Toilet grinder pump: device, operating principle and installation rules

Poor location of utilities can derail plans for creating a convenient layout.Everyone is accustomed to the fact that there are standards regulating the distance from the sewer riser to the toilet and other plumbing fixtures. Therefore, bathroom owners had to put up with the current state of affairs.

Only after a special toilet pump appeared, it became possible to place the equipment anywhere in the house. Agree, the device can be very useful, especially for rooms of non-standard shapes and dimensions.

Let's figure out what kind of miracle device this is, what its design and principle of operation are. In addition, we offer a detailed overview of different units, an algorithm for their selection and installation. Such information will be a godsend for those who are planning to buy and install a toilet grinder.

What is forced sewerage

Standard internal sewer system a private or apartment building is designed according to the gravity principle. This means that wastewater from the toilet and other plumbing fixtures is directed by gravity or “gravity” into the sewer riser.

For the smooth operation of the system, certain conditions are required: a correctly calculated distance from the toilet to the riser, the required slope of the pipeline, and more.

Toilet pump and grinder
Pumps with a grinder are compact equipment that allows you to install forced sewerage in any conditions

If they are disturbed, the flow rate slows down and blockages appear. To prevent such a situation, forced sewerage is used. To install it, a pump is installed in the system, the main function of which is the forced supply of wastewater into the pipeline.

Chopper pump, sometimes called sololift, in addition to this, it also crushes large inclusions present in the wastewater.

The device is compact, but at the same time has quite high power. It is capable of draining wastewater up to 5-7 m in the vertical direction and up to 100 m in the horizontal direction. The height of wastewater rise is especially important when it is planned to install a bathroom located below the sewer level.

The small size of the sololift allows it to be placed behind the cistern or even placed inside the latter.

Design and principle of operation of a pump with a chopper

A standard pump of this type is a system for pumping liquids enclosed in a plastic housing, equipped with blades for crushing large inclusions. The device must be connected to sewerage and power supply systems.

The chopper is usually installed in the upper half of the pump housing. After the wastewater enters the container with the blades, solid inclusions are retained here, and the liquid passes further.

Toilet pump and grinder
The figure shows a diagram of a sanitary pump with a toilet grinder (+)

Depending on the device model, two options are then possible. If the device is equipped with a float switch, the mass will accumulate to a certain volume. In other cases, the shredder will start immediately.

In any case, after the blades are activated, they begin to cut the inclusions, turning them into a homogeneous mass, which the pump will push to the sewer riser.

On sale you can find models where the chopper is located under the pump. It must be admitted that such devices work less efficiently, since due to the design features of the blades, they do not grind solid inclusions well enough.

This is worth considering when purchasing a device. The pump must be equipped with a check valve that prevents the return of wastewater.

Pump with chopper
Inside the container there is a cutting unit equipped with metal knives. Its task is to grind large inclusions in wastewater. The resulting mass is pushed to the sewer riser

Why do you need such a pump at all?

It must be admitted that the use of a pump allows you to solve the most complex issues in the arrangement of a sewer system. These include moving the toilet to almost any distance from the riser, installing plumbing in a room located below the sewer level, and much more.

The undeniable advantages of using pumps are:

  • Effective Prevention clogs in the sewer system. Due to the fact that the drains inside the pipes are pushed and do not move by gravity, they do not have the opportunity to accumulate and form traffic jams.
  • Possibility of using small diameter pipes for arranging a sewer system.
  • Less water consumption from the cistern.
  • Possibility to place plumbing equipment anywhere in the apartment.

In addition, pumps with grinders operate almost silently, especially those models that use high-quality insulation. They do not create discomfort and do not interfere with rest at night.

There are also certain inconveniences associated with the operation of the devices. The devices are volatile, so they can only function if electricity is available, which may not always be possible in a country house, for example.

Pump with chopper
Sanitary pumps are quite compact and are placed right behind the toilet. The figure shows a standard arrangement of the device

In addition, the pumps must be serviced regularly. Namely, to clean them. Depending on the model, this will have to be done manually or using special chemical solvents.

If this is not done, the device may become clogged, which will immediately affect its operation.However, there are also self-cleaning models that do not require cleaning, but their cost is slightly higher.

Information about pumps for arranging forced sewerage in a private house is presented in the articles:

  1. Sewage pumps: types, how to choose correctly + operating features
  2. Domestic sewer pumping stations: types, design, installation examples

Types of equipment

The industry produces several types of toilet pumps. Each of them has a specific area of ​​application and operating features. Let's look at the devices in more detail.

Devices for cold waste

Designed to work with liquids whose temperature does not exceed 40°C. It must be borne in mind that some elements of equipment may become unusable from contact with hot wastewater.

