Robot vacuum cleaners "Redmond": review of the best models, their pros and cons + reviews

Redmond robot vacuum cleaners are designed to replace hard manual labor when performing daily cleaning.That is, cleaning various surfaces from crumbs, hair of all kinds of animals, and dust is their concern.

But how well does this technology cope with pollution? We'll talk about this in our article, taking into account user opinions. For greater objectivity, we will use the method of comparison with similar equipment from other manufacturers.

Robot vacuum cleaners of the Redmond brand

The Russian company Redmond is known for its rather popular multicookers. Which it has been producing since its founding, back in 2006. Later, it began producing a number of small kitchen appliances, which today make up the lion's share of the company's products.

Then the company launched production vacuum cleaners, and the production of robotic vacuum cleaners began relatively recently, so only a few models were presented to users.

Reliable and active robot from Redmond
The RV-R100 model is quite reliable, functional, has a decent design, is unpretentious and easy to operate. Capable of dry cleaning and also used as a polisher, that is, it moisturizes the surface
Affordable robot vacuum cleaners
Automatic floor cleaners with the Redmond logo attract with an affordable price and a fairly wide range of functionality. True, the line is currently represented by only three models

Although Redmond is a good manufacturer by the standards of the post-Soviet space, at the same time it is an unfair competitor. Over its short history, it has repeatedly found itself in scandals related to copying other people's products.This applies to appearance, characteristics, design solutions.

The company has also been caught more than once in patent trolling, that is, in unfairly ousting competitors from the market. For which she was fined by the Russian FAS, she was a participant in court proceedings in other countries.

Trajectory selection
Redmond brand automatic cleaners have a functional navigation system and a timer that allows for complex programming. All of the above allows the robot to turn on independently, plan its trajectory, and return to the charging base.
Overcoming obstacles
All Redmond robot vacuum cleaners are capable of overcoming obstacles of 1-1.5 centimeters. And also clean hard and fleecy surfaces, which are all kinds of carpets

For several years, during which Redmond was producing robotic vacuum cleaners, only 3 models were delivered to the market. They belong to the budget class and have all its advantages and disadvantages.

Place #1 - best in the line Redmond RV-R100

The models produced belong to different generations, therefore they have different capabilities. Due to this, correct comparisons cannot be made. Although, if a person has a desire to purchase a model of this particular brand, then it should be the RV-R100.

Since only it has the best set of characteristics important for users, including reliability. This is evidenced by numerous reviews of robot vacuum cleaners collected by Redmond. Which are always an accurate indicator for the right choice.

RV-R100 is designed for cleaning all kinds of hard surfaces, as well as various carpets, but with a pile thickness of up to 2 cm. Moreover, cleaning is carried out both dry and in polisher mode, that is, wet.On the bottom of the RV-R100 body, it is possible to attach a microfiber nozzle that allows you to perform wet cleaning, which increases the functionality and attractiveness of the robot.

The model has a quite tolerable design and will be appropriate in any interior. In the manufacture of the case, modern, fairly durable plastic was used, but only in one color - black with silver inserts.

The functionality allows this robot vacuum cleaner to perform daily thorough cleaning of small and medium-sized apartments, houses, offices and other premises.

Why the manufacturer provides 4 modes:

  1. Auto — in this case, the RV-R100 will carry out cleaning until the batteries are completely discharged or the mission is completed. Moreover, the trajectory is chosen independently, taking into account the characteristics of the rooms. The movement is carried out sequentially, that is, the entire floor area will be cleaned, and repeated passages through one place will be excluded.
  2. Quick cleaning assumes a higher speed of movement during work. The user will be able to install it himself.
  3. Cleaning a limited area — if there are areas in the room where dirt regularly accumulates, for example, places where pets feed, then the vacuum cleaner can be programmed specifically to clean them. At the same time, the model ignores the rest of the floor area.
  4. Cleaning corners — if the owner decides to use this program, then the trajectory of movement will be laid along the walls. This will help remove the most difficult to reach places.

