Rules for the operation of gas equipment in residential buildings: measures and standards for safe use

One of the main sources of energy today is gas. It is characterized by high combustion temperature, environmental priorities and low cost.However, blue fuel is fraught with danger. When mixed with air it becomes explosive.

Gas is widely used in the production of numerous polymer products and serves as an energy supplier for heating commercial facilities. We constantly encounter its use in everyday life, therefore it is very important to follow the rules for operating gas equipment in residential buildings.

You will learn how to use gas appliances correctly and what is strictly prohibited from doing in our article. Here you will find information on how to act in the event of a gas leak, how often and who should check gas equipment, for what violations the gas service can turn off the supply of blue fuel.

Instructions for use of gas appliances

According to the rules for the operation of gas equipment installed in residential buildings, all consumers of natural gas must ensure the proper operation of gas appliances.

The responsibilities of homeowners include the need to check ventilation and chimneys, as well as organize access to the premises where equipment belonging to the local GorGaz structure is installed.

Composition of domestic gas
Liquefied gas used in everyday life is a mixture of butane and propane. The substance is colorless and odorless. To detect leaks, an odorant (ethyl mercotan) is added to it, which makes the gas smell like a rotten egg.

General requirements for the operation of gas appliances:

  • if there is a smell of gas in the room, using the appliances, you must immediately turn off the tap, open the window, leave the gas-polluted room and call the gas emergency service (it is forbidden to smoke, turn on the lights(!) and other electrical appliances);
  • It is prohibited to gasify houses or repair gas equipment independently and without permits;
  • It is unacceptable to seal ventilation ducts, pockets and “hatches” for cleaning chimneys, to move or “brick up” ventilation systems;
  • It is prohibited to operate gas equipment with the windows closed, no ventilation, and no draft in the chimney;
  • It is strictly prohibited to use the equipment for children under 14 years of age, persons under the influence of alcohol, persons incapacitated, or those who are not familiar with the rules for operating gas appliances;
  • leave operating devices unattended;
  • It is unacceptable to load the gas pipeline (attach ropes to it for drying clothes).

It is strictly forbidden to search for the source of the leak on your own. If you smell gas in the room, the first thing you need to do is turn off the supply of blue fuel and turn off all electrical appliances.

Urgently call a gas emergency or rescue service. Warn neighbors about the current situation and leave the premises.

Requirements for operating a gas stove

Before using a gas stove, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for its safe operation.

Watch out for gas
Responsibility for the operation of the equipment lies with the owners of the apartments in which the devices are installed.

The main conditions for proper operation of a gas stove:

  • the room in which food is prepared must be well ventilated;
  • the operation of the stove must always be monitored (it is forbidden to leave an open flame unattended);
  • after completion of operation, be sure to shut off the gas supply;
  • before starting to use the equipment, you should bring the flame source to the burner and only then turn on the supply of blue fuel;
  • Operation of the equipment should be stopped if: the flame is not visible in all openings, the color of the fire is different from bluish-violet, and flames are observed to break off.

The condition of the gas stove should be checked regularly (by a gas service specialist). It is forbidden to repair a gas stove yourself.

Gas stove
It is prohibited to heat the room with a gas stove. It is also strictly forbidden to independently search for a leak using soap solution or open fire.

GOST 33998-2016 states that cleaning all parts of gas cooking equipment should be as easy as possible. The use of tools for dismantling is prohibited. After cleaning, all parts must be installed in their place.

Thermostats, taps and fuses must be installed in such a way as to ensure ease of maintenance and adjustment. Some parts cannot be removed by the user themselves (nozzles). For this work you need to call a specialist.

Standards for using a geyser

A prerequisite for installing the equipment is the presence of a hood near the ceiling, which will ensure unhindered access of air into the room.

Conditions for proper use:

  • Before using the device, you need to make sure that there is traction (check with a lit match);
  • Be sure to open the window first;
  • after the column is turned on, you again need to make sure there is traction;
  • control water temperature;
  • the system should not be started unnecessarily;
  • Children and untrained people are prohibited from accessing the equipment.

If the traction is insufficient, it is prohibited to use the column. You cannot use the equipment during reverse thrust.

Rules for operating gas equipment
If the boiler automation is faulty or there is other damage, operation of the equipment is prohibited.

It is unacceptable to seal the room where the equipment is installed. Do not leave the gas valve open if the pilot burner is not lit. It is necessary to monitor the flow heater with a burning burner.

Ensuring safe operation of a gas boiler

The igniter can be ignited if there is draft in the chimney. When it burns, you should open the tap on the main burner and light it. If the burner flame goes out, stop the gas supply. Repeat all operations again. After turning on the burner, you need to check the draft again.

Operation of a gas boiler with faulty automation is prohibited. To prevent carbon monoxide from entering your home, you need to regularly check ventilation for gas boiler, the channels of which may become clogged with soot.

The need to monitor gas
To avoid carbon monoxide poisoning, it is recommended to install a CO gas alarm. You can buy it at any gas supply store.

