Do you need a dishwasher or who in the household will need a dishwasher?
The question “is a dishwasher necessary in the kitchen or can you do without it” did not arise by chance.It is difficult to decide if, on the one hand, you are tired of endlessly washing soup pots, greasy pans and plates, and on the other hand, there are arguments from friends about the unnecessary expenses and inconveniences of using a dishwasher.
We will talk about the positive and negative aspects of purchasing dishwashers. We'll weigh the pros and cons to help you make the right decision. After evaluating the information we provide, it will be easier to decide.
The content of the article:
Arguments for and against purchasing
When considering the feasibility of purchasing a smart dishwashing machine, potential owners, as a rule, begin to study reviews from real users and only then offers from manufacturers of this type of equipment.
Pros against a dishwasher
And here opinions were divided into 2 opposing camps - “for” and “against”. Moreover, happy owners of cars advise not to think long and buy right away.
And opponents cite a number of arguments against the dishwasher, noting its complete uselessness in the household. Moreover, they are sure that they will have to spend extra time cleaning up after her.
Having studied the complaints of opponents of the dishwasher (DM), it was possible to identify the main arguments, which consist in the following statements:
- it is bought by lazy housewives who find it difficult to wash 2 plates and a cup in a day;
- the machine washes dishes for 2-3 hours, and all this time water flows and electricity is consumed;
- you need to buy all sorts of consumables (tablets, salt, etc.), and this is an extra expense;
- detergents in PM – solid chemicals that do not wash out;
- the machine itself is expensive and you need to allocate space for it;
- You can’t wash half the dishes in it, you still have to work with your hands;
- PM ruins dishes and breaks glasses.
In this series of negative opinions, the majority are misconceptions that are not related to the actual experience of using the unit.
Let's look at the real shortcomings highlighted by dishwasher owners:
The saddest of the drawbacks is choosing the right location. It is optimal here if it is provided for at the repair stage. Otherwise, you will have to use your imagination as much as possible by changing the placement of furniture/household appliances.
After all, you can’t put a dishwasher anywhere - it’s still connect water supply and sewerage. Yes, and you will need a free outlet.
The option with a compact model may not be suitable when the number of household members exceeds 3-4 people. Here, a rational solution would be to choose a more capacious unit - for 10 or more sets. It’s good if the dimensions of the kitchen allow you to allocate a convenient place.
There is no need to talk about the excess consumption of water and electricity - this statement is crushed to ashes by the real indicators of the meters. The cost of 9-15 liters of cold water used per cycle will result in a negligible amount per month.
And the electricity bill will increase insignificantly - after all, modern PMs require power from the network on average 0.75-1.05 kWh. Moreover, this indicator depends on the model and the selected mode. There are even more economical ones.
As for difficulties in operation, everything that is required from the owner is correct place kitchen utensils, taking into account their specificity. And also fill the unit with detergents in a timely manner and wash the sprinklers (rocker arms) and filters 1-2 times a month.
Benefits of using PMM
The main argument of opponents dishwashers, who claim that it is necessary to wash 2 plates and a cup/glass per day, is true only in the apartment of a bachelor who eats at his mother’s/cafe/dining room.
Only a lonely person coming home to spend the night would not dirty the dishes. And families of 3 or more people, especially those with a child/children, note an active circulation of kitchen utensils in their kitchen.
Therefore, there is no need to talk about real time savings here - this fact is obvious. After all, the volume of dishes is not limited to the notorious plates.
Especially when there are 2 young children in the family who still require supervision and care, the children need to be fed more than once a day and the sink fills up with dishes catastrophically quickly. In addition to the time that a dishwasher frees up for more enjoyable tasks, there are other benefits that stand out.
The best part is that the owners who have already had a dishwasher installed in their kitchen do not regret buying it at all. Moreover, they note that there is no need to save money by choosing the cheapest one. It’s better to add 3-5 thousand and purchase the optimal model, which will have all the necessary functions.
Therefore the process choosing a dishwasher special attention should be paid by carefully analyzing the need for certain functions. And the size should be selected correctly, taking into account the actual volume of daily dishes.
Who needs a dishwasher?
The desire not to see piles of dirty dishes and not to stand bent over the sink for a couple of hours a day is justified. Especially when there is already plenty of housework and more, and having only 24 hours in a day seems not enough.
Having analyzed a number of reviews from real users of this type of kitchen appliances, we can identify categories of people and situations where the purchase of PM is simply necessary:
- young family – so that no little things, like an unwashed cup on the table, spoil the newlyweds’ relationship;
- small child in the family – he needs to devote a lot of time, which will have to be shared with greasy pans and pots;
- 4-5 or more family members are an unconditional argument in favor of a dishwasher. A woman should not devote numerous hours of her life to standing at the sink with a washcloth in her hands;
- sustainable disgust at seeing dirty dishes and the reluctance to deal with it, so as not to force yourself and not suffer from the mess, it is easier to install a dishwasher;
- constant scandals over piles of unwashed dishes/cups/pans.
