How to open a washing machine if it is locked: a repair guide

When any malfunction occurs in the washing machine, the automation can block the entire device.Then the user is faced with the task of how to open the washing machine if it is locked, without harm to the equipment and his own life? Agree, the problem is very urgent, so you need to be prepared for such a situation.

It is very important to find out the root cause of the problem. If it is not related to the breakdown of key elements of the machine, then the user will be able to correct the situation on his own. We will tell you how to act in a given situation.

The article lists the most likely causes of blocking and how to eliminate them. In addition, the nuances of opening the doors of washing machines from different manufacturers are outlined, and cases are also described when it is better to refuse to solve the problem yourself and seek help from a specialist.

Causes of door blocking and their elimination

Whatever the root cause of the blockage, remember that it is strictly forbidden to try to forcefully unlock the hatch. This risks causing you to get an electric shock, or the washing machine will require expensive repairs or a complete replacement. Let's look at the main reasons.

Reason #1 - auto-lock at the end of the wash

Automatic locking is necessary in order to avoid injury to humans and equipment breakdowns. When the cycle is completed, the hatch will automatically open.

But often the user is faced with the situation that after the drum stops, it is not possible to get things out - the door does not budge. This is not a breakdown at all, it’s just that the hatch does not open immediately after the end of the wash cycle. In such a situation, you should wait 1-3 minutes, the duration depends on the model of the washing machine.

The door does not open
Temporary interlocking is a precautionary measure designed to stop and cool the machine drum and the interlocking device itself.

If such a situation arises, do not even try to tug and pull the door - this way you will not solve the problem, but will only break the hatch. You should wait for the characteristic click or melody, after which the door will open itself.

Reason #2 - software failure

A failure in the washing machine program is, unfortunately, not uncommon. This happens for a number of reasons: due to voltage surges, frequent power outages, lack of water. Let's take a closer look at the procedure depending on the factor that led to the blocking.

Reason #1. Lack of light. The unit should be switched off immediately. Wait until the electrics are turned on, connect the device to the network and start spinning and rinsing, then the machine will turn off in operating mode when the cycle is completed.

If there is no light for a long time, then it makes sense to do it yourself drain the water through the hose on the rear panel of the machine, having previously de-energized it. In this case, the door will open on its own.

Draining water from the machine
Before draining any water trapped in the drum through the hose, place a soft cloth or towel under the bottom of the washing machine.

Reason #2. Board failure . You should turn off the machine by holding the ON/ON button, and then unplug the cord from the outlet.

You can connect the device to the network after 30 minutes, during which time the machine will have time to reboot.

The electricity is turned off and there is water in the drum
If the power goes out during the washing process, you should unplug the machine and drain the water yourself. After this, take out the laundry and wipe the drum

Reason #3. The water was turned off. You should turn off the power to the device, wait until the water appears and then connect the washing machine again.

Reason #3 - problems with the lock

Most washing machine models have an option that allows you to protect the equipment from attacks by a growing heir. This could be the reason why the door is blocked.

The Child Lock function is activated. To disable this program, you can refer to the instructions - it describes the algorithm for turning on/off this mode specifically for your machine model. Or just hold the “Start” button for 5-10 seconds and the hatch will unlock automatically.

Child lock function
The Child Lock feature will protect your baby from injury. To disable it, refer to the instructions, which outline the algorithm for pressing the buttons

Lock failure. The fact is that all cars without exception are equipped with a physical mechanism that locks the door. And it may break. If the error code indicates that the problem is a faulty lock and there is no water in the tank, then you should force the door to open.

This can be done in two ways:

  1. Unplug the washing machine. Take a cable or very thick thread. Carefully pull it between the door and the body of the machine. After these actions, pressure will be applied to the lock tongue, it will be released from the blocker, and the door will smoothly open.
  2. After turning off the power to the device, remove the top cover.Find the lock (use a flashlight), and to make it easier to get to the door, tilt the washer slightly towards you. Then press the hook gently with your finger or a screwdriver. After a click, the hatch will open.

Technical Troubleshooting Guide

If the lock or water level sensor fails, this will be indicated by an error code on the device screen. If you are confident in your abilities, you can carry out repairs yourself, otherwise call a specialist.

Instruction #1 - drain the water from the tank

Many cars are programmed so that if there is liquid in the tank, the hatch will remain locked. Then you should drain it yourself.

The drain hose must be disconnected from the sewer and its free end lowered into any container that must be placed below the level of the tank in advance.

Water in the drum after washing
If you see that there is water left in the drum after washing, then immediately turn off the power to the machine. Use a forced drain hose

If the first method does not work, then you should inspect the filter, which is located on the bottom of the front panel.

It’s extremely simple: remove the decorative panel, unscrew the filter, tilt the washing machine and place a basin, then get rid of the water, clean the filter and screw the part into place. Activate the “Rinse” or “Spin” program.

