Fines for gas in a private house and apartment: what violations are fined for + amounts of penalties

Today, fines for gas, or rather for violation of safety measures and dishonesty in its consumption, can be received not only for some actions, but also for inaction. The reason is that Russian legislation is quite strict regarding violators in this area. Moreover, the amounts of compensation can be quite serious.

You, like most gas consumers, have no desire to “get money”, do you? Moreover, it is not difficult to avoid fines - to do this, you need to know your rights and obligations prescribed at the legislative level. We will consider these issues in detail in our article, paying attention to the size of fines and the rules for calculating them.

What can a consumer be fined for?

Domestic legislation gives the right to subject consumers to fines in various situations.

But all of them can be divided into 2 categories:

  • violation of established safety rules when using gas, special gas equipment (boilers, stoves, etc.);
  • violation of the accounting procedure, payment for consumption "blue" fuel.

And in order to avoid punishment, you should master the nuances, which are sufficient in each of the categories.

Domestic gas use
Gas and the equipment that supplies it have traditionally been a source of danger. Especially if handled carelessly. What the state has to fight by massively punishing consumers with fines

No. 1 - violation of safety rules

IN Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (as the Code of Administrative Offenses is abbreviated) states that persons who do not comply with the rules for maintaining gas boilers, stoves, water heaters, meters and any other gas equipment can be punished.

Namely, they do not adhere to the deadlines and frequency of implementation of the procedures established by the governing documents maintenance, repair or perform necessary work on gas equipment. This also includes reluctance to receive required services.

Moreover, fines for the improper use of gas in an apartment are identical to the fines that are imposed for the improper use of gas by citizens living in private houses.

Incorrect use of gas equipment
To avoid fines when using gas, you must comply with the requirements established for this area. Namely, to ensure the safety of using equipment by regularly performing procedures for its maintenance, repair, and, if necessary, replacement

Regulates this area of ​​legislation Article 9.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

This article of the Code states that a violation is:

  • Refusal signing an agreement, according to which maintenance and repair of all gas equipment is carried out. For this act, the perpetrator will have to pay a fine of 1-2 thousand rubles.
  • Failure to comply with frequency, deadlines, and quality standards for repairs and maintenance of any gas equipment. For such an offense you will have to transfer 1-2 thousand rubles to the budget.
  • Not allowing specialists from gas organizations to carry out the required procedures for maintenance and repair of any gas equipment.This clause is considered valid if the owner of the property was notified of the upcoming work, and in the prescribed manner, that is, in writing. This act is punishable by a fine of 1-2 thousand rubles.
  • Avoidance of replacing gas equipment installed in housing, if such a procedure is mandatory. For example, this clause comes into force if a stove, boiler or any other appliance is technically faulty and the owner of the premises has been notified of this, but he does not take effective measures to eliminate the danger. The penalty for the described act is 1-2 thousand rubles.

Moreover, in any of the above cases, it is not always possible to get away with only small sums.

Consequences of improper use of gas
The most important thing is that consumers must understand: the most terrible consequence of unsafe gas use is not fines, but a significant threat to the life and health of relatives, friends and other people living nearby

Because clause 5, Same Article 9.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses demands that more severe measures be applied to violators if they do not want to carry out maintenance, repairs, and repairs in a timely and efficient manner, boiler replacement or other equipment. They also do not provide access to specialists and their actions endanger the lives of other people. In this case, you will have to pay 10-30 thousand rubles.

Besides, in clause 6 it is said that any repeated offense entails a fine of 2-5 thousand rubles.

The legislation allows violators to be punished under several articles at once. Therefore, it is quite possible that if you are punished again and there is a threat to the lives of other residents, you will have to pay up to 30 thousand rubles in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 5 and up to 5 thousand.on the basis of clause 6 of the Code of Administrative Offences. As a result, the amount of recovery can reach 35 thousand rubles.

No. 2 - violation of accounting or payment procedures

You should know that for violation of the accounting or payment procedure, the gas consumer will face much more severe fines than for neglecting safety.

Fine for illegal gas connection

In such situations, it is significant Art. 7.19 Code of Administrative Offenses. Since it specifies what the fine should be for illegally connecting a consumer to gas. And it states that the home owner will have to pay 10-15 thousand rubles to the state.

Moreover, you must understand that unauthorized connection includes such actions as replacing boilers, connection of plates without permission, redevelopment with the movement of any gas appliances.

As well as self-shutdown or replacement of meters, any other interference in their work. For example, the use of magnets to reduce gas consumption.

Accidents due to improper use of gas
Today, moderate fines are imposed for the unsafe use of gas equipment. The main task of which is to reason with consumers. But Russians do not draw conclusions, as evidenced by statistics stating that in a number of regions every third owner of gas equipment uses it incorrectly. Therefore, on the sidelines of the gas service and the State Duma, there are rumors about an imminent and impressive increase in the size of fines

An important point is that along with the amount of the fine, you will also have to pay the cost of the “blue” fuel consumed without permission. And at not the most favorable prices. But this will only happen if the responsible persons identify irrefutable facts indicating the fact of theft.The offense is considered committed at the moment the unauthorized actions end.

