Is it worth buying a robot vacuum cleaner: the capabilities of the units, opinions and reviews of owners

When thinking about whether it’s worth buying a robot vacuum cleaner for your home, you have to evaluate your living conditions and compare them with the actual capabilities of the unit.

After all, robotic technology, which appeared on the market relatively recently, has not yet become an absolute substitute for the good old vacuum cleaner. Although, with the right choice, it can significantly save time on cleaning.

In this article, we will look at the capabilities of robotic vacuum cleaners and get acquainted with the opinions of owners regarding the advisability of purchasing such an assistant for the home. We will also provide recommendations for choosing the appropriate model of robotic assistant.

Basic features of the robot

World-famous manufacturers offer a variety of robot vacuum cleaner models. They differ not only in weight, shape, size and appearance, but also in their set of functions.

Moreover, it is the last factor that is fundamental, directly influencing the price tag of each model.

To decide to purchase this type of vacuum cleaner or to close the issue and completely abandon the idea of ​​purchasing it, you should familiarize yourself in detail with its capabilities. And then compare them with the real conditions in which the robot will have to work.

It is worth noting that not every unit is able to cope with dried drops of juice or coffee. The ability to remove stains is the prerogative of washing modifications of a vacuum cleaner. This will only be possible for robots that can process the same place several times.

Another important characteristic is the shape - round models cope worse with cleaning in the corners of the room. The exception is models with elongated side brushes.

Among the capabilities of robotic vacuum cleaners, the following should be noted:

  • ability to build a room mapso as not to encounter obstacles during subsequent cleanings;
  • installation of a virtual barrier – walls to prevent the unit from accessing a certain place/room;
  • inspection of the premises with an optical camera, placed on the case, and transfer of the received information directly to the owner;
  • control some models from the remote control.

The newest representatives of robots from many manufacturers are synchronized with the user’s gadgets. This requires installation of a mobile application.

Virtual wall feature
A virtual obstacle – a wall – is an additional opportunity to optimize the work of the nimble assistant. The accessory can have several modes of action, for example, you can limit an area that is a mini-dining room for a pug/percian/other pet

Before purchasing, carefully study the functionality of the model - functions may differ for different vacuum cleaners.

Robot vacuum cleaner REDMOND
The REDMOND robot vacuum cleaner has most of the listed functions. This is a modern “2 in 1” device that can carry out dry and wet cleaning at the same time

The REDMOND robot vacuum cleaner has five automatic programs and a large dust container volume (0.5 l).And the battery charge lasts for 2 hours of continuous operation. The REDMOND robot vacuum cleaner easily penetrates under furniture and works quietly. It also cleans all types of surfaces and can work according to a given schedule.

Pros and cons of buying

Not all potential users will be happier after purchasing a robot vacuum cleaner - it may turn out to be another piece of furniture that reminds you of wasted money.

Pros of buying robot vacuum cleaners

It is important to understand that a robotic vacuum cleaner is unable to 100% relieve the owner from cleaning his home. It only simplifies daily care by picking up small debris into the dust collector or by wiping the laminate/parquet/linoleum with a napkin.

Therefore, the unit will be very useful for a beloved grandmother or grandfather with disabilities - just give such a user a remote control or set a cleaning schedule.

The robot synchronizes with a smartphone
Smart models of robotic vacuum cleaners are able to report on the work performed by sending a report to the owner. Which contains a map with marked areas where it was possible to clean up and where it was not.

Another argument is the presence of an animal in a fur coat. Even the shortest hair sheds and remains on the carpet, sofa or accumulates under the legs of the sofa/chair. To check out the best robot vacuum cleaners for carpets, please go to via this link.

Among the advantages of buying a robot, the following should also be noted:

  • his presence disciplines – owners get used to hiding wires, socks, children’s toys, removing everything unnecessary from under their feet;
  • clean kitchen after children's meal – you can run a robot to collect crumbs from the kitchen floor, and spend this time on a more enjoyable activity;
  • no need to take out the vacuum cleaner every day – it’s enough to program the robot to do daily cleaning, for example, while the owner is walking the pug;
  • cleaning time is reduced – weekly general cleaning is simplified, because almost clean rooms are easier to bring to a shine.

