Ceramic kitchen sink: types, review of manufacturers + what to look for when choosing

It’s hard to imagine a modern kitchen without a spacious sink designed for washing dishes.A plumbing fixture connected to sewerage and water supply can be made of a variety of materials: stainless steel, artificial or natural stone.

One of the best options is a ceramic kitchen sink, which we will discuss in detail in our article. We will introduce you to the criteria that determine the choice of plumbing fixtures. We list the leading offers on the market and manufacturers who have earned a reputation as reliable suppliers.

The difference between sinks and bathroom sinks

First of all, let's find out how a kitchen appliance differs from a container used in a bathroom sink. Although these products are similar in appearance, they have completely different purposes. The first is used for washing dishes, and often some types of food, the second is for washing and brushing teeth.

Features of the application left their mark on the design features of these types of plumbing fixtures. A large number of utensils are placed in the kitchen bowl, including large items, for example, pots, baking dishes, frying pans.Therefore, it is usually deeper than bathroom sink.

An important factor is ease of use. To ensure convenience when washing dishes, various additions can be made to the design of the device: additional compartments, drying spaces, cutting surfaces.

Deep ceramic sink
The depth of kitchen sinks is usually greater than that of sinks: this not only increases capacity, but also prevents water splashing

Types and features of ceramic sinks

Ceramics mean materials made from kaolin, refractory or other types of clay, into which sand, feldspar or other additives are added.

Stages of ceramic production

The recipe and technology may differ slightly, but in general the following procedure is used to manufacture products:

  1. First of all, the raw material is prepared, cleaned of impurities and sieved to ensure uniformity of particles.
  2. All components are mixed, strictly following the recipe, then poured into the mold; The shard is formed using pressing.
  3. The process is completed by multi-stage firing, which is carried out in several stages with a certain holding time at different temperatures.

In modern conditions, coloring pigments are usually added to the composition in preparation for firing. Some companies specializing in exclusive products carry out finishing and painting upon completion of firing.

Features of different types of ceramics

All products belonging to the ceramic group can be made from the following materials:

  • faience;
  • porcelain;
  • porcelain stoneware

Earthenware plumbing fixtures are quite in demand due to their budget cost, although their performance characteristics are inferior to porcelain due to their higher water absorption rate.

Porcelain kitchen sink
Porcelain sinks look very aesthetically pleasing. The thin walls of such products are perfectly white. With proper care, it will last for decades without acquiring a yellowish tint over time.

Since faience has a porous structure, it is able to absorb odors, moisture and dirt, and over time become covered with small cracks. A special glaze, a thin layer of which covers the product, helps to overcome these shortcomings.

Porcelain bowls have significantly better characteristics, the porosity and water resistance of which are 9-12% lower than that of earthenware. They cost much more, but are more durable. In addition, thanks to the immaculately smooth glossy surface, porcelain has an attractive appearance.

Porcelain stoneware kitchen sinks
Kitchen products made from porcelain stoneware are in high demand due to the combination of high performance characteristics, a variety of attractive designs and affordable prices.

Ceramic products also include porcelain stoneware sinks. To make this material, a filler - granite chips - is added to the mixture of clay and sand. The products have excellent performance characteristics: increased resistance to mechanical stress, low coefficient of water resistance, low porosity.

Advantages and disadvantages of ceramic sinks

Ceramic kitchen sinks owe their popularity to a combination of positive qualities.

These include:

  1. Great looks, which persists for a long time.
  2. Reliability and long service life. If mechanical stress is excluded, they can serve for decades.
  3. Environmental friendliness. For the manufacture of products, natural materials are used that do not have harmful fumes even when exposed to high temperatures. Ceramics can be safely allowed into contact with food products.
  4. Resistant to moisture and chemicals. Sinks can withstand prolonged exposure to water, regardless of its hardness. They are also resistant to all kinds of household chemicals, if the latter do not contain abrasive substances.
  5. No deposits on the walls. Thanks to the perfectly smooth surface, even the smallest pieces of food do not linger on the walls.
  6. Silence. Ceramic dampens sounds well and does not resonate, so even when the mixer is functioning, almost no sound is heard.

For greater protection from moisture, a special coating is applied to the surface of the bowl, thanks to which water flows down the walls rather than accumulating on them.

Solid ceramic surface
The hard surface of ceramic appliances is extremely difficult to scratch. This allows the plumbing fixtures to maintain their beautiful appearance for a long time.

At the same time, sinks have a number of disadvantages. First of all, this is the high density of the material: even compact sinks are quite heavy, which makes them difficult to transport.

Products of this type are difficult to install. For quality sink installations It's better to invite plumbers. Ceramics are fragile, so all products made from it should be protected from mechanical stress.

The most fragile material is earthenware; the resistance indicators of porcelain and porcelain stoneware are slightly higher.Due to the nature of the manufacturing process, a standard round or rectangular sink often has a wide edging around the perimeter.

