Ariston Hotpoint dishwasher errors: error codes and how to resolve them

The developers of Ariston Hotpoint dishwashers thought through not only the design, but also provided the ability to quickly identify malfunctions in the operation of the equipment. The cars themselves signal that a breakdown is brewing.The code displayed on the panel gives the owner the right to decide whether the service center will handle the repairs or he himself will do the repairs. Convenient, right?

You will learn how errors in an Ariston Hotpoint dishwasher are determined from our article. It describes in detail what the program laid down by the engineers warns about. It is described in detail what you can do on your own to correct the situation, and when it is better to contact repairmen.

The article we presented describes the subtleties of diagnostics and gives advice, if followed, the risk of breakdown and failure of the machine is sharply reduced. Photos, video recommendations and reviews are provided as a useful informative addition.

Problems with water intake or drainage

PMM Ariston has a self-diagnosis system. As soon as the control module detects a malfunction, it immediately stops executing the program and displays a hint code.

Let's look at the most common mistakes - from easily fixable ones to those requiring specialist intervention.

AL01 – leak in the car

This code indicates a loss of tightness in the PMM connections. If you look inside the dishwasher, you will probably find water on the tray and a floating “float”, which gave the control board a signal about a problem under the code 01.

On devices without a digital screen, the lights will blink: for machines with 4 programs, the first diode will blink, for a model with 6 modes, the third from the left will blink.

Water leak in PMM
Ariston Hotpoint dishwashers have an AquaStop protection system that blocks the water supply, but sometimes it works not only in an emergency, but also when using highly foaming detergents

What should be done:

  1. Disconnect the device from the power supply. If water is already on the floor, you need to act carefully so as not to step into a puddle.
  2. If the protection is triggered when the tank is full, press the drain program and wait until the chamber is empty.
  3. Shut off the water supply valve to the PMM.
  4. Inspect the rubber band on the device door, check the hose connections, the condition of the clamps and all accessible components. If you find a leak, try fixing the parts or updating the seals. It is better to replace failed consumables, hoses and rubber bands.
  5. During long-term operation, the cause of depressurization may be corrosion of the working chambers. Although Ariston Hotpoint models use high-strength steel, leaks are possible. In this case, worn areas are treated with special sealants and soldering.

If you were unable to find the culprit on your own, you will have to call a technician with a repair kit, who will carry out diagnostics and help determine the reason for the car stopping.

AL02 – no water flows into the machine

Machines with 4 modes without a display will be signaled by flashing the second diode from the left, and those designed for 6 - by the fourth. The first thing to do if there is an error 02 – make sure that there is water in the system, but for some reason does not enter the device.

To do this, you can simply open the tap at the nearest water intake point. It wouldn’t hurt to check the shut-off valve if it is installed separately for the PMM.

Filter in the inlet hose
The inlet filter is installed inside the inlet hose, and its small cells often suffer from rust particles from the water supply, fine sand and other foreign matter

Causes of error 02 and their elimination:

  1. The system has low pressure, i.e. Water flows from the tap under low pressure. The machine does not have enough power, and it will not work. In this case, you should simply postpone washing the dishes until normal flow returns.
  2. The door latch is broken, so the device does not start executing the program, so as not to cause a flood.
  3. The inlet filter or inlet hose is clogged with various impurities found in tap water. In this case, you need to unscrew the fill hose, make sure that it is not pinched and is in good condition. Then rinse it and the protective mesh under good pressure.
  4. Problem with the supply valve. If a blockage is not detected, and water still does not flow into the machine, most likely, the water supply valve has stopped receiving the voltage required from its opening/closing. In 99% of cases, the cause of such a breakdown is power surges. In this case, it is better to replace the part with a new one and connect the device through a stabilizer.

If the machine is under warranty, it is better to contact a service center to replace failed elements.

Replacing sprinklers
If the device not only periodically displays an error, but also does not wash and rinse dishes well, most likely the problem lies in the upper or lower spray arm

Long-term machines have one of the most common breakdowns under the code 01 may indicate worn fasteners in the internal spray system. This kind of damage is easy to fix yourself.

To check the system status, you need to:

  • Remove the lower basket of the dishwasher - the lower spray arm is installed underneath it. Its blades need to be unscrewed and removed.
  • Now inspect the fastener - it is essentially a plastic or metal ring that may have cracks or other damage. If problems are found, it is better to replace the mount (and the sprinkler itself) by unscrewing the old fastener using a wrench, and then install a new holder.
  • The top spray arm is attached to the top basket. To get to it, you need to pull out the tray, release the stops and unscrew the rotating blades.
  • Here you need to check the rubber sealing ring, the fastening nut and the water supply channel, if necessary, replace the broken elements and reassemble the system.

The reasons for failure of parts are most often scale, penetration of small objects, or natural wear and tear during active use. But such repairs are quite easy to do with your own hands, the main thing is to select an exact match of the parts for your PMM model.

AL03 and AL05 - problems with the drain or pump

Often the reason the machine stops is due to blockages from food residues on the dishes. If the drain hose, pump or pipe is clogged and the maximum time allowed for draining water has been exceeded.

The machine will signal with numbers 03. In machines without a display, this will be the simultaneous blinking of 1 and 2 or 3 and 4 diodes (for 4 and 6 programs, respectively).

Drain filter
Checking the drain starts with the filter, which is located at the bottom of the dishwasher - it must be carefully removed, disassembled and washed

In this case, you first need to make sure that the hose is passable - it may simply be pinched or clogged with a “plug” of food waste, as a result of which the pump cannot push waste water into the sewer.

