How to wash a cast iron bathtub without damaging the enamel: a review of folk recipes and the best purchased products

Despite many modern alternatives, the cast iron bathtub has been and remains one of the most popular types of plumbing fixtures.

This popularity is largely due to the durability and increased strength of cast iron. The material can withstand severe loads, is resistant to temperature changes, has high heat capacity and good sound insulation properties.

However, the operation of such products has its own nuances, which mainly relate to the handling of the enamel coating. In the absence of proper care and prevention, it quickly loses its aesthetic appearance.

To preserve the original color and shine of the bowl, you need to know how and with what to wash a cast iron bathtub without damaging the enamel. We'll talk about this in our article.

Main causes and types of enamel contamination

Enamel is a powder that is applied to the inner surface of a cast iron bathtub using an electrostatic method and subsequent “baking” in a special heat chamber.

And although cast iron itself lasts from 25 to 50 years without problems, the enameled coating is much more sensitive to all sorts of external factors. That is why it needs careful and proper care.

Enamel is especially susceptible to several types of contamination:

  1. Rust.
  2. Limescale.
  3. Fat deposits.

The reason for the appearance of unsightly brown stains on white enamel is often iron salts that constantly fall onto the surface from old pipes. Sometimes the problem lies in a faulty leaking faucet, a metal chain for attaching the outlet cover that oxidizes when exposed to water.

Rust on an old cast iron bathtub
The enamel used in old cast iron bathtubs usually contains zirconium elements. They increase the strength, elasticity and heat resistance of the material, but are not able to resist rust. Over time, microcracks and scratches inevitably appear on such bowls, through which corrosion acts directly on the metal

During production new baths use advanced surface treatment techniques that involve the use of titanium salts. These components make the coating structure smoother, which significantly reduces the likelihood of cracking.

Limescale usually appears due to poor water quality, which depends on the region, the sources and treatment technologies used, and the condition of local water supplies.

Various impurities, chlorine, metals, mineral salts contained in the liquid increase its hardness and are deposited on the surface in the form of a whitish coating.

Fatty deposits are the consequences of particles of skin, sweat, and dirt settling on the walls of the bathtub, which are washed off by a person while taking a bath.Layering on top of each other, they form a persistent, difficult-to-remove coating of fat.

All types of pollution require a special approach. To remove and clean certain of them, it is necessary to use special compounds that can be purchased in the store or prepared independently from available home remedies.

The Best Store-Bought Cleaning Products

Specialized household chemicals contain effective reagents, microelements and substances that work well against various types of stains to which enamel is prone.

There are many cleaning products on the market with paste, gel, and powder consistency. Before buying any of them, you need to check whether it is suitable for enamel, study the instructions and become familiar with the composition.

Let's consider several effective means that have worked well in practice and are most popular among housewives.

Remedy #1 - whiteness in various forms

The most commonly used product used to clean cast iron bathtubs is plain white. It is inexpensive, produced by numerous manufacturers, but regardless of this, it has an almost identical composition.

The average cost of a 1 liter bottle is 50-80 rubles. The product is available in gel and liquid form. The first option will cost an order of magnitude more.

Cleaning the bathtub with white
Whiteness helps restore the original color of the coating, removes grease, fresh paint stains, destroys bacteria, mold, and mildew thanks to its powerful disinfecting and disinfecting properties. However, it is not suitable for emergency coating resuscitation: it is unlikely to be able to remove either rust or limescale deposits.

In addition to the enamel itself, it is recommended to use the substance to clean bathroom tiles, joints, corners located above the bowl, and drain areas.

It is necessary to wash the container with whiteness with a moderately hard sponge without metal fibers. It is advisable to use it not in its pure form, but to dilute it with ordinary water, maintaining a 1:2 ratio. You can also add 100 ml of the mixture to a bath filled with liquid, mix well and leave overnight.

Product #2 – Mister Muscle for baths

Cleaning composition of the famous brand MR. MUSCLE is also suitable for more serious stains. Unlike white, it is much easier to use. It does not contain aggressive components, so it is used in its pure form.

The operation process itself is made easier thanks to the convenient sprayer. The average price for a 0.5 liter bottle is about 220 rubles.

Mr. Muscle for bath
Mister Muscle is an excellent option for disinfection, care, and treatment of damaged surfaces. A spray with a creamy formula penetrates deeply into the structure of the stain, completely destroying it in a short time

The substances included in its composition effectively clean the enamel from existing rust and, subject to regular, correct use, prevent corrosion. The product copes well with lime deposits, soap scum, dirt deposits, and kills all kinds of microbes.

