Pumps for fountains and waterfalls: how to choose and install them yourself

A tastefully decorated and impeccably landscaped plot of land gives visual pleasure and restores strength.Cozy country corners with artificial ponds, cascading waterfalls, and enchanting fountains offer a special degree of relaxation.

To organize them, you will need specific pumping equipment, the installation and operation rules of which are worth familiarizing yourself with. Do you agree?

You will find all the most valuable and useful information about pumps for fountains and waterfalls on our website. We provide clear guidelines to help you choose the most suitable model with the necessary technical data.

Those who want to independently build a pond with special effects near a country house will find practical recommendations and diagrams for implementing an amazing idea.

We will describe the types of pumping equipment used in landscape design, give examples of construction and outline the nuances of installing equipment. An excellent addition to carefully selected and systematized information are collections of photos, graphic diagrams and videos.

Purpose of the pump and method of use

A pump is a device that allows you to cycle water through an established circuit. The equipment is often used in decorative hydraulic structures and in summer cottages and country estates.

The principle of operation of the mechanism is that the device creates positive pressure, pushing out water with a certain force. The power level corresponds to the height of the ejected jet.

Country-type pumps are distinguished by priority mobility for seasonal use. The unit is convenient in that its operation does not require any additional extensions or communications. It copes well with pumping water without the need to connect a water supply.

Almost all pumping equipment consists of similar parts: a rotating motor and an impeller that affects the flow force.

Surface pumping station
The device consists of two parts connected by a flexible tube, mostly made of plastic. In some cases rubber is used

Before installing a water supply system, it is recommended to calculate everything correctly.

Characteristics table
The table shows the main characteristics of popular devices and the power ratio. Prices range from 3 to 58 thousand rubles (+)

When choosing equipment, first of all, it is necessary to compare the power of the device with the size of the bowl of the artificial reservoir. In most cases, the height of the fountain jet collected through such a system should not exceed a third of the width of the reservoir itself.

Naturally, the flow power depends mainly on the size of the tank. In order to achieve a height of 1.2 m, it is necessary to pump approximately 800 liters through the pump system. at one o'clock. This is a fairly small amount compared to other devices that push water about 2 m high and pump about 3000 liters. at one o'clock.

Types of devices
For each type of construction there is its own device. Before purchasing, it is advisable to understand what exactly you want to build (+)

A special feature of the pump is its ability to provide continuous circulation of liquid. If there is an architectural design on the site, for example, a decorative cascading waterfall, water circulation is necessary. Because in the absence of special equipment, the water simply will not be able to rise to the top of the scenery.

Types of pumping equipment

Circulation pumps for artificial reservoirs are divided into two main types: submersible and surface.Submersibles carry out their work directly at the bottom of the reservoir. Surface ones are installed near the shore, so they do not come into contact with water.

Characteristics of submersible models

When talking about submersible pumps, the first thing we need to mention is the relatively easy installation method. Such devices are used mainly in the construction of small fountains not exceeding a height of 2 m.

Submersible pump
The submersible device is completely submerged in water. The upper element acts as a liquid sprayer, which then returns back to the reservoir

To ensure proper operation, it is recommended that the pump be installed using additional components. This number includes all kinds of substrates and frames that prevent sand and silt from getting into the mechanism of the device. In most cases, ordinary bricks are used, from which a kind of pedestal is constructed.

The pump draws water from the lower layers of the reservoir and then releases it through the nozzle. The stream is sprayed directly above the unit, but when a hose is connected to the device, it can be brought to the location specified by the landscaping idea.

The two elements are connected using a plastic or rubber tube. Often the length of the pipe is dictated by the power of the pump. The greater the distance between the modules, the more intense the flow should be. The pipes are connected and extended using a telescopic principle.

It should be remembered that the pressure in the pumping system largely depends on the cross-section of pipes and supply hoses. The narrower they are, the greater the flow density at the outlet will be, therefore, the more intense the jet.

Like any automatic system, the submersible pump operates from an electrical network.According to the basic installation rules, the system must be grounded.

A voltage of 24 V is sufficient for it to operate. Devices of this type are low-voltage, so the power source can be a regular transformer.

The situation is completely different with high-power devices. As the number of tubes increases and additional structures are connected, more energy is required. Consequently, such systems are connected directly to the network using an electrical cable.

To avoid emergency situations, the power harness must be covered with waterproof material.