The model is equipped with an effective navigation system, the main element of which is a laser rangefinder. It is used to scan and then draw up a plan. This helps to perform cleaning more efficiently and economically.

The Redmond RV-R100 is sufficiently equipped with sensors - falls, height differences, and other necessary ones. All of the above allows you to avoid obstacles, makes cleaning more meaningful, and therefore more effective. Thanks to the presence of a sophisticated navigation system and charging station, the model is able to function completely autonomously. And without disturbing the comfort of the owners. This is also facilitated by relatively quiet operation.

The presented robot vacuum cleaner is equipped with a timer, which allows the owner to create a complex cleaning schedule. Moreover, a week in advance and with the possibility of repeating the desired operation up to 3 times.

After completing any cleaning program or running out of batteries, the RV-R100 is able to independently return to the stationary charging base that is included in the package.

If necessary, control can be carried out using a remote control. After the vacuum cleaner lifts off the surface, it automatically turns off, for which the control system is responsible.

Stated characteristics:

  • power consumption - 15 W;
  • operating time - 100 minutes;
  • Charging is completed in 4 hours;
  • dust container volume - 300 milliliters;
  • dust collector - cyclone;
  • filter - a highly efficient EPA filter belonging to class 11 is additionally used;
  • noise level – does not exceed 65 dB.

The information listed indicates that the capabilities of this unit are not the best, but quite acceptable. Moreover, its navigation system and processor are capable of providing efficient cleaning without any glitches, which is important. Even good performance characteristics did not allow the RV-R100 model to become popular among users. The reason for this is one critical nuance - the prohibitively high cost.

So, the price for this Russian vacuum cleaner in 2017 is:was around 15 thousand rubles. But now the financial requirements of even the world’s top manufacturers, to which Russian Redmond has never been one of them, are noticeably more modest.

For example, quite fresh, but already in demand, iRobot Roomba 616, which effectively cleans for an impressive 2.5 hours, will cost less.

In addition, even with higher power levels, modern models are quieter. But the quality of work can be considered not the best, since additional cleaning of the output stream is carried out by an EPA filter.

It is highly efficient, but most models today have HEPA filters, which are an order of magnitude better. That is, their capabilities are one level higher, and this is significant.

We talked more about the features of the Redmond RV-R100 and its main competitors in this material.

Place #2 - perfectly equipped Redmond RV-R400

The specifications announced by Redmond indicate that their newest model is capable of much. Namely, it effectively eliminates pollution over a large area, which can reach an impressive 120 square meters. Moreover, wet cleaning is also carried out, since it is possible to use the RV-R400 as a floor polisher.

The RV-R400 is equipped with a large number of sensors designed to provide efficient navigation. In addition, it is distinguished by a rich set of components - it even includes a rather expensive virtual wall, which is rare.

Few people will be indifferent to the spectacular modern design, although the manufacturer provides only one body color - copper. On the front of which there is a liquid crystal display.

The information it provides is easy to read. Nearby are mechanical buttons that allow programming.

To increase functionality, 4 cleaning modes are used:

  1. Auto - in this case, the vacuum cleaner control system does everything itself. That is, it selects the trajectory and direction of movement, and the owner’s participation is not required.
  2. Turbo - allows you to perform cleaning faster, while the person only sets the speed, and the vacuum cleaner will do the rest on its own.
  3. Manual - if desired, the user will be able to control the actions of the RV-R400 using the remote control or buttons located on the body for this purpose.
  4. Local — you can program cleaning of only part of the room, for example, the most contaminated part.

To simplify the local cleaning procedure, the delivery set includes magnetic tapes that limit the movement area, as well as a virtual wall - an infrared sensor, the signal of which prevents further advancement of the vacuum cleaner. For successful navigation, a large number of sensors are used: orientation, detection of obstacles, preventing falls and collisions.

Both robot vacuum cleaners from the Russian manufacturer are easy to maintain. Therefore, there will be no difficulties in removing the garbage container, filter, and brushes for washing, which makes operation more pleasant.

The presence of a timer allows you to perform delayed cleaning, as well as create a complex switching schedule.

