How to save and count water using a meter: modern devices and ways to save

With housing and communal services tariffs constantly increasing, eating up a significant part of the household budget, it is important to carefully control expenses.One of the most significant items of utility bills is rightly considered to be payment for hot/cold water supply.

Metering devices will help reduce the amount shown on the receipt. In this article, we will look at how to save water using the meter in order to further reduce costs for the services of the management company, without giving up the usual water procedures.

In the article we will also provide recommendations from experts on the use of devices that reduce water consumption, and consider the best ways that will help you use water sparingly when performing various household chores.

Advantages of installing water meters

According to the Federal Law on Energy Saving No. 261-FZ dated November 23, 2009, all payments for resources, including water supply, must be carried out according to meter readings. In new buildings, water meters are installed before the buildings are put into operation.

In older housing stock, payments for water are charged according to consumption standards, unless apartment owners themselves think about purchasing individual devices. Recommendations for choosing a suitable water meter we brought here.

Installation of a water meter by specialists
Installation of water meters is carried out by employees of the relevant services.Each device is supplied with a passport and a certificate of conformity, which is certified by a body accredited by Gosstandart

Experts strongly recommend thinking about installation of water meters, because they have a number of undoubted advantages:

  • A standardized payment is charged for each tenant registered at the address, even if he does not live in the apartment. And when the device is running, resource consumption is determined according to its readings, regardless of the number of people registered in the apartment.
  • Actual water consumption is usually much lower than the upper limit of the norm.

It is worth adding that saving is important not only from the point of view of the family budget. Water is a non-renewable natural resource, the effective use of which contributes to the creation of a favorable environmental situation and protection of the environment.

Thinking about buying a meter? In this case, we recommend that you read rating of the best flow meters according to buyers.

How to take readings correctly?

For the convenience of calculating water consumption, two devices are installed on the cold and hot water supply pipes. One, colored blue, is responsible for cold water, and the second, red, takes into account hot water consumption.

For installation, meters are used that meet GOST R 50601 - 50193. The type of device must comply with the State Standards of the Russian Federation and be included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments.

The amount of water used can be seen on the instrument panel as a combination of eight numbers. The initial reading of the new counter will be the combination “00000000”.

Taking water meter readings
Behind the transparent window of the dial you can see the device readings.The first five black digits indicate cubic meters of water spent, and the three red ones record expenses in liters

As the device is used, the value will change. If, with zero initial data, by the date of transfer of information the number 00012345 is recorded in the water meter window, it means that the residents spent 12 cubic meters of 345 liters of water in a month.

If a new device is installed, the first five digits, indicated in black, are transmitted to the controlling organization, with the last value rounded up or down.

In the future, to determine the values, you need to follow a simple algorithm:

  • take readings from hot/cold water meters;
  • calculate the difference between the values ​​of the current and previous month, for which you need to subtract the smaller one from the larger number;
  • multiply the resulting numbers by the value of the tariffs for hot and cold water.

Every month, the user needs to take readings from two water meters and transfer the data to regulatory organizations in person, by phone or via the Internet. However, it is recommended to carry out all the operations described above to ensure the accuracy of the calculations.

We reviewed more detailed guidance on taking and transmitting meter readings in next article.

Is it possible to independently check the correct operation of the device? To do this, it is worth conducting a small experiment.

Having previously recorded the value of the last three digits of the meter, you need to fill and empty the 10-liter bucket with water three times. In total, the liquid consumption will be 30 liters.

This indicator should be reflected on the dial of the device. If the numbers on the screen diverge from reality more or less, you need to call specialists.

Meter passport with verification mark
The interval between checks for cold water monitoring devices must be at least 6 years, and for hot water monitoring devices, at least 4 years. The results are entered into the device passport

Devices for reducing water consumption

To reduce water supply costs, it is not enough to know how to correctly count hot and cold water using meters installed on pipes. There are many subtleties that can help you significantly reduce your fluid intake without experiencing any particular inconvenience.

Option No. 1 - economical mixers

The attention of visitors to plumbing stores is invariably attracted by innovative taps with an unusual stylish design. Such designs from designers are not only very beautiful, but also functional. They can significantly reduce water costs.

