How to choose a whirlpool bath: what to look for before buying + review of manufacturers

A Jacuzzi differs from its ordinary sanitary counterpart in that it has an additional effect on the human body with the help of air-water jets. According to doctors, taking a bath combined with a massage tones the muscles and skin, depending on the chosen mode - invigorates or soothes.

The stores offer a wide range of such plumbing fixtures - models differ in size, material and functionality. Agree, choosing the right option from the variety of offers is not easy.

We will help you decide on the optimal Jacuzzi model. The article provides a detailed overview of plumbing fixtures made of different materials, indicating their advantages and disadvantages. We described the main criteria for choosing a bathtub, indicated which functions must be present, and which options you should not overpay for.

To make it easier for you to navigate the variety of offers, we have listed manufacturers whose products have a positive reputation and are in active demand. In addition, we provided tips for caring for a jacuzzi and offered alternatives to expensive plumbing fixtures.

The need for a jacuzzi: arguments for and against

Think about it, is it really necessary for you? hydromassage equipment – installation and operation of it costs considerable effort and large material investments.

Isn't it easier to soak in a regular bath out of habit?

Whirlpool bath
The hydromassage system built into the bathtub body consists of several mandatory volumetric parts, the installation of which will require additional space (+)

To avoid any misunderstandings in the future, please confirm the following factors before making your choice:

  • The bathroom area is sufficient to accommodate a bathtub;
  • thorough waterproofing was carried out at the installation site;
  • the reliability of the floors fully meets the installation requirements;
  • doorways allow for unimpeded delivery of equipment;
  • the water supply is equipped with fine filters;
  • are you ready to regularly spend time on caring for your jacuzzi - blowing out the nozzles, disinfecting, etc.;
  • you don't use bubble bath.

If something doesn't match, you'll have to prepare it in advance. Well, another “pleasant” surprise - your electricity bills will increase significantly.

Benefits of a bath
A correctly installed and flawlessly functioning bathtub will make you forget about the considerable amount spent on it, as well as about the problems with transportation and installation

If the difficulties do not frighten you, but the desire to purchase a hot tub has intensified, we will list the positive aspects:

  • the effectiveness of water bubble massage is equivalent to the force of vertical water jets when taking a shower;
  • Unlike taking a shower, in the bathroom, thanks to the horizontal position of the body, you can relax and unwind;
  • many modes allow you to “adjust” the optimal intensity of the jets according to individual standards;
  • Taking a jacuzzi can be combined with watching a movie or listening to your favorite tune.

The dynamic effect of water is useful for physical inactivity, obesity, and nervous overstimulation. If you don't have enough time to go to the pool, hydromassage can partially replace them.

Now we will try to find out what needs to be taken into account when choosing a hot tub, and we will analyze the technical characteristics in detail.

Which material is better?

There is no fundamental difference between the different models, since they all provide a massage process. However, the material can affect the service life of the product, its appearance, and cost.

Try to avoid obviously low-quality economy class products - for example, plastic ones. The polymer quickly wears out and loses its attractiveness and functionality. We recommend models made from more resistant materials, which we will discuss in more detail.

Cast iron - traditional solution

Due to its high heat capacity, cast iron still remains a classic option for making bathtubs, so many are in no hurry to part with it.

Conservative admirers of this material will tell you a whole list of its positive aspects:

  • low noise level;
  • high degree of wear resistance;
  • durability;
  • easy care, etc.

But the main argument in favor of a cast iron bowl is the low cooling rate of hot water.

Cast iron bath
Cast iron has always been particularly wear-resistant: the metal can last 50 years or more.However, we should not forget that the aesthetic component does not depend on the properties of the case material, but on the quality of the coating

Excellent cast iron models with hydromassage are produced by Spanish and French companies with many years of experience and an impeccable reputation. True, the cost of these baths is above average.

Cast iron whirlpool baths
Cast iron hot tubs don't come cheap. The best material from Spanish and French manufacturers

In addition to the high cost, there is another significant drawback. It may be difficult to transport and install the equipment due to its heavy weight - this is the heaviest plumbing material available.

