Fines for gas meters: reasons for imposing fines for meters and amounts of penalties

Gas meters make it possible to pay only for the amount of fuel that was actually used by you.Which quite often turns out to be very beneficial to consumers. But to selection and purchase, installation and operation of the flow meter did not result in unnecessary expenses and headaches; you should follow the rules and be guided by the letter of the law in this matter.

Agree that paying a fine for gas meters, or rather for their improper installation or use, is not the most pleasant waste of money. Avoiding numerous sanctions is quite simple. And all you need to do is know and comply with the requirements of the law. In our article we will talk in detail about what you can be fined for and what to do correctly in a given situation regarding the installation or operation of a gas meter.

When are fines for gas meters?

Gas consumers may be punished for improper use of equipment designed to control gas consumption in several situations.

Thus, actions or inactions of gas users may result in fines in the following cases:

  • in case of intentional damage to seals, imposed by so-called authorized officials (representatives of Gorgaz (raygaz);
  • in case of failure to report a breakdown counter;
  • in case of unauthorized connection of the meter to existing gas networks;
  • in case of violation of the current rules of safe use in-house gas equipment.

All of the above actions can be regarded as a violation in accordance with the requirements specified in the Code of Administrative Offenses and the Criminal Code. Namely in Art. 7.19, Art. 9.23, and Art. 19.2 current version Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation . IN Criminal Code of the Russian Federation fines for incorrect use of meters are discussed in Art. 158, Art. 215.3.

What are consumers fined for?
Consumers should remember that they are responsible not only for reading their gas meter, but also for the accuracy and performance of the device. Therefore, its serviceability should be monitored on a regular basis and the necessary checks should be performed. And if necessary, take timely measures to troubleshoot problems and perform replacements. That is, inform the gas workers about any problems that have arisen.

And then about the above reasons in detail.

Reason #1 - intentional damage to seals

Intentional damage to seals may result in a warning or a fine of 100-300 rubles. Not impressed by the amount? But a minor fine can only be part of the sanctions, and the most insignificant. Since in a number of cases, representatives of city gas companies (raigaz companies) have the right to consider deliberate damage to officially installed seals on meters as an attempt at unaccounted consumption.

Sanctions for these actions are provided for in Article 7.19 of the current Code of Administrative Offences. Where this act is called unauthorized connection to gas pipelines. For this, a gas consumer who violated legal requirements will have to transfer 10-15 thousand rubles to the budget.

Gas meter
Gas meters are equipment designed to monitor energy consumption. And you shouldn’t interfere with its work, which will avoid troubles

In the case where the deliberate breaking of the seals placed by the gas workers is recognized as a repeated unauthorized connection, the amount of the fine will be at least 80 thousand rubles. This is stated in Art. 215.3 of the current version of the Criminal Code.

But all of the listed penalties for unaccounted use of fuel can be applied if it is proven that this violation was committed intentionally.

Reason #2 - nNot message about meter failure

When users identify a malfunction of the gas flow monitoring device, they should immediately notify the gas distribution company.

If this is not done, the fact that the meter is not working will be detected by specialists from the gas distribution company during the first check. And such an act can be regarded as an unauthorized connection to gas pipelines. In this case, sanctions are threatened, the amounts of which are identical to those specified in the previous paragraph of the article.

Damaged filling
Even an accidentally damaged filling can cause major financial problems. Therefore, immediately after identifying a problem, it should be immediately reported to the responsible persons of the gas distribution company.

You should be aware that a fine for failure to report a faulty gas meter can also be imposed due to a misunderstanding. Practice shows that this is exactly what happens periodically if a consumer, who has detected a breakdown of the control device, calls 04 or any other established number for the emergency services. Operators of which are obliged to transfer this information to representatives of gas distribution companies.

But sometimes, due to confusion, the necessary information is not provided or is not provided in full by the duty service.As a result, it is believed that the arriving gas workers discovered the breakdown and, accordingly, there is a basis for imposing sanctions.

In such cases, you will have to prove that you are right, which is sometimes not easy. Therefore, the situation should not be left to chance, but it is better to immediately report the problem to both authorities.

Reason #3 - withunauthorized connection to gas pipelines

This type of violation was mentioned in every paragraph of the article. And this is no coincidence, since consumers cause the greatest damage to the state precisely because of unaccounted gas consumption.

Therefore, the legislation provides for severe enforcement measures. And almost any wrong action by the consumer, provided there is intent, can result in a fine for this act.

Gas meter failure
If for some reason you do not report a problem with the gas meter in a timely manner, then representatives of the gas distribution company have the right to regard this as an attempt to use the situation for personal gain. What can be expensive

To clearly understand the situation, it should be understood that unauthorized connection of the meter with intent is considered:

  • Gas consumption in a situation where a fuel consumption monitoring device is installed in the gas pipeline structure on its own or with the involvement of an unqualified craftsman who does not have the right to such work. According to the rules meter installation must be carried out by official representatives of the gas distribution company, followed by sealing and preparation of accounting documentation.
  • Gas consumption when the meter does not record the fuel used, and the consumer has not reported this to the gas distribution company.
  • Damage to an officially installed seal, if the consumer did not report this and continued to use gas equipment.
  • Using any illegal methods or devices to reduce meter gas consumption.

The peculiarity of each indicated case is self-interest. Which did not occur during the commission of the acts described in the previous paragraphs of the article.

