How to start an air conditioner after winter: recommendations for caring for an air conditioner after frost

Agree that air conditioning is an integral attribute of any modern room.The service life of air cooling systems directly depends on the quality and regularity of their maintenance. This golden rule applies not only to summer time, but also to periods of severe frost.

In order for your air conditioner to serve you faithfully for as long as possible, you need to take proper care of it. Take into account the subtleties of operating climate control equipment in winter.

So how to start an air conditioner after winter and do you need to take care of it during sub-zero temperatures? We will try to give detailed answers to these and other questions in our article.

Rules for turning on the air conditioner after winter

In order for your climate control equipment to last as long as possible, you need to follow the manufacturer's advice and carry out regular preventative and HVAC equipment maintenance.

Prevention, in this case, means cleaning, proper operation in the summer season, compliance with basic temperature parameters and timely refilling of the air conditioner with freon.

Air conditioning in winter
Following simple but very important rules will help you extend the life and proper operation of your climate control equipment. Carefully monitor the condition of the air conditioner, and it will serve you faithfully for many years

The main question that concerns many users of climate control equipment is how to make the air conditioner last a long time and how to turn it on correctly after winter.To do this, you will have to follow several recommendations, compliance with which will help extend the life of the equipment.

Ambient temperature

The operating instructions for climate control equipment always contain comprehensive information about the basic rules for using the equipment. The permissible outside temperature limits at which the air conditioner can be turned on without compromising its performance depend on the design features of the system itself.

At the moment, manufacturers produce climate control equipment that can absolutely fully heat the room even at extremely low external temperatures. Such air conditioners are often used in large enterprises, country villas, and hotels.

Their price is significantly higher than average household appliances, however, they fully pay for themselves and are able to warm up the air in the room faster than other electrical appliances.

Severe frost outside
Never turn on the air conditioner in sub-zero temperatures. This can lead to complete failure of your climate control equipment.

Household air conditioners, for the most part, are also used for heating. But, of course, at much lower temperatures. Average temperatures for their safe use are from +3 to -5 °C.

Often, air conditioners are used for warming up the air during the so-called “off-season” - when it became noticeably colder outside and the central heating had not yet been turned on. In winter, an air conditioner that is not designed for frost should absolutely not be turned on.

Cleaning and Maintenance

The part of the air conditioner that we see is just its outer side.In fact, the design of climate control equipment is much more complex and consists of dozens of small systems and spare parts.

Long-term operation of the device leads to the accumulation of large amounts of dust in the indoor unit and filters. This is what most often leads to system failure or ineffective operation.

The air conditioner should be cleaned regularly (at least once a year). Due to the fact that the design of climate control equipment is quite complex, it is better to resort to the services of specialists during its preventive cleaning, but if you have confidence in your own abilities, you can carry out maintenance of the equipment yourself.

Air conditioner cleaning and maintenance
Regular cleaning will help you prevent unwanted air conditioner breakdowns at the most inopportune moment! Take care of your climate control equipment correctly and promptly

You can also clean the indoor unit yourself.

It's very simple:

  • open the front cover of the unit;
  • remove the filter mesh from there;
  • rinse, vacuum and dry them thoroughly;
  • Reinstall the filters and return the lid to its original position.

It is advisable to perform this procedure at least twice a month. Cleaning the filters will give you complete confidence that, along with the air flow, you will not inhale the dust that accumulates in the air filtration nets.

If you do not clean the system in a timely manner, it will either completely fail or begin to work incorrectly.

Checking pressure and freon

The main source of efficiency and full functioning, both in cooling and heating modes, is freon - a special gas that makes air conditioning systems and refrigerators work.

Due to the design features of climate control equipment, there is a slight but regular leakage - on average - 20% per year. This does not mean at all that you need to call a technician and refill your device every month - it is enough to replenish freon supplies before each summer season.

It is strictly not recommended to do this on your own, because... Only a qualified specialist can reliably measure the pressure and amount of gas in the air conditioner. This requires special equipment and extensive experience in the field. refilling split systems.

