Where to complain about the gas service: rules for drawing up and filing a complaint against GorGaz

Agree that public utility workers do not always do their job well. Many are being philandering and prefer not to notice citizens’ claims.Unfortunately, GorGaz is also guilty of this.

But all services and organizations in the field of housing and communal services have a government. You just need to know where to complain about the gas service if it is inactive and how to properly file a complaint. We will tell you what to do in the event of a disagreement with a gas supplier, and we will tell you how to force them to perform their duties properly.

What is a complaint in administrative law?

A complaint is an appeal by one or more citizens submitted to an administrative body with a demand for the protection or restoration of rights and legitimate interests. It is one of the types of appeals to official departments. Every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to file a complaint against any organization, incl. and GorGaz.

Claims set out on paper can be personal, individual or collective. Based on the form of presentation, they are divided into oral and written.

Constitution of the Russian Federation
The right of individuals to file various complaints and claims is inalienable and is regulated by Article No. 33 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

It is best to submit written complaints, because... official departments and organizations serving citizens are obliged to respond to such a message.

What GorGaz services can you complain about?

The gas service is a large technical organization that is not state property and an organization accountable to the state. Despite the peculiarities of the work, it has the status of a business entity, remaining a monopolist in its industry.

This should be taken into account when filing a complaint. Those. As a result of filing a complaint, it will be possible to resolve the conflict, but it will not be possible to change the service provider. However, we note that termination of the gas contract It’s quite possible, but then you’ll have to switch to a different type of fuel.

Sobyanin and gas services
GorGaz is a large structure that has no competitors, and therefore can change its terms of service to less favorable ones at any time

The activities of GorGaz are regulated by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation No. 239 and Resolution No. 410. The structure and staff of the gas service are established by the head of the company.

Today GorGaz performs several tasks at once:

  1. Commissions gas supply systems for apartment and private buildings.
  2. Repairs in-house gas equipment if it becomes unusable.
  3. Takes part in the reconstruction of gasified facilities.
  4. Engaged in fuel transportation.
  5. Conducts examination of gas pipelines and related equipment.
  6. Performs technical supervision and maintenance in accordance with agreement concluded with the owner etc.

When filing a complaint, you must indicate the service with which the complainant is dissatisfied. Being specific will help resolve the issue faster. It is precisely because the gas industry plays several roles that consumers experience inconvenience when formulating complaints and receiving decent assistance from the state in case of problems.

Filing a claim in case of debt

Government Decree No. 549 (clause 45) regulates the right of gas workers stop gas supply, if the owner of the residential premises has not paid for this housing and communal services service for 2 months (or more).

At the same time, Article No. 117 of the Rules for the Provision of Public Utilities allows for restriction of gas supply, but not its complete shutdown. The debtor must be notified twice about turning off the gas: 40 and 20 days before the planned sealing of the tap.

Gas service employee
If the problematic situation has reached the point of turning off the gas, it is better to negotiate on the spot and try to pay off the debt as soon as possible

If the gas is completely turned off due to one or two non-payments, homeowners have the right to file a claim with GorGaz. The complaint is made in free form. When drawing up the document, you must indicate that the provisions of Government Resolutions No. 354 and No. 549 were violated. You should also once again familiarize yourself with the clauses of the contract for the provision of gas supply services.

This document must indicate the conditions for possible gas shutdowns and notification rules. For example, gas cannot be turned off for debts if after this the housing becomes uninhabitable. If the terms of the contract were violated, this should be reflected in the claim.

Termination and restoration of gas supply are recorded by special acts. These acts are drawn up in two copies, one of which must remain with the service consumer. When filing a complaint against GorGaz, this act must also be attached to the application and its details must be indicated in the document.

Also, immediately after turning off the gas, you need to call the police. She will not be able to solve the problem, because... this situation is within the framework of administrative legislation.

However, law enforcement officers will draw up a protocol that will record the fact of sealing the gas pipeline and the life history of the residents of the apartment (house) after the gas supply has been cut off. Information about the protocol should also be included in the application.

Police officer
Law enforcement officers can be called at any time of the day or night to record the fact that the gas has been turned off

When drawing up a report, it is necessary to ask the police to look into the problem and respond to this issue in writing. If, when filing a complaint, the applicant has already received an official response from law enforcement agencies, it must also be attached to the rest of the documents.

Complaints in case of emergency and repair

There is no need to complain to the gas service if the reason for turning off the gas in the riser is gas meter installation in any apartment. This is done for security purposes. Gas is also turned off due to various technical malfunctions to prevent its leakage.

Technical reasons for turning off gas include:

  • insufficient pressure;
  • equipment malfunction;
  • damage to the gas pipeline during construction and repair work;
  • breakdowns at the gas distribution station;
  • Emergency, etc.

In the event of an emergency, the gas is turned off without warning. This is carried out even in winter to prevent an emergency. After eliminating the fault, the gas supply must be restored within 2 days. If the deadlines were violated, the applicant has the right to file a corresponding complaint.

