How to use a water heater correctly: operating instructions for flow-through and storage units

Large-sized equipment and compact devices for heating water are actively involved in creating comfortable conditions.Few city dwellers know how to use a water heater, because... their apartments are connected to a centralized hot water supply. However, if you have to live in a Khrushchev building or in a dacha, information about the operation of complex units will be extremely useful, don’t you agree?

With us you will receive informed answers to all questions that arise when using the devices. In the article we have proposed, the topic of water heaters is discussed in detail, their types and design features are indicated.

The specifics of installation and rules for proper operation are described in detail. Technological subtleties and nuances of care are indicated. To make it easier to understand, the information is supplemented with photos, diagrams and video tutorials.

Characteristics of flow and storage units

All water heaters based on the heating principle waters are divided into flow devices And cumulative models. Often the same company supplies both options to the market, and the buyer has the right to choose what exactly he needs.

Storage devices are equipped with a container of a certain volume into which water is collected. After filling the useful volume of the device, it begins to heat up with heating elements specially designed for this purpose to the temperature specified by the user in the settings.

Water heater models
The models offered in stores allow you to choose the optimal set of functions at an affordable price. The main thing is to decide in advance what is best for a particular house/apartment.

The reservoir of such heaters is necessarily insulated, which helps maintain the temperature of the water inside for a long time. Its volume can be from 10 to 300 or more liters.

Manufacturers foresee a demand for large-sized devices that can meet the water heating needs of a large family.

Storage heater with a volume of 10 liters
A storage heater with a capacity of 10 liters can be placed in any convenient place. For example, under the sink

The larger the volume of the storage device, the more space will be required to place it in a house or apartment. This fact must be taken into account.

The second type of water heaters for domestic use is instantaneous. They differ significantly from storage tanks - they do not have a reservoir for collecting a certain volume of liquid.

You may be interested in information about which type of water heaters is better - flow-through or storage?

Flow-through models heat the water coming from the water pipe immediately after opening the tap. Visually, such models are significantly smaller in size and are mounted next to the crane.

Types of instantaneous water heaters
A type of instantaneous water heaters is a special tap. It does not require a lot of electricity and can be a real godsend for the garden

Depending on the fuel consumed, storage and flow devices most often include:

The first ones have a higher initial cost, but pay for themselves after 2 years. The latter are initially 2-3 times cheaper, but due to the high cost of electricity, already in the third year of use they are more expensive for their owner.

This dependence is valid with constant use.

Flow-through heater models
Flow-through heater models can be equipped with a kitchen spout and shower head.They are mounted next to the faucet to avoid large heat losses

If we are talking about seasonal stays at the dacha and the use of small volumes of warm water, then the electric option will come in handy for a potential buyer.

After all, electricity is supplied to many summer cottages, but as for gas, the situation with its availability may be worse. And if you rarely use the device, it will consume very little electricity.

Instructions and practical advice

Regardless of the type of water heating device purchased, you must handle it carefully and use it for its intended purpose. Moreover, the operating features of all similar models are similar, but there are also fundamental differences.

To avoid harming an expensive device through ignorance, it is better to read the instructions on how to properly use a specific water heater model.

Subtleties of operating flow-through units

Differences in appearance and design between flow-through and storage models cause some nuances during operation.

Therefore, before starting to use the unit, it is important to carefully study the recommendations specified by the manufacturer.

Flow-through faucet water heater
A flow-through tap water heater can be used not only in the country, but also in a city apartment. It is easy to install and connect yourself

The most common requirements that must be met before operating storage and flow-through models are as follows:

  • installation of a coarse filter;
  • strictly horizontal installation;
  • grounding for electrical appliances.

The horizontal position is checked by the building level. Strict adherence to this rule will help prevent the formation of air locks.

It is also important to consider that there are models that can only be installed horizontally or only vertically. If you neglect this rule, the equipment will, at best, not work, and at worst, it will simply burn out.

Small models of flow-through electric heaters
Small models of vertical flow electric heaters can easily fit into the kitchen design. And a 10-liter device won’t take up much space.

There are also models that provide a user-selectable mounting option - horizontal or vertical. The design features of the device are designed for any position and this will not affect further operation.

Instantaneous water heaters are produced by many domestic companies. Also on the market you can find a large number of offers from European and Chinese companies.