A robotic assistant can free up several hours a week that can be spent productively. Moreover, clumps of dust do not accumulate in the corners - the unit will regularly collect dust from the floor.

Arguments of opponents of such technology

Ardent opponents call the robot vacuum cleaner just a toy. They present a number of arguments against its purchase. Firstly, the high price. It’s hard to argue with this - indeed, not everyone can purchase household appliances for 40 thousand rubles or more.

Little helper cleaning under furniture
There are also cheaper analogues that can make routine household tasks easier. In addition, the personal time of most working people is more expensive than a robot vacuum cleaner

Secondly, preparing the area. There is a need to pre-clean the floor of small objects and wires. Some models can get tangled in cords or pull an iron, laptop, hair dryer and other small household appliances to the floor.

Thirdly, poor assembly and breakdowns. This is the problem with cheap robots coming from China. Many of them do not have a warranty or Russian-language instruction manual. Therefore, no one bears any obligations to the buyer.

High-quality original robot vacuum cleaner
To protect yourself from counterfeit or low-quality equipment, it is better not to be tempted by the low price tag - such vacuum cleaners may not meet the declared parameters or even break down in a week

Fourthly, possible problems with the quality of cleaning. Many opponents of robots retell the same story about cat/dog waste products smeared in a thin layer throughout the apartment.

Moreover, this counterargument is usually given by people who have not seen such vacuum cleaners with their own eyes. And thousands of cat/dog owners leave enthusiastic video reviews of their robotic equipment, and there is only one such story.

Moreover, it is not difficult to avoid an incident - you need to walk the animals in a timely manner, and fence off the feeding area or cat litter using a virtual wall.

Fifthly, a cluttered apartment. The modest dimensions of the room, where every centimeter matters and a maximum of useful furniture is squeezed in, is not the best place for a robot vacuum cleaner to live.

He will not be able to rearrange the furniture, and the area for cleaning will not justify the money spent on its purchase.

Robot vacuum cleaner for carpet cleaning
Owners of small apartments filled with furniture really do not need such equipment. And for large rooms with carpets and animals, you absolutely cannot buy cheap Chinese robots - they will not cope with such tasks

Reviews from real users about robots

Having assessed reviews of robotic vacuum cleaners on specialized online sites and forums, one can notice one pattern - if the purchase was made deliberately, then there are no complaints.

Such owners are quite satisfied with their new home helper.

Robot vacuum cleaner in a house with animals
Many bachelors and pet lovers have been using a robot vacuum cleaner for 3-5-7 years and are happy with its presence in their home

They especially like these features:

  • set a cleaning schedule and come in the evening to a clean apartment, where there are no clumps of dust or fur from your beloved cat;
  • the unit is capable of wiping the floor and vacuuming under the sofa, where the owner himself gets to once a week/month;
  • you can specify the cleaning location and the robot will not cross these boundaries.

As for the negative reviews, people who received such equipment as a gift or bought it under the influence of advertising or enthusiastic responses from a neighbor/friend played for a week or two and put the unit to collect dust in the far corner of the pantry.

Some opponents of robotic technology do not like the fact that for different types of tasks they will have to acquire a separate unit: for swimming pool one robot, for windows – another, for polishing parquet – a third and so on

They also don’t like a number of things, including the following:

  • the robot cannot clean corners or wash baseboards;
  • You need to regularly clean the brushes of hair and the dust collector;
  • the unit may get stuck under low furniture or heating radiators;
  • the robot cannot do a full-fledged general cleaning, washing and cleaning the entire apartment;
  • a working unit scares some pets, and some like to ride on it;
  • This kind of technology is too expensive.

Moreover, I don’t like that for wet cleaning it is not enough to indicate the desired cleaning time and fill the reservoir with liquid in advance - the presence of the owner in the next room will be required.

Robotic cleaners require owners' attention
The robot vacuum cleaner may periodically need help - add water, perhaps put up a virtual wall to prevent it from climbing onto the carpet, etc.

That's why It is important before purchasing to really assess your living conditions and select a model based on them.