Compressor circuit
The mechanical cleaning filter is a fine mesh made of stainless steel. It traps mechanical contaminants, preserving the internal parts of the water pump (+)

An important factor is the presence of sand particles and other pollutants in the water of reservoirs. Majority submersible systems for wells or fountains are designed to pump almost pure water.

A number of models allow the presence of impurities in water in a volume of 50 g/m³ and large particles whose size does not exceed 0.2 mm. To prevent breakdowns, each pump is equipped with a filtration system, which is included in the design of the primary module located under water.

The technical documentation attached to the submersible pumping units indicates the permissible range for the acidity index of water, salinity and the maximum possible temperature for pumping. The manufacturer's instructions must be scrupulously followed so that the pump does not fail ahead of schedule.

The motors of submersible pumps are continuously cooled during operation by the pumped water.The design of the equipment provides for maintaining thermal equilibrium and protecting contacting parts from premature abrasion.

The pump must be selected so that the operation process is carried out at medium speeds, while achieving the desired power level. If the pump is constantly working at full capacity, the working life of the unit will end faster. In this case, it is advisable to replace the equipment with a more productive one.

Another advantage of submersible pumping devices is the quietness of the mechanism. Because The main noise generator is underwater and is practically inaudible from the shore. Also, the device's power consumption is relatively low, which increases the degree of savings.

If repairs are necessary, the submersible device must be turned off and removed from the reservoir. Simple repair operations can be carried out without any problems by yourself.

Options for constructing a fountain and waterfall
Submersible pumps are used both in the construction of fountains and in the construction of waterfalls. A significant disadvantage is the demands on water characteristics, which significantly limit the scope of application (+)

Description of surface systems

For the construction of multi-level structures they are mainly used surface pumps. The ease of use of this type of equipment lies in its ease of maintenance. Compared to its submersible counterpart, it is much easier to detect a breakdown and repair it if necessary.

Surface pumps are less sensitive to contaminants, suspended clay and organic matter in the water. They are capable of pumping water from open, undeveloped reservoirs without causing damage to their own mechanics. Equipment resistant to minor impurities in water includes: drainage pumps.

To draw water into a pond or fountain container, only the hose attached to the inlet pipe is lowered. If the water intended for pumping is excessively contaminated, it is advisable to equip the hose with a bottom valve with a fine filter mesh.

Stepped fountain diagram
According to the diagram, the multi-stage fountain design is mainly characteristic of small bodies of water. The outlet of each subsequent level is smaller than the previous one. This is dictated by the need to conserve power (+)

Disadvantages include poor resistance to moisture and overheating from direct sunlight. To maintain high-quality performance, the device should not be left in the open air.

Manufacturers recommend constructing separate boxes or small pavilions for such equipment that will protect it from precipitation.

What is a surface fountain pump?
The surface pump must be protected from direct exposure to UV, overheating and precipitation. It cannot be installed in open areas; it is advisable to build a box or soundproof box for the pump

A significant disadvantage of surface pumping systems is the high noise level. Since the equipment is not under water, its operation is clearly audible to others. To avoid such situations, it is advisable to line the inside of the protective housing or pavilion with noise-absorbing material.

The power of the device directly depends on the distance to the reservoir. If you connect too long hoses and all kinds of attachments to the surface pump, the efficiency of the device will significantly decrease.

Therefore, manufacturers insist on installing equipment in close proximity to a reservoir and indicate the maximum permissible distance for its operation.

Distance to the reservoir
The distance to the reservoir does not exceed 2 m.Two compressors are connected to the device at once, which increases the pressure intensity

Often two objects are connected to such a system at once: a fountain and a waterfall. According to the instructions, the water pressure for these elements should be different. It follows from this that when branching a water supply and connecting two hoses, you need to correctly adjust the flow power level.

To be able to connect two circuits to one pumping device, it is advisable to purchase a tee if it was not included in the original factory configuration.

It is important to understand this before the installation process, because it often happens that the characteristics of the device become a complete discovery after the discovery of inoperability. It is better to carefully familiarize yourself with the technical data of the pump in advance, and then proceed with installation.

Technical features of devices

In most cases, landscape designers use a pump for fountains or waterfalls, but there are also decorative complexes. This is typical for design ideas that emphasize the special style of the landscape.

Architectural compositions in the form of mermaids, corals and other marine-themed elements are often used as the final module of a water pressure system. For this purpose, there are special models of pumps that do a good job of supplying water.

