Samsung washing machine errors: how to understand the problem and repair it

So that the owner can independently find out the errors of the washing machine Samsung, the manufacturer created a signal system.In the event of a malfunction, a specific code consisting of letters and numbers is displayed on the display.

On those devices where there is no monitor, the corresponding indicators near the buttons on the display light up. Knowing the decoding of the code, you can fix a minor breakdown without resorting to the help of professionals. Let's take a closer look at what the main error codes indicate.

Symptoms of basic problems

Basic diagnostics can be carried out by the presence of previously unobserved deviations in the operation of the machine or changes in its appearance.

An unusual odor appears

A similar phenomenon can occur when mechanical parts are severely worn. The problem is solved by replacing them with new ones.

If you can clearly smell a burning smell, this is a signal that a short circuit has occurred. The machine should be turned off and contact a professional.

Samsung washing machine
The washing machine, produced under the Samsung brand, fits organically into any interior.It’s quite simple to understand how to control it - you just need to set a program suitable for those things that will be loaded into the drum. In this case, the machine will select all modes itself.

Recording unusual noises

A loud noise is heard while filling the tank with water - the reason lies in the high pressure. If adjusting the inlet valve does not produce any results, there may be foreign objects in the supply hose.

Periodic noise during spin indicates that the machine is not installed correctly or that a foreign object has entered the drum or housing. In this case, the unit should be thoroughly inspected and reinstalled.

The cause of noise during drainage may be the skew of the underlying surface. To eliminate the loud sound, you should install the housing correctly and make sure that the drain pump filter is clean.

If during operation the engine roars loudly or a knocking noise appears, you need to consult a professional.

Changing body color

The paint may peel off and change color when the washing machine is installed in a room with high humidity. Usually the lower part of the unit body and its bottom are affected.

If the damage is minor, you can touch up and clean the areas of change yourself. To further correct the problem, you need to reinstall the machine in a dry, well-ventilated room.

Mold on the machine
In unsuitable conditions, the washing machine can quickly become unusable. Therefore, it is better not to install it in the bathroom, where there is always high humidity.

Various manifestations of water leakage

The presence of a puddle flowing from under the body indicates flaws in the hoses designed to drain and supply water.If a self-inspection actually reveals cracks and holes, the elements should be replaced. Otherwise, specialist intervention will be required.

If the powder compartment is overfilled or clogged, a leak may also occur. To fix the problem, clean the compartment thoroughly.

If the inspection reveals a leak from the places where the pipes connect to the machine, you need to repeat the assembly or replace the sealing part.

Door malfunction

Jamming indicates a power outage. In this case, to open the door, you need to press and hold the power button for a long time.

If the door does not close, it may be due to excess laundry in the drum or foreign objects getting into the gap.

Problems with the machine door
The machine's loading door should open and close easily. The occurrence of violations may indicate not only problems with the mechanism itself, but also more serious problems with the unit

Display problems

Symbols freeze and there is no backlight - this may indicate moisture has entered the control panel. The machine should be unplugged and allowed to dry for a day. If the display does not light up when turned on or unknown characters appear on it, you need to contact a service center.

Possible errors and ways to eliminate them

If a combination of numbers and letters appears on the display of the washing unit, or if models without a screen display a combination of lit lights, after which the machine stops working, this means that certain problems have arisen.

Knowing the decoding of the codes, you can quickly determine the severity of the problem and determine whether it is a consequence of user inattention or a serious breakdown has occurred that requires professional intervention.

No. 1. Malfunctions in the operation of the pressure switch

The appearance of such combinations on the screen as 1E, E7, 1C indicates deviations in the operation of the water sensor, the so-called pressure switch. On models where a display is not provided, in this case the indicators of all washes flash and the indicators of all temperature modes are lit except Bio 60°C.

The machine begins to signal that a failure has occurred literally immediately after turning it on. Most often, this breakdown requires contacting specialists, but in some cases you can fix the problem yourself.

Failure of the washing machine pressure switch
Adjusting the amount of water added is very important for the normal operation of the washing machine. If the level switch (pressure switch) fails, the unit will not be able to perform its functions.

To eliminate violations, you should do the following:

  • Disconnect the machine from the power supply for 5 minutes. If the reason was a one-time malfunction of the sensor, the unit will begin to carry out the program normally.
  • It is necessary to check all contacts from pressure switch to the control module. It is likely that the cause of the error lies in the disconnection of one of the connectors.
  • In order to detect the problem, you need to check the condition of the tube connecting the water level sensor to the pressure sampling chamber. It may have bent or fallen off. To correct the error, you must return it to its original position.

