Free installation of gas meters for pensioners: what benefits are you entitled to + how to get them

Agree that the installation of gas meters is difficult to fit into the budget of an elderly person if he lives only on a pension. And it would be nice to minimize these costs or do without them altogether. Free installation of gas meters for pensioners could solve this problem.

However, federal legislation provides for only partial payment for installation. But even this money is not given out just like that, but according to certain rules. Our proposed article describes in detail the features of the procedure and partial reimbursement of funds spent.

Regulatory framework for preferential installation

In accordance with the Law “On Energy Saving”, all residential premises in which gas is used must be equipped with gas meters (or meters). This regulatory document came into force in 2015.

At the same time, free installation of gas meters for pensioners is regulated by the following legislative acts:

  • Law No. 4871-1 of 04/27/93, which talks about checking gas meters and the time frame during which metering devices must be checked;
  • Federal Law No. 261;
  • Article No. 9.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (describes holding resource supply organizations liable for failure to install a metering device in their jurisdiction);
  • Article No. 543 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Article No. 210 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Article No. 22 of the Gas Supply Rules;
  • articles No. 63, 65, 66 of Chapter 8 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation “Social rental of premises”, if the apartment in which the gas meter is installed has not been privatized;
  • Article No. 158 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, which states that the owner of the property is obliged to independently bear all the costs of maintaining the premises in an apartment building;
  • Government Decree No. 354, which justifies the procedure for calculating payments for the installation and testing of meters, and also describes the reasons why a device is considered unsuitable for subsequent use;
  • Government Decree No. 797;
  • Government Decree No. 456;
  • Government Decree No. 549, etc.

Based on the provisions of these regulations, property owners must independently take care of installing gas meters.

If the owners or responsible tenants of the housing did not install them themselves, the services with which the contract is concluded equipment maintenance agreement and gas supply, they are installed forcibly. This right of organizations involved in gas supply is enshrined at the legislative level.

Gas service employee rings the doorbell
Anyone has the right not to allow gas service employees into their apartment to install gas meters without giving reasons

Installation of equipment in this case is carried out at the expense of the property owner. All expenses will be recovered in stages.

If the apartment owner interferes with installation or refuses to pay for the work, utility services have the right to go to court. At the same time, there are no penalties for late installation of individual gas meters (IMU).

Who can count on benefits?

Due to the high cost installation of metering devicesand the state has established benefits for pensioners for installing a gas meter. They are allocated in the form of a remittance.

Compensation for installation is not paid to all pensioners, but only to those who fall into the following categories:

  • non-working old-age pensioners;
  • combat participants and veterans;
  • disabled people of the first and second groups;
  • labor and WWII veterans;
  • blockade survivors.

If a person has recently retired and continues to work officially, he is not entitled to benefits for the installation of equipment.

But regional authorities can independently determine preferential categories of citizens and establish additional methods of support for them. Those. Before installing a gas meter, you should check the availability of regional programs with your local social security office.

Services eligible for benefits

According to the law, a pensioner can receive benefits only for installing a meter. No compensation is paid for verification and sealing of metering devices. This rule applies throughout the Russian Federation.

Benefits for non-working pensioners
If an elderly person does not have an official income (other than a labor pension), he can count on preferential installation of gas meters

If a pensioner is officially employed, he will not be able to count on the benefit. In this case, the size of the salary does not matter. Also, the benefit is not provided to foreign citizens, regardless of their age.

Amount of monetary compensation

Typically, the amount of compensation is 70% of the installation cost, but not more than 6,681 rubles. Usually this amount is enough, because... installation of a gas meter costs from 3 to 8 thousand rubles. depending on the characteristics of the unit. The cheapest option is to install the device on a regular stove with 4 burners.

Regular gas stove
If the apartment has a regular gas stove, then installing a meter will cost 3-4 thousand rubles, depending on the region

The money is paid only once. Those. a pensioner can install a benefit meter in only one apartment. In other real estate objects, as in gas meter replacement, you will have to pay its full price.

Who installs gas meters?

Based on clause 5.5.2 of the Resolution of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Construction, Government Resolution No. 410 and Housing and Communal Services No. 170, citizens do not have the right to interfere with the design of gas distribution systems.

Installation, dismantling and checking the serviceability of meters can only be carried out by specialized organizations that have the appropriate accreditation. You can check the company's license in the official register.

For example, in the Moscow region, such a base is the “Register of specialized organizations for the maintenance, repair and technical diagnostics of in-house and intra-apartment gas equipment in apartment buildings located in the Moscow region,” posted on the official website of the State Housing Inspectorate.

Gas meter installation
When installing gas meters, you must check the license of the company that will do the installation, so as not to run into scammers

Typically, these organizations are played by gas distribution organizations themselves and companies that have entered into agreements with gas suppliers.