Review the best manufacturers devices for domestic water heating are given in our other article.

The cost of units directly depends on the following factors:

  • brand awareness and reputation;
  • quality of materials used in production;
  • additional equipment capabilities;
  • mechanical or electronic control type;
  • device configuration.

Regardless of the brand and cost of the purchased equipment, the buyer must have the manufacturer’s instructions and a warranty card, in which the seller noted the date of purchase and certified it with his seal.

Without these documents you cannot buy a quality product. All conscientious companies must complete their devices with this document.

Parts and materials included
Often in the instructions for equipment you can find the manufacturer’s requirement to use only the parts and materials included in the kit. Otherwise, the user will lose warranty service

Flow devices come with mechanical and electronic control.The first option is more reliable. The price for such units is lower. The second option is more expensive and can have many additional features, including controlling the switching on and changing the temperature via SMS commands.

Operating features of a specific water heater model are given in the instructions. Among gas and electric options, consumers most often prefer the latter.

This is due to their greater safety, ease of installation and the possibility of not having to coordinate installation work with special services.

If you purchase a gas instantaneous water heater, you will not only have to invite a qualified specialist who has permission to install gas equipment, but also obtain permission from the relevant authority for installation.

In the future, you will definitely need to call a specialist to regularly monitor the condition of the gas appliance.

Mechanically controlled devices
Mechanically controlled devices are simpler. They are less likely to break down than equipment with an electronic control circuit

The basic rules for using water heaters are repeated by most manufacturers of flow-through devices. The most important thing is not to turn on faulty equipment with signs of damage.

If the heater has fallen from the wall and something has broken off from it, under no circumstances should it be used without first being examined by a specialist.

When the equipment is correctly installed and connected by the master, the owner can adjust the heating temperature at his own discretion. To do this, you can use special buttons if they are provided for a particular model.

In some devices, the temperature is regulated by the hot water tap on the mixer itself when the flow rate changes.

The operation of water heaters is permitted only to legally capable persons.Children cannot turn on the equipment themselves without adult supervision. Do not pour water on it or drop it. All outlets located on the appliance must not be blocked. This may cause damage.

Using a flow-through water heater is possible only when the room temperature is not lower than 0 degrees. This rule is especially relevant for dachas and cottages with periodic visits.

If not needed, the device should be removed, first disconnecting from the network and draining the remaining water. Then it needs to be stored in a warm room.

Water heater tap
Frost will damage individual elements of the device, which will result in problems when performing functions. This case is not covered by warranty, so the consumer will have to make repairs at his own expense.

To use an instantaneous water heater, you only need to set the desired water temperature once. In the future, the owner will simply have to open the tap of this heater and use warm water at any time of the day.

It is correct to use the shower head and spout that come with the device.

There is no point in turning on/off the plug every day if you need to wash your hands. You only need to disconnect the flow model from the network if you are away for a long time.

The following photo selection will familiarize you with the operating features of instantaneous water heating equipment:

Rules for using storage devices

Storage models of water heaters can be either very small or quite large. In the first case, the tank is 10 liters. It is convenient to install such equipment in the kitchen under/above the sink.

Dimensional models are hung on the wall or mounted on the floor.It all depends on the weight of the filled unit and the condition of the wall in the room where it is supposed to be connected.

You may also find information about DIY water heater installation.

Vertical storage water heaters
Storage water heaters come in both horizontal and vertical types. Moreover, this rule applies not only to small-volume boilers

Many manufacturers offer storage models that require gas or electricity to operate.

The first option, when constantly used by a family of 5 people for 4-5 years, will cost 3-4 times less than the electric option in terms of the total cost of purchasing, connecting and paying for gas. Although, the cost of the unit itself in stores is about 2.5-3 times cheaper than a gas appliance.

You can only operate a boiler that is correctly installed and connected to the power supply network. The specialist who carried out all the work is obliged to put a note about this in the warranty card and test the quality of installation of the equipment.

Without his signature and seal of the organization, in the event of a breakdown, the guarantee cannot be used.

If everything is installed by a responsible technician, then the owner can begin to operate the water heater. First, you need to inspect the equipment from all sides and make sure that everything is intact, there is no visible damage, the wire and plug have not melted anywhere and nothing is leaking.