Therefore, under no circumstances should they be connected to the drain of a bathtub or shower. There are two types of such devices. One of them assumes the presence of a chopper, the second does not.

The former can be used both for toilets only and for combined connections, which may include a sink, bidet, toilet, etc. The latter cannot be used to work with toilets.

Moreover, when using them, it is necessary to monitor the drains so that large inclusions do not get into the pump. To install the devices, special adapter couplings are used, which are also sensitive to high temperatures.

Pump with chopper
On sale you can find sanitary pumps designed to be placed inside the cistern. These can be models designed for pumping both hot and cold waste water

Devices for hot waste

The equipment can function normally when pumping wastewater whose temperature does not exceed 90°C. However, this value may vary depending on the purpose and model of the device. It should be clarified in the technical documentation of the device. Such pumps are designed to work with a wide variety of household appliances.

Those that can pump not very hot liquids are used when connecting a bath or shower.

More expensive devices that can withstand temperatures up to 90°C can work with a washing machine or dishwasher. Like cold waste units, these pumps can be with or without a grinder.

The first option is used to arrange a comprehensive connection for a toilet, bathtub, washing machine, etc. The second can only be used if there is no toilet among the connected devices.

Pumps with grinders for hot wastewater are somewhat different from their “cold” counterparts.Their cutting parts are more durable and are designed to grind even fairly hard and small-sized inclusions.

The design features of these devices are such that objects that cannot be cut settle to the bottom of the shredder mesh and remain there until the next cleaning of the device, without affecting its operation at all.

Pump with chopper
Special compact types of sanitary pumps are produced especially for wall-hung toilets. They are mounted behind a decorative panel near the installation or directly on it

Compact type devices

For small bathrooms and toilet rooms, compact toilet grinders are ideal. These devices are similar to standard pumps, differing from them only in their small sizes.

The width of the body of such devices rarely exceeds 12 cm, which makes it possible to install it behind a decorative panel or in a small niche directly on the installation on which the toilet will be mounted.

Toilet with built-in pump: new plumbing product

Relatively recently, unusual plumbing equipment appeared on sale, which is a toilet with a built-in grinder and pump. The equipment can be distinguished from standard analogues by its appearance - it does not have a drain tank.

The device simply does not need this part, since the toilet is connected directly to the water supply and when you press the flush button, water is supplied directly from the main line.

At the same moment, the chopper is also activated. True, for the device to work correctly, a certain water pressure level. The minimum value is 1.7 atm.

The equipment is equipped with additional sewer outlets, which allows you to connect several more plumbing fixtures to it: a sink, a bidet, a washing machine or a bathtub.

Toilet with built-in pump
A toilet with a built-in pump with a grinder is very convenient and practical. The device can be placed at any distance from the sewer riser (+)

A toilet with a grinder has many advantages:

  • Connects directly to the water supply.
  • The built-in drain mechanism makes the presence of a conventional tank unnecessary.
  • Effective drainage of wastewater up to 30 m in the horizontal direction and up to 3 m in the vertical direction.
  • Compact dimensions make the device ideal for small spaces.
  • The productivity of the device is 85 l/min.
  • Additional insulation allows the equipment to operate virtually silently.
  • No complex maintenance required.
  • The device is more reliable and safe than a standard toilet with a connected grinder.
  • Full compliance with Russian and European sanitary standards.

The device is very reliable and efficient. Its main disadvantage today is the high cost, which is due to the fact that the manufacturer is just beginning to produce such equipment.

Pump with chopper
To avoid errors when calculating the power of the device, you can use this diagram. It shows the dependence of the distance of movement of wastewater on the height of its rise

Important Features of Shredder Pumps

On sale you can find a fairly wide range of pumps with grinders for toilets. Their differences are quite significant, so before purchasing a device you need to know exactly its purpose and determine the conditions in which it will work. Otherwise, the money will be wasted.

As practice shows, when choosing the right device, the following characteristics must be taken into account.

Fecal pump power

The manufacturer indicates it in the technical documentation attached to each device. Expressed in meters, it shows the distance over which the device can move wastewater. Usually two indicators are indicated: height and moving distance.

On average, the device can lift wastewater upward by 10 m and move it horizontally by 100 m. You need to understand that these are the maximum possible indicators.

Therefore, if they exactly coincide with the required operating parameters, it is better to choose equipment with a “reserve”. After all, if he has to constantly work at maximum power, any additional load, even short-term, will disable him.

In addition, constant operation “at the limit of capabilities” will significantly reduce the life of the equipment.

One more nuance. You need to understand that the indicators specified in the technical documentation are in some way mutually exclusive. This means that if the pump has to lift the drains up to the maximum height, then it will no longer be able to move them to the distance specified in the passport.