Rules for choosing a robot vacuum cleaner

The potential owner has a truly great choice - robotic equipment for the home differs in functionality, height, shape, color and, of course, price.

Moreover, the latter in some cases is a consequence of the model belonging to the family of a famous manufacturer.It is not surprising that when faced with such an assortment for the first time, it is easy to get lost.

Therefore, it is important to immediately highlight the main criteria that you will focus on when choosing a robot vacuum cleaner. If he has to polish parquet, then a floor polisher like Irobot Braava Jet 240.

And if you need to vacuum the carpets and wipe the floor, you will need a more functional model.

iCLEBO brand cleaner model
A robot from a well-known brand does not only mean a higher price tag. It comes with a positive reputation, the presence of service centers throughout the country, affordable consumables and other accessories.

In addition to the expected area of ​​the room and type of flooring, attention must be paid to the following technical parameters of the unit:

  • suction power;
  • dust container volume;
  • the presence of a self-cleaning function and a base with a trash can - this option is justified for large rooms;
  • various operating modes;
  • number of brushes;
  • battery capacity and recharge time;
  • the ability to build a map of the room, planning your movements;
  • promptly and independently proceed to the base to charge the battery;
  • the ability to avoid getting tangled in wires;
  • control from a remote control/smartphone and the ability to schedule cleaning.

Not all robots are equipped with a base - this fact should be taken into account by owners of small apartments. Sometimes it makes more sense to choose a model that charges directly.

If you plan to make a purchase in an online store and there is no opportunity to inspect the robot you like, then it would be a good idea to look for an online review of this model. After all, difficult-to-maintain brushes with a lot of unnecessary parts can spoil the impression of even perfect cleaning.

Robot model from iRobot
Home cleaning robots from iRobot are especially popular among users.Models are presented in a wide range and price range - from budget ones, affordable for most buyers, to more expensive versions with a lot of technical bells and whistles

Smart vacuum cleaners from brands such as:

The latter, by the way, are distinguished by a more than acceptable cost with an extensive range of functions and skills. One of the brightest representatives of this brand is Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum.

Another important criterion is ease of maintenance. It is advisable to immediately check how brushes are removed for cleaning, especially if family members with long hair or periodically shedding pets live in the house.

Also an important criterion when choosing is the availability/service availability in your hometown/town. So that, if necessary, there are no problems with warranty service.

It is advisable to immediately, even before purchasing, study the components/accessories market for availability - where you can purchase everything you need and how much it will all cost.

It’s good if the model you like is not picky and agrees to work with cheap Chinese brushes at a price of 1-2 dollars per pair.

Xiaomi robot vacuum cleaner
You should approach the purchase carefully, taking into account your wishes and comparing them with the actual characteristics. Then there will be no disappointment during operation

Having selected the optimal robot vacuum cleaner that best meets the stated requirements, you need to study reviews of it from real owners.

But it’s worth looking at forums and specialized sites, paying special attention to the negative ones and assessing their adequacy.

It is important to check before purchasing that the instruction manual and warranty from the manufacturer are included.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Is a robotic dust cleaner needed in the house, testing models:

Video about the advisability of buying a robot. The owner shares his emotions from his work:

Rules for choosing an automated home assistant – a robot vacuum cleaner:

The main mistakes made when choosing a robotic vacuum cleaner:

Pros and cons of a robot vacuum cleaner in a review from a real owner who lives with a furry friend:

Having studied the reviews of owners of robotic apartment cleaners, as well as the arguments in favor of purchasing this type of equipment and the arguments of opponents, you can form your own opinion on this matter.

Moreover, having decided to purchase, it is important to carefully select the optimal model, taking into account the area of ​​the room, household features, type of flooring and other characteristics that influence the final decision.

Do you still have questions about choosing the right robot vacuum cleaner for your home? Or would you like to consult with our experts and other site visitors about the advisability of purchasing a certain model? Ask your questions in the comments block - our experts will try to help you. And the real owners of the model you like, if there are any among our website visitors, will share their impressions of using this robot vacuum cleaner and tell you about the pros and cons they noticed during operation.

