How to use a dishwasher: rules for operating and caring for the dishwasher

Regular dishwasher maintenance is the key to long-term operation without repairs, leaks or accidents.Cleaning, selection of detergents and proper loading ensure uninterrupted operation of the unit in any selected mode. Before testing the programs, carefully read the instructions and the article we presented.

We will tell you how to use the dishwasher in order to follow basic care rules in the future. We will introduce you to the nuances of operation and guidelines for choosing the most suitable products for your machine. Taking into account our advice, you can maximize the working life of the machine.

Preparing for the first use

Manufacturers require, and this is stated in the instructions for use, before first launch Be sure to test the machine in idle mode, that is, without dishes. Flushing will remove small debris and lubricant residues and allow you to understand how the mechanism functions.

During a test run, you can determine whether the water is heating up and how quickly it leaves the wash chamber. The user will also be able to detect installation errors: whether the wires or hoses are pinched, or whether there are leaks at the connection points.

Testing is carried out according to all washing rules, but without dishes. Select a mode that determines the specifics of processing and wash cycle, you can press one button or use the key combination specified in the instructions. After the rinsing process is completed successfully, you need to wait until the machine has cooled down and perform the first wash, but with a full load.

An example of preparing for the first launch using the built-in Flavia model as an example:

If all preparatory steps have been completed correctly, the machine will turn on automatically when the door is closed. It is better to check the first washing process to ensure that the unit is in good working order and to avoid troubles associated, for example, with incorrect loading.

After the end of the cycle, you need to wait 10-12 minutes so that the dishes and internal parts of the PMM cool down. Then they take out the utensils and carefully inspect them to make sure the quality of the wash.

If there are traces of food on the dishes, it means that the mode was selected incorrectly - next time you need to set a longer program. Whitish stains they say that the rinse aid did not work well, you should increase the dose or choose a better product.

Rules for loading dishes

All household items loaded into pull-out baskets must be installed so that water freely washes them from all sides, and then flows down just as freely.

To prevent the user from experimenting with placement, the manufacturer recommends using a hint diagram.

Scheme for loading dishes into one basket
Scheme for loading dishes into one basket. Some holders are removable to allow for placement options. There are also additional plug-in elements

Full-size and narrow units are equipped with 2-3 loading boxes. This is convenient for standard programs, when the lower sector is subjected to more effective cleaning. And also for individual modes, for example, “delicate”, when only glass or crystal glasses installed in the upper basket are washed.

Under and above the boxes there are rocker arms that spray water.They rotate during operation, so it is important to ensure that tall objects are placed to prevent damage to the sprinklers.

Loading dishes into baskets
Heavy and bulky items are placed in the lower basket - pots, baking dishes, frying pans, large plates; cups, lids, baby bottles are placed in the upper compartment. For cutlery - a separate basket

Sometimes you need to wash things that don’t fit in the lower compartment. Then remove the upper basket, conveniently install the items and start the machine with one basket. Deep containers are placed with the recess down so that water flows freely down the walls.

It is believed that the lower compartment of the machine is processed more aggressively and at elevated temperatures. Therefore, plastic and most fragile serving elements are usually placed at the top. Correct placement of dishes – an important stage in the daily use of the machine.

Subtleties of PMM operation

You have to use the dishwasher every day, so it is important to take into account all the nuances of care, from the choice of washing products to regular cleaning.

Let's look at the most important points that you constantly have to deal with when starting a car or after several washes.

Selection of detergents

If you choose the right tablets, gel, powder and other detergents, you will not have to replace failed parts, additionally rinse glasses or wash the most contaminated items.

When choosing products, we advise you to study the manufacturer’s recommendations, user reviews, and learn more about new safe developments. There are series of eco-products that are least harmful to health, but gentle on dishes. They are great at cleaning baby bottles and sippy cups, but they may not be able to handle a greasy frying pan.

The most popular brands: BioMio, Claro, Finish, Minel, Eonit, Clean & Fresh, FeedBack, Filtero.

Dishwasher detergents
Some dishwasher companies recommend using only their own brand of detergent. However, stores sell many more economical analogues that wash away dirt no less effectively.

An important rule: regular detergents are not suitable for hand-processing dishes. Using homemade remedies you also need to proceed with caution. It is prohibited to add chlorine.

Replacing powder or tablets

Modern electronic dishwasher models themselves tell you when to add powder, salt or put in a tablet. An indicator on the electronic panel lights up in red or orange to warn of replacement.

You can run the cycle without detergent, but washing will be comparable to rinsing under hot water - traces of dried food or a layer of fat may remain.

Less likely to fall asleep regenerating salt, since the volume of one dose is designed for several weeks of work. When loading for the first time, it is recommended to fill 1/3 of the compartment with large salt crystals, and 2/3 with water. If complex tablets are used instead of salt, replacement occurs more often.

Filling the detergent container
The use of detergent powders and gels also depends on the hardness of the water. To soften, add more products. The maximum volume of one-time filling or filling is indicated in the instructions

When buying products for future use, pay attention to the expiration date. It is also necessary to consider storage conditions so that the chemicals do not lose their potency.

Instructions for cleaning filters

The filtration system - usually 2-3 filters installed at the bottom of the washing chamber - must be cleaned regularly, without waiting until it is completely clogged with dirt.

Removing leftover food from plates
The main reason for clogged filter screens and grilles are large pieces of food that have not dissolved in the water. Therefore, it is recommended to first remove them from plates, pots, and pans.