In addition to the listed features and situations, there is another phenomenon that serves as an indicator for the purchase of dishwashers - regular shutdown of hot water or its absence at all. Washing dishes in such conditions is unpleasant.
The car will also be a real salvation for those who like to throw parties or house celebrations - it’s nice to gather 10-15 relatives/friends around the table.
However, at the end of the feast, you will have to put in order a lot of glasses/cups/glasses, plates, salad bowls, forks, spoons, knives and other utensils. The dishwasher will wash all this, but you need to know how to do it correctly use dishwasherso that the expensive unit does not break down in the first days.
Let's consider the most popular and useful functions noted by dishwasher owners as advantages.
Who doesn't need to buy?
But installing a dishwasher Not everyone needs it. Sometimes equipment can become a burden or remain an interior detail that does not fulfill its direct responsibilities. Firstly, a dishwasher is not needed if we are talking about a private house in which there are no communications - water is brought from a well, and the toilet is outside.
In such a situation, the decision to simplify the life of your beloved grandmother living in the village by giving her a dishwasher will not lead to anything good. But it will only entail a number of additional costs - bringing water to the house, organization of the sewer system, which can be quite expensive.
Secondly, dishwashing equipment will become an expensive interior detail for single men/women who prefer to eat in public establishments. They don’t need it, because there will be nothing to wash in it. Thirdly, a family of two adults who spend the lion’s share of their time at work can also do without PM.
Most often, they are saved by visiting a cookery before returning home. All that remains is to put dinner on plates and heat it in the microwave. It doesn’t take long to handle such a volume of dishes with your hands – so there’s no need for a dishwasher. Although compact tabletop model for two persons it will not hurt them at all.
Fourthly, the machine will be superfluous in the kitchen of people who get real pleasure and peace in the process of washing pots and rubbing glasses until they shine. True, such unique women are very rare, and men even more so.
Difficulties with location, installation, and connection may arise if the kitchen is equipped and all available spaces are already filled. Note that in this case there are still solutions according to embedding the machine into existing cabinets and cabinets. Our recommended article will introduce you to the options.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
Video #1. Demonstration of the dishwasher’s performance by a real owner:
Video #2. Opinion about the capabilities of dishwashing equipment and the advisability of purchasing it:
Video #3. Pros and cons of using a dishwasher:
Having familiarized yourself with the specifics of using a dishwasher and the advisability of purchasing it, it will not be difficult to decide whether you need it in your kitchen or not.After all, only a person who stands at the sink in front of a pile of dishes several times a day can answer this question correctly..
If the decision is positive, then you should be extremely careful in choosing the optimal model with a suitable set of functions/modes.
What do you think: is a dishwasher necessary in the household? For what size family is it worth buying it and is it necessary to spend money on a dishwasher at all? Please write comments in the block below, share your own opinion, useful information, and photographs.
It seems to me that a dishwasher is not an essential item in the kitchen. Our mothers and grandmothers managed without it and felt fine. I also think that it is quite possible to do without it. And I won’t buy it for myself. I rarely have guests, and washing 2-3 plates is not very stressful. And by the way, I have 2 small children. On the other hand, if you can afford to buy such equipment, then why not enjoy the benefits of modern civilization. There is no clear answer to this question; each case is individual.
Most likely, you simply did not have a dishwasher. Yes, while she’s gone, it may seem like it’s easy to do without her. However, it’s worth trying and giving up the dishwasher is very difficult. To make the analogy clear, it’s like having experience using a microwave and starting to reheat food on the stove again.
But I don’t have a microwave and never will. Food heated in it becomes tasteless.
It's not true, you were deceived.Food COOKED in the microwave may turn out to be “tasteless”, and in truth not as tasty as on the stove, but food heated in the microwave is no worse than heated on the stove, but it is more convenient to reheat - that’s a fact. However, your point of view is familiar. There are people who consider a washing machine unnecessary, they say, mothers and grandmothers made do with it. They got by without much, but at what cost. And they managed without mobile phones, without computers and without even refrigerators, and they lived in caves and ended up as food for predators. By the way, while I didn’t have a dishwasher, I also thought that I didn’t really need one. But on the very first day I got it, I appreciated its merits; it is a very, very useful thing.
Is it true! Food from the microwave tastes worse than food cooked over a fire.
