Ariston washing machine errors: decoding fault codes + repair tips

Ariston washing machines are deservedly popular due to their reliability, stylish design and modern functionality.But if your assistant suddenly refuses to work, pay attention to the symbols that are lit on the device display or the blinking indicators on the panel.

And we will tell you how to decipher the most common washing machine errors and the subsequent steps to repair it.

Principles for determining the fault code

In cars equipped with an information display, it is not difficult to find out the error code - it will appear in bright yellow or green.

But if the model is less “advanced”, to find out the cause of the breakdown you will have to unravel the code programmed by the manufacturer, based on the prompts of the indicator lights.

The meaning of Hotpoint-Ariston indicators
Numerical values ​​of indicators for calculating the failure code on the panel of a Hotpoint-Ariston washing machine that is not equipped with a digital display

Algorithm for determining a breakdown based on the light bulb signal:

  1. We remember the model of our Ariston machine (or check the information on the case or in the instructions).
  2. We remember which indicators indicate a breakdown.
  3. We find our device in the pictures.
  4. We determine the digital value for each indicator.

All that remains is to put the received data together and decipher the problem code.

Meaning of Ariston AVSL and AVL indicators
The sum of the numerical values ​​of the numbers of flashing lights on the panel of Ariston AVSL and AVL models will help decipher the code programmed at the factory

For example, if the lights corresponding to the values ​​“2” and “1” are blinking on the washing machine, then you should look for the causes of the problems coded as F03 (or F3, which is basically the same thing). Using this simple algorithm, other typical breakdowns are also determined.

Meaning of AQUALTIS indicators
Unlike most Ariston machines, in the AQUALTIS model internal problems are signaled not by washing modes, but by water heating temperature indicators

When the error code is clarified, all that remains is to determine the essence of the breakdown, and then decide whether it can be fixed with your own hands or whether it is better to immediately contact the experts.

Problems with the motor or control board

If you loaded things into the device compartment, turned on the appropriate mode and pressed the “Start” button, but the drum does not rotate, most likely, the problem lies in the operation of the motor or control controller, which the display will signal to you with a code F1, F2 or F18. Although such breakdowns can occur at any other stage of washing, they are most often displayed precisely at the start of the program.

Irregularities under code F01 (F1)

Error F01 indicates problems in the control circuit of the motor that drives the drum of the washing machine. If there is no response to a signal from the electronic controller (board), the device will not work, and when you try to switch to any other program, it will continue to persistently display a fault code.

Error F01
The causes of failure of the motor control module with code F1/F01 are most often problems with the voltage in the electrical network or high humidity in the room

Self-fix process:

  1. A universal option for any codes is to unplug the washer from the outlet, wait 10-15 minutes and turn it on again - there is a chance that the electronics will reboot and stop giving an error. But even if everything worked out and the device started working, it is worth taking precautions so that the “first sign” does not lead to serious damage.
  2. Provoke a signal F1 There may be a decrease in the voltage in the network (below 200 V) or a sharp jump, as well as damage to the plug or bending of the power cord. Try not to turn on the washing machine at the same time as other powerful energy consumers or through an extension cord, because ideally this device needs a dedicated line with its own machine.
  3. Inspect the cord, the plug and the outlet itself - perhaps the reason is their malfunction.
  4. High humidity in the bathroom can also cause problems with the motor control circuit. Remove moisture from the board contacts and ventilate the room often so that the humidity level does not exceed 70%.
  5. The cause of the error may also be a disconnection of contacts in the engine control circuit. If you have skills in working with electronics, you can independently check the circuit from the device motor to the board for the quality of the connections by ringing with a multimeter all areas that cause suspicion.

If independent repair attempts do not lead to a positive result, the reason may lie in a breakdown or failure of the control board firmware, erased electric motor brushes, a burnt out motor winding, or damage to the cable with wires. To restore or replace these parts, it would be better to contact a service center.

Decoding signals F02, F2

This error most often occurs at the start of the program or at the spin stage, when the machine picks up speed to spin the laundry (at the same time, the drum itself may twitch or rotate intermittently). The device will display a code F02 and at the same time begins to drain the water.

Typically, this signal indicates a malfunction in the motor circuit or a breakdown of the tachogenerator - a small part with a ring that controls the speed of the washing machine engine.