The following categories of mixers are particularly economical:

  • single lever;
  • sensory;
  • models with thermostat;
  • devices with an aerator.

Cranes with two levers, are not economical enough because hot/cold water mixes slowly in them. To set the optimal temperature of the liquid in them, you have to rotate the valves for a minute, during which up to 8 liters of water enter the sewer.

It is better to replace such equipment with single lever model. It will allow you to easily and quickly adjust the operating mode, while simultaneously reducing water loss.

Touch mixer with thermostat
Modern touch-sensitive faucet models are often additionally equipped with thermostats that allow you to set the exact temperature. This greatly simplifies the process of setting the desired temperature.

Touch faucets assume non-contact liquid supply. To turn on the water, simply bring your hands or the object you want to wash to the tap.And the infrared sensor will react immediately.

If you move your palm away, the stream instantly stops pouring. Such devices can reduce the volume of water consumed by almost 70%.

Convenient and economical sanitary products - taps equipped with thermostats. You can set the temperature on them, which remains unchanged regardless of the level of heating of the liquid in the system.

The built-in blocker prevents liquid from leaking, waiting until it reaches the desired temperature. Thanks to this, you can save several liters of water per use.

We discussed in detail the features of a thermostatic mixer and the rules for choosing such a faucet in another our article.

Mixer model with aerator
A practical model of faucet equipped with an aerator will be appropriate both in the bathroom and in the kitchen. It not only looks impressive, but also reduces water costs

Option No. 2 - nozzles for taps

To achieve water savings, it is not at all necessary to make expensive replacement of faucets. A practical option would be to purchase attachments aimed at reducing water consumption.

These elements include:

  • limiters;
  • one-click switches;
  • aerators;
  • special shower heads.

Popular products include limiting nozzles on the tap. Devices that are simple in design, directing the stream strictly through the o-ring and sprocket, can reduce normal water consumption by 41-50%.

Water limiters for faucets
The water-saving limiter is easily installed on various categories of taps. Depending on the models, they can be screwed onto the faucet or screwed inside

The action of the elements is based on an increase in pressure when the tap is opened.Because of this, the ring stretches, covering the sprocket and narrowing the area where water flows. When the system is closed, the pressure indicator decreases, and the space for fluid flow opens again.

One click switch water faucet is mounted on the faucet, which is why the latter begins to work on the principle of a washstand. To make water appear, just press the protruding rod.

The fluid supply automatically stops after a certain time, which can be changed using a specially supplied key. Thanks to the reduced flow and limited flow period, water consumption is reduced by half.

The designs of some types of modern cranes include a special device - aerator, with the help of which the water is saturated with tiny air bubbles. Mixers of this type help reduce water consumption to 5-8 liters per minute versus 13-15 liters for traditional taps, while the pressure in the system remains unchanged.

Aerators can be purchased not only together with the faucet, but also separately. There are many options for such products, varying in size, shape and functionality.

Such elements can be installed not only on faucets, but also on shower heads, mounting them between the spray element and the hose.

Operating principle of the aerator nozzle
Aerator nozzles divide the water flow into many small channels, the spaces between which are filled with air bubbles. As a result, water consumption is reduced by 20-70%

A special Shower Heads with small holes, which is attached below the conventional device.Another option is to purchase a special water-saving watering can, when used, the water supply is reduced by almost half, to 6-9 liters per minute.

Such household appliances are somewhat more expensive than traditional ones, but the cost of purchasing them quickly pays off thanks to lower payments to housing and communal services. Experts advise equipping all plumbing fixtures in the house with smart devices.

According to calculations, this will reduce water supply costs by 30-70%. In monetary terms, the amount saved will be 5-12 thousand rubles per year for a standard family of 4 people.

Ways to reduce water consumption at home

To be careful about water use, it is advisable to reconsider some habits without giving up the rules of hygiene and comfort.

Method #1 - saving water in the bathroom

A traditional place that requires high water consumption is the bathroom. However, losses can be reduced by following simple recommendations. So, when brushing your teeth, it is enough to turn on the mixer only at the initial and final stages of the process. You should do the same when shaving.