Not all floors are able to cope with such a load. The cast iron product itself will weigh from 100 kg + the weight of water + the weight of the person taking the bath + the load created by the hydromassage equipment (about 230 kg per 1 m2).

If additional fasteners or holes are required, it is not possible to make them yourself.

Steel - a budget option

Traditionally, steel is considered a relatively inexpensive material, although products with a hydromassage system will still cost a considerable amount - at least 20-30 thousand rubles.

The cost consists of the price of the container itself and expenses for pumping equipment, an air jet supply system, and an anti-slip coating.

Steel bath
Steel bathtubs are often overlooked due to the persistent opinion that they are the cheapest and noisiest products. In fact, modern models with hydromassage are devoid of all the shortcomings of their predecessors

Although there are not many models on the modern market, people buy them willingly due to some advantages:

  • standard shapes - mostly rectangular;
  • lighter weight than cast iron;
  • average heat capacity of the material.

Previously, user dissatisfaction was caused by the noise that steel produces when water is supplied, but the latest modifications have eliminated this drawback. If you like inexpensive and easy-to-make classics, choose a steel model.

At choosing a steel bath It is better to give preference to thick-walled models. To additionally retain heat during procedures and reduce noise during installation, polyurethane foam is used - it is used to treat the back side of the bowl.

Acrylic is a safe polymer

With the advent of lightweight, flexible acrylic, manufacturers of sanitary equipment quickly switched to new technologies, and now the lion's share of the market is represented by acrylic bathtubs.

The service life of plumbing fixtures is at least 10 years, but this does not apply to nickel-plated parts and flexible elements.

Acrylic whirlpool baths
Among Jacuzzis, the most equipment produced is acrylic.Moreover, it is important that the reinforcement is carried out with polyurethane and not fiberglass

Of course, the material is not perfect. It is also afraid of mechanical and chemical damage, can be deformed under the influence of hot water, and “walk” under the weight of the body.

However, this applies more to economical, inexpensive products; luxury offerings are much more durable.

One of the main advantages of acrylic is its lightness, thanks to which transportation and installation occur without problems.

Acrylic bath
The average weight of acrylic bathtubs is from 13 to 25 kg (excluding hydromassage equipment), so many carry out transportation and installation themselves. However, we recommend professional installation

The surface of the material can be easily cleaned with a simple soap solution or mild cleaning agent. If you use abrasive powders or aggressive chemical solutions, you can ruin both the structure of the material and its color.

If necessary, you can eliminate minor damage and micro-scratches using special repair kit.

Manufacturers love acrylic for its plasticity, thanks to which sanitary bowls can be given any shape. It is easier to work with soft material, and accordingly, the hydromassage system is also easier to install.

Additional assessment of the characteristics and comparison of an acrylic bathtub with plumbing fixtures made from other materials are given in the articles:

  1. Acrylic or cast iron bathtub - which is better? Comparative review
  2. Which bathtub is better - acrylic or steel? Comparative review

Artificial stone - elegant imitation

Designers love materials that are easy to create unusual shapes from. Artificial stone, which in its finished form is not much different in characteristics from natural stone, is no exception.

In fact, it is a frozen mass of natural origin with the addition of synthetic substances.

Bathtub made of artificial stone
One of the advantages of bathtubs made of artificial stone is the variety of color designs. You can purchase plain or stylized options like natural stone (granite, marble)

The material is based on rocks - marble and granite chips, quartz sand.Thanks to the color of the inclusions, the bath receives a natural color tint.

If an unusual color is required, special dyes are added. The production technology is such that as a result we have a durable, wear-resistant material that can withstand heat and exposure to chemical environments.

Hydromassage baths made of artificial stone are also made to order, according to specially designed projects. This is expensive, but comfortable and ideally suited to the interior style, with a maximum range of additional features.

Attention to technical parameters of plumbing fixtures

Once you get acquainted with the functionality of the equipment, you will understand what capabilities the bathtub has. Some people need comfort during water procedures, others need the power of the jets, and others need the design of the device and compliance of the appearance with the stylistic features of the room.

The ideal choice is one in which all the necessary characteristics are harmoniously combined.