If checking the filter and hose did not help solve the drain problem, the reason may lie in a faulty drain pump.The condition of its connections and wiring is checked with a multimeter. If the voltage indicator is insufficient, the part requires replacement.

Dishwasher pump repair
If the pump or water level sensor fails, the dishwasher will signal with code 05 or the diodes 1 and 3 or 3 and 5 will flash simultaneously

Drainage problems may also be caused by:

  • There is a break in the wiring leading to the pump - you need to “ring” and, if necessary, solder the contacts.
  • Penetration of a small object into the pump impeller - the part is disassembled and the interference is eliminated by mechanical cleaning.
  • If the water level sensor is broken or its tube is clogged, you need to check the voltage and, if necessary, clean the part.
  • Problems with the operation of the pump triac on the control module - the element must be replaced with a new one.
  • Incorrect drain hose connection. On some models there is a special code for this error A14, which lights up if the waste water, instead of going down the drain, returns back to the machine.

The most difficult case is a board malfunction. But sometimes the problem can be solved with the help of a simple “resuscitation” of the electronics - turn off the power to the device, give 10-20 minutes to rest and reboot.

But even if this method worked, the failure can happen again at any time, so you should contact repairmen from the service center to inspect and reflash the board - perhaps the contacts have come loose or the module tracks need to be re-soldered.

With typical actions in case of failure of a dishwasher of any brand to drain dirty water read the article, completely devoted to this issue.

Heater malfunction

If you notice that the machine washes dishes with cold water, the problem most often lies in a malfunction of the heating system.It is easy to detect a malfunction: the body of the device remains cold throughout the entire cycle, and traces of fat, food and coloring drinks remain on the dishes themselves, which are usually easily removed with warm water.

Checking the voltage of the heating element
If there is a problem in the power supply circuit of the heating element, the dishwasher can heat the water, but this process can take 30-40 minutes, increasing the operating time of the machine

Possible errors and their interpretation:

  • AL04 – malfunction in the power supply circuit of the NTC temperature sensor. For machines without a display, this will be the signal from diode No. 3 or No. 5 (for 4 and 6 programs, respectively). In this case, it is necessary to disassemble the machine, inspect and check the voltage at the sensor contacts.
  • AL08 – malfunction of the heating sensor (4 diodes blinking). If the PMM signals a sensor malfunction, this does not mean that it has failed. Perhaps the part is poorly secured to the tank or there is a break in the wiring in the circuit from the module to the sensor.
  • AL10 – problems with the heating element (simultaneous flashing of 2 and 4 or 4 and 6 diodes). The cause of the problem may be a break in the chain of wires leading to the heating element, a burnt-out relay on the control module, or combustion of the heating element itself. Such failures are common in areas with hard water. In this case, you need to disassemble the machine, check the wiring, and possibly replace the heater or module.

Since restoring the heating system requires dismantling, disassembling the device and professional diagnostics, you should not attempt it yourself without decent experience working with electronics. In this case, the most correct decision would be to contact the Ariston service center.

Decoding codes for Ariston cars without a display
For Ariston Hotpoint models that are not equipped with a digital display, you can use this decoding table to independently diagnose the most common breakdowns (+)

But sometimes problems with the heating system can be the result of improper operation. For example, if the machine is not connected correctly, it will constantly draw and drain water without having time to heat it up.

Alas, such cases are not uncommon if you entrust the installation of a PMM to an inexperienced technician. The solution here is obvious - dismantle and reconnect the device.

There are malfunctions in the operation of equipment that the owner himself can correct without any problems. Methods of execution DIY dishwasher repair are described in the article we recommend. In addition, the technical documentation for the equipment always contains a description of the simplest defects and actions to eliminate them.

Another easily fixable problem is a clogged filter, as a result of which water circulation deteriorates and the heater simply does not turn on. Therefore, before contacting the service center, try to clean the filters, hoses and check this guess.

Errors of key elements of the device

Clearing blockages and replacing worn gaskets is a task that does not require special qualifications or special tools. But when the electronics or the main components of the device fail, you have to partially disassemble the machine and know how to properly dismantle and check its elements.

Replacing the control module
Repairing the control board requires serious skills in working with electronics, but replacing it is quite simple - you just have to disassemble the dishwasher door, remove the control panel and disconnect the sensors with wires

Serious malfunctions in the operation of the dishwasher, requiring a mandatory call from a certified service technician, include the error 06 — disturbances in the power supply circuit of the fill valve.

The video will introduce you to the features of identifying and eliminating breakdowns:

Complex breakdowns in which it is better to call a specialist:

  • AL07, AL08, AL09 – errors in the operation of the control module.
  • AL10 – problems with the heating element or electrics of the intake valve.
  • AL11 – failure of the circulation pump that supplies heated water to the sprinkler system. If this part breaks, the machine will draw water, heat it, but at the washing stage it will turn off.
  • AL99 – means that there is a break in the internal wiring or damage to the network cable. Requires checking all wires or replacing the control module.

If such errors appear, you should first clean the filters and reboot the system. If you know how to use a multimeter, check the resistance of the thermistor, heating element, circulation pump and inlet valve.

But the problem with such failures is that any technician, even offhand, can name a dozen possible breakdowns for each of these errors. Therefore, it is still better to carry out a complete diagnosis of the device.

The author of the video talks in detail about the causes and methods of eliminating breakdowns indicated by code numbers 10 and 11:

Ways to prevent dishwasher breakdowns

Although the Ariston Hotpoint is a very reliable dishwasher, operating errors can damage it too. The equipment will promptly “inform” about all types of possible malfunctions; you just need to figure it out nuances of deciphering codesto determine the necessary and sufficient measures to eliminate the cause of the disruption.

