Choosing cleaning products for acrylic bathtubs: a comparative review

The new acrylic bathtub looks perfect. Unusual design, glossy surface and perfect smoothness of the coating.In order for the bowl to retain its luster for as long as possible, you should adhere to basic operating standards and follow the care recommendations.

The primary task is the competent choice of means for cleaning acrylic bathtubs, taking into account the technical and design features of polymer plumbing. We will tell you how to choose the composition. We will tell you in what cases to use it and how to care for a bowl that is “sensitive” to mechanical and chemical effects.

What is capricious acrylic afraid of?

Popularity acrylic bathtubs due to their excellent appearance, variety of shapes and colors, smooth surface, low thermal conductivity and affordable cost. However, polymer plumbing, unlike metal products, has a couple of significant disadvantages: susceptibility to mechanical stress and painstaking maintenance.

Maintenance of an acrylic bathtub should be carried out without any abrasives. The use of metal brushes, sponges and brushes with hard bristles is excluded. Failure to comply with the banal rules of care will result in the appearance of a network of micro-scratches, as well as the “scraping” of the top glossy layer.

Acrylic bath
Acrylic is a thermoplastic, durable polymer, but it does not withstand strong impacts and is easily scratched. Even minor mechanical damage and roughness acquire a yellow-gray tint over time

There are also a number of restrictions on detergents.

Household chemicals should not contain:

  1. Small components. Powders, including dry soda, contribute to the appearance of micro-scratches - the shiny surface dulls and becomes matte.
  2. Chlorine. The substance corrodes the polymer - the structure becomes porous, the surface becomes rough.
  3. Solvents. Regular use of acetone, oxalic acid, and white alcohol leads to partial dissolution and deformation of the top layer. As a result, the bowl loses its former attractiveness.

Ammonia and formaldehyde have a similar effect to acetone. With prolonged contact with chemicals, acrylic begins to deform.

Prohibited means
Prohibited substances include concentrated alcohols, acids, gasoline, and alkalis. All substances change the color of acrylic, causing the appearance of microcracks

Arsenal of cleaning products and technologies

The basic requirement for caring for a bowl is quite standard - remove any dirt that appears in a timely manner. To keep the bowl in good condition, improvised or universal purchased products are suitable. To rid the surface of old stains and “reanimate” the bathtub, you will have to try and carry out several cleaning cycles.

Traditional methods - light artillery

Relatively recent stains can be removed using improvised means.

Proven folk recipes for gentle action include:

  • lemon acid;
  • toothpaste;
  • baking soda;
  • vinegar and salt;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Limonka. The acid helps in the fight against rust stains and helps maintain the snow-white appearance of the bathroom.

Lemon acid
For a bowl of standard volume (200 l), you will need a 50 g bag of dry lemon juice. The acid granules must be dissolved in half a liter of water at a temperature of 50-60 ° C

Following actions:

  1. Fill the bathtub with water at 40-50°C to the overflow hole.
  2. Add lemon juice solution and stir.
  3. Leave to “acidify” for 2 hours – the salt deposits will soften during this time.
  4. Drain the solution and rinse with water.
  5. Wipe the surface dry with a soft cloth.

Old deposits are removed with a “steeper” emulsion. The cleaning composition is prepared at the rate of 50 g of lemon per 2 liters of water. The affected areas should be treated with the solution and left for 20 minutes. Evaluate the result and repeat the procedure if necessary.

Lemon cleansing should not be overused. To avoid damaging the enamel, it is recommended to perform the procedure no more than twice a year.

Toothpaste. The method is expensive, but quite useful for express cleaning of yellow plaque. A white paste or powder is suitable for the procedure. The dry composition must be diluted with water until it becomes thick sour cream.

Brushing with toothpaste
Distribute toothpaste with a soft brush over contaminated areas - layer thickness is about 1.5 mm. After 15 minutes, wash the surface

If the desired effect is not achieved the first time, you should repeat the procedure, increasing the waiting time to 40-60 minutes.

Baking soda. Sodium bicarbonate - soda - will help maintain the whiteness of the bath. Cleaning powder should not be used in dry form as it may damage the coating. Pre-dilute the baking soda with a small amount of water.

