Smell from the sewer in the apartment: types of technical faults and ways to eliminate them

The specific smell from the sewer in the apartment is hardly compatible with a cozy home atmosphere and thoughtful home design.You should not try to mask it with various air flavors: you need to establish the cause and solve the problem.

We will tell you how to deal with the negative atmosphere created as a result of the spread of unpleasant volatile compounds. The article proposed for consideration describes in detail the causes of sewer odor and methods for eliminating it. Taking into account our recommendations, the disgusting “aroma” will disappear forever.

Sources of stench: common options

Modern houses are equipped with a sophisticated sewer system designed to remove residual waste products. Its operation is accompanied by specific odors, since wastewater flowing through the pipes emit hydrogen sulfide and other unpleasant-smelling substances.

When the sewerage system is working properly, the “aroma” in the premises (including the bathroom, kitchen, toilet) is almost imperceptible. Its appearance indicates a malfunction in the functioning of technical communications or plumbing fixtures.

Determining the cause of the unpleasant odor
When a sewer smell appears, it is important to determine its source.If this cannot be done on your own, it is important to immediately contact a specialist.

The most common causes of stench can be:

  • Mistakes made when installing the sewer system. The appearance of odors in the room may be due to improper installation of pipes or loose connections.
  • Burst of a sewer pipe in the central or apartment distribution system. A leak can be either obvious or almost invisible: a microcrack or a joint not treated with sealant is often enough for gases and moisture to leak through.
  • Inadequate assembly quality of the siphon or its malfunction. This component of plumbing design plays an important role in preventing the entry of foul gases.
  • Blocked pipes or drains. Household waste, hair, and food waste that accumulate in siphons or pipes begin to rot, releasing a specific “aroma.”
  • Malfunction of the water seal, as a result of which the “water plug” is destroyed, which prevents the appearance of sewer odors.
  • Ventilation defects, which is equipped with apartment and private buildings. The system is designed to remove stench from the sewer system; If she doesn't do a good job, the stench penetrates the apartments.
  • Incorrect connection or violation of operating instructions for the washing machine. In some cases, a useful unit becomes a source of a specific odor.

In addition to those listed, there are many other reasons that cause “odors” in the room. Some of them are easily removable, others require the help of specialists, and often extensive, expensive work.

Below we will look in detail at the various sources of stench and tell you what measures need to be taken in specific cases.

Improper installation of communications

If residents who have moved into a new house feel a not very pleasant “aroma” in the rooms, perhaps the builders or independent home craftsmen made mistakes when installing sewer system.

Due to violations associated with the laying of pipes - especially non-compliance with the angle of inclination, which is prescribed in the standards, wastewater in the pipes can stagnate, causing a specific odor.

Layout of a common house sewer system
When laying a sewer system, it is important to comply with engineering requirements: all work must be carried out in strict accordance with current regulations

A radical way to get rid of the stench will be a complete replacement of communications with the installation of a new system in strict accordance with technical specifications.

In some cases (when using metal-plastic pipes), the situation can be saved by adjusting tightened pipe connections, replacing gaskets, and installing specially selected sealing collars.

In order to prevent clogging, it is periodically necessary to carry out flushing the sewer system, the rules of which will be introduced in our proposed article.

Problems of public sewerage

If unpleasant odors are especially noticeable in rooms on the lower floors and in the entrance, the reason for their appearance most likely lies in the basement wiring.

The most obvious reasons are:

  • damaged pipe with leaking sewage;
  • blockage of the centralized system caused by the actions of residents who violate the accepted regulations for the operation of plumbing fixtures.

Problems that arise in the centralized communications system are considered an emergency. Liquid leakage not only poisons the air, but also promotes the development of microbes, causes dampness in residential areas, and undermines the foundation of the house, causing its destruction.

To resolve the situation, you should immediately contact the Management Company (ZhEK), writing a detailed statement about the situation. After renovation, it is important to ventilate the basement well to remove accumulated moisture.

You can get rid of the negative smell in apartments on the upper floors by simply strengthening the work fan boner:

Malfunctioning of apartment wiring

If the smell is felt only in places where hygiene devices are installed, it can be assumed that it is caused by defects in the apartment wiring.

Wiring in the apartment
If an unpleasant odor appears in the room, you should first inspect the wiring in the apartment, checking the tightness of the connections and the presence of hidden leaks

As a rule, a leak from a pipe is immediately visible, but other, less visually noticeable options are also possible, which include the options described below.

Result of hidden leaks

In sewer systems made of traditional cast iron or currently popular plastic, fistulas, cracks, and other defects may appear.