If after these steps the water is still inside the drum, then the drain pump pipe is clogged. To get to it, you need to place the washing machine with its back wall on the floor.

First place some soft rag or towel on the floor under the device so as not to damage the equipment. Once access to the bottom of the device is gained, finding the pipe is not difficult. Unscrew the fastener, disconnect the hose and remove the water.

Instruction #2 - changing the hatch locking mechanism

If the problem is in the locking device, then this will require a complete replacement of the unusable part with a new spare part.

Hatch locking device
The hatch locking device is one of the key parts of the washing machine. It is better to entrust its repair or complete replacement to a specialist

Just follow the recommendations if you are confident in your abilities and decide to do it on your own:

  1. Turn off the power to the machine. Lift the top cover of the machine and remove the screws holding the locking element. For convenience, tilt the car and unlock the door with your hand by pressing the lock tab.
  2. Remove the clamp securing the door, and move the right side of the cuff a little. Stick your hand into the vacated opening and unscrew the screws.
  3. Remember the sequence in which the locking device was removed. Now do the same thing in reverse order - install a working UBL.
  4. Test after installation is completed. To do this, connect the machine and start the cycle.

When the door locks and opens after finishing the wash, then everything is done without errors.

Instruction #3 - replacing a broken door handle

Sometimes the blockage can be caused by a broken door handle.

First, turn on the emergency opening mode, if your car has one. Most manufacturers mount it at the bottom of the device near the drain filter.

Visually, it is a cable or lever of orange or red color, by pulling which you can open the door. In addition, you can open the lock manually by disconnecting the top cover of the machine, or use a cable.

How to replace a door handle
To replace the washer hatch door handle, carefully use a screwdriver to unscrew the bolts holding the entire door, remove it and disassemble it

You can replace a broken handle with a new one yourself. When choosing a new part, pay attention to the model and brand of the washing machine.

The replacement itself will not take much time:

  1. Remove the doorusing a screwdriver. Remove all the bolts that connect the door parts and disassemble the hatch into two components.
  2. Carefully remove the glass and set it aside. Record (schematically or in a photo) the arrangement of all parts so as not to confuse anything during the installation of the door.
  3. Remove the handle, lock hook and spring.Using an awl or screwdriver, press down on the metal rod holding the handle.
  4. Install a new handle: first install the new spring, then the hook with handle and metal pin, and finally the door.

It also happens that debris has accumulated in the drain hose, pump filter, or the pump has broken down. It is for this reason that some of the water is retained inside, and the liquid level sensor does not work.

You will be informed about this situation by a flashing error on the display. First, you should inspect and, if necessary, clean the outlet hose (it is located at the bottom of the machine). After this, you need to drain the water, and then the hatch will open.

How to drain the water
To remove water trapped in the drum, carefully disconnect the drain hose from the sewer and drain the excess liquid.

The situations described above are relevant if you have a machine with a horizontal loading method.

Instruction #4 - unlock the vertical washing machine

If the user has a top-loading washing machine and at one point its door becomes blocked, then you can try to solve this problem on your own. To do this, a number of manipulations have to be done.

Vertical loading of laundry
Owners of top-loading washing machines should carefully close the drum. If you do not do this, the car will be blocked.

In order for such a unit to work again, it is necessary:

  1. Disconnect the machine from the network and water supply.
  2. Move away from the wall.
  3. Find the heating element. To do this, you need to unscrew the bolts on the back cover and remove it.
  4. Then take out the heating element: remove the belt and disconnect the bolt holding it. Remove all wires that may interfere with work - in order not to further confuse the location of the wires, label them.
  5. Using a screwdriver, carefully remove the heating element with the rubber seal. Please note that the elastic sometimes sticks to the body, so difficulties may arise.
  6. Remove the heating element from the machine and then carefully rotate the drum so as not to damage the parts.
  7. Reinstall the heating element and connect all the wires.

To open a locked hatch, do not use additional tools, as they may damage the equipment.

Location of the heating element
In machines with a vertical loading type, to get to the drum, unscrew and remove the heating element. This way you can spin the reel

When you complete the replacement, you should start the wash again.

Unlocking secrets for different car brands

To successfully correct problems, you must carefully read the instructions for the washing machine, since equipment from different manufacturers differs in design.

Samsung. If such a situation occurred with a model of this brand, and draining and rebooting for 30 minutes did not bring the desired result, then there is a problem with water removal.

You will need to forcefully drain the water using the emergency hose, it is located next to the filter.In addition, especially for such situations, some models provide cables for forced opening of the door.

For more information on troubleshooting Samsung washing machines, see this article.

LG. You can simply unlock a car of this brand by removing the “Child Lock”. To reset, as well as to install, you must simultaneously activate two modes: “Super Rinse” and “Pre-Wash”. The cycle can then be continued by selecting the Start/Pause button.