Visitor comments
  1. Anna

    Personally, I am happy with the purchase of the robot, because while my son and I are walking, he cleans the house. With a small child, it is difficult to find time to clean, but there must be cleanliness, because the absence of dust is the key to health.Yes, the robot cannot remove strong dirt, but it is much easier for me to walk with a damp cloth on a clean (i.e., dust-free) floor, this saves both my time and my energy. True, before turning on the robot I have to remove all the toys from the floor, but this is good, since discipline will not hurt anyone)

  2. Margarita

    After reading rave reviews about wonderful miracle robots and vacuum cleaners, I bought one for myself. But I was disappointed; to be honest, it’s not worth the money. It is not an alternative to a regular vacuum cleaner and will never replace it. Dirt always remains in the corners, and little is removed from long-pile carpets. He can handle only small rubbish. First, do the cleaning yourself, and then use the cordless vacuum cleaner. I rarely use it.

    • Maria

      What kind of robot vacuum cleaner are you talking about now? There are several companies in the review. They probably took a cheap Chinese one like Xiaomi? Of course, cheap robots are not up to the task, they are more like a toy. If we take it, then iRobot. I have a 980 for a year now, it is cleaned every day. At least he needs something, just change the consumables.

    • Andrey

      I agree completely, I bought an expensive one for 35 thousand but there is no use for it and there is no need to invent that it cleans well

  3. lemon_girl_

    When I was deciding whether or not to buy a robot vacuum cleaner, I read the information available on the Internet and watched videos with tips on choosing an automatic cleaner. I assessed the capabilities of the device and thought for a long time whether I needed it at all or could I do without. And yet I bought the Xiaomi Mi Roborock Sweep One model.

    The model is not cheap, but it removes dust and small debris and wipes the floor with a damp cloth. Thanks to laser sensors, it does not bump into obstacles. Works after recharging for 2.5 hours. I like it.

    • Gorgonops

      Far from being the best choice.Xiaomi should stick to what they do best, and that's phones. Not everything is so rosy with vacuum cleaners.

      In particular, Roborock has a number of serious flaws. For example, a brush that constantly breaks. A very unreliable lidar can calm down your electronic friend in just six months.

      If you think that warranty repairs will save you, don't get your hopes up. Scratches and dents on the body, and there will be, no doubt about it, because when drawing up a map, your vacuum cleaner will take a good beating on everything it finds, and will serve as a reason for refusal.

      In addition, even if you manage to return the device under warranty, repairs may take a very long time. There are no components for these vacuum cleaners, and you will have to wait for delivery from China. The conclusion from this is that it is better to buy something more reliable, for example, iRobot.

    • mirry

      Well, is it already broken?)) There are a lot of negative reviews about Xiaomi. They are not properly cleaned and break quickly. And if they break, you often have to repair them yourself. The official service refuses owners under all sorts of pretexts, I’ve read it myself more than once.

  4. Pashka

    Tell me, is it worth buying the iRobot Roomba 980? According to the description, it’s absolutely perfect. I want to buy, but since it costs money I don’t want to make a mistake with the choice. Thanks a lot!

    Thanks for the article too! But doubts still remain in each specific case.

    Attached photos:
    • Yuri V.

      Just yesterday I ordered one for myself after a long research. Now they have released a new model - Roomba i7, and the 980 has already been removed from production. It seems to be quieter at the same level of suction. Plus, he can build a map of the house - you can tell him through a smartphone “vacuum the kitchen,” and he’ll get to work.

      Why did you still take 980? Because I have a cat at home and the 980 seems to cope better with fur.Yes, it is noticeably louder, but I will still turn it on when we leave the house. But it does seem to clean better.

      And if you compare it with other brands, I don’t know, but the rumba seems to have proven itself very well. And the model is top-end, with the latest technologies.

      p.s. if you don’t have pets, then take the i7, it will be less likely to trip over furniture, it has a newer navigation system.

    • Gorgonops

      Costs. But it’s better to take the most modern model of this company at the moment, i7. It is a little more expensive than the 980, but the functionality of the new model will satisfy the wildest expectations. The main thing is, don’t skimp and don’t take Chinese or Korean “analogues”. Short-term savings can result in very unpleasant costs for you in the future.

