Renewal of a gas contract: necessary documents and legal subtleties

Have you ever moved to a new place of residence or perhaps wanted to do so? You must admit that due to global changes, a lot of technical problems arise that have to be solved in a short time. Already in the first month you need to buy household appliances, take time to renew the contract for gas, electricity and water. Common situation?

In our article you will learn about the legal aspects of re-registration of gas contracts. Read it and you can quickly prepare documents for a new agreement. We described what the process of re-registration of gas agreements and the situation on the market as a whole looks like.

Features of renegotiation of gas agreements

There are literally 3 components to updating the gas contract. We are talking about the position of the 2 parties and technical feasibility. The supplier agrees to a new deal or refuses it if there are legal obstacles to signing it. The customer collects documents and technical information, purchases equipment and fulfills the requirements for it.

In civil law, there is a rule on the automatic extension of a contract that is not terminated by either party and which has no expiration date. The expiration of the validity period regularly becomes a reason for re-contracting, as does the very approach of the final moment.

In turn, the mobility of market conditions leads to a change of parties to contracts, which implies the need to update the document. Apartments have new owners, and the gas supplier sometimes changes divisions.

Documents for renewing a gas contract

Subscribers should know the rules for re-signing a document when changing the consumer party. The process is started by the existing client with his letter of termination of the contract. The appeal must be sent no later than 30 days before termination.

Termination of gas contract
To cancel the current agreement, the desire of the subscriber who has no debt is sufficient, but the decision can be made by both parties, and after that set a termination date

To conclude a supply contract, the new owner is required to submit an application on the letterhead of the organization being contacted, as well as the company details.

It will not be possible to re-sign the agreement without documents of ownership:

  • certificate of ownership of an apartment, house, building where gas is supplied or where there is gas-using equipment;
  • long-term lease agreements.

It is impossible to do without agreeing on the possibility of supplies by gas distribution and gas transportation organizations, and the diagram of the division of pipelines with the distributor. Technical data on gas equipment is also provided.

Individuals prepare documents, information and, together with personal data, send all this in an offer (application, application). After receiving an application to renew the gas supply agreement along with the attached documents, the local structure of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz will draw up an agreement in 2 copies - for both parties.

Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities will have to collect more documentation in order to receive gas for their technological needs.

If the consumer is a legal entity

To renew the agreement, they must present copies of certificates of registration and tax registration of a legal entity, a copy of the charter, as well as an information letter from the State Statistics Committee with assigned codes. The law obliges the organization to provide a copy of the decision, protocol or order on the appointment of a manager.

Gas sales volume on the market
The example of the Lipetsk region shows the ratio of gas consumption by the population and organizations: the largest companies in the industrial sector use about a quarter of the total volume

The subscriber will also be required to provide proof of ownership of real estate and land, and you do not need to have the right to own it, clearance is enough. This will be confirmed by documents on leasing, management, and economic management.

In addition, they will ask for an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, received no earlier than 30 days before filing an application for drawing up a gas contract. To renew a gas contract, you need rights to the premises where gas equipment is located, and not production facilities as such.

If the subscriber is an individual entrepreneur

Owners of individual entrepreneurs, as they are commonly called, submit duplicate certificates of state registration as an individual entrepreneur and registration with tax authorities.

To renew the gas agreement, you should keep your passport, ownership documents or lease agreement for technical real estate with you. The same applies to extracts from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. The document must be “not older than” 30 days.

What information needs to be provided to the supplier?

After the change of owner, the question about new gas appliances and the number of residents will become open. To set prices in the absence of a gas meter, as well as to guarantee gas supply conditions in general, the supplier needs to know data about the premises, those living in it, and the type of gas equipment.

Price change for 2019
Areas of gas use depending on equipment: the example of the Altai Territory shows the dynamics of prices per cubic meter during 2019

Thus, the offer for the supply of fuel includes not only personal, but also technical information:

  1. Room type. Indicate the peculiarity of the living space: a house in an apartment building, a private building, an extension or a building for utility purposes.
  2. Options for energy consumption, be it cooking, heating water or heating residential/non-residential premises. The preparation of animal feed is also taken into account.
  3. The number of residents, which includes the owner or co-owners of the property, registered ones, as well as temporary guests.
  4. Dimensions of heated premises, including area and cubic capacity, as well as supporting documents.
  5. Type and number of animals in the household (if any).

Subscribers indicate an exhaustive list of gas-using equipment and metering devices. This applies, among other things, to the gas meter, which provides not only general information, but also data on the installation location on the gas pipeline as part of the in-house gas equipment, and the date of sealing.

As for the last point, then the meter is sealed manufacturers and certification organizations. The established period for subsequent inspection is also indicated in the offer.

Seal on the gas meter
Gas suppliers periodically carry out a comprehensive replacement of seals with new ones in order to prevent unauthorized withdrawal of fuel and to clarify the timing of verification

There is no need to reseal the meter if all the conditions are met:

  • there is no damage to the device;
  • the counter shows the measurement results;
  • the date of the next verification has not arrived;
  • There are manufacturer and supplier seals.

