Do-it-yourself dishwasher repair: analysis of breakdowns and errors + troubleshooting nuances

If your dishwasher breaks down, do not rush to call the service center.Perhaps the problem can be fixed on your own, without additional investment.

To do this, you need to carry out diagnostics and identify the cause of the breakdown. The error code and explanations in the instructions will tell you whether you can repair the dishwasher yourself or whether you will have to call a professional.

How to correctly determine the cause of a breakdown and what can be done in a particular case? We will examine all these issues in detail in our article, paying attention to popular types of faults and ways to eliminate them.

How to solve problems with a new dishwasher

Repair activities should not be started without checking the warranty periods for the dishwasher. Most often, the manufacturer provides a 1-year warranty, but responsible companies extend the period of free repair or replacement to 5 years.

If the machine breaks down during the first year of operation, it is not recommended to disassemble or replace spare parts yourself. You should immediately contact the store where you purchased the dishwasher and clarify the repair rules.

Sales consultant in a store
When purchasing a PMM, you should also inquire about the warranty period. If they are not indicated in the product card, then the sales consultant should provide complete information

Approximate procedure:

  • submitting an application for warranty repair - the store or service center must provide a special form or fill it out yourself;
  • choosing a convenient time to remove equipment;
  • drawing up a transfer act at the time of export;
  • if desired, submit an application for the issuance of replacement goods.

The last point is written in law “On the protection of consumer rights” (v.20). The application is handed over to the store representatives against signature, the original is kept by the buyer. Instead of broken equipment, they issue a new one of the same class for the entire repair period.

Service center workers transport equipment
If the device weighs 5 kg or more, the store takes care of its delivery to the service center. Dishwashers belong to the category of equipment with free transportation

But you shouldn’t always rush to hand over your equipment for repair. To ensure that seemingly correct actions do not turn out to be an incident, you should first check whether the machine is connected correctly. So, the dishwasher may not work because you forgot to plug the plug into the socket or open the water supply tap.

If you installed and connected the dishwasher yourself, it would be a good idea to check whether everything was connected correctly. We have given the main nuances of self-connection in next article.

It is necessary to check whether the wiring is working properly and whether the circuit breaker in the apartment electrical panel is turned on. You can check the current supply to the outlet using another electrical appliance.

If all connection steps have been completed correctly, but the new machine does not perform the task or works intermittently, we recommend using warranty service.

Typical breakdowns and repair recommendations

With machines whose warranty period has expired, everything is simpler - you can disassemble them, try to replace small parts yourself, and if you have enough experience, then carry out complex repairs.

Let's look at the most common problems faced by dishwasher owners and find out how to get these irreplaceable assistants to work.

Problem #1 - poor cleaning quality

If your dishwasher does not wash dishes well and does not completely wash the dishes, we are looking for the reasons for the “wrong behavior”.

Whitish stains on plates, food residues smeared on the bottom of a pan, glasses that have lost their transparency - all these are signs of poor-quality washing.

They appear when the rules for operating the machine are violated or the wrong choice of detergents is used. Recommendations for choosing the best detergents we brought here.

Poor cleaning is also often caused by untimely cleaning of filters.

It’s easier to start checking by inspecting the internal surfaces and parts. It is necessary to unscrew the filters, remove the spray arms, thoroughly clean everything with brushes under running water and put it back in place.

How does this happen:

The filter mesh on the water supply hose also needs to be washed regularly. If it becomes clogged with dirt particles, the water pressure weakens, and the dishes are poorly rinsed.

Incorrectly selected detergents or improper dosage also affect the quality of washing.

The lack of rinse aid results in powder stains remaining on glass and ceramic dishes. The same result is achieved by using products not intended for use in PMM.

Carefully read the instructions for the machine, especially the section on detergents, and also read the recommendations of the manufacturers of three-in-one tablets, powders and rinse aids.

Dirt on the dishes
Dirt on the dishes can also remain due to poor preparation of heavily soiled pans and pots. If large, hard, dried-on pieces of food are not removed, some of them will remain or end up in adjacent trays

Be sure to follow the stacking order recommended by the manufacturer - place cups in the top tray, plates in the middle, and large utensils in the bottom. If you violate the scheme, then heavily soiled dishes will not receive sufficient care.