The cylinder is used in two modes, which are changed by turning the spray tip. The first mode is intended for application over a large area, the second - for spot treatment of narrow crevices.

After use, wipe the coating with a sponge and rinse off the composition with plenty of water. If necessary, the procedure is repeated several times.

Remedy #3 – Comet-gel for plumbing

Comet gel is a universal product for cleaning various types of coatings on plumbing fixtures. It is available in several versions - “Up to 7 days of cleanliness”, “Expert”.

The last of them - Expert - is endowed with a stronger composition designed to work with limescale and rust. The average price of a plastic container with a 0.5 liter dispenser is 150-200 rubles.

Comet-gel for plumbing
The product gives a slight whitening effect, serves as an excellent disinfectant, breaks down fatty deposits, and removes stubborn stains. The composition does not contain silicate abrasive, so it does not scratch the enamel coating

To clean the bathtub from rust, apply the gel and leave it on the problem area for 10 minutes. After this, you need to wipe the bowl with a sponge and rinse with running water. It is not recommended to leave the product on the surface of the bowl for more than 10 minutes, as it contains acids.

Tool #4 - Cif brand products

Under the Cif brand they produce several effective products specializing in cleaning tiles, pipes and plumbing.

For the enamel coating of cast iron bathtubs, anti-plaque bath spray, Active Fresh universal cream, Power&Shine bath spray, Ultra White cream with a whitening effect are suitable. You can buy cream for an average of 100-150 rubles, spray - 150-200 rubles. The volume of the plastic container is 0.5 l.

Bathtub cleaning sif
All solutions and creams from SIF eliminate unpleasant odors well and aromatize the room thanks to the various fragrances that are included in their composition. Depending on the form of release, there are lemon, pine, eucalyptus, and sea flavors

The products can be used to remove grease and lime deposits. To clean the surface from moldFor persistent rust, it is better to take an enhanced cream with a whitening effect.

The drug is applied to the coating for up to 15 minutes. Its active substances instantly penetrate deep layers of contaminants and damage their structure.

As a result, the stubborn stain turns into a trickle of liquid, which can be easily removed with a sponge. After all manipulations, you should thoroughly rinse the bath bowl with running water.

Product #5 – Sanox cleaner

Sanox is called the “heavy artillery” among all similar products. The powerful composition of the mixture and the high concentration of active components allows you to easily deal with even very complex stains. A 0.5 liter product specially designed for cleaning bathtubs costs about 50 rubles.

Sanox bath cleaner
Sanox quickly eliminates unpleasant odors, removes 99% of bacteria and infectious agents from the surface of the bowl, corrodes grease, limescale, and rust. The method of using the drug is practically no different from the previous ones. It is applied to the contaminated area, left for 10 minutes, rubbed with a sponge and washed off with water.

It is worth considering that the liquid contains acids, so it must be used with extreme caution and in extreme cases when stubborn stains do not respond to other drugs.

If the enamel does not have an acid-resistant coating or is too thin, it is better to choose other, more gentle means.

Remedy #6 – safe eco-product Frosch

Products from the Frosch line are an ideal option for regular cleaning of enamel and preventing the formation of difficult-to-remove plaque.

They are easy to apply and wash off, have an absolutely safe composition, a convenient spray form, and a pleasant aroma. The average cost of a 0.5 liter spray bottle is 250-300 rubles.

Bath spray Frosch
Frosch spray helps maintain the enamel coating of a cast iron bathtub in excellent condition, without resorting to emergency and harsh methods of surface resuscitation

Using an eco-friendly product, you can remove shallow stains from rust and limescale, but it is not suitable for heavily soiled areas.

Recipes for popular folk remedies

Some housewives prefer folk formulations to commercial cleaning products, considering them more effective and safe. Some people don’t use household chemicals on principle, others want to save money, and still others are worried that there are small children, allergy sufferers, and pets in the house.

In any case, the use of folk remedies is justified. Often, provided they are properly prepared and used, they work no worse than store-bought counterparts. Let's look at a few effective recipes. The ingredients for their preparation can be found in any kitchen.

Recipe #1 - ordinary soda + water

The most accessible, common and simplest way to clean a cast-iron bathtub among people involves the use of baking soda. This product allows you to quickly remove various stains and soap scum.

Cleaning the bathtub with baking soda
Method of using soda to clean enamel: mix the powder with a small amount of liquid, apply the composition to the entire surface or dirty areas of the bath, after drying, rinse the mixture with water and wipe the surface dry

To keep the enamel clean using only soda, it is enough to clean the surface with it 1-2 times a week. It should be noted that the product is effective only when cleaning fresh dirt. To remove old stains, it is advisable to prepare a more powerful composition.

