Pumping station without a hydraulic accumulator: features of operation and water supply device without a hydraulic tank

Thanks to modern equipment, a private homeowner has the opportunity to set up an autonomous water supply system at will. For seasonal living in a country house or dacha, a pumping station without a hydraulic accumulator is quite suitable, although this solution is used less and less due to its impracticality.

Let's consider the principle of operation, the pros and cons of a system that operates directly from a well or well to water collection points. We will evaluate the feasibility of such a solution, and also present options for organizing water supply without a hydraulic accumulator.

Is it advisable to abandon the hydraulic accumulator?

When designing a water supply system for a house, it is necessary to take into account factors such as the number of consumers, the volume of pumped liquid, and the resource of a well or borehole. If water is required on an ongoing basis and in large quantities, then without hydraulic accumulator there's simply no way around it.

A pumping station with a hydraulic tank ensures a continuous supply of water to the house, and if a power outage suddenly occurs, the supply of liquid is enough to finish your business. The volume of the tank is selected based on needs.

The average volume for domestic use is 25-50 liters, but for frequent use it is better to immediately purchase a 100-200 liter tank or include a storage tank as an addition to the circuit.

Pumping station with hydraulic accumulator
The hydraulic accumulator performs several important functions: it stabilizes the water pressure in the system, protects equipment from water hammer, and increases the service life of the pump.

The water supply system can operate without a hydraulic accumulator. In essence, it is a pump connected by a pipeline to water collection points. The main disadvantage of such a system is the rapid wear of pumping equipment.

In a system with a hydraulic tank, the pump is turned on only when necessary, but here it will turn on every time someone opens a water tap or wants to water the flowers. Due to frequent activation, the engine fails faster, and the pump has to be repaired or replaced more often than usual.

Pumping station without hydraulic tank
Connection diagram for a pumping station without a hydraulic tank. A surface pump is installed in the basement, water is supplied through a suction pipeline lowered into a well (well) (+)

However, manufacturers have not abandoned models without a hydraulic tank, because they are in demand. Most often they are interested in the owners of summer cottages who use water supply system only in the summer - for relaxation, growing vegetables or flowers.

Let's consider situations in which you can get by with one pump, without a hydraulic accumulator:

Thus, if there is no need for a large amount of water, which must be supplied stably, constantly and have a reserve, you can get by with an ordinary automatic pump. In other cases, a hydraulic accumulator is required.

Operating principle of a system without a hydraulic tank

Equipment pumping water works the same way: it takes liquid from a source - a well, a well - and pumps it into the house, to water collection points. The pump can be either submersible or surface pump.

The role of connecting highways is performed by pipelines from polypropylene pipes or flexible hoses. In the same way, water is supplied to the bathhouse, garage, summer kitchen, and swimming pool.

Submersible pump in a well
So that water can be used in autumn or early spring, it is recommended to insulate the well and bury the pipes to a depth of 70-80 cm - then the liquid will not freeze even during frosts

The difference concerns the use of additional devices, such as a hydraulic accumulator, pressure switch etc. Installing pumping equipment without means of control and adjustment is extremely dangerous - primarily for the equipment itself.

Garden watering pump
The simplest example of equipment for providing summer cottage residents with water is the AL-KO garden pump. You can use it to water plants, organize a shower, or fill a pool with water.

If a large amount of water or a more stable supply is needed, another important element is included in the scheme - a storage tank. First, the water flows into it, and only then to consumers.

When using household pumps, the liquid volume is usually from 2 to 6 m³/h. This amount is usually enough if the station is connected to a well or borehole and serves a country house.

When choosing a unit, it should be taken into account that the absence of a hydraulic tank accelerates the wear of parts, so the equipment must be durable - with a steel or cast iron body coated with anti-corrosion paint.

The pump functions are controlled using a pressure switch, which is responsible for regulating the pressure. For control, the easiest way is to install a pressure gauge, which is usually equipped with automation pumping stations.

The relay is installed in the pipeline
In the absence of a hydraulic accumulator, the pressure switch is connected directly to the pumping station or integrated together with a dry-running relay into the pipeline

In addition to equipment for pumping water, you will need an electrical cable, a connection point to the network and grounding terminals. If the ready-made solution does not satisfy your needs, the station parts can be purchased separately and then assembled at the installation site. The main condition is the compliance of the system elements with characteristics.

Water supply without accumulator

If you exclude the hydraulic accumulator from the water supply scheme, then two options are possible:

  • using a pump to supply water directly to water collection points;
  • connecting a storage tank.

Both options are actively used, but the first is optimal for irrigation systems with a small volume of liquid, and the second is most appropriate when you need to provide water to a shower, kitchen faucet - that is, consumers inside the house.

Option #1 - connecting the pump directly

There are many interesting solutions, but the most practical and economical are automated irrigation systems. They work only during periods when there is no rain, and are installed wherever regular watering is necessary - in the garden, near flower beds, on lawns.

One of the options is an expanded irrigation system for a personal plot. It is fully automated. To set the on/off time, connect the controller. Solenoid valves can be installed on each individual line so that they can be operated separately.

Automatic watering system
Approximate scheme of automatic watering of a summer cottage. Transportation of liquid from a well or well is carried out through pipes with a diameter of 19 mm (central) and 16 mm (branches) (+)

The rain sensor makes the irrigation system more efficient: during rainfall, the pump does not function.

