Review of the Irobot Braava Jet 240 robot vacuum cleaner: a miniature but very capable floor polisher

The rapidly developing market of household appliances makes it possible to abandon monotonous and boring household work, transferring its implementation to robotic devices.

For example, the iRobot Braava Jet 240 robot vacuum cleaner, which has a good range of options for maintaining cleanliness, will do an excellent job of wet cleaning.

Expert rating:
/ 100
  • High-quality wet cleaning
  • Possibility of control from a smartphone
  • Long-term operation on one charge - about 2 hours
  • Smart polisher navigation
  • Compact dimensions and light weight
  • Sophisticated floor humidification system
  • Floor preparation is required - the robot does not suck up debris
  • No timer
  • Limited cleaning area - up to 25 square meters. m
  • There is no indication that the tank is empty
  • Possible incorrect operation in virtual wall mode

What are the features and capabilities of a baby floor polisher? What are the strengths and weaknesses of an intelligent home assistant? Let's deal with these questions in order.

Review of the iRobot Braava Jet 240 model

The American company iRobot has proposed a compact solution for cleaning and polishing even and hard floors - a Braava series device called Jet 240. With it, so that you can walk barefoot around your apartment or house, you don’t have to wash and polish the floors every day - it will do it all itself.

Brief characteristics of the floor polisher

The iRobot Braava Jet 240 is not exactly a robot vacuum cleaner. It's more like a robotic washer. It stands out for its laconic design, excellent assembly, precise performance of its functions and ease of use.

At the same time, the cost is quite affordable for many potential clients - it ranges from 12,990-15,990 rubles. This is most likely due to the location of the brand’s production facilities in China.

Advantages of the robotic vacuum cleaner shape
The robotic vacuum cleaner with the iRobot Braava Jet 240 logo is designed for daily floor cleaning of small rooms with hard surfaces. The shape of the device allows for good corner processing

The quality of the device is consistent with the positive reputation of iRobot.

Robot vacuum cleaner iRobot Braava Jet 240
Among the main characteristics of the floor polisher there is no suction power, which is not surprising - the device does not have a function for collecting garbage into a container

Its very miniature dimensions and lightweight body allow you to carry the robot with one hand. Moreover, even an 8-year-old child can cope with this task, as the manufacturer states in the instruction manual.

The unit is supplied in a cardboard box, inside of which, in addition to itself, is located:

  • instructions;
  • warranty card;
  • lithium ion battery;
  • adapter for charging it;
  • 3 sets of napkins, 2 pieces each - for a specific type of cleaning.

As the manufacturer notes, the equipment can be changed at its discretion. Therefore, it is important to immediately clarify this point before purchasing.

The Braava Jet 240 can only clean hard substrates.Carpet and other fleecy or rough coverings will ruin it or become damaged themselves. For such surfaces it is worth choosing a different model. The rating of the best models of robotic vacuum cleaners for carpets can be found at link.

But it will wash and polish tiles, even glossy snow-white ones, wooden boards, parquet or laminate. The main thing is to perform the procedure regularly, without waiting for clumps of dust to accumulate.

The consumable is enough for one cleaning session. If the floors are very dirty, you may need more wipes.By the way, all 3 types of the latter are impregnated with a fragrant substance, which allows you not only to refresh the room, but also to fill it with a light, pleasant aroma.

Purpose of a robotic washer

It is important to clearly understand the purpose of the device before purchasing, study its capabilities and features of use, so that there are no misunderstandings or dissatisfaction in the future.

The iRobot Braava Jet 240 floor polisher is ideal for maintaining an overall level of cleanliness through regular use.

The device will cope with small stains
It will perfectly cope with small stains from spilled tea, coffee or sweet soda in floor washing mode

Removes dried splashes of semolina or soup, crumbs from sandwiches left by the younger generation. It will also collect the hairs of a shedding pet, provided that their quantity is insignificant.

To do this, you need to place a white napkin to activate the dry cleaning mode.