The prepared gruel is used to treat the “affected” areas of acrylic. You cannot rub soda into the surface; just leave the solution for half an hour and then rinse with water. Using baking soda, you can make a cleaning cream for gentle care of acrylic plumbing fixtures.

Homemade remedy
Ingredients of the homemade product: water – 0.5 l, soda – 100 g, laundry/baby soap – 15-20 g, aromatic oil

Cooking technology:

  1. Rub a bar of soap, add hot water (60°C), and leave the solution for a couple of hours.
  2. Add soda and a few drops of aroma oil to the soap mixture.

Store the finished product in a plastic or glass container. Method of using homemade “cream”: saturate a soft sponge with the composition, wipe the acrylic coating. After half an hour, rinse and wipe dry. The result of the treatment is a clean bath and filling the room with a pleasant aroma.

Vinegar and salt. In the fight for cleanliness, acetic acid has shown itself to be excellent - it removes yellowness from the bottom and walls of the bowl.

There are two possible application options:

  1. Local cleaning. Dilute apple cider vinegar (20 g) with water (200 g). Moisten the problem area with vinegar solution and rinse with running water after 10 minutes. The procedure should be performed with rubber gloves.
  2. Complete update. Fill the bowl with warm water, pour 1.5 liters of weakly concentrated acetic acid into the bath and leave overnight. Drain the solution, wipe the walls and bottom with a soft sponge. Treat the exposed sides of the bathtub using the “local cleaning” method.

Minor rust stains can be treated with salt. Salt crystals are a hard abrasive, so you must act with extreme caution. For work, it is better to use finely ground salt.

Saline solution
Prepare a thick saline solution by mixing grains of salt with water. Apply the paste onto the stain and leave for 5 minutes. To enhance the effect, wipe the contaminated area with a rag soaked in turpentine. Do all work with gloves

Hydrogen peroxide. A more radical method is to use hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. In a glass container, combine 100 ml of ammonium hydroxide and 50 ml of peroxide. Apply the solution to the stains with a cotton pad or sponge and leave for 10 minutes.

Cleaning with ammonia and peroxide
Wipe off the cleaning composition with a soft cloth, then rinse the bathtub. There is no point in “exposing” the solution longer than prescribed - prolonged and frequent contact of acrylic with ammonia can harm the polymer coating

Household chemicals in the fight for cleanliness

This group of drugs consists of universal cleaning products and maintaining the attractiveness of acrylic bathtubs designed for regular use.

Names of popular items for the care of polymer plumbing:

  • Ravak Cleaner (Czech Republic);
  • San Klin (Ukraine);
  • Bagi Akrilan (Israel);
  • Frosch “Green Grapes” (Germany);
  • Bas "Tim-Profi" (Russia).

Ravak Cleaner. The plumbing manufacturing company has introduced its own line of preparations for acrylic surfaces.

Ravak Cleaner
The universal Cleaner does not contain chlorine and carefully cleans the coating from particles of lime and fatty deposits. Sold in a 500 ml bottle with a convenient spray dispenser

Cleaner cleans and shines acrylic coating. To remove old stains, the liquid should be sprayed over the bath bowl and left to act for 10 minutes. Afterwards, rinse with water.

SunClean. Despite the relatively low cost, the product has a wide spectrum of action. The liquid emulsion copes with traces of calcium soap and rust without damaging the capricious coating of the bathtub. There are no phosphates, acids or abrasives in the composition.

SanClean is suitable for cleaning Jacuzzis, shower cabins, glass and mirror surfaces.

Bagi Acrilan. The drug has won many positive user reviews. Cleaning foam is effective in combating fungus, limescale, soap residue, mold and rust.

The composition of Acrylan is surfactants in tandem with citric acid.This symbiosis of components explains the cleansing and disinfecting qualities of the drug. After treatment, a protective film layer remains on the bowl, reducing the accumulation of dirt.

Bagi Acrilan
Possible volumes of Acrylan bottles: 400, 500 and 750 ml. Precautions for use: use gloves when applying, do not mix with other “chemicals”

The main advantages of Akrilan:

  • high efficiency;
  • ease of use;
  • quick action - spread over the bath and rinse off;
  • versatility - applicable for various coatings.

The disadvantages of the product include high cost and toxicity. Cleaning must be done with the hood on, as Acrylan has a strong chemical smell.