Size and shape: from seated model to mini-pool

It is important that the future purchase passes through all the doorways on its way. Also, the bathroom should have enough space for other plumbing items, placement of cabinets, installation of a washing machine, and simply free movement.

It is worth considering that the hot tub is delivered assembled - all types of nozzles and pipes are screwed into place.

Bath with equipment
It is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the entire system, and not just the size of the bathing container. The product must enter the elevator, turn around on the landing and not get caught in the entrance door opening

There is no limit to the form of the imagination of manufacturers - you just won’t find anything on the market of plumbing fixtures.

The most common:

  • oval;
  • round;
  • rectangular;
  • corner;
  • irregular shape.

Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of each

Rectangular models

This option is suitable for standard apartments in high-rise buildings with a small bathroom. The geometry of the sanitary ware fits harmoniously into the interior, leaving useful space for other pieces of sanitary furniture.

Rectangular Jacuzzi
Rectangular-shaped Jacuzzis are the most widely represented on the sanitary equipment market. Therefore, you can choose them to suit every taste and budget.

Owners of bathrooms with an area of ​​7-9 m² can also count on compact hydromassage devices of a corner or rectangular type.

Direct bath against the wall
Straight models are designed for installation near a wall or in a corner and take up relatively little space. So that the oblong room does not resemble a narrow corridor, the bathtub is installed along a short wall

Corner models

They come in two types: with the same and with different sides. You should choose the one that looks more harmonious in the interior. Do not forget that in addition to plumbing equipment, the room must contain furniture.

If you live in Khrushchev, then a horizontal hydromassage structure is out of the question. For very small rooms, whose residents dream of a bathtub with hydromassage, you can opt for a sedentary type.

Manufacturers offer interesting solutions for compact bathrooms. So, limited space is not a reason to refuse hydromassage.

Round or oval bathtubs

Such forms are appropriate in large rooms. They are installed in the center of the room, in the middle of any of the walls, in the corner - that is, in any place you like.

Round hot tub
The round shape of the hydromassage bath will fit well into a large bathroom, becoming its central element.

You don’t have to limit yourself in your choice – a huge round model or an irregularly shaped container for 5-7 people. You can choose whatever your heart desires. The main thing is that the ceilings can withstand. When making calculations, do not forget to take into account the size and weight of not only the case, but also additional equipment.

Do you need a powerful pump?

The electric pump is responsible for the circulation of water in the system: supplying the required amount of liquid through the nozzles into the bowl, the speed of circulation, and the force of the jets. To provide air massage, a compressor operates in parallel with the pump, mixing air flows with water.

Air massage devices are easily recognized by mini-nozzles located at the bottom of the container, while outlets for hydromassage jets are usually located on the walls.

Connecting the power supply
Hydromassage baths operate on electrical energy, therefore, to connect the system, in addition to the water supply and sewer lines, it is necessary to provide access to a power source

If the bath is equipped with one hydromassage pump, then its power will be 800-900 W. The design of large devices requires two pumps, then their total power will be about 1500 W. You should also increase the power of the aero compressor - 500-700 W.

It is estimated that the power of hydromassage mini-pools with a full range of equipment and drainage system can reach 25-30 kW. But this is rather an exception.

A bathtub for home use in the mid-price category usually has a pneumatic control method and 6 standard nozzles, for which a 700-800 W pump is sufficient to service it. Equipping a plumbing fixture with air massage – plus another 1 kW.

Number and location of nozzles

The type of massage you can expect depends entirely on the location of the outlets - the nozzles located in various parts of the walls and bottom of the body.

These holes are also called jets. They come in different sizes - both very small for a delicate massage, and larger ones.

They are installed in groups, which will allow the most active massage for a specific area of ​​the body - the collar area, lower back, feet, problem areas of fat deposits on the hips and sides.

Installation of a hydromassage bath
The variety of massage types depends on the number and size of nozzles installed in the bath. The more of them, the more pleasant the procedures (+)

The jets are closed on top with a metal or plastic plug with several mini-holes, which ensures the process of spraying a water jet and mixing it with air.

