Bath or shower - which is better? Comparative review

When repairing plumbing units, apartment owners often have doubts when choosing plumbing fixtures.A comfortable bath or shower, which is best for you?

To solve this issue, we suggest you consider popular plumbing options, compare their features and technical characteristics, which is what we did in this article. We also analyzed in detail the advantages and disadvantages of each of the options under consideration and provided recommendations for choosing the best type of plumbing fixtures.

Pros and cons of bathtubs made of various materials

The traditional type of plumbing is bathtubs, which became widespread in ancient times.

Today, convenient volumetric bathing tanks have not lost popularity; they are installed in new buildings and installed after renovation. Moreover, if you wish, you can install connect the bath yourself.

The widespread use of baths over the centuries has been due to their many advantages.

Using baths for different purposes
A bathtub is a multifunctional device: you can not only wash or bathe a child in it, but also soak/rinse laundry, wash large dishes, leave a bouquet of flowers overnight or cool a watermelon

The advantages of such products are obvious:

  1. The bath can be filled with water with essential oils, sea or aromatic salt, or whipped up thick foam.Many (and not without reason) consider this procedure the best way to relax after a busy day at work.
  2. Immersing yourself in a hot bath, to which you can add healing herbs, is an excellent remedy for a cold. A similar method with the addition of special substances (milk, honey, oatmeal) is considered an excellent cosmetic procedure that allows you to take care of the skin of the body.
  3. In the bath, all impurities, as well as sweat after a workout, are washed away faster and more thoroughly.
  4. The container is perfect for bathing children, and for babies it can even be used as a pool.
  5. If necessary, this sanitary ware can be used to wash large-format items, such as a bedspread or tablecloth.
  6. The bathtub is convenient for washing not only people, but also pets, such as dogs.
  7. The presence of a special nozzle in many faucets allows you to use the bathtub as a shower.

The device is also easy to install with a water supply system, requiring a minimum of qualifications and moderate costs.

Modern bath models
Modern bathtub models can be of different colors and shapes, and also have additional functions, for example, lighting, hydromassage

Among the main disadvantages are:

  1. The dimensions are quite large, which is why the bathtub occupies a significant part of the bathroom.
  2. Water consumption is many times greater than for a shower (200 liters versus 40-50 liters in a shower). In addition, due to the length of the procedure, more electricity is consumed when washing.
  3. It is not recommended for a number of diseases, for example, hypertension, varicose veins, a tendency to dizziness, and skin problems.
  4. A wet smooth surface creates a risk of injury.
  5. Slow filling.It is impossible to take a bath immediately; you have to wait for some time until the water fills the container.

Baths are especially difficult for older people: it is difficult for them to get in and out of the bath; in addition, a sudden change in body position can cause dizziness and even fainting. Therefore, you have to take a closer look at special models designed for such users - sitz baths. They are shorter and taller than usual.

Today, three types of bathtubs predominate on the market (cast iron, acrylic, steel), each of which has its own characteristics.

Option #1 - cast iron baths

The most reliable are cast iron bathtubs, which have the following advantages:

  1. Durability. If you treat the enamel with care, a cast iron product will last for several decades (usually the warranty period is 25 years).
  2. Thanks to the large heat capacity, they retain heat for a long time.
  3. Resistant to deformation.
  4. Easy to clean: there are no pores on the surface, which makes it easy to wash off dirt.
  5. Due to the soundproofing properties of cast iron, such plumbing fixtures make virtually no noise when drawing water.

But such plumbing is not without its drawbacks. Let's take a closer look at them.

Among the disadvantages of such plumbing fixtures are:

  • heavy weight (on average about 120 kilograms), which makes transportation and installation;
  • relatively high cost (manufacturers influence price formation);
  • If the enamel is seriously damaged, it is extremely difficult to restore it at home.

The disadvantages include a small selection of models, among which classic rectangular-shaped products predominate.

Option #2 - steel plumbing products

Such products also have their pros and cons.

Bathtub cover restoration
The coating of any type of bathtub deteriorates over time. It is recommended to periodically update it or change it entirely by calling specialists

Positive qualities include:

  • light weight: bathtubs made of steel weigh 4-5 times less than their cast iron counterparts, which simplifies their transportation and DIY installation;
  • a wide selection of models, the assortment includes plumbing fixtures of different sizes and shapes;
  • sufficient durability: the service life of high-quality models is approximately 15 years.