And in order not to become a regular customer of repair shops, you just need to follow operating rules and follow a few tips that will extend the life of your equipment.

Pill compartment
In some models, if used incorrectly, code 13 is displayed, which means that the valve in the detergent compartment cannot open due to powder residues or the dishes are not stacked correctly.

Recommendations for use:

  • Ariston Hotpoint has filters that purify water from various impurities. To avoid clogging, they must be cleaned in a timely manner.
  • It is recommended to install a grease filter at the entrance to the sewer to avoid external blockages.
  • To make the machine easier to operate, wipe the dishes with a napkin before loading to remove any remaining food.
  • If your water supply has hard water, use regenerating softener salts or install a special filter at the entrance to the PMM.
  • Do not use soap, shampoos or other substances not intended for dishwashing equipment as cleaning ingredients. Only specialized dishwashers are suitable for operating dishwashers. detergents with characteristic low foaming.
  • Do not overload the dishwasher with items. Manufacturer's recommendations for loading the dishwashergiven in the data sheet.
  • After each start of the machine, wash and dry the tablet tray.
  • Place dishes so that they do not touch or block the spray arms.

And the last piece of advice - at least once a month, arrange a “clean day” for your assistant, running it in idle mode along with a cleanser and disinfectant.

Conclusions on the topic

If you are well versed in repairing household appliances and are planning to troubleshoot your dishwasher yourself, then you should try it. True, there is a sure way to avoid such troubles - compliance with operating rules.

The Ariston Hotpoint dishwasher is a faithful assistant that, with proper care and proper operation, will serve without problems or breakdowns for many years.However, if you still encounter a problem with the electronics or control module, it is better to immediately contact a qualified technician without wasting time on independent experiments with equipment repair.

Would you like to tell us how your dishwasher code system helped you identify the cause of a malfunction in a timely manner? Do you have information that is worth sharing with site visitors? Please write comments in the block below, post photos related to the topic of the article, and ask questions.

Visitor comments
  1. Alexei

    It is very good that modern PMM can show what kind of breakdown occurred. This, however, is convenient, and also helps you correct errors in the operation of the equipment yourself, without turning to a specialist. You can immediately estimate how long the repair will take, and that the service technician won’t fool you by inventing a non-existent breakdown. After all, not everyone is so smart and can diagnose themselves.

  2. Nastya

    I seem to have error AL02. I rechecked all the taps - everything is in order, everything flows with normal pressure, everything is open. The latch on the door is also visually in order. So, apparently, the problem is in this valve. The machine worked for two and a half years without a single problem, but here it is. Naturally, there is no longer a guarantee. Now I don't know what to do. Apparently, you'll have to call a professional.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. This error means problems with water heating, not drainage and fill. This could be a heating element, wiring, temperature controller, and so on. Diagnostics and assistance from a specialist are necessary.

      • Oksana

        Hello, I have a Hotpoint Ariston LSF 835, it gives the error “A10”. Please tell me what is this?

      • Andrey

        At hotpoint Ariston gave an AL-11 error, what is it and can I fix it myself?

      • Marina

        Good afternoon, we have a Hotpoint Ariston CIS LI 460A, when turned on the 4th indicator on the left lights up, the machine does not work and some sound is heard, tell me what the problem is

        Attached photos:
      • Vyacheslav

        But for me it doesn’t show any error, the washing process starts as usual, but then something starts knocking inside from below, the knocking is repeated periodically, about two hours pass, the machine signals that the washing process is complete, but the dishes turn out to be wet, but not washed, steam is pouring out of the compartment, the tablet is either in place with the dispenser lid open or lying somewhere among the dishes

    • Anna

      Our siphon clogged and water went into the Ariston dishwasher, the siphon was replaced, but the dishwasher turns on and starts draining, there is no water in it, it drains into a dry one, the pump runs idle. The water sensor is blinking. How to fix the problem?

  3. Vladimir

    PMM Hotpoint Ariston model LST 11477 four software. The 1st, 3rd and 4th LEDs flash. There are no descriptions in the instruction manual, nor on this website. Tell me what is the problem?

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. I suspect that the problem is with the control module, but another serious malfunction could have led to its “glitches”. A high-quality visual inspection and testing of the system is necessary. Leave it to the experts.

      • Dmitriy

        Vladimir! I have the same error as you. Flashing 1, 3 and 4. How did all this end for you?

        • Ivan

          Hello, have you solved the problem, please tell me. Same problem.

  4. Vyacheslav

    Regarding the video with errors 10.11.What a great idea to disable thermal fuses! They are probably installed there for a reason.

  5. Yuri

    The 1st and 3rd LEDs flash. What to do?

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. Problem with the pressure switch. Call a specialist. We cannot advise you anything further, since the problem is not described in detail. You can check the hoses without a technician...

  6. Dmitriy

    Good afternoon I have a HOTPOINT ARISTON LTF 11S112 L dishwasher. When starting, after 20 seconds it starts beeping regularly and does not work. When the door is opened, the letter H appears on the display. I couldn’t find what this error was either in the instructions or on the Internet.

    • Maria

      Dmitry, were you able to decipher the error? What's the reason for the breakdown?

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      A very interesting error. To be honest, this is the first time I’ve heard of this, but the letter “H” is typical for washing machines.

      Let's assume that, like a washing machine, this error means low water pressure or a faulty water fill valve. In any case, even if you can diagnose the problem yourself, you are unlikely to eliminate it.

      What you can do:

      1. Check the supply hoses for integrity.
      2. Clean the filter and injectors.
      3. Also, your symptoms are very similar to a breakdown of the circulation pump.


