Which dishwasher detergent is better: rating of highly effective detergents

People buy a dishwasher to save time and effort.When choosing equipment, housewives dream that she will take care of the plates and pots herself. You just need to put them in the car, press a button, wait, and then just enjoy the squeaky clean utensils.

All this is possible only if you choose the right household chemicals. We will tell you which dishwasher detergent is best. We'll show you how to find the optimal composition that effectively washes dishes and leaves no traces.

List of requirements for detergents

In order not to make a mistake when choosing, you need to clearly define your priorities.

If it's important to wash dishes relatively cheaply, then you shouldn't expect too much from chemicals. If quality is of primary importance, you will have to prepare for serious expenses. But dishes washed in the machine will be clean and shiny.

Dishwasher detergents
The market for dishwasher detergents is diverse. These are powders, tablets, gels, which contain a variety of components

The best dishwasher detergents aren't always the most expensive, but they're also hard to find on the cheap list. Super savings and amazing results are rarely compatible.

However, good household chemicals can be sold at a reasonable price. The main thing is to figure out how much you are willing to pay for washing dishes, and select compositions that are suitable in quality.

Inexpensive detergents for PMM
High-quality household chemicals are never cheap, but systematically overpaying is also irrational. Sometimes you have to try several products before finding the right one

Criteria to consider when purchasing:

  • Trademark. There are recognized sales leaders who monitor product quality and are constantly looking for new ways to improve it.
  • Reviews. It is worth paying attention to the point of view of friends, ratings of dishwasher products. You don’t need to blindly trust other people’s opinions, because each user has their own priorities, but it is advisable to try the household chemicals that have the best reviews.
  • Type of product. You should understand what, how and in what way you will use it in everyday life.
  • Ease of use. Ideas about the comfortable use of chemistry can vary greatly depending on the habits of each housewife. Some are ready to buy detergent powders and rinse aids separately, while others prefer multifunctional products.
  • Compound. Household chemicals for dishwashers may contain several components. The effect that the product provides depends on the composition and quantity of ingredients, so you should carefully read the information on the packaging and critically evaluate it.
  • Safety. Incorrectly selected chemicals pose risks to human health and the performance of dishwashers. Aggressive substances can cause allergic reactions, and abrasives can damage the internal parts of devices.

In some dishwasher tablets There are 10 components, but this does not mean that they will be the best solution. The concentration of detergents is also not an indicator of quality, because it does not always correspond to the declared characteristics.

Detergent compartments
When purchasing household chemicals, you need to consider the brand and model of your dishwasher. Some products are simply not suitable for certain types of equipment

All chemicals that attract attention must be tested personally and the best option must be chosen.

Types of specialized drugs

In addition to detergent components, they additionally use water softening salts, rinses, fresheners. If you choose the right products for your car, it will last for many years, and the quality of washing will always be at its best.

At the same time, you can save energy, forget about the problem of dirty dishes and rationally use water and energy resources.

Recommendations from the video will help you stock up on a full set of tools necessary for the operation of the PMM and for its care:

Remedy #1: Water softener salt

Multi-ingredient products usually contain salt. If the composition indicates the presence of softeners, you do not have to buy them separately. However, in some cases it is better to play it safe and add salt to a special compartment.

In theory, water is softened by passing through a tank of ionized resin in the machine, but in practice it is only slightly improved because Over time, the filter loses its properties.

Compartment for salt in PMM
If the water is hard, it is advisable to add special salt to improve its quality. It promotes complete dissolution of detergents, prevents scratches on dishes and the appearance of scale on machine parts

Scale is the main enemy of household appliances. White plaque settles on heating elements and internal surfaces of tanks, making it difficult to heat the water.

As a result, devices begin to consume more electricity, use it less efficiently, and parts wear out faster.Salt helps prevent all these troubles, extend the life of equipment, and improve its performance.

Replacing special salt with food grade salt
The composition of specialized salt for dishwashers and food salt is almost completely the same. However, ordinary cookware may contain unnecessary impurities, solid particles that can damage equipment parts, cutlery

Some housewives save on special salt and replace it with regular food salt. This is only permissible as a temporary measure, because... The size of the granules and the degree of purification vary significantly.