Practice shows that on average, every meter of wastewater rise reduces the distance of its horizontal transportation by approximately 10 m.

Pump with chopper
If there are several plumbing fixtures nearby, it is recommended to purchase a so-called combined pump model, which involves connecting several devices at once

Number of possible connections

The manufacturer produces various models of devices.Some of them are designed to work with only one plumbing fixture, in this case a toilet, while the rest can be classified as combined equipment.

They can connect to multiple devices. This is relevant for bathrooms in which several appliances require forced sewerage.

In this case, it is optimal to purchase a pump with a grinder, install it on the toilet and connect the rest of the equipment to it. When choosing such a model, it is important that the pump is equipped with a sufficient number of outputs for connection, and that its power is sufficient to service all devices.

If there are many plumbing fixtures, it may be appropriate to install two pumps.

Frequency of waste disposal

There are two modifications of pumps with grinders for toilets.The first option is equipped with a float-type switch. In this case, the shredder blades are started only after a certain volume of solid waste has accumulated. Thus, the device first accumulates wastewater.

The second type of device activates the shredder after each press of the drain button.

Pump with chopper
A pump with a float switch activates the shredder much less frequently, which helps extend the life of the device.

In addition to the above-described characteristics of the equipment, when choosing, you must pay attention to the dimensions of the sewer pipe. If they do not coincide with the cross-section of the pump inlet pipes, you will need to additionally purchase a special adapter.

In addition, it is important to correctly select the system performance and determine toilet type. The last important point is the temperature of the wastewater, which determines the type of pump.

What brands should you take a closer look at?

Fecal pumps for toilets equipped with grinders are produced by different manufacturers. According to consumer reviews, the products of the following companies are trustworthy: German Grundfos, French SFA and Chinese JEMIX.

Brand SFA appeared in the middle of the last century and became widely known for the production of high-quality pumping equipment. The manufacturer offers a wide range of household appliances.

Among them are both grinder pumps and combined devices designed for simultaneous operation with several plumbing fixtures: bathtub, sink, shower cabin, etc.

The company produces a large number of compact models designed for installation in a cistern.The housings of the devices are made of high-strength plastic, which significantly extends their service life.

The models are distinguished by their thoughtful design and compactness, making them ideal for installation in confined spaces.

Grundfos devices easy to install and operate. Their additional advantage is the low noise level that the devices emit during operation.

JEMIX Company for pressure drainage of wastewater from toilets and other plumbing fixtures produces a line of pumps called STP.

It includes six models with different technical characteristics, including combined appliances and one toilet with a built-in grinder. All devices are quite powerful and can be used for both horizontal and vertical movement of wastewater.

Toilet with built-in pump
Toilets with a built-in pump are easily recognized by the absence of a flush tank and the presence of a wire connecting the equipment to the network

Sewage pump connection procedure

Before starting installation, you should determine the location where the device will be installed. There are some rules here. First of all, it is strictly forbidden to place the pump below floor level.

The equipment must be located directly next to the toilet, at a distance of no further than 0.4 m. It is necessary to ensure free access to the device so that maintenance and repair work can be carried out without difficulty.

You should once again make sure that the diameters of the sewer pipe and the pump inlet pipe match. If not, purchase an adapter. In addition, the outlet pipe of the pump must have check valve installed.

If it is not there, an extremely unpleasant situation cannot be ruled out when wastewater from the sewer rushes into the toilet. A check valve may be included with the pump, but if not, you will need to purchase it in addition.

Before installation, you should carefully read the instructions that come with the device. It is optimal for it to be in Russian. The document describes in detail the installation process of the selected model.

In addition, the instructions are always accompanied by all the necessary diagrams and illustrations. Check the package again to make sure that all parts and fasteners necessary for installation are present.

Toilet pump and grinder
Some models of sanitary pumps are equipped with carbon filters that eliminate unpleasant odors. They must be changed regularly, otherwise the device will not function effectively.

After preparation for installation is completed, you can begin the installation procedure. It is carried out as follows.

Step #1. First, we insert supply pipes or connecting elbows into all inlet pipes of the pump. We make sure that the highway approaches the device at a slope of 3 cm per linear meter. This will allow the wastewater to move by gravity to the device, which is necessary for its normal operation.

If there are more inputs than are currently required, we place plugs of suitable size on the “non-working” holes.

Step #2. We install the pump in a pre-selected and prepared place. We find special cast lugs for fasteners on the product body, insert screws into them and secure the pump to the floor. We begin laying the pipeline from the pump to the sewer riser.

