Solar panels for home heating: types, how to choose and install them correctly

Technological innovation is truly amazing, especially when it comes to the practical side of life.Until recently, people were not aware of schemes for obtaining profitable energy, which would make it possible to refuse expensive electricity. Agree, now alternative sources are available to everyone and it would be great to use them.

Innovative solar panels for home heating are gradually but persistently being introduced into our everyday realities. But before you go to the store to buy them, you should weigh the pros and cons, otherwise you may end up purchasing a completely unsuitable model. To prevent this from happening, we will reveal the secrets of choosing these devices.

In addition, from our material you will learn the design features of solar collectors, and also find step-by-step instructions for installing solar panels. For ease of understanding, the material is accompanied by thematic photographs and videos.

The principle of using solar energy

Often, when faced with the need to install solar panels, a person wonders about the feasibility of the enterprise. Because in most cases the percentage of sunny days is significantly inferior to the same value of cloudy days.

A similar ratio is typical for the regions of the middle zone, and the climate of the northern regions is characterized by an even greater number of cloudy days.

The insufficient number of sunny days is directly related to the efficiency of devices that process the energy of the earth's star. As a result, the exposure of sunlight to the surface of the battery is reduced. This process is called insolation.

How do solar panels work for heating a home?
Solar panels can be used in heating systems as a supplier of coolant or energy to power devices

Its essence lies in the fact that any plane, regardless of its purpose, receives a certain amount of solar energy. In the southern regions, this quantity is naturally higher, which makes the installation of solar panels more relevant.

However, as practice shows, the market for technological equipment in the field of solar energy synthesis is constantly improving its products, so modern solar cells are solar panels They function perfectly even in areas with low levels of insolation.

Where is it better to use solar panels in a heating system?
Distribution of solar activity using the example of a map of Russia. A higher coefficient is typical for the southern regions (+)

A balanced approach to installation

Before organizing a solar heating system, you should find out the disadvantages and strengths of a structure powered by solar energy.

This knowledge is needed for a better perception of the differences between equipment and analogues and for assessing the rationality of the device and assessing the feasibility of the structure.

The most significant factors are:

  • Efficiency. Real efficiency when converting solar energy into electrical energy. So far, the energy of solar batteries is almost five times more expensive than conventional electricity.
  • Seasonality of use. Solar panels can operate productively only if there are no obstacles in the path of sunlight, including high clouds.
  • Weak accumulation scheme. In most cases, the resulting energy must be spent immediately. To accumulate and store it, you need quite voluminous drives, the placement of which will require an impressive area.
  • Need for auxiliary energy. In winter, solar panels will not be able to supply enough heat to heat the house. But they can be a useful addition to the heating boiler in case of sunny weather.
  • Feasibility of construction. At the moment, the payback of solar panels leaves much to be desired. Their installation is justified only in areas not connected to centralized networks. Where there is no alternative to solar devices at all.

There are hopes for the development and production of solar energy devices that are more accessible to private owners. There is confidence that one day the construction of systems that process solar energy will become profitable.

True, if we take into account that the planet’s energy resources are gradually melting, then we can fully consider solar technology as a profitable, promising investment.

Environmental aspects of using solar panels
The solar complex is completely safe for the environment, does not emit toxic combustion products, does not disturb the natural balance, and does not require burning fossils or wood.

However, now this is only an addition to the main heat sources, but already has its own set of advantages.

Significant advantages of the solar complex:

  • Long period of operation. Structural simplicity guarantees a minimum of breakdowns. The panels can be accidentally damaged when clearing snow, but glass replacement is quite affordable to do with your own hands.
  • Wide variety of models. The devices are produced by a significant number of foreign companies and individual representatives of domestic manufacturers. The range of prices allows you to choose an option that suits your pocket.
  • Individual settings. The equipment can be configured taking into account all the vagaries of nature in a particular area.
  • Cheap energy. More precisely, its complete freeness is a quality that should not be taken literally due to the significant material intensity of the construction of solar panels.
  • External attractiveness. Flat heating systems do not violate the architecture of houses and can be perceived as elements of creative design.

We found out that the solar complex can become a help in everyday life, complementing traditional heating sources. Additionally, given today's fuel prices, alternative energy promotes savings, especially in private sector settings.

