What is convection in a gas oven and is it necessary? Useful tips for housewives on selection and use

Do you already know what convection is in a gas oven, and what conveniences are provided to you by having this function? Agree that forgetting about burnt and unbaked dishes by entrusting the miracle oven with taking care of the quality of cooking is a tempting prospect. And with the help of a new function, acquiring additional amenities expands the capabilities of any housewife.

We will talk in detail further about the possibilities, advantages and disadvantages, and ways to use convection for your benefit. We will also consider operating modes and provide recommendations for choosing a convection oven.

Purpose and operating principle of convection

When cooking food, heat is transferred in several natural ways. By lowering the pan closer to the heating element, switching the heating power control or stirring the product, we control the transfer of heat.

Therefore, to prevent anything from burning or drying out in the oven, the housewife has to intervene several times in the cooking process, releasing the heat. Are we passing by many possibilities by leaving the convection process to chance?

Types of Heat Transfer
Natural ways of heat transfer observed in everyday life. In a conventional oven, food is cooked most of the time without our intervention.

Conventional ovens have the main heat source in the lower part and the chamber is heated by radiation and natural convection. Due to the impeding heat transfer of the dishes and the low thermal conductivity of the air itself, a significant temperature difference occurs in the chamber volume, which can lead to burning or undercooking. Can the situation be improved?

Having equipped the oven with a special fan and exhaust system, the developers added the function forced convection to eliminate temperature differences. Thanks to the improvement, several new features have appeared, such as faster preheating of the chamber, an evenly browned crust and even savings.

Gas convection oven
Externally, ovens with a convection function are similar to regular ovens; they are distinguished by being equipped with a convector, additional heating elements, and an operating mode selection regulator

The operating principle of this oven is convection. The device uses forced distribution of heated air masses in the chamber volume, resulting in either uniform heating or the creation of zones with specified temperature conditions.

Heat is removed from the heating elements at a given speed by one or more convectors.

How does a convection oven work?
Air technology used in convection ovens allows you to cook food in new ways. Fans perform an important function of controlling heat flow during the baking process

Heating of conventional (non-convection) and the simplest convection (or traditional convection) gas ovens (hereinafter referred to as GD) is carried out by gas burners from below.

There may be several heating elements in a more complex convection-type gas generator - a gas burner at the bottom, a gas or electric heating element at the top (for grilling), and a ring electric heating element (CT) around the main fan.

Gas and electric convection ovens are classified as combined devices.

complex convector
Convectors can be simple (single fan) or complex (fan with heating element, use of several fans)

In most cases, the circulation fan is installed on the back wall of the oven. Its mains-powered motor can be accessed from the outside of the unit. The impeller blades are located inside the chamber and covered with a grill.

Some models additionally include a removable grease trap. It catches droplets of fat from the air coming from the chamber to the fan, and then the impeller does not become so dirty.

Models of ovens with double convection are also available, in which fans are installed in different places in the chamber and not even at the same height. They can work in different modes. When they work simultaneously, the heat is distributed faster and more evenly. If one of them is turned on, then zones with different temperatures are formed in the chamber, which allows you to simultaneously cook dishes that require different conditions.

A heating element
The heating elements inside a convection oven are often made of nickel wire coated with a ceramic binder and sealed inside a steel or brass tube

In addition to the fan involved in cooking, the oven design has an exhaust system, with the help of which the hot air circulating in the oven is removed.Using the same system, moisture is also removed from the chamber, so this oven is more suitable for baking pizza and vegetables. Due to dehydration, caramelization occurs on the surface of the products with the formation of an appetizing crust.

Models with a convection function also have an internal fan that is not visible from the camera side. It is designed to protect the sides of the oven, electronic equipment and furniture located nearby from overheating. The mechanism turns on only at a certain temperature.

Oven owners have the opportunity to enable or disable the convection function as desired. In the latter case, the oven will operate as usual.

Fan with ring heater
The fan motor with a ring heating element is equipped with overheating protection, as well as sealed bearings with permanent lubrication (high temperature)

Gas ovens with a conventional function have protective systems, so they are as safe during operation as electric ovens. The burners are equipped with flame presence sensors and also have temperature relays.

