Inverter or conventional split system - which is better? Comparative review and selection tips

Many buyers of climate control equipment are wondering: an inverter split system or a conventional one, which is better to choose for a house or apartment? It is quite difficult to answer unequivocally, since each type of technology has its own strengths and weaknesses.

To make an informed choice, you need to understand the similarities and differences between the units, compare their performance and performance characteristics, and determine the optimal parameters. Only with this approach will the purchase bring the expected result. Our article is devoted to the analysis of these issues.

What are the similarities between the varieties?

Split systems of these two types are designed to solve the same problems.

This means that with their help you can perform the following operations with air masses:

  • cool;
  • warm up;
  • ionize;
  • cleanse

All of the above processes can be effective in any volume. After all, manufacturers supply split systems for small apartments and huge office and retail premises, consisting of many separate rooms.

Appearance of split systems
Both types of split systems are designed to solve the same problems. Their appearance is also similar, as a result they will be appropriate in any room

The design of these subtypes of climate control equipment is visually similar; they consist of blocks:

  • external;
  • indoor unit — if necessary, there can be several of them.

Control is carried out using functional and convenient remote controls. In both cases, they are similar maintenance work. So, you will have to regularly clean the filters, replace them, and update the freon. If these points are ignored, then the service life is reduced, and significantly.

Procedure air conditioner installation systems are equally complex and can cost a hefty sum, reaching half their cost. In any case, you should not install them yourself - it is better to contact experienced specialists.

Main differences between the systems

Despite a large number of similar characteristics and the same appearance, the presented subtypes of climate control equipment have quite a lot of differences, some of them cardinal.

This makes inverter and conventional systems different types of climate control equipment.

Operating principles of split systems
The main difference between these climate systems is the operating principle. As a result, inverter air conditioners are more stable in maintaining the set temperature, and are also more economical

The differences include: operating principle, functionality, stability, durability, energy consumption, noise, cost.

A large number of differences indicate that before purchasing an inverter or conventional climate system, you should get to know them better. Find out more specifically about the features of their work, because the correct choice depends on this.

#1 - operating principle

Conventional systems operate cyclically, that is, the user sets the temperature he needs, which is controlled by a temperature sensor.

When the desired value is reached, the compressor automatically turns off.And it turns on when you deviate from the set parameter by a few degrees.

Electricity consumption
Buyers will always be told that inverter systems are more economical in terms of energy consumption, and this is true. But the high cost of products belonging to this category stops many potential buyers.

Unlike their conventional counterparts, inverter systems work constantly. So, when the desired temperature is reached, their compressors do not turn off, but reduce productivity.

For example, they are able to effectively maintain a comfortable temperature by operating at 5-10% of their power.

#2 - device functionality

Both subtypes of climate control equipment cope equally well with air cooling. However, inverter split systems are more functional.

The reason is that they are suitable for use even in winter, because such equipment can effectively heat the room. Moreover, even at temperatures reaching low -25°C.

Selection of split systems
When choosing the optimal option for split systems, you should take into account their advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is better to use inverter equipment for cooling air in apartments and houses, where it will be most efficient

Traditional air conditioners are also equipped with a heating function, but you should know that it can only be used if the temperature has not dropped below -5°C. The reason for this feature is the described cyclical operation, which leads to the fact that conventional air conditioners do not work much of the time.

At this time, the lubricant of their moving parts flows down and thickens. Subsequent activation results in at least significant wear.

As a result, a traditional air conditioner that is regularly used at a specified temperature usually does not survive until the coming spring. And in some cases, the first launch leads to jamming, with sad consequences in the form of expensive repairs.

Inverter equipment does not have this drawback due to the fact that it is always in operation, which prevents the lubricant from thickening.

Selection of split system
For walk-through areas such as offices and shops, the optimal choice would be a conventional system that can quickly respond to temperature changes

An important point is the cooling rate of the desired room. And in this matter, traditional systems are somewhat inferior to their analogues. To be precise, under equal conditions they will cope with the task, spending, on average, 2 times more time.

But this is not critical, because in most situations, users do not care how long air conditioners spend cooling the air - 5 or 10 minutes.

#3 - stability

The differences in operating principle described above lead to the fact that inverter air conditioners support user-specified parameters more accurately. For example, their deviation does not exceed 1-1.5°C, and often it does not go beyond half a degree.

equipment stability
Similar values ​​for traditional systems can reach from 1 to 5 °C. Moreover, in most cases the deviation delta is within 3 °C

#4 - equipment durability

As a result of cyclic inclusions, the load on the structural elements of conventional systems is higher, which leads to faster wear of a number of mechanical components. Inverter air conditioners do not have this drawback.

Since they operate continuously and allow less significant deviations from the specified temperature conditions, their parts are subject to less stress, which extends their service life.

Variety of split systems
There are a large number of units of these types available on the market, so you can make the best choice for any room. And their aesthetic qualities can satisfy the wishes of all customers.

Thus, inverter models, on average, are able to provide indoor comfort for an impressive 8-16 years. Then, like their conventional counterparts, in many cases they will not be able to please owners for more than 5-10 years.

#5 - energy consumption level

The operating principle of both subtypes significantly affects electricity consumption. The cyclical nature of traditional equipment leads to the fact that during peak loads, significant energy consumption always occurs. Inverter products, which operate at maximum power extremely rarely, do not have this feature.