Recipe #2 - citric acid + water

Regular citric acid is an economical and also quite effective product for cleaning sanitary ware.

Cleaning the coating with citric acid
Directions for use: dissolve a sachet of citric acid in a glass of water, mix well, distribute the composition along the walls of the bowl with a sponge

This product should be washed off after 25 minutes. Then you will need to thoroughly rinse and dry the bathtub, wiping it with a clean cloth.

A simple recipe allows you to remove fresh and old stains. Usually, after using it, dirt easily moves away from the walls of the bowl.

Recipe #3 - a mixture of two types of soda + vinegar

A mixture of baking soda and soda ash, vinegar, and powdered bleach returns the enamel to its original color and makes the surface smooth and shiny.

Cleaning the bathtub with a solution of baking soda and vinegar
Method of using the product with soda and vinegar: mix equal proportions of soda ash and table soda, taking about 2 tablespoons each, pour the components with water until a paste-like state is obtained, apply the composition to the problem area of ​​the enamel, leaving for 10 minutes. Next, mix half a glass of vinegar with the same amount of powdered bleach and add the liquid mixture to the soda

After 2-3 hours, the applied mixture should be thoroughly rinsed with water. After this, it is advisable to wipe the coating with a soft cloth. This product will help remove not only simple dirt, but also traces of lime deposits.

Recipe #4 - ammonia + hydrogen peroxide

A solution of hydrogen peroxide with the addition of ammonia is an excellent folk remedy for removing rust from the surface of a cast iron bathtub. In most cases, with the help of this composition, housewives manage to get rid of even the most stubborn stains.

Cleaning a bath with ammonia and peroxide
Method of using the product with ammonia and peroxide: prepare a clean container, pour 100 ml of ammonia and 50 ml of peroxide into it, treat problem areas using a clean rag

It is necessary to wash off the composition from the coating no later than 10-15 minutes after application. When working with ammonia, you should wear a mask and gloves. The substance has a strong toxic odor, so it should only be used in well-ventilated areas.

Recipe #5 - turpentine + table salt

A gruel prepared with turpentine makes it possible to quickly get rid of lime deposits and rust and whitens the surface quite well.

The process of cleaning a bathtub with turpentine
Directions for use: mix 35 ml of turpentine with 100 g of table salt, apply a homogeneous slurry to contaminated areas and leave for 25 minutes, wash the remaining product from the bowl under strong pressure of running water, dry the surface well

To achieve greater effect, the cleaning procedure is repeated several times. However, it is important to note that this can only be done after the enamel coating has completely dried.

Recommendations for owners of cast iron bathtubs

It is worth taking into account the fact that enamel is a very fragile coating and not every cleaning composition is suitable for it. The product used should not contain aggressive or abrasive substances. Also, when cleaning, it is strictly not recommended to use brushes that are too hard.

Precautions and prevention measures

Wrongly chosen detergents can easily damage the surface, leave noticeable stains on it, and make the coating rough.

Such an oversight contributes to the appearance of many micropores through which dirt penetrates, settles deeply and accumulates.After this, the enamel becomes dull, yellowish, gray, and noticeable smudges appear on it.

Partial destruction of enamel and restoration work
Too hard metal brushes, fiberglass sponges, acid-containing and abrasive products lead to cracks and further destruction of the coating. Restoring enamel at home is quite difficult. Therefore, it is better to prevent the problem than to restore the bathtub later

Having run the bathtub to such a state, it will be much more difficult to cope with the pollution. If you follow the basic rules for using the product, take into account the manufacturer’s recommendations and use approved bath cleaning products that act without damaging the enamel, the coating will last for decades.

Here are some nuances to take note:

  • Do not fill the container with excessively hot water (recommended liquid temperature is about 70 °C);
  • it is undesirable to overload the bowl - on average, the maximum permissible weight of the product is up to 180 kg, but this figure may differ depending on the modification;
  • It is forbidden to pour various chemical reagents into the bath;
  • after each water procedure, it is necessary to rinse the surface with warm water;
  • periodically, about once a week, you should wash the product using a regular soap solution and a soft sponge;
  • if there are serious contaminants, you need to determine their type and select an appropriate cleaning agent that does not contain aggressive components or hard abrasive particles that can scratch the enamel;
  • Do not try to scrape off with a blade or scrub away stubborn stains with hard metal brushes;
  • After cleaning, you must thoroughly rinse off the composition under strong pressure, and then wipe the surface dry with a flannel cloth or soft towel.

