Technical conditions for gas connection: procedure for obtaining the necessary documentation

Until recently, gasification of a private cottage took a lot of nerves and money.The scope of this activity was highly monopolized and had prices that were not always understandable. Now the situation has changed: it is enough to obtain technical conditions for gas connections from a gas distribution company - and blue fuel is practically in your home.

We will tell you who is best to entrust the preparation of the project, what documentation and in what order you will need to obtain it. We describe in detail the nuances of connecting households to the gas main and to the gas holder. The strengths and weaknesses of both options are given.

Why are technical conditions needed?

Technical conditions (TU) for gas are a document confirming on the part of the supplier of blue fuel the very possibility of technological connection of a new facility to existing networks. This piece of paper is the actual beginning of the process of connecting to the gas infrastructure available in the village.

Specifications can be drawn up both for an already constructed house and for a building still under construction.

Gas supply connection procedure
All rules and procedures for connecting gas are regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1314, it describes all the nuances of the process, however, there are many pitfalls in this matter

All natural gas consumers, based on the volume of gas pumped from the main pipe, are divided into four categories:

  1. Up to 5 m3/hour – cottage owners.
  2. Up to 15 m3/hour – small business.
  3. Up to 300 m3/hour – medium-sized organizations.
  4. Over 300 m3/hour – large industrial and energy companies.

Almost all private houses fall into the first group. Five cubic meters per hour is enough to heat a home up to 200 square meters. meters and cooking food in it.

But a lot here depends on the level of minus temperature outside the window and the number of people in the family. Before submitting an application for technical specifications, it is necessary to calculate maximum gas consumption. It is this estimated figure that will need to be indicated in the application.

Gas supply system for a private low-rise building
Technical conditions for gasification can be issued exclusively for a capital construction project (cottage, utility yard or other building), it’s just that no gas fuel supplier will issue specifications for a plot of land

The issued technical conditions contain:

  • approved volumes of gas consumption;
  • recommendations on materials of pipes and fittings for insertion into the main;
  • description of the procedure for approving design documentation.

If the gas is planned to be used for profit (not for consumption to heat a private home or other building), then such a consumer immediately falls into the second group. Even if the consumption volume is below 5 cubic meters, it will still be carried out according to the second category with slightly different connection conditions.

Final cost of connection to gas supply you will find out by reading the article dedicated to this issue

Procedure for obtaining a gas permit

The process of gasification of a house under construction should begin as early as possible. Bureaucratically and technologically, this procedure often takes up to several years. And if everything is now quite strictly regulated with papers and the timing of their issuance (the same technical specifications must be issued by the gas distribution organization within two weeks), then the issue of purely installation work can drag on for a long time.

Autonomous gas supply scheme
If the village does not have a general plan and a gasification scheme, then connecting the house to the main line may take three to four years - in this case it is often better to consider the option of a gas holder

Long lead times for supplying gas pipes to gasified cottage due to the need to carry out land management procedures. For example, the main pipe is located only five kilometers from the settlement, but the land between it and the connected facility is the property of a third party who does not want to allow anyone to access it.

In such a situation, gas workers are forced to coordinate everything with a third party for a long time or look for a workaround that costs money and takes time. There are also a lot of utility lines in the ground, areas that are not registered in the cadastral register, and much more. Gasification deadlines often drag on for many months.

The need to obtain technical specifications
The underground installation of gas lines must take into account the location of existing communications and the rules of location relative to gas pipes

To obtain technical conditions for organizing gas supply in a private house, you must submit an application to the gas supply company in the village, attaching:

  1. Application with full name, address of the building, the planned date of commissioning of the cottage and the volume of gas fuel consumption in cubic meters/hour.
  2. A plan of the site, made in connection with the territory of the village.
  3. Copies of title documents for land.
  4. Written consent of neighbors (provided that the communications carried out affect their areas).

There are two points here. The first is the calculation of the maximum possible hourly fuel consumption of all gas equipment in the house. It can be done in advance by using the services of a design company, or by sending a request to the gas supply organization if it is ready to make such calculations.

The second point is that you can do without this calculation and specifications altogether. If the consumption does not exceed 5 cubic meters of gas per hour, then the technical conditions according to the standards are not mandatory.