New gas pipeline
After eliminating the accident on the gas pipeline, the pipes are checked for defects and, if there are no problems, gas is supplied through them

When planning gas pipeline repairs, residents must be notified 20 days in advance.Per month, due to repair work, it is allowed to turn off the gas for a total of 4 hours. Utility bills will not change in this case.

If the gas is turned off suddenly, you first need to call 04 and find out from the emergency gas service the reason for the shutdown. If they don’t know anything there, you need to contact the Management Company, because... There is always the possibility that a person simply did not notice the announcement of the upcoming repair.

You also need to call the gas supplier at the phone number indicated on the receipt, because... This organization may know the cause of the fault on the line. If such outages happen quite often, you need to send a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor.

Where can I complain about the gas service?

If problems arise with the gas service, you should initially try to resolve the issue at the local level. To begin, you can contact the immediate head of the desired department (manager) or the director of the company. Their contacts can be found on the organization's official website.

Director of the company
The director is the most important person in the company, who can and is obliged to resolve any issues related to claims of service consumers

It is best to write a complaint addressed to the director, indicating the reason for your appeal. This is especially true if a person is dissatisfied with the work of some specific employees of the organization.

Most often this happens due to the employee’s boorish behavior, which is expressed in:

  • obscene and rude statements during work;
  • constant use of abusive language;
  • defiant behavior;
  • wearing inappropriate clothing, etc.

Ignoring a complaint or unsubscribing without specifying reasons on the part of the company’s manager is recognized as a gross violation of Law No. 59 on citizens’ appeals.In the future, this may become the subject of an independent appeal to the prosecutor's office. A competent manager will promptly respond to a complaint and be able to solve the problem in a short time.

Submitting a written response to a complaint
The response to the complaint must be immediate, because any complaint about the organization’s work negatively affects its reputation

If this does not happen, you will have to contact higher authorities. Lawyers recommend sending complaints to several organizations at once: the prosecutor's office, the court, the ministry, etc. This will ensure a quick resolution to the issue.

Appeal to the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation

One of the organizations that can solve the problem with GorGaz is the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation. A special department has been created here that is responsible for receiving complaints from the population and supervising their further consideration.

In this case, you can submit a claim to the department in several ways:

  1. In person, by making an appointment on the appointment day. The schedule for personal reception of citizens can be downloaded on the corresponding page of the official website of the Ministry.
  2. During a telephone conversation (numbers of the Ministry of Energy group for working with citizens’ appeals: +74956318746 and +74956318747).
  3. By mail to the address: 107996, GSP-6, Moscow, st. Shchepkina, 42.
  4. On the website of the Ministry of Energy through a special form for sending requests.

When filing a complaint on the official website of the Ministry, you must log in through the Unified Identification and Authentication System (USIA).

In accordance with paragraph 3 of Art.10 294-FZ “On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state control (supervision) and municipal control”, an inspection by the control and supervisory authority will be carried out only if authorized applicants apply.

Filing a complaint online
Anonymous complaints against gas services are not considered, as they may contain unreliable information and unverified information from unknown sources.

It does not matter from which device the complaint was filed. The Ministry of Energy website displays well on any gadget: tablets, smartphones, computers, etc. You can also file a complaint from any region of Russia or even abroad. The IP number does not affect the processing time of the claim.

Other organizations to file a complaint

You can also complain about the inaction of GorGaz employees to other organizations. They are not specialized, but they help protect the rights of citizens. These institutions can initiate independent inspections of the gas service, as a result of which the perpetrators (if serious violations are identified) may be brought to administrative responsibility.

Such organizations include:

  • Prosecutor's Office;
  • Rospotrebnadzor;
  • Court;
  • Fuel and Energy Committee (FEC);
  • State Housing Inspectorate (a request is sent here to bring the gas service to administrative responsibility under Article 7.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation);
  • Regional Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (through this organization it is best to fight monopolistic companies, using the provisions of Federal Law No. 135);
  • Central Directorate of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Atomic Control;
  • Rostechnadzor (it is this organization that carries out professional state control and supervision in the gas industry);
  • Department of Municipal Control, if there have been violations of urban planning legislation.

In most cases, if problems arise with employees or management of GorGaz, you should contact the prosecutor's office.

It is she who supervises the work of officials and compliance with the law on their part. The prosecutor's office will help protect the interests of applicants if the gas service exceeds its authority and violates the legitimate interests of citizens.

You can also contact the prosecutor's office if applicants have suspicions that there are economic violations or problems within the legal framework in the gas service.

The key rules for filing written complaints to the prosecutor's office are established in the regulatory legal act "Instructions on the procedure for considering appeals and receiving citizens in the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation" No. 45. When drawing up an appeal, it is better to build on the provisions of this document.

