Energy-saving heating systems: how and on what can you save?

Heating industrial facilities and houses is quite expensive.Energy-saving heating systems will allow you to reduce payment costs, thanks to which you can save significant money without giving up comfortable indoor conditions.

We offer to understand what options exist for increasing the energy efficiency of a home, and what are the features of their application. A detailed review of energy-saving technologies will help you decide on the advisability of installing a particular type of heating system.

Ways to improve energy efficiency at home

You can reduce energy costs used for heating using different methods:

  • increasing the energy efficiency of the building;
  • the use of the Smart Home system, as well as other automation that allows minimizing costs;
  • reducing electrical losses using radiators and other devices;
  • increasing the efficiency of heating boilers or furnaces;
  • using environmentally friendly types of energy (firewood, solar panels).

A combination of two or more options can be used to achieve better results.

Even the most reliable and high-quality heating system will not bring much benefit if large-scale heat loss occurs in the house, so measures should be taken to prevent heat energy from leaking through cracks and open vents.

It is important to take simple but effective steps by covering floors, walls, doors, ceilings, and window frames with thermal insulation material.In addition to insulation, additional insulation can be placed according to regulatory requirements. This will further reduce heat loss, thereby increasing the energy efficiency of the building.

Conducting an energy audit in the house
To carry out high-quality thermal insulation, you can call a specialist energy auditor. He will carry out a thermal imaging survey of the house, which will reveal the places of the most intense heat loss, the insulation of which must be carried out first.

As a rule, the greatest heat loss occurs through walls, attic ceiling, as well as the floor along the joists. These areas require high-quality thermal insulation. To prevent heat loss through windows, you can use shutters that close at night.

Smart Home control system

Automatic devices of the complex "Smart House" can make a huge contribution to saving energy resources used to produce heat.

The maximum level of efficiency can be achieved by choosing a system equipped with a number of additional functions, namely:

  • weather-dependent control;
  • temperature sensor installed indoors;
  • the possibility of external control with the provided data exchange;
  • contour priority.

Let's take a closer look at all of the above benefits.

Weather-compensated temperature control in the house involves adjusting the heating level of the coolant depending on the outside temperature. If it's frosty outside, the water in the radiator will be slightly hotter than usual. At the same time, with warming, heating will be less intense.

The absence of such a function often leads to an excessive increase in air temperature in the rooms. This not only leads to excessive energy consumption, but is also not very comfortable for the inhabitants of the house.

Setting the mode on the touch panel
Touch control panels provide the ability to select an energy-saving mode option, which allows you to quickly and easily adjust the temperature in the house

Most of these devices have two modes: “summer” and “winter”. When using the first, all heating circuits are turned off, leaving only devices intended for year-round use, for example, heating a swimming pool, to function.

Room temperature sensor needed not only to control the maintenance of the automatically set temperature. As a rule, this device is combined with a regulator, which allows you to increase or decrease the heating if necessary.

Air temperature sensor
An external temperature sensor is an indispensable component of most Smart Home control units. Such devices must be installed indoors, and if heat is supplied floor by floor, then on each floor

The thermostat can be programmed to reduce the temperature in the rooms during certain hours, for example, when the occupants of the house go to work, which contributes to significant savings in heating costs.

Priority of heating circuits with the simultaneous operation of various devices. So, when the boiler is turned on, the control unit disconnects auxiliary circuits and other devices from the heat supply.

Thanks to this, the power of the boiler room is reduced, which allows reducing fuel costs, as well as evenly distributing the load over a given period of time.

System climate control, which connects the control of air conditioning, heating, power supply, and ventilation into a single network, not only increases comfort in the home and minimizes the risk of emergency situations, but also allows you to save energy.

Manifold cabinet with drives
Climate control drives, which regulate all functions of maintaining temperature parameters in the room, are usually hidden from view, for example, placed in a manifold cabinet

External control — the ability to transfer data to smartphones allows owners to monitor the situation in order to quickly make adjustments if necessary. One such solution is GSM module for heating boiler.

