Spare parts for dishwashers: types, where to look and how to choose good ones

The dishwasher is so integral to everyday life that its breakdown can be a real disaster.To put it into operation as quickly as possible, you will need spare parts for dishwashers.

To purchase them, you need to know what they are and how to choose them.

Reasons to look for spare parts

Dishwashing equipment components often turn out to be inoperable due to unstable characteristics of the electrical network, high water hardness, and improper handling of the unit by the user.

You can determine which spare parts are needed yourself based on some observations. Troubles occur with the flow of water into the working compartment or with drainage. In this case, the hose and filter are subject to inspection. If these elements are in order, then there is a possibility of failure of the pump motor.

Dishwasher components
Spare parts for different models differ, but in general the structure of dishwashers from different companies and the principle of their operation are similar. Therefore, the list of main spare parts for them is identical.

The issue of getting the dishwasher to work is not always resolved by repairing and replacing a component. If at the end of the process it turns out that the dishes are only partially washed, you need to check the sediment filter - it may just need to be cleaned. The reason for this may also be a simple mistake when loading dishes. How to clean a dishwasher is written in detail in this material.

And if there are problems with the power supply, even a working machine will not turn on.

Large and expensive spare parts

Individual spare parts for dishwashers are quite expensive, but replacing them will still cost less than purchasing new equipment. Let us examine in detail what relates to the main nodes.

Consequences of engine failure

The heart of a dishwasher, like any other similar mechanism, is the engine. Its task is to pick up and move water supplemented with detergent through rotating rocker arms. If the motor breaks down, the washing process will stop.

Inverter motor in dishwasher
The inverter motor in the dishwasher controls the speed by converting alternating current into direct current and back again at the required frequency

The importance of this unit corresponds to its cost - this part is the most expensive.

The main reasons for motor failure are:

  • excessively high voltage in the network;
  • bearings getting wet due to water penetrating into them due to seal wear;
  • penetration of foreign impurities into the pump cavity.

Motors in cars can be of two types: commutator and inverter. The first - commutator - is a regular model with brushes, operating on alternating current. When it operates, a noise characteristic of friction is heard.

Digital Inverter - inverter motor. It is installed on new generation dishwashers. It operates on direct current and is almost silent, because there are no brushes in it.

To avoid these malfunctions, you need to periodically clean the circulation motor using special products.

Water heating devices

This part is available on all models of dishwashers. On some it is a flow-through water heater, on others it is a heating element in the form of a tube with a heating coil inside.

Flow-through heaters have increased power and quickly heat the water. Any of them is designed to heat water to the desired temperature. If this does not happen, you should check the functionality of this element.

Heating element for dishwasher
To replace the heating element, you need to remove it, then check for conductivity. To do this, the disconnected wires are connected to a special device.

It is installed at the bottom of the chamber where the dishes are placed. Some models are equipped with sensors, then if they malfunction, the process is interrupted. A machine without a sensor will work even when the water remains cold.

A breakdown can be judged by the result - the dishes will not be very clean. A broken heating element can cause an electric shock if you touch the body of the machine.

You can check TEN for breakdown in this way:

  • disconnect it;
  • immerse in saline solution, but do not immerse the wires;
  • The resistance between the electrode and the liquid should be measured.

If the device confirms the presence of conductivity, a breakdown has occurred. The reason for this may be water of increased hardness.

Dishwasher control board

The control module is responsible for the dishwashing process as a whole. If the unit does not turn on or the program malfunctions, even to the point of complete failure, then most likely this is the reason.

A malfunction of this element is also indicated by the simultaneous lighting of all the lights on the panel and the inability to set the desired program.

Control module
The control module has the form of a system board in a plastic or metal case. There are also manipulators, indicators and a display here.

If, as a result of diagnostics, it turns out that the module needs to be replaced, you need to purchase not a cheap unit, but one suitable for a specific model.These parts are not interchangeable.

Responsible manufacturers equip the control modules of their dishwashers with several degrees of protection, so they very rarely fail.

Dishwasher protection
Well-known manufacturers equip the control modules of their dishwashers with several degrees of protection, so they very rarely fail

Even when visually the board seems quite identical, it will not work when installed on another model. Old style machines are equipped with mechanical control modules. The list of spare parts for dishwashers also includes separate switches, displays, and timers.