The procedure for installing the irrigation system:

  • we place the pipes on the surface of the earth according to a pre-designed diagram and connect them with fittings;
  • we install sprinklers, drip systems, watering hoses;
  • we equip a pumping group - a surface unit and a pressure switch;
  • connect the water supply, test the system for leaks;
  • if all is well, we dig trenches 30 cm deep, build a drainage cushion from crushed stone and sand, lay the pipeline and fill it up;
  • We carry out repeated testing to check the tightness, check the performance of all lines;
  • connect the controller and rain sensor;
  • We check the operation of all elements of the system.

If the throughput is small, we set up alternate operation of the lines. This is a complex circuit that requires knowledge of how to configure the equipment.The simplest is the usual pump type "Baby" with watering hoses connected to it.

Option #2 – scheme with a storage tank

With the advent of technologically advanced hydraulic accumulator stations, the scheme has become less popular, but is still in use. It is simple and differs in that there is a storage tank between the pump and the water collection points.

Water supply scheme with storage tank
Diagram of a water supply system with a storage tank. To ensure the movement of water through the pipes at a certain speed and pressure, an additional circular pump is installed

One of the operating conditions for the system is water treatment organization. The first filter is installed on the suction pipe for surface pumps, and on the equipment itself for submersible pumps. The second is at the entrance to the house. It is better if it is a set of two filters, coarse and fine.

After the filtration system, a storage tank is installed, and a pipe (or pipes) goes from it to the water collection points.

Installing a tank in the attic
Traditionally, the tank is installed as high as possible - for example, in the attic. The high location increases the pressure in the system, which will function even in the absence of electricity

Storage tank - any tank of suitable volume. Previously, they used galvanized metal tanks, now they use plastic containers of various configurations. They are equipped with one inlet pipe for supplying water from a well, and two outlet pipes for distribution to consumers and drains.

The top of the tank is covered with a hinged lid that protects the liquid from debris and dust. By removing the lid, you can analyze the condition of the tank and the water stored in it. In case of severe contamination, the liquid is released through the drain pipe and the tank is washed.

The main controlling element is the float mechanism. As soon as the water level reaches the maximum level, the inlet pipe is closed and the supply to the tank stops. At a low level, on the contrary, the inlet opens and water begins to flow into the tank.

Plastic storage tank
Plastic storage tank installed in the attic. It is lighter in weight than a metal container, so it is much more convenient to install. To prevent the water from freezing, in the northern regions the walls of the tank are insulated

The advantage of using a storage tank: there is always a supply of water, which is supplied under low pressure, even if all pumps are turned off. The downside is that it's difficult to install. Large tanks require space and a base that can support their weight.

In the case of installing systems for year-round operation, the attic, or at least the tank itself, located in an unheated attic space, must be insulated.

To avoid overflow and flooding of the floors located below, storage tanks must be equipped with overflow pipes. If the permissible volume is exceeded, the water will flow through the overflow hole located in the upper third of the tank through the pipe connected to it into the sewer.

Positive and negative feedback

How good a system without a hydraulic accumulator is in practice is best judged by the reviews of users - owners who have been using it in their homes for a year or more.

One of the advantages is the compact size and ergonomics of the pumping station. There is no hydraulic accumulator that takes up a lot of space, making it much easier to find a small corner to install the pump.

You can use different types of pumps with equal success, including submersible units– then only the pipeline and control devices will appear on the surface.

The cost of a unit without a hydraulic tank is lower, and installation is simpler.

Pumping station for a summer residence
An example of a pumping station that can be used for domestic servicing of a dacha. The pump is equipped with a pressure switch and dry-running protection

There are also disadvantages, the main one being insufficient power. A system without a hydraulic accumulator has minimal performance, and pumping equipment is constantly at risk of failure.

It is not protected from water hammer, and from frequent switching on/off it simply wears out earlier than stated by the manufacturer.

Today, when there are many models on the market with a hydraulic accumulator costing from 8,000 rubles, the system with a storage tank is considered outdated and irrational.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Overview of the vortex pump with pressure switch:

Automation for pumping stations without hydraulic accumulators:

Connecting the pumping station to the storage tank:

The use of a water supply system without a hydraulic tank in a summer cottage is possible, but it will be limited in power and partially unprotected, even if equipped with automation. It is much more convenient to use a modern pumping station with a hydraulic accumulator, especially to provide the house with the required amount of water.

Do you have experience operating a pumping station without a hydraulic accumulator? Or want to ask questions on the topic? Please comment on the post and participate in discussions. The feedback block is located below.

Visitor comments
  1. Vitaly

    In our house we installed a pumping station without a hydraulic tank: it performs all functions perfectly, water is supplied without problems, and everything is automatic and comfortable. Average volume 25 liters.The storage tank does not take up a large volume; the station is connected to a common well. The tank was located in the basement so that it would not interfere with the house. I can say that it is described and shown perfectly, where and how best to install.

    • Igor

      How does water rise into the house if the tank is in the basement???

  2. Zinaida

    Every year from April to November I live in the country. An autonomous water supply system was installed in the house - a pumping station without a hydraulic accumulator with distribution made of plastic pipes. For watering the garden, we have process water from a natural pond, but for household and sanitary needs (washing dishes, brushing teeth), I don’t need a lot of water in the house. The second branch of the wiring leads to the bathhouse. We have enough power at the pumping station.

  3. Vitalik

    What kind of question is Igorok asking how the water rises, but he didn’t hear the pressure? or in a 5-story building in the city you have water flowing from the roof

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