It is optimal for the pipes to run straight; turns should be avoided or, if this is not possible, they should be made as flat as possible. If there are joints between pipes, soldered, welded or adhesive joints are made. Their quality must be high so that leaks do not appear later.

If the pump will have to lift wastewater upward and a vertical outlet will be installed, it should be located at a distance of no more than 0.3 m from the outlet pipe of the device. Only in this case will the device be able to function normally.

Step #3. Connecting the pipe coming out of the toilet with the pump - to fix the elements we use corrugation. In this case, it is imperative to arrange the connection so that the inlet pipe of the pump is located lower than the outlet pipe from the toilet. In addition, the necessary slope for the drain pipe should be provided so that the drains move by gravity.

Toilet pump and grinder
The toilet grinder pump is energy dependent and therefore requires connection to the electrical network. For safety reasons, this should only be done through an RCD.

Step #4. Ventilation arrangement. This procedure is necessary for models without a carbon filter, the design of which includes a special ventilation outlet. The pipe must be installed above the ridge on the roof of the house.

If this seems like too much trouble, you should choose a model with a replaceable carbon filter that will trap all unpleasant odors. But in this case, the cartridge will have to be changed regularly.

Step #5. Electrical power must be supplied to the pump. For models with a plug, you will need to install an individual socket, the cable to which is laid from the RCD and the panel.If the device does not have a plug, the connection is made directly from the mains via a 30 mA RCD.

After this, you can conduct a test run of the device. During the procedure, you should carefully inspect the joints of the elements for leaks and troubleshoot problems, if any.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Shredder pump for hidden installation:

Golden rules for installation and types of SFA shredder pumps:


Toilet grinder pumps are practical and very effective equipment. Their use allows you to install plumbing fixtures at any distance from the sewer riser and even lower them into the basement floors, where they will be located below the level of the sewer main.

In order for the device to work without interruption, it is important to correctly calculate its power and install the device correctly.

We invite everyone interested in the issue of choosing, installing and operating a toilet grinder to leave comments and ask questions. The contact form is located in the lower block.

Visitor comments
  1. Alik

    I can’t imagine in what cases such a unit might be needed. It is better to immediately make a normal sewer system than to save yourself in this way; this is a more reliable and durable option. And to avoid blockages, there is no need to throw anything that is not intended for this into the toilet. And then some individuals throw plush toys and old rags there; no shredder will protect you from fools.

  2. Alexei

    Honestly, I agree with the previous commentator, since there is no need to spend extra costs on purchasing and installing such a chopper pump.Gravity-flow systems, when built correctly, operate uninterruptedly for years. But maybe I’m just stupid and I don’t understand the degree of progress that has befallen us =D

  3. Igor

    What about the basement? An example from life - I went to the rocking chair in the basement (it was organized back in the 80s and still exists), there was no toilet and sink because it was impossible to raise the water up - for some reason it flows downwards. The owner bought a sololift and organized a normal bathroom, and is already thinking about a shower.

    And also redevelopment of apartments - where you wanted a kitchen there and put it (or a bathroom). And for other industrial, commercial or office buildings, it is possible to organize toilets anywhere, without relying on gravity. In short, it's a good thing, you should take it.

    P.S. I’m thinking at my dacha (I’ve already taken it with buildings, but without a bathhouse) to install a portable bathhouse, and, in order not to dig holes, buy a sololift and drain it into the street toilet.

    • Expert
      Amir Gumarov

      Today, organizing a bathroom in the basement is not an impossible task if such a need arises. Of course, the arrangement itself and the laying of communications with subsequent installation will be somewhat different.

      The problem itself is that the sewer line is located above the level of the basement, so the drainage under its own weight will not work. For such cases, forced pumping systems have been developed. If there is a toilet and shower in the same room, then it is best to install a separate pumping system (I have attached a diagram). For a gym where there will be a constant flow of clients and high water consumption, this is relevant.

      It is best to install a spare intermediate storage tank in case the volume of wastewater increases sharply. For a toilet, Solofit is the optimal solution, I agree here, or other pumping stations designed for wastewater with solid inclusions.

      Attached photos:
  4. Olga

    Where can I buy a toilet complete with a grinder without a float? Online store, please tell me.

    • Peter

      It's not about the store, it's about the manufacturer. Only SFA now produces such toilets, called SANICOMPACT. Prices from 23 thousand.

  5. Timur

    The device is very useful (basement, small kitchen, etc.), the article is also very useful and understandable, thank you.
    1. How often do filters have to be changed?
    2. how often do you have to carry out maintenance?

  6. Denis

    I need to choose a model for an industrial sanitary unit consisting of 6 toilets. Are there models installed not on each toilet, but on a common drain?

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