Drain pump or pump

This element fails more often than others. The source of trouble may be a manufacturing defect or voltage instability in the electrical network.

The pump can be overloaded if the recommendations in the instructions are ignored. Foreign objects can also get into the pump.

Pump installation
Replacing the pump in a dishwasher is accompanied by a number of inconveniences due to limited internal space. Improper installation will lead to water leakage and more serious problems.

You can do the replacement yourself, following the manufacturers' recommendations. The pump is first disassembled, fasteners, trays, baskets, and filters are removed. After this, the side panels are dismantled, the faulty element is separated and a new one is installed.

Small spare parts for the car

In addition to the main ones, there are many small spare parts for the dishwasher, if they break, it will not function fully.

Drain and fill hoses

High-quality hoses—drain and fill—are insurance against leaks. Manufacturers include them in the dishwasher kit.

Dishwasher hoses
Before connecting, the hoses should be checked for integrity. The instructions usually indicate whether there is protection against leaks and what kind

There is a valve on the filler pipe. If it stops functioning, water will not flow into the machine.

Hose with aquastop - essentially an ordinary pipe, but placed in a protective casing and having a special device. In case of an accident, it cuts off the flow of water into the unit. Triggering occurs if there is a leak or rupture in the hose.

The Aquastop system has different designs:

  • mechanical;
  • absorbent mechanical;
  • electromagnetic

The first is quite rare - sometimes it can be found on budget models. It is based on a specially designed valve and spring. The spring is triggered when there is a sudden change in fluid pressure, which occurs during a water hammer or a pipe rupture.

It closes the valve almost hermetically, which avoids flooding. Aquastop of the mechanical type does not respond to digging and fistulas, which means it cannot completely protect the dishwasher.

The absorbent mechanical system is more reliable. Here there is a special absorbent in the reservoir, and the main structural elements are a spring and a plunger equipped with a valve. When the slightest leak occurs, water from the pipe penetrates into the protective casing. As a result, the absorbent quickly absorbs it, expands and causes the spring with the plunger to operate and the valve to close.

The downside is that this valve is disposable. The absorbent, which has become wet and has increased in volume, hardens and after the valve is closed, neither it nor the entire hose can be reused.

Inlet hose with solenoid valve
Installation of an inlet hose with an electromagnetic valve.The pipe inlet is connected to the water tap using a nut. The tightness of the valve is ensured by filling it with a compound

The electromagnetic type aquastop has a solenoid valve. There can be one or two, located at the base of the pipe. From it, the power cable is laid along the entire hose to the contact block, then connected to the electrical circuit of the dishwasher.

When liquid gets into the protective casing, it flows into a tray with an electromechanical device. It responds by completely cutting off the water supply. The activation of the system is indicated by the loss of the liquid injection function, and the unit may generate a corresponding system error.

When the code is not issued and the machine is not working, you need to check the pan. If it is filled with water, then the protection has worked 100%, therefore the hose must be replaced. If the hoses are fastened efficiently, there will never be a return of dirty water from the sewer.

When purchasing a spare part such as a drain hose, make sure that the length suits your conditions so that you do not have to lengthen it later. A hose that is too long is also not good - a length increased by more than 2 times causes an increase in the load on the pump.

If you still need an extension cord, you will have to purchase another fitting and three clamps. When replacing a faulty pipe, first remove the check valve and screws, then remove the sleeve.

Baskets and utensil holders

Over time, utensil holders and baskets may become unusable. The latter must be purchased with an eye on the model of the dishwasher. Different types are used for different dishwashers. You can replace it yourself.

The main types include the lower basket.It is used to place pans and pots, so it has a large volume. The lower basket is made of metal.

In the middle of the internal space of the unit there is a basket for plates. Since these devices are lighter, high-quality plastic is used to make the trays. They can be pulled out or taken out individually.

A small plastic tray for spoons and forks is mounted at the top. They also produce additional baskets for glasses. They have complex geometry and special connectors that provide reliable support for such fragile products.

Dishwasher baskets
When choosing baskets, you need to take into account their properties and sizes. It’s good when the upper basket has height adjustment

Collapsible plate holders are preferred. They allow you to wash dishes of different sizes.

Dishwasher filter system

Good quality cleaning elements extend the service life of the main parts of the unit.