An absolutely useless and expensive thing. This is the opinion of people who have a high degree of self-organization, including mine. First, learn, and from an early age, teach your children not to just put their own stuff in the sink, but to immediately wash the dishes and that’s it, and while the children are small, they don’t dirty these same dishes and cups, you can also quickly wash them immediately without storing them. Guests don't come every day. A microwave is also an unnecessary thing, and it is true that food made from it is not tasty.
Regarding the washing machine, this is a really necessary thing.
Try reheating, for example, fried potatoes in a frying pan and try what the taste will be. Reheating it in a frying pan makes the food taste disgusting, unlike when you reheat it in the microwave.
The above advantages of PMM are very divorced from reality.For a family of two people in their house with a huge kitchen, it is faster, easier, safer, cheaper, cleaner to wash the dishes with the hands of a man or woman than to overpay for purchase, installation, regular maintenance, expensive detergents, fill the PMM or sink with a mountain of dirty dishes, then eat with chemical residues on plates, get broken or scratched wine glasses and glasses, crystal salad bowls. We need to buy more dishes, 2-3 sets each, and have even more cabinets in the kitchen for more dishes. We need to save time on Instagram, but at work we usually spend no more than 8 hours, 10 minutes and a couple of liters of water to wash with our hands. Nowadays, many people are keen on healthy lifestyle, coated frying pans and pots, so nothing burnt or super greasy. At my friends' place, BOSCH doesn't wash the burnt out of the frying pan and ruins the glass lids. PMM is very bad in hard water. Now you have saved 10 minutes on washing by hand, in a month you will lose a couple of hours on cleaning filters and descaling. TOTAL: Overall, there is no saving of money or time. We must not forget that PMM has almost the same problems with mold and electronics; this is an electrical appliance that comes into contact with water. Smart marketing company of manufacturers. There are many more disadvantages of PMM for those who did not let manufacturers and custom reviews fool their brains. For smart, thrifty owners, these are unnecessary problems and costs.
Moms managed without diapers, my butt didn’t see them
A dishwasher makes life much easier. Before the purchase, I also thought that I could do without it: it’s not the first necessity, and so on. However, when free money appeared and it was purchased, I was able to appreciate all the advantages of this technique.The plates were fine, but constantly washing pots and pans was very tiring and time-consuming. Now I just turn on the dishwasher and go watch a show/do something else for myself. Now it would be difficult for me to do without her.
Personally, I belong to that group of people who consider a dishwasher to be an almost useless acquisition. And although I have a family and a small child, neither I nor my wife are stressed. when it comes to washing those same 10 plates, forks and spoons at the end of the day. Well, this is not at all burdensome for us. In addition, having worked in the field of repairing household appliances, I can safely say that a good dishwasher is not cheap.
By buying something cheap, over time you are dooming yourself to expensive repairs. But the funniest thing is when a woman calls you and plaintively asks you to come today, preferably in an hour, because there is a mountain of dishes in the sink, and your favorite dishwasher is broken. It would seem that you take it and wash it with your hands. But it doesn’t even occur to her anymore. Hello, women, don't do this.
Judging by your logic, then, for example, a microwave is not needed. Well, you can heat up food on the stove. Yes, you can do without a dishwasher, but this is a matter of comfort.
Well yes, I thought so too. I mostly washed the dishes, because... This caused suffering for my wife, but it didn’t seem to be a burden for me. And we bought it at the insistence of my wife. But, oddly enough, I’m the one who’s the most joyful about the purchase. I just didn’t know what this thing was and how it makes life easier and more beautiful. Fuck, you can scrub dishes with your hands in an entire day, as a dishwasher can do in a couple of hours.
Friends, what about: can you do without a washing machine? Mothers got by. Few people do laundry with their own hands these days, even though the machine doesn’t wash everything.
Well, why immediately go to extremes? Regarding the washing machine, this is simply an axiom for a modern person! Only especially fierce Old Believers now wash with their hands. My machine even washes panties and socks, you quickly get used to the good stuff. Yes, washing something by hand is not a problem, but not on an ongoing basis. Okay, now about the dishwasher.
So, I’ll say right away that it is relevant for a large family. I’ll explain why: dishwashing tablets also cost money, you know. And it’s not profitable to run the dishwasher to wash 3-4 dishes! Collecting a little bit of dishes into a compartment and waiting a couple of days is also an option, since they will suffocate there.
What are the cons of using a dishwasher? From my experience with a dishwasher, I can say that it cleans much more efficiently. Removes odors and saves water significantly.
Hello. To each his own) I have a large family, but it’s easier, faster and cheaper for me to wash the dishes with my own hands without a machine)
It may seem cheaper. We took a PMM and I’ll tell you that the water savings are obvious, which ultimately translates into the cost of the dishwasher. And plus, something, but you need to take care of your hands, otherwise this constant interaction with detergents will definitely not be beneficial.