      Especially for you, we checked with the manufacturer that the H20 problem really indicates problems with the water supply, equal to its formula - H2O. The manufacturer wanted the best so that the error would be better remembered, but it turns out that for some reason this error is not in the instructions. I advise you to call a specialist to fully test the system using appropriate instruments.

    • Sergey

      Liter counter.

    • Sofia

      Same problem. Did you find the answer?

  7. Nikolai

    Good afternoon, please tell me! PMM Hotpoint-Ariston 41677 gives an error after turning on after 5-10 minutes. And it’s different in all modes. The hoses are all clean, water leaves the pan immediately after an error.

    Attached photos:
    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. Most likely there is a problem with the control board. You should call a repairman.

    • Artem

      Good day Nikolay.
      Tell me, did you solve the problem with the machine, if so, how?
      I have a similar problem.

    • Evgeniya

      There is no such error in the instructions, it constantly drains water and none of the modes turn on

    • Sergey

      Nikolay, did you manage to solve the problem, and if so, how?

  8. Denis

    Please tell me. The Hotpoint-Ariston HIO 3C23 WF machine gives error 15. And at the same time, it drains water when the door is open.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. Most likely, this is a problem with the control module, which does not see the heating element, or with the heating element itself.

    • Marina

      Good afternoon, same problem, error 15. Water does not fill. Hoses, filters, pressure, water supply - everything was checked. When you start the program, the machine tries to dial several times. At the next start, water suddenly started flowing. Like some kind of glitch in the dishwasher.

  9. Alexander

    The Ariston CIS LI 480 dishwasher, after the start of the cycle, takes in water and begins to boil it. Previously, to turn this around, it was necessary to tighten the door, but now nothing helps - what could be the reason?

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. Sorry, I didn't quite understand your question.That is, the machine does not start the washing cycle, but simply starts heating the water to boiling water? What does it mean to “early” and close the door more tightly? Wasn't it blocked at startup? What indicators are blinking or does it not give an error at all?

      For now, as an option, I can assume a breakdown of the temperature sensor or failure of the control module. Diagnosis and repair by a specialist is required.

      • Vika

        After loading, water does not flow and error 15 appears.

        • Expert
          Evgenia Kravchenko

          Hello. In general, this error most often occurs when there are problems with the heater, but in your case, it is the control module, most likely because water is not filling.

  10. Catherine

    Hello. Ariston LSF 7237 machine, indicators are flashing. Tell me, please, is it possible to handle it ourselves or call a specialist?

    Attached photos:
    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. These indicators are called "washing" and "process completion". And this error means that the pan is flooded. Check the drain filter for clogging; if everything is fine, call a technician; most likely, you will have to partially disassemble the machine. What exactly this problem is, if not a filter, is difficult to say without diagnostics. May be:

      1. Damaged pipe.
      2. Breakdown of the circulation block.
      3. Some problems with the washing chamber and so on.

      If you don’t understand it yourself, it’s better not to get involved.

      • Oleg

        Hello. When you turn on the machine, it works fine, it washes, but when it comes to draining, the pump works but the water does not drain (the machine has 7 modes), the pump is new, tell me what the problem is

      • Maksim

        My PM Ariston just beeps
        during washing five then three beeps, no error codes found (

        • Administration

          Good evening.During what washing period does the machine beep? Perhaps it reports a new wash cycle?

  11. Victor1979

    DD Ariston 11677 does not show any error: it takes in water, heats it up, and that’s it... Silence. When turned off, it drains the water. Help please!

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. This requires a complete diagnosis and testing of the system. The problem may be in the impeller, control module, rec. pump, spray nozzles. Unfortunately, you can’t do it without the help of a specialist.

  12. Julia

    Hello, please tell me what error 13 means for PMM Ariston.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. Rinse the detergent dispenser thoroughly and place the dishes according to the operating instructions. If the error repeats, write to us.

      • Oleg

        I also get the same error (13 on the display, hotpoint ariston LTF2294A), the machine turns on the drain pump even when turned off. It’s not entirely clear how this is connected to the powder compartment

      • Oleg

        Good day.
        Help with diagnosing a problem with the hotpoint Ariston Laff 9m124 dishwasher.
        There was an error f11 - a problem with the pump, wear on the bushings. Replaced.
        Now it displays “door”. Checked the door lock. When the door is opened, door is displayed; when I close the door, the program resumes. After filling the system or during filling, a door appears.”
        What else could this mean?

  13. Oleg

    Good afternoon The problem is this - the PMM turns on by itself, the number 1 and the on/off button flashes and the drain pump works, after turning off after 3-5 seconds it turns on again automatically. What could be the reason?

    There are two PMMs - one is new under warranty, the second is already 7 years old.At first the new one had such a problem (under warranty), while we were taking it to the service center everything went away, now the old PMM has the same problem.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. For some reason, you have water leaking into the pan. The Aquastop system is activated. Check it out. You should also check the hoses for leaks.

      • Gplina

        Hello. The rinse aid indicator is constantly on, but it is full. After washing, I turn it off/on, the red star is still on. Tell me, please, what is the reason?

  14. Irina

    Hello, we purchased PMM hotpoint-ariston hio 3c23 wf. The first run with the tablet was quite successful - upon completion, although there were many drops of water everywhere inside, the tablet was used, the chamber of the machine was hot, which means the water was heating up. After this, the machine stopped working on any program; it only takes in water and almost immediately drains it, the tablet remains in the compartment. There is no error on the display.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. In your case, you should check all hoses for leaks and call a service technician, since all possible causes should only be diagnosed by a specialist from the company; your car is still under warranty.

      The only thing I can advise you is to first try to disconnect the machine from the power supply and reboot it again.