Thus, a fine for any unauthorized gas connection after the disconnection procedure (if for some reason the household/apartment was disconnected) is imposed in the amount of 10-15 thousand rubles if the act was committed for the first time. This punishment is prescribed in Art. 7.19 Code of Administrative Offenses.

If you try again, you will have to pay up to 80 thousand rubles. Moreover, the punishment will be carried out in accordance with the norms set out in Criminal Code, namely in his Article 215.3. And if you reconnect to the main gas pipeline, the fine will be up to 200 thousand rubles.

Unauthorized connection to gas
The most severe consequences for consumers arise after the discovery of illegal connections to gas pipelines, and especially if the fact of illegal extraction of energy, that is, theft, is proven. In such cases, fines can amount to tens or even hundreds of thousands of rubles. The reason is that such acts are socially dangerous. For example, according to statistics, gas companies lose up to 6% of their profits due to illegal gas consumption, which forces legislators to regularly increase fines

If an unauthorized connection led to damage to the structure of the gas pipeline or other equipment, then the amount of penalties can reach 400-500 thousand rubles.

The listed fines, imposed in accordance with the above-mentioned article of the Criminal Code, can be replaced by payments in an amount equal to wages or any other income of the culprit for a certain period (from 6 to 18 months).

Penalties for gas theft

If it is established that an unauthorized connection to any gas pipeline was made for the purpose of illegally taking “blue” fuel and the fact is proven, then the punishment will be carried out in accordance with the requirements UK Article 158 paragraph 3. Where does it say that theft of gas is punishable by a fine, the amount of which will be 100-500 thousand rubles. The fixed amount can be replaced by a penalty in the amount of wages for 1-3 years.

In addition, the legislation allows limiting the offender’s freedom for up to one and a half years with the simultaneous payment of a fine in the amount of wages from 1 to 6 months.

We talked about the intricacies of official gasification of a country house in next material.

When fines are not enough
It would be useful to remind you that illegal use of gas and equipment can lead to a situation where even a large fine will not be enough. And this happens regularly, and people regularly die because of unscrupulous consumers. This is confirmed in the photo that was taken in Fryazino, immediately after the explosion in the apartment, which occurred due to the fault of the homeowner

If an unauthorized connection led to the theft of gas on a so-called especially large scale, then the fine can reach a million rubles. Moreover, at the same time, the culprit may have his freedom restricted (up to 2 years). The penalty will be the same if the act was committed by an organized group.

In both cases, a fixed amount can be replaced by a fine, the amount of which will be equal to the income of the offender for a certain period (up to 5 years). In this case, restriction of freedom for up to 18 months is possible.

Since the severity of the punishment depends on the volume of illegally taken gas, you should also know that Art. 158 indicates:

  • grand theft — when the damage is caused in an amount exceeding 250 thousand rubles;
  • especially large size the theft of “blue” fuel worth more than a million rubles is considered.

Moreover, it does not matter to the law where the unauthorized selection occurred - in an apartment or a private house - the fine for gas will be the same. That is, only the presence of intent and the severity of the offense are taken into account.

Rules for calculating fines

If a gas consumer does not ensure the proper level of safety, then representatives of the gas service can impose a fine, who will identify the violation. In this case, the owner of the premises must be notified in writing of the penalty.

Interference with gas equipment
An illegal connection may be the usual replacement of one gas boiler, stove, or any other device with a new one, or any interference with the operation of control and measuring equipment, including meters. In any such case, the size of the fine will definitely be impressive. But violators will have the hardest time if it is proven that they acted with selfish intent

In cases of unauthorized connection to any gas pipelines, only police officers have the right to record the fact of violation.

And only the courts should impose fines for the illegal use of gas and special equipment in any private house or apartment. Well, the decision of any responsible person can be challenged.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The video attached below will help you understand why the amount of fines in Russia has recently increased significantly. And also figure out how cases of unauthorized connection and illegal gas withdrawal are detected and what happens for this:

After watching the following video, you can be convinced that unauthorized connection to any pipeline is an illegal and very dangerous act, for which you will have to pay, at least financially:

The use of gas equipment must be safe for the homeowner, his household and surrounding people. Therefore, for the use of faulty equipment or its untimely maintenance, fines are threatened, the amount of which and the procedure for collection are clearly prescribed in the legislation..

But in Russia they are even tougher on people who try to act dishonestly, trying to unauthorizedly connect to pipelines or steal gas.

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Visitor comments
  1. Algut Karaguldy

    what compensation to Siberians for the lack of gas in their households, or are we worse than Ukrainians? Let me remind you that in Ukraine there is gas in almost every house since the 1960s, where is the compensation, for example, 2,500,000 for each year of delay?

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