Washing machine tachogenerator
To inspect the tachogenerator, you will have to partially disassemble the device, get to the engine and find a metal ring with wires on its shaft

Solution to the problem:

  1. If the machine displays an error for the first time, the cause may be a one-time failure in the operation of the electronics due to network surges. Disconnect the device from the power supply for 10-15 minutes to allow the equipment to reboot.
  2. Check that the drum itself is not blocked - it should turn freely by hand. But if during washing a small object gets between the drum and the tub, the culprit of the breakdown should be carefully removed and the machine restarted.
  3. Problems with contacts - it is necessary to check the serviceability of the connections from the board to the electric motor, including the section with the tachogenerator.

But it's a mistake F2 It can also be a consequence of more serious breakdowns, the elimination of which will require replacement of the motor, tachogenerator or control board. In such cases, it is better to contact a workshop; you may be able to get by by replacing faulty solders on the control module or restoring damaged wiring.

Communication or board memory error with codes F09, F18

Signal of a malfunction of the electronic controller under the code F18 Only Aristons with an asynchronous motor can produce (models Hotpoint-Ariston, Margherita, AVSL, AV, AVL, AVTL, CDE); such errors do not occur on devices with a commutator motor.

Ariston washing machine controller
The controller is an electronic board that is responsible for selecting the washing mode and displays it on the display, gives commands to the intake and drain valve, pump, pressure switch and controls the operation of the engine

Signs of controller malfunction:

  • Incorrect engine operation - sudden changes, too high or, on the contrary, unreasonably low revolutions.
  • The drum does not rotate when starting the washing mode.
  • Spin does not work.
  • The machine fills with water and immediately drains, displaying a signal about damage.

F09 – a memory error can occur when the network voltage surges or decreases. But it may also indicate a failed control unit.

First action after displaying codes F09 And F18 identical to previous problems - turn off the power to the machine, give it time to reboot and turn it on again. If the reason is not a failure, it is necessary to check the board microcircuits.

Firmware for the washing machine control board
But if you do not have the skills for such repairs, you need to entrust it to professionals who can reflash the controller, solder the contacts, replace only some elements (for example, the power capacitor) or replace the entire board

Problems with water heating

If during the washing mode the washing machine freezes for a long time, stops, does not heat up, or constantly drains water, the causes of the breakdown should be sought in the heating circuit. The device will indicate these problems with codes. F04, F07 or F08.

Failure of the heating element or pressure switch and codes F04, F07

In washing modes where heating is required, the error may appear immediately after starting, or after drawing water, but rinsing or washing in cold water will work normally. In this case, there are several options for solving the problem (besides the standard turn on/off the machine to reboot the controller).

If the code appears on the display during the washing phase or during startup (the machine does not even want to draw water), most likely the reason lies in the heating element itself. It can “pierce” onto the housing when the contacts come off or simply burn out.

To fix the problem, you need to get to the heating element, check all its connections, change the resistance with a multimeter (with a power of 1800 W it should produce about 25 Ohms).

Replacing the heating element
To replace a faulty heating element, disconnect the cable with wires, unscrew the fastening nut (1), press on the pin (2) and pry off the sealing rubber (3), then install a new part and reassemble in the reverse order

If the device collects and then immediately drains water, the cause may be a breakdown of the pressure switch - the water level sensor. If there is a problem, this element can provide the controller with information that the heating element was not immersed in water, which is why the machine does not start heating.

In this case, it is necessary to check the water pressure sensor tube with the pressure switch (the hose may become clogged, kinked, frayed, or come off). At the same time, inspect the contacts of the sensor itself - they may need to be cleaned. But more precisely, the code “says” about the breakdown of the pressure switch F04 - Most likely, the part will require replacement.

Washing machine pressure switch
To check the operation of the pressure switch, you need to put a small piece of hose with a diameter identical to the removed tube onto its inlet fitting and blow - characteristic clicks will be heard from a working part

In some cases, the problem may be in the board itself, faulty wiring or contact groups in the area from the board to the heating element or water level sensor. Therefore, you should ring all the elements of the control unit associated with the operation of the heating circuit, and if necessary, replace the burnt tracks or the controller itself.

Heating circuit faults and F08 symbol

If the water heating does not work correctly (or the machine “seems” to start when the tank is empty), an error code will appear on the display F08. The cause most often is a malfunction in the pressure switch circuit.

This problem can occur due to high humidity in the room, which negatively affects the controller. To make sure the board is in order, inspect it, wipe it dry, or blow it with a hairdryer.

Another simple solution to the issue could be the disconnected contacts of the heating element and the pressure switch, especially if the device was started for the first time after transportation. In other cases, a more professional inspection will be required with possible replacement of parts.

