Repair of Electrolux dishwashers at home: typical faults and their elimination

No matter how popular the equipment manufactured under the Electrolux brand is, it is not immune from breakdowns.An experienced home craftsman can perform simple repairs on Electrolux dishwashers on his own.

To cope with this task, it is necessary to study device features and operation of dishwashing equipment, as well as get acquainted with the most common breakdowns. Our article is devoted to these issues - here we have given the most popular types of faults, as well as recommendations for eliminating them.

Overview of the most common faults

In general, dishwashers from the Swedish brand are deservedly considered to be of high quality. Typically, Polish-assembled products are cheaper and break down more often. However, it is noted that Electrolux machines are distinguished by a durable body and a reliable circulation pump. Parts such as filters, gaskets, wiring terminals and other little things are traditionally made at a high level and rarely cause trouble.

Typical breakdowns of this equipment usually include the following malfunctions:

  • clogging of drainage and water supply elements;
  • improper heating of water during the specified wash cycle;
  • failure when executing the selected program, etc.

Very often, the causes of such malfunctions are violations of recommendations for using the device. If problems begin soon after the start of operation or occur too often, you need to check for such violations.

Loading the Electrolux dishwasher
To prevent the Electrolux machine from breaking down, you need to use it correctly: arrange the dishes well, use high-quality detergents, and clean the filters in a timely manner.

In addition, it doesn’t hurt to make sure that the dishwasher is installed correctly and connected to the sewer and water supply without any problems. The details of installing and connecting a dishwasher are discussed in our other article.

Reason #1 - clogged drain/water supply

Poor quality of tap water is a common problem in many regions. Increased hardness, the presence of mineral inclusions and contaminants have a sad effect on the condition of household appliances, and dishwashers are no exception. For this reason, a filter must be installed before water enters the device.

It needs to be regularly washed, cleaned, and replaced in a timely manner. If damage has developed in it over time, you should not ignore it; you must immediately install a new filter. Otherwise, all contaminants will enter the dishwasher mechanism. Do not think that cleaning with chemicals will eliminate this effect. A reliable filter is essential.

Electrolux dishwasher filter
The drain filter in this technique must be constantly cleaned; it can easily become clogged with food debris and other contaminants.

To clean it, you need to follow these simple steps:

  • disconnect the device from the water supply using the shut-off valve;
  • find the inlet hose with a filter from the dishwasher pipe, as well as from the tap;
  • remove filters;
  • rinse the filters and pipe to remove accumulated contaminants;
  • install all elements in place and reassemble.

If there is too much dirt, use a brush to clean it.Some owners believe that they can get by with just one drain filter, but practice shows that an additional filter in front of the supply hose will never be superfluous.

In addition, you should periodically carry out preventative cleaning of the dishwasher drain. To do this, you also need to use high quality products recommended by the manufacturer. Cleaning is done only with this product; there is no need to add other chemicals, rinse aid or salt to the dishwasher, and, of course, there should be no dishes there.

We recommend that you read features of dishwasher cleaning at home.

Electrolux dishwasher heating element
Replacing the heating element of a dishwasher is a relatively simple operation if the technician has at his disposal a new, working element with the appropriate characteristics

To prevent breakdowns, you must strictly follow the operating instructions.

Here are the basic recommendations for using Electrolux dishwashers:

  • Before placing items in baskets, they should be cleared of food residues;
  • Only high quality products should be used for washing;
  • do not exceed or underestimate the amount of chemicals required for the machine;
  • you need to ensure that there is a sufficient amount of salt in the appropriate container;
  • Regularly check the condition of all filters and clean them promptly.

More detailed recommendations for using dishwashers are given in next material.

Reason #2 - problems with the water heating device

If there are problems with heating the water during the cycle, most likely a malfunction of the heating element, sensors, or incorrect operation of the control unit is to blame.The weak point of many Western models of household appliances is their high sensitivity to sudden changes in network voltage. Such surges can damage the control board triac; this element will have to be replaced.

To correct the situation, you need to disconnect the dishwasher from the power supply, water supply and sewerage. The built-in machine will have to be completely dismantled. After this, using a tester, you need to check the serviceability of the heating element, as well as all electrical circuits. If you are unable to determine the fault yourself, you will have to contact a service center that has the appropriate diagnostic equipment.

Electrolux dishwasher control board
To reflash or replace the dishwasher control board, you need to contact a service center; doing it on your own in this case can cause a lot of harm.

It is not difficult to prevent such a sad situation; it is enough to put Voltage regulator. The cost of additional equipment will pay off, because replacing the control board will cost much more.