Rospotrebnadzor is an official organization that protects consumer rights. It helps resolve issues that arise in cooperation with both government and commercial structures. If a citizen believes that GorGaz has violated contractual obligations, he should contact him here.

Documents from the gas service
Before filing a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor, you must re-read the contract with the service organization and, when drawing up a complaint, rely on the provisions of this document

It is worth going to court if other structures could not help. Also, the judicial authorities allow you to resolve disputes related to material and financial losses.The trial will take place in accordance with the norms of the Civil Procedure Code.

Housing and communal services lawyer
You can write a competent statement of claim for a trial yourself or hire a professional lawyer from a law office to do this.

When going to court, it is better to hire a lawyer in advance to represent the interests of the applicant. A competent lawyer will help you draw up all the documents correctly and objectively present all the facts to the judge.

Also, with the help of a lawyer, you can achieve compensation not only for material, but also for moral damage. Initially, the court considers the application with a claim within 5 days (based on Article No. 133 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation).

Filing a complaint about the work of GorGaz

A complaint against GorGaz is drawn up in Russian, regardless of the applicant’s native language. Existing regulations do not regulate the exact sample of the claim. The document should contain the main causes of the conflict and the individual circumstances of the situation, but it can be written in free form.

Complaint against gas workers
This is one of the options for filing a complaint against the gas service, indicating the reason for the complaint and the grounds for demanding the provision of quality services

But at the same time, the complaint must be drawn up according to the general rules of business correspondence. When preparing it, you must not use obscene language, speak impartially about anyone, or allow emotional statements. Also, errors, corrections and blots are not allowed in the claim.

The complaint must be written in simple language and contain only important information on the topic:

  • full name of the body to which the claim is filed;
  • details and contact details of the applicant (including postal address to which the response can be sent);
  • the essence of the problem indicating the time period for receiving low-quality services;
  • details (legal address, contacts, etc.) of the company against which the complaint is being written;
  • information from the subscription service agreement concluded between GorGaz and the applicant;
  • the applicant's demands (material and moral compensation);
  • the period of time during which the applicant waits for a response, etc.

At the end of the document you should put a date and sign. The complaint should be written in clear handwriting or typed on a computer. The information provided in the document must be reliable. Providing false information may result in administrative liability.

If the applicant has the opportunity to provide documentary evidence, you need to include links to these papers in the text of the complaint against the gas service or attach copies of them to the complaint.

Original with duplicate
The document must be executed in two copies, since one copy is submitted for consideration, and the second remains with the applicant

When submitting the paper, you must ask that the applicant’s copy be marked with a note indicating that the claim has been submitted for consideration. Also, instead, the person may be given a receipt for receipt of documents.

The receipt indicates the date of submission of the application and the name of the responsible person who accepted the documents. It is from this date that the deadline for the applicant’s official response begins.

The time within which government organizations are required to respond to a civil appeal is described by Federal Law No. 59. Based on this regulatory act, a response to a complaint must be expected within 10-30 days from the date of its filing. To speed up the procedure, you can file a claim collectively. Collective complaints are always considered first.

Package of additional documents for submission

A number of other documents must be attached to the complaint. They will serve as additional evidence of the applicant’s words and the basis of his rights.

These papers include:

  • certificate of ownership of the apartment or an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (a purchase and sale agreement or deed of gift is not required);
  • maintenance contract;
  • act on the latest maintenance of gas equipment;
  • receipts confirming the absence of debts (if there really is no debt);
  • results of the examination of the housing department of the administration;
  • copies of claims that were previously filed and responses to them.

The applicant must also attach his passport to the claim. Those. When filing a complaint, it is necessary to prove the illegality of the actions of the gas workers.

If you have utility debts, you should write an additional separate application for debt restructuring and pay it in installments if you cannot pay off the debt in one payment.

Using a gas stove
If there is no gas supply agreement, it is still considered concluded if the subscriber actually used gas

The possibility of actually concluding an agreement is regulated by Part 1 of Article No. 540 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. It says that the subscription service agreement is considered concluded from the moment the object is first actually connected to the network in the prescribed manner. In this case, it is considered signed for an indefinite period, unless otherwise provided by agreement of the parties.

If the applicant files a complaint in connection with a gas shutoff, he can also provide documents confirming the material costs that had to be incurred due to sealing the gas pipeline.

These could be purchase receipts. electric heater or receipts for replacing frozen gas pipes (for example, they froze severely when the gas was turned off, and after heating they cracked). Such expenses are more typical for private homes.

Who to call or write a complaint to, if there is no heating, learn from the next article.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Detailed information on where and how to file a complaint about the gas service can be found in the video below:

If there are any complaints about the work of GorGaz, a complaint should be filed against the organization with government departments. The choice of one or another official body depends on the nature of the complaint.

Tell us about how you filed a complaint against the GorGaz department that serves you. Share your own experience in solving the issue and useful information that site visitors can use. Please write comments in the block form below and ask questions.