How to ring the heating element
First, make sure that there is really no water in the tank, then remove the back panel of the machine and check the heating element with a tester

Possible malfunctions of Ariston machines, indicated by code F8:

  • If the washing mode is interrupted immediately after starting or during the washing phase and the appliance does not heat the water, you will most likely need to replace the heating element.
  • If the machine stops after starting, when switching to the rinsing mode, or does not spin, it is possible that the contact group of the heating element relay is “stuck” on the controller when it is on. In this case, you can replace the failed elements of the microcircuit and, if necessary, reflash the board.
  • If the device “freezes” in various modes (and this can be either washing, rinsing or spinning), the wiring or contacts in the heater circuit may be damaged, or the pressure switch may break down, which considers that not enough water is entering the machine.

But if, when checking all the connections of the circuit and separately the pressure switch, the heating element relay and the heating element itself, no damage is detected, you will have to change the controller.

Errors in the operation of the drain or water intake

If the machine cannot draw water or, on the contrary, stops working although its tank is full, codes appear on the display F05, F11 or H2O. Let's try to understand the essence of such breakdowns.

Drain violations and codes F05 or F11

Error F05/F5 It always lights up when the drum is full, but attempts to force drain it remain unsuccessful - the machine “does not release” water and continues to signal a breakdown.

In this case, a cracking noise may be heard, as if some foreign object had hit the fan impeller, or a humming sound from the pump. Such a breakdown is a fairly common occurrence with Ariston machines, and in most cases you can fix it yourself.

Most often the problem lies in the banal clogged drain filter or a drain hose - when washing, various hairs, threads, buttons, particles of dirt and small debris are separated from things, which gradually clog the gap for water to escape.

To remove them, you need to manually drain the water through the filter (if it is not the hose that is clogged) or manually scoop out the drum.

Drain pipe
If the machine has blocked the doors and the water does not drain through either the filter or the hose, you can remove the liquid by unscrewing the drain pipe

Then check the condition of the drain filter (small hatch at the bottom of the machine), the pipe itself, and rinse the hose under good water pressure. At the same time, inspect the siphon or pipe if the drain is organized directly into the sewer.

Then reassemble the system in the reverse order, turn on the machine to the rinse program, make sure that it has filled with water, and forcefully switch to spin - if there is an error F05 does not appear, but the drain works, which means the problem is solved.

Cleaning the drain filter
To avoid breakage, wash wool and fur items in a special bag, be sure to check the pockets of clothing before loading and arrange a preventive inspection of the filter at least once every two to three months

If the problem is not a blockage, the following options are possible:

  1. Failure of the drain pump/pump - the part may simply require replacement, having honestly exhausted its service life, or it may fail due to the penetration of a foreign object, a broken motor coil, or a short circuit. First, you should disassemble the pump, remove debris, check the circuit and try to start the machine again. If the problem persists, you will have to replace the filter.
  2. Malfunctions in the operation of the electronic controller - the corresponding tracks or radio components on the microcircuit may burn out or oxidize (most often due to the same high humidity), or a firmware failure may occur.
  3. Failure of the pressure switch - if the sensor provides information that the tank is empty, the machine simply will not start the draining program, so the faulty part must be replaced.
  4. Wiring problems - you need to check if there is power to the drain pump when it is turned on.

Similar problems can occur with an error F11. Although most often this code indicates a breakdown of the drain pump (this is where the inspection should begin), it can also be due to incorrect operation of the pressure switch, controller, or damaged wiring.

Problems with water intake and H2O code

Another common mistake, familiar firsthand to owners of Ariston machines, is the code H2O, indicating problems with the water supply. Usually it occurs 5-7 minutes after start (in rare cases - during rinsing), and the device may not let in water at all, or may collect too much of it.

H2O water supply error
The water supply error is perhaps the only one that is intuitive among other codes, since it is associated with the chemical formula H2O

Sometimes it's a mistake H2O may appear chaotically in different programs, but its characteristic feature is that the drain and spin modes always work flawlessly.

Water intake hose valve strainer
The H2O code is often issued when the fill valve mesh is clogged, so you need to remove it with pliers and thoroughly rinse the cells under water pressure

Possible causes of failure:

  1. Lack of water in the water supply, insufficient pressure or the supply valve to the device is closed. The actions here are clear: open the tap, wait for the water supply to be restored.
  2. Damage to the water intake valve, which “allows” water into the device - if it breaks, it is easier to replace this part with a new one than to try to repair it.
  3. Malfunction of the pressure switch - if the hose is clogged or damaged or the sensor itself breaks down, the machine will constantly draw in and immediately drain water, displaying an error H2O.