If the above work has been done and the code still appears on the display, it is better to contact a service center and entrust the repair to specialists.

No. 2.Problems with the tachometer of the washing machine

Codes 3E, 3E1, 3E2, 3E3, 3E4, 3C, 3C1, 3C2, 3C3, 3C4, 8E, 8E1, 8C, 8C1, EA may appear on the screen as a result of an error tachometer. This small device is responsible for making the engine perform a certain number of revolutions.

On models without a display, in such cases, the washing modes will flash and the temperature indicators 40°C and Bio 60°C.

Probable reasons:

  • The drum is loaded with a quantity of laundry whose weight exceeds the established norm and the engine simply cannot pull such a load. If this is the clue, then after removing some of the washable items and restarting the device continues to work normally.
  • Demonstration of the described error code in washing machines “S”amsung" may occur due to a random failure. To check the option, you need to turn off the machine from the outlet and turn it on again after a couple of minutes.

If the restart was successful, there is no reason to worry.

Problems with the tachometer
You can determine the impending failure of the tachometer by poorly wrung out laundry, slow rotation of the drum during spinning or its complete stop, unstable rotation speed during washing

No. 3. Problems with the water supply system

How to decipher errors 4E, 4C or E1? If during washing or rinsing the machine stops executing the program and the indicated flashing combinations appear on the display, this is a message that water has stopped flowing into the laundry drum. On models without a screen, in this case, the indicator lights for washing modes and minimum temperature light up.

There may be several reasons for the error:

  • The inlet hose through which water enters the machine is jammed with something.
  • The filter located at the outlet of the same hose is clogged.
  • The user simply forgot to open the water supply valve.
  • The pressure is too low.
  • There is no cold water in the system.

To accurately determine the cause, you should restart the program and listen to the sound of water pouring in.

Cleaning the inlet filter
The filter through which the water passes prevents contaminants of organic and mineral origin from entering the tank of the machine. Even small particles lingering on its mesh can prevent the washer from functioning normally.

Further actions depend entirely on the presence or absence of sound:

  1. If it is heard, but the machine stops and continues to indicate an error, perhaps the drum is overloaded or things are being washed that absorb almost all the water from the tank.
  2. When you can clearly hear that water is flowing, the weight of the laundry corresponds to the standards specified in the instructions and the fabric does not absorb much water, but the flashing display still indicates an error, you need to check the water pressure. Most likely he is weak.

If there is no sound of water pouring in when the supply tap is open and the pressure in the system is normal, the following actions should be taken: clean the filter, reboot the control unit by unplugging it for 15 minutes, then plug the machine into the outlet and restart the same washing mode.

Cleaning the inlet hose filter
The filter of the water intake system in the machine needs to be cleaned periodically. Unscheduled inspection and cleaning is carried out if there is no water in the tank when work is activated, the tap is open and there is normal pressure in the water supply

No. 4. Failure of the drainage system

What to do if a code appears on the display 5E or E2? In models without a display, the machine signals by flashing all washing modes and illuminating the temperature indicator at 40°C.The appearance of an error indicates problems with draining water.

The reasons for the appearance of the code may be as follows:

  • The hose through which the machine drains water is clogged or kinked. After cleaning or returning the hose to its normal position, normal operation of the unit is restored.
  • The drain filter is clogged. To check the version, it must be removed, cleaned, washed and screw in back.
  • The siphon located where the machine connects to the sewer is clogged. To eliminate this problem, you need to disconnect the drain hose from the connection to the waste pipe, immerse it in some container, start the program and wait for the water to drain. If it flows unhindered, you need to urgently clean the siphon.

The machine may generate this error if the contacts of the drain pump come loose. After they are tightly connected, the code does not appear on the screen.

Cleaning the outlet filter
Cleaning the drain filter from dirt is not at all difficult. If you regularly perform this procedure, unscrewing it will not require much effort. In addition to dirt and lint, you can find small objects that got into the machine along with the laundry: buttons, coins

A one-time failure in the system can also cause the error to be demonstrated. To check this, you need to turn off the device and turn it on again after 10-15 minutes.

No. 5. Reaction to power surges

How to determine the causes of errors Uc, 9C, 9E1, 9E2 and eliminate them? These numbers and letters can appear at any time during program execution. They mean a lack or excess of voltage in the network for a few seconds. Essentially, this is a voltage control that protects electrical components.

If an error appeared on the screen and then quickly disappeared, the network surge was short-lived. In this case, you do not need to do anything.If the code appears on the screen for a long time, it may indicate problems with the electrical network.