Frosch "Green Grapes". The drug is made from biodegradable components. Composition basis: tensides and grape acid. Frosch is the best option for allergy sufferers and supporters of environmentally friendly products.

Frosch Green grapes
The product carefully removes traces of water droplets, dirt and lime deposits, and also fills the bath with a fruity aroma. The downside of “Green Grapes” is that it does not disinfect and does not cope with “caked” salt deposits

Bas "Tim-Profi". Environmentally friendly cleaning “mousse” made in Russia. Suitable for comprehensive care of plumbing fixtures: treatment of acrylic, plastic, stainless and chrome surfaces. The solution penetrates into the structure of contaminants, destroying particles of salt deposits and removing unpleasant odors.

Bas Team-Profi
Type-Pro does not contain abrasive components. After use, a protective, dirt-repellent film is formed on the acrylic surface. The product returns the coating to a mirror shine

Removing water scale and rust

If the bath is in a “neglected” condition, universal preparations may be powerless.

Specialized products will help restore its former whiteness and shine:

  • Triton Acryl cleaner (Russia);
  • Sanox “Clean Bath” (Russia);
  • Astonish cleaning paste (UK).

Triton Acryl cleaner. The product can be classified as a universal drug with a pronounced cleansing effect. Acryl cleaner copes well with grease, old limescale deposits, rust stains and water stones.

Main active ingredients: cationic and nonionic surfactants, antiseptic, organic acids and flavor.

Triton Acrylic cleaner
Directions for use: spread on the surface and leave for a quarter of an hour. Wipe with a soft sponge, rinse and rinse thoroughly with running water.

Sanox "Clean Bath". An inexpensive product from the category of “Green Technologies” with a whitening effect. Contains surfactants, complexing agents, flavorings and glycerin. The absence of acids makes the product safe for acrylic coatings.

With a “gentle” filling, Sanox is effective against most stains in the bathroom, including potassium permanganate and rust. The product is suitable for cleaning any plumbing fixtures and tiles – it adds shine to surfaces.

Main advantages: affordable cost, efficiency, safety. Cons: rather pungent odor and uneconomical use due to its liquid consistency. To obtain a good result, the product must be kept for about 30-45 minutes.

Pasta "Astonish". Despite the fact that the main purpose of the product is to care for kitchen surfaces, the paste is often used to clean acrylic bathtubs.

Astonish is gentle and effective. The composition contains soap, soft abrasives, orange extract.The product is produced using innovative technologies and meets strict European quality standards.

Sanox Clean Bath
The cleaning paste is safe and multifunctional, thanks to its consistency it is economical to use. The disadvantage of Astonish is that it is difficult to find in retail stores.

Products with whitening effect

The leader among “soft” preparations with a whiteness effect is considered to be Cif Ultra White (Hungary); in second place, according to consumers, is Mister Chister (Russia).

Cif Ultra White. The cream contains the smallest microgranules - whitening components that enhance the effect of cleaning substances and provide snow-white acrylic.

CIF Ultra White
Cif Ultra White has a cumulative bleaching effect - the more often you use the product, the whiter the plumbing fixtures become. The cream does not leave streaks or micro-scratches.

Contraindications for use: wallpaper, wooden surfaces, textiles, galvanized metal, vinyl, linoleum and aluminum.

Mr. Chister. The product effectively removes yellow discoloration from the bathtub bowl. In addition, Mister Chister does an excellent job of removing rusty areas, grease deposits on polymer surfaces and has an antifungal effect. Additional advantages: low cost and saturation of the bath with shine.

Preparations for bath disinfection

Any bathtub must be disinfected once a year; hydromassage systems are sanitized monthly. The procedure is aimed at destroying fungal spores, mold and pathogens. Specialized products can handle this task: Ravak Desinfectant and Triton Desinfectant.

Both concentrates are chemically potent agents that cannot harm acrylic.Suitable for disinfection of plumbing fixtures, including hydromassage systems

Highly concentrated emulsions, depending on the purpose of use, require dilution with water - the ratio of cleaning agent and water is indicated in the manufacturer's instructions.

The nuances of cleaning a bowl with hydromassage

Systems with a hydraulic massage function are equipped with nozzles connected to a compressor and a circulation pump. The technique creates excess pressure of the water flow, which under pressure exits through the spray nozzles into hot tub.