It is highly recommended not to wash hard, metal objects in an enamel bath.

Repair of taps and mixers
To prevent corrosion processes, you need to monitor the serviceability of taps and mixers installed in the bathroom. The slightest leak, left uncorrected for a long time, can provoke the appearance of deep rust.

If you find any chips in the coating, it is important to quickly repair them. Otherwise, rust will begin to form around the damaged area, which will eventually completely ruin the enamel.

To eliminate defects you will need fine-grained sandpaper, special putty or epoxy enamel. If the product is applied in several layers, the next layer can be applied only after the previous one has completely dried.

We talked in more detail about ways to restore enamel in this material.

Tips for polishing the coating

The surface of a neglected cast-iron bathtub, which has ceased to shine and is covered with numerous scratches, can be revived by polishing. This procedure refreshes the appearance of the enamel well.

Polishing work is carried out in the following order:

  • the surface is cleaned of contaminants using one of the methods proposed above;
  • the clean coating is rinsed and wiped with a dry cloth;
  • a special composition is applied to the enamel, intended for polishing paint surfaces, for example, car polish;
  • The coating is polished, preferably using a sanding machine with a soft nozzle or manually with a microfiber cloth.

Once the surface of the bath begins to shine, you need to rinse it and wipe dry.

Well maintained cast iron bath
You need to understand that only a new layer of enamel can return the product to its flawless original appearance.But if you regularly take care of the coating and do not place objects inside that can damage the enamel layer, then the bathtub will look flawless for ten years or more.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Video instructions for cleaning a bathtub at home using various available products:

Any types of contaminants that appear on the enamel coating of a cast-iron bathtub during operation can be removed with household chemicals or folk remedies. The most important thing is to prevent advanced cases, clean the bowl on time, and devote time to preventing stubborn stains..

If none of the suggested cleaning products and methods helps get rid of the problem, it is better to contact a specialist. They will carry out professional comprehensive surface treatment and cover it with fresh layer of enamel, after which the bathtub will be almost like new.

Perhaps you know other effective ways to clean a cast iron bathtub from plaque? Please tell our site visitors about them. Leave your comments, share your experience, ask questions in the block below.

Visitor comments
  1. Valera

    The problem is that many cast iron bathtubs have a casting grain. You can feel it to the touch. In addition, the enamel on bathtubs is thin, and with frequent cleaning it quickly becomes thinner.
    And if you don’t clean it, the appearance of the bathtub becomes untidy. Although they write that cast iron can withstand 40-50 years, they do not indicate the lifespan of the enamel. Expansion of metal from hot water and contraction from cold water also do not add life to the enamels.
    So, for me, this option for bathtub material is now not even considered. We suffered with such happiness, no matter how you clean it, it still looks as old.

  2. Georgiy

    Most cheap gels, and Sanox too, cope only with light stains, such as plaque, which can be washed manually with a sponge. More expensive products remove old plaque. But nothing helps against rust. Verified. The only working method is regular baking soda; you can use it to remove anything. Of course, this is not easy, you will have to work hard and make an effort, but the bathtub becomes snow-white. I suspect that this method is traumatic for coating, so it is better not to let it become heavily soiled and wash it regularly.

  3. Irina

    In addition to all kinds of gels and powders, there is a fairly good product that can be obtained at any grocery store. And it's cola. I had heard many times before about its “useful” properties, but I didn’t really believe it until I tried it myself. Not only can you easily use the drink to remove limescale from taps and plumbing fixtures, Cola is great for cleaning bathtubs. Lately, there have been constant discounts on soda; the price is no more expensive than regular chemicals. And the result will exceed all expectations.

    • Paul

      Coca-Cola is de facto orthophosphoric acid (if you read the composition) (also, of course, sugar and other substances). If by cola you mean cheaper cola, then it most likely contains citric acid. The method is as effective (both Coca-Cola and cheap cola) as treatment with a solution of citric acid. However, citric acid (1 sachet 80g) corresponds to several bottles of cola, and costs 2-3 times cheaper than cheap cola (there is no need to compare it with Coca-Cola). That. processing with a simple solution of citric acid will be much cheaper, with the same processing efforts and purchase also in any grocery store

  4. Elena

    I take Expel universal gel. It is chemical-free, but contains citric acid. Thanks to it, he cleans the bathroom without damaging the enamels, taps, or tiles. It copes with dirt, plaque, and stubborn dirt easily.

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