repaired at a service center, and then reinstalled.

Sometimes the reason for continuous operation of the unit can be a complex blockage of the capillary tube. Usually, to correct this situation, it is quite simple defrost the refrigerator correctly.

If this measure does not produce results, the master will have to perform significant disassembly of the mechanisms. It is often more convenient to do this at a service center, especially since the procedure may be associated with significant releases of moisture and technical contaminants.

Compressor replacement
Replacing a compressor is a complex operation that is best entrusted to an experienced refrigeration equipment repair technician; inept handling can ruin a new expensive unit

It also happens that in order to restore normal operation of the refrigerator it is necessary to completely replace a worn-out compressor or motor. This is a complex operation that amateur craftsmen rarely manage to perform satisfactorily; it is better to call a professional.

Depending on the refrigerator model, such replacement is performed directly on site or at a service center.

Recommendations for effective prevention

In many cases, problems can be avoided if you use your refrigerator correctly. The advice to read the instructions before starting operation seems banal and obvious, but is not always followed.

Here are a few more recommendations that will help protect your refrigerator from possible breakdowns:

  1. You need to choose the right place for installation at the very beginning and sometimes check the situation for compliance with the instructions, especially if furniture has been rearranged in the room, new heating devices have appeared, etc.
  2. The refrigerator should not be located where it is exposed to intense sunlight, even if this does not happen all year round, but only in certain months.
  3. You should always check how tightly the door seal fits against the body of the refrigerator, whether there is dirt on it, or whether there are other factors that could cause damage or deformation.
  4. There is no need to lean on the door or otherwise impact it, so as not to disrupt the integrity of the fasteners or damage the sealing gasket.
  5. You should not store too much food in the refrigerator, as this may lead to poor air circulation.
  6. It is not recommended to install any heavy objects or household appliances on the top panel of the device.

Defrosting rules are also described in detail in the instructions. This event even needs models with the “No Frost” system. Unless the instructions indicate otherwise, defrosting should be carried out at least once every six months. During the summer, additional procedures may be required.

Defrosting the refrigerator
After defrosting, the refrigerator must be disinfected with a solution of soda or alcohol, and then thoroughly wiped dry to prevent possible breakdowns in the future.

Once all the ice has melted, thoroughly wipe all surfaces to ensure they are dry. It wouldn't hurt to disinfect it first. To do this, wipe the chamber walls and door with a soda or alcohol solution. Before going on vacation, you also need to defrost the refrigerator and properly preserve it for the duration of your absence.

The door of the switched-off appliance should be left open. Some people simply push an object between the frame and the door to create a gap, but this is the wrong strategy.

This can seriously damage the seal, which will then have to be completely replaced.To prevent unpleasant odors from appearing in your refrigerator, you can leave an odor absorber or an open container of baking soda inside.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The reasons why the compressor does not turn off and diagnostic methods are described in detail here:

You cannot ignore the situation when the refrigerator stops turning off. As soon as too few interruptions in the operation of the compressor become noticeable, you immediately need to look for problems and try to eliminate them or call a technician.

If the operating conditions are observed, the likelihood of such breakdowns will be minimal.

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Visitor comments
  1. Andrey

    I also encountered the problem that the refrigerator stopped turning off. He chalked it up to the fact that it was hot in the apartment, especially in the kitchen, so it was difficult for him to get the temperature up. But when it got cooler, and the problem was not solved, I began to blame it on a refrigerant leak, which the repairman confirmed. He didn’t climb himself. After filling with freon the problem was solved. The refrigerator is working.

  2. Ira

    When my boyfriend and I moved into a new apartment, we didn’t know that we couldn’t place the refrigerator close to the radiator. There was very little space in the kitchen, so we tried to make the most of it. And yes, it ended with the refrigerator not turning off. We had to call a repairman, who explained what our mistake was.

  3. Karina

    We bought a refrigerator for our dacha.We bought it and left... Dad lives in the house all the time, he won’t notice anything, even if a tank passes nearby. A month later, my husband and I arrived and discovered that the refrigerator did not turn off at all. I went on the forums and started reading about the thermostat, relay, etc., after which I decided to call a repairman. The master shrugged his shoulders and suggested defrosting the refrigerator for 2 days and opening both doors. The interesting thing is that it worked. Maybe it will help someone if they encounter such a problem

  4. Ivan

    We had an old refrigerator and it also stopped turning off, especially in the summer when it was hot. The problem was with the thermostat. I checked it with a multimeter - after replacing it, it took a long time to gain power, but then it started to turn off as expected. They also recommended that I turn off and defrost the refrigerator and not use it for a couple of days, they say it helps, people mention this method here too. I haven't tried it myself.

  5. gayka.com.ua

    Good afternoon. Two-chamber refrigerator Atlant MKhM-1716-00 KShD-310/80 (1 compressor). After the next defrosting and thawing, the refrigerator compartment did not work at all, but the freezer did.

    The copper tube from the compressor to the freezer is hot, the tube to the refrigerator is slightly warm. The refrigerator has not been turned over, the seals are intact, etc. Repair technicians helped me and fixed everything.

  6. Tatiana

    Help me solve the problem! I have a Stinol 103 refrigerator, 2 compressors. The freezer stopped working in hot weather. I called the repairman - without any diagnostics, he said that the compressor needed to be changed. I had an S 111LKAA with R12 freon, I was offered to wait 2-3 weeks for an Austrian one for 12 thousand rubles or install an Atlant for 4 thousand. R. straightaway.There was no way out, I had to agree to Atlant, when asked about power, I answered: what kind of power is needed. Before leaving, he warned that the compressor would run in for 5-7 days and work very loudly without turning off. Nothing changed for more than 2 weeks, they reassured me. Then 2 repairmen arrived and replaced it with a new one. Everything seemed to be quiet and freezing. The 3 months of warranty passed and my thermostat broke already in the refrigerator compartment and it turned out that they installed an overly powerful SKO-140 compressor on R 134 in my freezer and it does not turn off. Temperature -32-37 degrees at 1 or 0.5. We tried replacing the thermostat with a new one of the same brand, nothing changed. They returned the original thermostat to its place (the master adjusted the removed thermostat in advance - everything seemed to turn off at 1 and 2 when it reached 24 and 27 degrees). They put it in place - it works for 12 hours, it only gains 22-24 g). It is most likely switched off by the safety relay. The back wall and compressor are very hot. What is the problem? If you change the compressor again, tell me what power is needed and what brands are suitable. We had no luck with the craftsmen; not only did they charge 2.5 times more expensive, but they also delivered the wrong thing. I’ll figure it out myself so that the next master doesn’t deceive me.

  7. Evgenich

    Very useful article. Everything is described in great detail. Thank you very much.

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