Visitor comments
  1. Julia

    The column is broken. They called for three weeks. They only feed you with promises, either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, or even redirected to the emergency service (which is not obliged!) to repair the pump! They work disgustingly!

    The dispatcher is rude, speaks in a raised voice and hangs up. Why am I paying 1,500 rubles a year? Answer me?! I pay for the service! And where is the service? PEOPLE DO NOT WORK FOR ANYTHING!

    • Expert
      Amir Gumarov

      Hello. If your application has not been registered, the complaint will be of no use. I advise you to go to Gorgaz and write a complaint addressed to the boss in 2 copies. And let them approve the application. And then to the prosecutor’s office or Rospotrebnadzor.

      • Maksim

        You are mistaken if you think that gas service workers are obliged to come and fix problems. It’s as if there hasn’t been anything like this for like 25 years.The trusts are not part of Rostekhnadzor and do not bear any obligations to subscribers. The contract is concluded only at TOVDGO, and repairs are carried out by any specialized organization. There are a lot of them now.
        In short, solve your problems yourself

      • Maksim

        The only thing they are required to do is turn off the faulty device and install a plug. And they don’t care what the consumer will do with it. If he wants, let him take it to any specialized workshop or buy a new one. When the device is in working order and available, it will re-apply for connection. This completes the mandatory functionality of the city gas service today.

      • Maksim

        And in general, get used to having your equipment repaired by certified service centers. Expensive, but high quality. They take their money to solve problems. Probably soon TOVDGO services owned by Gazprom. I would like to especially note the “contract agreement”, according to which no one owes anyone anything.
        Which appeared after the decision of the Federal Antimonopoly Service on free competition.
        Because of which trusts throughout Russia were quickly formally bankrupted and resold to the new owner Gazprom
        And as a result of which citizens had the opportunity to massively evade TOVDGO
        Because of which, subscribers began not only to not allow, but often to be rude, because no work is being done to hold them accountable for evading TOVDGO.
        OFAS supposedly wanted other players to appear on the market, but in fact what happened was that many consumers stopped carrying out TOVDGO altogether.
        If the first few years after the decision of the Federal Antimonopoly Service and the separation of payment for TOVDGO from gas tariffs, city gas companies somehow lived on their own and solved problems with turnover.Now that everyone has figured out that they don’t have to pay, the last specialists have left. So you can no longer rely on trusts. In general, the situation is similar everywhere. Somewhere a little worse. Experienced employees have all quit, and new ones are no longer willing to join, since the reputation of the city gas companies is very bad.

        • Tatiana

          Why then are they needed??? Let there be only service centers then, if you have to do everything yourself, why make life difficult for people, and so it’s a complete disgrace everywhere... They don’t want to work, but they get paid...

    • Maksim

      You pay for VDGO maintenance, which is a one-time, one-time service. It does not include any calls or subsequent repairs. Yes, city gas companies now have a problem with personnel. Gorgaz mechanics refuse to tolerate the boorish attitude of subscribers who en masse deny access in order not to pay for TOVDGO services and quit. Moreover, this is happening all over Russia. What is your problem, contact another service department. Pay them 2000 for departure and 4000 for repairs. There is no use calling the trust. They won't come. And even if they come to do it, they will probably refuse. Equipment repair is not their responsibility. It is carried out according to circumstances. It all depends on the availability of components in stores and the complexity of the malfunction. And in any case, it is done for money.

      • Ivan Ivanovich

        Why doesn’t the homeowner himself have the right to choose who will carry out VDGO maintenance??? And the raygaz simply and “stupidly” are engaged in extortion and extortion, because They cannot service expensive gas equipment at Priory, because...they have no relationships or contracts with copyright holders and manufacturers' representatives!!!! And they can’t!!!!! They put soap on the taps - and that’s it! And for this you have to pay 4000 rubles!!! Is this normal???? And in fact, in the certificate of completion of work - “they serviced the Imergaz boiler and the Samsung stove”....100% scammers. in the City, for example, there are 20,000 private houses, 80 million out of the blue, for “smearing soap” on the taps, this can only happen in our native country. And the article of the constitution is dead, what kind of inviolability of the home can we talk about??? If rygazy threatens to cut off the gas openly if I don’t let the crooks into my home!!!!!!

  2. Gulya

    I am a mother of many children. I am registered and live in the village, but I have a room in Kuznetsk with a shared kitchen. And the receipts come for payment for 5 people, but they should be for 1 person, because... no one is registered there. Already all the documents that were needed were taken, but to no avail...

    • Expert
      Amir Gumarov

      Hello. As I understand it, is your room in a communal apartment or common property in an ordinary apartment with division of shares? The fact that you have many children (and no doubt take advantage of the established benefits for such families at your place of registration!?) does not play much significance here. As for the appearance of non-residential owners in the receipt, on January 1, 2017, changes to PP No. 354 came into force: “56(2). In the absence of citizens permanently or temporarily residing in a residential premises, the volume of utilities is calculated taking into account the number of owners of such premises«.