Hello! Thanks for your reply. We have autonomous water and I don’t wash with detergents, since my son is allergic.On the one hand, I need to rinse better, and I rinse, but I still don’t believe that you can completely, completely rinse even in PMM :)
In general, I wash it the old fashioned way with mustard and it’s not bad for your hands and even if there’s some left over on the dishes, it’s not a big deal. The fact that the station runs on electricity also makes it a dishwasher. So I say - to each his own, individually.
Well, yes. This is what everyone says who cannot afford to buy this equipment.
I did an experiment at home: one began to wash the dishes after himself by hand. Bottom line: I always have clean dishes at hand at any time. Always!!! At any moment, even during the day, even at night!!!
I timed it: it takes about 4 seconds to wash one plate! I think it’s logical to do everything at once, without delay.
And the unpleasant thing for me is that when I use the dishwasher, there are always (!!!) dirty dishes in the house. Where don’t you put it there... It’s one thing if guests come. But it seems that there are always guests in the house... If in the kitchen someone in the household drank tea 17 times during the day, then there will be 17 dirty mugs in the sink, and perhaps not a single clean one on the shelf... Everyone is unaccustomed to washing after themselves, they are waiting , when the hostess does everything...
I live alone. In the morning, prepare breakfast. The dishes remain. Run to work. Come in the evening. Prepare dinner and food to take with you. And when I cook, I cook a lot of different things. Eat. And then wash everything here. what to use when cooking and eating. And I really want to hang myself. after all this. I thought about purchasing a dishwasher only because I’m tired after work and often need to do something at home. Eating in eateries is 4 times more expensive and harmful. And time. Time needs to be saved. there is still a lot to do in this life. except for washing dishes.
I recently bought a robot vacuum cleaner.I have to clean less often. I started it once every 2 days, it collected dust from the floor and kept the house fresh. Less often you have to restore order. Especially if there is an animal in the house. Time remains for something more important
I can also say something about the slow cooker. How many times have I cooked buckwheat rice before? I couldn’t get normal, proper grains. It’s always either overcooked and burnt, or undercooked. But with the purchase of this technique you don’t need to pay attention and the consistency is correct. This happened very rarely
Washing after yourself is a good decision, but not everyone adheres to it... Either the skin is drying or the manicure is just done...
We have the same pattern in our family. I ate and immediately washed up after myself, it was a matter of seconds. Then wash a mountain of dishes with dried grease. We had a dishwasher, after the first breakdown I repaired it and sold it through an advertisement. First of all, washing three or four plates with spoons is somehow not comme il faut, you start piling up a mountain of dishes so that after ten minutes you can put it all in the dishwasher. Secondly, time and water. Thirdly, a breakdown will happen sooner or later, once every five years, even if it’s a super duper machine, it still breaks down (repairs are expensive). Fourthly, it is expensive to use detergent with all sorts of anti-scale additives, etc. Well, the conclusion: it’s expensive, not economical, it takes a long time to wash, and sometimes it doesn’t wash at all.
I forgot to add: we have a very high-quality car, but there are only 4 people in the family, 3 adults and one 11-year-old child. There is always hot water and everything is at hand.
The dishwasher is a great thing. You don’t have to use it every day when you have 2-3 plates. Once or twice a week, when you cook a lot, you pamper your family with goodies. But the pots are always without a yellow coating, the plates especially in the back, without grease. Everything is clean. It’s a fairy tale to wash plastic containers in it. For prevention, something like this.
There is an ongoing debate about the appropriateness of PMM. After many years of experience with PMM, I can say this: all the dishes are first washed in the sink to remove any pieces of food, then they are put into the washing machine (PMM) almost clean. If this is not done, then your free time will turn into constant maintenance of the PMM, namely: cleaning filters, additional washing in a full cycle without dishes using special products that kill the unpleasant odors of rotten fish.
One pleasant thing: the dishes are already dry, you can’t wash the glass with your hands like at 70 degrees, it’s already creaking from cleanliness. Disinfection. All.
When it comes to chemicals, I use only liquid detergents; practice shows that this is the most effective option. Powders and especially tablets do not even have time to dissolve before the end of the wash. With liquid detergents, the washing time can be shortened to 34 minutes.
The water consumption in the machine is 10-12 liters, the same amount of dishes in a hand wash is about 100 liters of hot water. When pre-washing, the savings are not big. But in general, a dishwasher is a useful thing: there are no mountains of dishes, the dishes are disinfected.
A private house, an expensive built-in dishwasher: I was very pleased after the purchase, like any new thing. But the euphoria passes and it is in demand once a quarter, after large feasts with a large volume of dirty dishes.In ordinary life, if you are not used to folding and storing dirty dishes, you will, of course, wash the dishes after you right away. The thing is clearly not essential