  15. Dmitry M.

    Hello. We have an HFO 3C23 WFX machine. We bought it at a discount store - it was used, it worked for a year, the warranty expired. Started giving error F15 at the end of cycles. At first I ran it on the cleaning program - the error seemed to go away, but a week later it came back again! And even in self-cleaning program No. 9, an error occurs and something makes noise inside - either the heating element does not turn off, or the pump is working.It’s not clear, but the sound is like a heater hissing. You press the shutdown button and everything goes silent.

    I looked at the heating element - it is in working order and seems clean. I didn't remove the hoses because... The clamps are disposable, but I shined a powerful flashlight through the pump body - it is visible, I think it’s not that dirty. What could be wrong with the error code? I didn't find anything.

    p.s. Yes, I forgot to clarify - when the PPM gets an error, it starts beeping and the power button and the play button and F15 blink on the display.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. Of course, the system needs to be tested, but in your case, there is a suspicion of a break in the contact circuit or heating element wiring.

    • Vladimir

      Dmitry, similar problem, you fixed your problem, what happened?

      • Anastasia

        A similar situation, tell me how you fixed it!

  16. Peter

    We used the Ariston HIO 3C22 W dishwasher for three months. Today the first problem occurred. The power button does not respond at all. After 2 minutes, the number 12 lights up on the indicator, while the power button indicator blinks constantly. I unplugged it, nothing changed.

    Attached photos:
    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. Error 12 indicates problems with water heating. But I would strongly recommend that you test the control board, since water does not flood.

      • Irina

        Good evening, please help. It gives error 12, the power button blinks, but neither it nor any other button responds to pressing. The machine does not turn on. The technician couldn't fix it, he said the control unit needs to be re-flashed. How to fix it.The official service forces you to sign a service agreement for 10 years, but charges more than 9,000 thousand one-time, depending on the breakdown. Help me please.

        • Diana

          Good evening, I have the same problem. Have you found a solution?

      • Irina

        Good evening, the Ariston machine does not turn on, the power button is constantly blinking and the number 12 is on

        Attached photos:
  17. Vladimir

    Hello. I have a PMM Ariston LST 11477. When turned on, Vk starts to light up at the same time. and 1.3.4 indicators. Water does not flow, but is pumped out. Causes? Thank you.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. I’ll answer honestly, I don’t know what’s going on there. Logically, there is a malfunction of the aquastop or the control module. Call the service center 88003333887. They don’t work on Sunday, but they work from 7 am, except Saturday.

      • Basil

        Hello, can you tell me what it might be, model LFT116A, it takes in water, rinses, after rinsing, the water is drained, it is filled in and before starting the wash with already heated water, it drains the water and after that Margaret there is a round program button and 1,3,4 programs simultaneously?

  18. Konstantin

    Hotpoint-Ariston LSF 7237 after turning off the power with the button, the drain pump is activated. The pump turns off and works again. I checked there are no leaks, the water supply valve also does not let water through. I looked at the board, there are no burns or swelling. I can’t figure out what’s causing the pump to work spontaneously.

  19. Konstantin

    The emergency sensor in the sump also works normally, there is no water in the sump. I noticed the problem by accident. They hear that the machine is humming and the power button is off. I checked and made sure that the pump was humming.You turn it off and the pump goes silent.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello, Konstantin. It’s definitely difficult to answer without diagnostics. There are usually several reasons for this behavior:

      1. Problem with the pump turning off due to breakdowns in the electronics or breakdown of the wiring (most likely not your case).
      2. The installation of the PMM was carried out incorrectly (but there were no such problems before? So we exclude this option).
      3. Problem with connecting the drain hose, when the water returns back to the machine and cannot go down the drain (again, if nothing was touched and there were no distortions, this is not your option).
      4. Drain clogged. If the drain is clogged, the water cannot fully leave the hopper and therefore the pump works.
      5. The control module is faulty. The program cycle has gone wrong.

      Check all options, if they do not suit, contact the service.

    • Sergey

      Hello. The Ariston LI460 dishwasher fills up the water, runs for a while, heats the water, and after about 20 minutes it drains and LEDs 3 and 5 light up. The machine has five programs. I changed the temperature sensor, same thing. Tell me, what else could it be?

  20. Anna

    Good afternoon The Hotpoint-Ariston LSF 9357 dishwasher worked on a short wash cycle, and on others it showed error f13. We cleaned the filters, now it fills with water and after a minute it gives error f5.

    Updated: Now the f5 error does not appear, but the display is glitchy. It is set for 2 hours, after five to ten minutes it shows the hour, then it goes to the drying time. Then he calmly refines it. The tablet compartment does not open.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello.Error f13 means problems with taking the tablet, which is often associated with incorrectly laid dishes, and f5 signals that the machine itself or the hoses associated with it are not installed correctly. You cleaned the filters in error f13, but you should have inspected and cleaned the filters.

      I don’t understand what exactly is happening with your machine, but it feels like either the control module is faulty or you need to start your relationship all over again. Install the appliance correctly, check all hoses, read the manual and install the cookware as expected. If after this the problem repeats, then you need to contact the service and look at the control module there.

  21. Eugene

    Good afternoon. Dishwasher Hotpoint Ariston ll40, 6 programs (Without display). Problem when turning on, it is impossible to select the washing mode. Either the indicators do not light up at all, or when the power is turned on, several modes light up, then two, then three, then four. We have to turn the power on and off until the first mode lights up, and only then move it to the desired one.

    Sometimes you have to turn on the machine for 15 minutes. Tell me what does this mean? This fault is not described in the error codes.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. It looks like there are glitches in the control module, because the indicators are different all the time. But such breakdowns cannot be diagnosed remotely; you need to call a specialist.

