Review of septic tank for a summer residence "Topas": principle of operation, design, advantages and disadvantages

Septic tanks are one of the most effective options for organizing autonomous wastewater treatment.These devices are not too cheap, but they are convenient and reliable.

To understand why it is or is not worth installing such a device on the site, you should study the principles of its operation. This is exactly what we will talk about in this article. As a current example, we will use a septic tank for the Topas dacha.

We will also consider in detail the design of such a system, highlight the main pros and cons, and provide recommendations for the operation and care of the septic tank.

How does a typical septic tank work?

A septic tank is a type of sewerage device specially designed for complete or almost complete processing, clarification and disinfection of sewage waste.

The operation of the device is based on the principle of biological purification. Active oxygen and special bacteria are used as the active component, which decompose wastewater into water and neutral sludge.

In this case, sludge serves as a binding component; inorganic waste, which is not amenable to bacterial processing, also settles in it.

The resulting water is usually removed from the device through an earthen filter of an absorption well, a filtration field, or otherwise. With the proper level of purification, the water can be used to water plants on the site.

Why is it better to buy a Topas septic tank for your dacha?
The water obtained as a result of wastewater processing in the Topas septic tank can be drained into a separate well to be used for irrigation and other technical needs

Used for processing organic matter bacteria for septic tankswhich are anaerobic and aerobic.The former live and process wastewater in an oxygen-free environment, which ensures completely sealed containers. The latter work only in conditions of unhindered oxygen supply.

Regardless of the type, these microorganisms are capable of reproducing themselves, so the septic tank does not need to regularly add bacteria to the drains, although in some cases this has to be done.

Topas septic tank device
Conventionally, the Topas septic tank is divided into four sections. Air is pumped using compressors, and an airlift is used to move wastewater inside the device

Like any device, a septic tank requires proper care. In particular, accumulated sludge must be removed annually. Septic tanks differ favorably from a conventional cesspool in that the recycling process completely neutralizes all unpleasant odors.

If the device is installed correctly and operated in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, there are usually no problems with it.

Types of designs and model range

To understand the operating principles of a Topas-type septic tank, you should study its design. Externally, this device is a large cube-shaped container with a large square lid.

Inside, it is divided into four functional sections. There is a built-in device for drawing air from the surface to ensure that the effluent is saturated with oxygen.

Scheme of operation of a country septic tank Topas
The Topas septic tank consists of four interconnected chambers that provide multi-stage cleaning. Flowing from one compartment to another, the wastewater settles, is processed by bacteria, disinfected and clarified

The following elements are located inside the treatment system:

  • a receiving chamber into which wastewater initially flows;
  • an airlift with pumping equipment that ensures the movement of waste between different sections of the device;
  • aeration tank - a compartment in which the secondary stage of purification is performed;
  • a pyramidal chamber where final wastewater treatment occurs;
  • post-treatment chamber, where water purified during the operation of the septic tank accumulates;
  • compressor for air injection;
  • sludge removal hose;
  • device for discharging purified water.

The range of septic tanks of this brand is quite wide. There are models for plots and houses of different sizes, devices designed to service gas stations and even powerful wastewater treatment plants that can satisfy the needs of a small village.

Topas septic tank diagram
This diagram clearly shows the design of the Topas septic tank. It consists of four different sections through which the waste coming through the sewer pipe moves

In private housing construction, septic tanks “Topas-5” and “Topas-8” are most often used. The number next to the name indicates the approximate number of residents the device is designed to serve.

“Topas-5” has a more compact size and lower productivity; it is able to easily meet the needs of a family of five for sewerage services.

This model is considered the ideal choice for a relatively small cottage. Such a device can process about 1000 liters of waste per day, and the simultaneous discharge of waste within 220 liters will not cause any harm to the septic tank.

The dimensions of Topas-5 are 2500x1100x1200 mm, and the weight is 230 kg. The power consumption of the device is 1.5 kW per day.

But for a large cottage it is better to take “Topas-8”. The dimensions and ability to process wastewater are significantly higher for this model.Such a septic tank can even serve areas where a swimming pool is located, although in such a situation Topas-10 may be more appropriate.

The productivity of such models varies between 1500-2000 liters of wastewater per day.

The numbers next to the name of the septic tank indicate the number of people that this device can serve when used simultaneously. Buyers are guided by these indicators when choosing a suitable model.

There is also a letter marking that describes the special operating conditions for which a particular device is designed.