Problem #2 - water remains inside the case

A small puddle at the bottom of the washing chamber is a sign of normal functioning of the machine.

A certain amount of liquid is necessary to maintain a certain level of humidity - with it, rubber seals do not dry out and remain elastic longer. But excess water is a signal of a malfunction of the PMM.

Water in the dishwasher tray
If the water level in the pan is above 1 cm, and food remains are floating in the cloudy liquid, then you need to look for the cause of the breakdown in the drain pumping system

There are several main reasons for water stagnation in the pan:

  • outlet hose connected too high, which is why the water is in no hurry to leave the washing chamber; it is necessary to lower the outlet to a height of 35-45 cm;
  • blockagecaused by improper care - filters should be cleaned approximately once every 1-2 weeks;
  • water pump – malfunction of the pumping device;
  • sensor – breakdown of the water level sensor.

If the first two reasons can be eliminated on your own, then difficulties may arise with the second. Broken sensors or pump require replacement.

The best way out is to invite a specialist from the service center for detailed diagnostics and selection of suitable spare parts.

Both types of parts (pump and sensor) can be original or alternative. The original ones usually cost more, while the Chinese counterparts are cheaper.

However, when trying to save money, do not go wrong with the quality of spare parts - it is better to read reviews in advance and consult with a service employee.

Problem #3 - unexpected machine shutdown

A dishwasher that stops working before the end of the cycle is an alarming signal. An isolated case can be explained by an electronic system failure or a power surge, but regular shutdowns most likely indicate problems with the power supply.

To begin with, you can apply a restart - press the button "on" after 20-30 seconds. If the washing process has started, the current in the network has stabilized.

If the network is weak and overloads occur from time to time, it is better to invest in stabilizer - this way you will prevent possible failures and thereby save machine parts.

The cause of a temporary lack of voltage in the network can be electrical installations - sockets, tees or filters.

“Middlemen” between the outlet and the power cord should be avoided; it is better to use a direct connection. But if you still use a surge protector, then choose a device with a fuse.

Heater in the dishwasher
Often a shutdown occurs due to a breakdown of the heating element (the arrow points to it in the figure). A thick layer of limescale or a hole leads to overload and the machine automatically switches off

If you have previously replaced the heating element in a boiler or washing machine, you can also repair the dishwasher. It is important to correctly select a part similar to the broken one and carefully install it.

Do you have a Bosch dishwasher and is it having problems with the heating element? We recommend that you read instructions for replacing the heating element with your own hands.

The most difficult thing is when the dishwasher is constantly stopped by the control module with malfunctions in the program. It is almost impossible to repair it on your own, so it is better to invite a specialist to diagnose and repair it.

Problem #4 - unregulated water drainage

Such a malfunction may not be noticed immediately. The motor and pump of the machine are constantly in operation, water enters and immediately leaves the washing chamber, while the dishes still remain dirty.

If you look at the cold water meter, the problem can be identified faster - it collects liters that are wasted down the drain.

Error E15 in a Bosch dishwasher
If the sensors are working properly, an error code appears on the display. It differs for different brands. For example, Bosch dishwashers issue code E15 - activation of the Aquastop system, which protects against leaks

However, sometimes the electronic control system does not work, and you have to guess based on indirect signs - water drainage, pump operation.

If the water inlet valve is faulty, the process of filling and draining becomes endless.Water flows in, but there is no signal to stop. An overflow is created, which is eliminated by automatically turning on the pump.

In such cases, you can do one of the following:

  1. Turn off the water.
  2. Turn off the power supply.
  3. Reach the connection point for the inlet hose.
  4. Disconnect the hose and remove the filter.
  5. Locate the valve and check its functionality.

Use a multimeter to check. The probes are attached to the intake valve contacts and determine the resistance. The norm is 500-1500 Ohms, other values ​​indicate a malfunction. The broken part must be replaced.

Another reason is electronic failure. The repair can be done by anyone who can resolder the pump triac or perform similar actions. Otherwise, it is better to contact the service center.

Problem #5 - dishes are not drying

Remaining drops of water on dishes can turn into unsightly spots and stains, so the dishes must be dried thoroughly. If the dishwasher regularly does not dry the dishes, we determine the reasons on our own.

The most common type of drying in budget and mid-range dishwashers is condensation.