Construction of a fountain with a submersible pump
Waterfalls can come in all shapes and sizes. The most common option is stylization to resemble natural objects, for example, a slide of river stones (+)

To add variety to the fountain, most manufacturers include several nozzles in the water unit kit that change the shape of the jet.

Filtering qualities are undoubtedly important for the proper operation of the system, but for the most part they do not provide bactericidal properties. Some fountains have this feature.

The effect is achieved thanks to hardware components, namely – ultraviolet lamps. Systems with a cleaning module for removing microorganisms and their metabolic products are correspondingly more expensive.

As a result, the percentage of microbes causing water blooms has significantly decreased. Plus, ultraviolet radiation will have a beneficial effect on the fauna of the reservoir if you plan to breed river animals, for example, fry.

These properties are inherent, for example, in a fountain Gardena FFP5000. The disinfecting effect is fully felt only in reservoirs with a volume of up to 5000 liters. If the tank exceeds the recommended capacity, you need to install another model with a more powerful UV lamp - Gardena PF 15000S.

In addition, the decorative aspect of the fountain requires the presence of a special recess in the upper part of the sprinkler. The cavity can be filled with any material, be it crushed stone or other granulate. This design will fit well into a country house interior.

The popularity of the equipment is mainly explained by the relatively low price, and due to the small size of the unit, there will be no difficulties during its installation.

Pump heads for fountains and waterfalls
A large number of attachments will help create the desired atmosphere in your summer cottage. Today, the water pump package includes several nozzles

If a waterfall is planned on the site, it is better to use units that can pump dirty water. Such a device is not afraid of pollution and inclusions found in open natural reservoirs.Large fragments of algae, leaves, etc. will not disable them at all.

Therefore, to take water from natural sources, it is recommended to buy a surface pumping station, and to work in indoor pools and artificial ponds with pumped tap water, it is recommended to buy submersible ones.

Guidelines for a thoughtful device purchase

The primary factors affecting the cost are the type of fountain and its power. Submersible equipment is usually more expensive than surface equipment, because in its manufacture, specific materials are used that are resistant to underwater pressure and constant contact with the not always harmless aquatic environment.

Operation of surface pumps for fountains and waterfalls
Surface pumps for constructing decorative waterfalls and fountains are suitable if water is drawn from open natural reservoirs

Manufacturers often include certain extras in the package. The presence of various modules and attachments is determined by the specific model of the unit. Visual effects that affect the price include the presence of backlighting and an ultraviolet emitter.

All of the above, of course, can affect the cost, but the main price range depends on the name of the manufacturer and the dimensions of the purchased fountain.

Fountain lighting
Variations of backlights are different. Manufacturers mainly provide the ability to switch a specific color using the remote control.

In order to optimize the choice of pump as much as possible and correctly evaluate the proposed functions from a practical point of view, you should be guided by a number of points.

Checklist for purchase:

  1. First of all, choose a device with a full set of additional extensions.This includes nozzles and hoses, a water flow control system, and several spray heads.
  2. Correctly match the size of the pool with the power of the unit.
  3. When organizing a multi-level fountain or waterfall, surface-type water installations show the best performance.
  4. High-quality models are resistant to corrosion. This should not be neglected, since the device is always in or near water. The correct choice of protective coating will significantly extend the life of the equipment.
  5. Always ask for the instrument's documentation. Make sure that the documents are authentic and that quality certificates are available.
  6. Pay attention to warranty features. Review the purchase agreement for service warranty clauses.
  7. When connecting the power supply, make sure that the system is equipped with a special fuse that can stop the current supply at any time. This is not a joke, because accidents often occur due to the violation of the hermetic sheath of power cables.

By observing all this, you are guaranteed to receive a high-quality product that will serve well for many years. Water fountain compressors come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and manufacturers are constantly making adjustments to the equipment, making it even more reliable.

The location of the structure is an important factor

The main point to pay attention to when building a fountain is the angle of inclination of the terrain. It has been noticed that for the harmonious operation of the waterfall it is better when the plot of land is slightly flat.

It is better to construct the fountain directly at the bottom of the improvised slope.This will prevent an unwanted rise in groundwater levels.

A fountain is primarily an aesthetic object, so the visual component of the structure is undoubtedly important. If the fountain pump does not have a filtration system, the water will quickly bloom when exposed to intense sunlight. This will cause an unpleasant odor.

It follows that it is necessary to carefully select the area for the location of the building. It is not recommended to build a fountain in an open area continuously illuminated by sunlight. In spring and autumn, the appearance of algae is not catastrophic, but in the summer season it really causes a lot of problems.