Leading equipment manufacturers, when describing their products, strongly emphasize the absolute environmental friendliness systems. Naturally, the process of converting photon energy occurs without the participation of any flammable, toxic or chemical explosive substances.

What solar panels look like on the roof of a private house
Solar panels located on the roof do not spoil the exterior of the house and do not take up much space

More generally, the widespread use of solar panels will certainly reduce the consumption of other energy sources such as coal or natural gas. Of course, the environmental situation in this case will improve qualitatively, and insatiable bills for heating and combustible materials will remain a thing of the past.

The efficiency of the panels is directly proportional to the amount of solar energy absorbed.But the technological aspect of different types of equipment allows you to increase or decrease productivity.

To increase the performance of the system, it is recommended to install solar heating in symbiosis with other, more traditional heating methods.

There is no need to worry that the solar collector will fail very soon. The average lifespan of such equipment is about 15 years. The correct functioning of photocells primarily depends on the region in which the installation is used.

Typically, the most intense level of insolation places greater stress on the system. Therefore, if the equipment is used in a temperate climate, it is quite capable of lasting more than 15 years.

Operation of solar panels in heating systems
The service life of solar panels is from 12 to 15 years. With proper care they will last longer

Types of solar complexes

It has been experimentally proven that some substances are capable of reacting more intensely to the influence of photons. Therefore, the manufacturing technology of solar panels is different.

Solar devices for domestic use are divided into 2 main types:

  • Photoelectric converters (silicon and film). They are groups of photocells connected in series or parallel to each other, converting solar radiation into electricity. The elements assembled into a single semiconductor system are called solar panel, which supplies energy to electrically dependent heating devices.
  • Solar collectors (flat, vacuum or tubular, concentrator or mirror collectors).This is the most common type in everyday life, receiving solar energy and transmitting it to the heating system in the form of electricity or heated coolant.

In addition to the listed types, there are solar stations that produce energy on an industrial scale. For a private owner, they can serve as a centralized energy supplier.

Circuit diagram of a heating system with solar panels
A heating system with solar collectors provides for the consumption of energy immediately after receiving it.

Photoelectric converter device

The operating principle of photoelectric converters is based on converting solar energy into its electrical type. They are produced in the form of modules on an aluminum frame or on a flexible polymer sheet.

In the first case, the top of the module is protected by high-strength glass, and the bottom by an insulating film. In the second case, both protective shells are made of polymers.

Photovoltaic cells are connected via busbars, the function of which is to transfer energy to the battery or consumer. The buses are connected to contacts that serve to connect individual batteries into a complete system and to connect to consumers.

How do silicon solar cells work?
The operating principle of photovoltaic converters is based on the ability of the elements to convert solar energy into electrical energy

Based on the organization of silicon atoms, solar cells are divided into the following categories:

  • Monocrystalline. Supplying the purest silicon, the production technology of which has long been used in the manufacture of semiconductors. The essence of production is the artificial growth of a single crystal, which is ultimately cut into plates 0.2-0.4 mm thick. These are the cells of the future battery, of which 36 will be required.
  • Polycrystalline. The manufacturing process uses wafers made from molten silicon after it has been slowly cooled. The technology requires less energy and labor effort, so solar panels with polycrystals cost much less. Typically these batteries have a standard bright blue color.
  • Made from amorphous silicon. Their production technology is focused on the principle of the evaporation phase. As a result of the evaporation process, a thin film of silicon is deposited on the supporting element, which is enveloped on top with a transparent protective coating. This category of solar panels is called thin-film and is installed on the walls of houses.

Monocrystalline batteries are the most productive. Depending on the model and manufacturer, their efficiency varies in the range of 14–17%. Polycrystalline ones are inferior to them in terms of efficiency criteria; their efficiency is on average 10–12%.

The least productive systems are solar batteries based on amorphous silicon. They are designed to process scattered radiation and are installed on the walls of houses as a complement to more powerful systems located on the roof. Efficiency is within 5–6%.

Solar panels on polycrystals in a private heating system
Polycrystalline Solar Panel Options - Average Offering in Price and Performance

Based on data obtained from leading solar module manufacturers such as SunTech Power, it becomes clear that the efficiency of single crystals is increasing every year, and soon the efficiency may reach about 33%.