      Do not force the machine to work until he arrives and definitely call him as soon as possible. You can also consult the service center at 88003333887. They do not work on Sundays, but they work from 7 am, except Saturdays.

      Sometimes this helps a lot. For example, my printer is broken, there are no technicians in the city, and there is no way to take it to the center.The remote master told me a secret that is not in the manual, where to press and how long to hold to launch the program and it helped.

  22. Evgenia

    Good afternoon. When you turn on any program, after 2-3 minutes the signal goes out to drain the water and gives a flashing 5. After 3-4 times it turns on and works - it washes. And this happens every time you turn it on!

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. 3-4 times... why are you torturing the device? Try a comprehensive cleaning; if it doesn’t help, contact a specialist for diagnostics. I suspect that the problem is in the pressure switch. It doesn’t necessarily fly, there may be a blockage. It could also be wiring or an electronic circuit board.

      By the way, please name the model.

  23. Pauline

    PMM Hotpoint-Ariston HSIE 2B19 starts the cycle, then stops, 2 short signals and one long signal are heard, the previously selected cycle simply flashes on the display.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. Does it start a cycle, that is, it fills in water, heats it up and starts washing dishes, and then stops or there’s not even any water supply? Please describe in more detail and indicate whether there were problems before? Here, the breakdown can be associated with both incorrect connection/operation and malfunctions.

      Try restarting the machine, cleaning it, inspect all the hoses. If you don’t notice anything and the problem is not corrected, contact a technician or describe the problem to us in detail. Interested in:

      1. How long after the start of the cycle does the machine stop?
      2. Does it fill with water?
      3. How long has it been in use?
      4. Do you use it completely according to the instructions?
      5. Have you moved the machine or reconnected it in the near future?
      6. Does it drain the water?
      7.Are there any extraneous noises besides the beeps?

      And so on. If you upload the video to YouTube, it will be great :)

      • Sergey

        The “no air conditioning” sensor is on, although it is there. If you shake the door, it stops burning for a while. What to do?

    • Igor

      I have the same problem, did you solve it???

    • Anatoly

      The same problem, but with a different outcome, the machine worked for a month at best, and now soon after the start of the cycle it turns off, the indicators for selecting modes 1 and 3 are on, the machine is in mode 5, but everywhere it says 4 or 6, what’s the problem, I don’t give a damn, I can’t figure it out for half a year. Not under warranty, I am a master myself, the water and drainage are in perfect order.

  24. Replee

    Good afternoon The Hotpoint Ariston LSF 8357 dishwasher does not fill with water. The valve on the inlet pipe (the one that is Aquastop) does not open. Its winding resistance is 8 kOhm. The voltage from the control unit is supplied to it at 25 volts. On any program, the dishwasher starts beeping after 2 minutes of operation, and then displays error A6.

    Please, help!

    • Oleg

      Same machine and problem) How did you solve it in the end? I think the valve on the hose is broken... the hose assembly needs to be replaced

  25. Ruslan

    Hello! Tell me the essence of the problem. I have an Ariston li480 dishwasher. During the washing process, the machine stops and indicator 6 flashes. I set mode 1 or 2, then 6 flashes and the car stops. What could it be?

  26. Nikolai

    Hotpoint dishwasher let 11477, after turning on, after 2 minutes it starts beeping with short signals, nothing blinks

  27. Julia

    Hello. Every evening I set the dishwasher to a delayed start so that it works after 12 at night.Sometimes everything is OK, but sometimes the program goes wrong and even before 12 it shows the number 13 on the display.

  28. Lyudmila

    After starting the machine, after a certain period of time, the numbers on the display that show the time stop. It can start in an hour or more. At the same time, the operation of the machine does not turn off; it continues to work in the mode in which time froze.

  29. Alexei

    Good afternoon, it’s taking in water, heating it up, you can hear that after some time the powder loading pocket opens, the powder spills out, then the machine heats the water further and an error occurs, the indicator on the power edge and 4 LEDs are flashing

  30. Alexander

    Hello! Please help, no one knows what’s wrong with my dishwasher
    Hotpoint-Ariston HSIC 3M19.
    On all programs, when rinsing (washing), one short signal sounds, then the wash continues for 30 seconds and the signal again, and so on all day long. There are no errors on the display. I inspected everything and cleaned it. It picks up and drains water quickly. He throws away the tablet, the salt is normal.

  31. Maksim

    Hello! PMM Ariston LST 11477 blinking book. On/off+ind.2+ind.4. Even with the machine turned off, the drain is triggered after 10-15 minutes; there was a power outage when the machine was turned on

  32. Tatiana

    Ariston dishwasher. There was an error 15. Repaired under warranty. Replacing the circulation pump. A month later, the same error again. What could cause it to break? Could there be a defect from the factory that leads to a breakdown?

  33. Ivan

    Hello, can you tell me if there are serious mistakes in the photo?

    Attached photos:
  34. Paved

    Hello, PMR hio 3c22 w error code 15 at the end of the cycle. I opened the door, and the pumping of water continued. The power button on the display 15 is flashing.

  35. Paul

    I have error A 6...
    Who can help decipher it?

  36. Igor

    Hello! I have an Ariston LBF517 car. The machine fills with water, starts washing and stops after a minute. The water drains right away. And so on in a circle. The first time this happened, when the wash was stopped, the wash and end indicators flashed simultaneously. I would be grateful if you could help me with the answer.