Since pipes are often walled up in walls or floors, it is quite difficult to identify and eliminate such defects.It is especially difficult to determine leaks in interfloor partitions with difficult access to the sewer system.

Leaking sewer pipe
Leaks in the sewer system often become the source of an unpleasant odor. To eliminate it, you need to replace the damaged element or seal it with a special compound

Where an unpleasant odor appears, you should, as far as conditions allow, immediately check the pipes and the places where they come into contact with the plumbing. If necessary, you should call a specialist who will diagnose and professionally solve the problem.

Usually, to eliminate a leak, the system is replaced or sealed with modern materials or a cement mixture that does not contain sand (for cast iron pipes).

To prevent such defects, when installing apartment wiring, you must remember the following rules:

  • when installing communications, use only high-quality pipes and fittings;
  • carry out installation according to a scheme that provides for a minimum number of joints, since leaks most often occur in such units;
  • when installing pipes, provide access to installed systems;
  • take care of high-quality waterproofing of walls, floors in bathrooms, and in the kitchen.

Such measures will provide effective protection against leaks, and, if necessary, will allow the leak to be quickly eliminated.

Lack of tightness of the system

Appearances sewer smell in the bathroom or in a kitchen room may also be caused by a leak in the connection of pipes or when they are connected to a sink, sink, or other plumbing fixtures.

Connection to sewer pipe
Particular care should be taken when connecting sewer pipes.To prevent the release of moisture and odors, joints should always be treated with sealant

It is important to carefully check the nodes connecting the devices to the sewer network, secure them, and then carefully treat them with sealant to eliminate minimal gaps and cracks. Often such a simple manipulation allows you to get rid of the smell of sewerage both in the bathrooms and throughout the apartment.

Blockages and methods for eliminating them

A common source of foreign odors is blockages that can occur in siphons and pipes. To avoid such a problem, you must follow the rules for using plumbing fixtures.

Mesh in the drain hole
The mesh in the drain hole of the sink or sink traps dirt, effectively preventing the formation of blockages in the siphon or sewer pipes

Such basic devices as protective nets for catching debris installed on the drain holes of the sink or sink can be of great help.

To eliminate "odors" caused by clogged pipes, it is important to clean them regularly, which can be done in different ways:

  • traditional plunger;
  • cable;
  • more complex hydrodynamic devices;
  • special chemicals.

When choosing a method, it is important to take into account both the degree of blockage and the material from which the sewer pipes. Thus, for systems made of cast iron, it is undesirable to use cleaning products containing aggressive components.

Siphon malfunctions

The culprit of an unpleasant odor in the kitchen or bathroom can be a siphon - an elbow-shaped device that is located under the drain of a sink, sink, or bathtub.Due to the specific shape of this device, its lower part is always filled with water, which prevents sewer gases from entering the room.

Siphon, an important part of plumbing
Incorrect assembly or malfunction of the siphon, an important component of plumbing fixtures, can cause a specific odor to appear in the room.

The appearance of an unpleasant odor can be caused by the following violations of the installation and functioning of the siphon:

  • Incorrect assembly. The outlet pipe should be located 2-3 centimeters below the water level in the water seal. However, you should not lower it below the specified distance, since in this case the height of the water plug will decrease and it will easily be torn off by the flushing water.
  • No bending of the corrugated pipe. There are several types of siphons. The installation of a device with corrugation requires special attention: this option requires the independent formation of an elbow-shaped pipe, which is fixed with clamps or other special devices.
  • Decrease in corrugation quality. Over time, this part stretches and cracks appear on it, which violate the seal. The solution to the problem is to replace this component with a similar new one. It is also important to remember the need to regularly clean the corrugated pipe to prevent blockages.
  • Drying out of the water seal. When not in use, the water in the siphon may completely evaporate, as a result of which the sewer “aroma” will begin to penetrate into the room. Simple but effective measures will help improve the situation: before the planned trip, completely fill the siphon, adding a little vegetable oil to the water. It will cover the liquid with a thin film that prevents moisture evaporation.You can also plug the drain hole (and, if necessary, the overflow) with a pre-wetted damp cloth. Returning home, you need to drain the remaining water and refill the siphon.
  • Siphon blockage. Even a properly functioning siphon can emit a specific odor due to the accumulation of fat, food, and other substances on its walls, the decomposition of which causes a stench. To prevent this, it is important to regularly clean siphons in bathrooms and kitchens by pouring boiling water into the sink hole and/or using special household chemicals.

Specific “flavors” caused by the siphon are quite easy to stop. It is only important to follow a number of simple rules when installing and operating this device.

