How and what is the best way to clean a bathtub white: effective industrial and folk compositions + valuable tips

Snow-white plumbing transforms the room.Every experienced housewife knows her own way to clean a bathtub, maintain its whiteness and restore its original shine. The choice of method largely depends on the material used to make the font itself and the degree of contamination.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most effective folk methods of cleaning different types of bathtubs, as well as learn how to choose household chemicals based on the nature of the contamination. Among the proposed options there is an optimal solution for any font.

Preparing for cleaning: important points

When thinking about how best to clean a bathtub, first of all, you need to consider the type of coating. Different materials react differently to pollutants, household chemicals, and alternative cleaning products.

When choosing a cleaning method, you need to consider a number of points:

  1. It is better not to experiment with an acrylic bathtub so as not to damage the glossy top layer. A clear taboo is the use of metal brushes, brushes and sponges with hard bristles. Aggressive household chemicals are also prohibited.
  2. Some products are aimed at gentle cleaning. Such products are suitable for everyday care and maintaining the original shine of plumbing fixtures, but “soft” preparations will not be able to cope with stubborn stains.
  3. Aggressive chemicals used for other purposes can destroy enamel or acrylic coating in 3-4 applications.

Cast iron is more resistant to various influences. However, it is important to observe moderation here too. Acidic compounds should be used in doses, and a metal brush should be abandoned altogether.

Acrylic bath
Acrylic plumbing fixtures are considered the most “capricious”. The coating quickly absorbs dyes and is very susceptible to mechanical stress

Traditional methods for different baths

Sometimes options that have been tested over the years using improvised means help no worse than ready-made store-bought drugs. The main selection criterion is the type of bath.

Cleaning a cast iron hot tub

Old bathtubs develop many microcracks during use. Dirt quickly accumulates in scratches, so clean a cast iron bowl often requires considerable physical effort.

Cast iron bath
Modern cast iron plumbing is more practical due to its special coating. These baths are easy to clean - almost any acid-containing substances are suitable for cleaning.

Expensive store-bought products can be replaced with improvised materials.

The most effective folk methods include:

  1. Soda. Combine baking soda and soda ash in equal proportions and apply the resulting mixture to a damp surface. After half an hour, rub the surface with a washcloth and powdered bleach and leave the “gruel” for another 40 minutes. Afterwards, rinse with water.
  2. Ammonia. Prepare a solution by combining ammonia with soda in a ratio of 1:2, respectively. Rub the mixture into the walls of the bowl, rinse with warm water after half an hour.
  3. Vinegar. Prepare an acidic solution from baking soda, liquid detergent and vinegar, the ratio of components is 2:2:1, respectively.Apply the mixture to dirty areas and rinse after 20 minutes. This method will help get rid of lime deposits.

Cast iron plumbing can be washed with regular washing powder.

Cleaning the bath
The dry product must be rubbed into the coating and allowed to sit for 20-30 minutes. After time has passed, clean the bathtub with a brush, removing loose dirt

After all procedures, the font should be thoroughly rinsed with water, dried, and wiped with a soft cloth.

If the surface is covered with a fine mesh of microcracks, then it is better restore the bathtub, since any cleaning will not give the desired effect.

Updating a steel bathtub

This plumbing fixture is more practical than acrylic models, but is also afraid of abrasive powders. Besides, steel bath sensitive to high temperatures. It is important to take this into account when choosing household chemicals - the reagent should not heat up when in contact with water.

Effective folk methods:

  1. Ammonia. It is necessary to prepare a liquid solution - add a spoonful of ammonia to a glass of water. Distribute the composition into a dry bowl. As a rule, after 10 minutes, dirt residues are easily removed; all that remains is to rinse the bath.
  2. Soda. Dilute the dry powder with water to a mushy state, apply the solution and leave for a while. Afterwards, gently wipe with a soft sponge, without rubbing the composition into the coating. Rinse with water.

Even when using folk remedies, all manipulations should be carried out with gloves. Failure to comply with the proportions of the components can cause a chemical burn.

Steel bath
For steel coatings, it is better to choose helium preparations. The product is applied to the walls and bottom of the font and after 15 minutes is washed off with water pressure

A good option for daily care and removing simple stains is regular dishwashing detergent.

Caring for an enamel bowl

Very popular plumbing fixtures due to their affordable cost and low maintenance. The main rule of care is no hard brushes. Abrasives erase the enamel, make the coating rough, and provoke the appearance of microcracks.

As a result, the aesthetics of the hot tub deteriorate, the surface becomes unpleasant to the touch, and dirt gets clogged into the formed pores faster.

Possible cleaning methods:

  1. Limonka. Treat the coating with a concentrated solution, rinse with clean water after 20-25 minutes.
  2. Ammonia and soap. Grind a whole bar of laundry soap, soak the shavings in water - you should get a homogeneous liquid slurry. Season the mixture with ammonia - 5 drops of ammonia are enough for 0.5 cups of soap. Treat the enamel, after 15 minutes, clean with a sponge and rinse.