If the visual inspection was successful, you need to fill the boiler or make sure that it is full. To do this, open the water supply valve to the unit and unscrew the hot water tap. As soon as water starts flowing from the tap, the storage heater is full.

Now you can plug the device into the socket and press the “on”/“on” button on the case. Control and adjustment are carried out using the corresponding buttons.

Depending on the equipment model, control and adjustment of the desired temperature can be carried out mechanically or by entering appropriate commands on the monitor.

The technical perfection of the device directly affects its cost. In everyday life, models with the most necessary functions and simple controls are most often purchased. The simpler it is, the fewer breakdowns in the future.

You may find information about self-help useful water heater repair, discussed in our other article.

Electronically controlled water heaters
In practice, electronically controlled water heaters do not tolerate installation in a bathroom. It is advisable to avoid installation in a room with high humidity levels

When operating, it is important to follow all the rules described by the manufacturer in the instructions for a specific device. Also, never turn on a broken heater.

If the external condition causes concern or traces of melting are visible on the wiring or plug and socket, you should definitely contact a specialist.

If the storage unit is the main source of hot water in the house/apartment, then, in order to save money, you should not unplug it.

Thanks to the installed thermostat, the device will turn on to heat water only when necessary. As soon as the water reaches the desired temperature, it will automatically turn off.

This work allows you to use electricity or gas as economically as possible if it is a gas water heater. It is advisable to turn off the equipment only in case of a long absence of the owner and all residents of the house, cottage or apartment.

Care and maintenance features

Both storage and flow models require care and periodic maintenance.

Trouble-free equipment service can be ensured by:

  • correct operation;
  • care;
  • timely service.

By following the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations for operating the water heater, you can protect the equipment from accidental breakdowns.

The water heater is securely mounted on the wall
It is advisable that during operation the device should not be splashed with water, and that it should be securely fastened to the wall

As for care, all models, without exception, are extremely undemanding. It is enough to periodically wipe off dirt from the surface of the device. A soft rag or sponge soaked in a soap solution is suitable for this.

Neither storage nor instantaneous water heaters should be watered with detergents. Also, as necessary, you need to change/clean the coarse filter.

As for maintenance, all requirements are clearly indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions for a specific model. If this is gas equipment, then specialists from the relevant service will definitely come to check it.

Electric models can be serviced independently, if this option does not contradict the warranty conditions.

Some manufacturers stipulate that installation, first start-up of equipment, periodic maintenance and replacement of spare parts must be carried out by a specialist from the dealer company.

He is obliged to put a mark on the warranty card about all work performed, certifying his signature with the company’s seal. Otherwise, the owner of the water heater loses the right to use the warranty card if such a need arises.

Internal structure of a flow heater
Many home craftsmen neglect the warranty and carry out all installation, further maintenance and repair work themselves. This option costs them much less than calling specialists

Servicing of storage water heaters is most often suggested to be carried out once a year. Carry out all the work yourself or invite authorized specialists - this depends on the manufacturer’s recommendations. Do-it-yourself maintenance often risks voiding the warranty.

For cumulative models, the following work must be carried out annually:

  • clean the heating element from scale;
  • remove sediment accumulated in the tank cavity;
  • assess the condition of the magnesium anode and replace it if worn.

All work is carried out with the water heater turned off and disconnected from the network. In some cases, if the water has a large amount of impurities, you will have to change the filter more often and remove scale. The magnesium anode may wear out faster.

You might be interested in step-by-step instructions for replacing the heating element with your own hands, discussed in our other article.

Cleaning the internal space of the storage heater
The internal space of the storage heater should be cleaned as plaque and scale forms on the walls and on the heating element

If the storage unit is installed in the country house and no one will use it during the cold season, then you must take care of draining the water from the container. Also, you must remember to completely disconnect the device from the power supply before doing this.

Maintenance of instantaneous water heater models is also carried out as needed. The frequency of these works will become clear during operation.

As soon as the water pressure has noticeably weakened and scale has appeared, it is necessary to clean the individual elements of the device:

  • a mesh filter or coarse filter installed on the water supply;
  • aerator-tabs installed in the tap hole;
  • tab installed in the shower head, if the device is equipped with this element.

Clean the outside and remove filters only when the power to the water heater is turned off. If you do not remove the plug from the outlet, you may receive an electric shock when removing the prefilter.