To prevent blockages and to care for the plumbing fixture, the siphon should be cleaned periodically:

After freeing the siphon from accumulated dirt, the device must be assembled and installed in its proper place:

Problems with the water level in the water seal

Possible problems in the operation of the siphon are often associated with water seal - water plug, when “knocked out”, odors and gases begin to enter the apartment.

A similar situation can arise when the pressure in the sewer system increases, the air coming from the pipes is able to “knock out” the water seal. This usually happens when a large volume of liquid is suddenly drained from the tank. However, the process can also be gradual, allowing gases to enter the apartment unnoticed over time.

Water seal in siphon elbow
A water seal or “water plug” located in the siphon elbow creates a reliable barrier that prevents sewer gases from entering the apartment

When the pipe cross-section is completely blocked by drains, the sewer system is filled with rarefied air, which draws liquid from the siphon like a pump. Once the water is drained, the water seal will be completely eliminated, and gases will begin to flow freely into the premises without encountering any obstacles.

The latter option is usually caused by two reasons:

  1. Using small diameter pipes that do not correspond to the dimensions specified in the relevant regulatory documents.
  2. Formation of blockages or icing, partially or completely blocking the cross-section of communications.

To eliminate the first reason, it is necessary to replace the pipes with components of proper quality. To eliminate blockages, the system should be cleaned; When ice forms, warm it well with hot water.

Installing a vacuum valve will help get rid of the malfunction of the water seal:

Incorrect operation of ventilation systems

The cause of the unpleasant odor may lie in the improper functioning of the installation in the house. ventilation system. The natural pull of such communications is sometimes not enough to successfully cope with the task assigned to them - eliminating the stench from the sewerage system.

You can check this indicator quite simply: attach a regular piece of paper to the ventilation grille, which is usually located in the bathroom and/or kitchen. If there is good traction, the sheet will stick to the holes; if there is insufficient traction, it will fall to the floor.

You can deal with this problem in the following ways:

  1. Do it yourself: additionally installing a fan that will increase the level of air circulation.
  2. With the help of specialists: professionals will clear blockages in installed ventilation ducts, increasing their draft.

After solving the problem, it is also necessary to carry out waterproofing measures in sanitary premises.

Incorrect operation of the washing machine

The reason for the specific “aroma” may be a familiar unit - an automatic washing machine.

Washing machine drum
With insufficient care, colonies of fungi and microorganisms can settle in the washing machine drum, causing unpleasant odors in the room

The odor may be caused by the following reasons:

  • Incorrect connection of the device to the hydraulic valve, causing waste to enter the system. To fix it, it is better to disconnect the hose from the sewer, leading it to the toilet or sink.
  • A clogged drain pump filter (most often it is located at the bottom of the machine). Sometimes, to eliminate an unpleasant odor, it is enough to clean this part.
  • Plaque on the walls of the tank or tray for detergents, which is caused by the development of mold and other microorganisms on the surface. To eliminate them, it is important to regularly clean the components of the washing machine with disinfectants, vinegar, and citric acid.

To prevent a useful unit from poisoning the atmosphere with a stench, it is important to follow the rules for caring for this type of household appliance. It is advisable to periodically turn on a high-temperature washing mode, which allows you to get rid of harmful fungi and bacteria.

The best way to permanently get rid of the possibility of an unpleasant odor from the washing machine is to connect it to a bottle siphon under the sink in the kitchen or under the sink in the bathroom:

Other causes of unpleasant odor

In addition to the reasons listed above, quite often one has to deal with other sources of stench that are indirectly related to the sewerage system.

Mold and mildew indoors

Specific “flavors” may be associated with the vital activity of single-celled organisms. If there is insufficient waterproofing or freezing of surfaces, on the walls and ceilings of the bathroom or other rooms may develop mold coloniesemitting putrid odors.

To get rid of microorganisms, you need, first of all, to improve the premises by eliminating leaks and insulating partitions. Areas affected by fungus must be thoroughly cleaned with a spatula, rinsed with a washing-off composition with the addition of vitriol, dried well, and then covered with a chalk composition.

Poor quality plumbing fixtures

Various plumbing fixtures can be sources of stench. The “aroma” can be produced by a residue that accumulates due to stagnant water in the toilet tank and on its piston.To get rid of it you need clean the plumbing regularly disinfectants.

An unpleasant odor may be associated with newly purchased plumbing fixtures made of low-quality plastic. To avoid problems, it is better to purchase kits from trusted manufacturers, made from certified raw materials.

