Relocating kitchen ventilation: regulatory requirements for relocating a vent

Standard housing can be made more comfortable for living.And in order to achieve the desired result, we are ready to perform even complex and unfamiliar work, which includes relocating ventilation in the kitchen. Isn't that right?

But lack of knowledge about the intricacies of performing such work and their legality can lead to disastrous consequences. Therefore, in order to achieve the desired result and avoid mistakes, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations for moving the ventilation hole.

In our article we will examine these issues in detail, paying attention to the regulatory framework governing the transfer of ventilation, as well as the responsibility of the apartment owner in case of violation of the redevelopment rules.

The main dangers of moving the hood

The air exchange process in residential and public spaces serves to ensure optimal or acceptable microclimate parameters. And these are not just words, but a requirement set out in a document such as GOST 30494-2011. Therefore, air exchange must always be present and be effective - this has already been discussed in SP 60.13330.2016.

That is, moving the hood provided for by the project in the kitchen should not interfere with the ventilation system to perform its functions. Otherwise, comfort and living conditions will deteriorate sharply. And in severe cases, it will be impossible to live in a room with an ineffective ventilation system.

Ventilation system
Violation of the design of the ventilation system, its integrity, design dimensions and even geometry can lead to a decrease in its efficiency. Moreover, this will reduce the quality of life of all users

Since the lack of air exchange will lead to:

  • increased humidity;
  • will eliminate the removal of excess heat.

And this, in turn, will create optimal conditions for development in housing mold, fungal colonies, which lead to acute respiratory diseases, as well as asthma, complex allergic manifestations. But such situations cannot be allowed and this is stated in a number of documents, for example, in the capital this is the Decree of the Moscow Government PP No. 508.

In addition, impaired air exchange significantly reduces the safety of living. Since the kitchen ventilation system will not be able to quickly and to the required extent remove hazardous substances from the room. For example, carbon monoxide or unburned natural gas. With any of these options, the consequences can be catastrophic. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the ventilation rules in houses with gas stoves.

And ineffective air exchange will not ensure the removal from housing or other premises of hazardous substances that are released during the life of residents (for example, carbon dioxide), as well as from building materials, carpets, plastic parts of modern windows, household and any other appliances, and finishing materials. Which provokes a number of serious diseases. So, it’s not for nothing that metal-plastic windows are called slow killers.

Mold in the apartment
The result of impaired air exchange will be various pathogenic processes in the room. Which will lead to negative health consequences and financial expenses to eliminate the causes

As a result, when performing ventilation transfers, operations that can lead to the negative aspects listed above should be avoided.

Stages of proper ventilation transfer

Since the transfer of ventilation is a responsible procedure, all its important aspects are regulated by law. Moreover, the state gave regional authorities the opportunity to issue regulatory documents independently. And the most famous of them is the above-mentioned Resolution 508-PP.

It says what is prohibited:

  • change the design of the ventilation system;
  • reduce the cross-section of any ventilation ducts.

In addition, this by-law states that any actions with elements of the ventilation system are redevelopment. Therefore, to carry it out, it is necessary to undergo approval, that is, obtain permission to carry out work. Why should you contact the housing inspectorate at your place of residence?

Design change
The photo shows an exhaust duct with a check valve, which was installed in the ventilation system duct, designed for natural air exchange. And this can lead to negative consequences. For example, your neighbors may smell your fried fish in the kitchen. And this will be considered a decrease in the standard of living, so the next step will be to contact the housing inspector. By the way, it should be remembered that creating a meter-long horizontal ventilation section will lead to a significant reduction in draft in the system

Stage #1 - approval of redevelopment

In order to obtain permission to carry out work, the owner of the apartment or other premises must obtain technical conclusion, which will confirm that all work is safe.

And also the specified document will indicate that the technical characteristics and performance of the ventilation system will not become worse.

You should also be aware that a technical report can be issued:

  • the organization that carried out the design of the ventilation system, if the redevelopment will affect the load-bearing structures of the building, for example, this is relevant for houses of the I209A, II-18 series;
  • any organization engaged in design, if the redevelopment of the ventilation system does not affect the load-bearing elements of the building structure.

Next you should submit application for redevelopment of the ventilation system to the nearest housing inspection authority.

Housing inspection
Any redevelopment must be approved by the housing inspection, which is a government body with great powers

The following must be attached to this document:

  • technical conclusion;
  • redevelopment project (in 2 copies).
  • technical passport from BTI.

In addition, you will need to prove your identity, for which you need to have a passport with you. It should also be confirmed that the applicant is the owner of the premises where the work is planned.

Responsible persons of the housing inspection have the right to make a number of decisions:

  • allow performing redevelopment;
  • prohibit redevelopment;
  • refuse to accept an application - this happens if you plan to carry out clearly prohibited work or the documents are filled out incorrectly.

In case of refusal, representatives of the housing inspectorate are required to indicate the reason, as well as ways to eliminate the deficiencies (if possible).

Stage #2 - obtaining permission from neighbors

Any ventilation system is a common property.That is, it does not belong to the owner of any apartment in the building. This is stated in Art. 36 Housing Code.