  37. Alexander

    Good afternoon The problem is this - pmm Ariston lst 53977, it turns on by itself, the number 1 and the on/off button flashes and the drain pump works, after turning off after 3-5 seconds it turns on again automatically. I checked the water leakage and hoses, cleaned the filter, everything was dry everywhere, but the problem was still the same. Can anyone tell me what else can be done on my own, or only in a workshop?

    • Administration

      Hello. Most likely the PMM has broken down. It's better to call a specialist.

  38. Ivan

    Please tell me. The Hotpoint ARISTON dishwasher beeps, the H light is on and the washing does not occur. There are no problems with solenoids, heating elements, etc....

  39. Alexander

    where can I get a description of the errors of 5 software machines???

    • Anatoly

      I'm afraid it's not real, I've been looking for half a year, but hot point doesn't tell me and tells me to fuck off. With my mistake

  40. Engelsin

    Hello, Hotpoint ARiston, our on and off button does not respond and we cannot select modes

    • Olga

      Same problem. Although the PM is practically new. You have to press the power button harder and harder, soon it will break altogether)

  41. Vasya

    The Ariston dishwasher freezes at 0.38, then after some time it becomes 0.40 and works until 0.11 freezes and pauses.

  42. Svetlana

    Hello, I have a Hotpoint Areston dishwasher, I turn on the program, it washes and then drains the water and turns off, while the dishes are dusty and does not rinse or dry them, and in the quick wash program it does not work at all, it just seems to draw water then drains and turns off

  43. Vladimir

    The HT-PBC-171-A15022A-PC-V06 board can have a schematic diagram on it, maybe someone has it.

  44. Vladimir

    HIO 3C23 WF Hotpoint Ariston at the end of the wash gives error No. 15. The heater is working properly and heats the water, the water is filled in and drained. A little earlier, when turning on the program and closing the door, it almost immediately showed error 15, now the washing process is ongoing, but somewhere after washing the dishes, the indication on the power button begins to blink and error 15 is displayed on the display. Please give a specific answer, or at least what to do and where to look for the defect.

    • Vladimir

      Recirculation pump failure. The graphite bushings on the impeller were broken.

  45. Valery

    Pmm Ariston Hotpoint, when turned on, water fills, but does not heat up, the compartment with the tablet does not open. First, all four indicators flash with a sound alarm, then they stop flashing, drains the water, and repeats all over again.

  46. Valery

    model PMM LSTB 4B00, the machine is new, but not under warranty.

  47. Oleg

    Good afternoon. We have a problem with the dishwasher hotpoint ariston HFC 3C 26 X after twenty minutes of operation it displays error F 15 filters are clean pressure is normal drain free water is hot I don’t understand the reason. I can't find a description of the error either. If you can tell me what's wrong. The machine worked for a year and a half, 7 months

    • Vladimir

      Change the circulation pump.

  48. Marina

    Good afternoon, we have a Hotpoint Ariston CIS LI 460A, when turned on the 4th indicator on the left lights up, the machine does not work and some sound is heard, tell me what the problem is

    Attached photos:
  49. Dmitriy

    Hotpoint ariston dishwasher lstf9f117ceu. Error 13. Before this there was 11 (the heating element burned out). The heating element was changed. It collects water and immediately drains. Kuwait clean

  50. Alexander

    Tell me what the error is

    Attached photos:
    • Vyacheslav

      Hello. The same situation. Have you figured it out?

  51. Andrey

    LSTB 4B00 error 1 and 3 what is the problem?

  52. Vladislav

    I have the ll40 model. I turn on the network, select the 2nd washing mode, the indicator lights up, but the machine does not start working and I cannot change the mode. What could be the problem

  53. Nikita

    Good afternoon. With hotpoint HSIE 2B19 there is such a problem: less than halfway through the program the work is interrupted, after which it gives the following indication: green on blinks, and 2 mode lights are constantly on

    Attached photos:
  54. Vladimir

    LST/114/HA dishwasher, 1 and 3 buttons flash, first works, then stops

  55. Evgenia

    Good afternoon
    When turned on, all the indicators lit up at once. 5 pieces. What could it be?
    The car won't start

  56. Irina

    PMM Ariston Hotpoint b\dw h-a hsic 3t127 worked for several months in a very gentle mode and stopped drying dishes with steam. What can I do? It doesn’t show any errors.

  57. Elena

    I bought a cool hotpoint-ariston machine, it even opens the door itself at the end of the programs... but it doesn’t wash the dishes. It doesn’t show any errors, but it doesn’t wash coffee and tea cups.The service center picks up the machine under warranty and returns it with the words that it is fully working, and that three question marks are displayed on their computer during diagnostics. The specialists have already come 5 times and taken the machine to the service center and returned it with the same problems. On the intensive machine washing program, a whole hour does not show the time remaining until the end of the cycle and washes the dishes instead of 3 hours and an hour and a half, when the rinse aid is filled, a red sun lights up (supposedly there is no rinse aid), the machine only has 7 programs but the display only shows from 1 to 6 and again in a circle 1,2 and so on. I wonder what the three question marks mean that the service center specialists tell me about.

  58. Svetlana

    The machine was running and there was a power surge. The traffic jams were knocked out. After this, the machine stopped responding and the power button and number 1 flashed. It turns on itself when the door is open and the pump turns on and off.

  59. Catherine

    Good afternoon Please tell me the dishwasher Hotpoint Ariston HSIC 3M19 C. When we start it, it starts to fill with water, washes for a minute, then stops and then washes itself. Reaches to the end of the regime. There is a feeling that it does not heat the ox to the required temperature because... We open it after drying, and the dishes are slightly warm. It doesn’t show any errors.

  60. Nikolai

    The on/off button blinks and 4 modes light up, what is the cause of the error?

    Attached photos:
    • Tatiana

      M I have the same problem. Have you found out what the problem is?