Hot Tub Jets
Appearance of the nozzles located in rows on the bottom and walls of the bath: metal chrome plated linings of different sizes, rounded in shape

The force of action can be judged by the appearance of the nozzles, namely by their size. Large ones provide a strong release of water and are suitable for deep massage, small ones dose the flow of liquid and produce a slight relaxing effect. Often groups of holes are located closer to the center of the bowl, at the level of the lumbar and spinal region.

In addition to traditional “hydro” nozzles, “aero” and combined products can be installed in a Jacuzzi. They provide air flow - aeromassage.

During this procedure, in a bath with a large number of nozzles, about 48 thousand air bubbles per minute massage certain parts of the body. Touching the skin, they burst, causing pleasant, incomparable sensations.

Combined jets are able to mix air and water flows, which allows you to enjoy an incredible massage. The strength and size of the flow depends on the size of the nozzle itself. There are also rotational models. They know how to twist the stream, creating small whirlpools.

Foot massage nozzles
Small holes that allow air bubbles to pass through under high pressure provide an indescribable procedure - foot massage

Multifunctional models can be recognized by a large number of nozzles of various diameters, serving almost all areas - foot, back, neck.

The selected mode will provide massage to exactly the area you need.

Nuances of the control system

There are two types of control of the hydromassage system: mechanical and automatic (electronic). The comfort of the procedures and the cost of the equipment as a whole depend on the choice.

Mechanical control assumes the presence of manual switches - valves, levers, toggle switches, pneumatic buttons located on the side of the case.

When choosing one mode or another, it is necessary to use some of them one by one, and in the simplest devices, one click is enough to turn on the water supply system.

Electronic system - a more complex device, equipped with a touch panel and LCD display for convenience. It allows you to easily navigate through the many proposed modes, select one or a series of several, adjust power, turn on massage of individual zones, etc.

Remote Control
Sometimes, instead of a stationary remote control (in the figure), a remote control is supplied included (or separately) so that you can control the hydromassage system while sitting in the bathroom or while outside it.

The remote control is convenient if the “entertainment” unit is equipped with a built-in video player or music center, as well as additional options - water heating, lighting, etc.

Advanced functionality: bonuses for expensive models

In addition to the appropriate size, shape and material, additional features and capabilities of the equipment are important. All this, of course, is directly reflected in the price.The cheapest baths can only offer the user hydromassage - when water flows under pressure through special holes in the side walls, exerting a massage effect on areas of the body.

If you decide on an expensive model, take an interest in the additional features and decide whether you really need them, because the high cost consists of a set of pleasant “bonuses”.

Backlight, located under water, affects the emotional state of a person.

Bath lighting
The lighting is rather decorative in nature. However, representatives of alternative medicine believe that the effect of color has a therapeutic effect and can, depending on the choice of palette, calm or invigorate

Manufacturers call the illumination system chromotherapy - this is the term you can find in the instructions.

Chromotherapy against stress
Chromotherapy is especially popular among people who constantly face stressful situations. This procedure helps to quickly restore peace of mind

Ozone therapy - another way to increase the comfort of being in the water, which has an additional therapeutic effect. A method of healing, previously available only in thermal hospitals, has migrated to private homes. The essence of the therapeutic effect is the immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect on the body.

Hydroozone therapy can fight viruses and bacteria, and also cleanses the skin well and makes it more elastic.

Aromatherapy also produces a therapeutic effect. In a special compartment you need to place some essential oils, which, when heated, together with the hydromassage, have a healing effect.

Whirlpool bathtub throne
Hydro, aero, aroma and chromotherapy have a positive effect on health, improve mood and give a boost of energy

By choosing one of your favorite scents (rose, lavender, tangerine, eucalyptus), you can really relax and get double pleasure from the bathing procedure.

Bath with TV
Having an MP3 player, radio or video player allows you to increase your rest time. In addition, there is no need to install a TV or music center in the bathroom, which are not intended for use in rooms with high humidity.

Additional technical options do not produce an external effect, but they do allow you to make the bathing process as comfortable as possible. These include the following functions:

  • protection against “dry start”;
  • temperature control using a thermostat;
  • the presence of check valves in the injectors;
  • automatic shutdown in case of electric current leakage;
  • built-in water purification filters with replaceable cartridges.