  5. Olga

    I would still think about how a vacuum cleaner works, I have one at home, but I changed it because over time it stops sucking up small debris and its container is still small. Brushes must be constantly cleaned if there is a lot of long hair on the floor (applies to women).

  6. Daria

    I completely like my robot, it’s not for nothing that choosing it was painful and long. We took Clever & Clean AQUA-Series 01, it cleans well, and does dry cleaning at 4++.

  7. Vika

    I have the cheapest airbot. It collects dust perfectly and cleans all corners. My husband is a worse vacuum cleaner 🙂 I love this vacuum cleaner!

  8. Sergey

    We took Xiaomi. :(((

    At first we had some trouble connecting to the application. I had to enrich my knowledge with such an irreplaceable thing as sql.

    Then, already during operation, they realized that the map that the robot was building was just a deception for the owner. The robot does not use it at work. He pokes blindly at all corners and obstacles. Almost immediately it became clear that his battery was not enough to clean the entire apartment.

    We also found out that after recharging, he may not remember that he did not finish cleaning. By the way, the route I chose was different each time. He moved chaotically, without a system.

    He cleaned up poorly. We have cats in our apartment. Wool was a difficult challenge for him. It clogs the garbage disposal and sticks to the brush and roller. As a result, after walking halfway through the room, he stops cleaning because the brushes are no longer sweeping.

    And then it completely stalled, and we took it in for repairs. But the repair service told us that we needed to buy spare parts, despite the current warranty. They don't have spare parts.

    This is such a sad story.

  9. Daria

    I drove into an almost empty apartment, almost 90 square meters, an unplowed field, bought an iClebo O5 robot, it waltzed around and cleaned perfectly, rejoicing in the emptiness. I fell in love with him, he’s a good helper, the quality of cleaning is 5. And I already bought furniture and everything else with the robot in mind, so that the little one would be comfortable. And now I’ve had it for the second year, no problems, it hasn’t disappointed me.

    Attached photos:
  10. Andrey

    Hello everyone, I found the liectroux brand on Ali Express, the brand is not cheap, the line is wide to suit every taste and budget, the reviews are all positive. I liked that the suction power is the greatest I’ve ever seen, the large containers and advanced brains, and most importantly, all the spare parts are there, brushes and wheels and batteries and wipes and containers, and you can buy everything for any model of their production in any quantity. The question is about the brand, it seems like the Germans in China, but I have never heard of them and the name is similar to Electrolux)))) China used to sin with Panaskanics and Abibass. This is what confuses me, has anyone encountered this product? What manufacturer? Quality?

  11. Nail

    A brilliant invention to create jobs for software developers.Only a person with alternative thinking can call this self-propelled children's toy a vacuum cleaner. It is enough to put your hand on the hole and understand that physically its “suction”, powered by a battery of as much as 35 W, is impossible to feel. The most ordinary vacuum cleaner for a car for 15 bucks and a power of 60W can at least lift something from the floor, but not this device. All this works approximately like an old Soviet floor polisher. The operating principle is as follows: this thing rides along the floor and drags something like a car wiper underneath it. This rubber band collects dust from above. Then comes a toy roller, which tries to catch/loose everything that has been assembled further and lift it up. Next, a powerful engine comes into operation, trying to hold part of the raised dust cloud in the container. If this thing hums and crawls for several hours in a pig-like house 100 meters away, then, of course, a lump of dirt will collect in the container, just as it collects in the navel over time. This is anything: a children's toy, a smart robot, a pet, but not a vacuum cleaner.

  12. Andrey

    Here is my verdict and anyone who disagrees with it is simply disingenuous, this is just another pursuit of fashion, like a new phone

  13. Agnia

    I don’t think that this is a pursuit of fashion, because such a robot vacuum cleaner really cleans very well, if the model is normal, I have an iPlus L100 and I’m happy with my purchase, despite the fact that, of course, there is no extra money in the budget. He helps me a lot with cleaning.

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  15. August

    Maintaining good habits is difficult. Despite robot vacuum cleaners, cleaning still needs to be done. But it can effectively reduce the frequency. Now I'm using neatsvor and I don't feel bad.

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