Refilling the air conditioner with freon
Regular refrigerant refilling is the key to proper and long-term operation of your climate control equipment. As soon as you suspect a lack of freon or a leak, call a specialist

In addition, it is important to understand that freon not only needs to be refilled regularly, but also completely removed from the system and refilled. This procedure, fortunately, is not necessary every year, but once every few years.

A competent master will offer this service himself if it is necessary. Refilling with freon is the first step you need to take before the start of the summer season.

General functionality check

Before starting up climate control equipment after being idle during frost, a general check of its performance should be carried out.

General inspection includes the following measures:

  • Delta T temperature analysis;
  • checking the functionality of the device.

Temperature delta T is an indicator of what kind of air comes out of the air conditioner grille. It is calculated and measured quite simply, so absolutely anyone can do it.

We measure the temperature of the air entering the device and the temperature leaving it, subtract it.The indicator that you got is the Delta T temperature.

Normally, a normally functioning device produces from -6 to -11 °C. Deviations from these standards indicate incorrect operation of the air conditioner and the need to call a technician.

Cleaning the split system
Trust your equipment only to qualified technicians - they will help extend the life of your air conditioner! A competent technician will always point out the problem areas of the device and help not only eliminate breakdowns, but also prevent them

The functionality of the compressor, contacts and their degree of oxidation can only be checked by a professional, and, most often, this option is included in the cost of cleaning the system. But, just in case, ask him to evaluate the condition of the electronics.

The air that comes out of the air conditioner grille should be cold - this is clear to everyone, however, accurate readings of its temperature can say a lot about the health of the device.

Top 5 tips for starting an air conditioner

All the necessary information for owners of household air conditioners fits into just five simple rules:

  1. Do not turn on the air conditioner without first cleaning the system and filters. Over the winter, a lot of leaves, small debris, small branches, dirt and dust could accumulate in the block. All this can cause enormous harm to the system and your health. Throughout the season, you can superficially clean the external unit yourself. But do not forget that it is not advisable to turn on the air conditioner immediately after cleaning - let it dry completely.
  2. Before starting the climate control equipment, make sure that the pressure in the system is sufficient and fill in the required amount of freon. Otherwise, there is a risk of being left without air conditioning during the peak summer heat.
  3. Make sure that when you turn on the air conditioner, the outside temperature is not lower than 0 °C. If you start the device at a lower temperature, then you risk, at best, a breakdown of the compressor, and at worst, failure of several spare parts at once.
  4. Regularly check the performance of your device - measure the Delta T temperature, assess the condition of the electronics and make sure that the remote control is working properly. When all of the above steps have been taken, check several modes and options (heat, cold, serviceability of curtains, ionization function, etc.). During operation, regularly monitor the device and if the slightest signs of malfunction appear, do not hesitate to call a technician.
  5. Make sure that there are no objects near the outdoor unit that would obstruct the air flow out of it. Also, you should carefully examine its integrity. Often this element of the system is deformed by hail, heavy rainfall or icing.

This short instruction on the correct operation and maintenance of split systems will help you not to miss anything in the process of preparing climate control equipment for the summer season.

In addition, following these simple equipment care rules will extend the life of your air conditioner.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

All about how to properly turn on the air conditioner for heating:

Basic rules for caring for your air conditioner:

Air conditioning is a huge benefit of the modern world. Many people now cannot even imagine their life without these devices, especially in hot weather. But, like all electrical appliances, climate control equipment requires regular maintenance and proper operation.

You can ask a question about the topic of the article or share useful information regarding the use of climate control equipment after a period of winter inactivity. Leave your comments in the block below.

Visitor comments
  1. Shishani

    “During the winter, a lot of leaves, small debris, small branches, dirt and dust could accumulate in the block. All this can cause enormous harm to the system and your health.” What the fuck? What the hell are leaves and branches? Where do they come from in the house?

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