      You should find out what the 5 people are on your receipt.

      1. Perhaps you do not have separate bills in the apartment and, accordingly, all residents are included in the receipt. Then you should use Art. 249 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation: “Each participant in shared ownership is obliged, in proportion to his share, to participate in the payment of taxes, fees and other payments on the common property, as well as in the costs of its maintenance and preservation“, and split the bills. In general, this option would explain everything.

      2. All family members are considered for you. And this is an illegal action. “They took all the documents” - what documents did you take? What do they tell you in response, how do they motivate the number of people on the receipt? You haven't given us enough information to think about. If the room has one owner, there is a division of accounts, then you should go to the prosecutor's office with a statement about the illegality of the payments.

      3. If you have no registered residents in your communal apartment, accruals should only be based on the number of OWNERS! If the apartment is shared with children, as is often the case (and should be) when buying with an MK, the charges are quite understandable.

      Here, in any case, you need to find out - look at your neighbors’ receipts, see whether your charges are divided or not, what kind of people are on the receipt, and so on. We can only guess right now without further information.

      • Elena

        On January 1, 2017, changes to PP No. 354 came into force: “56(2). In the absence of citizens permanently or temporarily residing in a residential premises, the volume of utilities is calculated taking into account the number of owners of such premises...”

        Tell me, please: if the agreement with GorGaz was concluded in 2019, do they have the right to charge all owners from 2017???

        The fact is that since 2017 there have been no debts. A receipt arrived for the old owner. Payment was per person. And in 2019, I entered into an agreement with GorGaz, after which we were counted 5,490 rubles for 4 owners. I'm stumped.Help, I don’t know what to do: pay or sue?

      • Natalia

        Please tell me what to do in this case, if in a multi-apartment three-story residential building without gas supply, the neighbors use a large gas cylinder without permission. We live above them. This situation is very worrying, since many cases of gas leaks occur every day and pose a great threat to residents, many deaths. What to do, where to go? They responded to the request to remove the cylinder, but after a while they installed it again.

  3. Nadezhda Nikolayevna

    Please explain to me about the gas agreement. The contract states that it is valid for 3 years. And how many years have we been paying 1300 rubles to GorGaz every year?

    I asked why gas workers do this? They are stirring things up, because it is profitable for them to charge us every year for the contract - for maintenance and repair of in-house gas services.

    Please answer, why is the contract written for 3 years, but they charge for each year? Thank you, we will wait.

    • Maksim

      This, according to Resolution 410, is carried out annually.
      Money is charged not for the contract but for the services actually provided.

    • Tatiana

      The thermostat on the boiler failed, the boiler went out, they called an emergency light, they arrived, turned a bolt on the boiler, they said it would be hot to turn the bolt with a screwdriver and left, the next day I called Gorgaz to fix the malfunction of the thermostat (included in the list of works for OVDGO), they said what is paid, the question arises, why should I pay again if I have already paid

  4. Rose

    It seems to me that the gas is very diluted with air. Please tell me if there are any standards, please advise who can check the actual composition of the fuel?

  5. Natalia

    We have been living in Astrakhan for more than two years; gas payment receipts have not arrived; we contacted the Gas Region, but there is no point. They tell us to write on a piece of paper, but excuse me, it’s already the 21st century, they bring it to our neighbors and we don’t have anything we need to do to get receipts.

    • Maksim

      You probably called the emergency gas service several years ago and they probably turned off your gas, and you removed the plug yourself, but no one has noticed this fact yet

  6. Andrey

    Tell me please, gas workers came to our place yesterday and concluded contracts; my contract was concluded for three years, so they forced me to sign an agreement on the addition, is this normal?

  7. Olga

    Hello! I wanted to install the gas meter, but before I could enter the office, they started to be rude and speak in a raised voice, I turned around and left. How to force polite treatment of clients.

  8. Catherine

    We complained to FAS about Gorgaz for inaction, I explain: the contract for gasification of a residential building expired in 2018, during the period of concluding the contract in 2017, only installation work was carried out to install pipes along the facade and pipe connections inside the house to the boiler and gas stove and on This is where everything stopped, no one answers calls, no one answers written complaints. I received a letter from the FAS, to put it simply, we can’t do anything, we had to complain in 2019... And now we’re sitting without heating, the only way we heat ourselves in the winter is with a floor fan heater and that’s it. Where can I go with a complaint, a claim, I have no interest in punishing anyone, just want the gas to be connected.

  9. Volkova Olga Mikhailovna

    In the Blinovo microdistrict, next to the post office, next to a gas filling tank serving several multi-storey buildings, a store is being built despite the protests of residents. How explosive is it?