Another advantage many buyers consider is the moderate cost of the models.

Among the weaknesses are:

  • slight deformation leading to damage to the enamel coating;
  • significant noise level when filling water;
  • high thermal conductivity, due to which the water in steel baths cools quickly.

It should be taken into account that the disadvantages are characteristic primarily of budget options with thin walls, while models made of thick metal are close in quality to cast iron.

Option #3 - acrylic sanitary ware

Due to the advantages, acrylic containers have become the most popular among users.

Acrylic bathtub of unusual shape
Bathtubs can have not only the traditional rectangular shape, but also other shapes: oval, triangular, asymmetrical. Particularly pleasing is the variety of configurations for models made of acrylic.

In many respects, such plumbing is ahead of similar items made from metals:

  1. The thermal conductivity of acrylic baths is even lower than that of cast iron: they are able to retain heat for a long time.
  2. The quietest type of product compared to other types.
  3. Damage (if it is not too serious) is easily treatable restoration.
  4. They have a non-slip surface, which helps avoid injuries.
  5. Easy to clean.
  6. They are light in weight.

In addition, acrylic tanks are presented in a wide range of models, often combined with additional options, such as a jacuzzi.

The disadvantages are:

  • Sufficient fragility in comparison with cast iron analogues; Acrylic plumbing fixtures are not suitable for significant mechanical loads.
  • The surface of such bathtubs is easily scratched, which is why the attractive gloss is lost over time.
  • Inexpensive plumbing fixtures can become stained if you wash faded laundry in a container.

It is worth adding that high-quality acrylic products from well-known companies are quite expensive.

Characteristics of shower cabins

Such plumbing fixtures appeared much later than bathtubs. Currently, shower cabins are widespread, especially in small apartments.

Types of showers

There are several classification options. According to the design features, open and closed booths are distinguished. The former have an affordable price, but only partially enclose the structure.

Open shower
Open shower cabins have a lightweight design without a ceiling, which is why the number of additional functions in them is kept to a minimum

Closed models have not only walls, but also a roof, which allows you to create an airtight space. Thanks to this, you can use the sauna effect in the cabin, as well as other functions.

The plumbing fixtures under consideration also differ in the materials from which important elements - pallets - are made:

  • cast iron They are characterized by increased strength, but are heavy and take a long time to heat up;
  • ceramic They are quite fragile and require careful handling: dropping a heavy object can break the tray;
  • steel the most noisy;
  • acrylic They look great and heat up quickly, but they easily lose their appearance due to scratches on the surface.

In terms of depth, pallets can be: flat (0-35 mm), shallow (100-180) or deep (180-450 mm).

Comfort flat trays are especially recommended for elderly people or people with disabilities, since access to the cabin is then as easy as possible.

Products may have different parameters. Common options are dimensions 90x90, 100x100, 120x80 cm, but designs of other sizes can be found.

Large shower cabin
Some modern models of shower cabins are almost equal in size to those of a bathtub. They often have an original design and serve as interior decoration.

It is advisable to choose models whose length and width exceed 0.8 by 0.8 m - with smaller parameters, using shower cabins is uncomfortable.

When choosing a cabin, it is important to take into account both the area of ​​the room and the size of the body: the bather should be comfortable using the shower unit. We have provided other criteria that influence the choice of a suitable booth: In this article.

Pros and cons of shower designs

Fans of such sanitary products cite the following advantages:

  • The area of ​​such sanitary products is smaller than a traditional bathtub, which saves space. There is a place for such installations even in the most compact plumbing units.
  • Such devices are safe. The pallets are made of non-slip material, which reduces the likelihood of injury.
  • Modern models often have many additional features.This could be a telephone, radio, hydromassage, sauna mode. Some options allow for therapeutic procedures: inhalation, aromatherapy.
  • Some models of shower cabins have benches or seats, which makes washing easier for older people or people with health problems.
  • Thanks to the wide range, which includes options with different dimensions, design, cost, and a set of additional functions, you can always choose a shower cabin that meets the needs and capabilities of the buyer.
  • This device is considered more hygienic than a bathtub, since germs are washed away with the water flow, whereas in the latter these organisms remain in a container of water.
  • The shower can be used at any time, you just need to turn the tap.
  • It is better to rinse your hair under running water: in this case, you can thoroughly remove all remnants of shampoo and other detergent.

