Country toilet: overview of types of garden models for country toilets and features of their installation

The toilet is a practical building, which is usually the first to be built on a country site.Agree, without it you can simply forget about a comfortable stay at the dacha. Basic amenities are necessary at the beginning of the construction of a residential building and when using the dacha area as a vegetable garden.

The comfort of a toilet is determined by factors: access to water, absence of odor, reliability of the design, appearance of the building and a comfortable country toilet, which should fully replace its home equivalent. In this article we will talk about how to put all this into practice yourself.

Here you will learn all about the types of toilets for garden toilets and understand how to choose the right model. In addition, we will tell you how to install a country toilet. In the article you will find many useful tips, photos and videos from experienced specialists.

Toilet for a summer residence: general provisions

A toilet for a garden toilet can be purchased ready-made, choosing from a wide variety of products presented on the plumbing equipment market. If they want to save money, the owners of their summer cottage can build a budget-friendly and no less practical toilet design with their own hands.

The final choice is made by the owner of the dacha, but before that you should familiarize yourself with the possible options.

The country toilet is called differently: pedestal, throne, podium. The functionality of different designs does not change, but the method of their installation differs.

Installing a toilet in the form of an autonomous room located on the street has a number of advantages:

  • Free compost. As you know, a latrine provides a certain amount of fertilizer, the presence of which increases the productivity of the garden.
  • Unloading the main toilet in the country house. A suburban area is rarely connected to a central sewer system, while its functions are performed by a cesspool or septic tank, which have limited volumes.
  • Summer residents do not need to enter the house. During daily work in the garden, receiving guests in the garden, relaxing in a shady gazebo and in other situations, it will be more convenient to visit the nearby closet.
  • Decorative effect of the structure. With a creative approach, the design of a country toilet can become an attractive and stylish element of the overall design of the country house.

A country toilet installed in the depths of a summer cottage is a necessary element of constant use. The assortment of materials available on the market allows you to create a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing construction and easily install an easy-to-use toilet.

Country toilet design
A country street toilet can not only perform its direct functions, but also be an aesthetic addition to the exterior of a suburban area

The operational features of the country toilet allow its use in any suburban area. All garden structures do not require the installation of an elbow, since water should not stand in them.

Types of toilets for garden toilets

For most people, using an outdoor toilet is associated with discomfort and negative emotions. However, when arranging a modern country toilet, you can place a convenient toilet, which will make it more modern and comfortable.

In particular, this is the merit of the manufacturers plumbing equipment, who have developed models of toilets for pit cesspools that are in demand among consumers.

Biotoilets for summer cottages
Toilets that are installed in a garden toilet are conventionally divided into 2 groups: homemade and ready-made (factory-made)

A popular option for organizing country life has become dry closet. To install it, it is not necessary to dig a cesspool, since, unlike traditional country toilets, it does not require unloading the contents into the ground. Waste falls into a special compartment, from where it is removed using cleaners.

Based on the material used to make the main sanitary part, dry closets are divided into the following types:

  • Plastic. This is the most common type of plumbing equipment for a summer residence. The frame and seat of the toilet are made of high-strength plastic, and there is no tank.
  • Ceramic. It is distinguished by its aesthetic appearance, ease of maintenance, durability and heavy weight, which complicates the installation process of equipment.

A classic of the genre is wooden box, constructed using frame technology. You can build it yourself or buy it ready-made. A short-lived street structure, which is a platform with a cesspool and a hole. There are different configurations of toilets: in the form of a chair, with a seat, etc.

Any garden toilet must meet the requirements. Among them, it is worth highlighting the lightness, strength, wear resistance and durability of the structure. It is equally important that the toilet for the garden is comfortable, easy to clean and affordable.

Garden toilet without cistern
Most outdoor garden toilet designs do not include a flush cistern. Its presence is undesirable, since with excess liquid the cesspool will overflow faster

If you choose a toilet with a large weight for installation in a summer cottage, there is a risk of the device falling into the cesspool. Therefore, experienced experts recommend that summer residents give preference to lighter material. It is advisable to choose a design that is easy and quick to install and remove.

You can read about the rules for emptying and cleaning dry closets in another popular article our site.

How to install a peat toilet?

There is a toilet model that brings double benefits. This compost toilet, which becomes a supplier of fertilizer for horticultural crops. Let's consider both options - conventional and biological.