But if all the elements work, the problem may be a signal break due to damaged wiring or failure of the electronic controller.

Other errors and their interpretation

In total, Ariston machines have 19 code signals indicating problems, of which we have examined the most common ones.

But let’s briefly talk about other possible malfunctions in the operation of equipment:

  • F03 – temperature sensor failure. You need to check the resistance of the sensor itself (normally about 20 ohms), as well as the circuit to the controller. If necessary, replace damaged parts.
  • F06 – indicates a problem in the circuit of the hatch locking device for Ariston cars on the Arcadia platform (Low-End and Aqualtis series), as well as problems with the control buttons for Dialogic models. In the first case, you should see if any item in the load is preventing you from slamming the door until it clicks. In the second case, the problem may be with sticking buttons or damaged contacts.
  • F10 – there is no signal from the water level sensor. The device can generate such an error if the drain is connected incorrectly to the sewer, there is insufficient water pressure, or there is an open circuit from the sensor to the board.
  • F12 – lack of communication between the controller and the display module. If rebooting does not help, you need to check the control board, display unit and their connection.
  • F13 – an open circuit or breakdown of the drying temperature sensor will require replacement of the part or worn contacts.
  • F14 or F15 – a malfunction of the drying heating element or a break in the heater circuit.
  • F16 – a signal for machines with vertical loading about a breakdown of the drum lock sensor. Most often it happens due to simple inattention - for example, the doors are not closed until they click. In other cases, the reason may be weak contacts in the section of the circuit up to the board or failure of the sensor itself.
  • F17 or door – “indicates” that the hatch is not closed tightly enough.Perhaps the problem lies in an intruded foreign object, a weak hinge fastener, or a dirty lock for the door “tongue”. If no external culprits are identified, most likely the device that blocks the door while the machine is operating is faulty and should be replaced.

And in any of the options, the rule applies: in addition to the specific part that the device “points to,” the breakdown may lie in a faulty board, damaged contacts or non-working wiring.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

To help home craftsmen, we have selected several videos about various malfunctions of Ariston washing machines, options for deciphering code information, and practical tips for identifying the culprit of the breakdown.

Error code F08, inspection and repair of the machine:

How to repair an electronic controller:

How to eliminate drain errors with code F05:

As you can see, even smart technology prompts do not always clearly indicate the cause of the breakdown, because the same code may hide problems with various parts.

Of course, with the proper skills in working with electronics, most of them can be easily eliminated without the help of professionals. But if you don’t have such experience, you shouldn’t rush to extremes and change one part after another - perhaps the workshop will offer you a simpler solution to the problem.

Do you want to ask a question about the topic of the article? Please write it in the comments section, and our specialists will answer you as quickly as possible. Here you have the opportunity to provide interesting information on the topic or share your own experience in troubleshooting an Ariston washing machine.

Visitor comments
  1. Andrey

    I bought an Ariston washing machine three years ago, it worked for that time without any problems or malfunctions.A month ago, it suddenly began to rattle a lot during the spin cycle, vibrate and crawl out of its place, and over a fairly long distance, but at the same time it washes according to the given program and spins well. There is no overload in the car. Installed evenly, level, and does not wobble. Can you tell me what could be the reason?

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. Your symptoms are consistent with the following diagnoses:

      1. Problems with the shock absorbers or springs of the machine. Shock absorbers are not an eternal part; over time or if the washing machine is used incorrectly, they can fail. The machine begins to vibrate strongly, it can “jump” if the floor is level, and also, when it is working, there are peculiar tapping sounds of a consistently measured nature. When the drum stops completely, you hear a dull thud. You can also check it manually - when you press it, the drum sways from side to side, in the usual version, it smoothly returns to its place. The solution is to replace both shock absorbing components. Springs also wear out over time, so they may need to be replaced as well. Symptoms - the tank is skewed to the side, the rubber seal is deformed.

      2. A counterweight is a vibration damper; it is located on the washing machine tank. They may wear out over time. Symptoms - vibration, normal knocking, without grinding. The counterweights are checked after removing the back cover of the washing machine. The solution is to replace the counterweight.