However, today the best performance indicators belong to the company's products Sanyo. The peculiarity of these panels is the multi-layer external element, which significantly increases efficiency and efficiency solar collectors is 23%.

Due to the characteristic processing procedure of silicon, the polycrystalline structure contains undesirable formations that interfere with better absorption of solar energy.

Also, the crystalline particles of the module microstructure are arranged in a chaotic order in relation to each other, which makes energy sublimation difficult. As a result, the panel efficiency rarely exceeds 18%.

Sometimes a symbiosis of amorphous and poly-/monocrystalline reservoirs occurs. This is because polycrystals require intense sunlight to function properly, unlike amorphous panels. Therefore, combining the two technologies may be a way out.

There are also noticeable changes in the production of film systems. Thus, at the present stage, film films are quite common solar modules based on cadmium and indium.

Film panels for heating a country house
The silica coating is constantly monitored at each stage, otherwise performance problems may occur.

It has been proven that cadmium absorbs sunlight very well, which is why many solar energy manufacturers have adopted it. As you know, the substance is radioactive, but there is no need to worry about the possibility of exposure, because the proportion of metal is not so great as to cause any harm to the atmosphere, not to mention humans.

The semiconductor indium successfully produces 20% efficiency, ahead of cadmium. Due to the fact that indium is much more in demand in household appliances, namely in the production of LCD TVs, manufacturers often replace the metal with another analogue - gallium.

Advantages of film solar panels for heating
Film solar equipment has a flexible structure, which greatly simplifies installation

Speaking about the advantages of polymer modules and film collectors in general, I would like to highlight the rather low price compared to crystalline batteries, complete safety and environmental friendliness, thanks to the stable state of the chemical. substances. Also, additional advantages include flexibility and versatility.

Design features of solar collectors

The simplest version of a flat solar collector is a kind of box-casing, the front side of which is a blackened metal surface. Inside there is a coil filled with water, a mixture of water with an antifreeze agent or air.

The bottom and walls of the box are covered with thermal insulation, which is necessary to preserve the received energy within the battery.

A metal plate together with tubes collects and transfers the heated coolant to the heating system. This part is called the absorber. Most often, sheet copper, characterized by high thermal conductivity, is used for its manufacture.

The outer side of the adsorber must be intensely black for maximum absorption of solar radiation.

Solar collector circuit diagram
Tubular solar panels are a system of tubes or coils with a metal plate on top

To prevent rays from being reflected from the metal surface of the adsorber, a durable transparent coating is installed on top. Typically these are tempered glass options with minimal metal content.

On the outside, a special optical shell is applied to it, which does not emit heat in infrared light. It improves the performance of the device, capable of heating water up to 200°C.

Tubular panels are sensitive to atmospheric negativity.After heavy precipitation, especially hail, it is recommended to carefully check the integrity of the collector face covering.

Wind-blown leaves, dust particles and broken branches can also damage the surface. Scratches and chips will lead to a sharp deterioration in equipment performance.

Options for solar collectors for heating
There are several options for installing solar panels, because... During operation, the developers gradually eliminated the shortcomings

The vacuum version is equipped with a multilayer tube designed like a thermos. This system allows you to retain heat 95% better than previous models.

At the bottom of the multilayer tube there is a liquid that turns into steam when heated by the sun. A capacitor is mounted at the top of this kind of sealed flask. Upon reaching it, the steam condenses and transports heat into the system.

Solar panels operating on the vacuum principle are more effective than conventional tubular ones in areas with a small number of sunny days.

Concentrator collectors are equipped with a device with a mirror surface, which focuses the energy it receives onto the surface of the absorber. The mirror area is larger than the same absorber size, thereby increasing the efficiency of solar energy reception.

The mirror element can generally be concentrated on a point or a thin line without the slightest loss in performance.

Installation of vacuum solar panels for heating
By constructing a heat-receiving tube based on the principle of a thermos, the productivity of the device almost doubles

The disadvantage of concentrators is that they can only perceive direct radiation. Therefore, the latest developments are equipped with rotary tracking devices in order to eliminate or reduce the influence of this drawback.

Tracking devices force the collector to rotate following the movement of the star in order to collect all its rays.