Step 1. Construction of a cesspool

To ensure uninterrupted operation of the toilet, it is not enough to dig a cesspool and install a platform on it. During operation of such a makeshift structure, unpleasant odors will spread throughout the suburban area. There is also a high probability of the walls of the cesspool collapsing.

To avoid troubles, it is necessary to strengthen the walls of the cesspool with cinder blocks or bricks, and peat should be poured into the hole. It helps eliminate unpleasant odors and simplifies the processing of waste into fertilizers that increase the productivity of the garden.

Classic outdoor toilets
The classic design of a garden outdoor toilet meets certain requirements. It is functional, easy to use and safe

The construction of a toilet for a summer residence is a combination of 2 parts of the structure:

  • Upper. The equipment requires the presence of a seat or pedestal, which depends on the chosen design. All waste goes into this part and then falls into the cesspool. The system can be connected to a septic tank.
  • Lower. The cesspool contains a peat layer and waste is processed. It is important that the pit is closed, otherwise some of the waste will end up in the ground and groundwater.

Both parts of the garden toilet can have any width and depth, design dimensions depend on the needs of the owners of the suburban area. Recommended parameters: the cesspool should be at least 1 m, and the toilet seat should be at least 40 cm.

Diagram of a toilet for a summer house
The design diagram of a garden toilet consists of elements: a cesspool, a toilet seat, a window, a ventilation pipe, a hole for pumping out waste, a bumper board and a clay castle

The owner of a suburban area should know that for a street model to work normally, it is not enough to dig a cesspool and make a platform. The installation process involves actions to reliably strengthen the structure. A secure base must be provided and measures taken to avoid unpleasant odors. The cesspool must not only be dug, but also strengthened.

Cesspool for toilet
The walls of the cesspool are usually lined with bricks, and the bottom of the pit is covered with peat. It effectively removes unpleasant odors and helps with waste recycling

Installing an outdoor country toilet is quite simple. This virtually eliminates the possibility of installation errors and inconvenience when using the equipment.

Step #2. Installation of a dry closet on peat

In suburban areas they are often installed peat dry toilet, which can be portable or permanently installed. Installation of such a structure is not difficult and does not require special skills.

The operation of a peat dry closet is based on composting - waste is converted into compost using biologically active components. The role of the components is played by peat or its mixture with sawdust.

Peat in an outdoor bathroom
Peat has bactericidal properties. It effectively and quickly decomposes waste, eliminating unpleasant odors from the outdoor bathroom.

Peat is a natural component that has many advantages. The main ones are safety, environmental friendliness and the ability to use the resulting compost as fertilizer.

A garden peat toilet has the following advantages:

  • Portability. The booth can be installed in any garden plot and, if necessary, moved without the use of special equipment.
  • It can serve as a temporary toilet during the construction of a house, until the sewage system is organized.
  • Ease of installation and maintenance.

The design of a peat-type dry closet includes the main elements:

  • Upper reservoir. It stores peat and the distribution mechanism.
  • Lower reservoir. Waste is processed in a container with a volume of 44-230 liters. A toilet with a lid is installed on it.
  • Ventilation tube. It eliminates unpleasant odors.

The peat toilet functions successfully thanks to the biological processes of waste decomposition. Sewage enters the lower reservoir of the structure and is mixed with peat, turning into a feeding medium for microorganisms, which divide them into components: solid waste, liquid fractions and gaseous components.

Peat dry toilet
When equipping a peat dry closet, you should pay special attention to the ventilation pipe. It can be up to 4 m long and should not have many bends

The straighter the pipe, the more efficient the ventilation process will be. A properly selected design will reduce the likelihood of strong unpleasant odors in the booth and outside it.

Installation instructions for the plastic model

To save time and get excellent results, choose models made of modified plastic. Let's consider the procedure for selecting and installing modern toilets.

Step 1. Choosing a plastic toilet

Plastic is a relatively inexpensive, strong, wear-resistant and durable material. A ready-made factory version will cost more than a wooden toilet seat, since high-quality PVC is used in the production of a plastic toilet.

Popular manufacturers: “Roca”, “Cersanit”, “Jika”, “Slavia”, “Colombo”. The design of an outdoor plastic toilet does not provide for the presence of a “knee”.