Review of advantages and disadvantages

What are the advantages of convection ovens? Fast cooking – the main advantage. The directed flow of hot air transfers more heat to the food, so food cooks faster and more evenly. Cooking time for most dishes is about a quarter (25%) less. If you are cooking recipes designed for a conventional oven, be sure to recalculate the time before setting the timer.

Many chefs note that convection cooking is preferable for frying, since the golden brown crust on the meat is formed more evenly under the influence of circulating hot air.The juices remain inside the product, which makes the food more tender and tastier.

Cooking different foods
One of the advantages is the ability to cook several different products at the same time. The products are not saturated with the smells of their “neighbors”. The main thing is not to overload the chamber space, making convection difficult.

Reducing cooking time – this reduces energy costs, therefore you save money. A reduction in time costs also occurs when several different dishes are being prepared at the same time. Saving energy and time is also achieved because there is no need to often open the oven to control the cooking process (when opening the door, the heat already gained is lost). Reduces the time and energy required to preheat the oven before loading food.

New opportunities are emerging. Possibility is added cook several dishes at the same time, mode defrosting And drying at low (up to 40OC) or room temperature.

Unfortunately, there are some drawbacks, the main one being high price. GD models with a convection function are almost half as expensive as analogues that do not have it. If you cook a lot, often and with pleasure, and if the purchase of an expensive appliance does not cause significant damage to the family budget, such a generous “advance payment” will not cause later regrets.

Some products do not tolerate airflow during the cooking process, since the air flow is an external force that can destroy the thin structure formed during rise. For example, a “sissy” soufflé easily loses its shape, turning into something flat. Even cupcakes can lose their posture and become sideways.When preparing foods that require delicate handling, the convection function is turned off or set to minimum, slowing down the air flow.

Cooking several dishes at the same time
In general, the convention function makes the cooking process more enjoyable, easier, and more economical. If you have to pay more when purchasing for models that have this function, then during operation there is a saving in costs

In any case, even if finances are not a significant argument when choosing an oven, you have to decide on your own whether you need convection in a household gas oven or whether you can do without it.

Having solved the dilemma in favor of a purchase, you can familiarize yourself with information about the operating modes of ovens, and also seek advice on choosing a particular model from a consultant.

Convection modes and control panel

The presence of a convector in the oven design ensures its operation in several modes.

Many of the modes listed below are not found in all oven models, so when choosing an oven you should carefully study the instructions.

Double convection
The use of double convection mode allows you to quickly warm up the oven chamber and create conditions for uniform cooking of products throughout the entire volume.

Below are the types of modes in which the convector operates.

  • In slow cooking mode The lower gas burner and fan operate simultaneously. Uniform heating of the space is created in the chamber. This mode cooks large pieces of meat perfectly. This mode is also used for heating food.
  • Rotisserie with convection. Bottom gas burner, spit and fan included. Everything is distributed: the spit rotates the product, the fan creates a stream of evenly enveloping heat. A crispy crust and juicy meat are guaranteed.
  • In "pizza" mode the lower heating element, the ring heating element and the fan are turned on at the same time.
  • With double convection The task of creating air circulation is assigned to two fans. According to manufacturers, this way sets a particularly even temperature distribution in the oven chamber.
  • Fan grill. It is recommended to preheat the oven before placing the product. The fan works in conjunction with the top heater to soften the heat and allow the grilled meat to cook evenly. This mode is good for large pieces of meat and thick dishes.
  • Turbo grill – the most energy-consuming mode. There are three heating elements and a fan that turns on and off periodically. Efficiently and quickly prepares many foods that require intensive cooking at the same time. Smells do not mix (and tastes too).
  • Convection mode with steam allows you to cook dishes similar to steam. In this mode, you can cook boiled pork without wrapping it in foil. When using a temperature probe, the recommended temperature is 130 °C.
  • ECO mode Suitable for cooking large quantities of food at the same time. Convector, upper and lower heaters included. Good for baking cookies and cakes.

Such a number of new modes, in addition to those already known to the hostess from regular HDs, may even be puzzling at first. But a good habit develops quickly. Convection cooking is quietly becoming the norm.

