Review of the Redmond RV R300 robot vacuum cleaner: a budget solution for daily cleaning

Cleaning a room using a stationary vacuum cleaner is usually carried out once every few days. For everyday cleaning without human intervention, you can purchase a Redmond RV R300 robot vacuum cleaner.In general, it is similar to models from other manufacturers in the price range of up to 15 thousand rubles, but it differs in some respects.

Expert rating:
/ 100
  • Low cost
  • Spare side brushes included
  • Automatically parks even when battery is low
  • There is a cleaning scheduling mode
  • Quiet operation - does not interfere with watching TV
  • Small dust container
  • Weak battery
  • Few sensors - often crashes into obstacles

You will learn everything about the popular model of robotic cleaner from our article. We described in detail the functionality of the smart device and provided technical specifications. To get a complete picture, we compared it with competitors that were close in price.

Main parameters of the RV R300 model

The first assessment of a robot vacuum cleaner can be given based on its characteristics and capabilities declared by the equipment manufacturer. Therefore, it is necessary to understand what the technical indicators presented in advertising brochures mean.

It is best to rely on the passport, which can often be downloaded from the manufacturer’s website, since they try not to explicitly indicate the weak points of the models in exhibition materials.

Indicators and operating rules

The RV R300 vacuum cleaner is equipped with a standard 14.4 V nickel-metal hydride battery and a 24 V AC adapter with a current of 600 mA. The device can be charged using the included parking station, as well as by directly connecting the vacuum cleaner via an adapter to the network.

Robot Redmond RV R300
The batteries are supplied in a completely discharged state, so the first procedure must be carried out for 12 hours. Otherwise, the battery will not be fully charged, which will lead to a significant irreversible loss of its capacity.

The battery power is enough to run the vacuum cleaner for an hour. The readiness indicator is the color of the “Clean” button. If it lights up red, the device requires charging.

Do not use the robotic vacuum cleaner when the charge is insufficient, as this will have a negative impact on the battery life. When a critical level of remaining energy is reached, the vacuum cleaner stops cleaning and strives to return to the base.

Electrical parameters of Redmond RV R300
Standard parameters of the battery and network adapter make it easy to replace them by purchasing devices with similar characteristics from any other manufacturer

It is better to install the charging station close to the wall so that a parked vacuum cleaner does not interfere with the movement of people around the room. Since the robot automatically returns to its place after cleaning, it is better not to place any interference in the form of furniture within 1-2 meters from charging.

Operating parameters and equipment

The RV R300 robot has a classic shape, average dimensions and weight for its class of devices. It is equipped with the necessary minimum overheating protection systems, means of detecting obstacles, and turns off when emergency situations occur.

You can turn on the vacuum cleaner with a button located on the body or using the control panel.

Main technical characteristics of Redmond RV R300
The technical characteristics of the Redmond RV R300 model are normal for devices of this class, with the exception of low suction power and high noise levels

The robot is supplied complete with the following equipment:

  • remote control, which can be without batteries;
  • battery, charging parking station and network adapter;
  • two brushes (they are different: right and left)
  • wet cleaning nozzle in the amount of 1 piece;
  • two HEPA filters H13;
  • documentation.

Making a purchase is accompanied by the issuance of a warranty card, under which you can repair the vacuum cleaner free of charge within a year from the date of purchase.

Device, equipment, dust collection container for Redmond RV R300. The video clearly demonstrates switching modes and the features of cleaning a multi-room apartment:

Programs and operating modes

Using the “Mode” button on the remote control, you can select 4 modes of automatic operation of the robot:

  1. Fully automatic trajectory selection. This method is used by default. The electronics of the vacuum cleaner analyzes the cleaning area and independently calculates the route.
  2. Cleaning a fixed area. Used to treat particularly dusty areas. The vacuum cleaner moves in a spiral motion with a gradual expansion of the cleaning zone.
  3. Cleaning corners. Direct movement of the vacuum cleaner along the perimeter of the free area allows you to clean corners and wall areas from characteristic dust accumulations.
  4. Zigzag trajectory. The use of this mode is effective when working in large spaces of regular geometry with a minimum density of obstacles.

In addition to automatic modes, there is the possibility of manual control using buttons on the remote control. After finishing the work, the vacuum cleaner returns to the parking space. The cycle can also be forcibly interrupted by sending the robot to rest by pressing the “Home” button.

Robot vacuum cleaner parking space
There is one problem with parking space: the vacuum cleaner indicators are bright, which makes it difficult to sleep at night. Therefore, if you do not turn off the device, you must somehow “hide” it

Changing the operating parameters of the vacuum cleaner occurs in standby mode. To activate it, you need to press the button on the device or turn it off using the remote control.

There is an option to automatically turn on the robot at a fixed time every day. It is not possible to configure operation on certain days of the week or several times a day.

Sleep mode is designed to save power and increase the life of the device. It can be activated in two ways: from the remote control or a button on the case.