Reduce costs with appliances

The most effective heating system is considered to be one that allows you to achieve comfortable heating at a minimum coolant temperature. To achieve this goal, it is best to use the circuit water heated floor.

Water heated floor
This method is comfortable and hygienic, moreover, the structures are completely hidden from view, which allows you to combine warm floors with various types of traditional coverings: tiles, linoleum, carpet, parquet

Unfortunately, in harsh climates, heated floors are often unable to compensate for heat loss, especially if the house has large glazed spaces. This is explained by the fact that the maximum permissible temperature of the floor covering has a strict limit: it should not exceed +27°C.

The best option in this case is a combination of heated floors with modern radiators, which can be connected from below from the floor or wall, which allows you to exclude not very aesthetically pleasing pipe connections from the interior.

Different types of radiators
There is a huge range of radiators on sale, which differ not only in the manufacturer and type of device, but also in color, shape, and size. This allows you to find the optimal model to fit into the interior

Based on the principle of energy efficiency, it is better to focus on a collector-beam two-pipe radiator heating scheme.In this case, a special heating branch is installed in each room - a supply and return element.

Such a system allows you to maintain your own temperature in each room, minimally affecting the neighboring rooms.

Energy efficient boilers and furnaces

To save energy from fossil fuels, it is worth replacing your traditional heater with an environmentally friendly and energy-efficient furnace (oil or gas) or heating boiler. In the first case, it is important to pay attention to the air duct system that distributes heated air throughout the rooms.

Modern boiler model
If the service life of the old boiler exceeds ten years, it is better to replace it with a modern model, the efficiency of which can reach 94 percent

When using boilers, it is also necessary to consider the communications through which the water will pass, heading to radiators or underfloor heating systems.

When choosing boilers or furnaces, it is important to consider the following factors:

  1. Availability of ventilation. A boiler or furnace equipped with a sealed combustion chamber must be blown by a flow of outside air. This prevents possible air pollution within the premises and reduces the likelihood of external air masses entering the house.
  2. Electric ignition available. Such models are considered much more effective than options with a pilot flame.
  3. Capacitive heat exchanger and condenser, which allow you to accumulate excess energy, which allows you to save on the production of new calories.

Modern furnaces and boilers, although they run on fossil fuels (fuel oil, propane), are still considered energy-efficient and environmentally friendly devices. For their operation, a minimum amount of fuel is sufficient, and the number of harmful substances released during combustion is negligible.

Use of environmentally friendly fuel

Now priority is given to the development of alternative energy using renewable resources.

Among the most common options are the following:

  • wood;
  • heat pumps;
  • devices for processing solar energy.

In addition, other methods of energy-saving technologies are being developed, for example, wind turbines.

Heating with wood stoves

For centuries, wood has been widely used for heating homes and cooking: it is a renewable resource available to most people. To generate heat, you can use not only full-fledged trees, but also wood waste, such as brushwood, twigs, and shavings.

Special wood-burning stoves are designed to burn such fuel, which can be a prefabricated structure made of cast iron or a welded one made of steel.

Disadvantages of wood stoves

At the same time, such devices have a number of disadvantages that prevent their widespread use:

  1. Wood stoves are considered the most environmentally unfriendly heaters operating on renewable energy sources: when wood burns, a large amount of combustion products is released into the air.
  2. Procuring firewood yourself requires a significant amount of work: cutting wood, sawing and chopping wood. In addition, stoves must be cleaned frequently to remove accumulated ash.
  3. Wood-burning heating devices are also considered the most fire-hazardous heaters, since if the chimneys are not properly maintained, a fire can occur.
  4. Furnaces heat the room where they are located, while the air in other spaces may remain cold for a long time.
  5. Wood heaters are not suitable for installation in ordinary urban housing - some models can be installed in apartments, but this process requires approval and execution of a large number of documents.

