Features and frequency of checking the efficiency of ventilation systems

Any buildings, both residential and industrial, must undergo periodic ventilation checks. This is necessary to maintain an optimal indoor microclimate.Let's see why it is important to follow the rules and frequency of checking the efficiency of ventilation systems regularly and on time.

After all, you must agree that following certain documentary requirements means not only obtaining permits and passing a commission, but also preserving the health of the people in the premises. How this works, what verification periods exist - we’ll talk about this and much more later.

Purpose of the ventilation system

To begin with, it’s worth finding out what it is ventilation system, and how its effectiveness is verified.

A ventilation system is a set of equipment that circulates and renews air in a room, while maintaining a certain microclimate. Sometimes this process is accompanied by filtering, humidification, and heating of the air.

Air movement pattern
The process of air movement through a ventilation system is shown using the example of a residential building. The room is provided with clean air with proper ventilation

This process of constant air exchange provides a person with the necessary conditions for favorable life activity and good health. A certain temperature, required humidity, and air purity are maintained.

If the premises do not comply with the necessary requirements, this can seriously affect human health and can lead to the following consequences:

  • Due to poor air exchange, carbon dioxide will begin to accumulate in the room.This phenomenon can cause a person to become quickly fatigued, easily suffocated, weakness, headaches and other unpleasant consequences. Therefore, the air must constantly circulate and be replaced with new air;
  • ventilation malfunctions can lead to the formation of high humidity. This phenomenon provokes the formation of mold and the proliferation of insects. For example, mold spores are bad for the human body;
  • Pollution can accumulate in the airspace. These include dust, animal hair, any harmful substances of chemical origin, etc. All this gets into the lungs and can harm human health. Therefore, it is very important to carry out regular system cleaning;
  • Excessive noise may occur due to improper operation of the ventilation system, which can interfere with work in the office or medical institutions. This occurs when the fan or motor is not operating correctly, as well as in the absence of sound insulation of the ventilation system;
  • problems in the operation of the ventilation system can significantly affect heat loss in the room being used. Heated air can escape through the ventilation system and significantly increase heating costs;
  • Due to contamination of the ventilation from the inside, an unpleasant odor may appear. This phenomenon is also possible with high humidity in the room, due to the spread of fungus and mold on the internal surfaces of the system.

Checking the efficiency of a ventilation system is an analysis of air exchange compliance accepted standards in the project or sanitary and hygienic standards.

Checking the ventilation system
Entrust checking the efficiency of the ventilation system only to professionals who will carefully approach this process from all sides

This is an important process that should be carried out regularly.Not only to obtain certain permits, but also to preserve people's health.

The need for such testing is to provide people with clean, high-quality air. This applies to all businesses. If a poor-quality ventilation system is found in an industrial organization, then there is a possibility of accumulation of toxic or explosive substances in the air.

This can lead to serious destructive processes. Therefore, you should take the ventilation system seriously and involve only professionals for this work.

Purpose of checking ventilation systems

The fundamental purpose of checking the ventilation system is to identify irregularities in its operation, possible breakdowns, and defects. An analysis of the performance of ventilation shows how well it copes with the given load and whether it provides the building with the removal of internal air and the supply of external air. In addition to faults, it identifies possible errors in calculations at the design stage.

It is almost impossible to do such work on your own. High-quality testing requires special equipment, knowledge and experience. For example, industrial ventilation systems are complex structures intertwined with high-tech electronics and mechanics, consisting of many parts.

Ventilation system in a factory
This is roughly what a ventilation system looks like in industrial production - it consists of many air ducts and other structural elements. Do not risk checking such complex structures yourself

Without a highly qualified specialist, it will be difficult to analyze such a system. The intervention of a licensed organization will be required.

The process of checking ventilation equipment is quite labor-intensive, but necessary for any building equipped with ventilation - industrial buildings, medical organizations, residential apartments, shops, office premises.

Types of checks and their purpose

Performance analysis can be done in several ways. Instrumental methods for checking the efficiency of ventilation systems are considered the main ones, since they are the most highly accurate.

Such measurements can be carried out in any of the following ways or, if necessary, in combination:

  1. An instrumental method for measuring parameters of carbon dioxide levels and other air conditions. Carried out indoors and outdoors. Consists of checking the quantity and quality of gas elements in the air
  2. An instrumental method for measuring components contained in air. For example, an aerosol study of the air space in a used room, which determines the level of pollution of the space with small particles.
  3. Aerodynamic testing is a method that also refers to instrumental testing.

Aerodynamic tests include checking the following basic characteristics: air pressure and ambient air in the room; air flow temperature in the room; duration of movement of the anemometer in the area of ​​the measured area.

Checking ventilation equipment
A specialist performs instrumental testing of ventilation efficiency using high-tech equipment. This method is much more effective than conducting an independent check without special instruments.

Air quality measurements must be taken strictly at specific openings. If the location was determined incorrectly, then an error in measurements and calculations appears.Entrust this work to trusted specialists.

There is also a method for checking the effectiveness of ventilation without the use of special devices. The quality of the ventilation system can be checked using a paper sheet. The paper should be attracted to the air and maintain its position on the ventilation grille.