Leaking faucet
The source of the stench in the apartment can be a leaking faucet. Constantly flowing water from it can cause rotting of a wall or other surface.

The cause of the stench may be a leaking faucet that has caused rotting of the adjacent surface. It is important to change gaskets and valves on time, keeping the taps in perfect condition.

Sewer smell in a private home

Private houses are usually equipped local sewer system, which is characterized by extreme sensitivity. The slightest change in operating conditions can cause the appearance and rapid spread of stench.

In addition to the above reasons (blockages in pipes, leaks, malfunction of the siphon and water seal), residents of cottages and country houses often encounter a specific source of stench. Namely, the functioning of a wastewater treatment facility (septic tank), where wastewater settles and is subsequently purified by microorganisms.

When the bacteria die, waste processing stops, and residents are faced with the problem of how to urgently eliminate the monstrous smell from the sewer that has taken over the entire house.

Sewage system in a private house
The death of microorganisms that are important in wastewater treatment can cause an unpleasant odor in a private home

The extinction of microorganisms can be triggered by the following factors:

  • Using aggressive household chemicals containing chlorine or other similar components.
  • Shallow laying of pipes and septic tank zones into the soil. To prevent icing of water in the sewer system, they must be below the freezing level of the soil.
  • Prolonged lack of drainage, which may be caused by the long absence of the owners. In this case, the bacteria are left without a nutrient medium, as a result of which their colonies die.

To eliminate these reasons, you should be well aware of the rules for using a septic tank and strictly follow them.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The video below explains the main sources of indoor odor and how to eliminate it.

A putrid smell in the house should not be tolerated: it not only irritates the sense of smell, but also contains gases and microorganisms harmful to the body. It is important to identify the source of sewer odor in the apartment as early as possible in order to eliminate it on your own or by involving specialists.

Tell us about how you dealt with negative sewer odor on your own. Please comment on the information we provide in the block below. Here, ask questions, share effective methods of combating odor, and post thematic photos.

Visitor comments
  1. Alexey Alekseev

    Several times I encountered the problem of waste water leaking at the joints of plastic sewer pipes, where the rubber seals are located. Gradually it began to leak more and more strongly. Soon a puddle formed and a smell appeared, as well as dampness. I had to urgently go to the store for silicone sealant and seals for the joints.I disassembled the pipes, replaced the rings and coated them generously with silicone sealant so that they would certainly not leak. I advise you to wear rubber medical gloves on your hands so that the sealant does not damage your skin and nails. I put everything back together in reverse order. Although I am not a plumber at all, but an electrician, I did better than them. This is how I gained new experience.

    The plumbers hastily installed new plastic sewer pipes from the sinks to the riser instead of the old cast iron ones. They secured it poorly, didn’t maintain the slope, and I don’t understand how to do it. Apparently they don’t want to do it in good conscience, even if it’s for money. Well, I was able to correct their mistakes myself.

  2. Valentina

    In all our apartments on the ground floor there was an unbearable stench in the summer during strong winds on the street. And the reason for this was the incorrect layout of the house; garbage from all over the house ended up in the basement, and accordingly, rats walked in crowds under the floor. And the problem was eliminated by correcting the mistakes of the builders - they filled the void with concrete and filled it with crushed stone, since under the wooden joists there was a very thin concrete screed and a huge cellar half a meter deep.

  3. Marat

    There was a problem with odor coming from the washing machine outlet. But everything went away when we thoroughly ran the washing machine with lemon juice, and also poured the mole into the drain. Apparently something is clogged.

  4. Anna Sergeyevna

    It also happens that such a smell comes from neighbors and some do not agree to any persuasion. Therefore, if you encounter a similar problem, I recommend taking a closer look at the odorgon prof. Personally, we were the only ones who saved ourselves when we lived in a rented Khrushchev house.

  5. Andrey

    In my case (apartment building, 1974.buildings) - they plugged the neighboring risers (they blocked the exhaust in them, clogged them), our riser was left normal, there is nowhere for sewer gases to go, they go through our riser, through the bed pipe and not only, they installed it using video filming (from inside the pipe), they are poisoned selectively along the Eastern Administrative District of Golyanovo ,selection of apartments.

    • Olga

      We have tried everything in the apartment, we are doing renovations, we have changed the sewer system, we have rebuilt the walls in the bathrooms, but the smell problem is not being solved, we no longer know what to do, are there any offices that can do an air analysis in the apartment? Can someone tell me in Odessa?

      • Aslan

        Hello Olga
        I also tried everything, although the apartment is new and the pipe joints were sealed
        Please share your experience please

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