As you can see, the list of advantages of such sanitary products looks quite impressive.

At the same time, one cannot fail to mention the disadvantages of these devices:

  • High-quality models with a tight door are usually quite voluminous. They are often slightly smaller in area than bathtubs and are not suitable for installation in a small room.
  • Most additional functions (for example, tropical rain or hydromassage) can only be used with a certain water pressure. If it does not reach 1.5 bar in the house or on the floor, then the options will not be available.
  • The muscles remain tense under the shower: it is better to relax after a workout in the bath.
  • As a result of dried splashes, a white coating appears on doors and walls.
  • Shower cabins require more complex care than bathtubs, since they contain numerous metal parts of complex configurations.
  • The average cost of a cabin is higher than a bath.
  • Installation of such plumbing requires certain skills. As a result of poor quality work, the structure may leak.
  • There is no opportunity to lie down and relax in the shower stall.
  • Such products are difficult to use for bathing children (this can be done in cabins with a deep cast-iron tray) or pets.

At the same time, the quality of modern shower cabins is quite high, which makes it possible to smooth out many of the disadvantages of such plumbing.

Additional functions of shower cabins

The popularity of this type of plumbing product is influenced by the availability of additional functions that allow you to turn an ordinary shower into an attractive procedure.

The most common options include cold and hot shower. Alternating supply of hot and ice water has an extremely beneficial effect on the body, hardening it and toning the skin.

Shower cabin with hydromassage
One of the most popular additional options for shower cabins is vertical hydromassage. The soft touch of streams of water mixed with air bubbles allows you to quickly invigorate, relieve fatigue and stress

"Turkish bath". In this case, the cabin includes a steam generator, with which you can create a high temperature in the space (45-60O) and 100 percent humidity. Air saturated with hot steam helps improve blood circulation and immunity; under its influence, the pores expand, from which toxins are removed along with sweat.

Rain shower. A special nozzle located on the ceiling of the cabin breaks the water flow into a whirlwind of small gentle splashes, simulating summer rain. A similar procedure that helps relax the body is recommended before bed.

Aromatherapy. In models with this function, a special container for aromatic substances is built into the rear wall of the cabin. When the steam generator is turned on, heated water vapor passes through the tank and fills the space with fragrant steam. About choosing and installing a steam generator we wrote here.

Corner models of shower cabins
Owners of small bathrooms should pay attention to corner models of shower cabins, which occupy a minimum area of ​​the room

Ventilation. A function that allows you to ventilate the cabins. In versions equipped with the “tropical shower” and “Turkish bath” options, it allows the steam to be evenly distributed inside the cabin.

Vertical hydromassage. The devices are equipped with rotating built-in nozzles from which streams of water are ejected. By manually directing them in different directions, you can arrange a hydromassage of the legs, back or collar area.

Top/multi-color backlight. Lights located on the ceiling illuminate the cabin with uniform, soft light.

The presence of multi-colored LEDs, as well as several mode options, allows you to combine the washing procedure with the contemplation of visual effects that color the streams of water jets alternately in different colors. This also has a beneficial effect on the body, since the healing effect of chromotherapy, that is, light treatment, has been known for a long time.

Mirror. Some models have mirrors treated with a special anti-fog agent.This accessory is especially convenient when carrying out cosmetic procedures (for example, masks) or shaving in the shower.

Shower cabin with ultraviolet light
Shower cabins can be equipped not only with multi-colored lamps, but also with small ultraviolet lamps. They color streams of water an exquisite lilac color and destroy harmful organisms

Shampoo dispenser. To prevent bottles from falling off the shelves and causing problems, it is advisable to purchase a model with several dispensers attached to the inner wall (for shampoo, gel, balm). The newest modifications often have remote control using a remote control, as well as touch panels that respond to hand touch.