In the application, the consumer must mention social support measures, if any. Benefits are provided at the regional and state level, and the application indicates which ones.

How to renew the contract?

For this purpose, they contact the supplier and intermediary gas distributor. After legislative changes towards direct sales to the public, distributors are still involved in maintenance, repairs and connections.

By maintenance agreements and their re-contract is addressed to these companies. We are talking about city, district and regional gas companies, as well as Gazprom Gas Distribution enterprises. Re-registration is carried out in person or online, and this procedure will take up to 10 days.

The process consists of 3 stages:

  1. Submitting an application for renewal of contracts for gas supply and maintenance of gas equipment. To do this, visit the subscriber departments of gas companies or use the “personal account” on their websites.
  2. Inspection of gas equipment. You need to be present at home to receive employees of the gas distribution company. The date and time are agreed upon by both parties.
  3. Drawing up and concluding contracts. Reissued agreements will be issued at the branch to which the consumer applied. You will be notified when the documents are ready.

The territorial units of the supplier company carry out the renewal of contracts free of charge.

Inspection of gas equipment
Gas supply contracts have not been completed for a long time without maintenance agreements: before signing certain acts, equipment is checked for safety

Subscribers contact representative offices in their locality or larger administrative unit. As part of the fight against queues, Gazprom Mezhregiongaz is opening new sites throughout Russia.

In cities with a population of over half a million people, the number of representative offices is about 5. You should contact one of the branches within the city, not necessarily exactly at your place of residence.

Legal aspects of renegotiation of contracts

The law does not allow gas supplies without a contract, but subscribers should not be afraid gas shutdown at the time of departure. If something happens, a simple notification to the territorial structure will suffice: about the desire to sign an application for an agreement and renew the agreement itself.

Based on established standards, the supplier accepts and considers all applications without exception. A person can refuse only to sign the contract and only if there are legal grounds.

Instead of a notification, you can immediately send an offer. An application for concluding a gas supply agreement is essentially a preliminary agreement that helps the parties prepare. Nothing prevents immediate execution: you can renew a gas supply contract either with or without an offer.

Renewing a contract with a supplier
Representatives of the supplier can appear after the consumer returns and conclude an agreement with him according to the previously sent offer

Gas is not supplied to subscribers without a gas equipment service agreement.After moving or purchasing a home from a former landlord, this agreement will also have to be renewed. The service itself costs about 1,000 rubles. per year for apartments with a gas stove and water heater.

In 2019, there was a transition to a scheme in which gas distribution organizations lost the right to sell gas to the population, but only transit it to the end consumer and receive money for it. Previously, both the supplier and the distributor had the right to sell. Debt in some regions led to changes.

Consumers did not pay distribution companies, and they, in turn, could not pay in full for fuel to the transporter. Renewing the contract now means that the gas transportation company has to pay the bills. Citizens still place agreements on the maintenance of gas equipment with a gas distributor.

Gas price structure
This is roughly what the gas price structure looked like for industrial consumers 2 years before gas distribution companies lost the right to sell it

It happens that after the old agreement there is money left on the personal account. They will be returned immediately after the full payment is determined. Consumers also do not have to worry about double billing, for example if a new contract was in force without notice to terminate the old one.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

What surprises can you expect when buying a house if the ad says “gas along the border of the site”:

Analysis of the gas connection procedure, provisions relevant for the execution and renewal of supply contracts:

Consumers renew their gas contract if it expires, after moving or changing the company selling the fuel.The right to renew the gas contract is as natural as the right to receive gas in principle. No company will refuse a citizen of its own free will and without legal grounds.

The subscriber should take care of housing documents, passports for gas appliances, and technical data of the premises. At the nearest branch of the supplier, a new contract will be signed with him. The company will take into account the contents of the preliminary application, if it was submitted.

Ask questions regarding the renewal of gas contracts. Write about your personal experiences, exchange important information with others. Tell us if you encountered any difficulties and, if so, how you dealt with them. The contact form is located below.

Visitor comments
  1. Alexander

    Hello. I bought a house with two buildings: a residential house and a guest house. Two gas inputs with hp Gas supply contracts were concluded for a residential building and were registered in the name of the previous owner.

    My wife and I divorced. They divided the home ownership into two addresses. When concluding a contract for the supply of gas for the guest house, I was refused. Referring to the execution of the contract under the category “other consumers”.

    The guest house was converted into a residential building. Provided an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate. They refused me verbally, stating that in my building of 100 sq.m., there are five entrance doors and five bathrooms, which confirms the business. In fact, this is my only home, and I do not do business.

    They sent a notice from Gazprom Mezhregiongaz LLC to the old address where I was not registered and did not receive it. My daughter received a request to conclude an agreement under the “other consumers” category in order to avoid a cessation of gas supply.

    Can they cut off the gas at any time if the gas supply contract is not with me and the address is different? And what is the right thing to do in this situation according to the law?

  2. Vitaly

    They are asking for 3,200 rubles to renew the contract for a gas boiler

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