All you have to do is submit an application for connection, and the supplier will connect your home to the main line. However, such a scenario in practice is only possible if there are already gas distribution networks in the village.

Connecting a house in a gasified locality
If the village was initially designed with gas supply, then the corresponding pipes have already been laid through it and all consumption volumes have been included in the project in advance (+)

If the settlement has all the possibilities for gas supplies, you just need to cut into the main line and divert it from it to the cottage. But not everywhere such luxury actually exists.In the vast majority of cases, gas workers still require preliminary calculations of fuel consumption and specifications based on them.

Informed choice of the designer

To connect a house to a gas pipe, in addition to the technical conditions, it is necessary to have a gasification project for the building agreed upon with all authorities. It is impossible to prepare it yourself, and then do the work of connecting it to the pipe with your own hands.

Both documentation and installation of gas supply are carried out exclusively by licensed companies.

If there is even the slightest desire to save money by trusting a third-party company without a license, then it is better to immediately refuse such savings. Otherwise, either the project will not be approved, or an employee of the gas supplier will not sign the act of putting the outlet pipe and valve into operation.

Resolution No. 1314
Often the gas supply company carries out the design, installation of the pipeline, and maintenance of gas equipment, but their prices are often inflated (+)

In order not to overpay the gas supplier for the preparation of project documentation and connecting the house to gas supply, the provider of these services should be looked for on the side. However, remember - he must have a license to perform such work.

In order for gas to enter the house, it will be necessary to conclude an agreement with the gas distribution company. And its employees refuse without talking at the slightest deviation from the rules.

The best option is to contact an intermediary company that does everything turnkey and “two in one”. Such companies are ready to both prepare all the necessary documents and coordinate them, and then carry out installation work with subsequent commissioning.

You can even trust them to obtain technical specifications from gas workers by writing out a power of attorney for this.They have been working with the gas supplier for several days, they know its requirements and legal norms.

Everything happens much faster with them, and there is no need to go to authorities with papers. Plus, such companies often give a significant discount on their services, subject to concluding an agreement at the same time gas pipeline design and construction work.

Nuances of the technical connection stage

By the time the residential property is directly connected to the gas supply, all appliances consuming gas fuel must be installed in the cottage and the pipes from gas meter.

Here, too, it is better not to rely on your own strengths, but to initially trust the professionals. Natural gas is not something to joke about. A leak plus a spark results in a fire.

General estimate for home gasification
If a gasification project costs approximately 50–100 thousand rubles, then the estimate for installing a pipe from a highway running down the street rarely exceeds 25 thousand, but here we must also add the costs of laying gas pipes around the house and connecting boilers, boilers and stoves

To reduce Russians’ expenses on gasification of their homes, many regions of Russia have subsidies for connection. Of course, not all categories of citizens can use them. But it wouldn’t hurt to study the programs existing in the region or region in more detail. The money saved will definitely not be wasted.

After making a connection into the main line, which is carried out on the basis of the issued technical conditions, it is necessary to call a representative of the gas supply organization.

It is needed to:

  • check the compliance of the work performed with the specifications;
  • seal metering devices;
  • conclude an agreement for the supply of natural gas;
  • conduct instructions with the customer on the rules for using gas equipment in everyday life;
  • sign the act of putting the gas supply pipe into operation.

According to the law, all responsibility for the serviceability of indoor gas equipment lies on the shoulders of the gas consumer who has entered into an agreement with the supply company. However, it is the specialists of this company that in the future will constantly come to inspect the networks and devices inside the house to ensure they are working properly and there are no leaks.

Gasification of the house using a gas holder

If the distance from the house to the gas main is more than a hundred meters or it is impossible to connect to it at all, then the only option left is installation at the gas tank site. This is a container for pumping and storing gas, from which it flows through a pipe directly into the cottage to the boiler or stove.

Autonomous gas supply by gas holder
The main advantage of a gas tank is the minimum time for approvals and installation; all work on gasification of a house can be completed in just a couple of days; there is no need to obtain technical specifications here (+)

If the installed gas tank has a capacity of up to 10,000 liters (which is more than enough for most private houses), then it is not required to obtain specifications or other permitting documentation for it. All designs and documents will be provided by the company that will install it.

