How to make steam heating with your own hands: device, rules and requirements

Every house should be warm, otherwise living in it will be very uncomfortable, even if it is very spacious and beautiful.Owners solve the heating problem in different ways, based on their own capabilities and climatic conditions.

Some people install steam heating in their homes: assembling such a system with your own hands is quite simple. How to do it? Let's try to figure it out.

Operating principle of steam heating

Many people confuse steam and water heating systems. Indeed, in appearance they are very similar. In both cases, there must be a boiler, pipes and radiators. But for a steam system the coolant is steam, for a water system it is water.

This is the fundamental difference between the two systems. The boiler does not heat, but evaporates water, the resulting steam moves through the pipes to the radiators.

Cooling and condensation of steam occurs inside them. During the condensation process, a kilogram of steam releases more than 2000 kJ of heat, while water cooling to 50 °C will produce only 120 kJ.

It is clear that the heat transfer of steam is many times greater, which explains the high efficiency of this type of heating. The condensate formed inside the radiators flows to the lower part of the parts and moves by gravity towards the boiler.

According to the method of returning the coolant that has turned into condensate, all types of steam heating systems are divided into two types:

  • Closed. In this case, there are no breaks in the circuit, and the condensate flows through pipes laid at a certain angle directly into the boiler for subsequent heating.
  • Open. The system is distinguished by the presence of a storage tank, which receives condensate from the radiators. From this tank it is pumped back into the boiler using a pump.

Based on the methods of assembly and pipe routing, steam heating circuits are divided into types that are absolutely similar to water systems.

DIY steam heating
The operating principle of a steam heating system is very simple: steam produced in a steam generator is used as a coolant

According to absolute pressure parameters, steam heating systems are divided into high pressure types with an excess value of >0.07 MPa; low pressure with excess pressure in the range of 0.005-0.07 MPa; vacuum with absolute pressure <0.1 MPa.

If there are areas or devices in low-pressure circuits that communicate with the atmosphere, they are classified as open; if not, they are classified as closed.

How to make steam heating with your own hands
Steam heating circuits are constructed according to the principle of water systems. The steam rises up the riser and moves along the lines to the heating devices. Only instead of return flow, condensate formed during the transfer of thermal energy of steam to the consumer is collected

Why choose steam heating?

It must be admitted that steam heating systems cannot be considered very popular. Such heating is rather rare. Let's take a closer look at its advantages and disadvantages.

Among the first, undoubtedly, are:

  • Heating system efficiency. It is so high that a small number of radiators will be enough to heat the premises, and in some cases you can do without them: there will be enough pipes.
  • Low inertia of the system, due to which the heating circuit warms up very quickly. Literally a few minutes after starting the boiler, the rooms begin to feel warm.
  • There is virtually no heat loss in the system, which makes it very economical compared to others.
  • Possibility of rare use, since due to the small amount of water in the pipes the system does not defrost. Alternatively, it can be installed in country houses where people come from time to time.

The main advantage of steam heating is considered to be its efficiency. The initial costs of its arrangement are quite modest; during operation it requires relatively small investments.

However, even with so many advantages, the disadvantages of the system are very significant. They are connected primarily with the fact that water vapor, the temperature of which is very high, is used as a coolant.

DIY steam heating
Water vapor condenses inside the steam heating radiator. This process releases a large amount of thermal energy, which explains the high efficiency of the system

Thanks to this, all elements of the system heat up to 100 °C and even higher. It is clear that any accidental touch to them will cause a burn. Therefore, all radiators, pipes and other structural parts must be closed. Especially if there are children in the house.

The high temperature of radiators and pipes provokes active air circulation in the room, which is quite uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous, for example, in case of an allergic reaction to dust.

When using steam heating, the air in the rooms becomes too dry. Hot pipes and radiators dry it out.It requires additional use humidifiers.

Not all finishing materials used to decorate rooms heated in this way can withstand proximity to hot radiators and pipes. Therefore, their choice is very limited.

The most acceptable option in this case is cement plaster painted with heat-resistant paint. Everything else is questionable. Steam heating has another drawback that affects the comfort of those living in the house: the noise produced by steam passing through the pipes.

More significant disadvantages include poor adjustability of the system. The heat transfer of the structure cannot be controlled, which leads to overheating of the premises.

DIY steam heating
Steam heating is a potentially hazardous system, so the choice of equipment must be taken very responsibly. Pipes for the system must be metal only

There are possible solutions. The first is the installation of automation, which will turn on the boiler when the rooms cool down. In this case, those living in the house will be quite uncomfortable from constant temperature fluctuations.