The most expensive models are equipped with video and audio equipment.

Many Jacuzzis have useful features, such as:

  • headrest;
  • side rails;
  • shower;
  • transparent wall;
  • water heating;
  • ionization;
  • disinfection;
  • automatic cleaning;
  • backlight;
  • voice control;
  • other functions.

Additional features, complexity of the bathtub design and its equipment directly affect the cost. The most useful are headrest, side handles, water heating, disinfection, auto cleaning.

If the first 3 make using a hot tub more comfortable, then the last 2 make it easier to care for.

Another convenient feature is the mounting of a screen that can be removed. This makes equipment maintenance easier.

Design features of hot tubs

The variety of designs concerns mainly size, shape and technical equipment.The design of the body of cast iron and steel bathtubs is traditional, acrylic products are distinguished by a variety of designs, and equipment made of artificial stone is distinguished by a variety of colors.

Unlike ordinary bathtubs, among which you can find retro-style or avant-garde designs, hydromassage equipment looks mostly the same.

Hot tub design
Modern hydromassage devices have a similar design: a white body, equipped with nickel-plated or gold-plated parts and decorative screens covering the pump group

You can find rare examples of unusual designs, but they will either be very expensive original works or made to order.

Keep in mind that hydromassage equipment may disrupt the style of the bathroom if you prefer country, Provence or English classics. But white gloss will fit perfectly into a modern interior, decorated in high-tech or minimalist style.

Review of the best manufacturers

The size, shape, material and functions have already been more or less decided, all that remains is to choose a manufacturer. I want a quality product at an affordable price. It’s unpleasant to overpay, but you also don’t want to get low-quality equipment for which disinfection does not help get rid of mold and unpleasant odors.

When it comes to price, everything depends on the budget allocated for the purchase. If the amount allows, it is better to take an Italian or French jacuzzi. Otherwise, you can opt for a high-quality Chinese model from a manufacturer with a good reputation.

Jacuzzi with TV
A high-quality product from a reputable manufacturer is guaranteed to last the time specified in the documentation, delighting you with uninterrupted operation

When purchasing a hot tub, you should be wary if:

  • the cost for such a package is too low;
  • unknown manufacturer;
  • no instructions or warranty;
  • no installation service;
  • the price is too high.

Under- and over-pricing are alarming. In the first case, most likely there is a defect or very low quality of the bathtub itself and its components, and in the second case it is a fake.

The lack of instructions, quality certificates and guarantees is a reason to refuse the purchase. After all, all conscientious manufacturers must confirm the quality of their products with documents and provide recommendations for use.

It is better not to contact unknown manufacturers at all - the likelihood of throwing money away is too high. Such a hot tub can quickly break down, and service centers and spare parts may not be available. This will create additional problems.

The palm of honor should be given to the creator of the jacuzzi - the company Jacuzzi. Even the economy class models of this legendary brand look decent, and the elite offerings are more like works of art. These are comfortable mini-pools with sun loungers and different levels of accommodation, stuffed to the brim with modern electronics.

Jacuzzi Nova
Premium acrylic bathtub Jacuzzi Nova Corner Top worth 580 thousand rubles. with electronic control and pre-installed lighting

The company's products are world famous Villeroy&Bosh, engaged in the production of tiles, furniture and sanitary ware for bathrooms. Particularly noteworthy is the company’s innovative product – quaril, an artificial stone that has the strength of quartz and the elasticity of acrylic.

Quaril bath
Luxurious models from quaril are a real decoration of the bathroom.There are currently more than 70 offers from Villeroy&Bosh on the market, some of which are equipped with a hydromassage system

Read more about the innovative material, characteristics and manufacturers of quaril baths in this article.

If you prefer devices with sophisticated electronics, pay attention to the Italian brand WGT. A small electronic device on the side or a remote control is all that is needed to control many functions.

With one press of a button, you can activate one of many programs, which even includes such little things as raising the shower head to a certain level or draining the water after a designated time.

Italian companies demonstrate good quality of mid-price plumbing products Teuko, Albatros And Ilma.