This container itself costs a lot of money, but if there is no way to connect to the main line, then a gas tank is a good replacement. Usually its volume is calculated in such a way that refueling needs to be done two to three times a year. Otherwise, such a gas supply system to the house does not differ from the option discussed above. The same sensors, valves and gas supply pipe.

Strengths and weaknesses of connecting a private home to gas holder and gas main are thoroughly analyzed in the article we propose.

The process of connecting the cottage to the highway step by step

Technical conditions as such are just a piece of paper with requirements and capabilities. In addition to them, among the documents for connecting main gas to a private house are various plans, projects, statements, acts and agreements. The problem is that without all this paperwork it is impossible for its owner to gasify the cottage by definition. These are the norms in our country.

Approval procedure
The process of connecting a house to a gas pipe in Russia is strictly regulated by law; this was done in order to limit monopolists and reduce prices for gasification of private households.

The complete “ceremony” with connecting the cottage to the main gas is as follows:

  1. Estimation of gas fuel consumption volumes.
  2. Submitting an application for TU.
  3. Obtaining technical conditions.
  4. Design of a gas network from the main line to the house and inside the latter.
  5. Concluding a connection agreement.
  6. Installation of inlet outside and gas equipment inside the building.
  7. Checking the readiness of all this for work.
  8. Drawing up a connection act.
  9. Conclusion of a service agreement.

Plus, it is also necessary to sign acts delineating the operational responsibilities of both parties and property ownership.

Plot gas pipe from the highway to the fence of the personal plot belongs to the gas supply organization, and everything beyond is the property of the owner of the cottage. At the same time, the gas supplier (or its authorized subsidiary) is again obliged to service all gas equipment and monitor its serviceability.

The process of connecting a country house to a nearby highway includes a number of standard steps:


Information about how it is produced connection to the gas main pipe, you will find in the article we recommend you read.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

To connect to gas, you need to collect a fairly large package of documentation, but without this you can’t get anywhere. The video materials presented below will definitely help you understand all the nuances of this procedure.

All about the procedure for gasifying cottages:

Nuances of internal wiring of gas pipelines in a house that should be taken into account before approving the project:

A video that allows you to understand how much it will cost to connect a country house to the main gas:

Connecting a private house to a gas pipe is a tedious and lengthy approval process. The installation itself is completed within a few days, but developing a project, submitting requests and waiting for response papers takes a lot of time.

However, the presence of blue fuel in the cottage immediately eliminates many issues with heating and cooking. Using natural gas allows you to save a lot, the pain of waiting for connection is worth it.

Please post stories about how you received technical conditions for connecting a country house to the backbone network in the block below. Please write comments, ask questions, share useful information and photographs.

Visitor comments
  1. Maria

    An acquaintance in the region has been connecting a private house to gas for the second year now. There’s no way they can do it all. And it is also very expensive. Nothing depends on you here. Well, there is also an apartment, and if there is no other housing or I decided to open a production facility.The question is: if you contact a licensed company, will their documentation be accepted? Through whom will it be more reliable?

    • Expert
      Vasily Borutsky

      Maria, hello. Unfortunately, your question is not completely clear.

      Why can't they conduct gas? At what stage did the problems arise? As for “contacting” the company - less hassle, more knowledge from specialists, yes. But here you need to draw up a contract correctly.

      Will their documentation be accepted? Unknown. If the technical conditions do not allow and the refusal is justified, then no matter how you draw up the document, there will still be no connection. We are waiting for details from you.

  2. Alexei

    I wanted to bring gas into the house. For technical specifications, you need permission to connect from the administration (the owner), but they do not give me permission, citing the fact that in 2012, residents completed the design and estimate documentation for the gas pipeline at their own expense. Is this legal or not, and where is the best place to turn?

    • Expert
      Vasily Borutsky

      Alexey, it seems to me that your administration is disingenuous. You may well take the consent of your neighbors by paying them compensation commensurate with their share for the tie-in. Try to contact the gas service on whose balance sheet the gas pipe is located and find out the procedure and form of the documentation provided, and then get the technical specifications for the insert, if the number of users allows this due to the load capacity of the gas pipe. It is absolutely incomprehensible to me why suddenly the owner is the administration... In this case, the administration will dispose of its property.