At choosing a wood stove preference should be given to an effective modern model. Some options have special devices - catalytic converters, which allow you to burn incompletely burned liquids and gases, which increases efficiency and reduces emissions of harmful elements.

Modern wood stove model
For greater efficiency, some models of wood stoves are equipped with double walls or fans. Such options improve air circulation, increase heat production and distribution

Some modern wood-burning stoves also have special partitions that are located above the working chamber. They direct remaining gases and liquids into the fire, increasing the efficiency of combustible materials. Such designs can also reduce the accumulation of creosote.

For more even heating, you can consider installing a gas wood-burning stove, which allows you to use two types of fuel simultaneously. It is also possible to install outdoor wood-burning stoves: with their help, water is heated, which circulates through a heat exchange system, heating the rooms.

Two types of heat pumps

Such units have long earned great popularity: they are one of the most efficient types of home heating, posing a minimum risk to the environment.

Air source heat pump
A common version of the air heat pump is called “mini-split”. It has an outdoor and one or more indoor units that can supply both hot and cold air

The models on the market are of two types:

  1. Air source heat pumps. Devices equipped with special devices that are capable of capturing heat from the atmosphere even on cold days (up to -20°C) and then distributing it throughout the house using installed air ducts.
  2. Geothermal heat pumps. Such devices allow you to take advantage of the warmth of the soil. To do this, horizontal laying of rings is carried out in the ground below the freezing level (usually below 1.2 m). If the area of ​​the site is too small, then the pumps are placed in vertically drilled wells, the depth of which can reach up to 200 m. More information about the organization of such heating is written in this article.

Although heat pumps require electricity to operate, these devices are recognized as energy efficient because, compared to the resources spent, they extract much more heat - one in three for air-heated devices, one in four for geothermal devices.

At the same time, the devices do not pollute the air and are completely fireproof. The advantage of heat pumps is their ability to work in reverse mode, that is, not only heat, but also cool the air. Water heaters can also be installed on geothermal devices, providing water heating up to +60°C.

Geothermal heat pump
Although the cost of geothermal devices is higher than that of air pumps, the first option is considered more promising, since such pumps are more efficient (+)

New and reconstructed houses can be equipped with both thermal and geothermal devices, while in old ones it is only possible to install a pump of the first type.

When using heat pumps, you need to take into account that their efficiency depends on the temperature difference between the consumer and the source.In case of frost, you have to use equipment with a significant excess of power, or use additional devices to heat the house, for example, energy-efficient boilers or stoves.

Solar energy saving devices

Recently, great importance has been given to the development of technologies that make it possible to use solar energy for domestic and industrial purposes.

Solar air collectors

A simple and economical method of heating a building, which is most often used as an additional source of electricity. In this case, special devices are installed on the roof on the south side of the house so that sunlight falls on them even in winter.

Once the maximum temperature is reached inside the chamber, a tiny fan responsible for heat exchange is automatically turned on. The air from the rooms begins to pass through the collector, and having “taken away” the heat, it again enters the house.

Depending on the energy efficiency of the building and the amount of sunlight, the collector can heat a space of 44 square meters. m or more.

Scheme of operation of an air solar collector
Solar air collectors are inexpensive, reliable and efficient devices. If you have certain skills, you can make such devices yourself (+)

Durable collectors, which require minimal maintenance, are suitable for installation in new or reconstructed houses.

Such devices are an environmentally cost-effective option for heating buildings, but before installing them, careful calculations will be required to correctly determine the size of the network and the planned capacity of the collectors.

Depending on the design, solar modules can operate completely autonomously or use a small amount of electricity from the grid.In the latter case, you will need to make appropriate changes to the laying of electrical communications.

Water solar collectors

A more complex version of solar devices are solar hot water systems. Their design includes the collectors described above, mounted on the roof of the building, a storage tank, which is most often installed in a utility room (basement, closet), as well as pipes connecting them.