Reason #3 - problems with the command apparatus

With regard to the electronics of the dishwasher, unprofessional intervention can lead to the fact that the situation will only worsen, and you will have to buy a new dishwasher.

A failure of the control module can also result in periodic freezing of the machine during the washing cycle. To correct the situation, you just need to turn off and then turn on the device again. If such a malfunction occurs rarely, there is no need to worry. But when the car has to be restarted over and over again, this most likely indicates a manufacturing defect.

Electrolux dishwasher repair
To drain the water that has accumulated inside the dishwasher chamber, you will have to turn it over.After this, you need to restore the normal position of the sensors

Such a malfunction will have to be repaired by a service center after detailed diagnostics. This is the most expensive type of repair; in some cases, its cost can be comparable to the price of a budget dishwasher. But it also happens that diagnostics reveals a malfunction of a sensor; replacing it will cost much less.

You shouldn’t put off calling a technician “for later” if the car constantly freezes, so as not to worsen the situation. If the owner has experience in repairing home appliances, replacing a sensor or heating element will not cause big problems. Another problem typical of Electrolux dishwashers is deterioration in the quality of washing.

Cleaning the heating element of the dishwasher
If the water stops heating or is heating too slowly, you need to check the condition of the heating element; most likely, it needs cleaning or replacement

This can occur either due to the fact that the water supply to the chamber is not fully supplied, or as a result of improper supply of detergents. You need to carefully inspect the camera after each wash. If the tablet has not completely dissolved, there is detergent or rinse aid left in the container, all these are signs of problems.

First you need to check whether there is water in the water supply system, whether it has sufficient pressure. Then you should check the condition of the filters and supply hose. If dirt has accumulated there, it will cause poor water flow and problems with washing quality. It is enough to wash it all out for the situation to return to normal. The filters may need to be replaced.

Electrolux dishwasher control unit
To get to the control board, you need to remove the top cover of the control unit, unclip the latches and disconnect the chips that connect the unit to the machine

Another source of trouble is a faulty valve in detergent containers. Finally, you need to ensure that supplies are loaded and used in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Limescale deposits accumulated inside the sink and on the surface of the heating element can cause many of the listed breakdowns.

Regular maintenance of the device will avoid costly repairs. The following recipe may be useful: add 250 ml of table vinegar to the detergent container, start the Economy mode, stop the procedure in the middle of the cycle for one hour, then continue washing. This cleaning should be done two to three times a month. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the five best cleaning products dishwashers.

The meaning of brand equipment fault codes

Many Electrolux dishwasher models are equipped with a self-diagnosis system; they issue a code that can be used to immediately determine the cause of the problem. The message is displayed on the monitor in the form of an error code, for example i60 or i20, etc. If there is no separate display, problems are indicated by a flashing END indicator.

Electrolux dishwasher error codes
Many models of dishwashers of this brand have a self-diagnosis system and report the type of malfunction using a set of codes

Problems with collecting, draining or heating water are most common.

Here are the codes for them:

  • i10 occurs if no water flows into the dishwasher chamber within a minute from the start of the cycle, it is recommended to check the condition of the tap, hose (perhaps it is simply pinched), and also clean the filters at the water inlet to the dishwasher;
  • i20 indicates that there are problems with the drain, you need to check and clean the filter on the drain and the drain hose, as well as the drain pump and water level sensors, damaged elements will have to be replaced;
  • i30 indicates the activation of leakage protection, you need to drain the water accumulated in the pan and restore the position of the float sensor or replace the hose in the mechanical version of the Aquastop system;
  • iF01 indicates that water is entering the chamber for too long, usually this error corrects itself after the end of the washing cycle; it does not hurt to check the water supply system in order to carry out preventive work;
  • i60 - a signal about the absence of water heating or about significant overheating, which happens if the heating element has burned out, there is a breakdown in the electrical circuit, the circulation pump, temperature sensor or control board has broken down.

Options for eliminating i60 type breakdowns were described above. In the following video you can watch the repair of a built-in dishwasher that generated this error:

Overheating may occur if there is not enough water inside. In this case, you need to follow the recommendations for the situation with the i10 stake.

The following codes indicate serious electrical, electronic and other similar problems:

  • i50 — the triac of the circulation pump is broken;
  • i70 - the heating element thermistor is damaged;
  • i80 — problems with the firmware of the control module;
  • i90 — a malfunction of the control board, which does not allow you to select the operating mode of the device.

Replacing a damaged triac or thermistor is relatively easy. But to reflash or replace the control module, you will have to contact a service center.

