Electricity meter with remote reading: principle of operation, device, pros and cons

Agree that an electricity meter with remote reading is an indispensable device in a modern home. In another way it is called a “smart” electricity meter.It does not require constant monitoring of energy consumption and makes it possible to optimize spending.

A metering device with a remote data transmission system is suitable for those who do not want to waste time on withdrawals, transfer of evidence and calculating the amount you will have to pay for the light. After installing a smart meter, all information about consumption is automatically transmitted to the service provider’s server without the participation of the homeowner and those living with him.

Construction of electric meters

“Smart” electricity meters have a complex structure. It is due to the automation of devices and the possibility of their integration into modern intelligent systems.

A typical meter with remote transmission of readings consists of:

  • LCD display;
  • current transformer;
  • timer;
  • telemetry output;
  • basic elements for monitoring and control;
  • supervisor;
  • optical port (not present in all devices);
  • power supply.

The LCD display acts as an indicator to display operating modes. A timer is needed to display the date and time. This function can also be performed by a microcontroller. The telemetry output is used to connect the meter to a computer.

Connecting an electric meter
A “smart” electric meter can be connected to a personal computer, laptop, as well as to any device for remote data transfer

The supervisor produces a reset signal for the microcontroller, which occurs when the power is turned off or on.

The optical port is used to take readings directly from the electric meter, and in some models it is also necessary for programming data. The power supply ensures the normal functioning of the system.

Purpose of the metering device microcontroller

The microcontroller is considered one of the most important parts of a smart meter. It converts the signal, processes the data, displays information and controls all interfaces.

The controller can also be equipped with additional functions, which include:

  • ability to check the status of the electrical network;
  • network power adjustment;
  • power outage.

The number and nature of functions depends on the parameters of the installed software. Different microcontrollers differ from each other in technical parameters and supported functions.

Electric meter control system

The control system on a smart meter is an automated accounting system. It collects data on all energy flows and analyzes the information received. Based on this, reports on electricity consumption are generated.

Automated control system
Initially, automated control systems were too expensive, and therefore were installed exclusively at large industrial facilities and manufacturing plants

The system then predicts energy consumption in the near future. The information provided allows you to select the desired tariff.

In addition, the control system processes payment information and makes payments for light.

Data transmission system

“Smart” electric meters must transmit information automatically without failures or any delays.To do this, you need to take care of installing high-quality equipment and loading all the data into special blocks. After this, a data transmission system must be created.

Taking readings using your phone
An automated data transmission system is an important part of a smart electric meter, which determines the ease of use of the meter

Then an information processing center is formed and equipped with the necessary equipment. New meters have a ready-made interface that allows them to join the automated data accounting system. This greatly simplifies the meter installation procedure.

The principle of operation of “smart” electricity meters

Simplified, all electric meters with remote transmission of readings operate according to the same scheme. They collect information, transmit it to the server, analyze and store it.

Uninterrupted data transfer is ensured thanks to technologies:

  • wi-fi (via router);
  • LPWAN – through a tower that is connected to the server;
  • GPRS – signal transmission is carried out using a SIM card.

After collecting information, the information is processed by the accounting module and transmitted to the server, where it is received by controllers. All information is displayed in the subscriber’s personal account.

Subscriber's personal account
You can log into your electric network subscriber’s personal account from any device: tablet, smartphone or personal computer (only an Internet connection is required)

Then comes the stage of archiving and analyzing the received information. In this case, the controllers are programmed for certain days of the week and send data strictly according to schedule. This ordering allows you to better control and analyze the energy consumption of a particular subscriber.

Functionality of remote electricity meters

Devices with the function of remote transmission of readings analyze the level of electricity consumed and adjust their operation, increasing efficiency within the framework of an agreement signed with the energy company.

Such an electric meter can perform several functions at once:

  • connecting and disconnecting subscribers to the power grid remotely;
  • support for multiple operating tariffs - at different times of the day different tariffs may be applied depending on the load on the network;
  • sending a signal to the management company and the supplier that an electrician is needed (in case of diagnosing problems on the line);
  • notification to the owner of monthly and daily expenses;
  • providing data on the characteristics of electrical energy - voltage level, deviations from the norm, etc.

In meters with remote data transmission, according to manufacturers, all information is stored, including network problems. The information will be stored in the system for 3.5 years. If any electrical appliances break down as a result of a sudden voltage drop, the subscriber will be able to confirm the cause of the malfunction in court and try to recover monetary compensation from the electricity supplier.

Electric meter readings
Smart meters store maximum data on electricity consumption and network parameters, to which both the subscriber and the energy company have access

Some smart meter models have advanced functionality and can search for consumers who have illegally connected to the distribution network.

Advantages of smart electric meters

Electric meters with a built-in system for remote transmission of information have a lot of advantages.Due to their versatility and practicality, they are often used in automation systems smart House.