Performance characteristics:

  • suction power - up to 38 W;
  • cleaning duration - 45 minutes;
  • dust collector volume - 800 milliliters;
  • noise level - up to 72 dB.

The robot is equipped with a powerful battery, which allows it to cope with cleaning the area declared by the manufacturer. A significant advantage is the fairly rich package, which includes everything you need, including an expensive virtual wall, which not all manufacturers do.

The height of the robotic vacuum cleaner of this model slightly exceeds 7 cm, which allows it to freely pass under furniture on fairly low legs.

At first glance, the dimensions of the Redmond RV-R400 are compact, but the rounded shape somewhat limits its functionality. Since in many cases it is difficult for devices with a clear round configuration to perfectly remove dust in the corners and near the baseboard. In addition, this vacuum cleaner may get stuck and the owner will have to respond to its beeping signal from time to time.

Although the RV-R400 vacuum cleaner is equipped with a large number of sensors, a modern processor and firmware, all sorts of failures still often occur. Therefore, he can drive backwards, freeze for a while, and not respond to remote control commands.

Most manufacturers have taken this feature into account and their products do not exceed 6-9 cm in height, which is enough to penetrate most places. For example, even the outdated RV-R100 fits within the specified parameters. Another disadvantage is that it is quite noisy. It does not go beyond the limits of common sense, but the performance of popular analogues is 10-20 dB lower, which significantly increases people’s comfort.

And the weakest point unexpectedly became the software - it is imperfect. Therefore, the RV-R400 often crashes. Not all specimens suffer from this deficiency, but the rate is much higher than the statistical average.

Buyers should pay attention to the fact that the weight of the model is over 6 kg, which will be a significant load during transportation. In addition, you need to know that almost all competitors are 2-3 kg lighter.

The main thing is that if the listed shortcomings are present, the buyer will have to significantly overpay. Since the average cost of this model in 2017 in Russia was about 14.5 thousand rubles.An order of magnitude more advanced analogue with the same capabilities can be purchased by paying a third of the specified amount. For example, this applies to the Kitfort KT-511 robot, the price of which in a number of retail chains does not exceed 5 thousand rubles.

The most critical drawback of both Redmond models is their, without exaggeration, indecent cost. Because for the same money a person will be able to purchase a more efficient and reliable robot from a top manufacturer.

For 10 thousand rubles you can become the owner of one of the best inexpensive models, which is Xrobot Helper. It is capable of cleaning 3 times longer on a single battery charge than the RV-R400, which indicates significantly greater efficiency, and the noise level will be 12 dB lower.

And the quality of cleaning is better, since for greater efficiency an ultraviolet lamp is used, which can destroy many types of bacteria. Which is a useful bonus.

Place #3 - “good old” Redmond RV-R300

This vacuum cleaner comes in at the bottom of the Redmond product rankings, although it is reasonably reliable, performs well, has a decent design, and is capable of cleaning a mid-sized home. The reason is that it is a bit dated and simply can't compete with the newer RV-R100/400.

Thus, the navigation system does not allow creating a map of the premises, so the robot’s movements when cleaning are chaotic. As a result, it can pass through the same place many times, which does not add efficiency and economy.

The Redmond RV-R300 is durable, easy to maintain, has an attractive design and will handle cleaning quite well. But this procedure cannot be called economical or effective, just as the robot itself cannot be called functional. He's just too old for this.

The situation is aggravated by frankly low-power batteries. Although they allow the robot to function for an hour, and sometimes more, during this time only 40-70 square meters will be cleaned. For example, in 45 minutes the more modern RV-R400 will clean up to 120 square meters.

In addition, this model is relatively noisy. With the same power as the RV-R100, the sounds produced are 5 dB louder and reach 70 dB. Although you need to understand that the indicated noise is not critical.

For example, the RV-R300 will not disturb the owners’ comfort when watching TV, but it will frankly interfere while relaxing. Especially considering that the outdated navigation system will not allow you to avoid getting stuck, after which a loud signal for help will be heard.