The reasons for signal reflection may be the following:

  • Regular power failures in the network. In case of such problems, it is worth installing a stabilizer.
  • Failure in the voltage control system. In this case, it is enough to restart the program by turning the washing machine off and on.
  • Using a low-quality extension cord to connect the unit to the network can also cause an error to appear. Replacing it will solve the problem.

Very often, a voltage control error is displayed on the display in the case of poor-quality wiring, an old socket, etc. After replacing these elements, everything falls into place.

Power problems
This group of errors indicates problems with the supply of electricity. Samsung washing machines are sensitive to overvoltage and undervoltage and instability of current supply

No. 6. One-time malfunction of the machine

How to fix the error AE, AC, 13E? The listed error codes appear if communication between control boards is interrupted, the function of which is to receive information from numerous sensors, process it and issue commands to the executing mechanisms.

You can correct the error by disconnecting the device from the network. If this was a one-time failure, the machine will work normally when restarted.

Checking the control board
The control board can be called the “brain” of the washing machine, ensuring the sequence of certain actions in accordance with the program selected by the consumer. Only a professional can diagnose microcircuit problems

If, after a shutdown, the code appears on the screen again, you need to call a technician for an accurate diagnosis.

No. 7. Accidents in the control system

What do the codes say? 6E, Eb, bE, bE1, bE2, bE3? On models without a display, in the event of this error, all washing mode lights and all temperature indicators turn on, except 60°C.

There are several reasons for this error to appear:

  • Problems with the triac, which is responsible for the operation of the machine's engine. Normally, he turns it on and off and sets the desired speed.
  • Problems with the operation of the washing machine buttons.
  • Problems in the control module.

You can try to fix the error yourself. First, disconnect the device from the network and turn it on again. If rebooting helped, it was a one-time error.

Error in the control system of the Samsung washing machine
When this group of errors is displayed, the breakdowns are confined to the control system. This may be a malfunction of the triac, relay, total station, controls or control board

The numbers on the display may indicate sticking or, conversely, lack of contact of one of the buttons on the control panel. To troubleshoot problems, click the buttons several times or hold them down. The specified encoding may indicate overload electrical sockets or its malfunction. When replaced with a new one, the machine starts working well again.

No. 8. Errors in operating modes

This fault segment is indicated by the symbols SE, AS, 4S2. On models without screens, a similar error is reflected by the blinking of all washing modes and the light on the temperature indicator button located at the very top. In this case, the code indicates that the water temperature has been exceeded.

Connecting a washing machine
You must connect the washing unit to the water supply and sewerage strictly according to the rules. If something is unclear, it is better to consult a specialist

To correct the error, the first thing you need to do is check whether the inlet hose is connected to the hot water pipe.If this is all right, you should restart the machine. In case of a one-time failure, it will work normally.

No. 9. Improper preparation for washing

How to react to combinations DE, DE1, DE2, DC, DC1, DC2, ED? Units without screens react to an error by flashing all washing modes and temperatures. The combination shown means the door is not closed.

Eliminating the error is simple - you should check the condition of the car door. Perhaps a piece of thread entangled in the hook or a lock is interfering with the mechanism. Perhaps one of the door parts is bent.

The washing machine door is not closed
To restore the operation of the washing machine after inspecting and identifying an open door, you will need to close the door tightly and restart the program

What to do - appeared H1, H2, HE, HE1, HE2, HC, HC1, HC2, E5, E6? On the machine panel, where the display is not provided, the washing indicators are turned on, as well as the second from the top and the lowest temperature indicators. It should be noted that when operating without heating, the error does not appear.

There are two main reasons for the error:

If you try to correct the situation yourself, you should check that the unit is connected correctly to the electrical network. If you use an extension cord, it is better to replace it with a new one or connect directly.

Error code on display
Usually the failure code appears after 10-15 minutes of washing, but in some cases it happens at the very beginning, from the first seconds. If the error is displayed at other times, it is most likely a one-time failure

If, as a result of the actions taken, the machine again indicates problems, you should contact a professional.

What does the appearance of a combination mean? LE, LC, E9? Machines without a screen indicate problems with lit washing buttons and temperature indicators located at the very bottom and top.

This error appears on the screen when water leaks from the unit. There are several known reasons for its appearance:

  • The drain hose is below the required level.
  • It is not connected to the sewer system correctly.
  • Water leaks through a hole or crack in the tank.

To troubleshoot problems, follow these steps:

  1. Disconnect the unit from the network.
  2. Check the position of the drain hose. Normally, it should first go up and then go down.
  3. Check if the drain filter is open. It can also leak.
  4. Disconnect the drain hose from the drain and place its end in a sink or other container.