The presence of additional functions is directly proportional to the cost of the cabin, so when choosing a model, the buyer should consider the question of how important this or that option is for him, so as not to overpay.

Features of the hydromassage box

There is also an alternative option that involves combining a bath with a shower. This device is primarily recommended to be considered if some members of the family like to relax in the bathroom, while others do not want to spend a lot of time on water procedures, preferring to rinse off in the shower.

Hydrobox, combining the amenities of a bath and shower
A hydromassage box is a modern and convenient type of plumbing product. Such models are produced by many well-known brands, so the choice of models is quite large.

This model can also be recommended for families with small children: it is perfect for comfortable bathing of babies. Many additional options (hydromassage, steam sauna, tropical rain) turn such a device into a real spa.

At the same time, there are some drawbacks, including:

  • solid dimensions, due to which the hydrobox is unlikely to be suitable for a miniature bathroom;
  • high cost: prices for such products exceed the cost of a shower stall;
  • installation can only be carried out by highly qualified professionals;
  • certain requirements for water supply and sewerage.

In addition, hydroboxes, as a rule, have high sides, which is why they are not very suitable for older people or people with mobility problems.

You don’t like budget models, but a stylish cabin from a well-known brand is quite expensive? If desired, you can make tile shower with your own hands.

What is better to choose for your bathroom?

Having summarized data from forums and social networks where this issue is actively discussed, we can highlight the following points.

If the family is not too inclined to soak in the bathroom, it is better to use a shower cabin, which allows you not only to save space, but also to significantly reduce water costs.

Shower cabin with sauna function
Fans of an invigorating sauna should pay attention to special models of shower cabins that successfully imitate the temperature and humidity conditions of Turkish baths

If there are elderly people or chronically ill people in the family who find it difficult to use the bathtub, it is better to prefer a shower with seats. And for those who like to relax in a sauna, manufacturers offer a universal option - a shower with a sauna. We recommend that you read selection criteria such models.

Families with small children, as well as pet owners, are advised to install a comfortable bathtub.

When choosing, it is better to give preference to products from reputable companies.In economical models, after several years of use, the doors often dry out, which reduces the tightness of the products.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

In the presented video, you will hear the competent opinion of an interior designer about the advantages and disadvantages of the two main options for sanitary products intended for water procedures.

It is impossible to clearly determine which is better - a bath or a shower. When planning to update a bathroom, it is necessary to take into account the opinions of all family members, as well as a number of objective factors, for example, the area of ​​the plumbing room.

A wide range of products presented in specialized stores will allow you to find a compromise by choosing a comfortable bathtub, a modern shower cabin or a luxurious hydrobox.

You just can't make a choice? Maybe you have questions that we haven't covered in this article? Ask them in the comments block - site visitors and our experts will answer you.

Or maybe you want to share your impressions of using a hydrobox or shower with a sauna? Or tell your story of choosing between a bathtub and a shower? Write your opinion, add photos of plumbing fixtures, leave your recommendations for users who still doubt the choice of the best option.

Visitor comments
  1. Margarita

    We have a small apartment, so we installed a shower stall to save space. There is a place to wash, but there is no opportunity to soak in a hot bath with pine extract or a decoction of medicinal herbs. This is missing. A friend of mine, on the contrary, has no shower. He also complains that he can’t rinse off quickly, so he will add a shower to the bath.As for me, it’s better when these benefits of civilization are combined together.

  2. Inna

    On this issue, my husband and I disagreed - it is more convenient and comfortable for me to take a bath, but my husband prefers a shower. We found a consensus - we decided to purchase a hydrobox, besides, with a small child this is really an ideal option, since the bathroom area allows it to accommodate a large hydrobox. The pleasure, unfortunately, is not cheap, but it suits everyone.

    • Andrey

      Inna, I agree with your husband - the booth is more comfortable. There is no time to soak in the bathtub.

  3. Oleg

    I'm not ready to give up the bathroom. A shower is not that, it is designed to quickly wash away surface dirt and that’s it. You can lie in the bathroom and soak, so that all the pores open and cleanse. A bathhouse is ideal for this, but a bath will do. And caring for a shower stall is much more difficult than caring for a bathtub. It’s not enough to just rinse it; you’ll have to periodically rub the glass with special anti-calcium products.

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