Icons on the control panel
To decide on the choice of model, you can open the instructions and see what modes are provided in this gas oven model. They are indicated by pictograms

In addition, such equipment is available defrosting - usually indicated by a snowflake.Ventilation occurs without turning on the burner. Air blowing replaces the cold air layers that envelop frozen foods with warmer ones. As a result, an “air coat” does not form around the product and the defrosting process proceeds faster.

Drying mode possible when the convector is turned on and the temperature is about +50 °C created by the lower burner.

Another useful option is quick oven cooling, which usually happens when the fan is turned on without igniting the gas burner. This mode requires the oven door to be opened.

In a gas convection oven, as a rule, mechanical controls are used. It is simpler and therefore more reliable than the touch or electronic version.

For this, at least two regulators are installed:

  • heating temperature setting handle;
  • handle for setting the operating mode of the device.

In addition to “rotary” (mechanical) control, there are models with rotary push-button or rotary touch controls. For example, Corting OGG 771, Bosch HGN 22H350 have a touch electronic timer and rotary thermostat controls.

Control panel with rotary controls and sensor
In the picture of the control panel of the ovens A) Bosch HGN 22H350 and B) Corting OGG 771 have a touch electronic timer and rotary controls for the thermostat and function selection. The icons around the mode control are pictograms that are not difficult to decipher.

In addition to the handles, the control panel also contains indicators indicating the operation of the device.

Nuances of fan operation and shutdown

In electric ovens, the convection fan turns on during preheating, even if you are not using convection cooking. About connecting a gas stove with an electric oven we wrote here.

In gas stoves it does not turn on during this period. During convection cooking, the convector will typically run for about 10 seconds, then turn off for about 40-60 seconds. The working cycle of the convector in different modifications may vary, for example, work and rest for an equal amount of time.

Ways to turn off the fan

Because there are many different models of convection fans, the process for turning off the fan may vary.

Method #1 - turn off convection

Turn off convection option. Some oven models have the ability to turn off the convection function. The fan turns off automatically.

Method #2 - open the door

In the design of many models, when the oven door is opened, the fan immediately turns off. It will turn on again when the door closes. To turn off the convector, open the oven door during cooking.

Method #3 - Cool the oven

Turn off the oven and let it cool. During cooling, the fan may remain on for a while. It will eventually turn off.

Appearance of tangential fan
A tangential cooling fan is also called a diametrical fan. It creates a uniform, flat flow of cooling air. The fan performs double movement of the air flow perpendicular to the axis of the rotating impeller

The cooling fan is supposed to run until the oven cools down.

Method #4 - Switch Oven Settings

If you have a combination oven with a conventional oven, switch the setting to normal operation. If the oven is a combination oven, changing to the normal setting according to the manufacturer's instructions will usually result in the fan turning off.

Method #5 - click the button

In addition to an internal fan that moves heat around the food area, some convection ovens have an exhaust fan to remove fumes, smoke and odors from the cooking area.

The device may have a control for selecting settings, for example, high, medium or low, or one button that is pressed to turn the hood off or on. To turn off the exhaust fan, press the off button on the front of the unit.

When should I contact the service center?

In general, fans installed in gas ovens are reliable equipment, designed to last for many years.

But there are signs, if present, you should immediately contact a service center:

  • you can hear creaking, extraneous noise, or knocking when the oven is operating;
  • The cooling fan never turns on;
  • an unpleasant odor or smoke is heard from the cleaned oven.

Let's take a closer look at the features of these breakdowns.

Firstly, convectors operate not completely silently, but quite quietly. If your fan makes an abnormal sound, such as squealing, squeaking, or knocking, especially when it stops or starts, you should contact a professional immediately. If the reversible convector simply pulled in a piece of foil, and it is easily removed, then the problem can be fixed on your own.

Secondly, the cooling fan is usually not visible, but you will hear it running. When the electronics heat up, it will turn on, when the electronics cool down, it will turn off. The oven or cooktop generates enough heat to turn on the cooling fan. If the cooling fan never turns on or off, you should visit a service center.

Oven in the kitchen
The third sign to contact the service center is if you notice an unusual odor or smoke coming from the oven when it is completely clean

Safety of installation and operation

All models of gas ovens have several systems that ensure safe operation. So, the door glazing is made multi-layered so that the scalding temperature does not reach the outer surface of the door. So that even a child looking through the “porthole” at a chicken rotating on a spit will not get burned. He will not be able to participate in controlling the oven and opening the door, thanks to the lock.