That is, the dishes dry naturally, and only the body heated after washing helps them do this. Once the metal cools, the drying process will slow down. To extend it, the car door is opened slightly.

Drying dishes with a towel
You can use a towel and dry all the plates by hand, but it is better to find out what is causing the drying problem and fix the problem if possible.

The first reason is a breakdown of the heating element or temperature sensor. Repairs will not bring much success, so it is better to replace these parts immediately. When replaced at a service center, they sometimes provide a 6-month warranty on the newly installed part.

The second reason is the fan. It applies to machines equipped with turbo drying. If the fan fails, the forced supply of hot air stops and the dishes remain damp.

The solution is to replace the fan. It can be located both in the upper and lower parts of the washing chamber, and on some models - on the side.

When choosing a new one, you should consider the make and model of the car. A “non-original” part will not fully cope with its task, so try to choose an analogue of the broken device that is suitable in terms of technical characteristics.

Problem #6 - The car makes a loud noise

This is one of the most common complaints received from consumers when a dishwasher is sent in for repair. A loud noise, not typical for a working machine, indicates the failure of one of the parts.

There are two main reasons: worn out bearing circulation pump supplying water, or the pumping pump has failed water pump.

To replace the bearing, you must remove the pump by following these steps:

  • turn off the power supply;
  • dismantle the pallet;
  • unscrew the pump, loosening the clamps;
  • Carefully disconnect the wires and pipes.

Having removed the pump, we disassemble it to get to the bearing. First, remove the heating element, then remove the impeller and armature.

Dishwasher pump
Unfortunately, the parts of modern inexpensive machines are not reliable and can last on average 3-4 years. Then the worn out parts are replaced again.

In the depths, under the other parts, there is a bearing. Under it there is a gasket, which is also a consumable. If it is worn out, it is better to replace it immediately, otherwise you will have to disassemble the pump again later.

We take out the “knocking” bearing and insert a new one in its place. We perform assembly in reverse order.

Installing a new pump follows the same procedure: we dismantle the old device, find the breakdown and, if it is serious and cannot be repaired, replace it. For ease of work, the machine can be placed on its side if conditions permit.

Problem #7 - foam does not wash off after washing

The dish cleaning process is designed in such a way that first the detergent enters the chamber, then the rinse aid, and at the end all remaining substances are washed off with water.

If at the end of the cycle there are foam residues left on the bottom of the chamber, on the walls or baskets, this indicates either improper use of detergents or a failure in the settings.

Foam inside the dishwasher
Some users do not spare the powder, do not follow its dosage, and, on the contrary, do not use the rinse aid. As a result, the foam is poorly washed off and remains on the dishes and elements of the lower section.

To avoid violent foaming, you need to study the instructions, remember the dosage and follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

A number of models are not designed for the use of 3-in-1 tablets. As a result, the machine does not correctly recognize the product, and by the end of the cycle it does not have time to completely dissolve.

If the function of using universal tablets is present, but separate products were previously installed, you need to change the dishwasher settings. How this happens is described in detail in the instructions.

A clogged filter can also be the cause of excessive foam at the bottom of the box. Remains of food serve as an obstacle to the drainage of water, especially foamy water, as a result of which some of it remains at the bottom by the end of the cycle. The situation will be improved by simply cleaning the filter.

Electronic prompts about the type of failure

Modern models are equipped with many sensors that control most processes.They are located on the inside of the body, near the valves, behind the walls and are sensitive to water level and temperature changes.

As soon as an emergency situation occurs, the sensors give a signal, the relay is activated and stops the washing process. The dishwasher's error code is displayed on the electronic display, which can be used to determine the reason for its stopping.

Error on dishwasher display
You cannot use the codes of one brand to determine breakdowns of another - the symbols differ for different manufacturers. They usually have alphanumeric designations

List of codes can be found at the end of the instructions, in the repair section. It usually takes the form of a table, which contains the designations themselves, a list of breakdowns and recommendations for eliminating them.

Fragment of a table with Bosch model codes
Fragment of a table with Bosch SMV44IX model codes. The explanations from the last column help to cope with the problem without resorting to calling specialists

Sometimes self-diagnosis produces a code indicating several reasons at once - you will have to check the likelihood of all of them one by one. If the breakdown is serious, then in the table you can find the recommendation “contact the service center” or “call a specialist.”