A proven method - baking soda - will help in the fight to keep enamel plumbing clean.

Bath soda
Mix 2-3 tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate with a glass of hot water, pour in 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide. To improve the whitening effect, you can add washing powder

After treatment with the mixture, contaminants are easily separated from the coating. At the end of cleaning, rinse the bathtub with water.

Cleaning acrylic coating

Caring for polymer products cannot be called very labor-intensive. The main thing is not to use prohibited methods that can irreversibly damage the acrylic coating.

List of restrictions when acrylic care:

  • cleaning with hard brushes;
  • the use of preparations with low-abrasive components - powders will leave behind micro-scratches, the coating will lose its shine and become matte;
  • using products with chlorine - the chemical corrodes acrylic, the surface becomes rough;
  • cleaning the bathtub with solvents - oxalic acid, acetone can deform the upper shell of the bathtub.

Contact of the polymer bath with formaldehyde and ammonia is highly undesirable.

Prohibited means
In addition to the indicated reagents and abrasives, acrylic is afraid of: gasoline, alkalis, acids, alcohols. Substances change the color of the coating and lead to the formation of microcracks

Despite the wide list of restrictions for delicate surfaces, suitable options were found from the arsenal of folk remedies:

  1. Limonka. The acid keeps the acrylic white and helps in removing yellow stains. Fill the bath with water and add lemon juice - for 200 liters you will need 50 g of acid granules. After 2 hours, drain the solution, clean the walls with a sponge and wipe dry.
  2. Toothpaste. Express cleaning of yellow stains - apply a 1.5 mm layer of white cream composition. Wash the coating after 15-30 minutes. The exposure time depends on the nature of the contamination - the older the stain, the longer the paste should be left on.
  3. Vinegar. Moisten paper napkins in a vinegar solution, place on the surface and leave to soak for 2 hours. Afterwards, rinse thoroughly with water.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide. A radical method for emergency stain removal. Soak a sponge in a solution of ammonia and peroxide (2:1), and rinse off after 10 minutes. The duration of action cannot be increased.

It is necessary to use ammonia only in extreme cases. Frequent contact can damage the acrylic coating.

Cleaning an acrylic bathtub
You can clean polymer plumbing fixtures with soda. You just need to use not the powder itself, but prepare a cream solution from it

Dilute the soda with warm water, after dissolving the crystals, add grated soap. Spread the cream over the walls and bottom, and rinse off after half an hour.The composition can be supplemented with aroma oil - the bath will not only shine, but will be filled with a pleasant smell.

Choosing household chemicals: review of products

The use of traditional methods takes time to prepare existing formulations. It is much easier and often more effective to resort to household chemicals. Its choice should be based on the type of material used to make the bathroom and the nature of the contamination.

Universal preparations for everyday use

This group contains products intended for regular use.

Sanelit. Despite the affordable price, the gel has proven itself to be excellent. A product with active oxygen and fruit acids copes with most contaminants: soap smudges, limescale, rust.

Sanelite for bath
The undeniable advantage is versatility. The product is suitable for all surfaces, including sensitive materials: acrylic, enamel, plastic

Sanelit will also cope with stains on chrome plated products and ceramic tiles. There is no pungent odor and it is quite economical to use.

SunClean. Belongs to a budget series of drugs. Liquid emulsion copes with rust and calcium soap. Due to the absence of abrasives, phosphates and acids, it is suitable for acrylic bathtubs, mirror and glass surfaces.

Luxus Professional. Easy to use and effective spray. High quality is confirmed by relevant certificates and user reviews.

Advantages of Luxus Professional:

  • delicate care of enamel, acrylic;
  • after spraying, it gradually thickens, flows down, forming an active cleaning layer on the coating;
  • quick removal of grease residues, dirt particles, soap, and limescale stains.

The German drug justifies its cost.The product fights bacteria and freshens the air.

Luxus Professional
Luxus Professional is designed with eco-technologies in mind. After use, the emulsion decomposes into harmless biological components

Received good reviews "Tim-Profi" domestic manufacturer Bas. The product is designed for comprehensive care of plumbing fixtures made of plastic and acrylic. Suitable for cleaning chrome and stainless steel surfaces.

Heavy Artillery - Rust Removal

To remove old stains, stubborn rust and calcium deposits, ordinary everyday products may not be enough. It is necessary to select a potent drug.

The best options for cleaning an old bathtub white: Sanox gel and Cilit Bang.

Sanox gel. The enhanced formula quickly removes rusty stains and limescale deposits. The result will be noticeable in a matter of minutes. The product returns whiteness and actively destroys pathogens of intestinal infections.

Drug Sanox
The composition contains oxalic acid, so Sanox cannot be used to care for acrylic and enamel coatings

The aggressive gel should only be applied with gloves, and the frequency of application should be no more than once a week.