A more “gentle” but labor-intensive method is to arrange several parallel branches that will need to be put into operation as needed.

The main disadvantage of steam heating, due to which it is little used, is its increased emergency danger. You need to understand that if a burst occurs, hot steam will erupt from a pipe or radiator under pressure, which is extremely dangerous.

That is why such systems are today prohibited in apartment buildings and are less often used in production. In private homes, they can be equipped under the personal responsibility of the owner.

Basic elements of a steam system

The steam system includes several essential elements. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

The steam boiler is the heart of the system

The main function of the heating device is to convert water into steam, which subsequently enters the pipeline. The main structural elements of the device are the collectors, drum and pipelines.

In addition, there is a container with water, which is called the water space. A steam space is formed above it during operation of the device. They are separated by the so-called evaporation mirror.

DIY steam heating
The figure schematically shows one of the types of domestic steam boiler

Additional equipment designed for steam separation can be installed inside the steam space. The operation of the boiler is based on the principle of heat exchange between flue gases, water and steam.

There are two types of steam heating devices: fire-tube and water-tube. In the first case, heated gases move inside a pipeline laid inside a container of water.

They give off heat to the liquid, which reaches a boiling point. Water tube varieties work slightly differently. Here, water moves through pipes laid inside the chamber with flue gases. It heats up and boils.

Water and steam inside the boiler can move forcefully or naturally. In the first case, a pump is included in the design, in the second, the difference in densities of water and steam is used.

All types of steam boilers use approximately the same principle of converting water into steam:

  1. The prepared liquid is supplied to a reservoir located at the top of the boiler.
  2. From here the water flows through pipes into the collector.
  3. The liquid from the collector rises into the upper drum, passing through the heating zone.
  4. Inside the pipe with water, as a result of heating, steam is formed, which rises.
  5. Steam, if necessary, is passed through a separator, where it is separated from water. After which it enters the steam line.

A steam boiler can use a wide variety of fuels. Depending on this, certain changes are made to its design. They touch the combustion chamber. For solid fuel, a grate is installed on which coal, firewood, etc. are placed.

Special burners are used for liquid and gaseous fuels. There are also practical combination options.

DIY steam heating
Among home craftsmen, the installation of steam heating using a stove is especially popular. The photo shows one of the possible options for remodeling the stove

Depending on the heated area, the boiler power is selected.

This can be done based on average values:

  • 25 kW for buildings up to 200 sq. m;
  • 30 kW for houses with an area of ​​200 to 300 sq. m;
  • 35-60 kW for buildings from 300 to 600 sq. m.

If more accurate data is needed, use the standard calculation method, where for every 10 sq. meters accounts for 1 kW of equipment power. We must not forget that the formula is used for houses with a ceiling height of 2.7 m or less.

For taller buildings, more power must be taken. When choosing a boiler, special attention should be paid to its certification. Any steam heating system is potentially dangerous, so testing the equipment is mandatory.

Heating pipes and radiators

The coolant temperature in steam systems ranges from 100 to 130 °C, which is much higher than in liquid systems, where it ranges from 70 to 90 °C. Therefore, it is strongly not recommended to use similar equipment for arranging systems.

First of all, this applies to metal-plastic and polypropylene pipes. The maximum operating temperatures for these materials vary between 90-100 °C, so their use is strictly prohibited.

DIY steam heating
An ideal option for installing a steam heating system is copper pipes. They are not subject to corrosion, can withstand high temperatures, but are very expensive

For main pipelines of steam systems, three types of pipes are usually used. The most inexpensive option is steel. They can easily withstand temperatures of 130 °C, which is more than enough, and are quite durable.

However, the condensate formed inside the parts quickly destroys the pipes, since steel is susceptible to corrosion, and the aggressive environment formed by steam only enhances this disadvantage.

Another disadvantage of steel elements is the need for connection by welding, which takes a lot of effort and time. Galvanized steel pipes are much more resistant to corrosion. They also withstand high temperatures well.

The threaded method is usually used to connect them, which greatly simplifies the process. The main disadvantage of galvanized pipes is their high cost.

The ideal option is considered copper pipes. The material can withstand high temperatures, is quite plastic and at the same time durable, and is not susceptible to corrosion. Soldering is used to connect copper parts.

Copper pipelines are very durable and strong, but their cost is very high. Thus, the most acceptable option in terms of quality and price is steel pipes with anti-corrosion coating or galvanized.

DIY steam heating
The best choice for steam heating is cast iron radiators. They will be able to withstand severe loads caused by the presence of hot steam inside the batteries.