      3. Bearing wear. Located on the drum shaft, closed with an oil seal. if water for some reason penetrates into it, it may become unusable, but in principle, it itself is not wear-resistant. Symptoms: whistling, grinding, small crunches, etc., when the drum is rotated manually. The solution is to replace the bearing.

      If you do not have any skills in diagnosing and repairing SMA, consult a specialist. Most problems already require expensive repairs, and intervention on your own will make the situation worse.

    • Sergey

      Question. AVL105. There was an error F5. All pipelines are clean, the pump is working properly. After replacing the pressure switch, 16??? is lit. The water drains but does not wring out. Please tell me what to do

  2. Vladimir

    Ariston ATD-120 Error F-08. I checked the heating element, temp. sensor (20 kOhm rings), relay - everything is in order. Started it up again, F-02 lights up. Check what? The TV master himself.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. Unfortunately, I do not have information on a specific model, but I will try to help you solve the problem using the example of frequently occurring problems with errors of this type of SMA from Ariston.

      F-08 is indeed a heating failure. But this is not necessarily the heating element’s fault. Heating failure can occur for various reasons:

      1. After some time has passed after the start, during washing, the machine cannot heat the water when it is in the spin/rinse mode. This problem indicates a breakdown of the temperature sensor or the heating element itself. Solution - broken/burnt elements should be replaced.

      2. Option when an error occurs at the stages of installing the program and its launch, in the rinse mode or when switching to it, in the spin mode or when switching to it. Then this is a problem with the wiring or the contact circuit is broken somewhere in the area from the heating element, as well as from the pressure switch sensor to the control module. The solution is to replace, twist, solder the wiring/contacts or strip them. In addition, it is possible that the pressure switch itself has failed. The pressure switch is a water level sensor; it could have switched and does not understand whether the tank is full of water.The solution is to replace the pressure switch. Also, immediately after the machine starts, an error may indicate a breakdown of the interference filter.

      3. Control module failure.

      As for the F-02, this is usually:

      1. Problem with the tachometer (Hall sensor). This part controls the speed mode of rotation of the SMA drum tank. Symptoms - error F02, the drum rotates by hand without restrictions and stupor. The solution is to replace the sensor.

      2. Motor breakdown, brush wear, short circuit.

      3. Broken electrical circuit or contacts.

      4. Problem with the control module. Symptoms – it collects water, then drains it, without starting the drum motor. This could be a burnout on the board or a program failure. The solution is repair, flashing.

      The error can be related to the previous one or be on its own. The machine needs high-quality diagnostics; unfortunately, it will be very difficult for us to define the “disease” in words.

    • Vladimir

      Hello, Vladimir (television master)! Wasn’t it possible to independently verify the serviceability of the temperature sensor and heating element by removing these two parts? Connect an ohmmeter to the terminals of a temperature sensor immersed in a container of water (for example, an electric kettle) and observe the smooth change (decrease) in its resistance as the water heats up. Well, a heating element, in principle, is NOTHING different from a boiler; it is no better to explain its testing with a bucket of cold water.

      Next: make sure that the wires from the indicated elements to the control unit board are intact (low resistance). The relay tends to stick contacts or, conversely, when tested with an ohmmeter, this is normal, but under a real load, it’s “a little different.” If everything above is normal, look in the control unit board.

  3. Vika

    With our hotpoint (it says Hotpoint-Ariston - this is it, as I understand it?) everything is in order, but it’s useful to know for the future.Thank you.

  4. Sergey Vasilevich

    I have a question, not a comment. ARISTON ATD 120 - programs 30 minutes, 40 degrees for some reason refuse to start... What could it be?

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. What are the symptoms of a breakdown? Does the door latch? Does it give an error? Please describe in more detail.

      • Oleg

        Hello. The display flashed. Ariston WMG 705 machine

  5. Leona

    Wow, I didn’t even know that this happened with hotpoints, thanks for the information!

  6. Olga

    Hello! The Hotpoint Ariston ARTXD109 washing machine displays error F16. Because This is happening for the third time, I already know the reason - the problem is with the parking attendant. When the parking attendant broke down for the second time, I called a repairman, but he didn’t even know about the error or where the part was located. When I indicated the location and the part that I bought myself, things went faster, because... the master knew which screws needed to be unscrewed in order to remove the metal wheel that looked like a steering wheel (forgive my ignorance, but I don’t know the exact name).