Saving water when washing hands
To reduce water consumption when washing your hands, it is better to let the water flow in a small stream and bring your brushes close to the tap

A shower instead of a bath will reduce water consumption by 5-7 times. Savings will also come from reducing the time spent under the watering can, because in two minutes the shower loses up to 30 liters of water.

Those who aren't ready to give up their bath can cut costs by filling the bowl halfway. It is important to monitor the flowing water to prevent overflow.

Often, when you turn on the hot water supply, a cold stream flows from the tap during the first minutes.To prevent the liquid from going to waste, it can be collected in a container and used for useful purposes, for example, wet cleaning of the room.

Method #2 - wash at no cost

To remove dirt from linen and clothes, it is better to use modern washing machines. Additional savings will come from the use of equipment equipped with special sensors that help determine the exact amount of water required for washing clothes.

Front loading washing machine
Machines with a front hatch save more water than their top-loading counterparts. It is advisable to use equipment class AA or higher

It is better to turn on the household device when the tank is fully loaded. Models with a half-load mode are considered a good option. In this case, you can wash several items using a minimum amount of water.

To reduce costs, it is better to give preference to machine washing with reduced water consumption. If you cannot do without handling the products by hand, to reduce liquid costs, it is advisable to rinse the laundry in a basin or bathtub, and not under a powerful stream of water from the tap.

Method #3 - save money in the bathroom

There are also tricks to reduce water consumption in the bathroom. This is, first of all, the purchase of modern, economical toilets with a dual flush system.

For older models, you can use a simple device: place a two-liter bottle filled with water in the tank. In this way, you can significantly reduce water consumption, saving up to 20 liters of liquid daily.

Dual flush toilet model
There is a double button on the lid of economical toilet models that allows you to use a full tank of water, the volume of which is 6-8 liters, or limit yourself to half the norm of 3-4 liters

Some users throw various small debris, food scraps, and cat litter into the sanitary container. This not only increases the risk of blockages, but also leads to increased water costs, since you have to use the drain more often.

Method #4 - wash dishes correctly

To reduce water consumption in the kitchen, first of all, you should consider purchasing dishwasher. When using this technique, only 13-15 liters of water are required to wash 9 sets of dishes.

It is important to run the dishwasher at full load with the chamber completely filled. For even greater savings, you can skip the initial rinse step.

Proper washing of fruits
Try to get into the habit of washing vegetables and fruits not from the tap, but in a bowl or sink filled with water. It is hardly advisable to defrost meat or other products under the mixer; it is better to leave them in the refrigerator in the evening

When washing dishes by hand, it is a good idea to use the European method. Dirty utensils are placed in a plugged sink and filled with water and detergent.

With a two-chamber sink, you can place dirty dishes in one bowl for initial processing, and in the second for rinsing. It is advisable to give preference to organic detergents, since they require less liquid to rinse off.

Method #5 - checking the condition of the plumbing

Excessive water consumption largely depends on the condition of the plumbing fixtures. It is estimated that 24 liters of water can leak through a dripping faucet per day, which amounts to 720 liters per month. We wrote about the causes of breakdowns and self-repair of the mixer in this article.

A water meter can help monitor the health of devices.If the numbers on the screen change when the taps are turned off, it is necessary to examine the risk areas and, possibly, call a specialist.

Turning off taps before leaving
When traveling, especially long ones, it is better to turn off the taps on the pipes. This simple precaution will save you not only from unnecessary expenses, but also from major troubles.

It is better to change outdated models of taps, replacing them with at least single-lever mixers with a ceramic faucet. The most economical modifications are those with a thermostat or sensor, which we discussed in detail above.

Often, due to old fittings, water leaks occur in the cistern, which leads to additional costs.

In order to notice the problem in time, you need to add a little food coloring to the container at the first suspicion and wait 10-15 minutes. If colored streams appear in the drain, you will need the help of a plumber.