When purchasing a filter, you need to look at its type:

  • Phosphate filters are the cheapest. They only trap solids and can also form protection inside the machine.
  • Magnetic They are one step higher, because in addition to solids, they also remove some harmful impurities. They are also more durable.
  • Complex The filter traps both bacteria and harmful substances. It makes water for washing utensils completely safe.

Both magnetic and phosphate products, as well as complex products, can be sold. These devices are installed near the tap that supplies water through the main pipe, then all liquid entering the room is disinfected.

You can purchase a custom dishwasher filter and install it in front of the circulation pump.

Dishwasher filter
Dishwasher filter marked with Green Line sign. Designed for an optimal pressure of 0.6 MPa. Volume 0.1 dm3. Reliably protects internal elements from scale and corrosion

Door locks PMM

The dishwasher door must be securely locked during operation. A special lock is used for this. If it breaks down, the program may not start, although the corresponding buttons indicate that it has been selected correctly. In this case, the lock must be replaced.

Loading door lock
This loading door lock is equipped with a microswitch designed for a voltage of 250 V and a current of 16 A. You need to select a different lock for each model

There are electromagnetic and combined locking products. A spare part fails when the thermoelement is damaged or the electrical part is faulty.

Accessories for equipping dishwashers

In addition to spare parts, there are a large number of accessories for kitchen appliances such as dishwashers.

These include:

  • holders for bottles and small items;
  • microfilters;
  • strips used to test water for hardness;
  • deodorants, means for cleaning the internal chamber;
  • trays for tall glasses;
  • door facades;
  • sprayer for washing baking trays;
  • special inserts for knives.

The cleaning agent helps keep the internal surfaces and the seal around the door in order, eliminating limescale and grease. If you use it constantly, unpleasant odors will not appear.

Glass holders
Glass holders keep glasses securely in the car. In wide dishwashers you can install four such accessories at the same time, in narrow ones - only two

The manufacturer Siemens makes hooks for holding small kitchen utensils for its dishwashers. They are attached to the ends of the upper basket.

Bottle holders are installed in the basket located below. For some dishwasher models, there are special inserts that hold plates in the lower box.

We also recommend reading our other article, where we talked in detail about how to do it yourself dishwasher repair.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

We suggest you visually familiarize yourself with the flow-through heating element for some dishwasher models in the video:

A detailed video tutorial on board repair is offered by a practicing master. True, to repeat his experience, you will need certain skills and knowledge:

We suggest watching a video about replacing the drain hose on a dishwasher:

You can try to replace the door lock mechanism yourself. The nuances of this process are demonstrated in the video:

Video about independently replacing failed dishwasher elements with new spare parts:

Spare parts for a broken dishwasher should be purchased only original ones. There are many low-quality parts that will not last long. If the required element cannot be purchased, you should decipher the markings - some spare parts may be interchangeable.

Do you have any questions about the topic of this article? Or can you supplement the material with interesting information regarding the selection of spare parts for dishwashers? Please leave your comments in the block below.

Visitor comments
  1. Johnny Boy

    I always try to buy parts for household appliances from an official manufacturer, either in a store at a service center (if there is one), or in a large specialized store. All other options seem very unreliable to me. You don’t want to purchase a spare part that was simply pulled out of a decommissioned piece of equipment, and it is still unknown why that thing stopped working. Maybe she took a full bath in the water.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      No, in stores there is not much chance of running into a bad or already used part. Another thing is that the repairmen know where to buy much cheaper.

    • Boris

      On the one hand, I agree with you that it is best to buy original spare parts - this is a fact that has been proven in practice more than once. But there is also the other side of the coin, as they say - good equipment lasts for five or ten years, and even longer.

      Naturally, for a ten-year-old dishwasher it will be very problematic to find not only an original, but generally a suitable part. In such cases, it is especially important to search for dishwashers that are sold for spare parts.

      Agree, it’s stupid to buy a new dishwasher if you only need to replace a broken controller, for example. In such cases, analogues can help out, so not everything is so simple.

  2. Edward

    It’s infuriating that control boards, which cost at least a thousand rubles, are sold for half or more of the cost of a new car. Don’t throw slippers, I’m an electronics engineer with forty years of experience. I know what it costs. Flashing the processor and re-soldering is a trivial matter, but the firmware is closed. Processors are worth their weight, one might say.It's time to challenge the speculators and start making modules on Arduino.

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