    I know how to remove the side panel where the parking attendant is located, which is attached with two screws (you don’t have to unscrew them) - the master simply attached part of the part to the old terminals. But I didn’t remember what screws he unscrewed! But I can’t find it on the Internet. The machine fills with water, the display works normally, the motor tries to spin the drum, but it doesn’t work, the pump drains the water. The fact that the problem is with the parking attendant definitely affects this “steering wheel”. But maybe in something else. Can you give me some advice?

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      That is, you had one problem, and after the “repair” it became another? In general, after the “master” could not understand what was going on and began to act after your hint, you had to say goodbye and call a competent specialist.

      Error F16 on a Hotpoint Ariston ARTXD109 top-loading washing machine means that the parking device is faulty. There are two options: either the sensor itself or the microswitch is faulty.

      In your case, the replacement solved the problem, error F16 is no longer displayed, but the fact that the machine itself drains water indicates another problem: it can be mechanical or electronic.

      The “master” whom you called could have touched the contact of the pump, which is now not working correctly, draining the water before the wash starts. Or moisture has got on the contacts of the control unit. In any case, you need to call a competent specialist to solve the problem.

    • Maria

      Hello. If the valet is flying for the third time, there is no need to try to torment her again, much less try to fix something on your own. I don’t presume to blame anyone, but 3 times in a row after repairs. You just need to change the master.

      What could be the reason:

      1. First of all, when the drum cannot close properly. This is precisely a mechanical failure or the fault of the owners who do not close the door.

      2. The software has gone wrong. The simplest thing is to turn off the machine and after 10 minutes try to turn it on again. If it doesn’t work, you’ll have to contact a technician to clean the “brains” of the washer.

      3. Problem with the contact circuit, for some reason the contact connection is broken.

      If I were you, I would have to change the master. It would also be understandable if this happened once, but again after repairs.

  7. Julia

    Good evening! Hotpoint-Ariston ST 702 ST S machine. You turn on the washing mode (no matter what), it locks the door, draws a little water and does nothing else! I unplug it from the socket, turn it on and it starts working (but this is only in the quick wash mode, on others it will take up water a few times and then get up!). Nothing else, and even unplugging it doesn’t do anything! Quick wash mode only! What could it be? Thank you.

    • Vladimir

      There is the first trivial piece of advice to solve the problem - check the sunroof closing indicator. It is possible that the machine simply does not see, does not register, the closing of the hatch, and therefore cannot begin the washing process. Another simple solution to the problem is to check the drain hose. If the drain hose is not secured correctly, the water may drain by gravity, which is why the wash does not start.

      Now to more complex cases:
      1. Drum belt wear. It may just be a loose belt that needs to be put back in place; if the wear is severe, then the belt will have to be replaced.
      2. The heating element has burned out - it will need replacement.

      Do not forget to select parts directly for your model, and preferably original ones.

      Attached photos:
      • Expert
        Evgenia Kravchenko

        Hello, Vladimir. No, the belt cannot be the cause here, since then the quick wash mode would not work either. And there are no other characteristic symptoms. Here you also need to pay attention to the detail that the quick wash starts working after a reboot.

        Damage to the drain is excluded, since during a quick wash the machine drains again, and the problem begins after the initial supply of water in the program, when the drain is still far away.

        There was a clear suspicion about the heating element (especially since this is the next mode after dialing) that it cannot heat the temperature higher than that of a quick wash, but here we would need an addition from the creator of the question, what do we have with cold modes, complete shutdown of heating and Have you tried rinsing? There are 14 modes, taking into account that 4 modes are at 30 degrees and 1 at 20 degrees...

        So, the main version is that the “brains” flew away.

    • Vladimir

      Hello. I'll assume the simplest thing is a problem with the heating element. Are you saying that in other modes it draws water and it heats it? What error appears and what preceded the problem? There may also be a software failure, a problem with the pump and filter. But most likely, heating element needs to be diagnosed on the spot.

  8. Andrey

    Ariston ARSL80 in spin mode tries to spin the drum several times and then all the lights start blinking and does not listen to any buttons. You just need to unplug the cord...

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello Andrei. You need to pay attention to which lights (indicators) are blinking; this corresponds to a specific error code. Using them, you can calculate the reason that led to the current malfunction.

      Indesit and Ariston have the same error codes, link I am attaching the error codes. Pay attention to the indicators and check the table to find out the error code.

      Most often the problem lies in the pressure switch, error F08, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with with this video, since the probability is very high that you will have this exact error.

      Attached photos:
    • Maria

      Hello. There is definitely a problem with the control board, because a clear symptom is that all the indicators are blinking.When a certain error occurs, they light up in combinations.