Unauthorized connection
Please note that the most severe penalties are provided for cases of unauthorized connection of any equipment to gas pipelines. And this category of violations includes situations with a torn seal and a broken meter, which were not reported to the gas workers

Moreover, self-interest is the reason that the act is considered intentional, which is the basis for the accrual of penalties. And many times more impressive than in most other cases.

Unauthorized connection of the meter to gas pipelines is punishable according to the articles mentioned above:

  • Code of Administrative Offenses, Art. 7.19;
  • Criminal Code, Art. 215.3, as well as Art. 158.

The punishment of the offender in each specific situation depends on the severity of the crime.

Thus, a fine will be imposed in accordance with the above article of the Code of Administrative Offenses and its amount will be in the range of considerable 10-15 thousand rubles, if a violation, which can be interpreted as unauthorized connection of measuring equipment, is committed:

  • first;
  • without collusion with other persons;
  • without consequences in the form of accidents.

If the act of a gas consumer contradicts the characteristics specified in any of the 3 points, then it will be classified as a criminal offense. And the punishment will be imposed in accordance with Article 215.3 of the Criminal Code, which states that a person who has made an unauthorized connection to any gas pipeline again must pay a fine, the amount of which can reach an impressive 80 thousand rubles.

In some cases, the amount of the fine may not be fixed, but equal to wages or any other income for the last six months.

Gas theft
The only thing worse than unauthorized connection is gas theft. Fines for theft reach hundreds of thousands of rubles. Moreover, these sanctions are imposed both for theft and for equivalent repeated unauthorized connection

The above act, committed for selfish purposes and resulting in damage to gas pipelines and equipment used with it, will lead to a fine that will have to be paid for many years. Since its size will be in the range of 400-500 thousand rubles. In any other case, everything will end with a restriction of freedom or its deprivation.

You should know that in Art. 158 no longer includes the term “unauthorized connection”, since the offense is called “theft from a gas pipeline”. For which there is a rather impressive fine. So the violator will have to part with at least a hundred thousand rubles. And the maximum size is set at half a million rubles.

The fine of the specified amounts may be replaced by another punishment. Namely, the culprit will have to transfer his income (for example, wages) to the state for 1-3 years. In this case, payments are made in installments, the amount of which will be equal to the percentage of actual income established by the court or a fixed amount.

It should also be remembered that most methods of unauthorized connection are dangerous to the life of the offender himself and those nearby.

Reason #4 - nviolation of safety rules

Domestic legislation requires that gas consumers promptly carry out maintenance and repair work on the gas equipment they use. And, if this requirement is not met, then the culprit faces punishment in the form of a fine in the amount of 1-2 thousand rubles.

We recommend that you read the information on how to check gas meter without removal at home.

Security measures
If a gas consumer, through his actions, creates a threat to the lives of nearby citizens, then he must be punished - this is stated in the requirements set out in the legislation. Therefore, all work with meters must be carried out in a timely manner and in full.

How much will he have to pay if the consumer did not allow representatives of gas organizations into the home who arrived to check, service or repair meters?

The fine for untimely replacement of the used gas meter will be 1-2 thousand rubles. This rule is relevant if the specified operation is necessary in accordance with the rules for ensuring the safe use of gas equipment in the home, and the consumer avoids fulfilling his duties.

We have reviewed in detail the procedure, rules and timing of work when replacing a gas meter In this article.

Any repeated act will lead to the need to part with 2-5 thousand rubles.

When else are consumers fined?

There are no other reasons for imposing a fine, including for failure to install a gas meter, since Russian legislation does not provide for the corresponding standards.

That is, there is no fine yet for the lack of a required (since January 2019) gas meter in residential premises, which are heated using gas or, if they are equipped with efficient equipment. Because United Russia thought that this would have a negative impact on the well-being of blue fuel consumers.

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rules for moving the meter, the features of “smart” flow meters, as well as the possibility of free installation or even refusal to install gas meters. We have discussed all these issues in detail in our other articles:

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The first video contains information about the features of operating meters and how to protect your interests from the actions of gas workers.

The following material describes gas thefts and penalties for this act.

The legislation contains a number of requirements according to which gas consumers can be fined for improper operation of meters. Moreover, both for some actions and for inaction. And they can be punished most severely for unauthorized connection to gas pipelines if malicious intent is revealed. But it should be remembered that a fine is not a final decision. And, if it is unfair, then it is worth challenging it in court.

Do you still have questions about fines after reading our article? Ask our experts in the comments section.

If you have experience challenging an unfair decision to fine a meter in court, share your story of seeking justice and useful recommendations with other users - the feedback form is located below.

Visitor comments
  1. Sergey

    A pensioner was fined 25 thousand rubles for an odd imprint on a factory seal, a specialist came and confirmed that the meter had not been opened, changed the imprint, took 2 thousand rubles, morality opened did not open, stole, did not steal, pay

  2. Novel

    Frail pensioners were sold 10,000 for allegedly breaking the seal. We paid according to the meter all year and no one touched any seals. They came to check. Your filling is bad and needs to be replaced. We came to the customer service point, wrote a statement and immediately received an amount of 10,000 in my personal account. They said a fine. You will apply the costs somewhere at your expense. Bastards! Pension 12000. Is this normal? I paid, son.

  3. Marina

    They were fined 25,700 rubles because the seal on the meter, which is located on the street, fell off. The pension is 12,000 rubles. Isn’t the punishment too harsh?

  4. Dima

    Please tell me. I had a gas meter connected, after which I installed a gas boiler and stove. I used it a little for testing, so to speak, but the gas company has not yet accepted my equipment. Accordingly, there are no seals and no contract. The question is, can I be fined for these 19 cubes that I used?

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