Washing machine LG
Washing machines from LG are easy to unlock; to do this, you need to remove the “Child Lock” mode or hold down the “Start” button for a couple of seconds.

Bosch. To unlock a washing machine of this brand, press the “minus” button. This method will work if your model has plus and minus buttons on the panel.

If the key is lit on the monitor and there is no way to change the mode, you must hold the “Start” button for 5-10 seconds. After this, the hatch will open. Deciphering error codes and tips for repairing Bosch equipment are given Here.

Electrolux. All machines from this manufacturer are equipped with a “Pause” function, using which you can complete the wash ahead of schedule. If the water level in the drum reaches a certain point and the temperature drops below +50 °C, the lock will automatically open.

Atlant. Washing machines of this brand are equipped with an emergency hatch opening system. For this purpose, a special cable is installed to open the door next to the drainage filter.

Machine Atlant
To unlock the Atalnt machine, you need to find an emergency opening device for the hatch locking device. It is installed next to the water filter at the bottom of the device

Indesit. Owners of a washing machine of this brand should first check the presence of water in the drum.If it is missing, then you should restart the machine.

When you don’t have time and you need to quickly open the door, just carefully pull the emergency rope, which is located at the bottom of the unit.

If there is water left inside the washer, then activate the “Drain” mode. If this does not help, then you need to manually remove the water from the machine using the drain hose. After this, the machine will unlock automatically. If this does not happen, then use one of the methods described above to force the hatch to open.

Ariston. In units from this manufacturer, the door is blocked due to power surges or as a consequence after a power outage.

Manual water drain
To deal with such a breakdown yourself, you have to remove the water. Here, either an emergency release cable or manual drainage of water will help you. Both parts are located in the lower right corner of the machine near the filter

The instructions state Ariston error codes, probable causes of failure and possible solutions to the problem.

Selecting the “Baby”, “Silk” or “Easy Ironing” programs may cause the drum to slow down or the water may not drain completely. To correct the situation, activate the “START/PAUSE” button or duplicate “Easy ironing”.

Limitations for self-repair

Compliance with basic safety rules will save you and your equipment from unforeseen emergency situations.

What should you absolutely not do?

It is prohibited to carry out any work on the washing machine if it is energized. Otherwise, you may get an electric shock. In addition, the rotating drum can cause injury to your hands when the hatch is open.

Do not try to forcefully open the door, especially if there is water left in the tank. Possible electric shock and irreversible damage to equipment.

It is not recommended to “decipher” the error code without additional study of the instructions, even if you are well versed in electronics, as you can completely ruin it. Be sure to read the instructions.

Error code on display
If an error code or the word “door” flashes on the machine’s display, then you should immediately refer to the instructions to decipher it

It is forbidden to break any wires if you are not sure of their purpose, and to correct module failures on your own (especially soldering anything, without experience with such equipment).

When should you call a professional?

If it is not possible to open the hatch using known methods without damaging the car, it’s time to call the specialists.

For example, the door handle broke. A user who does not have technical knowledge will find it difficult to select the appropriate part on his own.

How to replace a door handle
A new handle for the washing machine hatch should be selected carefully, paying attention to the manufacturer and model of the machine on which you will mount the new part.

A specialist will be required if there is still water in the drum after the wash is completed. This may happen because the pump has failed.

In the worst case, the reason may lie in a failure of the board or water sensor. Faults of this kind can only be repaired by an experienced technician.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The specialist clearly demonstrates a universal method, thanks to which everyone can open a locked hatch locking device without difficulty.

A simple recommendation for unlocking a Bosch machine. How to do it in a minute using a simple change of washing mode.

A video tutorial that will tell you how to open a closed washing machine door if there is water in the drum.

If you find your washing machine door is locked, try not to panic.Carefully read the instructions for your model. Try to solve the problem on your own using our recommendations. If you have any difficulties, call a specialist.

Have you ever had to open the washing machine hatch when it is locked? Please tell us what the cause of the problem was and whether you managed to fix the equipment. We look forward to your comments, questions and advice on resolving this issue - the contact form is located below.

Visitor comments
  1. Anna

    I had the following situation: during washing, due to a power outage, the door of the washing machine jammed, and there was no longer any water in it. We tried to pry the lock open ourselves after removing the cover, but we were unable to do so. I had to call a repairman, he managed to open the door forcibly. But he stated that the door key was broken and had to be replaced. It’s good that there are masters who come to your home.

  2. Irina

    I have long noticed that the washing machine door opens three minutes after the end of the wash. One day I turned on the washing machine, selected a two-hour wash program and went shopping. After 3 hours I come back and see the machine is turned off. And I thought she had finished washing. I opened the door, and water poured out. It turns out that while I was not at home, the lights were turned off and the program in the machines crashed.

  3. Tanya

    A very useful article, they opened it the first way, only not with thread, but with an elastic band)))

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