      There is also a suspicion of a tachometer.

  9. Vladimir

    Washing machine Hotpoint Ariston AQXF109. The cycle gets lost, and washing, spinning, and draining can begin at any stage. Please tell me what could be the problem?

    Yes, also - at this moment the entire control panel begins to flash.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. Definitely, like the guest above, there is a problem with the control board. Why such conclusions... First of all, if a malfunction is associated with a single system, as a rule (with rare exceptions), a failure occurs at a specific stage or at least on one system - washing, spinning or draining. This happens in all your programs. The second sign is the blinking of all indicators.

      The instructions for your device do not indicate any possible solutions to this problem. This means that the breakdown requires serious diagnostics. Again, if you do not know how to test the system and cannot resolve the situation with a malfunction of the “brain” center of the washing machine, it is best to contact a service specialist. But if you have the desire, time and are not offended by your own possible mistake, please contact us, we will help you disassemble the module and carry out diagnostics yourself.

  10. Oleg

    Good afternoon. Tell me, the Ariston displays error f5. I cleaned everything properly, drains and fills water normally, but when washing it picks up water and again error f5. We drain the water again, start it up, the water fills up and again error f5.

  11. Igor

    Good time everyone! The Hotpoint 109 front-loading machine, the panel as in the very first picture in the article, SUDDENLY began to act stupid - when the power cord is connected to the outlet, the indicators may light up even before pressing the “Network” button.

    After selecting any program, its execution begins (in normal mode), but as soon as it comes to spinning (although it is possible that there is a jump from rinse to spin mode, I couldn’t tell for sure), the program execution stops, and ALL the indicators on the panel begin to blink — both a vertical row and a horizontal row of LEDs, with a frequency of approximately 2 Hz.

    There is no reaction to the buttons; the machine can only be brought out of this state by unplugging the power cord from the network. Starting a “regular” spin cycle (program “B”) ends just as disastrously - the machine stops and the New Year’s illumination begins. But if you run program “C” (delicate spin), then this program runs normally.

    I assume that there was a failure in EEPROM. Is this so, and is it possible to flash the memory microcircuit? Is it possible to buy somewhere a separately flashed ROM, or a controller chip (if the program is hardwired into it)? I can blow off a faulty microcircuit from the board with a hairdryer myself, just as I can solder a new one.

    Happy New Year of the Rat everyone! I wish that the equipment behaves adequately and does not break down!

  12. Andrey

    Hello! I have a Hotpoint Ariston ARSF 125 washing machine. It was purchased in 2014. Until recently, it worked smoothly, without complaints! But recently a problem arose: the machine stopped opening after working on short washing modes, i.e. 15 and 30 minute wash cycles.

    After running short-term programs, the machine washes, spins, and does everything as it should. But at the end of the work there is a click when it unlocks the door. The green indicator (END) lights up, and then in less than a second the door locks and the red door lock indicator with a key icon lights up.

    On longer-term washing programs, until recently everything was fine. But the further you go, the more such incidents happen in long-term modes! And you have to restart the wash so that the door finally opens!!! Please advise what to do!? Can this be eliminated at all or should we already be preparing to purchase a new machine?

  13. Vyacheslav

    Car hotpoint-ariston rst 702 st s 2018
    There were no complaints, until one day it simply refused to function!
    It doesn’t give any errors, the problem occurs in all washing modes, it takes in a certain amount of water and immediately drains it! In the “quick wash” AND “rinse” mode, the drum overfills and begins to leak, in the spin mode it simply spins the drum at minimum speed... I would like to know how expensive the repair will be?!

  14. Alexander

    Ariston avsl109 collects and immediately drains water

  15. Alexander

    Hello, I have a Hotpoint ARISTON machine, when you turn it on, it’s not the washing mode time that is displayed on the display, but (-sOp) the machine is working, the water is heating up, there seem to be no malfunctions noticed, but this blinking (-sOp) is unclear. Please explain.

  16. Sergey.

    Hello. Ariston AVSD127 machine. In the washing mode, after draining the water, H2O appeared on the display. The car stopped. They took the plug out of the network. They left it for ten hours. Turned it on. All programs are installed using a switch (they are displayed on the display and, as usual, blink). Turn on the START button. The blinking stops, the display shows the washing time for the set program. and doesn't blink. Moreover, the washing mode icon always shows the mode in which the failure occurred, i.e.WASHING (before rinsing) And so on for any installed washing program. At the same time, H2O is no longer displayed. The machine doesn't turn on anything. there are no sounds. No matter how much we now try to turn it off and on, all its signs of life are a working display. (The water supply from the water supply and its pressure are normal). Tell. if you can, what is the reason? Thank you.