For example, the designation “Long” indicates the possibility of using this septic tank with a connection depth that exceeds 80 cm. The marking “Pr” indicates models with the option of forced pumping of partially purified water.

Such designs are additionally equipped with a pump. Models marked “Pr” are used in areas with high groundwater levels.

Topas septic tank models
Models of Topas septic tanks may vary depending on the volume of wastewater processed, as well as operating conditions. For example, for areas with high groundwater levels, it is recommended to choose a septic tank marked “Pr”

The presence of a pump in the device of this model of the Topas septic tank is intended for installation in an area with clay soils that filter poorly or do not absorb purified water at all. The “Us” marking simply stands for “reinforced.”

These are more powerful models that should be used if the installation depth of the septic tank exceeds the level of the sewer pipe by 1.4 m or more.

The higher the pump's performance, its power and the more options it has, the more expensive it will be to purchase, and the more difficult it will be to install. Therefore, you should not choose a treatment facility “for growth” if in the near future the number of residents in the house is not expected to increase sharply.

More detailed recommendations for choosing a septic tank for a summer residence are discussed in our other article.

Operating principle of Topas septic tanks

The wastewater flows through the sewer pipe into the first receiving chamber. Here, sewage masses are fermented with the active participation of anaerobic bacteria.

When the level of waste in the receiver reaches a predetermined level, waste is pumped into the second chamber using an airlift.

Schematic diagram of the operating principle of the Topas septic tank
Wastewater enters the receiving chamber, in the second it is saturated with oxygen and processed by aerobic bacteria, in the third it is settled, and in the fourth it is decomposed into sludge and 98% purified water.

In the second section of the septic tank, aeration of the wastewater is performed, i.e. saturating them with air, which is necessary in order to activate the work of aerobic microorganisms digesting sewage organics.

Bacteria actively process the contents of the sewer, turning it into a mixture of partially clarified and purified water and activated sludge.

After processing in the second chamber, everything moves to the sludge stabilizer section - biomass, which is actively involved in cleaning the liquid component of the sewer mass. Here the sludge settles, and the resulting water moves into the settling tank.

To improve the quality of treatment, part of the water and moving sludge from the stabilizer enters the primary chamber so that secondary wastewater treatment can be performed.

Thus, the operation scheme of the Topas septic tank provides for the circulation of wastewater through various compartments of the septic tank until the level of purification reaches the required quality level. This ensures the high safety of processed wastewater for the environment.

Scheme of operation of a Topas septic tank with wastewater discharge into a filtration well
If the section of the site is composed of sandy soil, then it is better to install an absorption well to discharge wastewater. Its construction is possible only if there is at least 1 meter between the conditional bottom of the filter well and the groundwater table

Upon completion of multi-stage processing, purified water is discharged into filter fields or absorption (filter) well, where the wastewater is purified and discharged into the ground.

If it is not possible to arrange a filter well or drainage system, the clarified and disinfected liquid can be discharged into the drain.

Scheme for waste disposal when installed on clay soils
If the septic tank is installed in clay soil, the treated and disinfected wastewater is disposed of in a sewer ditch

In an absorption well or in filtration fields, post-treatment is carried out by passing wastewater through filter soils. In the first case, the post-treatment design is a pit with a permeable bottom, on which a meter-long layer of crushed stone or gravel with sand filler is placed.

The filtration field is a kind of drainage system made of perforated pipes - drains. Flowing through the drains, the liquid component of the wastewater is further purified and seeps through the perforations of the pipes into the surrounding soil.

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the installation features drainage pipe.

When laying all types of sewer pipelines, including the drainage system, the level of soil freezing in winter should be taken into account so that the wastewater does not freeze and create plugs in the channel intended for its flow.

Scheme of operation of a septic tank for a Topas dacha with disposal into the ground
If there is unused land near the site or the country estate has an impressive area, the wastewater disposal system can be implemented in the form of drains that carry out additional treatment and discharge water into the ground

Advantages and disadvantages of the system

Topas septic tanks have been used in Russia and neighboring countries for more than two decades. During this time, buyers fully appreciated the advantages of the Topas septic tank and identified its disadvantages.

Judging by the fact that the demand for septic tanks is not decreasing, autonomous sewage systems of this brand can be considered quite reliable.

Thanks to the biochemical operating scheme and multi-stage cleaning, Topas septic tanks process up to 98-99% of organic contaminants, i.e. provide almost complete neutralization.

Installation of the device is relatively simple; no complex preparatory work is required, such as pouring concrete, etc. There is no need to regularly call a sewer truck, as owners of cesspools are forced to do.

