Choosing polymer water supply pipes: installation tips

Common modern materials are polymers.In many construction and manufacturing areas they have replaced steel and cast iron products. A striking example is polymer pipes for water supply. Today they are found in almost every apartment, country house, commercial buildings and industrial facilities. The popularity of pipes is also due to the ease of processing of the polymer.

General information

Polymer materials include compositions of certain compositions that are obtained from oligomers, monomers and polymers with the addition of additional components. Due to this, they receive special properties.

Polymer pipes

The following are used as additives:

  • fillers;
  • stabilizers;
  • plasticizers;
  • dyes;
  • lubricants;
  • coupling reagents.

That is why polymer products have different properties, some of which have made it possible to use polymers in the manufacture of water supply pipes.

Polymer pipe production technology

Features of polymer products

The popularity of polymer products is associated with the unusual properties of the material. Plastic and durable polymer has many advantages:

  1. Wear resistance and long service life. Polymers practically do not react to humidity and temperature changes, so their service life is more than 50 years.
  2. Ecological cleanliness. The chemicals contained in the composition do not affect the environment. The surface of the pipes does not emit toxic components, so the composition of the medium in the system remains unchanged.
  3. High frost resistance. Many polymers can withstand up to 50 freeze-thaw cycles.
  4. Resistant to high humidity. Polymer pipes do not change their qualities even during long-term use under conditions of high humidity. Therefore, they are suitable for creating a water supply system.
  5. Possibility of repeated use and good maintainability. The methods used for connecting individual parts make it possible to dismantle the water supply system with the subsequent use of all sections. Repair work takes a little time.
  6. Easy to maintain and clean. The surface of the polymers is smooth and has no pores. Therefore, contaminants are not absorbed into the material and it does not take much time to remove them.
  7. Wide scope of application. Pipes for the water supply system are made with different wall thicknesses and diameters.

The main disadvantages relate to the relatively low strength of the structure. In terms of this indicator, polymer products are inferior to steel or cast iron, which does not allow their use for the installation of a central high-pressure water supply system.

Advantages of smooth HDPE pipes

Types of material

There are several dozen varieties of polymers, but not all are suitable for making pipes. On sale are:

  1. Polyvinyl chloride. This material comes at a low price. Often used when installing open water supply networks. Individual elements can be combined into one system using welding or fittings (at low pressure), or special glue. Not suitable for high temperature environments as heating reduces strength and increases elasticity. An exception is chlorinated polyvinyl chloride, which is resistant to high temperatures.
  2. Polypropylene. This polymer is widespread due to its low weight and high strength. Suitable for hot environments. The connection of individual elements is carried out by welding.
  3. Polyethylene. Low pressure polyethylene or cross-linked polyethylene is suitable for creating a water supply system. The peculiarity of this option is its high flexibility and resistance to vibration.
  4. Metal-plastic. This polymer is more expensive than others. Retains its shape when folded. Exposure to hot water up to 95 degrees Celsius is allowed.

Other polymers are not used in the manufacture of water supply pipes.

Choosing polymer water supply pipes: installation tips
Construction of a polymer pipe

Manufacturers of polymer pipes in Russia

The production of polymer pipes requires special equipment that allows you to give the products the desired qualities. There are several large companies in Russia that supply similar products:

  1. "Rupaim."
  2. "TM Valfex".
  3. LLC "NPO "Polymer"
  4. Manufacturing company "Lammin".
  5. GC "SantehRegion"
  6. TM "H2O".
  7. Kubantekhnoplast company and others.

Many Russian companies are switching to foreign equipment. The modernization carried out allows us to reduce costs and improve the quality of manufactured products.

Pipes for water supply

The choice of pipes is taken with due responsibility, since low-quality options lead to leaks and other problems. When choosing, take into account:

  • appointment;
  • operating conditions for which the product is designed;
  • water temperature;
  • life time.

Preference should be given to polymer pipes with long-term performance that comply with GOST R 52134-2003*.

PVC pipe marking

Types of marking of PVC products

For the products in question, their own standards regarding labeling have been introduced.Pipes made from the same material, but having different wall thicknesses, differ in properties.

The features of the marking carried out include:

  • PN – the value of the maximum permissible operating pressure at an ambient temperature of 20 degrees Celsius, at which water supply will be provided without repair for 50 years;
  • SDR is a value equal to the outer diameter divided by the wall thickness.

Choosing polymer water supply pipes: installation tips

The designation “PN” is often followed by a number, for example, 25. It indicates the maximum pressure at which the pipe can be used. The markings sometimes indicate the outer and inner diameters of the product in millimeters.

PVC pipes

The designation of the material is carried out using special markings. For the installation of a water supply system, pipes with the following designations are used:

  1. PPH is a homopolymer that is obtained using a small amount of additives. Products with this marking in most cases have a large diameter. Used to create an external water supply system.
  2. PPB is a complex type of polymer called blocksomer. It is characterized by an unusual molecular structure with high strength. Therefore, PPB is used to create critical areas in the water supply system that operate under adverse conditions.
  3. PPR is a static copolymer with a crystalline arrangement of molecules. Due to this, the material can withstand strong and frequent changes in ambient temperature. The diameter of manufactured pipes from this polymer is 16-110 mm.
  4. PPS is a polymer characterized by resistance to high temperatures and mechanical stress.Increased strength and wear resistance make it possible to use it for the installation of central water supply systems. Pipe diameter – 20-1200 mm.

Some manufacturers add their own markings, which can be used to learn about other characteristics of the product.

Types of polymer pipes

Features of installation of polymer pipes

To connect individual polymer elements, special equipment and fittings are required. Despite the high machinability of the material, a cutter is required to change the length of the sections.

To work you will need:

  • construction tape;
  • marker;
  • corner ruler.

The installation process is divided into several stages:

  1. Cutting individual pipe sections to size.
  2. The cut site is cleaned of burrs and other defects.
  3. A suitable fitting is selected.
  4. All elements are installed and secured.

You can create a water supply system in a few hours. To increase the strength of connections, a special soldering iron for polymer products.

Types of polymer pipes

Features of welding work

Welding work is carried out to increase the reliability of connections of polymer pipes. To do this you need a special soldering iron with attachments. Due to exposure to high temperature, a strong seam is formed at the joint.

There are several welding technologies:

  • electrofitting is a common tool that allows you to obtain a high-quality connection;
  • When cold welding, two parts are connected with a special glue.
Pipe soldering
Pipe soldering

When using a soldering iron, select the nozzle and set the correct heating temperature. For many polymers, the maximum is 260 degrees Celsius. At the time of welding, both parts are joined and come into contact with the heated nozzle. After removing the nozzle, the fitting is fixed.An important point is that the position of the two parts relative to the axis cannot be changed.

Tips for installation work

Installation work when using polymer pipes can be done independently. They are easy to lay and cut at the construction site. If necessary, the material is bent.

Tips for welding polypropylene pipes

After cutting the polymer, you need to process the resulting end surfaces with a knife. Small chips and other defects will not allow for joint-to-joint installation, which will reduce the degree of sealing of the pipeline.

If welding of small-diameter products is carried out, their permeability is immediately checked. Due to the wrong choice of nozzle or temperature, the interior may melt.

Choosing polymer water supply pipes: installation tips

Over the past decade, polymer pipes have become a popular building material. They are suitable for creating cold and hot water supply systems. At the same time, the price of the polymer is much lower when compared with cast iron and steel analogues. In addition, you can install the pipeline yourself.

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Watch in the video which pipe is better than PPR, polyethylene or metal-plastic.

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