It is better to give preference to the option with hidden installation: in this case, the strip will be located below the countertop, which will hide it from view. You will become familiar with the rules and steps for installing a countertop sink. next article, the contents of which we advise you to familiarize yourself with.

Factors determining product selection

To choose a convenient and aesthetic option, it is important to pay attention to many factors, including shape, depth, size, color and many others.

Two sink installation options

First of all, you should decide on the type of sink that will be installed in the kitchen.

All such devices are divided into two categories:

The first option is mounted directly into a hole made in the countertop. This design is especially often used if the kitchen has an elongated common work area. Depending on the specific model of this type of sink, it is possible to install it both under the countertop and at its level.

Undermount kitchen sink
Mortise options are often installed on built-in furniture, and they are made to order according to pre-taken dimensions. There are also standard modifications of similar devices

Overhead products are simply placed as a cover on a special cabinet, replacing the tabletop. Overhead sink option Great if separate modules are used as kitchen furniture.

This option is cheaper than the mortise one, but is significantly inferior to it in terms of aesthetics.

Sink bowl shape

Ceramic containers can have both standard and the most bizarre shapes.True, original interpretations are inherent in products made on special orders, where designers can bring to life their wildest fantasies.

The classic options are round, square and rectangular; oval and triangular containers are somewhat less common.

Round ceramic sink
When choosing the shape of the sink, you need to take into account the features. So, round bowls are considered the most spacious. In addition, you should consider how the configuration of the plumbing product will match the interior

For corner structures, both standard and special options can be used, including several compartments. Such devices are ideal for small spaces, as they allow you to fill an empty corner and save space. In addition, they have a spectacular appearance.

Ceramic sinks with compartments

A single-tank sink is easy to clean, but not very convenient if you have to perform several types of work in it at the same time, for example, washing dishes and defrosting food.

Two-compartment sink
The number of boxes in the sink varies from 2 to 5, and they can be arranged in different ways: in a row or at an angle

For user comfort, many manufacturers have launched the production of sinks with multiple bowls. Particularly popular is the so-called one-and-a-half version, which includes a large container for washing dishes and a compact compartment that is convenient to use for defrosting or for other purposes.

Another popular modification is the sink, which has two large bowls and one miniature one located between them.

Container size and depth

The choice of sink parameters depends not only on personal preferences, but also on the size of the room.In a miniature room, a large sink with several compartments is unlikely to be appropriate. Although it is certainly very convenient, it will look better in a spacious kitchen.

Corner sink model
In a compact space, it is better to limit yourself to a small ceramic sink. Corner models that can include one or more compartments look impressive

An important parameter is the depth of the bowl. If it is too small, it is unlikely that many dishes will fit there, and water droplets will splash onto the surrounding area.

Too deep sinks are also not very comfortable: in this case, the housewife has to constantly bend over, which can cause pain. According to experts, bowls with a depth of 14.5-18 cm provide the most comfortable operation.

When choosing, you should also take into account the distance between the back and front walls of the ceramic container. It should not be greater than the depth of the cabinet or other furniture on which the sink is supposed to be installed.

Sink color and design

In specialized retail outlets you can find ceramic products made in a variety of colors. In addition to traditional white sinks, beige and black models have become popular. For special orders, exclusively designed products with paintings or ornaments are produced.

Exclusive model of ceramic sink
A designer model of a ceramic sink can become the central detail of a kitchen interior. A number of enterprises accept orders for the implementation of such original projects

Classic white kitchen sink options fit almost any style. They go especially well with retro, country, and high-tech interiors.Streamlined models look good in avant-garde-style rooms, and options with paintings and ornaments in ethnically decorated spaces.

Additional sink elements

For the convenience of users, a number of models provide specially connected platforms that can be used for storing clean dishes, cutting food or other purposes.

Determining Model Quality
To determine the quality of ceramic products, simply tap the sink with a pencil or similar object. A dull sound indicates a possible defect - a void or a crack, and a ringing sound indicates good quality of the product.

There are two types of such structures:

  • sink with “wings” - the additional platform is a single whole with the sink;
  • device with a “beach” - one or two parts are connected to the bowl using fasteners.

In various types of kitchen sinks, additional places can have either a flat or ribbed surface.

The best manufacturers of ceramic products

As in other similar cases, it is better to give preference to products from reputable companies. In order to verify the quality of the product, it is advisable to ask the seller to provide a certificate and discuss the issue of the warranty period.

Relatively few manufacturers produce ceramic products for the kitchen. Among the reputable companies, we will name several brands.

SystemCeram: a young concern with a long tradition

The German company producing cast ceramic products was founded in 1928. At the beginning of this century, the company, which changed hands, underwent major structural changes.

The new owner relied on the development of high-tech production, expanding the range of manufactured products.Nowadays, catalogs include a wide range of different products, including laboratory glassware made of porcelain.

Kitchen sink from SystemCeram
SystemCeram offers kitchen bowls in different colors and shapes. The company's products have an elegant design and are also very easy to use.