      In accordance with Art. 209 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the owner has the rights to own, use and dispose of his property.The owner has the right, at his own discretion, to take any actions in relation to his property that do not contradict the law and other legal acts and do not violate the rights and legally protected interests of other persons, including alienating his property into the ownership of other persons, transferring to them, while remaining the owner, the rights possession, use and disposal of property, pledge property and encumber it in other ways, dispose of it in any other way.

      Here are the documents on this topic:

      1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2013 N 1314, paragraph 2:

      «“Primary subscriber” is a gas consumer who owns, by right of ownership or on another legal basis, gas distribution and (or) gas consumption networks directly connected to the gas distribution network of the contractor, and does not provide gas transportation services. Consent of the main subscriber to connect (technological connection) to the gas distribution and (or) gas consumption networks of the main subscriber, as well as the construction of a gas pipeline on the land plot of the main subscriber, if the connection is made on a land plot, the owner of which is the main subscriber, in the cases provided for in paragraph 34 of these of the Rules (subparagraph “e” of paragraph 7 of the Rules).»

      2. Letter of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia dated October 15, 2015 N AG/56690/15 “On the rules for connecting to gas distribution networks”:

      «... the main subscriber, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, has the right to resolve the issue of charging a fee for issuing consent to connect to the gas consumption network, issued in accordance with paragraph 34 of the Rules, within the framework of contractual relations.»

      3. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2013 N 1314 (as amended on February 21, 2019), paragraph 34:

      «If connection (technological connection) of a capital construction facility is possible only to existing gas distribution and (or) gas consumption networks owned by the main subscriber, the technical conditions for such connection (technological connection) are issued by the gas distribution organization to whose gas distribution and (or) gas consumption network the network is connected gas distribution and (or) gas consumption, owned by the main subscriber. In this case, a request for technical conditions, an application for connection (technological connection) must contain the consent of the main subscriber to connect (technological connection) the applicant’s capital construction facility to its gas distribution and (or) gas consumption network. If the construction of a gas pipeline from the gas distribution and (or) gas consumption network of the main subscriber is carried out by the contractor on the land plot of the main subscriber, the request for technical conditions, application for connection (technological connection) is accompanied by the consent of the main subscriber to carry out the construction of the gas pipeline on his land plot.«.

      Good luck!

      • Arkhipov

        Please tell me how to connect gas to a private house by submitting an application to receive specifications, I received a communication failure that there is a shortage of gas in the pipe in the pipe connecting 5 houses 6 house is not possible, what should I do?

  3. Marina

    Out of the kindness of my heart, I gave “Consent to connect and run a gas pipe through my area” to my new neighbors. They did not install the pipe as agreed -54 meters, but crashed into my house and hung the pipe on my house. They had to go from me to my neighbor and extend these six meters underground.They deceived me and now I have no changes in my gas project, and they are not willing to communicate.

    I have a flimsy country house. Should I have signed anything else besides this “consent”? And why is their faucet hanging on my house? Moreover, it opens onto a public road. Thank you.

    • Expert
      Vasily Borutsky

      Hello, Marina. It is very difficult to answer anything on your question, since we do not see the documents and cannot say what is there and how. Perhaps they would find loopholes to get out of your situation. So far it turns out this way - the gas pipeline has been approved, your signature is there, that is, the tie-in is essentially legal.

      “They had to go to the neighbors” - and who said that this was possible according to technical conditions? Who drew up the project for their gas pipeline? That is, it turns out that they came to you and simply said that this is exactly what they would do, but they themselves deceived?

      Okay, let's look at how to solve the issue:

      1. According to Art. 209 Civil Code of the Russian Federation "the owner has the rights to own, use and dispose of his property«.
      2. Art. 263 Civil Code of the Russian Federation: “The owner of a land plot can erect buildings and structures on it, carry out their reconstruction or demolition, and permit construction on his plot to other persons". Which is what you, Marina, actually did by allowing the insertion.