Cast acrylic bathtubs
European companies offer bathtubs made of high-quality cast acrylic, and components are also of excellent quality

French manufacturers guaranteeing excellent quality of hot tubs: Jacob Delafon, Neomedia, Tes And Porcher. Finnish Ido, Scanpool And Novitec For many years now we have been delighting consumers with high-quality sanitary products.

Moreover, the jacuzzi from Novitec They immediately come with hydromassage and have only the most positive customer reviews.

Among European companies with a good reputation, Spanish Pool-Spa And Roca, Austrian Pamos, Swedish company Cadazzo.

From Chinese manufacturers you can trust Apollo. The acrylic here is of high quality and the components are also excellent. And the price is affordable.

Acrylic whirlpool bathtub with lighting
Russian manufacturers mainly offer acrylic Jacuzzis. Also, you can find many companies producing cheap plastic goods

Popular domestic offerings include brands such as BellRado, BAS, Aquanet, Radomir, also won recognition from the German brand Bach.

Vanna Radomir
A bathtub from the Russian manufacturer Radomir from the “Sorrento” series, worth 100 thousand rubles, with hydromassage and bronze finishing. A similar option without hydromassage will cost 35 thousand rubles.

When choosing, you should pay special attention to the method of acrylic reinforcement - it is better when it is based on polyurethane.

Budget solutions and alternatives

Some craftsmen, in an effort to save the family budget, decide to “transform” an old bathtub. How justified is such a step, and is there an alternative to an expensive purchase?

Converting an old bathtub into a hot tub

The question of creating a hot tub in your apartment worries many home craftsmen.After all, what could be easier than buying the necessary components and creating a hydromassage miracle that suits your wishes.

Firstly, the old bathtub will still have to be dismantled - otherwise nothing can be done with it. Secondly, you have to buy components - nozzles, compressor, pipes, pump and other parts necessary to create a hot tub.

All details should be carefully selected, giving preference to French or Italian models.

Whirlpool bath with headrests
Among the budget Jacuzzi models, you can choose the optimal ratio of the necessary functions and cost

As a result, the initial cost will be significantly higher than purchasing and installation of a whirlpool bath economy segment. Yes, there is an undeniable advantage - the components purchased are of excellent quality. But we still have to install everything by drilling holes in the right places in the bathtub. This is a rather responsible task that requires skill.

Then you need to install the nozzles and fix them, seal and insulate the connections with special compounds. And also connect the pump, compressor and pipes. Also, you have to take care of the filters, because water from the water supply system will damage the entire system in a maximum of a year.

The main problem with self-assembly is to assemble it properly, isolate all joints and connect correctly. These works are very difficult for a home craftsman who does not have relevant experience. Most often, you can encounter the problem of massive leaks by running the assembled system for testing.

In general, it is possible to assemble a hot tub on your own by purchasing the necessary components. But it’s not worth it, because it will cost much more than buying a finished product in the middle price range.

Jacuzzi polygon
When installing a Jacuzzi, it is recommended to install water filters. Even the highest quality hydromassage system can fail after a year due to impurities in tap water

Mini Jacuzzi: fast and inexpensive

Often the desire to get a hot tub does not coincide with the size of the family budget or the renovation work. After all, it’s not enough to buy the model you like; you still have to install and connect it. Yes, and you need to somehow get rid of the old one.

In this case, you can consider 2 budget and low-labor options:

  • foot bath with hydromassage;
  • hydromassage mat.

If the future buyer is on the move all day long, moving from one end of the city to the other, or stands behind the counter in a pharmacy/store, then it would not be a bad idea to buy a foot bath. This solution is inexpensive - the cost depends on additional functions and the reputation of the manufacturer.

Hydromassage foot bath
A hydromassage bath can be a real godsend - small, comfortable, useful. And it relieves fatigue perfectly

A significant advantage of this device is that it does not require a lot of space, which is especially important for apartments. This means you won’t have to change anything in the bathroom. And the price of the issue is quite acceptable - regular foot massage by an experienced specialist will cost much more.

The second option for trouble-free installation of hydromassage equipment is to purchase a special mat. The package also includes a compressor and a remote control. There are suction cups on the back side of the mat, and small holes on the outside.