Then you should restart the device. If everything went well, the cause has been eliminated.

What does it mean when it appears on the display? UE, UB, E4? In this case, on the control panel without a display, all washing modes and the temperature indicator second from the top are blinking. The combination indicates the machine's difficulty in distributing laundry evenly before spin.

Difficulty with spinning
Codes UE, UB, E4 indicate that the machine is having difficulty spinning washed clothes, which happens due to violation of the rules for loading things into the machine drum

To correct the situation, you need to do the following:

  1. Drain the water from the tank.
  2. Disconnect the machine from the power supply.
  3. After waiting 15 minutes, open the door.
  4. After untangling the piled laundry, distribute it evenly throughout the tank.
  5. Close the door and start further execution of the program.

In some cases, after the manipulations have been carried out, the machine continues to operate normally.

No. 10. Damage to the unit's temperature sensor

What to do if the screen shows tE, Ec, tc? If the machine is not equipped with a display, if there is an identical malfunction on the control panel of the company's washing machine Samsung all washing modes and temperature indicators light up "Bio 60 °C" and "60 °C".

The error indicates a problem with temperature sensorresponsible for measuring the water temperature in the unit.

Thermal sensor failure
The temperature sensor regulates both the switching on of the heating element in the machine and its switching off after the water has heated to a certain temperature. If it fails, the water may either not heat up at all or boil

You can fix the breakdown yourself by overloading. If this action does not bring any results, you need to contact the service center. Most likely, you will need to replace the sensor or heating element.

No. 11. Signal of increased foaming

The appearance of combinations Sud (5ud) or Sd (5d) on the screen indicates that there is too much foam in the tank. Most often this happens due to the use of a powder that is not suitable for washing in an automatic machine.

Increased foaming during operation of the washing machine
Excessive foaming is typical when using detergents for hand washing. Foam can penetrate the electrical part of the unit and create conditions for a short circuit. Determining whether a powder is suitable for washing in an automatic machine or not is very simple - this is always indicated on the packaging

The amount of detergent is also easy to calculate: 1 tbsp is considered the norm. per 1 kg of dry laundry.

In this case, no action needs to be taken. After the foam has settled, the unit will automatically continue washing.

We also recommend reading our other article, where we told you how to deal with typical problems with a Samsung washing machine. Read more - read Further.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

You can find out what error codes there are and how to act correctly when they appear on the machine display from the following video:

The video will demonstrate how to quickly restore the functions of the machine when code 3E appears on the display:

Combinations of numbers or indicator lights are hints with which in most cases you can quickly find your way and troubleshoot problems yourself without going to a workshop. This opportunity will help even an owner ignorant of technology to significantly save both time and money.

Do you have any questions about the topic of this article? Or can you add valuable advice to our material? Please leave your comments, ask questions, share your experience - the contact block is located below.

Visitor comments
  1. Alexander

    We bought a Samsung washing machine six years ago, but over the last year it has become more and more capricious. For example, the spin function freezes - the water does not drain, either the pump does not work, or the machine takes a long time to turn it on. Sometimes you have to run a forced spin. I advise you to use a descaling agent, it will also deodorize the insides of the machine and help get rid of stagnant water. The sealing collar that comes into contact with the door was chewed by the cat, which caused the seal of the chamber to be damaged, meaning that water leaked out during washing. The problem was eliminated by artificially increasing the layers of the rubber cuff with glue for installing car windows.

  2. Valentina

    In addition to the washing machine from Samsung, we also have a microwave oven and a TV. The company has established itself as a worthy manufacturer, and its products as a standard of quality and durability of equipment. Of the problems listed here, over seven years of use, we had difficulties with spin modes and draining. I don’t really look closely at the letters on the display; I managed to intuitively understand what needed to be done to solve the problem.

    • Joker

      You apparently have psychic abilities. Because even experienced technicians cannot always understand what is wrong, but you can do it right away, without error codes.

  3. Alexander

    What if the machine, when turned off, does not turn off the display and shows two horizontal lines on it, and when you try to turn it on, it does not turn on and does not respond to the buttons at all. When disconnected from the network, the power button responds to the power command, modes are switched, but programs do not start. And the situation repeats itself

  4. Olga

    Good afternoon. The machine worked perfectly for 4 years. There were minor problems (the filter was clogged). But in the 5th year, during washing it just stops and that’s it... At low temperatures it can still wash at 40 and 60 degrees - stop. The masters cannot understand the reason. It’s a pity that it worked so little, I’ll probably have to buy a new one and it will definitely not be Samsung.

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