Boiler in the bathroom
Boilers that process pre-treated water may require less frequent maintenance work - once every 2 years.

Ways to solve problems with equipment

During the operation of instantaneous and storage water heaters, certain problems may arise. Most often this is the appearance of an unpleasant odor and mold flowing from the tap along with warm water.

This situation occurs when the heating temperature is set to 40 degrees or the device has not been used for a long time. These are favorable conditions for the development and reproduction of mold and fungi.

To eliminate this problem and not set the maximum heating, you can select the economy mode, if one is provided for a particular model. In the eco mode settings, the limit water heating temperature is set at 50-55 degrees.

Correct connection diagram
It is important to use the correct boiler connection diagram recommended by the manufacturer

Secondly, you cannot connect to a hot water pipeline. Depending on the technical characteristics of the device, they are designed to work with water whose temperature ranges from 2 to 30 degrees.

This is the average range of acceptable values. A specific model may have its own limit values ​​for the temperature of running water, for example, from 5 to 20 degrees.

The third problem is when warm water stops flowing while the instantaneous water heater is running. One of the reasons is problems with incoming water pressure.

Some models require a special low-pressure mixer to operate. If it does not correspond to the technical capabilities of the device, the shutdown mechanism is triggered. The heater can resume operation only after the pressure normalizes.

Another reason is if the water supply through the water supply is cut off. It's not difficult to fix this; you just need to restart the supply.

Fourthly, the water may be running too hot. This problem in models with an automatic temperature control system indicates its breakdown and requires an urgent call to a specialist. For flow-through devices, it is necessary to increase the water flow at the inlet or clean the supply pipes.

Equipment maintenance by a specialist
If the owner values ​​the warranty service of an expensive device, then he will have to call a specialist to eliminate any malfunction and perform annual maintenance.

The fifth problem is too cold water, which does not satisfy the wishes of the water heater owner. In this case, the thermostat of storage units is likely to break down.

It would be a good idea to check the set temperature, because one of the family members may have changed the minimum water heating temperature.

For flow-through devices, this problem may indicate problems with the power supply. The second option is to increase the heating power.

After the service life specified by the manufacturer has expired, you should not continue to use the equipment. It needs to be dismantled and disposed of.

If this is an electric model, then it is better to cut off the wire connected to the network. This measure will protect against accidental use of the device by third parties.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Video clip about the operation of a flow-through device - a water heater tap:

Visual video instructions for turning on the storage water heater:

Detailed video about the operation of the Thermex storage unit:

A step-by-step video about fixing a breakdown of a storage water heater that did not leak, but it stopped heating and the warning light no longer lights up:

Video explanations about problems that arise during the operation of water heaters and how to eliminate them:

Having purchased and installed a water heater, it is important to operate it correctly. Timely care and high-quality maintenance of flow and storage devices will help extend their service life.

In order not to lose warranty service, you should not violate the rules specified by the manufacturer in the instructions for using a particular device.

Have you purchased a new water heater and are worried that you might inadvertently void your warranty? Or are you concerned about a nuance that is not covered by the manufacturer in the instruction manual? Ask your questions in the comments below this article.

Visitor comments
  1. Sergey

    I am pleased with myself that several years ago I did not skimp and installed an electric water heater with a temperature regulator.I calculated that an 80-liter tank would be enough for three of us. The regulator is set at 60 degrees - this is enough (but at the same time less electricity is consumed than if it was heated to a boil). And I installed a cleaning filter - our water is hard.

  2. Andrey

    A water heater helps us a lot in our daily life. This is a very convenient thing. I have a regular hanging water heater. 10 years ago, my uncle installed it for us and told us how the equipment works. Very simple. When you turn it on at night, you open the faucet to allow the condensation to drain. Heats water in 2-3 hours in summer, and in winter in 4-5 hours. It works without problems and does not require special care. Everything is fine.

  3. Fedor

    We installed a 50 liter water heater a couple of years ago and are very pleased with it - an extremely useful thing. In our area, hot water is turned off quite often; it was installed mainly for this reason. In addition, now we are not afraid of the hot water shutdown season. After installing the equipment, they explained to us how to use it, there were no problems with it. It heats the water in a couple of hours, enough for the whole family.

  4. Vadim

    I am looking for a review and electrical connection diagram for a direct/direct heating instantaneous water heater.

    Attached photos:
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