Grease is also not completely washed off, and sooner or later you will have to clean the filters, even if you load almost clean dishes and use cleaning products, which necessarily contain fat-dissolving substances.


  1. Disable PMM.If there is no access to the outlet, then turn off the machine on the panel.
  2. Use a rag or foam sponge to remove any remaining water at the bottom.
  3. Unscrew the top part and remove the filters.
  4. Disconnect the fine filter.
  5. Clean all elements with a brush and wash with detergent.
  6. Put it back in place by inserting and screwing in the reverse order.

When cleaning, use toothbrushes and special kitchen brushes, powders, gels, and baking soda.

If white streaks or deposits are noticed, a lime cleaning procedure is necessary. They use compounds that dissolve plaque, and if there is no special product, then ordinary citric acid.

Regular Maintenance Rules

Not only filters, but also chamber walls, sprinklers, and compartments of loading baskets can be damaged by dirt. The simplest thing the user can do is to manually wipe all parts with a damp cloth using a light cleaning solution from time to time.

Spraying cleaning agent onto the PMM
You can make the maintenance process easier by using a sprayer. Mix water with dishwashing detergent, pour into a bottle, apply to all elements inside the washing chamber, then wipe

Preventive chemical treatment will help protect internal parts from the appearance of mold, greasy deposits or other dirt. cleaning the dishwasher.

Work order:

  • empty all boxes of dishes;
  • fill the powder cuvette special dishwasher cleaner;
  • select one of the long programs, for example, “standard”.

The water temperature during washing should be above +60 °C so that the cleaning agents are as effective as possible and all contaminants are dissolved and washed down the drain. It is recommended to practice dry cleaning at least once every 4-6 months.

The door is usually wiped manually, carefully treating not only the front glass, but also the seals.

Drain hose with AquaStop system
The AquaStop system installed on the inlet hose prevents leaks and protects the machine from accidents. The hose, along with the valve and filters, is removed and also carefully cleaned of debris.

In order for the drainage system to work properly, you also need to rinse the drainage hose. It is unscrewed, rinsed with anti-grease detergents and fixed in place.

When returning all parts to their places, it is necessary to tighten the union nuts tightly and check the tightness of the connections before turning on. If the work is not done carefully, a small flood is possible during washing.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

A quick and easy way to learn how to clean filters in the following video:

Useful user tips for maintaining a household dishwasher:

Review of popular tablets for PMM from a dishwasher owner:

Video instructions for adding salt will help you understand the nuances of this procedure:

Regular cleaning and treatment of the dishwasher's working area will not only relieve you of the unpleasant smell of sewage, but will also increase the life of the machine. Schedule preventative and cleaning care measures and act strictly according to plan.

Soon this will become a habit, and a diligent assistant will always wash dishes perfectly in any of the selected programs, and there will be no need for quick repairs.

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Visitor comments
  1. Anna

    We watched the first wash with the whole family; we were very interested in the process itself. And the first load showed that we had stacked the dishes incorrectly, as there were plates that had not been cleaned. So it will take some time to get used to loading. Now this procedure takes a minimum of time. Choosing a detergent is also not an easy task. I want it to clean perfectly and be safe. The first time we bought a cheap compound, there were white stains on the plates, we had to rinse the dishes by hand. Now we've settled on Finish.

  2. Olga

    Our friends apparently chose the wrong dishwasher. They took too big, and as a result, the dishes were “hoarded.” While it accumulates, a smell begins to appear in the kitchen from food residues on the dishes, which slowly deteriorate, especially in the heat. We are now at the stage of choosing whether to buy a compact or full-size car. Do full-size ones have any modes such as half-load, like washing machines?

    • Larisa

      The special “Half Load” function is now available on many modern dishwashers. This mode allows you to significantly save water and electricity consumption, as well as avoid the problem of long-term accumulation of dishes and the occurrence of unpleasant odors from leftover food from the plates. The only disadvantage of this regimen is the difficulty of using 3 in 1 tablets. You have to divide them manually.

      And the most sophisticated dishwashers generally have special sensors that scan the amount of dishes and the degree of contamination. After this, the computer independently determines how intensive washing is necessary.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Olga, hello!

      Dishwasher capacity is calculated in sets.Full-size machines wash from 11 to 18 sets in one load, compact machines - from 6 to 9. One set is a set of dishes and kitchen utensils needed for a full meal for one person. The set includes: soup plate, shallow plate, salad bowl, cup and saucer, glass, cutlery set. When choosing a PMM, determine how often you plan to wash the dishes: after each meal, 1 or 2 times a day, etc.

      Next, based on the number of family members, count the number of sets of dishes that accumulate from sink to sink. When calculating, you can replace soup plates with salad bowls or plates for main courses. This way you will know the number of sets that you will have accumulated by the time of washing.

      For a family of two people, a compact machine for 6 sets is enough to wash dishes 1-2 times a day. For a family of 4-5 people, a dishwasher for 11-14 sets is suitable. If you have a large family or you often cook a lot and receive guests, then a PMM for 14-18 sets is suitable for you.

    • Julia

      Yes, dishwashers have a half-load mode; to be honest, I can’t even imagine how people use dishwashers where there is no half-load. When we bought our PMM, we first of all paid attention to this, otherwise, as you say, hoarding dishes is still a pleasure.

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