In addition, as mentioned above, heat is removed from the surface of the oven by an internal electric fan.

Control Panel
The control panel of a gas device is much simpler than that of an electric one. In addition to the timer (1), the panel contains a temperature regulator (2) and a mode switch (3). Power on indicator (4)

The gas supply is blocked automatically if:

  • the burner goes out accidentally;
  • a gas leak occurs;
  • The pressure in the gas line drops.

For oven installationoperating on gas, it is necessary to invite a specialist. He will not only safely connect the gas, but will also check the compliance of the technical device with the type of gas (natural or liquefied) and, if necessary, replace the nozzle.

Additionally required install exhaust equipment. To connect to the electrical network and gas, you need to contact specialists.

The electrical outlet must be of the correct type and must be grounded. In addition to the above, it is necessary to take measures to ensure free access to the oven and its removal. Therefore it is important link_webnavoz]properly prepare the place[/link_webnavoz].

Features of using the equipment

Sometimes it happens that the purchased convection oven is not used in convection mode. It would seem that such an excellent function should attract any housewife and be used one hundred percent. In reality, this is not happening yet. The main reason is ignorance of the advantages and features of the function, and the need to make efforts to master it.

Baking test
The difference in the quality of baking cookies in a conventional and convection oven. A - in a conventional oven at 350OWITH; B - in an oven with a convector at a temperature of 350 ° C; B - in convection oven at 325 °WITH

The difficulty is that cooking in convection mode requires different timing. The cooking time in convection mode is a quarter less, with the exception of baking products in a closed form - in foil or a sleeve.

Therefore, almost all recipes need to be transformed - the baking time needs to be reduced by 25%. The same can be achieved by lowering the cooking temperature by a quarter. Not all housewives are ready for these innovations (working hard with translation and getting used to cooking in a new way).

To solve the problem and help owners of modern ovens, manufacturers have taken several paths:

  • recalculated the cooking time for the main products and provided information in the instructions;
  • took part in the release of cookbooks with recipes for convection devices;
  • programmed ovens to automatically change timing/temperature when the convection function is turned on.

Unfortunately, gas ovens are not yet equipped with such abilities (automatic translation). Perhaps the situation will be corrected in the near future.But instructions, books and the Internet are available to any housewife.

Tips for choosing a convection oven

It is better to choose an expensive technical device in a specialized store. Here you can get timely advice and purchase goods of guaranteed quality.

Gas oven
The choice of model is often made for aesthetic reasons. Leading companies produce equipment in more than one style or color scheme. Modern appliances will look good in any style kitchen

What is important to consider when choosing:

  1. Ovens can be dependent (included with the hob and have a common control panel) and independent (installed separately). In the first case, selecting compatible HDDs and a separate hob can be a difficult task. Independent ovens can be located anywhere in the kitchen and can easily be combined with any hob.
  2. The housewife’s capabilities depend on the number of heating elements and fans in the design. More elements - more modes.
  3. Additional features and safety systems are noteworthy. For example, the presence of a block from child intervention.
  4. A strong argument in favor of choosing a specific model is the availability of a service department in your city.
  5. The choice of model for aesthetic reasons also has its place. Fortunately, leading companies produce equipment in more than one style or color scheme.

The cleaning method is another significant parameter. Unfortunately, gas ovens are cleaned in the traditional way.

When choosing an oven, we recommend that you first turn to products from manufacturers whose equipment has already been recognized as high-quality, reliable and trouble-free.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Useful information for housewives about the operation of a convection oven. Sensibly, clearly, and most importantly, the processes are explained and the nuances are shown.

A short excursion into the choice of ovens.

When choosing between a conventional and convection oven, the buyer weighs his capabilities and desires. Purchasing an oven with even a couple of convection modes gives the housewife a chance to become a master of masterfully using the capabilities provided by convection and reward herself and her household with amazing dishes.

Would you like to talk about your personal experience of choosing a convection oven and the features of its use in preparing various dishes? Or do you think buying such a gas oven is just a marketing ploy? Express your opinion on this issue, give strong arguments for and against the purchase of gas equipment with convection - the comment form is located below.

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