This is the most effective type of solar collector panels, allowing you to heat the coolant to a maximum temperature compared to others. True, they work well in desert areas, they cost a lot, which is why they are in demand mainly by production organizations.

Collector-concentrator for home heating
A solar concentrator works by focusing solar energy onto an absorber that has a smaller area

An interesting new solution was a spherical collector structure that captures literally all the rays it can perceive. It does not need to be equipped with a rotating mechanism, which, by the way, is volatile and requires connection to the power supply.

The spherical design differs from the usual one in that it does not consist of separate tubes connected to the inlet and outlet pipes, but of a single screw heat sink.

The receiver coil is filled with process water, which, when heated, moves up along a screw path and exits heated into the outlet pipe, and from there into the heating system.

After cooling, the coolant again returns from the heating circuit to the inlet pipe of the spherical collector. The process is repeated.

A significant advantage of the spherical system is that heating occurs throughout the daylight hours. It does not need to be equipped with rotating mechanisms that require power supply. Thanks to the screw design, it is characterized by minimal energy losses in the pipeline.

All types of solar collectors belong to the category of seasonal auxiliary energy systems.Depending on the model, their internal piping can hold up to 200 liters of liquid, and the minimum amount used in vacuum modules is about 60 liters.

It is quite possible to build a solar collector with your own hands. The site has a selection of articles dedicated to homemade solar systems.

We advise you to read:

  1. How to make a solar collector for heating with your own hands - step by step guide
  2. How to make a solar battery with your own hands: instructions for self-assembly

Installation instructions for solar batteries

It is advisable to install panels belonging to the “flat” class in the summer season, when the insolation level is higher. This will be the best option for the ratio of price and energy received, which means purchasing such solar collectors will fully justify all the money spent.

One way or another, the energy potential of the equipment allows it to be used in hot water supply and heating systems.

The energy conversion process is extremely sensitive to temperature changes. This should be taken into account during installation. The first step is to make sure that the home is thoroughly insulated, otherwise unexpected malfunctions in the system may occur.

Autonomous heating system with solar collectors
A heating system with solar panels is a closed circuit with coolant circulating through it

For each region, the optimal equipment installation option is provided. The calculation is made based on the same degree of insolation. According to the rules of use, the collector must be positioned so that the angle of incidence of sunlight on its surface is 90°.

Only in this case the efficiency of the system will be maximum.You can achieve absolute accuracy when installing panels by measuring the latitude of the area.

An important factor will be the direction in which the panels are placed. Due to the fact that the highest power level is achieved mainly in the middle of the day, it is worthwhile to oriented the panels in a southerly direction. Some deviations during the installation process are allowed, in the east or west direction, but not too much.

In addition, a decrease in efficiency is often observed due to shadows from trees falling on the collector panel. In winter, it is recommended to increase the angle of inclination of solar panels, this will improve the level of system performance.

Step 1. Selecting the angle of inclination

The efficiency of collectors primarily depends on the angle of the panel relative to the horizontal surface. For optimal light absorption It is recommended to keep the inclination around 45°.

Installation angle of solar heating panels
The optimal angle of inclination of the solar panel depends on the season. It would be good if the device is equipped with a device for adjusting the angle

The azimuth must be kept at 0° (direct direction to the South). Some deviations of 30-40° are allowed for better insolation. To increase rigidity, there is a special one. aluminum structures.

This is primarily typical for installing collectors on an inclined roof. They will prevent changes in the set parameters due to weather conditions, and the fast installation speed, using fastening hooks and profiles, will save time.

Step #2. Construction of the primary circuit

At the first stage, all heating components are installed: boilers, compressors, heat conductors, etc. For convenience, it is recommended to locate the system elements in an easily accessible place.During installation expansion tank, the absence of obstacles between it and the collectors should be taken into account.

The temperature inside the tank is measured using a temperature sensor. It should be attached to the bottom of the tank.

The next stage will be the organization of a ventilation system. When installing the circuit, you must create air vent, leaving the expansion tank. The best solution would be to take communication to the roof. This will help regulate pressure differences within the heating system.

Heating system elements with solar panels
Solar panels are part of a heating system, which must also include boilers, centrifugal pumps, pipelines, etc.