    Attached photos:
    • Suyushkina Maria

      They made an appointment at 15:30 to draw up a maintenance agreement, stayed until 17:10 and didn’t accept it, slammed the doors in my face, got into the car and drove away

  10. Maria

    Good afternoon, I have a question, we decided to change the gas boiler in our private house to a boiler of higher power, when we contacted the gas service to connect the boiler, we were told that a new project was needed (cost almost 14,000 rubles), because . our project is already old and the new boiler is wall-mounted, and the old one is floor-standing, you also need to pay for the gas connection (almost 10,000 rubles), install a new meter, gas analyzer and install new pipes. We've been waiting for 2 months now, it's cold outside, there's no heating or hot water in the house. The duration of the work under the contract is 1 year. Tell me what to do?

  11. Kirill

    Hello, please tell me, for more than 1.5 months Gorgaz has been working on my application to move the gas meter in a new building, after paying for the project to move the meter in the amount of 4300, I find out the amount for welding work to move the meter is about 27,000 rubles, although in words a different amount was given .
    How and to whom can one complain about such unheard-of costs for the work of the welding team, totaling more than 30 thousand for the project, when moving only a gas meter, cutting off 2 pipes and welding 2 pipes. And how can you check the tariffs for their work? They give you an invoice and pay, naturally, at the cash register.

  12. Victor

    Hello!!! today December 24, 2020 at the address: Tambov region, Pervomaisky district, Zmeevka village, Zmeevka street 7 "A". An unidentified truck completely damaged my gas line. Arriving workers from the regional gas company de-energized the gas leak from the main pipeline. But they did not draw up an inspection report for me regarding the damage. This fact of damage was recorded by photography. Why wasn’t the relevant documents provided to me for further proceedings by higher authorities? Attaching photo. IN AND. Afanasiev contact phone: 8-9264931150.

  13. Marina

    I work in an emergency gas service, a gas mechanic, my boss is forcing me to go check gas meters during my working hours, he says if you don’t go, he’ll fire you, what should I do?

  14. Anatoly

    On October 15, 2020, according to receipt 201015-1000-3706712-01, I paid in the amount of 1161.22 rubles for the maintenance of my gas equipment. But the service has not been carried out to date.
    Why has it not been carried out and when will maintenance be carried out?
    My personal account is 00108148. Address 420036, Kazan, st. Koltsevaya, building 9, apt. 3.

  15. Valya

    Good afternoon Gorgaz obliges us to dismantle the gas water heater in the bathroom. we want to challenge, because the gas water heater is provided for by the project, is located in a separate room (non-residential), the room has forced ventilation, a chimney, a window and the front door goes out onto the street, not into another room. The ceiling height is more than 2.0 m. Do we have a chance to achieve a positive solution for our side?

  16. Olga Ivanovna

    Is it even possible to call Gorgaz to leave meter readings? or did they blacklist the number?Next! An appointment for repairs or consultation on a breakdown is made no earlier than a week later, for which the technicians give out their phone numbers. and directly, without a receipt, you can call your specialists literally within 2 days. Rearranging the meter is done just as quickly, directly, without receipts, within 3 days, through the dispatcher, you have to wait a month. Moreover, the dispatcher knows perfectly well what the craftsmen are doing and where, bypassing the receipts, the craftsmen should share with them. The fact that the dispatcher is simply rude has been known for a long time, in my opinion the management is satisfied with such work, otherwise they would have changed it long ago. If I DARE to make a remark to the insolent staff at one time, my address was blacklisted and with every call, the dispatcher reminds me of this. Taking into account previous complaints from the population, I will write a complaint to Razvozhaev’s reception and send a letter by MAIL to Putin’s reception. In my opinion, this mess is not able to be eliminated by the current leadership, and I have something to write about. The fish rots from the head and here the entire management should be driven off the trough, since it is not able to teach its hired workers how to work. Ukraine seems to reign here.

  17. Phil

    The neighbor is heating the bathhouse with gas without permits or projects. He simply pulls out a hose from the underground, which goes through the garden (underground, under the beds) to the bathhouse. To start the gas, he lights a couple of boards, and then turns on the gas. Repeated calls to the Gas service did not lead to anything - the city is small and apparently someone informs them about the emergency signal and the neighbors turn off the gas, throw more boards... Like there are coals burning...I repeatedly told them - at least seal all the threaded connections in the house - no action... What to do?

    • Maksim

      Score. If an external inspection does not reveal facts of illegal tapping without court approval, no one will break down the walls in his house and look for where he walled up the pipe, and no one will carry out excavations on the site either.

  18. Tatiana

    Hello, we are a large family, we had a debt for gas, we paid it, but there were almost 8 thousand left, we do not refuse to pay, but since my husband works alone, I am not able to pay for everything at once, but to connect They don’t want to until we pay in full, what should we do?