  17. Kirill

    Ariston car artxd 109 error f16. Top loading. I realized that it was a parking sensor. I removed the side wall. And there the sensor is somehow strange, maybe that’s how it’s supposed to be - one part of it got stuck on the wheel and crawled out into the wheel. I can spin the wheel manually, part of the sensor bends and clicks. I checked the contacts. Turned it on - again, it doesn’t rotate, everything blinks for 10 minutes and gives error f16. The drum does NOT spin. What is the problem? I just don’t know what a normal sensor should look like...

  18. Alexei

    Good afternoon. Washing machine Ariston Aqualtis. In any washing mode, error f05 is displayed and water remains in the drum. In spin mode it works perfectly, pumps out the water completely. In the rinse mode, as soon as it comes to pumping out the water, it freezes and after a while it displays error f05, respectively, a full drum of water, after which I manually switch to the spin mode and it pumps out normally. I cleaned the filter, removed the drain hose from the pump, cleaned it too, cleaned the sewer pipes too, nothing helps. After the next launch of any program, error f05 again.

  19. Alexei

    Hello! Hotpoint washing machine Ariston model ARSF 80 (CSI) L.It turns on, washes, rinses, at the last minute in spin mode, there are two clicks, the machine drains the water, opens the door and after a while it gives the door error. The brushes were worn out, replaced and replaced the ubl and heating element. I checked all the contacts and tightened them up. The result has not changed.

  20. Lydia

    Good afternoon, a hotpoint Ariston machine model AQXL 85, after replacing the brushes, the control panel stopped showing the entire cycle of the program (washing phase symbols), only washing and rinsing. The wash finishes and turns off at the rinse symbol, but does not show the following symbols

  21. Mirzahid

    Hotpoint Ariston WMSG 605, after collecting the initial amount of water, the drum does not rotate. There is no error signal on the display. The timer is running. What do you recommend to do?

  22. Victor

    SMA Hotpoint Ariston AQD 1970049EU in the drying mode, at 20 minutes an uncharacteristic noise appears and begins to spark, like a static discharge at the bottom of the drum. Who knows how to solve this problem?

  23. Valera

    I'm struggling with the washing machine and my wife) Ariston washing machine - Margherita 2000 (ALS 88 X). Sometimes it washes, sometimes it doesn’t, sometimes it spins/rinses, sometimes it doesn’t. I don’t know how much laundry you can put in it; my wife loads 11 kg of wet clothes each. When I saw it, I almost went crazy. I divided the pile into three parts, began to wash and wring everything out. The machine stops without fully completing the operation on the “triangle” icon between softening and spinning. I don’t understand what the hell this is. By unplugging the cord from the socket and turning it back on for washing, everything is erased

    • Peter

      It also stops for me
      triangle To you
      managed to find the reason, write thanks

  24. Irina

    Hello, tell me how to solve the problem. Washing machine Ariston AT-104. I launch any program, but after some time the program switch starts scrolling until you turn it off. How can I fix this?

  25. Anastasia

    Good evening. Washing machine Hotpoint Ariston ARTF1047. When there is 1 minute left to wash, it starts to draw water, wash and drain a little water, this cycle repeats endlessly... All that remains is to pause the program and change the program to drain. Then she drains and finishes the job. At the same time, no lights blink, no errors are displayed. What could be the problem?

  26. Yuri

    Good afternoon. The Hotpoint Ariston aqm9d 497u machine resets its settings when turned on. Those. The languages ​​are reset and you start restoring the settings from the very beginning. But everything works when you set it up. Turned it off - and again all over again. What could be the problem? Thank you

  27. Basil

    ARISTON CDE 129 when you plug the plug into the socket, all the indicators light up for a second and the on/off/door lock indicator starts flashing. After this, it does not respond to any button presses, and naturally does not start. Tell me the direction of troubleshooting.
    Thank you in advance.

    • Administration

      Good afternoon. In this case, you should contact a technician to identify the problem.

  28. Nikolai

    Good afternoon Vertical washing machine Ariston ARTDX 109. Programs freeze at one minute, then dial and drain endlessly, and the laundry does not wash. What kind of miracles are these? The car is 7 years old.

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