This indicates that in a number of modes they will be 30-50% more economical. At the same time, inverter products work constantly, which also should not be overlooked.

Inverter split system
In most cases, inverter models are more economical, but the result can only be obtained after a long 7-8 years

#6 - noise level

The noisiest structural elements of both types of equipment are located in external units located on the street. However, the internal parts of the structure also produce hum and are louder in operation than conventional systems.

For example, the average noise level of inverter equipment lies in the range of 19-23 dB, and the same indicator for the usual subtype reaches 30-32 dB.But it should be understood that the sounds produced will not irritate most users in both cases.

Split system maintenance
In terms of maintenance, both types of systems are similar. That is, they will have to be regularly cleaned and refilled with freon. If the above rules are ignored, the service life is significantly reduced and it will not be possible to achieve the maximum effect when cooling the air.

#7 - price category

Even a person far from technology, after reading the information presented above, will be able to conclude that inverter climate control equipment is more high-tech and modern.

However, you will have to pay for this, and quite a lot. For example, ordinary products cost 30-40% less, and in many cases the difference reaches more impressive values.

What to look for when choosing?

Despite the fact that inverter climate control equipment is more technically advanced, it does not have obvious advantages in operation, and in some cases the available performance characteristics are lower than those of analogues. As a result, buyers will have to evaluate many nuances.

An important feature is that due to smooth thermoregulation inverter air conditioners may not show the expected results. This often happens in walk-through areas - retail and office spaces. But conventional systems in such situations will be most effective.

For the same reason, you should not place inverter equipment in kitchens or any other rooms where temperature changes occur sharply. After all, even boiling water in a kettle will become a big problem for them.

For economic reasons, conventional air conditioners will be the best choice where the need for air cooling occurs rarely, for example, in a country house.They will also be more effective in situations where the use is one-time. Thus, it is better to install traditional equipment in conference rooms.

But their inverter analogues will be able to provide comfort in apartments and hotels with greater efficiency.

Installation of split systems
Both types of split systems are equally difficult to install. For example, the cost of installation can reach 20-50% of the price of the equipment, and saving here is to your detriment

An important feature is maintainability, but even here not everything is in favor of inverter systems. The reason is that the components are as expensive as the products themselves. In addition, they are not yet very common in our country; as a result, the craftsmen may not have the required part on hand, so they will have to wait until it is delivered.

This creates significant inconvenience, especially considering that these models are more sensitive to voltage changes than their conventional counterparts. And such a lack of electricity supply is often encountered even in large cities.

In any case, it is necessary to correctly determine the power of the unit or air cooling will be ineffective. That is, when it is insufficient, it is unlikely that the required level of comfort will be achieved. And if it does, it will only be at the cost of overloading the equipment. You will have to overpay for excess power.

Functionality of split systems
An important advantage of inverter systems is the ability to operate heating to temperatures reaching a significant -25°C, while conventional analogues can compete with them in efficiency only down to -5°C

In the case of inverter systems, you should pay attention to such a parameter as the range of adjustment of the operating frequency of the electric motor.

This is an important indicator, since the operating principle of this type of climate control equipment makes it possible to achieve the maximum combination of efficiency, economy and durability only at a certain value.

So, the depth of adjustment should not be less than 25-80%. If the characteristics of the model you like do not reach these indicators, then it is an outdated product or simply cheap, and therefore not functional enough.

For example, the adjustment range of modern inverter systems reaches 5-90%. This allows you to quickly respond to temperature changes and remain economical.

Additional recommendations for choosing a split for a house or apartment, as well as an overview of the best manufacturers, are presented in this article.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The following video will allow you to better understand the features of the types of climate control equipment:

The video material will provide an opportunity to deepen your knowledge of the differences in the operating principles of climate control equipment, which will allow you to make a more informed choice:

Split systems, regardless of their type, are effective equipment that can provide the level of comfort expected by customers. But it should be remembered that this is only possible with the right choice.

And this can only be done if you have certain knowledge that allows you to understand the characteristics, features and advantages of conventional and inverter systems.

Share with readers your experience of purchasing and using a split system. Tell us which unit you preferred, what the choice was based on, and whether you are satisfied with the purchase.Please leave comments on the article, ask questions and participate in discussions. The contact form is located below.

Visitor comments
  1. Sergey

    If you are buying an air conditioner for your home, then you should buy an inverter. In Japan, for example, they have not installed non-inverter split systems for a long time. And the Japanese know a lot about technology. Of course, an inverter system costs more when purchased, but over the course of its operation you will make up this difference in electricity. Some advantages are durable, low-noise equipment. The only thing is to avoid power surges, but they are detrimental to any devices.

  2. Yuri

    An inverter definitely, even if it is used for 2-3 months a year. You can't hear the outdoor unit at all. It always blows evenly. Smoothly equalizes the temperature in night mode, which protects your health. I have negative experience with installation by handy craftsmen. After 3 years, the freon began to disappear, and the inlet tube of the outdoor unit had a microcrack. Simply put, the connections were not done well. When installing, make sure to check the connections of the outdoor and indoor units with nitrogen, or you will just end up losing money. I wish everyone some camphor air in their homes and at work.

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