Gas services installing meters must be licensed and have an emergency dispatch service. Those. preferential installation of gas equipment is no different from the standard installation procedure.

The procedure for preferential installation of a gas meter

If a pensioner wants to install a gas meter, he must contact the subscriber service of a branch of the Gazprom Gas Distribution enterprise or another organization that has the appropriate accreditation.

In this case, the owner of the premises or his authorized representative enters into an agreement with the gas distribution organization for the maintenance of in-house gas equipment. After completing this agreement, you must submit an application for the installation of a meter.

Purchase of gas meters
When purchasing a meter, you should follow the recommendations of gas service employees and purchase only high-quality consumption metering devices

After processing the application, gas company specialists come to the apartment and check the condition of the pipes, as well as the technical feasibility of installing the device. If the gas pipeline has no defects, an estimate for further work is drawn up. The homeowner then purchases gas meter.

You need to save all documents on the counter, because... in the future, they may be required when checking its performance and determining warranty period. The product is guaranteed by the manufacturer.

During the warranty period, you can return an already installed device if it becomes faulty and a manufacturing defect is discovered.

The gas meter installation procedure consists of several stages, including:

  1. Design of a gas meter installation diagram.
  2. Laying gas supply pipelines.
  3. Pneumatic testing of all gas pipelines.
  4. Installation of a filter on the gas pipeline.
  5. Purge and start of gas.

When the meter is installed, the applicant will be given a certificate of completion and given a brief instruction in operation. After this, you need to send an application to the Management Company to seal the meter.

Usually the meter is sealed within 3 working days after submitting the application. If during this time you do not receive a response from the utility companies, you can file a claim with the State Housing Inspectorate.

Documents for preferential installation of IPU

Compensation for spent funds is due only to non-working old-age pensioners. That is why the applicant must first prove his status.

To do this, he needs to collect the following documents:

  • general passport;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • registration certificate for the apartment;
  • income certificate;
  • certificate of absence of debts for housing and communal services;
  • technical documentation for the installed gas equipment (it is needed to calculate the throughput of existing devices);
  • documents confirming the authority of the person, if the application was not submitted by the owner of the property.

In addition to these papers, you must provide a certificate confirming ownership of the property or an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate. It can be obtained from any public service center “My Documents”, from a branch of Rosreestr (but now there are few of these offices) or on the official website of Rosreestr online.

Documents for receiving benefits
When applying for compensation for the installation of a gas meter, you need to collect a package of documents in the original, without which it will be impossible to receive money

If a pensioner does not have a pension certificate, he can bring a certificate of the established form with the official seal of the Pension Fund of Russia, which is now issued upon retirement. It also identifies a person, but is printed on a plain white sheet of paper and does not contain a photograph of the person.

The certificate has full legal force, similar to that of the pension certificate. Those. it can be presented when installing the meter.

A certificate of family composition can be obtained from one of the organizations listed below:

  • Housing office or housing cooperative;
  • Passport Office;
  • regional branch of the Federal Migration Service;
  • local government bodies;
  • locality archive;
  • MFC.

It all depends on the city in which the installation takes place. The certificate is printed on plain white paper and stamped. It indicates all persons currently registered in the living space.

Certificate of family composition
A certificate of family composition is issued in person even if the pensioner lives alone in the apartment

A pensioner can receive a certificate of income from the Pension Fund. It will contain information about the assigned and paid pension. Non-working military pensioners receive this document at the military commissariat of their locality.

A certificate of no debt can be issued through:

  • Multifunctional Center;
  • government services portal;
  • HOA;
  • assigned gas services;
  • Management companies.

Upon receipt of all the above certificates, you will be asked about their purpose. A person may not talk about the actual purpose of the document and say that the paper is needed for personal purposes. Gas authorities and social security departments will accept certificates marked in this way.

Receiving monetary compensation

After installing the meter, you will have to immediately pay for the service with your own money. Upon payment, the customer receives a receipt, contract and certificate of completion of work. Together with these documents, as well as papers that confirm the right to benefits, the pensioner must come to the social security department of his area.

Social Security Department
There is a territorial department of social protection of the population in any locality of the Russian Federation, and its address can be found in the district administration

There he writes an application for compensation for installing a gas meter and attaches copies of all necessary documents. You will also need to indicate the account number in a Russian bank for transfers.

If all formalities are followed, a month after submitting the application, money for installing a gas meter will be transferred to the pensioner’s bank account.

Regional meetings on housing and communal services
Administrative offices of some regions installed gas meters for pensioners at their own expense, but such actions depend on the size of the regional budget

If a pensioner cannot submit documents on his own, a trusted person can do this for him. To represent the interests of an elderly person in social security authorities, you will need to issue a notarized power of attorney.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The presence of kinship is not mandatory. More detailed information about installing gas meters can be found in the video:

If we summarize all the above information, it turns out that only non-working pensioners have the right to preferential installation of meters.