Septic tank
The main part of the Topas septic tank is located deep underground, only the lid is visible from the outside, so the presence of such an autonomous sewage system will not spoil the surrounding landscape

Of course, airlift, compressors and other components require constant access to power. However, the energy costs for such a septic tank are relatively low, as are the overall operating costs of its maintenance.

The water obtained as a result of the operation of the septic tank can be used for irrigation, and the sludge that accumulates in the container can be used as fertilizer for the soil on the site, which somewhat reduces the cost of its improvement.

The septic tank is a closed system, so no unpleasant odors will disturb the residents of the house. There is absolutely no unpleasant noise, since the device is located in the ground, and its components and mechanisms operate very quietly.

This septic tank can be used on almost any type of soil. Like almost any autonomous sewer system, the Topas septic tank is located underground, i.e. does not damage the landscape of the site.

Installation of septic tank topas
If the Topas septic tank is installed or used incorrectly, serious damage may occur, which will require calling an experienced technician to repair.

Such a device does not require serious insulation measures, except in areas with a very harsh climate. During waste processing, microorganisms produce a certain amount of thermal energy, which prevents the container from freezing.

The manufacturer assures that, subject to proper installation and operation, the Topas septic tank can last about 50 years.

Among the disadvantages of the device, the most often mentioned is its dependence on electricity. If power outages occur frequently and for a long time, then it makes sense to take care of an additional power source.

Another “minus” is the relatively high price; if you wish, you can find a septic tank cheaper. But the positive characteristics and reliability of the device completely justify the costs.

Reviews sometimes contain complaints about incorrect operation of Topas septic tanks or even breakdowns.In practice, it usually turns out that the problems that arise are the fault of the owners themselves: either the device was installed and started up incorrectly, or the rules for its operation were not followed.

Installation and assembly rules

To install a Topas septic tank, especially its compact models, it is not necessary to invite a specialist. This can be done even without the help of special equipment, although its absence will make the work more difficult and time-consuming. First you need to dig a pit of suitable size and configuration.

For Topas-5, a pit with dimensions of about 1.8x1.8x2.4 m is suitable. For a larger device, a larger pit will be needed. There should be a free space of approximately 200 mm between the walls of the septic tank and the soil.

A sand cushion is constructed at the bottom of the pit; a compacted layer of 100-150 mm will be sufficient. Then the septic tank is lowered down and installed. The device must be perfectly level; to check its position, use a regular building level.

After this, a sewer pipe is brought to the device and at the level of its connection a hole is cut along its perimeter, because the inlet pipe is not structurally provided due to the difference in connection depth in different areas.

The pipe is welded using the supplied welding rod.

Pit for a septic tank topas
The pit for the Topas septic tank should be quite spacious. To prevent the soil from crumbling, wooden formwork is installed on the walls of the pit.

Then the power supply is connected to the cleaning object. The cable is protected with a corrugated pipe and laid in the same trench as the sewer pipe. After that, a section of pipe is connected to the outlet pipe, connecting the septic tank with the after-treatment system chosen by the owners.

The technical filling is installed in a container immersed in the pit and, if necessary, leveled: a pump, if provided in the package, a compressor.

To remove methane, which is formed during biological processing of wastewater, it is necessary to install at least one ventilation riser.A suitable place for its location is the exit of the sewer pipeline from the house.

Ventilation can be arranged at the outlet of the septic tank, but it is better to use both options in combination.

After installing all functional parts and checking the correct connections, they begin to backfill the pit. To balance the external soil pressure on the walls of the septic tank, it is filled with water simultaneously with backfilling. The injected water will be gradually displaced as wastewater enters and is processed.

Recommendations for use

In order for the septic tank to work properly and for a long time, it should be used in accordance with the rules established by the manufacturer. It is necessary to avoid moving various inorganic waste into the sewer system, for example, plastic, polyethylene, construction waste, etc.

Installation of a septic tank topas
Correct installation of the Topas septic tank is extremely important for the further successful operation of an autonomous sewage system of this type. Failure to comply with recommendations may result in destruction of the device's capacity.

Such substances are not amenable to bacterial processing, so in the best case they will simply settle in the septic tank, reducing its useful volume and productivity. In the worst case, the presence of inorganic contaminants can lead to damage to the septic tank or equipment failure.

A detailed overview of common breakdowns of the Topas septic tank and ways to eliminate them are considered In this article.