The Virtual Mode Wall module will provide security
The device can easily replace the owner’s daily run with a mop - this time will be freed up for more interesting things. Moreover, you don’t have to look after it - the presence of the Virtual Mode Wall module ensures safe movement

Accordingly, for bachelors, elderly relatives or extremely busy young parents of a growing toddler, the Braava Jet 240 will be an excellent solution.

Running it in the morning or evening, or once a day, you can easily maintain impeccable cleanliness throughout the entire area - under grandpa's chair, crib or kitchen table.

If a potential buyer is looking for a universal product that will fully vacuum and quickly clean an apartment with an area of ​​120 m22 and more, having cleaned off week-old stains in the most unexpected places, then this model will not work at all.

We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with other, no less worthy models of robotic vacuum cleaners from iRobot. Read more about them Further.

Specifics of operation of an automatic floor polisher
The iRobot Braava Jet 240 automatic washer uses napkins and does not have a dust collector at all, only a small container for water

User reviews about the floor polisher

Owners of the Braava Jet 240 robotic cleaner respond with gratitude to it. They note the thoroughness of the cleaning, excellent orientation in space and incredible compactness.

The model fits in a cabinet
The model easily fits in a cabinet for storing household items. Moreover, the unit can be placed not only standing, but also sideways, with the battery up

Not only the ease of storage, but also the ease of penetration of the robotic floor polisher into various niches delights users of this model. True, many note that it has to be taken out of very narrow places.

And the abundance of wires is not encouraging - the washer may not be able to get out of them. Therefore, before starting the cleaning session, you need to prepare the work area by collecting everything unnecessary.

The robot passes over the spot several times
In addition to the size, the owners are pleased with the thoroughness of the washing - if a stain or remains of scrambled eggs are detected, the unit will go over this place several times to thoroughly scrub it

What’s also fascinating is the robot’s obligatory walk around the perimeter of the room, paying attention to the corners—there won’t be any settled dust particles left there.

Its owners also note that one battery charge is enough to cover an area of ​​30 m22, and sometimes more. When the manufacturer guarantees only 25.

Video review of the device’s configuration and demonstration of its operation from a real owner:

As for the negative aspects noted by users, the compactness affects the speed of washing - the device covers a very small area of ​​the floor in one pass.Moreover, its thoroughness takes a lot of time.

And the need to replenish supplies of consumables is also not encouraging - napkins need to be purchased periodically. And reusable products can be washed.

If you expect too much from a floor polisher and do not familiarize yourself with the set of options before purchasing, you will have regrets:

  • the robot vacuum cleaner does not suck up dust, but only collects it with a napkin;
  • he is not able to clean an entire apartment in 20 minutes that has not been cleaned for a week;
  • will not cope with the stuck dirt in the hallway left by guests on a rainy day.

And this is evidenced by some of the negative reviews, when the owners expected more from the floor polisher, mistaking it for a multifunctional unit.

As the owners of the Braava Jet 240 note, this assistant will be a joy if you approach the purchase thoughtfully. Understanding its functionality and your needs, you will not be disappointed.

We also recommend that you read our other article, where we presented the arguments for and against purchasing a robot vacuum cleaner.

You need to buy single and reusable napkins
An important factor influencing the popularity of the model is the cost - on average up to 16,000 rubles and depends on the region of residence. True, sometimes you can find a promotional offer where they offer a set of disposable and reusable napkins as a gift

Subtleties of servicing iRobot Braava Jet 240

It is important to initially familiarize yourself with the manufacturer’s recommendations, paying special attention to warranty obligations.

The company provides a one-year warranty on the operation of the robot and a six-month warranty on trouble-free battery operation. During this time, non-branded accessories or components must not be used.

In addition, if a malfunction occurs, you cannot disassemble the device yourself - this risks 100% loss of the warranty for free service or replacement.You need to immediately contact the official representative with a receipt and a warranty card drawn up in accordance with all the rules.

Review of the robot floor polisher from the official representative of the company in Russia:

In order for the floor polisher to serve properly longer than the period stated by the manufacturer, you need to use and maintain it correctly.