The operating principle of this type of hot tub is simple - the compressor is connected to the mat with a corrugated hose and pumps air that comes out in small bubbles through the holes.There are devices with several massage modes and functions of ozonation and air heating, simulating the effect of a jacuzzi.

Hydromassage mat
The rug can serve as the simplest hydromassage bathtub. Perfect if you really want a Jacuzzi, but don’t have time to renovate your bathroom

This option is suitable for absolutely any bathtub and will not cause problems during installation. Moreover, the size and shape of the container do not matter - the mat bends easily, which does not affect its performance.

Care is the key to long-term use

All buyers have one desire - that the purchased whirlpool bathtub lasts a long time. It is good that it performs its functions without problems for at least 10 years. This is possible, because many European manufacturers provide a 10-year warranty on their equipment.

The key to long-term pleasure from hydromassage sessions is proper use and care of the equipment.

Firstly, you need to read the instructions carefully. And use the hydromassage bath as indicated there - do not pour foam, salt, dyes and other cosmetics, the use of which is prohibited by the manufacturer.

Jacuzzi care
Many manufacturers indicate in the user manual for their products the names of products that can be used to clean the Jacuzzi.

Secondly, you will have to regularly wash and disinfect the bathing container along with all equipment. The instructions contain recommendations on how often this work should be performed. Usually, after each hydromassage session, you need to thoroughly wash the bowl of the container, removing any possible contamination from the walls and bottom.

As for disinfection, it is advisable to do this after 5-7 procedures.

Third, for washing and disinfection you should use special products recommended or approved by the manufacturer. Otherwise, you can cause irreparable damage to your personal mini spa.

Fourth, you can’t forget about your jacuzzi. You should turn on the hydromassage system at least once a week. In case of prolonged downtime, the equipment can very quickly fail.

Hydromassage bath in the interior
A hot tub, whether acrylic or cast iron, likes to be wiped dry with a soft cloth after washing.

Timely bath care, disinfection, using only special products will not only get rid of troubles, but will also allow you to enjoy massage for at least 10 years.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Instructions for choosing a hot tub:

Review of cast iron bathtub with Jacuzzi function:

Video clip on how to make a hydromassage out of any bathtub:

A visual aid for installing hydromassage equipment in an acrylic bathtub:

A bathtub with a hydromassage system is an expensive pleasure that will delight you for the next ten years, so its choice must be taken very seriously.

Consider the available offers, pay attention to the design features, study the technical specifications, consult with specialists and only then make a purchase.

Looking for a functional hot tub? Or do you already own such plumbing equipment? Share with readers your opinion regarding the choice of bathtub. You can leave comments and ask questions in the form below.

Visitor comments
  1. Victor

    I have not even considered a steel bathtub; I consider this material unsuitable for any household needs.The choice was between acrylic and cast iron, but I figured out what the weight of a cast iron bathtub would be and couldn’t decide. And the markup for the material alone is too high. Having bought an acrylic bathtub, I got a good deal on the price and was able to purchase a sophisticated version with a lot of functions. I couldn’t be happier with the aeromassage function, it’s more pleasant than hydromassage and very relaxing.

  2. Ilya

    Since I installed the bathtub in a typical apartment with a separate bathroom, I was guided by the size and shape. Fortunately, there are whirlpool bathtubs on sale that are the same size as a regular container. They don't have many functions, but they perform the main task. I took acrylic, this is the best option in terms of price, durability, and installation complexity. A normal budget bathtub has learned.

  3. Valentina

    Interesting. I never knew that cast iron and steel hot tubs existed. Somehow they were tightly associated in my mind with acrylic.
    Soon I will need to change the bathtub (to be more precise, it has been necessary for several months now, but there is no opportunity yet) and I began to think about whether to install it with a hydromassage. On the one hand, the soul asks for a holiday, on the other, the mind stops and fears arise that this is all pampering and I won’t use it too often. They are also afraid on the forums that there is a lot of care for it - after each use, wash the nozzles with a cleaning agent, otherwise after inactivity it will start to stink and you won’t be able to remove the smell with anything. In general, I am in doubt.

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