It is not recommended to pour substances that contain antibiotics, as well as chlorine or manganese compounds, into the sewer, since this creates an environment hostile to bacterial cultures and they may simply die.

If the number of bacteria in the septic tank decreases noticeably, waste processing will slow down, and an unpleasant odor will appear in the septic tank.

For the same reasons, it is not allowed to use a septic tank for the disposal of large quantities of alcohol-containing liquids, technical oils, antifreeze, acids or alkalis of high concentration, for example, household cleaners.

Do not put wool down the drain. Although it is an organic substance, it cannot be processed quickly enough in the septic tank, but it can cause a clog in the unit.

Septic tank cleaning topas
Regular removal of neutral sludge accumulated at the bottom of the Topas septic tank is an important part of maintaining the device, ensuring its uninterrupted operation

Problems can also arise as a result of a power outage. If the septic tank does not work and waste continues to flow, this will cause the tank to overflow, resulting in the entry of untreated mass into the soil.

During short power outages, it is recommended to reduce the amount of waste entering the sewer system as much as possible.In case of prolonged outages, an alternative source of electrical energy should be provided.

Regular technical septic tank maintenance will help you notice problems in time and prevent possible problems. The purity of the water obtained as a result of purification should be checked from time to time.

If the amount of pollution increases, you should find the cause and eliminate it: adjust the operation of the septic tank, update the composition of bacterial cultures, etc.

About three or four times a year, accumulated sludge should be pumped out of the container using a special hose, and the container in which unprocessed waste accumulates should also be cleaned. Every two years, compressor membranes must be replaced with new ones in order for these mechanisms to work correctly.

But filters require replacement monthly; they get dirty quickly. The aerator is rarely replaced - every 12 years, but this measure should not be neglected.

If the septic tank will not be used in winter, it must be preserve correctly.

It should be understood that this is not a heating system; complete pumping of liquid from the septic tank will have a detrimental effect on the bacteria inhabited in the device. Before preservation, the device is cleaned and left partially filled with water.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The process of operation and installation of the Topas septic tank is clearly described in the following material:

The installation procedure for the Topas septic tank is shown in detail here:

This video shows the procedure for cleaning and maintaining septic tanks of this type:

Topas septic tanks are reliable and useful devices. They are quite diverse in both functional features and price, which allows you to choose the appropriate septic tank option for any site.

It is very important not only to choose the right septic tank for your home or cottage, but also to carry out its proper installation and regular maintenance. In this case, the device will work properly for a long time.

Do you have a compact septic tank from the Topas family installed at your dacha? Tell us, did you install it yourself or did you call a professional? How often do you clean it and are you satisfied with the system overall? Leave your comments and add a photo of your septic tank in the block below this article - your review will be useful to many dacha owners.

Visitor comments
  1. Arkady

    I decided to install a septic tank on my summer cottage adjacent to the garden; this allows me to use the resulting water to water my apple and plum trees. I hurried with bacteria, added aerobic ones, which have to be kept open. Is there a way to correct the situation? As I understand it, I’ll have to clean out the entire septic tank system, I’m still afraid to climb in myself. 3 months have passed since use.

    • Yuri

      What do you mean added bacteria?

  2. Olga

    From what I read, the Topas septic tank suits me best. But we have a big problem with power outages in the village. I was already upset, but one of the Topas dealers assured me that they could easily stand without electricity and use for up to two weeks and nothing bad would happen. Now I don’t even know what to do now - trust the sellers, who are interested in saying anything, but sell or buy a simpler septic tank, which is not so dependent on electricity.

    • Expert
      Nikolay Fedorenko

      Good afternoon, Olga.

      If we are talking about power outages for a couple of hours a day, then you don’t have to worry.For a Topas septic tank, voltage surges are more dangerous than the lack of electricity as such. You definitely need to install a voltage stabilizer.

      During periods of no light, try to minimize the use of sewers. I assume that an alarm is installed that goes off when the wastewater collection chamber overflows.
      Without electricity, when discharging wastewater, you cannot control the filling level of the septic tank. The chance of flooding the electronics unit becomes quite high. The ingress of liquids will lead to complete failure of the septic tank and, as a result, to expensive repairs.

      It is recommended to arrange an alternative power supply for Topas septic tanks. With a reasonable approach, you can get by with just one stabilizer.

  3. Galina

    What to do if the filter well stops absorbing water? We pump out once a month. There is no place to build a filtration field or a new well.

  4. Galina

    The filter well has stopped absorbing water; we pump it out every month. There is no place to build a new well and filter field. What is your advice? Thank you.

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