The state will only reimburse part of the money paid, provided that the documents are correctly provided. If regional authorities have the opportunity to increase the amount of compensation, the pensioner will be able to find out about this from the social protection authorities.

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Visitor comments
  1. Rambov

    You'll get tired of standing in lines for all sorts of certificates.Everything is done by specialists so that pensioners will spit and install these damn meters for money and not bother!

    • Marina

      Definitely!!! Such humiliation of the elderly (((

  2. Mila

    This state has decided to once again make fun of people, in particular pensioners?! To return from 1000 to 2000 rubles, you need to go to the regional center many times, where not a single bus goes, and stand in queues. More money will be spent on medicines after these ordeals. This is done for show. But they reported that the state takes care of pensioners.

  3. Vitaly

    In the Oryol province they had never even heard of such a thing... They refused...

    • Marina

      You need to show the laws listed in the article... they won’t trample against the law... or ask for a written refusal to a written request... the refusal must refer to the law... or write to the prosecutor’s office website... in words this is one thing, but in writing this is another... I had experience))

  4. ALEX

    Cool, where can I get a certificate that no one has issued for 2 years?

  5. ALEX

    A technical passport for an apartment is no longer issued, a certificate from the place of residence on family composition is no longer issued, as our president explained, these documents are transferred by government agencies to each other upon request and therefore citizens do not need to provide them.

  6. ALEX

    I don’t understand anything, this package of documents to receive benefits must be submitted to “my documents”; almost all these documents must be received in “my documents”!

  7. Lydia

    On July 31, 2021, my gas meter was changed (the deadline has come). I paid 3,500 rubles for the meter itself, and 500 rubles for calling a mechanic. and for replacing the meter 3500 rubles. In total, replacing the meter cost me 7,500 rubles. When I applied to replace the meter, they did not tell me that I would have to pay that much money for it.I am an old-age pensioner and disabled due to illness. I called the Social Security Office in the city of Ruza, Moscow Region, and asked about a benefit for replacing the meter. THEY SAID THAT THERE IS NO SUCH BENEFITS!!! NOT AT ALL!!! It is not clear for whom these “laws” on benefits are written..

  8. Nikolai

    This is disgusting. Collect a bunch of certificates in order to get a penny, and only if they give it. We have a family of 2 disabled people, we live in Krasnodar, in a private house. For the installation of the meter (work + meter) they announced an amount from 18 to 25 thousand rubles. This is despite the fact that our pension is 8 thousand, one goes to utilities, the second to food and medicine. Those. There is no way to pay this amount on your own, and in the winter months you need to pay 5900 rubles. per month only for gas. I wrote to the gas company, they replied that there are no benefits for disabled people on this issue. This is disgusting, period.

  9. Nikolai

    I forgot to add this, we contacted social security about help or compensation for installing a gas meter - they refused, they said that there were no such funds (about 20 thousand rubles) in the social security of Krasnodar, so they couldn’t help. Then he wrote to a local deputy from the United Russia, he stupidly forwarded the appeal to social security, where they had already spoken out on this issue. This is the kind of help we have from the state. There is no need to fly in the clouds, I described the story from personal experience.

  10. Elizabeth

    Shame on such benefits and humiliation

  11. Hope

    Shame, such red tape. My father is disabled, group 1. In Novodvinsk, installing a regular gas meter costs 4,500 rubles, and the cost of the meter itself is 3,600. We live in a rule of law state, I read what documents!!! need to be collected. Morasm. Designed for people to go and pay for. There are no words. Such touching care for disabled citizens.

  12. Alla

    But I’m wondering why everything was computerized, everything is in the database, you just press a key, why collect any certificates, we live in the 21st century, in the age of nanotechnology. And where do such prices come from for installation, unscrewing and tightening the nut. 5 minutes. A mockery for pensioners. There won't even be enough left for bread.

  13. Magomed

    Shame on such a state. Leave these benefits to those who steal the country with millions, let them get enough.

  14. Anonymous

    Why is it that in our country EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!, literally EVERYTHING, is brought to the point of absurdity? It seems that everything is required by law, but once you plunge into it, you will curse this moronic state a thousand times...... Well, why are they doing this? My brain refuses to understand this!!!!!! And this applies to any issue, not just the one discussed here. To use something you need to go through seven circles of hell and it’s not a fact that it will work out...... The game is not worth the candle....

  15. Svetlana Vladimirovna

    What benefits are we talking about? Here, regarding the verification issue, it is impossible to get through by phone. Everything is designed to make a person exhausted, give up and spend money on everything on his own. Vicious circle. You can't get the truth.

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