  19. Tatiana

    There is a public property running through the plot that belongs to me by right of ownership (read further as a gas pipe), which blocks my passage to the plot. I contacted the raygas service with a request for gas to raise the arch to provide access to the site. I was quoted the amount of work in the region of 400,000 rubles. The price is prohibitive... as it turned out, raygas does not have any documents for this pipe and the tapping into the pipe is illegal. how to fight, CAN SOMEONE TELL ME

  20. Svetlana

    Hello, the contract was drawn up for 3 years, for 3 years there was no one thing, they work disgustingly, I look into my wallet and don’t run away to do anything until you pay them, I bought a new stove to reconnect it, they counted 1381, the bill included calling a mechanic, second, replacing the gas stove, rearranging using a new liner with gas start and adjustment 822r and the third installation of a flexible hose 411r, and go to another village to get this done and then they will call and come to another village to pay again, although I read that you only have to pay for the installation of equipment, where can you find it on they are under control, they also take money past the cash register when something is being repaired

    • Irina Kuznetsova Kandalaksha

      The time has come to change the gas meter, I bought a new one, I came to Gorgaz and they asked me for a passport, a certificate of ownership of the apartment. On what basis does this organization require these documents? I’m 74 years old, my legs hurt, and all the ensuing consequences, I don’t understand why the city gas authority needs to know the details of my life, when changing electricity, cold, water meters, such documents are not required when changing electricity meters,

    • Maksim

      Not expensive overall.
      There is no need to look for management. Just claim through the cashier.
      They will give you a bill of 3-6 thousand rubles without any problems.
      Better yet, contact a specialized service center.
      There, as a rule, departure to the threshold is something around 1500

  21. Julia

    Why are beneficiaries forced to buy empty cylinders from gas workers for 4400 rubles, low-income people with many children and pensioners

  22. Michael

    more than once from connecting the gas meter and replacing it on time, the gas service did not come and look, but during this time the wife was doing repairs and painting the kitchen and in one go she painted the gas meter and the liner, and there were stickers considered to be seals, so she painted them over and now they came to inform me that the meter had been replaced and the seals were painted over and slapped me with a fine of 12,450 rubles; they did it right or not, we don’t know where to turn; I’m a pensioner; my wife doesn’t work; the pension is 19,450 rubles; -to warn and they don’t care, we’ll fine you and everything’s fine, but explosions because of their oversights are normal, pay money for inspection of gas equipment but there won’t be any inspection, but fines for painting seals are just us, so explosions happen and who’s to blame, that’s the problem, the owner of the house where the gas is installed and the gas workers will come more than once without checking the gas installations only when they say that they need to change the gas meter and there are no seals for the gas meter, just pay for checking and adjusting the gas equipment, but if you explode, we will blame it on you, but we ourselves received money for the service and that’s it it’s okay, but let the uncle serve, and we got the money and everything is correct, we understood the policy of Gorgaz and where should we go if we heat with gas, a rope around our necks and be silent, otherwise they will turn off the gas

  23. Hope

    Why does this organization not answer phone numbers? calls. I called on the phone for the second day. 422-24-00.

  24. Natalia

    Why does the regional gas company in Novosibirsk have such outrageous prices for connecting a gas stove in an apartment?!! The prices are unbelievable! It’s easier to buy and use an electric stove for that amount!!! Moreover, I called another company - they do all this much cheaper, but the regional gas company is a monopoly and will not sign the documents!!! mockery!!!

  25. Tatiana

    Tell me where to complain if the city gas station does not pay any payments not for travel..no 13 salaries, what to do if the director of Koasnodar does not sign an agreement for payments

    • Administration

      Good afternoon. We advise you to contact the labor inspectorate regarding this issue.

  26. novel

    In May, a gas bill arrived (for April) of more than 2000 rubles, although there has never been more than 600 rubles (private house) in 4 years. They always paid regularly without any debts. I remembered that in mid-April a girl from the customer service called - your meter readings were lower than the previous ones and asked for clarification. Since I didn’t have a meter at hand (sorry, I’m working), I asked to add about 100 cubic meters to the previous reading. Result - it was 3969, now it’s 4345 - what is this? I don’t even know how to explain it - the voice seemed to show no signs of intoxication or drug haze, but the fact is obvious. I called the customer service, the answer was - I don’t know where you got these readings from and who called you... Curtain. There is no use in complaining about them - they are private traders. Oh yes, then I looked at the readings and discovered that nothing was underestimated - the readings at the time of the call were 3969 - 4069, exactly 100k. It’s too late to rush around - I’ve already paid. What was it?

    • Administration

      Good evening. Most likely there was an operator error. Are your actual figures now lower than what you invoiced? Pay less next month.

  27. Alexandra

    Hello.When in Krasnodar to the boiler room of the MKD on the street. Mussorgsky. 3 gas will finally arrive. The gas pipe is connected to the boiler room of the MKD. The boiler room is ready.

  28. Julia

    Hello! We contacted the gas service to replace a gas furnace. We were told that if the furnace is not equipped with gas control, then we will not install it, they referred to 410 government decree, but 410 does not say anything that the furnace must be equipped with a gas function. control. Please tell me what to do and where to go?