Radiators for steam systems are selected based on strength. It is important that they withstand high temperatures and are resistant to corrosion. Based on this, the best option can be considered massive cast iron batteries, the worst - steel panel.

Given the high efficiency of the system, in some cases it is quite acceptable to use finned steel pipes.

Instrumentation unit

The steam heating system is characterized by an increased emergency hazard, so the presence of monitoring devices is mandatory. The pressure in the system is monitored and, if necessary, normalized. For these purposes, a gearbox is usually used.

The device is equipped with a valve through which excess steam is removed from the system. For powerful installations, not one, but several of these valves may be needed.

Types of heating system

In practice, you can find a fairly large number of variations of steam heating. Based on the number of pipes, one and two-pipe types of steam systems are distinguished. In the first case, steam moves continuously through the pipe.

In the first part of its journey, it gives off heat to the batteries and gradually turns into a liquid state. Then it moves like condensate. To avoid obstacles in the path of the coolant, the diameter of the pipe must be large enough.

DIY steam heating
It happens that the steam partially does not condense and breaks into the condensate line. In order to prevent its penetration into the branch intended for condensate drainage, it is recommended to install condensate drains after each radiator or group of heating devices

A significant disadvantage of a single-pipe system is the difference in heating of radiators. Those located closer to the boiler heat up more. Those further away are smaller. But this difference will be noticeable only in large buildings. IN two-pipe systems steam moves through one pipe, condensate leaves through another. This way it is possible to make the temperature in all radiators equal.

But at the same time, pipe consumption increases significantly. Like water, steam heating can be single or double circuit. In the first case, the system is used only for space heating, in the second - also for heating water for domestic needs. The heating layout also differs.

Three options are practiced:

  • With top wiring. The main steam line is laid above the heating devices, and pipes run from it to the radiators. Even lower, near the floor, a condensate pipeline is laid. The system is the most stable and easiest to implement.
  • With bottom wiring. The main line is located below the steam heating devices. As a result, steam moves through the same pipe, which should be slightly larger than usual in diameter, in one direction, and condensate in the opposite direction. This provokes water hammer and depressurization of the structure.
  • With mixed wiring. The steam pipe is mounted slightly above the level of the radiators. Everything else is the same as in a system with top wiring, thanks to which it is possible to retain all its advantages.The main disadvantage is the high risk of injury due to easy access to hot pipes.

When arranging a scheme with natural compulsion, you need to remember that the steam pipeline is installed with a slight slope in the direction of steam movement, and the condensate pipeline - condensate.

The slope should be 0.01 - 0.005, i.e. For each linear meter of horizontal branch there should be 1.0 - 0.5 cm of slope. The inclined position of the steam and condensate pipelines will eliminate the noise of steam passing through the pipes and ensure free drainage of condensate.

Steam heating system diagrams
Steam heating systems are constructed according to one-pipe and two-pipe schemes. Among single-pipe ones, options with horizontal connections to heating devices predominate. In the case of constructing a circuit with vertical connection of devices, it is better to choose a two-pipe option

Based on the level of internal pressure of the system, there are two main types:

  • Vacuum. The system is assumed to be completely sealed, inside which a special pump is installed to create a vacuum. As a result, the steam condenses at lower temperatures, which makes such a system relatively safe.
  • Atmospheric. The pressure inside the circuit exceeds atmospheric pressure several times. In the event of an accident this is extremely dangerous. In addition, radiators operating in such a system heat up to very high temperatures.

There are many options for arranging steam heating, so everyone can choose the best option for their home, taking into account all the features of the building.

DIY steam heating
The figure shows a diagram of an open-loop steam heating system

How to equip a boiler room?

A steam boiler operating on any fuel must be installed only in a room specially equipped for this purpose.

Standards developed for standard steam appliances with a pressure of up to 0.07 MPa, producing steam at a temperature of 120-130 °C, provide a number of requirements for such boiler houses:

  • the distance from the walls to the heating device cannot be less than 100 cm;
  • the height of the room must be at least 220 cm;
  • the minimum level of fire resistance of doors is 30 minutes, walls – 75 minutes;
  • availability of high-quality ventilation;
  • the presence of doors and windows facing the street.

The boiler room is best equipped in separate room, but partitioning off a suitable room is also allowed. The inside must be finished with non-combustible materials. Ceramic tiles are best suited for these purposes.