If you have to resort to this technique, you should use “Extra”. The compartment should not be filled to the top, otherwise the table salt sticks together, hardens and does not dissolve well in water.

Product #2: Rinses for cleanliness and shine

Many housewives have doubts about the need to use dishwasher rinse aids. Detergent powders perfectly dissolve grease and remove dirt. Is it worth spending money on another drug?

If you use a universal product with a rinse aid in its composition, then such expenses will be unnecessary, but in other cases it is better to add it separately.

Dishes after washing with rinse aid
Rinse aids serve more of an aesthetic function than a practical one. They are usually purchased by housewives who pay increased attention to the appearance of the dishes.

After washing, cleaning chemical residues remain on the dishes. They are difficult to wash off with plain water.

Rinse aids contain special components - tensides - that make it easier for droplets to roll off surfaces. Thanks to this, the dishes become cleaner and more pleasant to look at. A protective film with dirt-repellent properties is formed on it.

Remedy No. 3: Fresheners to combat odors

Dirty dishes contain a huge amount of bacteria.When food residues are washed off, microorganisms settle on the internal surfaces of the machine. They multiply, and as a result of the activity of bacterial colonies, gases with an unpleasant odor that are hazardous to health are formed.

Air fresheners function as antiseptics - they kill germs, making the stench disappear. The fragrances that are included in the preparations smell pleasant and create a feeling of sterile cleanliness and freshness.

Deodorizing agent for PMM
Dishwasher freshener is vital if your appliances and dishes really smell bad. If there is no such problem, their use is a matter of personal preference.

People wary of synthetic chemicals should pay attention to eco-friendly products. They contain natural ingredients, are safe for health, and hypoallergenic.

Manufacturers of eco-products practically do not use fragrances and carefully monitor the quality of their products. It has only one drawback - the high price.

Forms of release of household chemicals

The modern market of household chemicals offers the following main forms of product release:

  • Powders. Cheap and effective preparations for washing dishes. Dishwasher powders Convenient to use: the hostess chooses the dosage herself. On average, about 30 g is required per wash cycle. However, there are also significant disadvantages. So, sometimes you can accidentally spill the product past the compartment. Some compounds damage delicate dishes, leaving scratches.
  • Gels. Their use is absolutely safe for dishes. Thanks to their consistency, they gently but efficiently remove dirt without damaging the surface. The composition does not contain abrasives or hard particles, so the gels dissolve well in water and are suitable for washing silverware and porcelain.
  • Pills. If you compare the price of different types of products, powders are definitely cheaper, but tablet drugs are much more convenient to use. It is impossible to wake them up or inhale toxic substances. The quality of dishwashing is always excellent. If the water is soft, one tablet will be needed per cycle.

What is better for the dishwasher to work: tablets or powder? Find out by reading the article we recommend.

There are single- and multi-component products. Each housewife can familiarize herself with the composition and choose the most suitable one for herself.

Universal preparations for dishwashers contain several components with diverse effects. They are conventionally called “3 in 1”, but the composition may contain more ingredients, each of which performs one function. They complement and strengthen each other.

Composition always matters

When examining the packaging of a new product, pay attention to the active ingredients.Thus, chlorine-containing products are suitable for washing heavily soiled dishes, they whiten perfectly, but can damage delicate cutlery. They cannot be used for products made of porcelain, silver, cupronickel.

Enzymes cope with any type of pollution. They are part of gentle detergents and are effective even at low water temperatures (40-50 degrees), but pronounced whitening is unlikely to be expected.

Eco-product from a popular brand
Eco-products without bleaches, fragrances and phosphates are not always highly effective, but they are safe. When choosing, pH is also taken into account. The best indicators are 4-5

The products may contain active oxygen. Such preparations carefully wash and bleach dishes. This is an excellent alternative to chlorine-containing compounds.

TOP 7 best detergents

The popularity of the products is evidenced by sales volumes and reviews from real customers.