The advantages of these devices include:

  • taking readings in any mode - daily, weekly and monthly;
  • complete autonomy;
  • high accuracy;
  • efficiency in calculations, especially in the case of differential charging;
  • the ability to organize remote de-energization of an apartment or house from a computer or smartphone.

An electric meter with automatic reading allows you to resolve any disputes that may arise between the subscriber and the service provider (especially if the person does not regularly submit readings).

Receipt for light
When using “smart” electric meters, you will have to check receipts more carefully in order to notice an error in a timely manner and report it to the supplier

Also, the controllability and autonomy of electricity meters will help solve some of the problems of landlords. If only the owner of the apartment can control the panel, then in case of late payment or non-payment of rent, the owner will be able to immediately turn off the electricity. This will allow you to quickly remove tenants from your home (no one will agree to hold the defense in an apartment without electricity).

Disadvantages of remote meters

For all their advantages, smart meters have a number of disadvantages. They are more expensive than conventional metering devices and require more attention from the owner. You can find fakes on the market, the installation of which is illegal.

Due to the complexity of the design, they must be treated with great care.If, in the case of repairs or installation of any furniture near the unit, it is accidentally touched or even knocked, it may break or begin to show erroneous values ​​(not always in favor of the subscriber). At the same time, meters with remote control are dependent on communication (Internet, radio module, etc.).

Smart meter breakdown
If you choose an electric meter with remote information transmission that is too cheap, then there is a high risk of it breaking even at the installation stage

It will also be easier for the company to control the subscriber. If the homeowner makes several delays in paying for electricity, the supplier will be able to cut off the debtor’s access to electricity without visiting his apartment.

Before turning off, the electric meter will emit a certain signal, notifying the homeowner of the debt. If a person cannot deposit the specified amount, the light will go out automatically.

Turning off the lights
“Smart” electric meters are modern devices that will allow electricity suppliers to optimize costs and quickly disconnect defaulters from the network

Another disadvantage of smart meters: their information is very easy to intercept. Because of this, scammers can see the time of lowest electricity consumption, hack accounts, and so on. This way you can calculate when there is no one in the apartment. And for this you don’t need special devices, it’s enough to have access to the Internet and know that a smart meter is used in a particular apartment.

Today, metering device manufacturers are actively working to protect them, but so far the quality of data encryption remains at the same level. Because of this, almost any hacker, if desired, will be able to cut off power to all apartments in the city that use “smart” electricity meters.

How to install a remote electric meter?

On July 1, 2020, the construction of an intelligent system for metering the consumption of utility services began in all regions of the country. Conventional induction electricity meters will gradually (after the expiration of their service life or in the event of a breakdown) be replaced by new automated devices. This is regulated by Federal Law No.522-FZ.

Induction counter
Old induction meters do not fit into the modern idea of ​​​​intelligent systems, since they cannot be controlled remotely, and these meters can easily be stopped or rewind readings on them

If the owner of the apartment decides to install an electric meter with remote transmission of information earlier, he needs to submit an application for installation and sealing of the metering device to an accredited organization that supplies electricity to a specific address.

Its contacts can be found on the payment receipt, on the information stand at the entrance or in the office of the Management Company (if it is located in the same building).

We discussed the detailed procedure and rules for replacing the electric meter in the article: Replacing an electric meter in an apartment and in a private house: specifics of the production of replacing a meter.

Electricity supplier office
Since each electricity supplier serves one specific area, all important information about the company can be found on the Internet at the address of the house

After this, all installation conditions are transferred to the homeowner. The owner, based on this information, buys an electricity meter with remote readings and pays for its installation and dismantling of the old meter.

In this case, you cannot dismantle and install the electric meter yourself: this must be done by representatives of the supplier company. Upon completion of installation work, the meter is sealed and included in a single smart network.

ABOUT electricity meter replacement cost We explained in detail in the next article.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Meters with remote data transmission have replaced conventional induction meters. Since the Federal Law regulating their use has already come into force, in the event of a breakdown of the old meter, a “smart” electricity meter will be installed in an apartment or private house.

Read more about their advantages and features in this video:

It is still difficult to say for sure whether ordinary subscribers will be able to benefit from the installation of smart electricity meters. Much depends on the quality of the device, its accuracy and the policy of energy companies in the event of failures and errors during data transmission.

It is not yet clear what the subscriber will do if the supplier incorrectly calculates too much electricity consumption: there are no specific regulations for actions in this regard. But taking into account the realities of modern housing and communal services administration, it is clear that it will be difficult to prove that you are right. You may have to go to court to do this.

There are also many issues related to the security of the entire system and individual devices. Until the issue of high-quality data encryption is addressed, smart meters will be vulnerable. Those. Until the idea is thoroughly worked out, it is not worth installing a “smart” electricity meter. The only exceptions are situations when the old induction meter is completely broken and requires replacement.

Do you use an electric meter with remote readings? Share your experience with our readers - leave your comments below the article. Tell us about the pros and cons you noticed while using the smart flow meter.

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