We offer a wide selection of ceramic sinks, which are produced in medium batches or made to special orders. The company's models are distinguished by traditionally high German quality; they have a well-thought-out design, which provides additional compartments, “wings”, and dryers.

Variety of products from Blanco

Ceramic sinks from the German brand Blanko are widely represented on the specialized market, which are characterized by a combination of excellent quality and aesthetic appearance. Founded in 1925, the company specializes in the production of kitchen and medical equipment: the catalogs present accessories, faucets and sinks made of various types of materials.

Products with excellent performance characteristics are available in a wide range of sizes and colors - from deep black to soft blue and pearlescent white.

Blanco ceramic sinks
The manufacturer pleases customers with a wide range of products. The catalogs present models with various design features: round, corner, rectangular, with additional bowls and other additions

The sink comes with a complete set for installing equipment, including safety tap And flexible liner, as well as instructions, which provide all the assembly instructions. Blanco products are available in a wide price range, they are practical and easy to care for: regular light cleaning with ordinary detergents is sufficient.

Swiss quality from Franke

One of the leading manufacturers of kitchen sinks is Franke AG, which has 80 enterprises located in 40 countries around the world, including Russia.

The company's activities began in 1911. For a long time it specialized only in the manufacture of metal products, but in recent years it has significantly expanded its range.

Now this brand produces a large number of products, primarily kitchen equipment: hobs, hoods, accessories, faucets, dishwashers, coffee machines, refrigerators.

Kitchen sink Franke
All necessary fittings and linings are included with the sink; in some cases, a convenient drain-overflow system is also provided. The downside is the high cost, which is relevant for most of the models presented.

A significant place in the catalogs is also occupied by all kinds of sinks, which are made from different types of materials, including the Fraceram ceramic mixture, which is resistant to mechanical stress and stain resistance.

The advantages include a wide range, which covers models of various shapes, sizes, and designs. Products with originally designed surfaces are presented, for example, bowls with micro-decor.

Particularly popular are deep containers that have a slight internal slope, thanks to which splashing can be almost completely avoided.

Budget option from IKEA

In the catalog of a well-known Swedish company you can find ceramic sinks at affordable prices, although only laconic white models are available to Russian buyers. Nevertheless, in terms of practicality, quality, capacity and price, this is a very attractive option, especially taking into account the 25-year warranty.

The disadvantages of IKEA models include the appearance of “cracks” on the bottom, although the surface of the walls itself remains smooth

An overhead sink from IKEA is perfect for decorating a Provence or Country kitchen, but you need to take into account that the thickness of the countertop in this case should exceed 3.8 cm. The mortise version has modest dimensions and an optimal bowl depth of 18.3 cm. This option will be appropriate in room decorated in any style.

A pleasant surprise from the manufacturer: a solid wood cutting board and a steel colander are included with the sink free of charge.

Longran: English traditions

The Longran brand produces sinks, accessories and household appliances, which are distinguished by high performance, functionality and stylish design. The excellent characteristics of the products are confirmed by international certificates.

Kitchen sink Longran
For the production of ceramic products, the company uses wear-resistant, environmentally friendly materials. All products are tested for compliance with physical, mechanical and chemical characteristics

Longran sinks are available in a variety of colors, but white and high-gloss black products are especially popular, which contrast nicely with chromed steel faucets and accessories.

Ceramic products are easy to use and resistant to damage thanks to a special coating that prevents the formation of stains, scratches, and chips.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The video below explains in detail the different types of sinks, their advantages and disadvantages:

In the video you can see various models of ceramic sinks from the famous manufacturer Blanco:

Ceramic sinks are distinguished by long-term reliable service.If the operating rules are followed, they will retain their quality and appearance for decades.

When choosing a product for the kitchen, it is important to pay attention to both the technical qualities and the aesthetic advantages of the model. In this case, you should definitely take into account how it will correspond to the size and stylistic features of the room.

Would you like to tell us how you chose a ceramic sink to decorate your kitchen space? Would you like to share guidelines for choosing a model and photographs of your purchase? Please leave comments and photos in the block below, ask questions, and share useful information.

Visitor comments
  1. Irina

    Ceramic sinks have been steadily replacing stainless steel sinks for a long time. That's understandable. They are more practical, more durable, look more solid, but their cost is higher. We installed a black porcelain stoneware sink in our kitchen, made by Franke. I'm delighted with her. But my neighbor has a faience one, they installed it 2 years ago and now it is in very poor condition. You can’t skimp on quality; it’s better to save some money and buy a decent thing.

  2. Nina

    They installed a sink made of earthenware and, apparently, due to poor quality water and the lack of a filter, it quickly lost its original appearance. It was impossible to wash it off. I had to change it to porcelain and install a water purifier. Therefore, the issue of saving money when buying a faience sink is very controversial; I would not advise anyone to install it with our water purity.

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