The process of fluid movement inside DHW depends on circulation pump. It is recommended to be used only for systems with a closed water circuit. In addition, for the convenience of changing fluid, the expansion tank must be equipped with a drain system. For this purpose, installing a tap somewhere at the bottom of the device is suitable.

Step #3. We understand the operating features

Solar system operates from a 220 V network. Each model has a unique connection diagram, which is supplied in the kit.

The wiring must be carefully insulated, and thermostats and all kinds of relays must be located in an extremely dry place. For better sealing, it is recommended to protect the equipment with a hydrophobic material.

Be sure to make sure that the system is connected to ground. This will protect you from life-threatening situations.

Step #4. Choosing a method for connecting elements

Soldering of copper circuits and electrical parts must be done using special soldering paste. Before this, you need to clean the joints.It is better to do this with a steel brush.

Elements leading to the distribution tank (pipes, coils) are welded or screwed, first slicing carving It is important to understand that the pipe with cooled liquid should approach the bottom of the tank, and the pipe with hot liquid should go to the top.

Step #5. Installation of solar panels

Preparatory stage: what needs to be prepared for installation.

Next comes the process of installing solar panels. The installation instructions for 2 panels are suitable for mounting any number of solar collectors: the installation principle does not change. The main thing is to find an area for installation.

The last stage is system testing.

Additional information on installation and connection of solar panels is presented in the articles:

  1. Schemes and methods of connecting solar panels: how to properly install a solar panel
  2. Connection diagram for solar panels: to the controller, to the battery and serviced systems

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Application of solar panels in autonomous communication systems:

Demonstration of products from one of the leaders in the production of solar panels:

The principle of design and operation of a vacuum manifold:

Solar systems are annually improving their performance in converting solar energy. Developers already offer a huge selection of flat and tubular type collectors, using quartz coating or monocrystalline modules.

All this is gradually updating alternative energy sources, as a result of which solar energy will soon become available to everyone.

Do you have experience connecting or using solar panels to heat your home? Or still have questions on the topic? Please share your opinions, leave comments and participate in discussions. The communication block is located below.

Visitor comments
  1. Alexei

    I love all these modern eco-friendly gadgets! I remember how amazed I was by entire fields with wind turbines in Germany when I saw them for the first time back in the 90s. Solar panels in everyday life and in the country are my dream! So far I only use it on hikes and on vacation; it comes in very handy when I need to charge my phone. But to heat our houses like this in Russia - it seems to me that this is a utopia! After all, we don’t have sultry Italy here, there’s little sun and it’s often cloudy. Although this may be an option for the Krasnodar Territory. How cool it would be!

  2. Andrey

    Solar panels for heating a dacha are my old dream, which is breaking into harsh reality. First, these panels aren't that cheap, and it's not clear when the savings they're supposed to provide offset their cost. And secondly, the thought of leaving all this stuff unattended for the six months that I’m not at the dacha just scares me... How do these panels withstand winter frosts? Are there any options with quick installation/disassembly so you can put them away when you leave?

    • Expert
      Vasily Borutsky

      The price of the issue now for solar panels and related equipment is quite adequate than, for example, five years ago. Such sources of alternative energy are becoming more and more accessible, but putting them in a dacha where you won’t be for half a year is not prudent. Firstly, someone may “notice” such equipment. Secondly, solar panels need to be cleaned of dust, snow, and leaves so that they do not lose their performance.

      If you do decide to install solar panels, they can be mounted in such a way that they can be easily removed before leaving. You can also come up with a special frame made of aluminum, for example, with a lock, under which the solar panels will be hidden during your absence.

      If you mount solar panels not on the roof, but on the ground, then you can build any kind of protection against theft; there will no longer be restrictions on the weight of the structure.

  3. Daria

    Yes, in our age of technology you no longer have time to follow their development. Ten years ago, my father personally participated in the development of solar panels of this type, but then they were huge, heavy tanks, and not just collectors. On our roof, this gigantic structure appeared first in the entire region and barely fit :) Envious people beat it with stones, and constantly asked us what it was... Now somehow everything has become more compact, but in my memory, of course, it’s still fresh a cute children's model that I assembled from cones and a large tin can especially for some competition :)

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