Other common problems with Electrolux dishwashers include the following codes:

  • iA0 indicates that there is no rotation of the indicator rockers, usually due to improper placement of dishes in the chamber or due to a voltage drop;
  • iB0 — breakdown of the transparency sensor;
  • IC0 — lack of communication between the panel and the control board;
  • id0 — the tachogenerator of the circulation pump is broken, the water does not heat up.

This type of breakdown is complex; you will have to use the help of a service center. Failure codes do not always accurately describe the problem that has arisen in the operation of the dishwasher. It happens that a malfunction occurs due to violation of operating conditions or for some other reasons. If this factor is not eliminated, breakdowns will occur again.

Practical advice for repairs

To carry out simple dishwasher repairs, you will need at least a set of screwdrivers. Pliers, wrenches, hexagons, etc. may also come in handy. If the machine is built-in, you will have to dismantle the decorative panel, then unscrew the fasteners and remove the protective cover, under which the control board and other electronics are located.

Of course, before starting repairs, any dishwasher must be disconnected from the power supply, as well as from the water supply and sewage system. The built-in model may have to be removed from its niche. Free-standing machines also often have to be moved to get to the “internals”.

Disassembling the Electrolux dishwasher
To disassemble such a machine, you need to use ordinary screwdrivers, although for further repairs you may need a set of keys, pliers, etc.
Removing the Electrolux dishwasher
The machine must be removed from the niche to conduct a detailed examination of the device. For diagnostics, sometimes you have to reconnect the device to the sewer and water supply

First, it makes sense to look for simple breakdowns: “ring” electrical circuits, check contacts and cables, connections, etc. Visually, you can determine the location of the malfunction by traces of melting, fire and other manifestations of the effects of an electric arc.

If the cause of the breakdown cannot be determined at this stage, you need to carry out a more in-depth diagnosis: check the coils of the solenoid valves, electric motor, relays, sensors, semiconductors, etc.

To understand the device of a specific model, you should carefully study the technical data sheet of the device. It happens that the machine does not turn on, although there is voltage in the network. You should check the condition of the power button. Damage to the part itself or a broken contact can cause a similar situation. Usually the element simply has to be replaced.

Electrolux dishwasher rocker
If the rocker arm does not move during the wash cycle, most likely the dishes are simply placed incorrectly inside, which is preventing the element from rotating properly.

If the button is OK, you need to check and replace the fuses if necessary. A broken power cable can also cause this type of failure. Sometimes the device turns on, but does not carry out the washing program, as if it “freezes”. First you need to try to close and open the door again. If this does not help, you should check the condition of the control board.

Sometimes problems arise with the solenoid valve, resulting in no water flowing into the chamber. You need to connect the terminals of the multimeter to the contacts of such a valve, turn on the dishwasher and check the voltage at the moment when the valve should open. If the device does not respond, then it is time to replace the valve.

Multimeter for dishwasher repair
You can use a multimeter to check the health of the heating element, as well as to diagnose the condition of the electrical system of the dishwasher.

Leaking in Electrolux dishwashers is rare, but it does happen. In this case, you need to check the integrity of the case. It may be corroded and the hole needs to be repaired. You should also make sure that all connections in the drain hose area are tight. A leak can also occur when the door seal wears out and will have to be replaced.

You need to pay attention to the situation when the dishwasher starts to make a lot of noise. This often indicates problems with the drain pump. It is either worn out or dirty. Usually the entire pump is replaced with a new one.

Electric motor bearings can also make noise if water seeps into them. The bearings or the entire motor need to be replaced.

Dishwasher drain pump
If the machine begins to make too much or unusual noise during operation, the drain pump may be damaged and needs to be replaced.

The low quality of drying in condenser machines can be explained simply - the rinse aid does not enter the chamber or there is not enough of it. If turbo drying is poor, you need to check the fan and air heating element. If the device begins to shock, you will have to sequentially check all circuits and electrical components.

Videos demonstrating how to troubleshoot specific problems can be an excellent help for a novice technician. Your own video and photography may be useful during the reassembly stage.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The process of self-diagnosis and troubleshooting is presented in the video:

Continuation of the video tutorial on troubleshooting:

The third part of the video instructions for repairing Electrolux dishwashers:

Video testing a refurbished dishwasher:

Cleaning the drain and replacing damaged parts, as well as restoring oxidized contacts, are simple repair operations that even a novice technician can perform. But if serious problems arise and the control board needs to be replaced or flashed, you will have to call the service center.

Would you like to leave practical recommendations for repairs or supplement the above material with useful information on diagnosing breakdowns of Electrolux brand dishwashers? Please write your comments, additions and advice in the comments block, add visual photos.