How to use a gas boiler correctly is described in safety rules, compliance with which is mandatory for all owners of autonomous heating systems.

The following conditions must be met:

  • while the equipment is operating, the window must be open;
  • before lighting the boiler, you need to open the chimney damper;
  • before ignition, check the draft;
  • check the chimney regularly (destruction of masonry, freezing and the entry of foreign objects can reduce draft).

Do not forget to prepare equipment for work in the cold season in advance. In winter, when sharp temperature fluctuations are common, you need to carefully monitor gas appliances that use a chimney to remove combustion products.

During snowfall, rain, fog, or strong wind, the draft may disappear or reverse draft may appear, which leads to carbon monoxide entering the room and poisoning its occupants.

New rules for the use of gas in residential premises

All residents of apartment buildings are required to listen to instructions on safety measures when operating gas equipment. The event is held after the conclusion of an agreement with representatives of GorGaz. The instructions are also repeated after each scheduled inspection.

Residents are required to provide GorGaz employees with access to the premises where gas equipment is installed at any time of the day. Otherwise, you will have to pay a considerable fine. If there are no residents in the house or apartment for more than 24 hours, be sure to turn off the gas supply tap.

Conclusion of an agreement with the gas service
New rules require management companies to regularly check basements and ventilation conditions every 10 days.

Residents are required to:

  • keep the ventilation clean;
  • Before starting food preparation, ventilate the room;
  • Do not place flammable furniture close to the stove.

If you smell gas in the room, immediately turn off the tap, open the windows and call emergency services.

Destroyed house
Improper use of gas appliances in residential buildings can lead to dire consequences

The new rules are effective from May 9, 2018.

Checking gas equipment

According to the requirements of the Housing Code, to prevent emergencies, possible leaks and failure of gas equipment, technical services conduct regular inspections. The owner of the property is obliged to provide employees with unhindered access to examine the condition of the devices.

For the safe operation of gas equipment in residential buildings, inspection standards have been established. Gas stoves should be checked every three years, boilers and water heaters once a year. Faulty and outdated equipment must be replaced in a timely manner.

Checking gas equipment
Residents are notified in advance in writing about the time of equipment inspection. This deprives the homeowner of the opportunity to challenge violations identified as a result of the inspection.

During the inspection, specialists must:

  • check the tightness of the fastenings at all joints;
  • make sure there are no leaks in the places where the gas pipeline connects to the gas shut-off point (if necessary, a liquid pressure gauge can be used);
  • carry out a visual inspection of the chimney and hood in residential buildings;
  • check the quality of gas supply to stoves and water heaters;
  • if necessary, adjust the intensity of the supply of blue fuel;
  • check the operation of automation and electronic devices.

If serious violations are detected, the service organization repairs the equipment, replacement of gas taps, pipeline sections. If breakdowns and emergencies occur due to the fault of the owners, the gas supply may be interrupted.

Other possible reasons for turning off the gas supply:

  • the user independently installed gas equipment (additional equipment);
  • when malfunctions are detected (poor ventilation, lack of exhaust hood, insufficient gas concentration);
  • illegal connection to the gas supply network;
  • an emergency has occurred;
  • during repair of gas communications or equipment;
  • in the absence of an agreement with the gas service;
  • the debt for used blue fuel exceeds two billing periods;
  • the consumer does not transmit data on the actual volume of gas used and interferes with the work of regulatory authorities;
  • equipment is used that is not specified in the contract.

20 days before disconnection from gas supply, the consumer must be informed by the gas service with which the contract is concluded service contract. The notice must be in writing with a detailed explanation of the reasons.

Rules that save lives
If an emergency occurs, the gas is shut off without warning.

The total gas outage per month for the purpose of repair work is 4 hours. If this condition is violated, for each extra hour the amount of payment for blue fuel should be reduced by 0.15%.

In the event of an emergency shutdown, the gas may be shut off without warning for a maximum of 24 hours. Gas is supplied within 48 hours. If a subscriber's gas is turned off for non-payment, the first notification is sent to him 40 days, and the second 20 days before the disconnection.

Where, to whom and how to complain about representatives of GorGaz is described in detail in the next articlededicated to this important issue.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

How to properly use gas appliances in a residential area:

The need to comply with the rules for the safe use of gas equipment:

Due to the fact that gas is a flammable combustible substance, increased requirements are put forward for the operation of gas appliances. According to the new rules, responsibility for the condition of gas equipment and ventilation lies with the owners and tenants of residential premises.

Residents are required to provide access to GorGaz employees and emergency services to the premises where the equipment is installed at any time. If there is a gas leak, you must immediately turn off the fuel supply, open the window and call emergency services. It is prohibited to repair leaks or repair equipment yourself.

If you have already undergone training or had your home inspected, please share your experience in the comments. Or maybe you are not satisfied with the work of GorGaz employees and you have your own opinion regarding the rules for operating gas equipment? Share your thoughts with readers in the form below.

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