As a result, even when permission for redevelopment is obtained, you will still need to contact each neighbor and obtain his consent or disagreement to carry out the work. In total, at least 73% of residents must approve the initiative.

Housing Code
Before carrying out redevelopment, you should familiarize yourself with the standards set out in a number of domestic legislative acts. Among which is the Housing Code

Moreover, it is possible to move the ventilation grille in the kitchen only after the permissions have been issued in writing.

Responsibility for violation of transfer rules

Due to low literacy or reluctance to spend money on the redevelopment procedure, property owners often change the design themselves by moving the grille or drilling ventilation duct.

But in this case, it should be understood that if such a redevelopment is discovered, you will have to “reap the benefits” in the form of associated risks and responsibility for what you have done.

And the following can happen:

  • redevelopment will not affect the efficiency of the ventilation system;
  • redevelopment will reduce the performance of the ventilation system and this will be revealed.

Since any of these options can significantly affect the comfort of living and financial stability, you should familiarize yourself with them in more detail.

Option #1 - “unnoticed” system redevelopment

It happens that you can get away with all illegal actions to redesign ventilation. And there will be no consequences for the violator.

Redevelopment of the ventilation system
You need to know that even when the redevelopment did not lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the ventilation system, but neighbors, representatives of the management company, and housing inspections identified the presence of changes, they have the right to demand clarification of the situation. For example, demand the provision of documents indicating that the work performed is safe and will not lead to a decrease in living standards. And this will have to be taken into account

But it is necessary to remember that everything can change for the worse at any moment.

For example, old neighbors who did not attach any importance or did not want to make a scandal because of deteriorating living conditions can sell their home. And new residents, having identified a problem, will immediately contact the housing inspection.

It happens that redesigning the ventilation in the kitchen itself will lead to minor changes, but one of the neighbors will also decide to improve the ergonomics of their apartment at the expense of common property. Which, taken together, will lead to a deterioration in the living conditions of all users of the ventilation system.

Problems for the owners of the premises may also begin with a visit from gas workers or representatives of the management company, who may notice illegal redevelopment.

Moreover, in any of these cases you will have to bear responsibility. So, when it comes to the housing inspection, a fine will be immediately issued, the amount of which will be 2-2.5 thousand rubles. Few? Do not rush to rejoice, as this is a punishment for the illegal redevelopment itself. And you will also have to eliminate its consequences, which representatives of the housing inspectorate will immediately demand to do.

Ventilation duct diagram
Unauthorized interference with the design of the ventilation system can be detected at any time.As a result, the offender will have to legitimize changes in the ventilation design and restore the design of the ventilation system

Moreover, it will not be possible to simply move the ventilation hole to the old place without knowing whether this can be done - initially you will have to find out this point. To do this, you will have to contact the organization that did the system design. And it will definitely be expensive.

The recovery procedure will be even more expensive if the violator for some reason decides to ignore the requirement. Because the apartment can be sold. And they will do it on the basis Art. 87 Federal Law 229-FZ, which regulates the scope of enforcement proceedings.

Creation of a separate ventilation duct
The photo shows climbers installing a separate ventilation duct. And this is no coincidence, since this is the method that allows you to solve all planning problems and ensure efficient air exchange

Option #2 - redevelopment disrupted air exchange

But redevelopment can disrupt air exchange, for example, smell The food you prepare will leak to other residents.

When neighbors discover that air circulation is disrupted or stopped altogether, they may make angry demands that the problem be fixed. You should not ignore them, as they are legal.

And, if neighbors don’t get their way, they can move on to more aggressive methods, whether legal or not.

Increasing the duct length
If it is expected that redevelopment will reduce the performance of the ventilation system, then the duct should be extended. Which will significantly increase traction. And most importantly, the housing inspection and neighbors will only welcome such methods of changing the design of the system

Legal methods of combating violations include appeals:

  • to the management company;
  • to the housing inspection;
  • to court.

And then it will be as described in the previous paragraph. That is, they will immediately issue a fine, then demand that the ventilation system be restored to functionality. If the requirements are ignored, the premises will be sold.

But sometimes they choose an illegal method. In this case, angry residents most often block the ventilation system ducts (for example, with construction foam, polyethylene), destroy structures built during redevelopment, etc.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

In the video attached below, an illiterate “specialist” talks about how to “correctly” change the design of the ventilation system in the kitchen. But at the same time, it is clear on the screen that the actions are illegal.

For example, they dismantled the ventilation duct, which is absolutely forbidden to do, and violated the integrity of the air duct structure. Moreover, all of the above is carried out without project approval. The housing inspectorate will simply refuse to accept an application for redevelopment containing a request to allow the work listed above.

The following video clearly shows what will happen if the fact of illegal redevelopment of the ventilation system is revealed:

Redesigning the design of any ventilation system is a responsible, expensive and labor-intensive procedure. Therefore, in most cases it should be abandoned. And, if a decision is made to carry out the planned work, then the methods must be legal. Because otherwise you will have to bear responsibility for your actions.

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