Recess under the future waterfall
The hole in the ground will serve as a future reservoir. Thanks to the stepped type, the waterfall provides continuous circulation of water, which will then be returned to the top of the structure using a pump

Another important factor is the proximity of trees. The root system of any deciduous tree occupies a fairly impressive area. If you do not calculate the possibility of intersection of the outer wall of the tank with the root, the bowl may collapse.

Types of fountains:

  • Geyser – mainly decorates open areas of the dacha complex. Due to its design and pressure force, a fountain of this type is well resistant to gusts of wind;
  • Bell – the pressure of the fountain is not very high, but the visual effect is interesting and will fit well into the composition of small country houses;
  • With jet separation system. The fountain can create jerky drops flying along a given trajectory. This type of equipment is appropriate in open areas.

In addition, fountains are installed not only on the street, but there are also models specifically for home use.The design of such devices is not protected from moisture and wind, which means it cannot be used in open areas.

Features of installing pumping equipment

At the installation stage, you need to decide on the type of pump. If the tank capacity is not too large, choosing a submersible model would be an excellent option. Due to its design features, the device must be installed on a special frame that prevents contact of the device with the muddy bottom.

Bricks work well for such purposes (sometimes you can use an inorganic material, such as plastic). It is strongly not recommended to weld a metal substrate, as constant exposure to water will lead to rapid oxidation and the structure will collapse.

Modifications of submersible pumps for fountains
In the manufacture of submersible pumps, materials are used that resist corrosion and water column pressure

The upper part of the device should be connected to the pump with a rubber or plastic tube. There are models with a corrugated hose to avoid deformation. Under no circumstances should you install pumping equipment in winter. Freezing damages the device and can lead to forced repairs or even ruin it forever.

Care must be taken when installing a submersible pump and monitor the water level. Intensive drainage of a natural reservoir can lead to serious damage. This is primarily due to insufficient water levels. The equipment is designed in such a way that idle operation often leads to irreversible consequences.

For example, in the absence of a fluid that acts as a lubricant for the moving parts of the mechanism, the contacting parts will quickly wear out.Consequently, the pumping station will not last long if it is not immersed deep enough in the reservoir or operates without immersion for longer than the period allowed by the manufacturer.

Like any electrical equipment, the pump needs to be grounded. When organizing power supply, take care of the correct connection of the power harnesses. It is better to do this under the guidance of a person who understands electrical appliances.

Transformer layout
The diagram shows that the power source may be located indoors. To avoid voltage surges, it is better to use a transformer with a fuse (+)

Ideally, it is better to contact the service center of the company that directly installs the equipment. Of course, this option is much more expensive, but you cannot skimp on safety.

If you want to save money, you can make a simple pump model with your own hands. To create a water pump you will need a motor, a power supply and available materials. Step-by-step instructions for making homemade products are given in this article.

Useful video on the topic

Water pump overview, device characteristics and equipment:

Submersible Pump Installation Guide. How to choose the optimal equipment and what you should pay attention to during installation:

Overview of surface pumps and description of product advantages:

Organizing country house decoration is not an easy task, especially when you want to get your own fountain or pool with a cascade of waterfalls. You can implement the idea with your own hands using specialized pumps.

Looking for a fountain pump model? Or do you have experience using such installations? Please leave comments on the article and share your skills in installing and operating pumps.You can supplement your review with a photograph of your invention.

Visitor comments
  1. Alexander

    I was planning to install a fountain with a submersible pumping station on my property. Taking into account all the recommendations in the article, I chose a suitable place for it. Installation of equipment is a certain difficulty for me, so I will contact the company’s service center. Tell me the cost of the fountain pump, I didn’t hear this information in the video review of the water pump for creating a fountain.

    • Oleg

      The price range for pumps for fountains and waterfalls is quite large. Depends on the manufacturer and other factors. The simplest ones start from 2000, there are pumps for 10 thousand rubles. and even more expensive. If you are interested in the AQUAJET PFN 5500 pump with video, then it costs 7-8 tr.

  2. Vitaly

    I live in a private house. I have a large garden behind the house on my own plot, I wanted to decorate it a little with some other small fountain. I read a lot of useful information and thought that I could do it all myself. But, to be honest, everything is not as simple as it seems. Even the same pump, if you don’t understand the nuances of the device well, you can buy something that’s not quite suitable. But you want everything to be perfect and last a long time. Therefore, I decided not to split hairs and contact a company engaged in landscape design at a professional level.

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