      Now let's see how you can force the pipe to be dismantled. According to Article 304 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Article 305: “The owner may request elimination of violations of his rights and the claim will be satisfied if it is proven that this gas pipeline violates the rights of ownership of his legal property«.

      What are you doing. You go to the gas supply organization and demand that the gas duct be dismantled. Upon receipt of a WRITTEN refusal, file a claim in court.I know that a similar complaint was satisfied in favor of the plaintiff when it was proven that his rights were violated, despite the fact that there is another technical possibility of tapping into the gas duct that does not cause damage to the plaintiff.

  4. Nikolai

    “Now the situation has changed: it is enough to obtain technical conditions for gas connections from a gas distribution company - and blue fuel is practically in your home.” - Is this a letter from the future? Connecting gas is very time-consuming and expensive!

    “The scope of this activity was highly monopolized and had prices that were not always understandable” - What has changed? It was heavily monopolized, and now it is very heavily monopolized! And the prices are getting higher and higher and more and more inexplicable! For example, 26 thousand rubles for 10 pieces of paper (connection agreement with TU) - is this understandable?

  5. Alexander

    Not an article, but either some kind of hidden advertisement for gas holders, or an advertisement for a gas manopoly, look how simple it is with us. In fact, what we have...

    The fact that the richest country in natural resources and the same gas will fray all the nerves with the connection, will draw out a lot of money for technical specifications and connection, will take a lot of time and effort, and then tear the skin for gas consumption, verification, etc. And this is in a successful scenario. Otherwise, they may refuse to issue technical specifications, citing the lack of technical requirements. opportunities (the pipe is small, there is not enough gas for everyone). How to sell overseas and build all sorts of flows - northern, southern, etc. - that's enough. And for your people, you have to burn firewood, which is also forbidden to prepare...

    So this article just infuriates...

    • Expert
      Vasily Borutsky

      Alexander, as soon as a State Duma deputy appears on the portal, we will definitely tell him that you are deeply outraged by the cost and procedure for gas connections :)

      As for “the pipe is wrong and everything is wrong”, it’s really “outrageous” that you can’t just take a garden hose and connect it to an existing flue, you still need to follow some rules there, the load on the flue... Firewood, by the way, is in the form According to the new law, it is not prohibited to collect dead wood and dead wood in 2019.

  6. Ksenia

    Good afternoon The connection period is set in the contract for 1 year!, and in the technical specifications it is 1.5 years! So what is the deadline? I belong to category 1! Thank you!

    • Expert
      Vasily Borutsky

      Hello. The gas connection period is specified in your contract, and this is what you should build on. The technical specifications simply mean that, for some reason, the terms of the contract may be re-agreed with the contractor.

      • Arkhipov

        Please tell me how to connect gas to a private house by submitting an application to receive specifications, I received a communication failure that there is a shortage of gas in the pipe in the pipe connecting 5 houses 6 house is not possible, what should I do? And how much will it cost to lay a new pipe of larger diameter?

  7. Hope

    Tell me, can I get specifications if I don’t have any buildings on the site yet, but only a rough house plan? And is it necessary to notarize the consent of the owner of the networks to connect to the highway?

    And when will I be able to formalize the project: when will I complete the construction of the house or is it still at the project stage?

    • Expert
      Vasily Borutsky

      Hello. To obtain specifications for a facility that has not yet been built, it is necessary to provide, in addition to the standard set of documents, permission from the local administration to conduct construction; estimate with thermal engineering calculations. The possibility of making changes is agreed upon in advance.

      Regarding your second question - clause 34 of the Rules for connecting (technological connection) of capital construction projects to gas distribution networks, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2013 No. 1314, states that the owner’s consent is mandatory, but there are no references to the notarial agreement. Meanwhile, the internal supplier may, for some reason, require that such a document be notarized.

  8. Yuri

    “The second point is that you can do without this calculation and specifications altogether. If the flow rate does not exceed 5 cubic meters of gas per hour, then the technical specifications according to the standards are not mandatory.”

    Can I have a link for this item?

    • Expert
      Vasily Borutsky

      Hello, Yuri. The fact is that the process of connecting gas to a private house has been revised at the legislative level, and now it has actually become easier to do. Although in practice, monopolistic organizations still do not want to connect according to the new rules (it’s understandable why, because it’s not profitable for them).