Remote control of the Redmond RV R300 vacuum cleaner
The vacuum cleaner goes into sleep mode after inactivity for one minute. In this case, it can still be “awakened” using the remote control for the first 15 minutes, after which it stops responding to remote commands

Forcibly holding down the button on the robot's body will put it into sleep mode. In this case, the indication will go out and there will be no response to commands from the remote control. Sleep mode is deactivated by pressing and holding the “Clean” button.

Control button on the body of the Redmond vacuum cleaner
Many parameters of the Redmond RV R300 are configured using a single “Clean” button located on the body of the vacuum cleaner. It is very comfortable

Typical faults and methods for their elimination

A robot vacuum cleaner is not a very complicated device, so most problems that arise can be fixed on the spot.

The most common faults with the Redmond RV R300 are:

  1. Battery is not charging. This means that voltage is not reaching the battery: the problem may be in the socket, wire or socket.
  2. Sound and red light signal supplied by a vacuum cleaner installed for charging. This happens when the device is turned off (it must be turned on) or is incorrectly placed on the socket (it must be correctly installed in the parking space).
  3. The vacuum cleaner does not turn on. The battery is low.
  4. The robot turned off on its own. The front wheel came off the surface, causing the protection system to activate. The vacuum cleaner must be placed level and turned on.
  5. The noise has increased. The dust container or pre-filter is clogged.
  6. No start of work at the specified time. The settings have been reset due to a power outage. You need to reset your daily cleaning settings.
  7. Doesn't respond to remote control commands. Either the IR signal does not reach, or the batteries are low.

If you were unable to resolve the problem on your own, then you need to contact a service center.

Redmond Service Center
Redmond is a common brand of various household appliances, so there will be no problems finding authorized service centers and warranty workshops

Pros and cons of the Redmond RV R300 model

Each technique has its own advantages and disadvantages. The hero of our review was no exception, and that’s it smart vacuum cleaners from Redmond. Based on user reviews, the advantages and disadvantages of this model were identified. We list them below.

Main advantages of the robot

The manual control function using the buttons located on the remote control is very convenient, as you can vacuum an area cluttered with furniture. The robot responds well to commands.

The laconic design of the product fits into the interior without any problems.The black and beige color scheme is neutral and matches any color scheme of wallpaper, furniture and flooring.

Redmond overcomes obstacles
The Redmond RV R300 normally overcomes thresholds up to 0.8 cm in height. If the difference is larger, it may turn off. Moves well out of areas filled with furniture

The cost of the Redmond RV R300 in stores is just under 10 thousand rubles, but with promotions in chain supermarkets you can purchase a model for 6 thousand rubles.

Negative aspects of the unit

Wet cleaning is complicated by the small size of the nozzle, which even with average soiling of the floor has to be washed after a short period of time. If you don’t do this, it will spread the collected dirt in an even layer over clean areas.

The stated volume of the dust container is 350 ml. However, it seems that the usable volume is much smaller. Therefore, in the presence of heavily soiled areas, there is a need for frequent cleaning of the container.

Dust collector in a vacuum cleaner
Removing the dust container from the vacuum cleaner is quite simple. This is important because when cleaning a heavily soiled area, the vacuum cleaner will often stop working and require cleaning the container.

Robot vacuum cleaners are equipped with Ni-MH or Li-ion batteries. The second type is preferable, since it has virtually no “memory effect”, that is, its capacity does not decrease with an increase in the total number of cycles.

The Redmond RV R300 has a small nickel-metal hydride battery (1000 mAh) by the standards of automatic container cleaning devices. Such a solution from Redmond, of course, will lead to a faster need to replace the power supply. This problem is partially compensated for by the low overall power of the vacuum cleaner.

Earth mud on shoes

Robot vacuum cleaners are not very suitable for removing dried dirt from the floor.The low-power Redmond RV R300 will drag such dirt into all corners, so it is better not to allow it into the hallway.

With low power consumption, the vacuum cleaner produces a sound at the level of an average washing machine. Therefore, its use in the presence of small children, especially at the age of 0.8-3 years, causes problems.

While awake, the child will be interested in using the working robot at his own discretion, and while sleeping, he will be disturbed by the noise of the device or the rather loud sounds of warning systems.

Review of the purchased vacuum cleaner. Manual control mode, base search, problem with bar stools:

It is difficult to use this vacuum cleaner in complex apartment geometry or in the case of a large number of obstacles in the form of thresholds, height differences or pieces of furniture, since there is no way to program the path of its movement.

Comparison with competing models

In order not to doubt your choice, you should compare the Redmond RV R300 vacuum cleaner with similar models from other manufacturers. To do this, consider three models that are in the same price category as our device.

Competitor #1 - Kitfort KT-518

This model is designed for dry cleaning of premises. Powered by a 2600 mAh lithium-ion battery, which lasts for 130 minutes of continuous use. In this parameter, Kitfort KT-518 is significantly superior to Redmond RV. And the competitor differs in terms of power consumption - 20 W for Kitfort versus 25 W for Redmond.

The KT-518 robot turned out to be “at the top” in terms of overall dimensions. The model has a compact size, which allows it to reach hard-to-reach places, for example, under furniture - the diameter is 30.5 cm with a height of 8 cm.