The coolant liquid, which uses water or non-toxic antifreeze, is pumped into solar collectors, where the temperature of the liquid increases significantly. After this, it goes back to the tank, from where heat is transferred through a heat exchanger to the water located in a special tank.

Well-heated liquid is used for domestic use, for example, for heating a heated floor or a flow-through system.

Scheme of operation of a water solar collector
The diagram shows a solar hot water supply system. With a large number of solar cells and a large reservoir, it is quite suitable for heating an entire house (+)

Solar systems for heating buildings operate silently, without emitting harmful substances. They can be used in different climates, but their effectiveness will vary depending on the specific region - this indicator requires verification before installation.

The energy-saving heating scheme is suitable for both new buildings and old buildings, it is only important to take into account that the operation of electronic control devices and pumps requires a small amount of electricity.

The main disadvantage of such systems is the production of excess hot water during warm seasons.In hot summers this can be a problem: as a rule, excess heat is discharged through a pipe buried in the ground.

Passive solar heating

An economical way to heat your home is to use a passive solar heating system. Such structures do not require additional communications, nor the use of additional mechanical devices, such as pumps or fans.

The only thing required for heating is a large number of clear days and low sun, which gives heat to windows located on the south side.

As a rule, during the day, internal heat is absorbed by brick or plaster walls, as well as concrete floors. At night, it is released to maintain a comfortable temperature in the building.

For such a house to be energy efficient, it must be airtight and well insulated. For this purpose, special low-emissivity windows are used that store heat in winter and reflect it in summer.

Passive solar heating
The function of passive solar heating should be provided already at the design stage of the house. Adding it to an existing building is extremely difficult (+)

The passive solar option in sunny areas allows you to save 50-79% on heating costs. It is quite natural that the construction of such a house will cost the owners much more than a conventional building, but in the long term the benefits of such a structure are clear.

Unfortunately, in the Russian climate this method is not in great demand due to low temperatures, at which more heat is lost through windows than is received from sunlight.

Solar heating is a promising trend that is gaining more and more popularity every year. The use of solar systems is especially important for warm regions. On our website there is a series of articles devoted to solar heating systems.

We advise you to read:

  1. Solar energy as an alternative energy source: types and features of using solar systems
  2. Solar batteries for the garden and home: types, principles of operation and procedure for calculating solar systems
  3. How to make a solar collector for heating with your own hands: a step-by-step guide

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The video below talks about one of the most effective ways to save energy - using solar collectors.

There are many different options for heating systems that consume a minimum of fossil raw materials. The main task of residents is to choose the most optimal energy-saving heating scheme.

Although the installation of such structures will require some money, they will quickly pay for themselves, as they help effectively save on heating costs.

Do you have experience using energy-saving heating systems? Please share information with readers. Comment on the publication, participate in discussions and ask questions on the topic. The feedback block is located below.

Visitor comments
  1. Denis

    I regretted that I did not install heated floors throughout the entire house, but only in the hall, hallway, kitchen and bathroom. At first it seemed very expensive. And now with hindsight I understand that it was possible to use a low-temperature boiler.
    But already as it is. I installed an electronic programmer and set up a weekly schedule of switching on and off based on the room temperature.And also when we are at work, the temperature is maintained at 17ºС. An hour before arrival, the boiler turns on and warms the house to a comfortable 23ºC.
    I would set it a little less to save money, but the female half of the family refuses))

  2. Dmitry Klen

    Wood stoves can hardly be included in the list of ways to save on heating your home. Firstly, more than half of our country's population lives in apartments. Ovens are excluded there. Secondly, the cost of a cubic meter of firewood, even without delivery at the moment, is such that there is no sign of savings; it’s easier and cheaper to burn gas or even electricity all winter. In general, in my opinion, the very first and surest way to save on heating is to minimize heat losses in the room, otherwise everything else is simply pointless.

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