In older models, especially those that have undergone more than one repair, the electronics often suffer and malfunctions occur.

If the machine obviously produces an incorrect code, you should have it repaired or think about buying a new one - kitchen appliances, like other appliances, have a limited service life.

We discussed popular breakdowns of dishwashers from well-known brands, error codes and methods for eliminating them in our following articles:

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

How to repair heating elements from Bosch and Siemens - error code E09:

When and how to replace the water supply valve:

Self-repair of the pump - video instructions:

Repairing a dishwasher yourself makes sense if you are confident in your abilities or there are clear instructions from the manufacturer. Complex breakdowns, such as failure of an electronic board or motor, are best delegated to qualified craftsmen.

The advantage of contacting a service center is a guarantee for the newly installed part, and the advantage of replacing or repairing it yourself is saving money.

Would you like to supplement our material with information about other breakdowns, explaining the reasons for their occurrence and recommendations for elimination? Write your comments below under this material, add unique photos of the working unit or the part discussed in your comment.

If you still have questions about troubleshooting, do not hesitate to ask our experts and other site visitors in the comments section.

Visitor comments
  1. Victor

    I try to repair equipment myself. No wonder there is a proverb: “It’s not the Gods who make the pots.” When a problem arose with the dishwasher, I immediately found the manual that came with it. All common errors are listed there. Although I myself suspected that the heating element had failed because the water stopped heating. I took it off and found exactly the same one on the market. It was actually not difficult to replace, everything was carefully disconnected and then reconnected in the same sequence. That's all.

  2. Ilona

    I wouldn't risk fixing the dishwasher myself. One wrong move and you'll have to buy a new one.We had a situation at home where the dishes were washed poorly, after calling the technician, it turned out that the heating element had burned out. We definitely wouldn’t replace it ourselves, since we don’t know where to buy it. And there is no time for that. So, the repair should be carried out by a master who even has spare parts for this, and there is no need to run around looking for it.

  3. Alexei

    My Ariston lsfk 7b09 washes non-stop. The program does not finish washing. It turns and turns its impellers))) When forced to stop and command to drain, it drains everything, everything is hot inside. Unfortunately, you don’t have a solution to this problem... Maybe someone can tell me?

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. First of all, I would like some details. We are sure that we can answer your question, but without additional information, unfortunately, it will not work out well.

      I'm interested in what indicators blink when this error occurs, whether there is any extraneous noise, how it reacts to the given programs (does everyone have this problem). So far, the only option is a malfunction of the control module. It cannot, for some reason, allow all nodes to work at the time specified by the timer. It is impossible to determine what exactly to do without diagnostics. The module needs to be re-flashed, repaired or replaced.

    • Vadim

      Perhaps the machine has a water purity sensor installed - an aqua sensor, stick some small thing to it and the machine reads that the water is dirty and washes the dishes again

  4. Andrey

    Hello. Dishwasher Bosch SGS45М22EU/52, there is a washing function in the upper box. During automatic washing, the lower impeller stopped working. I checked it, it rotates freely, there is no blockage. Maybe the water flow switch is broken, where is it located? I will repair it myself. Thank you.

    • Vadim

      It’s a troublesome task. Be careful with the teeth. Or better yet, put marks that make it easier to collect. and check the entire channel for blockage, not just the impeller

  5. Oleg

    Hello, please tell me the compatibility of Siemens 9000 105 016 and 9000 156 216 control modules for the Bosch SGS 55E32EU dishwasher

  6. Vyacheslav

    Hello. I have a hotpoint ariston lst 11477. Water is poured in, and then nothing happens, the water does not heat up and the circulation motor does not turn on. The motor itself is in good working order, clean inside. When you turn off the machine, it drains. The board is externally clean with no signs of burnt parts. Tell me the reason and whether it is possible to ring the board if this is the problem. The car is far away in the country.

    • Administration

      Good afternoon. For an accurate answer as to what exactly the malfunction is, you need to contact a specialist.

  7. Vyacheslav

    As far as I remember, the third LED starts blinking

  8. Dmitriy

    Good afternoon I have a hotpoint ariston lst 11477. It’s at the dacha, we tried to start it after the winter. The water is poured and the machine stands up, three indicators begin to blink and the water is drained. What exactly needs to be cleaned? or has the engine gone bad? disconnect the engine, check for blockages and try to spin the blades?

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