The level of equipment is slightly superior to the Kitfort KT-518; it has a timer for planning work time, and a sound alert if the assistant gets stuck.

Among the advantages, users noted the excellent quality of cleaning, quiet noise level and long operating time on a single charge. The vacuum cleaner also recognizes the edge of steps and does not fall off them.

Kitfort KT-518 also has disadvantages. The most significant of them: it does not clean within a radius of 1 meter around the base, there is no cleaning schedule by day, it often climbs into places it does not need to and gets stuck there.

Competitor #2 – Clever & Clean 004 M-Series

The Clever & Clean 004 M-Series cleaner is intended for dry cleaning of premises only. The battery life is no more than an hour (50 minutes), which is slightly less than that of the Redmond device. Installation for charging - in manual mode, charged from a cord (the base is not provided for these purposes).

This model can be equipped with a cleaning panel for wiping the floor with a damp cloth.

If we talk about the noise level, the Clever & Clean 004 M-Series is quite quiet and can be run even at night. Other advantages of the model: price, compact size, good power, presence of side brushes.

Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the lack of a charging station, as well as the fact that, having crashed into some object, the vacuum cleaner circles in one place for a long time before resuming work.

Competitor #3 – Xiaomi Xiaowa C102-00

One of the most inexpensive robot vacuum cleaners with similar functionality. Designed for dry cleaning of premises. Powered by a 2600 mAh lithium-ion battery. Control is carried out from a smartphone - the device can be integrated into the system smart home — Xiaomi Mi Home.

Xiaomi Xiaowa Robot Vacuum Cleaner Lite C102-00 has a convenient location of the dust collector, which is a cyclone filter with a capacity of 0.64 l (for comparison, the Redmond RV R300 has a container capacity of only 0.35 l). The vacuum cleaner comes with an electric brush, which significantly increases the quality of cleaning.

Among the advantages of Xiaomi Xiaowa Robot Vacuum Cleaner Lite C102-00 it is worth noting: affordable cost, convenient operation, maneuverability, good suction power and excellent cleaning in corners and along baseboards.

Perhaps the significant disadvantages of the device are that it has sound alerts in Chinese and, in the absence of Wi-Fi, works only with manual control. Although for such a price this minus can be considered insignificant.

Redmond is a dynamically developing manufacturer, but the models it produces, for example Redmond RV R100, managed to occupy their niche in the market. In addition, the company has a lot of interesting offers in its assortment. Raymond will introduce you to the best cleaning equipment next article, which we strongly recommend reading.

Conclusions and best offers on the market

The RV R300 model is suitable for everyday cleaning of a lightly soiled apartment. The robot copes well with dust and animal hair. If there is a significant amount of debris, the small-volume dust collector quickly becomes clogged.

If there is dried dirt, there is a problem with its suction due to the low power of the device. But in the end, we can say that this inexpensive vacuum cleaner is worth the investment.

Please leave comments in the block below. Ask questions about controversial and unclear points, post photos related to the topic of the article.Tell us about how you chose a robotic vacuum cleaner, share which model you preferred.

Visitor comments
  1. Alevtina

    Well, I don’t believe that a robot vacuum cleaner can clean as efficiently as a regular vacuum cleaner, much less a washing one. This is fun for lazy people with a lot of income. It would be better if they hired a housekeeper. He still won’t clean the corners, no matter how hard he tries. What if it suddenly breaks? Nowadays there are no smart technicians for repairing robotic vacuum cleaners, because they have only recently entered the market. This is just my opinion. I have nothing against Redmond; it supports advanced technologies.

  2. Lika

    I want to try to buy myself a robot vacuum cleaner, but I'm afraid that its effectiveness is questionable. I wouldn’t want to buy a children’s toy for such decent money. It’s a pity that no one I know has one to look at it live and evaluate its capabilities. Judging by the video, this is a very convenient thing. At least I can clean up the bulk of the trash, and somehow I’ll do it myself in the corners and under the sofas.

  3. Svetlana

    I doubted for a long time whether it was worth buying or whether it was an expensive toy. I watched the video, read the reviews and decided to buy. I can say that after the robot’s presence in the house for a week, there was less dust. As for the cleaning, I can’t say that it’s perfect... but no one does deep cleaning every day. It fully justifies its purpose. Removes dog hair and crumbs in the kitchen, as well as large debris. If there is a wet cleaning function, then it also washes away stains from the floor. In general, girls, an indispensable assistant for daily cleaning. This technology is the future! Don't listen to men's blah blah blah about quality cleaning.If you want to make your life easier, feel free to take it. And general cleaning with this robot can be done once a month.

  4. Anastasia

    I bought this model for my birthday and have been happy with it for half a year now! If you have three children and an apartment of 100 square meters, this is an excellent helper. There was really less dust in the apartment. The only thing that doesn’t suit me is that we do the cleaning in 2 or 3 stages, because... not enough charge. But sometimes it’s not “-”, but “+”.

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