DIY steam heating
The walls in the boiler room should be decorated with non-combustible materials, for example, ceramic tiles

Preparing to install a steam system

To properly make steam heating, you need to start by preparing the project. Its development is a complex task, which is best solved by specialists. There are many things that need to be taken into account in the finished project.

First of all, the thermal loads on each of the premises and on the building as a whole are calculated. The steam source is selected, and the mechanism and degree of automation of the system are determined.

In addition, the steam consumption must be determined, based on this, the equipment and the scheme for its use are selected. Once the project is ready, you can begin drawing up an installation plan.

To complete it, you will need a building plan on which the equipment locations are marked. They usually start with the boiler. Its location is determined. If the system has natural circulation, the boiler must be below the level of the batteries.

In this case, it is usually lowered into the basement or basement floor, so the condensation can drain to the device on its own. Then the layout of the entire heating system is applied to the house plan. Moreover, all necessary equipment is noted.

Experts advise performing this operation directly “on the spot”, being in the room where the equipment will be located. This is the only way to notice and take into account all the ledges and obstacles that you have to go around.

DIY steam heating
Before starting installation, be sure to make a plan diagram of the future system, which marks all the equipment and mounting locations for radiators

All transitions and angles must be marked on the diagram. After it is completed, you can proceed to calculating the amount of material required for its implementation. Once again, it is worth paying attention to the importance of choosing the right equipment.

The steam system is potentially hazardous, so you should not skimp on materials and equipment. Everything must be of high quality and certified, otherwise serious problems cannot be avoided.

Steam heating installation technology

Work begins with the installation of a heating boiler. It is mounted in a pre-prepared room on a concrete base. In some cases, a separate small foundation is prepared for the equipment.

The device is installed on the base strictly horizontally, the correctness is checked by the building level. Any errors noticed are immediately corrected.

The boiler placed on the base is connected to the exhaust gas removal system. The connection must be strong and completely sealed.

The next stage is hanging the radiators.To do this, in the places indicated on the installation diagram, special hooks are driven into the wall, onto which the batteries are attached. If it is intended to use finned pipes, then they are fixed.

DIY steam heating
Finned tubes can be used in steam heating systems instead of radiators. The high heat transfer parameters of the system will be significantly enhanced due to the increased heat-conducting surface area

The strength of the heat emitters is checked. Next, you can begin arranging the expansion tank. It is fixed at the highest point at a short distance from the heating boiler, it is best that this distance is as minimal as possible.

Now you can install a group of control devices. They are installed at the outlet of the boiler. At a minimum, a pressure gauge and a relief valve should be located here.

All installed equipment is connected to each other by pipes. The connection method depends on the material from which they are made. In any case, you should carefully check the correctness and reliability of the connections made.

For open systems, a condensate collection tank is installed at the end of the line and a pump is mounted. The pipe that goes from it to the heating device should have a smaller diameter than the other pipes.

The steam boiler is connected to the heating circuit. In this case, all necessary shut-off valves and filters must be installed, which will trap large particles of dirt that may be contained in the water.

If the equipment runs on gas, the fuel line is connected. In this case, it is prohibited to use flexible hoses - only rigid hoses.

How to make steam heating with your own hands: device, rules and requirements
All connections are made exactly according to the standards in order to subsequently avoid an emergency situation.

Next, you can conduct a test run. To do this, water is poured into the circuit, after which the equipment is put into operation. First at the minimum operating temperature, then gradually increase it, while monitoring the correct operation and integrity of the system.

If the slightest defects are identified, the equipment is stopped and all malfunctions in its operation are eliminated.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

How to convert a furnace into a steam boiler:

Operating principle of a steam boiler:

Homemade steam heating:

Steam heating is a very simple and economical way to heat a home. Many are attracted by its minimal heat loss, high efficiency and low operating costs.

However, it must be remembered that steam heating is potentially dangerous, and an emergency in this case can lead to serious injuries. Therefore, its calculation and arrangement should be taken seriously.

After reading the material, do you have any questions and would like to have them answered? Please leave your comments in the block below, share your experience in arranging steam heating, and participate in the discussion of the topic.

Visitor comments
  1. Victor

    Although such a heating system is rather rare, I recently decided to install it in my dacha and did not regret it. Firstly, it is very convenient, since the rooms warm up much faster than with water heating. Secondly, it is not expensive, installation costs are minimal, and the savings in the future are noticeable.For a summer residence, this is the best option, since draining condensate from the system for preservation is much easier and faster than preparing the water circuit for “wintering.”

  2. Egor

    It’s not for nothing that steam heating has already been abandoned all over the world. This is not the optimal solution. Moreover, it is expensive and dangerous.

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