Rules for the provision of services by management companies

It is useful for users to know that according to the Regulations № 307/23.05.2006 “On the procedure for providing public services to citizens”; No. 176-ФЗ/29.06.15 “On amendments to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation,” residents have the right to demand compensation from the management company for services of inadequate quality.

Savings on water bills
Invoices issued by service providers must be paid on time. It is also advisable to monitor the tariffs, which may change periodically

The acts indicate that hot water should have a temperature of 60-70 °C. If this regime is not maintained, then for each degree below the norm, 0.1% of the current tariff is calculated. If the water runs with low pressure - approximately 25% of the established norm - payment for each hour is also reduced by 0.1%.

The provided breaks in the water supply are a total of no more than 8 hours per month or 4 hours continuously. A planned shutdown can last no more than two weeks, and in the event of an accident on the highway, no more than one day.

If rusty water or liquid with an unpleasant odor comes in, residents have the right to file a complaint against the management company about poor quality of utility services. In this case, you can apply not only for reimbursement of funds paid, but also for compensation for harm to health.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The presented video explains in detail how to take water meter readings:

There are many ways to save water. This video will talk about the most effective methods.

Everyone can reduce their household water costs. Try to start by installing meters to control hot/cold water supply, and you will be surprised at the results achieved.

Even greater savings can be achieved by replacing outdated plumbing fixtures with modern appliances. It's also important to be conscious about your water consumption - even small changes in habits will make a big difference in maintaining your household budget.

How do you save water? Maybe you installed one of the devices we reviewed to reduce water consumption, or are you using one of the proposed options for economical consumption?

Maybe you are using your own method of saving or do not consider it necessary to reduce water consumption? Share your opinion with other visitors to our site in the comments section.

Visitor comments
  1. Oleg

    The meter was installed only a couple of years ago. I regret that I didn't do this earlier. Payments have decreased noticeably, and before, both for myself and for that guy..., as they say.I was always surprised: I’m rarely at home, but the bill came as if water was pouring day and night. I also installed an economical mixer with one lever and a restrictive nozzle on the faucet. The solutions are budget-friendly, and the water savings are significant. Of course, I only came to this idea to save money, and my progressive grandchildren praised me for saving natural resources).

  2. Vika

    So far I have only saved in 2 ways: a bottle in the tub and overnight washing. But it turns out that there are so many tricks :) The method of soaking the dishes used to seem more expensive to me, now I’ll try to do it that way.

    But I’m still not ready to stand in the shower for 2 minutes or take an incomplete bath, this is too much. It’s easier to buy good plumbing fixtures so that nothing leaks and just don’t pour water in vain, this will already result in some good savings.

  3. Dmitriy

    It would seem that water is a resource on which a person cannot save at all, but this is far from the case. I fully support Victoria. In our family we also use the methods listed above. In addition, do not forget to turn off the hot water meter if the hot water is turned off at your home. I still know people who pay a “hot” rate for cold water.

  4. Alexander

    I agree with almost everything except using the dishwasher. As for me, this is impractical, simply because you did not consider the costs of purchasing washing tablets and electricity. I think the amount saved on water, or even more, will pop up there. Good water savings are also obtained when taking a shower, when you turn off the water while rubbing with a washcloth.I taught myself to wash myself this way a long time ago - I wet my head and body, turned off the water, lathered myself and only then turned it on)) By the way, this is akin to what is described about toothpaste and shaving, and is not at all uncomfortable.

  5. Masha

    Some saving tips:

    1. If you don’t have a dishwasher, wash the dishes in a basin and rinse with running water.

    2. It is better to wash the car with water from a bucket, rather than rinse it with a hose.

    3. Mulch vegetable crops, reducing the amount of watering.

    4. If you live outside the city, you can use rainwater collected in a storage tank for certain household needs. By the way, you can also save significantly with water from a barrel using a sprinkler than using a hose for irrigation. And my friends who live outside the city actually hired me for 5 thousand to dig a small pond for them at the end of the plot and use it to water the garden.

    By the way, they say that in Holland they wash themselves in fitness centers specifically to save water. But here it comes to the point of absurdity and laughter, of course :) Personally, outside the city, I have an autonomous water supply system and a well in the yard.

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