With regular use of the hydromassage option, the nozzles do not have time to dry out - constant humidity provokes the proliferation of microorganisms, mold growth and the accumulation of lime deposits.

Whirlpool bath
Recommended cleaning frequency: if the sprayers are used every day – weekly, if the hydromassage is turned on rarely – monthly. An appropriate disinfectant is selected for disinfection

The procedure for carrying out the disinfection procedure:

  1. Fill the tank with water so that the nozzles “go” 5-7 cm under water.
  2. Pour the cleaning concentrate into the bath and turn on the hydromassage for 20 minutes - the liquid should make several circular cycles through the system.
  3. Drain the water and refill the bowl.
  4. Turn on the sprayers for 5 minutes and empty the bath.

Upon completion of the procedure, it is necessary to perform standard cleaning of the walls and bottom of the “font”.

Preventing contamination

Compliance with the basic rules for using an acrylic bathtub will save you from unnecessary costs and make it easier to care for your plumbing, prolonging its service life.

№1. Do not soak laundry. The components of washing powders are not always comparable to the polymer coating. In addition, if bright clothes fade, then the bathtub has every chance of “absorbing” the paint.This property of acrylic must be taken into account when washing your hair after “fresh” painting.

№2. Taboo on bathing animals.

Bathing animals
Pets' claws will damage the polymer coating. As an option, you can put “anti-scratch guards” on the paws and place the animal on a bedding

№3. Caring attitude. Do not place heavy objects, metal basins, etc. in a plastic tank. They can deform acrylic and leave dents and scratches.

№4. Regular care. The best way to prevent the formation of tubular stains is to clean the bathtub after each bath. Simply rinse the bowl with warm water and remove any drops with a cloth.

If it is no longer possible to tidy up the surface of polymer sanitary ware, it is better to buy install a new acrylic bathtub or carry out repair work using acrylic liner. We advise you to read our recommended articles.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The video compares the effectiveness of traditional cleaning methods (toothpaste and soda-soap solution) with household chemicals:

To maintain the impeccable cleanliness and whiteness of acrylic plumbing, there are many effective means. Available preparations do not always cope with the task, so it is better to use specialized household chemicals created taking into account the characteristics of acrylic plumbing.

Tell us what products and methods you use to care for acrylic plumbing fixtures. Share information on this issue that will be useful to site visitors. Please write comments in the block below, post photos, and ask questions.

Visitor comments
  1. Anna

    Acrylic bathtubs are very demanding to care for, I know this from my own experience. They scratch easily and then take on an unpresentable appearance.If a cast-iron bathtub is unbreakable for 15 years, then this will not happen with acrylic. Therefore, you should clean them only with gels and do not use abrasives. And the brush for washing should also be special. Lemon helps a lot, it eats away plaque, and if there is any, then stains. I also like Frosch, but it's not that easy to find. In general, any product that is written for acrylic bathtubs will do, but only through trial and error can you choose what the hostess will like.

  2. Marina

    Under no circumstances should an acrylic bath be washed with compounds that contain: gasoline, solvent, acetone, acid, ammonia, chlorine, powders. Moreover, seemingly harmless boiling water also worsens the coating. I really like how Sif handles plaque. Apply it to a soft sponge and wipe the bath, leave for 2 minutes and rinse. That's it, the bath is sparkling! In general, if you rinse the bathtub and wipe it with a dry soft cloth after each use, then you don’t need any cleaning agents.

  3. Maria

    I like the bath product from Bagi the most, I usually only use it, it is specially for acrylic baths. Our water is quite hard and an unpleasant coating tends to appear. Once every 7-10 days I spray Acrilan, wait a little and wash it off, that’s all, this is enough to keep the bath clean. Plus it is very economical, the product consumption is very small. And folk remedies may be good, but I don’t like to bother with cleaning.

  4. Valeria

    Do not use products with ammonia, chlorine and acetone, as well as aggressive liquids with alkalis and acids: because of them, the acrylic is damaged and may crack (the Memo included with the bathroom stated). And these products contain various acids.And, perhaps, subsequently, after repeated cleanings with these products, the acrylic coating of the bathtub will become unusable. I wouldn’t risk it, to be honest... I don’t understand, you yourself write that you can’t use acids and then immediately offer cleaning products containing up to 15% acids. How so??? is this some kind of joke?

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