Checking ventilation with an anemometer
Remember that methods for checking ventilation systems without the use of high-precision instruments are not effective and often show erroneous results.

If it does not fall for a long time, then the ventilation operation can be considered satisfactory. But this method is not effective in comparison with any instrumental one.

In addition, in large industries it and other alternative methods of checking ventilation are not used.

Ventilation check frequency

Finally, we come to the most interesting and important thing - the frequency of checking the ventilation system. These periods vary depending on the purpose for which the premises are used.

Worker checking ventilation
Regular and timely requests to check the operation of ventilation systems are the key to the successful operation of any enterprise and the health of its employees

There are fundamental acts that determine the frequency, nature and essence of assessing the effectiveness of ventilation systems:

  • Federal Law No. 52 – a document that regulates the issues of sanitary and epidemiological well-being of citizens;
  • GOST standards12.4.021-75, 12.3.018-79, 12.1.005-88. They define the inspection methodology, parameters of ventilation systems and other issues.
  • SNiP and joint ventures, which specify the main properties and air quality for various enterprises - 3.05.01-85, SP 1.1.1058-01;
  • recommendations R NOSTROY 2.15.3-2011 about testing and adjusting ventilation;
  • fundamental European standards EN - 15251 and 13779, which indicate air exchange standards and categories aeromass;
  • intersectoral PB, MU for control of industrial ventilation systems.

Legal acts, norms and GOST standards, which are presented above indicate that the quality control of ventilation systems should be carried out with a certain frequency.

Now let's move on to specific deadlines, for whom and which ones are set:

  • industrial structures that release various toxic, explosive, and radioactive components must be inspected once a month. This applies to buildings working with hazardous substances of classes 1 and 2. In some cases, separate deadlines are established for such hazardous enterprises;
  • The following structures must be inspected annually: if the enterprise uses equipment that consumes natural gas; enterprises of classes A, B, C that use ventilation equipment; if the walls of the ventilation equipment ducts are thin and they come into contact with hazardous air environments; used supply and exhaust ventilation system.
  • Every 3 years it is necessary to carry out an inspection if the building uses a natural and artificial ventilation system.

The importance of following the rules of regular inspection is mentioned several times in the text. This is a necessity for long-term operation of the building and high-quality work of employees.

But such deadlines are established for structures, provided that commissioning and installation work was carried out in compliance with all requirements and technologies.

Ventilation check request frequency graph
The frequency of requests from various organizations can be seen in this figure. The main thing is that requests to check ventilation efficiency occur regularly

If the complex of these construction measures was not carried out properly, then during the first year of operation an inspection should be carried out earlier than in due time.

During the work, the tightness could be broken, and as a result of poor installation, damage and defects could occur. To avoid an emergency, in the first year you should conduct an analysis of the ventilation operation in advance and monitor the effectiveness of the ventilation to ensure the quality of its work.

Who performs the ventilation efficiency check?

Who to contact for help in checking the efficiency of the ventilation system is written in the regulatory documents. Let's take a closer look at what these or other entries mean.

If the regulatory documents indicate that the inspection is carried out by a licensed organization, then permission from this organization will be required - this is confirmation of permission to carry out the necessary work in compliance with the standards.

Accredited laboratory
If the documents refer to the need for accreditation, then an accredited laboratory is required to check the ventilation equipment

If there are no specific instructions, then it is often suitable for many objects to carry out work by an individual entrepreneur.

How to extend the service life of ventilation?

There are several tips on how to increase the service life of the ventilation system and increase the efficiency of using this design.

Here are some rules to help you with this:

  • if you use electronic fan speed control, this allows you to save 20-30% of electricity;
  • The ventilation system does not have to be operated at full capacity in all cases. To avoid rapid failure, consult a specialist on this issue;
  • The use of an EC motor in the ventilation system reduces energy consumption by 50%. Such motors are specially designed for ventilation systems;
  • usage recuperator. This is a device that heats the air, the so-called heat exchanger. Thanks to it, you can warm up the room during the cold period, saving money on heating;
  • Ensure your ventilation system filters incoming air. This will significantly reduce its pollution level. If you neglect additional cleaning, clogged surfaces of heaters will reduce the level of heat transfer by 10-20%.

Just imagine, by applying these recommendations you can achieve enormous savings, which will have a positive impact on your enterprise.

Ventilation testing equipment
If these tricks are applied at the very beginning, it will not only extend the life of the ventilation equipment, but also save your money

Some of these tips will provide your employees with a conducive air environment for good performance.

And what could be more important for industrial production and office buildings than high labor productivity?

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

This video will help you become familiar with the operating principle of the ventilation system:

The need for regular inspection of ventilation systems will be discussed in the following video:

Purified and fresh air in the building is possible! Follow all the listed rules and recommendations for the proper operation of the ventilation system.

This will have a positive impact on your company in the form of satisfied, healthy and efficient employees, compliance with all safety rules and order with documentation.

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Visitor comments
  1. Vladislav

    I don’t quite understand who has the right to inspect ventilation systems (office premises, production facilities) and issue a report on the efficiency of the ventilation system

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