Straight stick toilets
A plastic outdoor toilet for a dacha is often chosen straight so that waste does not linger in it, but immediately falls into the cesspool

A garden toilet made of plastic is the best option for a suburban area, with the following advantages:

  • Wide range of shapes and colors.
  • Attractive appearance.
  • Lightweight equipment that does not exert significant pressure on the floor.
  • Increased strength and wear resistance.
  • Hygiene and convenient operation.
  • Acceptable cost of products.

Minor difficulties may arise when installing a toilet in the country in the form of a plastic barrel.

For installation you will need additional materials:

  • Galvanized or stainless steel sheet. Serves as a transitional part between the oval hole of the toilet bowl and the round neck of the barrel.
  • Boards. This material will be needed when laying the floor.

You will also need mastic. It provides reliable waterproofing at the joints of structural elements.

Step #2. Features of installation of plastic models

There are various models of toilets made of plastic. Depending on the type of product, the installation of the structure differs. One of the simplest is a garden plastic toilet, which is shaped like a bucket.

It is made of reliable and durable plastic that can withstand loads of up to 150 kg. The top element of the product is a plastic toilet seat.

A plastic outdoor toilet is installed on cesspool appropriate size. The owner of a suburban area may have problems if not a pit is used to collect sewage, but a barrel dug into the ground.

The fact is that the plastic neck of the barrel is smaller than the internal diameter of the street toilet. In addition, the neck of the barrel is round, and the outlet of the toilet is oval.

Installation of the barrel
The barrel is dug into the ground up to the neck. You can dig a container into the ground without narrowing the upper part, and insert a large-volume barrel into it

To connect the neck of the barrel and the toilet, you can use a galvanized or stainless steel sheet that is folded into a funnel.In this case, the lower part of the cone should correspond to the diameter of the barrel neck, and the upper part should be adjusted to the shape and dimensions of the toilet outlet. The upper part of the cone is cut in the form of chamomile petals and fixed to the floor of the building with self-tapping screws.

The joints between the floor and the plastic toilet are sealed with automotive mastic or silicone. To make the installation of a plastic toilet in a country house look aesthetically pleasing, the structure is attached to the rough flooring, and a final covering is laid around it.

Dry toilet for a summer residence
Installing a dry toilet helps if there are no conditions for building a cesspool for a country toilet - for example, high groundwater

Some models of garden toilets do not have a hole for attaching to the floor. In this case, it is possible to make narrow corners from galvanized steel, with the help of which this plumbing equipment is fixed to the floor.

The nuances of installing a ceramic toilet

On the modern market of plumbing equipment, there is an assortment of classic earthenware toilets, similar to the models that are installed in home bathrooms of apartments and houses.

Advantages of ceramic products:

  • ease of use;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • products are easy to clean with cleaning agents;
  • ceramics do not absorb unpleasant odors;
  • Excellent for installation in unheated rooms.

Please note that a faience floor-standing toilet is heavy, so it is not suitable for installation on flooring made of wooden planks. Wood may not withstand heavy earthenware, which can lead to unpleasant consequences. This option is optimal for permanent structures with concrete floors.

Aesthetic ceramic toilets are characterized by a rather high price, in some cases they turn out to be more expensive than the building itself.

Country toilet on the foundation
If you have chosen a faience toilet model, you need to build a reinforced concrete floor. This will ensure the reliability of the design, but will cost more

To install a ceramic toilet in a garden plot, the floor in the autonomous sanitary unit must be reinforced. Installing a heavy seat on a wooden floor is impractical. In terms of maintenance, earthenware products are practically no different from plastic ones. A ceramic garden toilet lasts longer, looks more expensive and more aesthetically pleasing.

Installing a traditional ceramic toilet does not require any special skills. A hole is made in the floor of the bathroom, the size of which must correspond to the internal diameter of the outlet of the earthenware toilet. It is recommended to reinforce it around the perimeter with beams on which the product will be installed.

Strengthening the floor of an outdoor toilet
Before installing a heavy ceramic garden toilet, it is advisable to strengthen the floor covering with beams. This will avoid unpleasant situations

A faience toilet for an outdoor country toilet is placed at the intended place of use and the mounting points are marked. After which it is removed, a hole is drilled according to the markings, and a layer of sealant is applied to the base of the surface. At the final stage, the toilet is installed, screwing it with bolts.

Construction of a wooden model for the garden

One of the most common options for a homemade seat for a country toilet is to create a wide step made of wood. To create it you need to put in a minimal amount of effort.