      As for official regulations, you can go and read the information on Mosoblgaz website, for example, there are links to official decrees of the Russian government. In particular, open the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1314 of December 30, 2013.

      As for calculations, it is not necessary to provide them if the area of ​​the house is less than 250 square meters. All this is spelled out in regulations that you can study on your own. Also pay attention to changes in regulations from 2018.

  9. Alexander

    Hello! I live in the Kaliningrad region/city of Nesterov, on the outskirts. Quite by chance we got into a conversation with the workers who were laying gas pipes, it turned out there was nothing for our house according to the project. I went to the city architect for an appointment, she showed me the project, indeed there was nothing according to the project for the house there are no pipes, but a high-pressure pipe will be laid at a distance of 120m from the house, followed by piercing the embankment under the railway. Our house is located next to the railway, the so-called / right of way / or / sanitary zone / this railway land. Approximately 500m from our house there is another house, a low-pressure pipe was connected to it according to the project. I ask the architect why our house was not included in the project, she throws up her hands and says: Allegedly, in 2014, lists were submitted for gasification of the city. Who submitted the lists, who Did you survey the population? Our house is shared by two owners, we both want to connect the gas. Please advise who we should contact.

  10. Natalia

    I can’t find anywhere the cost of technical conditions for gasification of a private house; the distance from the gas distribution pipe to the entrance to the house is 23 m. How is the calculation made in this case? The gas company said that the cost would be 150 thousand rubles.

    • Sasha

      technical specifications according to the laws of the Russian Federation are issued free of charge

  11. Elena

    We want to buy an unfinished house. The house is 20 years old, gas is supplied to the house, the meter is sealed. But no equipment was connected to it. The owners only have technical specifications from 1999. In Mosoblgaz there are no documents at all for this address; they themselves were surprised at the presence of a pipe in the house. How to further arrange a connection to the house? The owners of the house do not have an act on technological connection, and there is no project either.

  12. Rasikh

    I have a question regarding the passage of a gas pipe through my property to a neighboring property.
    They are going to lay it using the horizontal directional drilling method - HDD. And this despite the fact that the gas pipe can be laid on public lands by simply laying it in a trench.
    And, of course, the very fact that my site, in case of HDD, will have encumbrances and restrictions bothers me.
    HDD through my plot of 40 meters or in a trench, but 40 meters longer: which is more expensive for the neighbor?
    This price does not bother him (according to him, the gas distribution company pays for the passage of the gas pipe) and for this reason he does not even consider the option of passing through public lands.
    This is true?

  13. Denis

    If the planned gas flow exceeds 5 m3/hour, then, among other documents, it is necessary to submit the calculation to the MCRG. This calculation is not difficult to do yourself, it’s quite possible to figure it out. But in order not to bother, you can look for the corresponding services on popular services or contact the State Distribution Organization (the latter will obviously be more expensive).

  14. Ivan

    To prepare the calculation of the MCRG (if it is necessary, of course), you should not contact any GROs, much less design firms, because To perform the calculation of the MCRG, no licenses, SROs, etc. are required. I.e. The customer has the right to perform the calculation himself. As a last resort, find a freelancer, but companies and GROs are just another rip-off of a gas-hungry sufferer.

  15. Vladimir

    What conditions must a private house meet in order to be able to connect gas? Is it possible to connect with an area of ​​32 sq. m. Are there requirements for smoke removal, ventilation, or can we assure gas workers that everything will be okay?

  16. Tatiana

    Hello, please tell me how lawfully the gas supplier is acting. There is gas in the house, there is documentation for one gas equipment - a gas boiler. We decided to install a gas stove and ordered technical conditions for connecting a second appliance. The supplier says that these conditions are an annex to the contract (the cost of services under the contract is more than 5 thousand). Is it really impossible to get only technical specifications without concluding an agreement? What if the project turns out to be too expensive in the future, what about payment under the contract?

  17. Dmitriy

    Good afternoon, I am the owner of a stable. This is a non-residential building. Is it possible to install gas for heating there, the distance from the neighboring house with gas is 80 meters? What documents are needed and what are the differences from the house. Thank you.

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