  29. Dmitriy

    Good afternoon The problem is the following, the receipt says that the annual maintenance of gas equipment in our apartment is overdue, and a telephone number is indicated for making an appointment and calling a technician. But they didn’t pick up the phone for three days; I kept calling and waiting all the time, and the call was interrupted not on my part, after about 13 minutes of waiting. Hence the question, I don’t intend to sit on the phone forever and call, and I don’t have so much free time, in fact I don’t refuse to carry out this maintenance, but it’s not my fault that this doesn’t happen - what can follow from this situation?

  30. Peter

    I paid for maintenance and inspections on time, but the work in fact boiled down to a quick visual inspection, as a result, due to tightening of the bronze DU-25 tap with a gas wrench No. 3 by gas mechanics, the tap burst 6 years ago, but no one saw it all these years. The paint (the inlet was painted every three years) leaked into the cracks twice; the gas analyzer was triggered repeatedly due to gas entering the room through the ventilation and turned off the gas. After calling the emergency crew (they put on a bandage of duct tape and left; they refused to change the faucet I provided), I called a mechanic from Gorgaz, as they said, and they changed the faucet for me for a fee.The passport for the ball valve states that it does not require maintenance and has a year of manufacturer’s warranty (the valve is made in Belarus). Nevertheless, all these years I have been paying for the maintenance of the gas tap (annually more than half of its cost - 380 rubles) and, despite the factory guarantees, they continue to demand money from me for “maintenance”. I would like to know what kind of chaos this is and how to force Tulgorgaz to comply with the contract for checking the external gas pipeline so as not to explode and not restart the boiler in the winter, and whether I should not be returned unspent money for lack of action under the contract. If you could see how insulating flanges are checked against paint using a Chinese ohm tester instead of a megohmmeter...

  31. Peter

    By the way, I paid for the replacement of the tap, coupling and drive (I purchased everything myself, there are receipts), mutilated by the Gorgaz workers, in the amount of 2000 rubles (for 36 minutes of work!) I provided the mechanic with all the necessary tools, including a 38-mm open-end wrench and torque wrenches. The gas worker only had a screwdriver, two gas wrenches and a winder with him! The mechanic repaired everything and checked for leaks for the first time ever! time, my remnant, wrote down in the journal for the repair of gas equipment (also mine, he had nothing except a cash register with unreadable receipts) that everything was checked and serviced... And I continue to receive receipts for inspection and service, that is, I am also a slacker should, and the prices have been raised even higher,
    now it’s 287 rubles per month, 3444 rubles per year! Is it really impossible to make Tulagorgaz work and who should monitor how they do not provide services, but simply collect money, create emergency situations and endanger the lives and property of consumers.When asked about inspections, the chief engineer of Gorgaz replied that they conduct them every month, everywhere they answer that once a year, but in fact not even every year!

  32. Victor

    They signed a contract for 1 year. They never came and inspected the gas equipment. And now they demand to conclude a new contract with Gorgaz. I told them why they were not fulfilling their obligations under the contract. Then they told me that if I don’t conclude an contract, they will send me a fine .is all this legal?

  33. Vadim

    Today, July 24, 2023, a gas pipe was laid along SNT Lugovaya Street (Iglino). Before starting work, I warned the supervisor that sewerage was taking place under the road. He indicated the place where the pipe passes.
    As a result, they tore out the pipe and then buried it.
    When asked who would restore, they did not answer anything, and they also began to threaten.

  34. Alekperova Vita

    They put plugs in for people and turned off the gas until the whole house almost agreed to do the redevelopment
    I was absent for almost a year - I was visiting sick parents in another country - my neighbors informed them about this - I received a lawsuit from the Mytishchi Gas Utilities that I did not provide access to the apartment for 6000 rubles!! How valid is the claim?
    And what’s interesting is that our house was checked for malfunctions of gas equipment and its redevelopment 4 months before their second coming)))))))))

  35. Olga

    We've never been here in 5 years, they came, screwed up something in the boiler, then we turned on the boiler and almost took off - we broke the valve.

  36. Alyona

    Hello! Please tell me what is the best way to do it... my retired mother called the gas workers to check the gas pump, they eventually forced her to change it, they brought their own pump... when I arrived home the next day, I discovered a defect... the bottom of the equipment was bent and the battery compartment was bent... on request to return the column, the installer said that we dented it ourselves, go to court... the receipt and did not leave any documents for the equipment for my mother

    Attached photos:
  37. Alyona

    Hello! Please tell me what is the best way to do it... my retired mother called the gas workers to check the gas pump, they eventually forced her to change it, they brought their own pump... when I arrived home the next day, I discovered a defect... the bottom of the equipment was bent and the battery compartment was bent... on When she asked to return the column, the installer said that we had dented it ourselves, go to court... and they didn’t leave her any documents, not even a receipt.

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