Country toilet drawing
The installation of the toilet must be carried out taking into account all standards and dimensions, so that in the future there will be no problems with its operation

Step-by-step installation instructions:

  • About 50% of the floor is covered with boards.
  • A transverse beam is mounted in the middle of the bathroom, at a height of 40 cm.
  • Then the vertical gap between the floor and the crossbar is sealed, and the top of the structure is closed.
  • An oval hole is cut in the upper part of the structure, corresponding to the dimensions of a standard plastic seat.

When installing a wooden outdoor toilet, it is recommended to install a special ventilation pipe with a height of about 3 m above the cesspool. This will reduce the amount of unpleasant odors in this building.

Wooden toilet
The externally vented vent pipe is designed to protect against foul odors, which increases the level of comfort when visiting the garden toilet.

Execution of a wooden platform and himself toilet box project may vary depending on the preferences of the owners of the site. However, you need to remember that the natural properties of natural wood do not allow this material to be considered durable, so it is better to treat all parts with special impregnations.

What is good about a galvanized steel toilet?

One of the most budget-friendly options is a toilet for a summer house made of galvanized steel.

Advantages of this material:

  • flexibility;
  • ease of installation;
  • availability.

The steel toilet bowl is a cylinder of optimal height for use with allowances at the top and bottom. The low cost of manufacturing a galvanized toilet makes it especially attractive for rarely visited summer cottages.

A pipe with the required parameters is selected (height should be from 40 cm, cross-section within 30-35 cm).On the seam allowances, make small cuts at intervals of 5 cm and bend the ends around the circumference in the shape of a daisy.

The lower ends are secured to the floor with self-tapping screws, and a pre-prepared sheet of plywood is screwed to the upper ends. Its width should be at least 8 cm. The base is adjusted to the required dimensions, and a plastic toilet seat is secured on top using rivets. The structure is installed above the septic tank.

Installation of a galvanized toilet
Installing a toilet made of steel sheets does not require special knowledge and skills. Inexpensive materials are used to install the structure

To outdoor toilet has acquired a finished look, a frame is installed around the toilet, which is sheathed with boards or sheets of plywood. Sometimes a door is made in the front wall, which creates a pantry for storing household chemicals.

A toilet made of galvanized steel is not particularly attractive, but in every household you can find the materials necessary for installing the structure.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The videos allow you to study the features of installing an outdoor garden toilet. The video includes step-by-step instructions for installing the equipment.

DIY construction of a wooden garden toilet:

Installation of a country peat toilet:

Outdoor garden toilets do not lose their relevance after arranging the main bathroom in the house. When equipping a building, an important role is played by the toilet, which has to be used every time you visit the restroom, so its selection and installation should be approached with full responsibility.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the site, financial capabilities and personal requirements. Above are the most popular options for arranging an outdoor toilet. Among them are convenient and aesthetic ready-made toilets and homemade designs.

Would you like to tell us how you personally set up a sanitary facility in a suburban area? Is there information useful for us and site visitors? Please write comments and ask questions in the block below.

Visitor comments
  1. Paul

    I live in the private sector, more precisely, a house built on a purchased plot about a year ago. There is no possibility of installing a central sewer system, since the property is on the outskirts of the city. I made the structure itself in this way: I divided the rectangular building into two parts, in one of them I installed a restroom, and in the second a dressing room, where you can leave your outerwear or put something so as not to drag it with you.

  2. Georgiy

    We built a country toilet in advance, before starting construction of the house, so that the workers had somewhere to go. They dug a hole in a couple of days, not very deep, a couple of meters, they ordered the cabin itself, but they didn’t make it very well, but they ripped off the money. And this is a necessary thing in the garden so as not to go into the house with dirty feet. The main thing is to install everything efficiently and reliably, and, accordingly, beautifully.

  3. Sasha

    When we were thinking about how to design a toilet for our dacha, we looked at a lot of information on the Internet; we didn’t want its appearance to be spoiled by the carefully thought-out design of the site. They put the plastic one in a wooden “booth”. I would like a portable dry closet, but it was much more expensive, and you can’t adjust its appearance in any way, whatever the manufacturer made, that’s the way it is.

  4. Julia

    Where can I order a plastic container for a cesspool?

    • Sasha

      Buy a large plastic barrel and that’s it.

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