As for the napkins used by the robot washer, you will have to buy both disposable and reusable ones. The cost of the first is about 750 rubles for a set of 10 pieces, and the second - about 1,400 rubles per pair.

Brand reusable products are designed for 50 washing sessions. Although, you can save on your purchase by ordering cheaper analogues from a Chinese website.

Reusable wipes need to be washed
If Chinese napkins are used instead of original ones, then you won’t have to rely on the declared service life of branded ones - after 10 procedures they don’t look the best

To avoid inadvertently damaging the robotic washer, only clean water should be poured into the container, as the manufacturer warns about in the instruction manual.

Comparison with competitors' models

Braava Jet 240 from iRobot has a number of useful qualities. It is often compared with similar models from other manufacturers. Let's look at three models that could compete with the Braava Jet 240.

Competitor #1 – PANDA X900 Wet Clean

Both devices are in the same price category, but if you compare their dimensions, the Jet 240 is much smaller. In rooms with complex geometry or niches, compactness will allow you to optimally cope with the task.

In terms of ease of charging, the Jet 240 is much more convenient - there are no wires or charging station. A small battery - a compact charger that plugs directly into an outlet - takes up no space at all, and the device itself can stand in the closet at this time.

Its competitor must stand next to the outlet for charging - its cord connector is located at the bottom. True, it also takes up minimal space, but an adapter with a battery, as users note, is more convenient.

The PANDA X900 serves as a dust collector with a 0.4 liter cyclone filter, while the Jet 240 does not have a container. Another nice feature is the presence of an air cleaner, which is also missing on the Jet 240.

If we talk about the quality of cleaning, then both devices cope with the task perfectly well.

Competitor #2 – iBoto Aqua X310

The iBoto Aqua X310 vacuum cleaner is designed for wet and dry cleaning of premises. It has compact dimensions and light weight, although in these respects the Jet 240 is much more compact.

The manufacturer equipped the device with a 2600 mAh lithium-ion battery, which is slightly better than that of the hero of our review.

The operation of the device can be controlled using a remote control; it is possible to program cleaning by day of the week.

If we compare the noise of devices, the Aqua X310 is quieter than the Jet 240, whose nozzles dispensing a portion of liquid are located in front of the unit.

Few shortcomings were identified with the iBoto vacuum cleaner. Among them, users named the lack of tape to limit the cleaning area, some garbage remains in the corners of the room, and it is difficult to find a charging station.

Competitor #3 – Philips FC8794 SmartPro Easy

When comparing the Philips FC8794 with the Jet 240, it is definitely worth noting that in terms of silent operation, the device from Philips is undoubtedly the leader. You can start cleaning at night without any fear that extraneous sounds will wake up your household.

In terms of dimensions, the Jet 240 has no equal - it is much smaller and lighter than all its competitors. True, there are both advantages and disadvantages to this. Its small size allows you to reach even the most inaccessible places, but the cleaning speed is significantly lower than that of larger competitors.

The Jet 240 does a great job of cleaning around table legs without leaving behind crumbs, dust or juice spills. And there are no streaks after washing. The same cannot be said about Philips FC8794 SmartPro Easy, which does not always thoroughly clean hard-to-reach places.

Among the shortcomings of the Philips device, users note the lack of a cleaning algorithm and restrictive tape, it is unsuitable for cleaning carpets and does not cope well with pet hair.

Conclusions and best offers on the market

The iRobot Braava Jet 240 model will do an excellent job of regularly maintaining cleanliness in a small room. The main thing is that the floor has a smooth surface and the area does not exceed 25 m22. If desired, the work can be controlled from the gadget by installing an application developed by the manufacturer.

Do you have personal experience using this robot vacuum cleaner model? You can share it with our readers or ask questions about the topic of the article in the block below.

Visitor comments
  1. Alexandra

    I would like to buy such an assistant. The only thing stopping us is expensive consumables (special napkins). Maybe some cheaper pirated ones will do?

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. Unfortunately, we cannot recommend “pirated” consumables to you in order to avoid liability for damage to the device. But, yes, they are sold in different IMs, indicating compatibility with a specific vacuum cleaner model.

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