At first glance, it may seem that an important advantage of the three hundredth model is the cost, since it is almost two times lower than that of other Redmond representatives.

We provided a detailed review of the Redmond RV-R300 robotic assistant in next material.

Owner reviews about the manufacturer

All Redmond models meet the stated characteristics. This is confirmed by the vast majority of users. In addition, they are reliable, especially the RV-R100/300.

Therefore, most people are satisfied with the quality of cleaning and functionality. That is, Redmond robots are quite capable of maintaining cleanliness in the apartment and doing this without disturbing comfort. This even applies to the outdated RV-R300.

Users are favorable to the RV-R300 model
Users are most favorable towards the RV-R300 model, since it is the most affordable. Ease of maintenance and unpretentiousness are also noted

But you can also find reviews from users who realized that their models are good for everyone only if they are not compared with analogues.

Many of them are inferior in price, as well as in a number of other characteristics, for example, in power, which provides greater cleaning efficiency. In some cases, the quality of filtration is worse, and the efficiency is an order of magnitude lower.

There are problems with the newest RV-R400, but as stated, they are the result of software glitches and not design flaws. But there are quite a lot of complaints because of this feature. Therefore, buying such a model is like a lottery, although with a high probability that the buyer will be lucky.

Moreover, a malfunction can appear at any time and also unexpectedly resolve itself. But in many cases, users had to change vacuum cleaners.

Comparison of Redmond robots with competitors

You can get acquainted with the capabilities of the models of the Russian manufacturer against the background of competitors by studying the information in the table below.

NameRedmond RV-R100Redmond RV-R400Panda X500 Pet SeriesXrobot XR-510G
Suction power15 W38 W50 W55 W
Cleaning time100 minutes45 minutes110 minutes150 minutes
Independent return to baseYesYesYesYes
Dust container capacity300 ml800 ml300 ml350 ml
Noisiness 65 dB 72 dB 50 dB 60 dB
Reviews Positive Ambiguous. The reason for a number of negative reviews is imperfect software Excellent Excellent
Price (average) 15 thousand rubles 14.5 thousand rubles 11 thousand rubles 10 thousand rubles

As you can see, Redmond robot vacuum cleaners have the lowest suction power, which worsens the quality of cleaning surfaces from dirt.

At the same time, they have shorter battery life. And the average cost is significantly higher, which does not make the brand’s products in demand.

Do you want to choose a robot vacuum cleaner whose performance matches its price? We recommend that you read rating of the best models, compiled on the basis of positive reviews from the owners.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Tips for choosing a suitable robot vacuum cleaner for your apartment:

The main mistakes when choosing a robot vacuum cleaner are discussed in the following video:

Watching a test drive of five models of robotic vacuum cleaners, including the “representative” Redmond, will help you choose the best device for cleaning your home:

All Redmond models have sufficient reliability and functionality, especially the Redmond RV-R100 robot. The appearance is also top notch.

At the same time, a number of significant shortcomings, a limited number of offers and high costs indicate that today the products of domestic manufacturers are significantly inferior to many competitors.

Do you use a Redmond brand robot vacuum cleaner and want to tell us about its pros and cons that you noticed during operation? Leave your comment under this post, share your opinion about the model, add a unique photo of your robot vacuum cleaner.

Visitor comments
  1. Yuri

    This type of vacuum cleaner is very good in cases where there is absolutely no time for cleaning. I turned it on and went to collect dust. No need to jump around the house or apartment with a hose. But there are also disadvantages, since it is wireless, the charge does not last long. And the capacity of the dust box is more modest than that of standard vacuum cleaners. And the larger the battery capacity, the smaller the capacity and vice versa. So when choosing, you need to take all these nuances into account.

  2. Anna K.

    The comparison table at the end was useful, very clear: price, different functions, reviews.I thought that quality would be directly related to price, but it turned out that Redmond is almost the most expensive of the proposed line, but at the same time inferior in many respects. It turns out that Panda and Chrobot are cheaper and of better quality, and they have better reviews. I'll take a closer look at them.

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