Cilit Bang. The advertised drug really quickly copes with many complex stains in the bathroom. Cilit Bang has a pungent odor, and among the main active ingredients is oxalic acid.

Returning whiteness to plumbing fixtures

A separate group includes products that add shine to the coating and preserve its original whiteness.

Cif Ultra White. Mousse is in high demand due to its affordable cost and excellent whitening effect.The manufacturer has used a new formula - tiny cleaning granules are surrounded by bubbles that help quickly dissolve contaminants.

CIF Ultra White
Buyers note the cumulative effect. With each use of Cif Ultre White, the bath becomes even snow-white. The cream does not leave micro-scratches or soap stains

Additional advantages: pleasant aroma, ease of application, removal of old stains and lime.

Bagi Acrilan. Has multidirectional effects: removes mold, rust, plaque, kills pathogenic bacteria. Its undoubted advantage is its speed of action. The stains disappear in minutes and the bath becomes noticeably whiter.

Among the disadvantages of Bagi Acrilan, users note: high cost, presence of surfactants in the composition.

Among the available means, domestic ones help to quickly cope with yellowness. Mr. Chister. The drug has an antifungal effect.

The safest means possible

In families with small children or allergy sufferers, it is better to clean with hypoallergenic compounds. Such preparations have a biodegradable base and natural ingredients.

Frosch "Green Grapes". The product is developed on the basis of grape acid and tensides. The spray has no pungent odor and the bottle is equipped with a child safety lock. “Green grapes” are often chosen by allergy sufferers, people suffering from asthma and adherents of environmentally friendly products.

Frosch Green grapes.
The period of exposure to the emulsion is determined by the type of contamination. After application, the product must be left on for 10-30 minutes.

Amway Bathroom Cleaner. The Belgian company specializes in the development of safe household chemicals. Containing no chlorine or acids, the gel is suitable for removing surface daily dirt. There is no obsessive smell.

Astonish paste. The main purpose is to clean kitchen surfaces. However, it is also actively used for the bathroom. Contains soap and soft abrasive ingredients.

Pros of pasta:

  • gentle and effective action;
  • light citrus aroma;
  • loyal price;
  • economical use;
  • compliance with European quality standards

Astonish paste is difficult to find in retail stores, but it is available to order online.

A review of the top ten best bath cleaners with a description of their characteristics, pros and cons, as well as user reviews is given in this article.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Cleaning an enamel bath using improvised means:

Testing household chemicals for caring for cast iron plumbing:

It is much easier to prevent the appearance of persistent stains than to remove them. It is enough to follow simple rules for using sanitary ware: do not wash bright clothes in the bathroom, do not bathe animals, rinse the bowl after each use.

To maintain the original shine, it is necessary to clean it once a week with an industrial or homemade detergent.

Share with readers your secrets of keeping the bath clean and preserving the original shine of the plumbing. Please leave comments, ask questions about the topic of the article and participate in discussions - the feedback form is located below.

Visitor comments
  1. Julia

    The most important thing in this matter is to do no harm. Acrylic, although a durable material, is still afraid of some detergents. It should not be rubbed with abrasive powders and in general you should forget about aggressive detergents. If the dirt is ingrained, then lemon juice, or citric acid, helps.I don’t wash it with vinegar, then there’s a smell in the apartment, but I have children, I don’t risk it. By the way, if mold has appeared in the corners, then nothing better than activated carbon has yet been invented; it cleans perfectly.

    But with a cast-iron bathtub it’s more complicated. We already had an old one, during operation microcracks appeared there, into which dirt naturally gets clogged, no matter how you wash it, it is there. In this case, only restoration helps, or, well, change the bathtub, which is what we did. And the other day a child poured a bottle of brilliant green into the bathtub, I managed to wipe some of it off, but I couldn’t wipe off some of it. Does anyone know what can be used to remove green stains from an acrylic bathtub?

    • Tamara

      An acrylic bathtub is generally a pain to clean. No powders, no brushes, no solvents. Any serious stain becomes a problem. So I suffered and changed the bathtub to a steel one.

    • Expert
      Nikolay Fedorenko

      Hello. Try a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, ammonia and lemon juice. Better yet, buy a specialized product for cleaning difficult stains on acrylic surfaces.

  2. Catherine

    I don’t know about acrylic bathtubs, but I most often wash the cast iron bathtubs that I have in two ways: 1. I mix baking soda into a thick paste with toilet bowl cleaner from Faberlic (I also prefer not to use vinegar) - it foams well and washes out dirt from microcracks. 2. I mix the same baking soda with any dishwashing liquid plus hydrogen peroxide (any percentage) - it cleans and disinfects, plus removes excess odors. Whatever one may say, you can’t do without household chemicals completely, but something can be replaced.

  3. Faith

    I now clean my bathtub, and not just my bathtub, with Expel universal gel. A very good remedy. Cleans enamel to shine and is suitable for daily use.I also have Anti-rain spray for windows from this company - I also like it.

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