      Attached photos:
    • Tatiana

      M I have the same problem. Have you found out what the problem is? Thank you!

      Attached photos:
  61. Alexei

    Hello. I have a PMM lst 11477. After starting work (min. 5), On lights up. 1 34.the water begins to drain. I noticed that the water was cold. I don't understand what the reason is

  62. Elena

    It seems to be washing, but all programs end before the scheduled time. Ariston without display. It's as if the programs have gone wrong. On a daily basis (I constantly used this particular program), it washes, but the water is cold and the dishes come out very wet, although drying is provided there. On the longest intensive wash, it heats the water, but the program ends half an hour earlier. The dishes seem to be clean, they may not rinse, but there are no streaks. The dishes are dry.

  63. Natalia

    Hello! I have a PM with 6 programs without a display, you press the program, then the cycle begins, water is drawn, then it stops, emits one signal and 1 and 3 diodes begin to blink

    • Administration

      Good afternoon. In such a situation, you need to contact a dishwasher specialist for a technical inspection.

  64. Dmitriy

    Dishwasher HFC 3C26 F X, error code F11 lights up. What to do, please advise.

    • Administration

      Good afternoon. In this case, an inspection by a specialist is required.

  65. Maksim

    Good afternoon, PMM Ariston HSFC 3M19C, the machine is turned off, error F12 suddenly appears, it does not respond to the buttons, if you unplug it for 20 seconds, the error disappears and erases normally, but such an error occurs periodically, what is it and what should you prepare for?

    • Administration

      Good afternoon. For an accurate answer as to what exactly the malfunction is, you need to contact a specialist.

      • Anna

        Our siphon clogged and water went into the Ariston dishwasher, the siphon was replaced, but the dishwasher turns on and starts draining, there is no water in it, it drains into a dry one, the pump runs idle. The water sensor is blinking.How to fix the problem?

      • Maksim

        a year later, the machine began to “freeze” when executing the program (time stands still, splashes water on the dishes, does not heat the water, but the heating element is alive), forcibly drains the water and turns off. The system board died, as I understand it, this is a feature of Ariston and Co.....

  66. Olga

    Hello, please help me with advice. This is such a breakdown. The machine turns on, but water does not fill in and the cycle does not start. The power button and the first and third program buttons flash. They called a repairman, and he replaced the drain pump at an exorbitant price. The machine worked for a month and a half and now it gives the same error again. I am attaching a photo.

    Attached photos:
  67. Alexander

    I started washing dishes poorly... I think it’s in the shadows... but the machine doesn’t display any errors.. can you advise something?..? Maybe I can somehow disable self-diagnosis...?

  68. Igor

    Good afternoon! Help me repair the Ariston LST41677 dishwasher. The circulation pump stopped working, bought a new one and installed it. I turned it on, it seemed to work, but the pump worked somehow in waves and the water stopped heating. I rang the heating elements and they are intact. After checking the heating elements, I installed everything in place, and also removed the tube from some round thing (a friend said that there might be a problem with it), blew into it, it seemed to be sulking, started the PMM and, miraculously, it started working. It worked for about an hour, well, I think I fixed it. I turned it off without waiting for the washing to finish and installed it in place. When turned on again another problem appeared. He pours water, begins to squeak wildly and the network and mode 1.3 buttons blink. Tell me what's wrong with it, it's 6 software.

  69. Serik

    Good afternoon. I have a PMM Hotpoint Ariston LTB 6M019
    The first and third LEDs are on and the LED on the network button is blinking.
    First, I determined that water was not flowing, replaced the inlet solenoid valve, started the water flowing into the PMM, reached the level and almost immediately began to be pumped out by the drain pump. The circulation pump “CN” and the PMM program do not start.
    Secondly, I opened the central heating unit covered in edible fat, cleaned it, but still, due to the wear of the graphite bearings on the electric motor, it did not work stably. Replaced it with a new one. The result is the same.
    Third, all sensors rang, everything is normal, except for the sensor which is located on the body of the PMM drain funnel.
    Fourth, I dismantled the control board and did not find any visual damage to the electronic elements, rang the sevens without desoldering, all four show the same resistance, the power supply disappears because other operations work, replaced two heating relays and the central heating unit, the result is the same.

  70. Anna

    Hello. I have this problem. We just bought the machine and the first time we start the dishwasher Ariston hscie 2b0, it turns on as if it’s taking in water, you can hear the water making noise, then five or seven minutes pass and it gets up, these buttons (in the photo) light up and the first left one blinks

    Attached photos:
  71. Sergey

    Good night, Ariston cis lst 328 dishwasher, it showed error 8, at the beginning of the program it filled with water, soap, poured inside, heated for about an hour, the machine was burning, obviously not 50 degrees, then an error and drained the water. We removed the water flow distribution regulator and turned it, how should it be in its original position?

    • Sergey

      Here is the water distributor, in what position should I install it?

      Attached photos:
    • Sergey

      Here is a photo of the water distributor, in what position should I install it?

      Attached photos:
  72. Andrey

    hotpoint ariston lsf 7237 at the end of the cycle “start” and 6h flash.After turning off, it turns on again after a while and, with the blinking of these indicators, begins to pump out water. All the water goes away, the drainage is normal. What to do?

  73. valentine

    hotpoint aristonLFT228 after drawing water, START flashes and 11 on the display with different frequencies. what to watch?

  74. Sergey

    Good afternoon The machine is hotpoint-ariston bdh20 1b53, when turned on, the indicator on the program start button flashes, but when the button is pressed, nothing happens, the machine does not start. Tell me what could be the problem?

    Attached photos:
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