The ratings are topped by the following brands:

  1. Gel Calgonit Finish. The drug is in demand among thrifty housewives who strive to achieve maximum results for reasonable money. After using the product, the washed dishes shine and squeak. A 1.3 liter bottle that costs 1,300 rubles lasts for several months, sometimes even six months.
  2. BioMio BIO-Total tablets. Invariably in the top three of any ratings. This is a multi-component environmentally friendly product based on eucalyptus oil. It dissolves perfectly, softens water, eliminates unpleasant odors and stains.
  3. Claro powder. A universal “3 in 1” product with rinse aid and salt. Cleans away any dirt efficiently and leaves no marks or streaks. It is popular due to its economical consumption and reasonable price.
  4. Finish Quantum tablets. 60 pieces will cost about 1300 rubles.By paying this price, the housewife can forget about any problems with dirty dishes. Finish tablets almost flawlessly: effectively washes, rinses, refreshes.
  5. Frosch Soda Tablets. There are no aggressive synthetic components in the composition. The product is effective, suitable for washing children's dishes, and does not cause allergic reactions. The antiseptic effect is ensured by natural ingredients of natural origin and soda.
  6. Minel Total 7 tablets. The German detergent has won the trust of housewives due to its high efficiency, high-quality disinfection of dishes and reasonable price (500 rubles for 40 pcs.). The drug dissolves at low water temperatures and does not require the use of softeners and rinses.
  7. Clean & Fresh Active Oxygen Lemon Tablets. Economical and effective - this is a detergent with active oxygen. Ideally cleans dishes, leaving only shine, radiance and a pleasant aroma. 60 tablets can be purchased for 550 rubles.

This list includes the most popular products, but there are many other good products worthy of buyers' attention. Sometimes the best formulations are those of not the most expensive and well-advertised brands.

Pay attention to new items.Some little-known manufacturers reduce the price without sacrificing quality. This is necessary for the product to gain consumer trust. Such remedies are very effective and relatively inexpensive.

In order not to make mistakes when buying household chemicals, you should read the recommendations of experts and reviews of experienced housewives. We offer several useful videos on the topic.

In addition to a set of products intended for processing dishes in the dishwasher hopper, the owner of the equipment will also need cleaning compounds. They are used in the care of the unit itself. An important aspect in extending the service life of dishwashing equipment is compliance operating rules, which is the subject of the next article.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Video #1. Comparison of compositions and selection of the best options:

Video #2. What type of household chemicals should you prefer:

Video #3. Experiment - comparison of universal products from different manufacturers:

Each housewife has her own standards of cleanliness and ideas about savings, so there can be no clear recommendations.

Buyers seeking maximum quality dishwashing should pay attention to the following brands: Somat, Finish, BioMio, Clean Fresh. For those who want to save money, cheap and effective brand products are suitable Snowter, but it is better not to use them for children's dishes.

Would you like to talk about what household product you use to process dishes in the machine? Do you have useful information that is worth sharing with site visitors? Please write comments in the block below, ask questions, post photos on the topic of the article.

Visitor comments
  1. Maria Zotova

    I've been using a dishwasher for several years now.And I tried a bunch of different detergents, both in the form of powders and in the form of tablets and gels. Over time, I came to the conclusion that the best gel for washing dishes and due to its delicacy is the gel from the Calgon company. I agree that it ranks first in the review above. One bottle of gel lasts me more than 2 months. This is a real saving when compared, for example, with the same tablets. In general, in principle, I do not recommend anyone to use powders for washing dishes in the dishwasher. With a high degree of probability, they can leave scratches on the dishes, albeit shallow ones.

    • Olga

      I agree, Calgonit Finish gel is very good. Before that, I used Calgonit Finish Quantum tablets, they cleaned up to four times, periodically something remained and I had to wash it manually. Since I switched to gel, these problems have disappeared.

  2. Dmitriy

    My wife and I use Bravix - tablets for PMM 7in1. We recently bought a dishwasher. It took us a long time to choose a remedy. Our friend recently recommended this. In general, the product seems to be normal and washes off well. Well, the dishwasher itself, Whirlpool, was purchased at a good discount.

  3. Natalia

    Any product works for my dishwasher. I look at the higher price, it washes dishes normally on any tablet, I didn’t notice much of a difference.

  4. Diana

    Or can someone tell me the most suitable product for Indesit DSFC 3T117, taking into account the fact that there are also children's dishes?

  5. Horney

    https://topshop50.ru/reyting-sredstv-dlya-mytya-posudy.html I found a rating of dishwashing detergents, including ones that are dishwasher safe + it describes what to look for when choosing

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