If you still have questions or want to consult with a competent specialist, do not hesitate to ask your questions to our experts and other site visitors below under this publication.

Visitor comments
  1. Igor

    I once repaired a dishwasher at home. We have hard water, but somehow I didn’t think to install a dirt filter on the water supply in front of the dishwasher. As a result, the drain filter became clogged and the dishwasher stopped working. I got to it and to the drain pipe... How much dirt was there! I cleaned everything with a brush, because it was impossible to simply rinse with water. Now I don’t spare money on filters and clean them regularly. It's still cheaper than buying a new dishwasher.

  2. Maksim

    In the dishwasher, during the normal washing cycle, some kind of rattling noise appeared, I just can’t figure out what the reason is. And now it appeared when collecting water. Visually nothing has changed. Dishwasher Electrolux. Maybe someone had such a problem? How did you decide?

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. If this is not a blockage, then most likely the drain pump is broken or the bearing or oil seal in the electric motor is worn out. In any case, professional diagnostics are required here. Alternatively, I can also assume that you are installing the dishes incorrectly and they are hitting the spray nozzles. Call a specialist.

  3. Alexei

    Tell. In the Electrolux 2400, a whine first appeared during the work cycle. Then it stopped drying; there is heating in the operating cycle, but a little weaker than it was. It didn’t become fiery, but just hot on the outside. It does not produce an error code. The cycle runs completely on time. What could it be?

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. Most likely, the temperature sensor has failed and therefore the command to dry the dishes is not given. In any case, the system needs to be tested.

      • Irina

        I turned on the machine, after about 20 minutes water began to flow from under the door, what could be the reason?

  4. Dmiry

    What is this, who can tell me the machine does not start the work cycle

  5. Vladimir

    Hello! Electrolux 2440 S fills water. Doesn’t stop. Overflow. Aqua-stop is triggered. Drains water. Everything on the door goes out. Doesn’t respond to commands. The water supply valve has been changed. Same thing.

  6. Alexander

    Hello! Electrolux dishwasher - when turned off, it gradually fills with water and pours out onto the floor; the machine is not disconnected from electricity. After switching on, it pumps out water and works normally, without any errors. I think the aquastop valve is not closing properly or maybe something else, please tell me!

  7. Dina

    Hello, the Electrolux ESL95322LO dishwasher, after six months of use, only washes with cold water and does not dry the dishes.We took it to the service center, they called everything and said that the heating element, RELAY, and control module were in order and turned it on - it began to work. We come home, it works for 1 month and again the same problem. We took them to the SC again, they said the problem was in the Circulation Pump, but there was no way to order and we weren’t there either, they took us to another SC so they could order and “Oh, miracle!” she just made it herself. Please tell me whether the dishwasher can work due to transportation and whether there could be a problem with the circulation pump? Thank you in advance!

    • Victor

      Same problem, how did it end for you?

    • Siberian

      Hello. How did the story end? we have a similar situation

  8. Alexander

    hello, dishwasher Electrolux ESL94300LA type GHE423084, the first five washes are wonderful, then limescale deposits on the dishes (hard water), the filter is located at the entrance to the house. There is salt in the compartment, but the lack of salt signal is on. How to be and what to do? Thank you

  9. Alexei

    Electrolux dishwasher door opens where the detergent is in during washing after 5 minutes

  10. Julia

    The Electrolux program selector ESF9421LOW has fallen off. How to replace it? Thank you.

  11. Ivan

    Dishwasher Elecktrolux ESL4610: after starting, the program runs for 2-3 minutes, then suddenly jumps to 10 minutes and freezes. Please tell me. I checked the pressure sensor, changed the thermistor....

  12. Elena

    Dishwasher ESL 4121 does not draw water: error code i30. The pan is dry, all filters are clean, the hoses are also clean.

  13. Arkady

    Hello. Electrolux Esl 459 dishwasher. It takes a long time to fill with water, but after filling it freezes. The pre-rinse light flashes continuously. What could be the reason?

  14. Alexander

    When turned on, the electrolux esl dishwasher simultaneously fills, drains, washes dishes, the water does not heat up.. Before this, there was a burnt triac on the board, the person replaced it for me, and also replaced some valve, he said that the old one was bad.. As a result . Errors don’t pop up like before, but there’s no dishwashing either.. In terms of repairs, there’s no time to do it.. Constantly at work.. Can someone do a normal diagnostic?.. The repairmen came, one more stupid than the other..

  15. Oleg

    hmmm ESL94585RO gives error i58 (draws water and writes error beeps and blinks,
    5 signals)

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